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Previous Articles by Derek Newton: Ten Things Fox on Line 1 Stem Cells are Intelligent Design Katrina Spin No Can't Win Perhaps the Most Important Race Senate Outlook The Nelson Thing Deep, Dark Secret Smart Boy Bringing Guns to a Knife Fight Playing to our Strength  

The Blog for Saturday, February 25, 2006

Florida Crossroads

    "Almost three years before the [presidential] election, three potential presidential candidates make South Florida appearances." "A crossroads for contenders".

    The Heat Is On Pruitt

    "Sen. Ken Pruitt defended his dealings with the Florida Home Builders Association and political consultant Randy Nielsen after being peppered at a luncheon Friday with questions about a series of Palm Beach Post articles." "Pruitt defends ties to home builders association, consultant". See also the St Pete Times', "Pruitt defends associating with big donors".

    The earlier Palm Beach Post pieces: "How Ken Pruitt used bus tour, committees to rise in Senate" and "Class-size flip-flop of Pruitt tied to interests". See also "Shame on Ken Pruitt".

    A Pie Thing

    "Legislators who want to make the key lime the official state pie are hoping their pitch doesn't start a political pie fight -- again." "Florida legislators discuss about pies".

    "Harris admits link to corrupt donor"

    The Tampa Trib has this headline: "Harris Got Illegal Donations". The St. Pete Times puts it this way: "Harris unknowingly got illegal donations".

    The stories are about the same thing, with the Times AP story lede as follows:

    A defense contractor admitted Friday he paid a California congressman more than $1-million in bribes and also acknowledged making illegal campaign contributions to two other members of Congress, one being Rep. Katherine Harris, R-Sarasota.
    The Trib starts it this way:
    A defense contractor who pleaded guilty Friday to bribing a California congressman told federal authorities he also funneled illegal campaign contributions to U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris of Longboat Key, who's running for the U.S. Senate.
    "funnelling", that's a bad thing. Being the funnelee, that's bad too.

    But the hardest hitting headline is this one, from the Tallahassee Democrat: "Harris admits link to corrupt donor".

    In any event "Harris says she tried to return money":
    "This case demonstrates the perils of a process in which candidates are sometimes asked to determine the intent of a contributor," Harris said in a statement released by her congressional office.

    Harris' campaign attempted to return the campaign contributions to MZM employees but never received a response, the release said.
    However, the fact remains that "Harris was forced again today to distance herself from a bribery scandal that already cost one former congressman his job."

    A Small But Exclusive Club

    "African-Americans for Gallagher".

    Nelson Agin' Harris

    "Democratic U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson still remains far ahead of likely Republican challenger U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris, according to a poll released Friday. Nelson was favored by 53 percent of respondents, compared to 31 for Harris, according to a poll conducted by Quinnipiac University." "Incumbent Sen. Nelson still has big lead over Harris, poll shows". See also "New Polling".

    Wingnits In A Quandry

    "Hillary Clinton criticizes port deal during Miami Beach visit".


    "Teachers struggle to do more with less".

    "Clash of Rights"

    "Two of Florida's most powerful lobbies — the National Rifle Association and the business community — will face off this spring in a duel that will force the GOP-controlled legislature to choose between two key Republican principles: the right to bear arms and private property rights." "Gun proposal to trigger clash over rights". See also "NRA, business groups fight over allowing guns in parking lots".

    FCAT Follies

    "Voters disapprove of teacher pay to be based on test results".

    "There's A Catch"

    To her credit,

    Secretary of State Sue Cobb, a Bush family ally, broke with the governor last week to suggest support for a paper trail to back up touch-screen voting. Of course, there's a catch. But it's not of her making.

    The state's new elections chief identified the correct entity to overcome the catch — the Legislature. It's the right idea, but it's two years too late.

    The circular catch is this: Legislators can't be bothered to establish rules for printers because the state still hasn't certified printers for use in Florida. But manufacturers are in no hurry to certify printers, because printers are not required by the Legislature and can't be used without enabling legislation.
    "Circling the paper trail".

The Blog for Friday, February 24, 2006

"Jeb!"'s Double Standard

    helped raise money to make elections more competitive in California, but derided as "Secret Squirrel liberals" those who are pushing the same goal in Florida.

    Asked this week to explain what makes California different, a Bush spokesman replied, "They have had general elections where not one single incumbent has been defeated."

    Yet that's also the state of affairs in Florida, where no officeholder was turned out during the last state and congressional elections, in 2004.
    "Bush Favors Redistricting Changes - Just Not Here".

    "Wobbly house of cards"

    "Despite a record-setting six months of raising cash, the finances of the Florida Democratic Party remain a wobbly house of cards that could collapse just when dollars are needed most this pivotal election year." "Lack of money could cripple Democrats".

    You Don't Think ...

    "A watchdog group said it found errors in the 2004 election in Palm Beach County. County officials disagreed." "Group claims 2004 election was flawed". See also "Watchdog group questions 2004 ballots" ("An election watchdog group from Seattle said Thursday it found problems with electronic voting records from the 2004 election in Palm Beach and Volusia counties that suggest possible vote tampering.")

    The Values Crowd

    "Determined to get a gay marriage ban on the ballot for Florida voters, the state Republican Party has doubled its initial investment in the effort to $300,000." "State GOP sinks $150,000 more into antigay marriage initiative".

    What Conflict of Interest?

    The Orange County "Mayor" and Bushco family retainer is in hot water."Crotty made $112,000 on land deal".

    Statutory Initiatives

    "Florida lawmakers should create the option of statutory initiatives. It would preserve the voice of citizens while keeping pigs, fishing nets and cigarettes out of our constitution." "Let Florida Citizens Make Laws Without Cluttering Constitution".

    Sooner or Later

    "He said he would seek an Ethics Commission opinion. Three weeks later, he hasn't." "Review of Gallagher stock trades is . . . when?"


    "Florida lawmakers from both political parties - with the exception of Panhandle Democrat Allen Boyd - said Wednesday they are ready for a showdown with the White House over a decision to sell six U.S. port operations to a company run by the United Arab Emirates." "Florida lawmakers gird for ports showdown".

    Smith Support

    "State Rep. Joyce Cusack, D-Deland, has endorsed Senator Rod Smith for Governor." "Cusack Backs Smith".

    Wingnut Rag Takes Shot At Davis

    Hold your nose and go here if you want to read it..

    One Can Hope

    "Clay Shaw In Trouble?"

    Folks Don't Like FCAT Pay Plan

    "Florida voters reject 66 – 29 percent a proposal to link teacher pay to how well their students perform on the FCAT statewide standardized tests. Republicans oppose the proposal 51 – 42 percent, with Democrats opposed 78 – 18 percent and independent voters opposed 69 – 27 percent." "Voters Mixed on Jeb's School Ideas". See also "New survey shows voters oppose linking teachers' pay to FCATs".

The Blog for Thursday, February 23, 2006

Note To Readers

    Today's Florida political news will be posted later this afternoontomorrow. In the meantime, I think you'll enjoy this: "Jeb Bush's secret-squirrel hunt?", wherein Dan Smith, an associate professor of political science at the University of Florida observes:
    Next time the governor spouts off with another hypocritical comment, the press might be wise to use another idiom: the pot calling the kettle black.
    Check out the whole thing here.

The Blog for Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"Jeb!" Family Fealty

    The AP Story on Bush's family oriented position on the UAE port deal is gaining traction: "Bush has faith in brother's administration on ports deal".

    In the meantime, the rest of GOP-World is apoplectic: "Deal on U.S. ports triggers GOP revolt" and "Frist Calls for Halt to U.S. Ports Deal".

    Davis Blasts Legislature; GOoPers Throw Hissy Fit

    "Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jim Davis compared the way Republicans run Florida to the way Fidel Castro runs Cuba as the state party rallied supporters Tuesday for the 2006 election." "Candidate Davis compares state Capitol under GOP to Castro's Cuba". The GOoPers were in a tizzy over the remarks:

    It didn't take long for the GOP to blast Davis, the current Democratic front-runner, calling it irresponsible for him to compare state government to Cuba under Fidel Castro.

    "Anyone who understands the true nature of Fidel Castro's brutality would know better than to make the remarks Jim Davis made today," said Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher, one of two Republicans seeking to succeed Gov. Jeb Bush.

    By nightfall, Davis was forced to issue a response, saying his comments reflected his concerns about the level of "intimidation" in Tallahassee but that he does not believe Bush or the Republicans are comparable to Castro.

    "I would never and have never compared any of our democratically elected leaders to Fidel Castro," Davis said in a statement. "But let me be clear. There is a climate of intimidation in Tallahassee. That's not good for democracy.
    "Davis blasted for Tallahassee-Havana crack".

    Crime to Dominate

    "Crime Measures To Crowd Docket For Legislature".

    "Jeb!" Says Jump!

    "The Florida Board of Education unanimously approved a plan Tuesday that will give teachers bonuses based solely on their students' performance on standardized tests." "State approves FCAT pay plan". See also "Education board OKs plan to link teacher pay, test scores". Yesterday, "Teachers call FCAT pay plan divisive".

    Harris And GOoPer Surrogates Go Negative

    It is a little early, but the GOoPer whose greatest achievement has been the selection of the family she was born in to has gone negative: "Is Attacking Nelson's Space Trip Fair Game?"


    "State gaming agency begins to set slots rules".

    Electronic Voting

    The executive director of the DeLand-based Florida Fair Elections Coalition argues that in Volusia County "Elections integrity at risk".


    "Gov. lauds research institutions' role in diverse economy".


    "In what they billed as a "unity luncheon" Tuesday, Florida Democrats showcased their top-of-the-ticket candidates and tried to build a little party harmony before November's election." "State Democrats seek party harmony". See also "Nelson urges Democrats to stand together".

    Scripps Money

    "Show public the money that swung Scripps vote".

    "65 percent gimmick"

    "Lawmakers are taking a chance by trying to trick voters into repealing the class size amendment rather than offering a legitimate compromise." "The 65 percent gimmick".

Yesterday's News

    A few pieces from yesterday.

    Buschco Loyalty Prevails

    "Jeb!" defaults to protecting Dubya:
    Jeb Bush said Tuesday that his brother, President Bush, would adequately protect national security as part of the federal government's approval of the sale of a ports operator to a state-owned company in the United Arab Emirates.

    But at least eight Florida Congress members, including six Republicans, questioned the deal and several of those promised to fight the approval with legislation. But the president later said the transaction involving six major U.S. seaports should go forward and that he would veto any congressional effort to stop it.
    "Gov. Bush has faith in brother's administration in ports deal". In the meantime, in the rest of the world:
    Two Republican governors are threatening legal action to block an Arab company from taking over operations in major U.S. ports and some GOP lawmakers say the deal should be closely examined.
    "Republican governors question turnover of port operations".

    AG Race

    "Saunders announces candidacy for state attorney general". See also "Senator launches bid in Collier".

    Harrison the Hustings

    "U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris brought her grassroots Senate campaign to Hernando County on Saturday night, the first of two promised stops in the county." "Harris 'grass fire' hits county" See also "Harris Uses 2000 Election To Raise Cash".



    its reputation for killing wildlife and spoiling beaches, offshore drilling accounts for only a small percentage of the nearly 76 million gallons of oil dumped into U.S. waters each year. ...

    A more immediate threat than offshore drilling are the millions of gallons of oil, gasoline and jet fuel delivered to Florida's largest ports each year by tankers, freighters and barges that pass dangerously close to the state's beaches.

    Spills from those vessels happen far more frequently than significant discharges from offshore rigs, according to the ''Oil in the Sea'' report by the National Research Council.
    "Drilling debate overlooks details".

    He's Hopping Mad

    "South Florida Republicans have filed grievances with the state party alleging the Broward Republican Party broke state party rules by endorsing Attorney General Charlie Crist for governor last month." "Gallagher forces want state GOP to discipline Broward party".


    "Nelson's past, future tied to space". See also "Nelson: The U.S. Needs Practical Migrant Policy".

    Citrus Dems

    "Citrus Democrats will play a key role in the 2006 election, former Gov. Buddy MacKay told an enthusiastic crowd at the annual Democratic Executive Committee unity dinner Saturday night." "Former governor enlivens his party".

    I am Shocked

    "Ruling clears legislator of conflict accusations".

The Blog for Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Note To Readers

    Today's Florida Political News will be posted later todayas soon as I can get to it.

The Blog for Monday, February 20, 2006

Same Old Right Wing Agenda

    "In many ways, Bush's agenda for the 2006 session will be a collage of his first seven years in office. He'll try to: get around a state Supreme Court ruling that the vouchers were unconstitutional; push through massive tax cuts; work to better prepare the state for hurricanes; and boost minority university enrollment, something he also set out to do six years ago." "Gov. Bush's final session looks a lot like past efforts". Jebbie is set on ignoring pleas from his allies in the media to "Forget vouchers".

    Davis Handicapped

    Federal campaign laws have handicapped Davis' fundraising:

    Membership in Congress has had its privileges for the gubernatorial campaign of Jim Davis: The Tampa Democrat has swept up endorsements from popular Washington colleagues who have introduced him around the state, and Congress has given him a high-profile platform to take on issues like offshore drilling.

    But a campaign finance wrinkle that is surfacing for the first time in a statewide Florida campaign could make Davis' federal office more of a hindrance than help.

    Federal campaign laws impose on Davis a fundraising restriction that does not apply to the two Republican gubernatorial candidates or to state Sen. Rod Smith, Davis' Democratic rival. Because Davis holds a federal office and is seeking a state office, federal law limits how much he can raise for the state Democratic Party.

    The three other candidates can raise unlimited amounts of so-called soft money for their state parties while Davis can't ask someone to write a check for more than $10,000 to the state Democratic Party. Nor can he solicit money from corporations or labor unions.
    "Federal law adds crimp to campaign".


    "For more than a year, Florida taxpayers have been paying for legislative office space that Rep. Ellyn Bogdanoff also uses for her private consulting firm, her law practice and a charity chaired by incoming Senate President Ken Pruitt. Bogdanoff, R-Fort Lauderdale, owns the building through her Enterprising Businesses Strategies firm and rents it to the state for her legislative office — even though it is not in her district." "Business, charity share house state rents as lawmaker's office".


    "Harris Upbeat on Iraq, Loyal to DeLay".

    Here's An Idea. Why Not Grade The Prisons ...

    you know, like we grade schools; best graded prisons get more money; prisoners at low graded prisons get vouchers. That ought to be an "easy solution". "Florida's prison ills defy easy solution". More seriously, "Reduce jail population".

    Education Agenda

    "Vouchers, class sizes at the top of lawmakers' education agenda".

    "Stop starving anti-tobacco ad campaign"

    "Frustrated by the Legislature's refusal to fund the program, a coalition of groups including the American Lung Association and the American Cancer Society sponsored a petition drive to create a proposed constitutional amendment for the November ballot. If approved, that amendment would force the Legislature to adequately fund the anti-smoking campaign. They gathered enough signatures and are awaiting review by the state Supreme Court." "'Truth' up in smoke".

    Good Luck

    FRS "Retirees could use benefits help".

    Silly Headline

    Yesterday, an Orlando Sentinel headline read "GOP, businesses seek housing solutions", for this story:

    Fed by a tax on real-estate transactions, the affordable-housing trust fund has helped cities and counties provide housing assistance to more than 150,000 families. But when the state economy nose-dived after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, lawmakers began raiding the fund, shortchanging affordable-housing programs by more than $600 million in the past three years.

    House Republicans even voted to kill the fund altogether and, at Gov. Jeb Bush's urging, joined the Senate in capping trust-fund spending at $243 million a year beginning in 2007 -- less than half of what was originally intended.
    Only after gutting a system to create affordable housing, and exacerbating the problem, is the Florida GOP (in another flip-flop) now trying to "seek housing solutions"; you wouldn't know that from the headline, though.

    Kreegel Lawsuit Update

    "One Florida legislator [Rep. Paige Kreegel], targeted when he first ran in the 2004 election, filed a defamation suit against the powerful special-interest group behind the attacks and its prominent political consultant. The depositions make for interesting reading, and the case is raising questions over the role special interests play in leadership races in the Legislature." "Special interests wield much influence".

    Last week we posted about the Kreegel lawsuit which seems to be blowing 527 world wide open. See "Hell to Pay". An update today in the Tallahassee Democrat, including a reminder that "Sen. Ken Pruitt, a Port St. Lucie Republican slated to become the next Senate president, has been subpoenaed to testify as a witness in Kreegel's case - because he has paid Nielsen and his consulting firm at least $232,000 for ''electioneering'' activities in the past." "Interest groups outed by lawsuit".

    Privatization Follies

    "In the past two years, the sheriff's office has had to hire three companies to provide medical services for jail inmates." "Fourth time a charm?"

    Term Limits

    From the Miami Herald yesterday

    When Florida voters enacted term limits 12 years ago, the prevailing opinion was that by limiting the length of time legislators were in office, voters would rid the Legislature of arrogant career politicians who directed more energy into the pursuit of power and job preservation than into addressing concerns of constituents.

    By condensing their time in Tallahassee to eight years, proponents argued, legislators would shorten their stay and short-circuit the temptation to make politics a career.

    How wrong they were.
    "Term limits can't stop power play".

The Blog for Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sunday Papers [Updated 4:05PM]

    What Makes Ken Pruitt Tick?

    The Palm Beach Post has an interesting little story that gives us some insight on Ken Pruitt. The piece begins by noting that "[b]etween spring 2004 and spring 2005, state Sen. Ken Pruitt went from vocal supporter of the class-size amendment to leading advocate for its repeal." Why the radical shift on such a critical issue of state policy; surely it was the result of much study and soul searching. Nah, it was nothing like that; rather it seems it was because
    three of Pruitt's political allies were forced out of Royal Concrete Concepts, a company that had foreseen "great successes and riches to be had by all" from the class-size caps by selling concrete portable classrooms, according to documents filed in Palm Beach County Circuit Court in a battle over the ownership of Royal Concrete Concepts.
    "Class-size flip-flop of Pruitt tied to interests".

    There is a lot of fascinating detail in this extraordinary article by Sorentrue and date, and, together with last week's analysis of Pruitt's rise to power by the same reporters, we are getting a less than picture of the Senate President.

    Villalobos Fights On

    "Wading into a political battle scene that saw a future state Senate president ousted from power, three Cuban-American congressional representatives [Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Lincoln Diaz-Balart and Mario Diaz-Balart.] have declared their support for state Sen. Alex Villalobos." "Villalobos gets support". See also "Family affair" ("Atwater this month gained enough support from fellow senators to apparently overthrow Villalobos as Senate President-designate following the 2008 elections. Villalobos, though, hasn't surrendered, and the jockeying is expected to continue.").

    Stoking Class Envy ...

    is always fine by me, especially when the Tampa Trib does it: "Their Risk, Our Money".

    Isn't it Sad ...

    that Dubya in his recent trip to Florida felt compelled to let us know that

    "Every morning I'm aware of the world around us."
    Well, that;s a relief.

    Harris: Shhh ... Never Mind The "Bribery Scheme" Money

    "Republican Senate candidate Katherine Harris, recipient of more than $50,000 in campaign contributions from a defense contractor involved in a bribery scheme, is giving the money to Habitat for Humanity." "Harris Donates Cash From Firm Tied To Scandal".


    "After a recent trip to Iraq, U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite was left with one lasting impression. 'We need to stay longer,' she said." "Trip to Iraq fuels her convictions".

    Shocked To Read ...

    that a handpicked "Tampa Crowd Applauds Bush's Security Effort".

    Voucher Madness

    "How To Save Our Voucher Programs".

    He Can't Walk Away With Dignity

    "Bush and his foundation staff have declined to say how they will spend the money promoting his education agenda, but its new Web site discloses that he is tapping some of his most reliable political donors." "Foundation For Jeb's Future".

    Pay No Attention To The Bushco Flip Floppery

    In this piece from Jeremy Wallace today, "Bush draws oil drilling line in Gulf", the following appears

    "Well, I made a commitment that nothing is going to happen within a hundred miles of this coastline, and I'm honoring the commitment," Bush told a crowd of about 250 people at a town hall meeting at the Port of Tampa. "When we say a hundred miles off the coastline, we don't mean 99 miles or 89 miles, we mean a hundred miles. So rest easy."
    While this sounds as if Dubya is standing tough for Floridians on Gulf oil drilling, Dubya is in fact going backward..

    Fortunately, the LA Times is calling Bush on it:
    Bush told drilling opponents in this politically crucial state Friday that they should "rest easy."

    But despite the reassuring language, Bush in fact was embracing the very drilling expansion proposal that had riled environmentalists and Florida politicians of both parties.
    And it isn't just Dubya - it is a family thing, flip-flopping on promises to Floridians:
    Bush and his brother Florida Gov. Jeb Bush have been criticized in recent months as appearing to back away from their 2002 commitment to keep a large tract of the Gulf of Mexico rig-free — a pledge that came as they faced reelection battles for their respective posts. Florida had decided the 2000 presidential election by 537 votes.
    "Bush Promotes Drilling Proposal".

    On a related note, the Tampa Trib hammers Florida House GOoPers
    A House companion bill to the Martinez-Nelson measure offered by Rep. Jim Davis has so far failed to attract any Republican co-sponsors. That's shameful.

    Some members, it's said, don't want to do anything that might be viewed as helping Nelson, a Democrat, who is being challenged by Republican Rep. Katherine Harris of Sarasota this year.
    "Shameful Politics On Gulf Drilling".

    Harris, Nelson on Iraq

    "Both have strong thoughts about the situation in Iraq and agree on some major points, like keeping U.S. troops in the country until Iraqi forces and police can be sufficiently trained to keep the country secure from insurgents and al-Qaida. But each speaks in a different tone: Nelson is clearly frustrated with 'the mess' in Iraq and Harris is optimistic about the country's future." "State's candidates discuss Iraq issue".

    - - - - Updated 4:05PM - - - -

    Dubya, Such an Engaging Guy

    Jeremy Wallace drinking the kool aid in "W Keeps Them Laughing".

    Voucher Madness

    "At last, voucher schools are getting some accountability. No, it's not coming from Gov. Bush and the Legislature. They refuse to make voucher schools meet the academic and financial standards required of Florida's regular public schools. The accountability is coming, as it must in such a vacuum, from the courts." "The right voucher ruling".

    Black Bears

    "Here is the difference between manatees and bears in Florida: When the annual manatee death toll is released, the masses wail and call for boaters to slow down in areas where sea cows thrive. When the annual black-bear death toll is released, the masses are silent and politicians call for bigger and faster highways in areas where bears thrive. Say hello to the politics of environmental advocacy." "The black bear has no friends in high places".


    "Illegal, essential, and in need".

    Mel Retracts His Regret

    Oh Mel,

    Three days after his interview, Martinez spokeswoman Kerry Feehery had this to say: "At no time did the senator say he was mistaken for his involvement or issue an apology for his involvement."

    So he may have made a mistake. But he was not mistaken. And he's certainly not sorry about it.
    So typical of Mr. Cellophane:
    This isn't the first time Martinez's office has clarified the senator's remarks.

    Last year, Martinez told a group of journalists that he had concerns about prisoners being held indefinitely at Guantanamo Bay. He called it "not very American" and raised the specter of closing it down.

    Martinez's stray-from-the-party-line comments caused a commotion, just as they did with Schiavo. Dick Cheney had to field questions about Martinez. A Fox News pundit even compared him to a Democrat.

    So, a few days later, Martinez sent out a release, headlined: "MARTINEZ: PEOPLE DETAINED AT GUANTANAMO BAY ARE WELL-TREATED."

    So where exactly does Martinez stand on Schiavo right now? Well, repeated requests that the senator speak for himself last week were declined.
    "The senator's fleeting regret".

    Rural Dems

    "Mainstream Democrats are exploring ways to tone down extremist liberal rhetoric that may be alienating black constituents and voters in rural counties, in hopes of luring swing voters and conservative Democrats who tend to vote Republican." "Florida Mainstream Democrats target rural voters".


    "To speed up Scripps, deliver on promises".

    The Season

    The election season:

    Lawmakers have an ambitious agenda for their 2006 session: Solving insurance problems, saving school vouchers, making plans for $3.2 billion in extra tax revenue, protecting businesses from lawsuits, cutting taxes and more.

    Many also have enterprising plans after the 60-day session that begins March 7: Running for governor, chief financial officer, attorney general and Congress; moving from the House to the Senate; or just keeping the seat they have.

    The combined goals usually make for a session where a lot gets done and it happens without a lot of acrimony. Many bills will be voter-friendly legislation on issues like taxes and crime.
    "2006 session a testing ground for election".

    Quinnipiac Picks Up Right Wing Spokesman

    "Former Orlando Sentinel Insight editor Peter Brown has been named assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute." "Ex-editor lands polling gig".

    "Treacherous Left"

    "Using phrases certain to rally his Republican base, Florida's chief executive last week took turns tarring the American Civil Liberties Union and Common Cause for plotting to undermine the GOP's influence in Florida." "Jeb Bush and the treacherous left".