Note To Readers
Sorry about the missing graphics. I'll fix the problem over the week end.
More Maddox
Bill Cotterell:Former Mayor Scott Maddox quit the race for governor Friday and endorsed U.S. Rep. Jim Davis, insisting the financial chaos that he left in the Florida Democratic Party had not crippled his campaign.
Maddox said the two major Republican candidates are collecting about $4 for every dollar raised by all three Democrats who were in race to succeed Republican Gov. Jeb Bush. In a determinedly upbeat conference call with Davis, D-Tampa, retired U.S. Sen. Bob Graham and U.S. Rep. Bob Wexler of Boca Raton, Maddox told reporters his campaign had been going well but that the party can't afford a tough primary fight.
He said polls indicate Davis has a better chance of winning the governor's office than state Sen. Rod Smith, D-Alachua. Smith said he's staying in the race against Davis. "Maddox withdraws". Lesley Clark:Tension between the Maddox and Smith campaigns has been noticeable and Maddox urged ''all Democrats'' to follow his lead.
But Smith rejected the call. His campaign spokesman suggested that Davis is prematurely calling himself the front runner when the two are not far apart in fundraising and polls suggest half of Democrats have yet to pick a candidate.
Davis' supporters say his campaign will benefit from Maddox's departure with an infusion of volunteers, donors and ties to Democrat-rich South Florida. Maddox held a fundraiser in Broward just a week ago, and the Hialeah native's supporters include nearly all of the Broward County commission.
Commissioner Ilene Lieberman, one of Maddox's biggest Broward fundraisers, called his withdrawal ''high class and noble'' and said she hadn't yet decided whether to support Davis -- whose campaign began calling Maddox supporters shortly after the announcement.
Maddox's endorsement, she noted, "holds a lot of weight with me."
Maddox, who placed a strong second in a bid for the Democratic nomination for attorney general in 2002, didn't rule out a run for a Cabinet seat but said he'd first consult with his family. "Democrats' former chief drops out". See also "Former state Democratic Party chair drops out of governor's race", "Maddox drops out of race", "Democrat Maddox drops governor bid in primary", "Maddox Drops Out Of Race" and "Embattled candidate quits governor's race".
State Rule Dumped
"The federal government's disapproval of a state rule on impaired waters won praise Friday from environmentalists who said the regulation had reduced protection for Florida's lakes, rivers and other water bodies." "Environmentalists praise EPA decision against Florida water rule".
Stem Cells
Dems continue to force the issue:Floridians for Stem Cell Research and Cures, Mr. Aaronson's group, wants to get on the ballot before legislators make it harder to get constitutional revisions approved. The group also faces a competing proposal that would ban stem-cell research. But it's not realistic to expect to gather 611,000 valid signatures by year's end. The group's support for bills to be sponsored by Sen. Ron Klein, D-Delray Beach, and Rep. Franklin Sands, D-Weston, acknowledges that. The lawmakers believe they can educate Republicans on the importance of stem-cell research in luring scientists and curing disease. They'd like nothing more than to present a bill for Gov. Bush to sign. That's more likely to happen if they convince Republicans a constitutional amendment is a legitimate fallback. "Pursue referendum as stem-cell backup".
Allstate Rate Increase Blocked
"Florida's insurance regulator said Friday it won't approve requests by Allstate Floridian Insurance and Allstate Floridian Indemnity to increase property insurance rates by more than 15 percent on average statewide." "Florida won't approve Allstate rate increase".
She's Baaack ....
The former Playboy Bunny whom "Jeb!" denied having an affair with is back in the news:The flurry of complaints to the newspaper and regulatory agencies is an indication of how much a lighting rod Henderson remains, two years after leaving public office to become a legislative lobbyist with a fat list of state and national clients.
Just three months after Gov. Jeb Bush first appointed her to head the regulatory agency in 1999, she flew to the Kentucky Derby on a corporate jet owned by a restaurant chain her office regulated, and she was later criticized for firing four lawyers and an investigator who were probing complaints of poor workmanship by a construction company run by the head of the Florida Home Builders Association.
Shortly after that, she was sued by a terminated employee who charged she choked him and yelled at him so forcefully that she spit on him. That lawsuit was later settled for $7,500.
Bush moved Henderson to head the smaller Department of Management Services the following year. While there, she received a "letter of advice" from the grievance committee of The Florida Bar for hiring as her general counsel an attorney who was not licensed to practice law in Florida. The disciplinary committee decided Henderson didn't violate legal rules "but came real close."
Bush did not bring Henderson back after his second-term transition, when he fired all of his agency heads and asked some of them back. She had indicated she wanted a role in his second term as governor.
Henderson was not happy the Democrat questioned her. "Former DBPR head facing inquiry". See also "Bureaucrat or lobbyist -- trouble follows her".
What Would The Christian Coalition ...
think of this? "Gallagher fund-raiser hosted by gambling proponent".
Breaking Maddox News
"Democrat Scott Maddox, his campaign hobbled by an early spate of unfavorable publicity, may leave the 2006 governor's race as early as today." "Ex-Democrat chief Maddox may end run for governor".
"Jeb!"'s Flip Flop Foppery
"[W]ith his second term expiring next year, even the governor's supporters are puzzled by what they say is a retreat on his part: a willingness to accept drilling closer to Florida." "Gov. Bush urges Gulf drilling buffer zone". See also "Bush defends gulf drilling compromise" ("The governor is accused of backtracking on the environment. He says he's defending what he can in the new energy reality.") From the AP:"In Tallahassee, Gov. Jeb Bush again defended efforts to reach a compromise that he believes would give Florida stronger long-term protection against drilling, though it could open some now-closed areas that are at least 125 miles off the coast. Nelson, D-Fla., Martinez and many other Florida politicians are opposed to such a deal being pursued by some House Republicans. "Senators seek Pentagon help on Gulf drilling, urge conservation". See also "Some see an end to a no-drilling solidarity in Bush discussion of bill".
"Jeb!" is in full misleading mode: "Bush Says Stand On Drilling Unaltered".
In the meantime, "Panel blocks natural-gas plan for now". But "Jeb!" apparently opened the door,A campaign to expand oil and gas drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico gathered steam in Congress on Wednesday as the dean of Florida's delegation said the state would benefit from a deal allowing drilling in parts of the Gulf that are now off limits in exchange for a 125-mile buffer around the state.
"There's pressure now for more energy, and there are many who believe the Gulf should be fair game," said Rep. Clay Shaw, R-Fort Lauderdale. "We've been fighting them off for years, but with the price of oil going up the way it has, this makes it more and more difficult to hold on to that moratorium in the Gulf." "Drilling backers shore up support".
"Jeb!"'s "Cave-In" on Drilling
The editorials continue:In 2002, when Gov. Bush was up for reelection, he was "incredibly proud" of the deal he made with his brother to prevent further oil and gas drilling off the state's fragile Gulf Coast beaches. But there are no elections this year, and the governor has bowed to pressure from the White House and the energy industry. The state's congressional delegation must resist what the governor calls a compromise but really is a cave-in. "Reject Jeb's 'compromise' on offshore oil drilling".
Money Race
"Republican candidates have raised millions, while leading Democratic candidates lag far behind in fundraising." "In gubernatorial cash race, GOP leads Democrats". Tom and Charlie are neck and neck, with Gallagher raising $1.4-million to Crist's $1.5-million in the most recent period. See also "Candidates report on fundraising". See also "Big bucks continue to roll in to gubernatorial campaigns", "GOP candidates for governor raise another $3 million" "Crist Campaign Leads the Pack In Fundraising" and "$322,000 For Smith This Quarter".
Cheap Shot?
The Tampa Trib thinks that ""Brady Gun Warnings Take Cheap Shot At Florida". The ed board argues: "To listen to the Brady campaign, the new law has turned Floridians into gun-toting hotheads ready to fire the first shot."
PSC Appointments
Yesterday,Matt Carter and Katrina Tew were named to full terms beginning in January and running until January 2010. Isilio Arriaga was appointed to a partial term starting immediately and running through 2006.
Arriaga, 57, a Miami management and engineering consultant and former congressman in the Venezuelan legislature, was named to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Charles Davidson. Arriaga was the first Hispanic president of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce.
Carter, 53, a senior staff lawyer at the Florida House of Representatives, also has owned a financial-services company and worked in private practice as an attorney.
Tew, 32, has the most direct experience with the issues the PSC regulates, having worked 10 years at the commission, currently as an advisor to PSC Chairman Braulio Baez. Tew has specialized in several policy issues, including water and wastewater, energy, financing, accounting and economics. "Bush names three to public-service panel".
"Congressional candidate's new landlord is ally of political foe." "An 'odd' business deal for Detert".
"The news that Florida might get another nuclear plant, possibly one built in Central or North Florida, contributes to the political dynamic of Tallahassee's conversation about energy sources, their costs, risks and availability." "New nuke?"
"Jeb!"'s Oil Drilling Flip Flop
The AP coverage of "Jeb!"'s massive flip flop on oil drilling includes the following:Bush's comments drew praise Wednesday from the National Association of Manufacturers, which supports offshore drilling. Some Florida Republicans also are aligned with the governor, but most Democrats and other Republicans disagree, including Sens. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., and Mel Martinez, R-Fla. "Bush at odds with senators, others on offshore drilling proposal".
Sentinel Flip Flops on Headline
Yesterday, in "Massive 'Jeb!' Flip Flop" we linked to the Orlando Sentinel's excellent article with the following juicy - and perfectly accurate - headline:"Gov. Bush reverses on Gulf drilling" Curiously, the headline was changed to be more Bush-friendly:"Gov. Bush eases off on Gulf drilling" And the following subheading soft pedaled the issue even further:"Deal could protect Florida coast, he says" Hmmm. Isn't that a bit curious? Florida News asks: "Orlando Sentinel Changes Headline Under Pressure?
Along these same lines, the Florida Times Union picked up the original Sentinel story, and has this update today:Gov. Jeb Bush on Wednesday strongly denied that he has backed off a longtime stance against oil drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.
A report in the Orlando Sentinel, published on the front page of Wednesday's Times-Union, spurred a flurry of e-mails, news releases and phone calls between Tallahassee and Washington, where Florida's congressional leaders are portraying a united front against drilling. "Bush denies easing stance on oil drilling in eastern gulf".
It is clear that the Orlando Sentinel's original headline - "Gov. Bush reverses on Gulf drilling" - was altered; the new headline is much softer on "Jeb!". Did the Sentinel change the headline as a result if political pressure? [The Times Union piece makes plain that Bushco was furious with the suggestion that "Jeb!" has "reversed" himself.] If it was political pressure, the Sentinel's readers deserve an explanation, and, indeed, an apology. If it wasn't political pressure, what was the reason for the change?
Flip Flop Fallout
With "Jeb!"'s oil drilling flip flop, the GOoPer Guv candidates are in a jam:Gov. Jeb Bush's support for proposals that would allow drilling to within 125 miles of Florida's coasts has suddenly created a new tightrope for candidates to walk in next year's gubernatorial and U.S. Senate races.
Candidates in the statewide races -- particularly the Republicans -- must now decide whether to support the governor's position. ...
The leading Republicans in the governor's race, Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist and Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher, declined to make a direct comment on the Bush position.
Among Democrats, only U.S. Rep. Jim Davis of Tampa sharply derided the governor for his negotiations. "Gubernatorial candidates largely mum on Florida drilling plan".
Let the "Jeb!"-Bashing Begin
"The governor has undermined Florida's solidarity and made drilling more likely":Gov. Jeb Bush has driven a wedge through the political solidarity that for years has kept the waters off Florida free of oil and gas rigs. The governor says it's better to cut a deal with the federal government than to maintain existing protections against drilling.
It's a reversal for Bush, who in 2001 succeeded in deterring his brother President Bush's administration from allowing new drilling in an area known as Lease Sale 181. "There is not going to be drilling from any lease sale off Florida," the governor said at the time. "I call this a win for the people of Florida."
Now he is helping to shape congressional legislation that would allow drilling in that same area of the Gulf of Mexico. Call this a defeat. ...
The governor's flip-flop is puzzling .... "Offshore Drilling".
"Shadowy" Group Touts Tom
And so it begins:The first ads of the 2006 governor's race have hit Florida's airwaves in Florida, bankrolled by a shadowy fund-raising group that says it promotes conservative causes.
Though the election is still a year away, radio ads began airing this week praising Chief Financial Officer and Republican candidate Tom Gallagher as "a fiscal conservative in the [Florida Gov.] Jeb Bush tradition."
In particular, the 30-second spots, which are running in Orlando on the conservative talk-radio station 540 AM, highlight Gallagher's support for more restrictions on civil lawsuits. Gallagher, a narrator tells listeners, "has a record that strikes fear" in personal injury lawyers. ...
The ads were paid for by a group called the "Conservative Education Network", a committee known as a "527" after a section of the IRS code that is able to raise unlimited amounts of money. A trio of Tallahassee lobbyists -- including Geoffrey Becker, a former Republican Party of Florida executive director, and Slater Bayliss, a former Bush staffer -- formed the committee earlier this summer.
"First ads air in race for governor". Try not to laugh, but this is the stuff that apparently turns on GOoPer primary voters:"Jeb Bush must leave office because of term limits - and Florida needs another job-creating champion. Twenty years ago, it was Tom Gallagher who fought for real lawsuit reform. Today, Tom Gallagher has a record that strikes fear in the personal injury lawyers who profit from lawsuit abuse. Take a look at Tom Gallagher - a fiscal conservative, in the Jeb Bush tradition," says the ad running in the Tampa Bay area and other parts of the state. "New radio ad out the gate in 2006 race for governor".
Bill Cotterell warns: "Don't fall for distorted ads from 'independent' groups"..
"Going Gun Crazy"
"The Florida Legislature's fealty to the National Rifle Association routinely makes national news. But a pair of bills filed last month might trump all, and finally awaken the state's business and tourism leaders to the dangers of going gun crazy." "Bowing to the NRA".
Race Switch ...
for Copeland:Eric Copeland, a little-known Coral Gables attorney running for state chief financial officer, switched races Wednesday, saying he wants to avoid a Democratic primary fight against presumed front-runner Adelaide ''Alex'' Sink, a former banker.
Copeland instead will challenge Republican agriculture commissioner Charles Bronson. "Democrat switches races to avoid fight". See also "Switch leaves one Democrat in state finance chief race".
Dirty Money
Florida GOoPers are awash in dirty Delay money, but won't disgorge it:Democrats say former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's campaign cash is "dirty money" and should be returned, but Florida Republicans aren't buying it.
None of 13 Florida House Republicans who received campaign donations from DeLay intends to give that money back, according to a canvass of those offices. "Florida officials keeping the cash".
Massive "Jeb!" Flip Flop
"Gov. Jeb Bush said Tuesday that he supports federal legislation allowing drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico -- including areas where he aggressively fought energy exploration just four years ago." "Gov. Bush reverses on Gulf drilling". The hubris of this man:Environmentalists, Democrats and Republican U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida staunchly oppose the bill, which would allow oil and gas drilling 125 miles from Florida waters. They continue to insist that a strong political front in Florida can stop all new drilling in the eastern Gulf.
"Sure they do," Bush said, deriding their position. "But that's great. I've talked to the fairy godmother about it." With "Jeb!"'s flip flop, the pressure will be on Mel and other Bush family retainers to follow the leader.
"Nelson: Americans fed up with GOP"
"The nation has become fed up with Republican leadership and the United States can still free itself of foreign oil in 10 years if it focuses on alternative fuel like ethanol, Sen. Bill Nelson said Tuesday." "Sen. Nelson: Americans fed up with GOP; need alternative fuel".
It's Always About The Money With "Jeb!"
"Gov. Jeb Bush is encouraging Florida schoolchildren to read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, a parable of the New Testament gospels, for a contest timed with the release of the movie version by a company owned by a prominent Republican donor." "Book chosen by Gov. Bush for contest tied to GOP donor's movie".
"Florida could lose in battle over nuclear rules" ("rules to improve accountability and security control of radioactive sources.")
"Even malleable lawmakers" ...
"Even malleable lawmakers ready to weaken protection, such as [GOP] Rep. Mike Bilirakis, R-Tarpon Springs, couldn't swallow a complete sellout." "A united front".
Drilling Wars
"Florida temporarily may be spared the devastating implications of drilling rigs off its shores. But don't hold your breath." "Not a compromise".
To Replace Jim Davis
"Albert Fox, the Washington lobbyist and vocal advocate for lifting the Cuban embargo"says he raised about $170,000 in the six weeks since he got into the race. That's approaching what frontrunner Kathy Castor raised in her first three months in the race. Castor said Monday he total is now up to about $350,000.
"Boy he's a heck of a fundraiser," state Sen. Les Miller said of Fox. Miller said he raised about $70,000 during the last quarter, bringing his total raised to nearly $180,000.
Attorney Scott Farrell said he expects to report that he's raised more than $100,000 all told. "Big Start For Fox".
Charlie's Blog
Wonder who will be writing it? (Via The Buzz).
Why We Need ...
redistricting:For years, U.S. Rep. John Mica has been the most supportive member of Florida's delegation when it comes to drilling for oil and gas in the Gulf.
Also for years, the Winter Park Republican has been the only member of the Florida delegation who had a brother who worked as a lobbyist for the petroleum industry.
Both brothers say there is no connection. ...
"I voted to drill in the Everglades in the 1970s, back when he was still in college," Mica said. "And I'd do it again." "His bro is the 'drill-anywhere' guy".
Mike Thomas argues that "opposition to offshore drilling has never been about reality, has it? It's all political posturing." "As gas runs short, Florida runs scared".
"Criminal background checks of executives" ...
now that's an idea:State Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher on Tuesday proposed reforms to counter allegations of fraud, cronyism and lax oversight within Citizens Property Insurance, the state-backed insurer that his office pioneered.
At Gallagher's urging, Gov. Jeb Bush and the Cabinet endorsed mandatory board approval of Citizens' expenditures greater than $10,000, criminal background checks of executives at Citizens and notification of state insurance regulators within 48 hours of suspected fraud by employees. "Gallagher urges Citizens reforms". See also "Leaders suggest reforms for troubled insurer", "CFO: Citizens needs more oversight" and "Storm warnings at insurer of last resort".
Negron Money
"Republican state Rep. Joe Negron says he has broken the $1-million barrier in his campaign to be the next attorney general of Florida." "Negron Busting Records".
Harris Money Woes, Potential Challengers
The Hill: "Harris's fundraising lagging in Senate race":White House and National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) officials have spent the past several months trying to dissuade Harris from entering the race. Asked if these officials have warmed to a Harris candidacy, Rollins said simply: "She will be the nominee."
A Florida Republican source close to the campaign offered a bleaker picture, saying Harris’s third-quarter fundraising numbers "aren’t going to look very good, and that’s going to be a pretty big blow." ...
If Harris’s fundraising figures turn out to be lackluster, the Florida Republican source said, pressure could grow for Bense to reconsider his earlier decision not to seek the Senate seat. ...
Dornan said party officials have not given any indication that they oppose a Harris candidacy, adding that Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) have praised Harris in the press. (Via Political Insider, which notes that "Nelson isn't having the same problem raising money. Campaign officials with Nelson said the Democrat raised over $2 million in the last three months, giving him over $6.5 million for his re-election campaign.")
Note To Readers
No posts tomorrow, Tuesday, October 4. Will resume Wednesday.
"Bush chooses Miers for Supreme Court". Apparently, she is a former Dem. And this Newsweek blurb is curious. And this is flat out nutty: "She once told me that the president was the most brilliant man she had ever met."
"Lowest Level Since 1999"
This lengthy article explores the impact of "Jeb!"'s educational policies, which have seen a "1.6 percent decrease [in Black enrellment], lowest level since 1999". "Black student enrollment drops".
Not Backing Anyone
CongressmanWexler usually doesn't mind getting into a fight, whether it's defending Bill Clinton or attacking President Bush or taking legal and political aim against former Palm Beach County Elections Supervisor Theresa LePore.
But when pressed to take sides in a brewing multi-Democrat battle for a south-county state House seat, Wexler begged off. "Backing candidates not for all lawmakers".
"A profoundly troubling proposal that would encourage offshore-drilling rigs within a few miles of Florida's tourist-laden beaches may indeed turn out to be the most devastating and enduring legacy of two killer hurricanes that ravaged the Gulf Coast in recent weeks." "Not so fast".
"'No limitation on innocence'":The good news is that the Florida Supreme Court last week extended by nine months a deadline allowing convicted felons to request DNA testing that might prove their innocence.
The better news would be for the deadline to be eliminated altogether. "No deadline". See also "Letting the DNA speak".
Different Approaches
"The campaign staffs of the Republican candidates for governor vary widely in size and strategy. ... Gallagher is building a team of veteran consultants and promising a methodical, grass roots get-out-the-vote campaign straight out of the George W. Bush playbook. Crist is starting out with a bare bones staff, which supporters expect to lead to a campaign overwhelmingly dominated by TV commercials." "Team theories help define rivals".
Scripps Grinds to a Halt
"On May 24, the Palm Beach County commission made a mistake when it voted — at the urging of Gov. Bush and some business leaders — to push ahead with work at Mecca despite lawsuits. County commissioners portrayed themselves as immune because of five meaningless legal victories. Now, they face a near-certain construction halt at Mecca and the scrutiny of a full-blown 18- to 24-month environmental review, which could have started more than a year ago if not for political pressure to circumvent it with the 535-acre scheme." "Judge is right: Stop building, move Scripps".
Privatization Follies
"Three years after the state privatized elevator and escalator inspections, accidents have increased 60 percent and almost a third show no proof they've been inspected and certified annually, as the law requires." "State's elevator accidents going up".
All Guns ... All the Time
"Florida businesses could face criminal charges if they try to stop employees from bringing guns to work in their vehicles under proposed legislation." "Gun ban at work facing challenge". See also "Legislators target companies barring guns in workers' cars".
They're Just Sea Cows
"Developers and boaters are fighting to eliminate protections for manatees, insisting their population has grown." "Protection of sea cows is no longer a sacred cow".
Crist Adds $1.5M
"This brings his campaign total to more than $5.3 million, records filed with the state elections office show. ... Gallagher, Crist's rival for the Republican nomination, had no plans to release any preliminary totals this weekend, spokesman Alberto Martinez said." "Crist adds $1.5 million to campaign war chest". See also "Crist's success at fundraising spurs on rival".
Just Like a GOoPer
If I had a nickle for every GOoPer "fast-talking, 41-year-old who ... portrayed himself as a deal maker":Kidan, a fast-talking, 41-year-old who has always portrayed himself as a deal maker, finds himself deep in hot water. His relationship with a Gambino crime-family associate, charged last week in the 2001 mob-style hit on former SunCruz Casinos owner Gus Boulis, has thrust him into the middle of a pulp-fiction crime. Such a typical story:Kidan grew up in an upper middle-class family in New York and studied at George Washington University in the mid-1980s. He worked part-time for a nonprofit educational foundation. In Washington, he also met Abramoff, who was at Georgetown Law Center. They were active in the College Republicans. ...
He graduated from Brooklyn Law School in 1989, working as a volunteer in George H.W. Bush's presidential campaign. Dazzled by politics, after graduation he returned to the nation's capital to be part of a fledgling nonprofit group, For Freedoms Foundation, started by Bush campaign workers. "Kidan's tale 'stranger than fiction'".
Class Size Confusion
"The state wants school districts to build smaller classrooms." "Class Sizes".
"Kathy Castor has stepped up her profile as she engages in a race for Congress." "Keeping the Castor name in spotlight".
Schweitzer Update - With Expletitives Deleted
Yesterday's story - "Bill Nelson. A 'Go To Guy'" - is fleshed out a bit by Scott Maxwell:According to the police report, Schweitzer yelled at the officer: "[expletive] off. [expletive] you. You're a [expletive] [expletive] cop. All [expletive] cops are [expletives]."
(According to an article from the Church World Service, Schweitzer's past work for Martinez included serving as the Republican senator from Orlando's liaison in meeting with a delegation of African church leaders.)
The arresting officer wrote that Schweitzer also told him that "officers could do whatever they '[expletive] wanted to do,' because she did not care, because her boss, Florida United States Senator Bill Nelson, would 'take care' " of the officer. ...
According to the incident report, Schweitzer was charged with assault and battery on a police officer, trespassing and disorderly conduct. And, in the great tradition of Republicans taking full personal responsibility for their actions,Schweitzer told the officer that "upon reflecting on her actions, that the considerable amount of alcohol she consumed during the evening led to her unruly and aggressive behavior." It wasn't Schweitzer's fault, it was the booze.
"This week, as it turns out, Gov. Bush will choose three new members — a majority — of the Public Service Commission." "FPL profit reasonable? Ask these 3".
Delay Fallout
Feeney feels no shame (and his constituents apparently don't care):The Washington Post on the day after the indictment demonstrated as much. In it, Oviedo Republican Tom Feeney was quoted in three stories unabashedly supporting the Texas Republican, who's facing more accusations of ethical lapses. Feeney called the indictment a sham, the accusations partisan and said DeLay was the victim. A different tack from another central Florida GOoPer:And then there was Ric Keller. The Orlando Republican whom Democrats have tarred for taking more than $20,000 in money from DeLay and his political action committees through the years was MIA. When the Post went looking for comments from Republican members of Congress, all Keller gave them was: "I got nothing. Sorry."
Later contacted by Taking Names, Keller's office wouldn't even respond to questions about DeLay -- other than to say the contributions came years ago. "Associative behavior".
"After the 2000 presidential election debacle in Florida, citizens in this state especially understand the need for voter reforms that encourage participation, deter fraud and instill confidence." "Change the system".
"Is coastal drilling inevitable?"
The Tallahassee Democrat asksif "[i]s coastal drilling inevitable?" "Florida exposed". And this from the Tampa Tribabout the "quick one" Congress pulled last week:The fast move that a House panel pulled this week to allow drilling a few miles off any coastline - including Florida's - shows there can be no compromising with the pro-drilling forces.
There is no boundary - or agreement - they respect long-term. ...
Consider the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the most valuable wildlife migration site in the nation, which Congress now seems willing to sacrifice for a modest amount of oil.
When the oil industry pushed to open 95 percent of Alaska's North Slope to oil drilling, federal officials stressed that the refuge would always be protected. The promise was quickly forgotten. "Quickie Deal On Natural Gas Endangers Florida's Coastline".
Didn't We Vote On This?
"A state lawmaker [Rep. Randy Johnson, R-Celebration] has introduced a resolution that would allow Florida voters to reverse themselves on slot machines, rekindling an issue that has been languishing in the state Capitol." "Lawmaker: Put Slots Up For 2nd Vote".
Lobbyist Probe
"Miami-Dade prosecutors and police have delivered subpoenas to at least two dozen local companies as part of a criminal investigation of Sandy Walker, a well-connected County Hall lobbyist and sister of County Commissioner Barbara Jordan." "Lobbyist probe leads to subpoenas".
The Buzz reports: " Republicans have been whispering about Rep. Katherine Harris having trouble raising money for her Senate campaign, and in a hint that they may be right, Harris herself is downgrading expectations.".