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The Blog for Saturday, May 20, 2006

Florida Wingnuts Unite

    "In the Republican gubernatorial race to win over social conservatives, Attorney General Charlie Crist nearly steered into a ditch. The Republican frontrunner scrambled to rearrange his schedule to avoid snubbing an influential conservative Christian activist group holding a major fundraiser." "Crist avoids snubbing Christian conservatives".

    "The candidates' participation in the Orlando function demonstrates the heavyweight power of the evangelical or born again Christian constituency, which accounted for 23 percent — or more than 2 million voters — of the electorate in Florida and are credited with President Bush's defeat of John Kerry in 2004." "Crist joins Gallagher in wooing conservative Christian constituency".

    "'You've got to remember," said Crist, 'I'm 'Chain Gang Charlie.' He earned that nickname while in the state Legislature for his successful 1995 measure to restore chain gangs for prisoners. He described his political leanings as 'pro-life, pro-gun, pro-business and pro-family.'" "Bush tilts toward gay-marriage ban".

    "Gallagher spoke briefly before leading the pledge of allegiance; Crist did not participate in the program." "Crist joins Gallagher in wooing conservative Christian constituency".

    Charlie had rearranged his schedule at the last minute, after originally declining to attend the gathering of extremists. See "The Webs We Weave". "The mini political tempest reflected the cross-currents in the GOP gubernatorial primary, in which Gallagher has worked hard to cast himself as the true social conservative. He strongly supported intervening in the Terri Schiavo case, says he would like to see Roe v. Wade overturned, and has made passing a state constitutional ban on same sex marriage a centerpiece of his campaign." "Crist avoids snubbing Christian conservatives".

    The Gallagher folks were having none of Charlie's excuses for his initial refusal to attend: "A spokesman for the Gallagher campaign, Albert Martinez, cited Crist's recent high-profile fundraiser with Donald Trump. 'Mr. Crist has no trouble rearranging his schedule to get to Mar-a-Lago to raise money with liberal trial lawyers and gambling interests, but he does have trouble remembering if he's even been invited to meet with a core constituency of our party.'" "Crist avoids snubbing Christian conservatives".

    In the meantime, "Bush said Friday night he's moving away from a longstanding position that there's no need for a constitutional ban on same-sex marriages." "Bush tilts toward gay-marriage ban". "Bush, who touted his ultimately futile efforts to keep brain-damaged Terri Schiavo alive, said Friday that the conservative Christians are the 'bread and butter' of Florida politics." "Crist joins Gallagher in wooing conservative Christian constituency".

    Another Hypocrite

    "You'll never guess who had dinner with Gov. Jeb Bush Friday night, along with other Republican politicians who recently curbed deep-pocket lawsuits: an Orlando lawyer whose website trumpets his membership in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, a national group of trial lawyers who have won multimillion-dollar verdicts. John Stemberger also happens to be president of the Florida Family Policy Council, a conservative Christian group that tried to keep Terri Schiavo alive and outlaw gay marriage." "One of the most influential folks you never knew".

    Bush Neutral

    "Bush continues to stay neutral in the GOP gubernatorial race". See also "Bush continues to stay neutral in GOP gubernatorial race".


    "Bush on Friday appointed Palm Beach County State Attorney Barry Krischer to handle all matters related to the arrest of Miami city Commissioner Johnny Winton. Citing her friendship with Winton, Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernández Rundle disqualified herself from the investigation and requested the executive assignment of another state attorney." "Jeb appoints Krischer to handle Miami official's arrest case".

    Increase Approved

    "Citizens rate increase OK'd"

    Big Bucks

    "The disclosure reports, filed for the first time under a recently enacted law, reveal that businesses and other groups paid lobbyists tens of millions of dollars just to lobby 160 lawmakers for the first three months of this year." "Florida groups shell out big bucks to influence Legislature". See also "Lobbyists' pay reports begin to trickle in".

    Mel AWOL

    "On the politically thorny, emotionally divisive question of whether to make English the "national language," Florida's U.S. senators have taken strikingly different approaches."

    One stepped right into the fray, alienating some longtime friends.

    The other left town.

    Bill Nelson, aggravating immigration and Hispanic rights groups, parting ways with all but nine of his Democratic Party colleagues - and perhaps playing politics - voted twice Thursday to make English the official, "common and unifying" U.S. tongue. ...

    Meanwhile, bilingual, Cuban-born Mel Martinez - a conservative Republican and key crafter of compromise immigration reform - left Washington, missing the pair of votes on his party's amendments to his legislation.
    "Senators Go Own Ways On English Bill".

The Blog for Friday, May 19, 2006

Labor Endorsement This Weekend

    "The Democratic candidates for governor are jockeying for a prized endorsement Sunday from the Florida AFL-CIO, whose half-million members crave a more union-friendly successor to Gov. Jeb Bush." "Democrats for governor seek union backing". "Democrats for governor seek union backing". In the meantime, "Rod Smith was endorsed Thursday by the Central Florida AFL-CIO -- a development that could be a harbinger of the Alachua senator snagging the backing of the statewide union this weekend." "The Union Label".

    GOoPers Eat Their Own

    "Alex Villalobos, until recently a rising star in the Florida Senate who paid a steep price for crossing the governor on education issues, got another dose of reality Thursday: a challenger for the first time in 14 years. Frank Bolaños, one of the most conservative members of the Miami-Dade School Board, said he will challenge Villalobos in a Republican primary that could become a referendum on the governor's losses on class sizes and vouchers." "Villalobos gets foe: Bolaños". See also "A Challenge for Villalobos".

    Drilling Ban

    "Despite a significant Thursday night victory in Congress against attempts to allow natural gas drilling in waters of the eastern Gulf of Mexico and near other long-protected coastlines, conflicts over opening the outer continental shelf to energy development are far from settled." "House Votes To Keep Offshore Oil, Gas Drilling Ban". See also "House beats back two proposals to allow drilling near Fla. coastline", "Votes bar offshore drilling", "Floridians fend off attack on drilling ban", "House votes to keep drilling ban Efforts by Florida lawmakers were critical in turning back" and "House votes continuation of offshore oil and gas drilling ban".


    "A state elections panel is reconsidering fining former Broward County Supervisor of Elections Miriam Oliphant for neglecting her duties." "Oliphant may escape fine". See also "Oliphant awaits judge's ruling".

    Timid GOoPer Fix

    "The law on homeowners insurance contains too many half-measures and delays to count as the comprehensive solution Floridians need." "A timid insurance fix".

    Dickinson Illusion

    "Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles director Fred Dickinson was unfortunately suffering under the illusion that no conflict was created by the fact that his wife was paid to lobby for six businesses with agency contracts. One of those, National Safety Commission Inc., was picked to print the official state driver's handbook, allowing it to be the sole advertiser for its own traffic school." "The right call to make".

    CD 13

    "Republicans still heavily out number Democrats in the district, which includes all of Sarasota, Hardee, and DeSoto counties, plus most of Manatee and a small portion of Charlotte. There are more than 211,000 Republicans compared to 151,000 Democrats. Republicans make up 46 percent of the electorate. Democrats are at 33 percent." "How Conservative Are We?".

    Politically Expedient Tax Break

    "Need hurricane supplies? They're tax-free starting on Sunday". See also "Floridians to buy hurricane supplies during tax-free week" and "Memo for next week: storm-prep tax break". On a related issue, "Few homes will receive hurricane upgrade grants".

    Goosesteppers for Gallagher

    "RightMarch.com, the online conservative political action group formed to counterbalance MoveOn.org, announced Thursday it was endorsing Republican Tom Gallagher in the governor's race and pledged to counter any funds Michael Schiavo's TerriPAC puts into the race." "RightMarch.com Endorses Gallagher".

    Charter School Flops Can Continue?

    "Charter schools determined unfit to open could soon be teaching students anyway — out from under the watchful eye of local school districts that have rejected them. A bill passed by the legislature and expected to be signed into law by Gov. Jeb Bush will create a statewide charter school board, an alternative to the local school boards that now oversee more than 300 state charter schools." "Statewide board for charter schools nears reality amid cheers, warnings".

    Challenge To Voter Registration Law

    "A coalition of grassroots organizations and labor unions sued in federal court Thursday to challenge a new Florida law they contend could shut down voter registration efforts by imposing stiff penalties when deadlines are missed to submit the forms." "Grassroots groups, unions challenge Florida voter registration law".

    Charlie Tries The Net

    Not the best way to make use of the net:

    The Charlie Crist campaign called it a "Chat with Charlie," suggesting the give-and-take of a two-way dialogue. But those who dialed in Thursday night heard only a 20-minute stump speech by the attorney general and Republican candidate for governor. ...

    Perhaps most revealingly, Crist saluted the class size amendment that Jeb Bush has spent four years fighting. Said Crist, the former education commissioner: "We have to make sure that our classes have the right size, but we'll find a way. We'll find a way to do it within our budget."

    Crist made the election sound like a referendum on fealty to Jeb. A riff in his speech (one we'll hear again) is that Crist is the only candidate "who has always been a strong supporter of Jeb Bush." (His primary ooponent, CFO Tom Gallagher, ran against Bush in 1994).
    "Charlie's Chat".

    Charlie Has A Plan

    "Crist to announce proposals on hurricane preparation, response".

    "Blocking Sunshine"

    "[O]ther states are passing Florida up with provisions that make it easier to access a wide variety of records. Meanwhile, Florida's once-comprehensive law is wounded and limping under a heavy burden of exemptions." "Blocking Sunshine".

    Bad Bill

    "The anti-kickback provision of Florida’s Medicaid fraud statute conflicts with federal law because it doesn’t feature some of the same exemptions, the state’s Supreme Court ruled Thursday." "Supreme Court strikes down Medicaid provision".

    "Current system stifles competition"

    "Two months after the Florida Supreme Court struck from the ballot a proposal to reform the way lawmakers' districts are drawn, the list of candidates filing for this year's congressional elections in the state is a fresh reminder of why change is still so badly needed. The current system stifles competition, and cheats voters out of the choices they deserve in a democracy." "Cheating the voters" ("The dearth of opponents in the congressional races shows rigging.")

    Charlie In The Crosshairs

    Poor Charlie:

    Amid questions about why Republican Charlie Crist hadn't planned on attending tomorrow night's Florida Family Policy Council dinner in Orlando, the Florida Democratic party is eager to fan the GOP's intra-party rivalry.

    "An anti-choice, right-wing fringe group in Orlando is up in arms about Crist’s inability to come clean with them on whether he’ll attend their Friday fundraiser where notable guests will include Jeb Bush and Tom Gallagher – indecision that likely stems from Crist’s affinity for playing every side of every issue," said an e-mail from the Democrats.
    "Democrats Pile On Crist".

    Masilotti Bows Out

    "Tony Masilotti has been rude, bullying, divisive, unbearable and unpredictable for much of his nearly eight years on the Palm Beach County Commission. He also has invested in real estate, making partners of landowners who do business with the county. As a result, Commissioner Masilotti's decision not to seek a third term this fall is good news." "Masilotti used position for 'Let's Make a Deal'".

    Tampa Bay Area Registration

    "New voter registration statistics are burnishing the Tampa Bay region's reputation as the home of swing voters, the persuadables who are independent-minded and not tethered to either party. Since Feb. 26, when the state state kicked off an aggressive effort to register voters, more than 19,000 people have signed up in the five-county region that includes Pinellas, Pasco, Hillsborough, Hernando and Citrus counties. In all, new Democrats outnumber new Republicans by 7,106 to 6,844, but the total number of voters who registered as NPAs, or no party affiliation, is 5,781, far above the statewide NPA average of about 20 percent." "Tampa Bay's Independent Streak".

    "It's going to be bloody"

    "The primary contest between Kim Berfield and Frank Farkas could hinge on some of their votes in the House."

    The Pinellas Republicans, one of whom will face Democrat Charlie Justice in the general election, took opposite sides on at least 12 issues, from the class-size amendment to high-interest title loans and public records exemptions, a St. Petersburg Times analysis shows.

    Those differences are ripe for exploitation, if not distortion, in the form of TV ads and direct mail as the candidates head into what is expected to be the most watched, best financed state Senate race in Florida. The seat spans Tampa Bay, taking in parts of Pinellas and Hillsborough counties.

    "It's going to be bloody," said Doug McAlarney, a Republican consultant in Tallahassee who is not helping either candidate. "It'll be fun to watch from a distance but no fun to be there on the ground."
    "Voting records could tilt race".

    Power Rankings

    "Ever wondered how powerful your congressional representative is? Well, the nonpartisan government-info site Congress.org decided to answer that question with its newly released 'Power Rankings.'".

    "Confirming what we already knew, Florida doesn't have a lot whole lot of clout on Capitol Hill. The state ranked a mere 41st on a new list of Power Rankings." "Who has the power?"

    "Florida flexes muscle in Congress". The rankings are here.

    Harris Hardcore on Immigrants

    Playing to the GOP base, "Harris has backed a tough House bill while Nelson leans toward a bipartisan compromise." "Candidates diverge on thorny immigration issues".

The Blog for Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Webs We Weave

    "Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist may not go to an Orlando fundraiser for a conservative Christian group whose leader endorsed his Republican opponent in the governor's race."
    Nearly all of Florida's most powerful elected Republicans, including Gov. Jeb Bush, are slated to attend a major fundraiser Friday for a group that tried to ban same-sex marriage and keep Terri Schiavo alive.

    The strong attendance by GOP leaders confers political clout upon the Florida Family Policy Council, an offshoot of James Dobson's national Christian conservative group Focus on the Family.
    "But, one statewide GOP official is notably absent from the guest list: Charlie Crist, the state attorney general and candidate for governor." And the wingers say they ain't happy:
    "That's saying something to us," said John Stemberger, president of the Florida Family Policy Council. "If I can't get Charlie Crist to come to an event when he's running for governor in a Republican primary, why should I think he'll sit down and talk to me after he's elected?"
    Of course, Stemberger has personally endorsed Gallagher, so he (and the Gallagher campaign) are enjoying Crist's refusal to attend as well as the Crist campaign's apparent bumbling of the issue:
    Crist's campaign initially said Wednesday that he wasn't invited by Stemberger, who has personally endorsed his GOP rival for governor, state Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher. But Stemberger released an April 5 letter from Crist to the council's chairman, Ray Berryman, in which Crist said he couldn't attend because of "previous commitments."

    Late Wednesday, a Crist advisor said the campaign didn't know he was invited and that he would try to attend.
    "Event could put Crist in bind".

    Expect Charlie to show up; and here's a hint Charlie, bring Representative B - you're a cute couple and the wingnuts love her.

    Lee and "Jeb!"

    "The governor, who usually refrains from choosing sides, endorsed the Senate president's bid for the Republican nomination for chief financial officer." "Bush backs Tom Lee in GOP primary". See also "Bush backs Lee in GOP race", "Gov. Bush backs Lee for state CFO", "Bush backs Lee for chief financial officer" and "Governor Endorses Lee In Chief Financial Officer Race".

    Charlie Files Lawsuit

    "One of the country's largest tobacco companies has cheated the state out of $17 million, according to Attorney General Charlie Crist, and on Wednesday the state filed a lawsuit seeking to get that amount." "State sues over cigarette contract".

    Mel Keeping Money

    "Martinez, who returned a $2,500 donation he believes was tied to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, is not giving up $250,000 raised at an Abramoff-led event." Funds link Martinez, Abramoff"..

    On Jebbie's Desk

    "'Paternity bill' waits for the OK".


    "oth Florida Power & Light and its customers were hit hard by last year's hurricanes, so it is only fair that the Public Service Commission take an even-handed approach in dealing with the utility's $1.7 billion request for storm-related costs." "PSC listening to FPL, customers".

    Our Green Governor

    There is "astonishing news the Florida Department of Environmental Protection plans to lower dissolved oxygen water quality standards in the lower St. Johns to allow polluters to discharge tons more nitrogen, the main cause of last year's algae bloom, into the river." "State about to give polluters a pass on lower St. Johns".


    "A bid to end a 25-year ban on drilling off U.S. coastlines poses a new threat to Florida's beaches, environment and tourism economy. It comes in a measure passed by a key U.S. House committee last week that aims to open protected coastlines to drilling for natural gas as close as three miles to shore. Florida lawmakers are wisely uniting to block the measure if it comes before the full House as early as this week." "Protect Florida tourism, coastlines".

    Well, not all of them are "wisely" protecting Florida: "In a letter to Speaker Dennis Hastert, most U.S. House members from Florida on Tuesday said they would try to derail an attempt to allow drilling for natural gas within a few miles of the state's coastline. ... Along with Feeney and Putnam, three other members, all Republicans, had not signed the letter: Ginny Brown-Waite of Crystal River, Dave Weldon of Indialantic and John Mica of Winter Park." "Florida lawmakers join against drilling". See also "Block new drilling threat" and "Drilling foes gird for vote as public opinion shifts".

    This is so obvious, that even "Jeb!" "joined members of Florida's congressional delegation Wednesday in opposing legislation that would allow drilling for natural gas within 3 miles of the nation's coastline." "Gov. Bush leads opposition force on drilling".

    [note: The headline incorrectly says the Jebbie "leads" this latest anti-drilling effort; in fact, on this as most everything else associated with drilling he has been late to the game.]

    Frivolous Arguments About "Frivolous Lawsuits"

    "Rather than continuing to hype frivolous lawsuits, lawmakers should focus their attention on streamlining the legal process so that injured patients can be compensated quickly and good doctors who've made a mistake can quickly get back to business without distraction." "Frivolous Lawsuits Not To Blame For Malpractice Insurance Spikes".

    From The "Education Governor"

    "A panel of education experts from around the country rejected Florida's request to say students who are working below grade level in reading and math are passing those subjects, which was an attempt to ensure more schools would meet the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind law." "State can't list students below grade level as passing".

    Gallagher Admits "Jeb!" A Failure

    OK, he didn't actually say Jebbie was a failure, but he did say Florida's graduation rates are abysmal (and hasn't "Jeb!" made "education" the centerpiece of his administration?)

    Noting Florida’s poor high school graduation ranking nationally, Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Gallagher pledged Wednesday to reinvent the state’s high schools to yield a 90 percent graduation rate by 2020 if he’s elected. ...

    Florida ranks 46th nationally, ahead only of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee in high school graduation, according to the Manhattan Institute. Florida’s 59 percent graduation rate is tied with Alaska.
    "CFO said he'd reinvent Florida high schools if elected".

    And Jebbie? Well he "told reporters he thought highly of Tom Gallagher's education proposal, unveiled earlier at a Capitol news conference." " Jeb: Gallagher's Ed Proposal 'First-Rate'".

    Photo Op

    "Crist tours Lake Okeechobee dike, citing 'sense of urgency'".

    How Long ...

    before this privatization deal screws up?

    State health officials awarded a $308 million contract to Electronic Data Systems to run the state's Medicaid computer system, the company announced Wednesday.
    "State picks EDS to run Medicaid computers".

    Incompetent SOE?

    "You'd think the biggest change in Hillsborough politics in a quarter-century would get the undivided attention of, say, the county elections supervisor. But Buddy Johnson's focus is someplace else. His latest misstep, imperiling a vote on a countywide mayor, further calls his competence into question." "Let voters have their say".


    "The head of the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles said Wednesday that his wife will quit lobbying for six businesses that have contracts with, are regulated by or otherwise have ties to his agency." "State highway chief's wife to stop lobbying for contracted firms".

    HD 52

    "Former USF St Pete Dean Bill Heller looks to many Democrats like a dream candidate for recapturing state House District 52, now held by Frank Farkas. But despite heavy recruting from Betty Castor and other, Heller has not yet decided to run" "Heller For HD 52?".

    Street Money

    Remember how FEMA handed out cash right and left in vote rich Miami-Dade prior to the 2004 election?

    Newly released e-mails of former FEMA Director Michael Brown show top federal officials scrambling to explain millions in disaster aid going to Miami-Dade County residents for a 2004 hurricane that missed the county and coaching Brown "not to appear defensive" in responding to "ridiculous questions" from the media.

    "We need you calm cool and collected," former FEMA chief of staff Patrick Rhode wrote in 2004 after the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported that the Federal Emergency Management Agency had awarded more than $21 million in Miami-Dade for Hurricane Frances, the Labor Day weekend storm that struck 100 miles away. "We need our best spokesperson ... to combat these issues in a diplomatic way to wave the flag for the admin -"
    Of course it was all politics all the time:
    In another e-mail, McBride wrote Brown, "Be cautious not to appear defensive or show that the ridiculous questions get under your skin when you're at the press conf today Megan will show up. Just don't want your expressions to give away your exasperation with this non-issue the way that the President's did in the first debate."
    "E-mails show FEMA scrambling to combat criticism over Miami-Dade hurricane payouts".

    CD 13

    "It didn't take long for Republican Mark Flanagan to change the dynamics of the race to replace Katherine Harris in Congress. Within two minutes of one of his first speeches in Sarasota since declaring his candidacy last week, the socially conservative Flanagan was emphasizing his religious schooling and paraphrasing almost reflexively from Scripture." "Flanagan refers to Bible on stump".

    See also "Candidates For Congress Talk Immigration".

    Walgreen's Voters

    "Some 700 Walgreens stores across Florida are offering something new this month: a chance to register to vote. As part of a continuing voter registration effort by the Florida State Association of Supervisors of Elections, Walgreens stores will stock voter applications at the check-out and prescription counters. Voters can pick up an application, fill it out at home, and mail it to their county elections supervisor, according to Susan Gill, Citrus County elections chief and president of the state association." "Check It Out".

The Blog for Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Voucher Madness

    "School vouchers didn't make it to the 2006 ballot, but that won't stop the state Board of Education from pressing the issue. The seven-member board, all appointees of Gov. Jeb Bush's, told state Education Commissioner John Winn on Tuesday to come up with strategies to protect Florida's remaining voucher programs from legal attack." "Board presses voucher issue".

    GOoPer Complaints

    "The Florida Democratic Party and two affiliated committees illegally raised more than $1 million, complaints filed with the state Elections Commission charge. The complaints, brought by a prominent Miami Republican, claim that two committees formed to raise money in 2004 and 2005 were subject to the same $500 individual donation limit that applies to candidates or political groups supporting individual candidates. The committees received hundreds of donations exceeding the limit, according to complaints filed by Eric Buermann, a GOP lawyer and adviser." "Democratic Party Faces Fundraising Complaints".

    Mr. Buerman is apparently a lawyer at Squires Sanders or Steel Hector (which "represented Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris in the 2000 presidential election challenges and related matters in Florida"), and was "Republican Party of Florida, general counsel, 1998-2003".

    Jeb Watch

    Kathryn Jean Lopez, "the editor of National Review Online" pens this pap this morning: "Should Jeb run to create a Bush presidential dynasty?". The piece argues for a Jebbie run, or at least a VP: "Romney-Bush? Allen-Bush? " closes with the following:

    If Bush's only reason for not running for president in 2008 — or any other year — comes down to his being a Bush, that would be a shame. There's nothing in the Constitution prohibiting people who have too many family members who have been elected to the job. Nor should there be.

    As one Floridian recently e-mailed me, "I'm against these familial dynasties, but in the Bushes' case, they've saved the best for last, and I see no reason to punish ourselves by not electing a capable Jeb, just because his father and brother were mixed successes at best."

    Rate Increases

    "Higher insurance rates are guaranteed, Gov. Jeb Bush said Tuesday as he signed into law a mammoth bill that addresses gaps in Florida's insurance market but offers no quick fix." "Bush: Brace for higher rates". See also "Gov. Bush signs insurance reform package", "Bush OK's reform to aid homeowners" and "Bush signs bill aimed at fixing insurance market".


    "Florida hunters and anglers, who overwhelmingly supported Republican George W. Bush in 2004, are decidedly unhappy with how the president is tackling the nation's energy problems, a new poll shows." "Hunters Hot about Bush, Global Warming". How angry?

    Sixty-three percent of Florida sportsmen, including 55 percent who voted for Bush, say the country is on the wrong track in meetings its energy needs, according to the survey conducted in March and April for the Floirda Wildlife Federation and the National Wildlife Federation.

    Enrollment Funds Cut

    "Florida Atlantic University will have 1,200 fewer spots for new students than hoped for this year because the state approved less enrollment money than the Boca Raton school had requested." "State cuts enrollment funds for FAU".

    "What the state missed"

    "What the state missed, Volusia County's sharp-eyed supervisor of elections caught: The voting machines the state Division of Elections forced Volusia to buy aren't certified." "Watching out for voters".


    "Bush and the Florida Cabinet Tuesday approved a sublease that will allow The Scripps Research Institute to use land in Palm Beach County as its home." "Scripps lease OK'd by Florida Cabinet". See also "Gov. Bush, Cabinet OK Jupiter site for Scripps" and "Finally it's a Scripps!"

    Disclosure Begins

    How Florida politics works:

    Southern Strategy Group, a lobbying firm anchored by former House Speaker John Thrasher, reported annualized billings of up to $11.5 million based on its first quarter earnings report filed with the State Ethics Commission.

    Another of the capital's lobbying giants, Smith & Ballard, did even better, with first quarter receipts between $2.6 and $3.7 million.
    "Lobbyists earnings disclosure statements filed for first time". See also "Influential dollars" ("You won't find a more savvy bunch than lobbyists. But tell those same lobbyists they'll need to disclose how much they're getting paid to influence lawmakers, and they become hysterical.")

    Speaking of Lobbyists

    "The head of the state's motor vehicle agency said Tuesday that his wife will no longer work as a lobbyist for a traffic school that has a deal with his agency to be the only school allowed to advertise in the state's official driver's handbook." "Bush concerned about perception of driving school lobbyist".


    The Tampa Trib argues, "Keep The Rigs Away From Our Coast" ("a Pennsylvania Republican, isn't letting the facts or Florida's economy interfere with his offshore drilling push.") See also "Florida's congressional delegation vows to curb natural gas drilling".

    "Political Consequences"

    "By his own admission, Miami City Commissioner Johnny Winton embarrassed himself and the city as a result of an altercation with Miami-Dade police officers Monday night at Miami International Airport. That much is beyond dispute. But behind that terse admission and the tight police version of events spelled out in the arrest report is a story with political consequences, including the possible suspension of Mr. Winton." "Commissioner's arrest".

    On Jebbie's Desk

    "Gov. Bush may veto drug, car insurance bills". See also "Co-teaching rules may soon be eased" ("the A-plus-plus education reform (HB 7087) recently passed by the legislature and now before the governor would allow [using 'co-teaching,' or placing two or more teachers in a classroom], making it easier for districts to meet the demands of the class-size amendment that voters approved four years ago."), "Bill changing child support law awaits Bush's signature" and "Veto the 'enclave bill'" ("Gov. Bush's belief in letting local communities make decisions on growth again faces a test from the Legislature, which passed a bill that would encourage the conversion of farmland into subdivisions. Unless the governor's belief has changed, he should veto House Bill 1015.")

    GOoPers Don't Like Sunshine

    "Government secrecy rarely benefits the public. Bush should refuse to affix his signature to any legislation that takes transparency from government and power from the people." "Lawmakers Mug Public's Right To Know".

    Privatization Follies

    "Convergys sued over identity theft".

    "Jeb!" Hearts Lee

    "The governor wouldn't say Tuesday, but he did make it clear he's contemplating weighing in on the hotly contested GOP primary for chief financial officer." " Bush for Tom Lee?"

    Gulf Power Surcharges

    "The surcharges are part of a settlement the company has reached with consumer groups in a request it brought to state regulators to recoup storm costs." "Settlement extends Gulf Power surcharges three more years".

    No Comment

    Charlie and Representative B "used to date in their pre-elected office years. 'He's the nicest guy. I loooove his mom and dad,' Harris told [The Buzz] before taping a 'Politial Connections' interview that will air Sunday on Bay News 9 in Tampa Bay." "Pre-Power Couple: Katherine And Charlie".

    A Start

    "Bush and the Cabinet voted Tuesday to pay $10.8 million to start creating 'a protected greenway from Tallahassee to the Gulf of Mexico.'" "State land purchase to create greenway to the Gulf". See also "5,100 acres soon to be yours" ("A Central Florida ranch could have become 800 homes. Instead, state officials decided Tuesday to buy it for $54-million and create a park.")

    Failing Schools

    "Florida Education Commissioner John Winn pledged 'zero tolerance' for the state's failing schools and promised to force struggling school districts to improve test scores within two years." "Florida education chief promises to fix schools that have failed repeatedly".

    Fighting Dems

    Yesterday, Scott Maxwell wrote "Veterans band together for Dems":

    The way Bob Bowman sees it, he has earned the right to have strong feelings about the war in Iraq. Bowman, after all, is a veteran himself, having flown more than 100 combat missions in Vietnam.

    And so this year, he's taking his resume and viewpoints to the voters -- asking them to put him in office so he can bring back the troops.

    "This is a war for big-money interests, not for the security of the United States," Bowman said. "That's why we need to bring our troops home, while they're still alive."

    Bowman's message is clear -- and shared by dozens of others running for Congress this year. In fact, the 71-year-old Melbourne resident is just one of about 50 members of the "Band of Brothers," a group of Democratic veterans who are trying to unseat Republicans in Congress and using the prolonged war in Iraq as part of their rallying cry.

    You can expect to hear more about them this year. They're already starting to make national news. And Bowman, who is trying to unseat Indialantic Republican (and fellow veteran) Dave Weldon, is just one of several in Florida. Democrat Rick Penberthy is a member as well, trying to unseat Republican Ginny Brown-Waite of Crystal River. ...

    Some of what gives the Republicans confidence are the uphill battles many of the Band of Brothers face. Weldon's Republican-heavy district, for instance, has rarely been viewed as competitive.

    But with Republicans' poll numbers sagging, Bowman and fellow Democratic veterans have new hope. Plus, what Bowman believes they also have is the credibility to talk candidly about what's happening on the front lines, since they've been on the lines themselves.
    And what do the GOoPers have to say about these veterans, including Bowman (the man with "more than 100 combat missions in Vietnam")?
    "What they are," said National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Ed Patru, "is a band of over-hyped, under-performing candidates."
    "Overhyped", "underperforming"; compared to Weldon and Brown-Waite?

The Blog for Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Show UsThe Money

    "The Monday deadline for lobbyists to file their first compensation reports left many scrambling to complete the forms while others met with attorneys in a last-ditch effort to revive a legal challenge to the new gift ban law." "Lobbyists race to meet donor reporting deadline". See also "Disclosures by lobbyists begin" and "Lobbyists file first disclosure reports".

    GOoPers "Bow to Pressure"

    "A bill to prevent the public from finding out who has a permit to carry a concealed firearm deserves a quick veto from Gov. Jeb Bush. Lawmakers should have rejected that bill during their recently completed session. Instead, they bowed to pressure from the National Rifle Association." "Shoot down gun bill".

    On The Attack

    "It didn't take long for U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson's campaign to launch a salvo at the Republican Party's sudden crowd of candidates who qualified Friday to run for the Senate this year." "Nelson on the attack".


    "After a flurry of legislative moves, we are left with this as the hurricane season approaches: Pray." "Storm steps, but no strides".

    Jebbie's "Empty Posturing"

    "Jeb Bush is indulging in empty posturing. Trying to inject a sense of drama about today's vote by the Florida Cabinet, Bush insists his support for Scripps Florida's move to Jupiter is contingent on Palm Beach County meeting a list of goals. But does anyone truly believe Bush will push the Cabinet to reject, or even delay, the move?" "Florida's Cabinet will vote on Scripps".

    Not What They Wanted

    Representative B needs a "humongous victory" in the primaries:

    "If you're going to beat Harris, you can't do it with all of these candidates in the field," said Jennifer Duffy, who tracks Senate races for the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. "The more candidates in this race, the easier it is for her to win the nomination. She may not have to try that hard."

    But Duffy said that if Harris does win the nomination, having a primary still won't make it easier for her to beat Nelson. Polls have shown Harris far behind Nelson in a one-on-one match-up.

    Nathan Gonzales, political editor of the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report, said the entry of politically unknown candidates puts pressure on Harris to have "a humongous victory."

    "The expectations for her are significantly higher," Gonzales said. "If she doesn't, it just confirms to Harris' detractors that she can't win."
    "Harris alternatives not what worried Republicans wanted".

    "Fill in the Blanks"

    Remember this the next time you see a "W Still the President" decal on a car with a Florida Panther plate:

    In an administration not known for respecting science, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service now has removed even the pretense. Its decision to let developers write biological recommendations is so brazen as to mock the agency's own existence. If developers get to write their own permits, why waste the time issuing them?

    One example of this regulatory retreat is the swamplands of southwest Florida, where panthers are nearing extinction and a report earlier this year warned: "There is insufficient habitat in South Florida to sustain a viable panther population.'' The agency is charged with forming a "biological opinion" (BO) for any development that impacts endangered wildlife, but an agency biologist in Vero Beach actually put the following instruction in writing to a developer's consultant:

    "To speed things up (due to our heavy workload) we are asking the consultant for each project that adversely affects panthers to prepare a BO based on a template BO that we will send you."

    In other words, fill in the blanks and kill as many panthers as you choose. Fish and Wildlife is too busy to bother.
    "Bulldozing wildlife protection".

    Double Hit

    Two critical DECs have taken a hit recently, Orange County ("The Dems, Post-Tim Shea") and now Pinellas County: "Pinellas Democratic Chairwoman Carrie Wadlinger has resigned effective July 15 from leading the DEC in Florida's biggest battleground county.". "Wadlinger Resigns In Pinellas".

    The Petition Route

    "For most sitting members of Congress, the $10,000 fee is the route they go. But records from the Florida Division of Elections show that nine of the 22 incumbents running for re-election chose to go for the petition process instead. U.S. Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fort Pierce, said it’s more trouble and expense to mail out the petition forms he sent out, but said it’s still the way he likes to do it. He said it gives him a chance to tell people he’s running again in a personal way." "Foley Takes The Long Route".


    "State utility regulators late Monday approved a plan that would allow Florida Power & Light Co. to collect $1.1 billion from the 4.3 million households and businesses it serves to pay last year's storm costs. The amount also will pay off the remaining expenses of the 2004 storms and create a $200 million reserve for future ones." "FPL to get $1.1 billion for costs of 2005 storms". See also "FPL settles hurricane expenses plan".

    On Militarizing The Border

    "Florida lawmakers offered mixed opinions Monday about President Bush's plan to dispatch National Guard troops to patrol the U.S. border with Mexico." "Local lawmakers on both sides of fence regarding border patrol".

    Park Land

    "The state is set to buy a vast swath of pine and wetland wilderness in the first step toward creating a conservation corridor protecting Tallahassee's drinking water and the beauty of the St. Marks River to the Gulf of Mexico." "State may buy land for park".

    "Unruly Children"

    "Suggesting that lawmakers in Tallahassee are a group of unruly children, U.S. Rep. Jim Davis said Monday if he is elected governor, legislators will get the "parental supervision" they need. Listening to Davis was his rival for the Democratic nomination, state Sen. Rod Smith of Gainesville — who by implication would be one of those unruly children." "Democratic rivals face off at Forum Club". See also "Smith, Davis see eye-to-eye on most issues, differ in delivery".

    "Exemptions dim Sunshine laws"

    "When all is said and done, the 2006 Legislature may go down as one of the most unfriendly in decades to the idea that transparency and access are generally good for democracy, not a threat." "'A thousand paper cuts'".

    "The Florida Fair Elections Coalition"

    "The Florida Fair Elections Coalition, a nonprofit election watchdog group, plans a program called "Is Your Vote Being Counted? -- Ask the Experts," on Saturday at Daytona Beach Community College." "Elections watchdog group to present program".

    Let Them Cringe

    "Bush today plans to sign a mammoth insurance bill - with provisions that penalize coastal residents, allow automatic rate increases and provide free home inspections - all in an attempt to keep property insurance available in a state that has become a hurricane magnet. But no one, not even the bill's sponsors, seems very happy with how it turned out. And, its authors say, it doesn't do much to prevent Floridians from ending up a year from now right where they started - facing huge deficits at a state-run insurance company." "Sponsors cringe as Bush readies to sign insurance bill". See also "Move along, neighbor" ("The Legislature's attempt at insurance 'reform' looked feeble when the session ended on May 5. After last week, to call the bill 'feeble' is being kind.")

    FCAT Follies

    Just trust us:
    The strangest thing about the lawsuit over temps hired to grade the FCAT is that Democratic senators had to go to court over the governor's wishes to get what Gov. Bush should have been demanding all along. ...

    Rather than verify that CTB/McGraw-Hill hired qualified people, Gov. Bush and Mr. Winn supported the company's claim that its list of workers and their qualifications is a "trade secret" exempt from Florida's open records laws. In a settlement last week, however, CTB/McGraw-Hill - which is finishing the first year of a three-year, $86 million contract with the state - agreed to release by May 26 the temps' qualifications, but not their names. ...

    Bush and Mr. Winn can't be relied on to be properly skeptical about CTB/McGraw-Hill's temps. Politically, they have too much invested in their overuse of the FCAT to take the chance that anything might discredit such overreliance. It's the same fear that has kept them from making voucher schools compete using the same academic standards as public schools.

    Predictably, Mr. Winn's office called the lawsuit "a political witch hunt." No, it was an attempt to verify the credentials of people whom Florida has hired to produce reliable results of the test that under current policies matters most in public education. Given those stakes, verifying those credentials is something Mr. Winn should have done himself.
    "Accountability on FCAT for all but the graders".


    "Reforms To Immigration Policy Could Impact Florida’s Economy".

The Blog for Monday, May 15, 2006

"Democrats on ballots in record numbers"

    "It's been more than 25 years since Florida Democrats have put up a fight for Congress like they are this year. A Democrat has qualified to run in every one of the 25 congressional districts in Florida this year except one: District 12, where Rep. Adam Putnam, R-Bartow, is running for re-election. The deadline to qualify to run for Congress was Friday. You have to go back to 1980, the last year of Jimmy Carter's presidency, to find a time when Democrats had candidates in all but one contest. Back then, Florida had 15 congressional districts." "Democrats on ballots in record numbers".


    "About this time every year, the self-satisfaction of victory begins to give way to doubt forhundreds of lawmakers, constituents and special-interest groups. It's budget review time and all parties concerned know what that means." "Michael Peltier: Bush likely to follow tradition in review of budget".


    "An ally of incoming Senate President Ken Pruitt [Republican Sen. Mike Fasano] attempted to place in an affordable housing bill a provision to help the homebuilder who has been paying Pruitt $2,000 a month, but withdrew it after top Senate staffers began asking questions."

    Pruitt began earning $2,000 a month from Royal Management in 2003, the same year he started making payments totaling slightly less than that on a new 3,134-square-foot house Sanger built for him in Port St. Lucie. Pruitt has said he worked to help Sanger on various projects in the Treasure Coast and surrounding areas, but has declined to provide detailed invoices or logs showing specifically what he did.

    Sanger also declined to provide invoices or other documentation. At one time, he told The Palm Beach Post that he paid Pruitt "$2,000 per month for anything I need from him."
    "Provision to help Pruitt's employer pulled from bill".


    "Palm Beach County Republican Chairman Sid Dinerstein, normally a cheerleader for any GOP incumbent and a discourager of would-be primary challengers, was surprisingly noncommittal last week in discussing Republican County Commission Chairman Tony Masilotti's reelection bid. Dinerstein said recent Palm Beach Post articles about dealings involving a Masilotti family land trust raise 'huge red flags' the commissioner needs to address." "Commentary: GOP chief iffy on Masilotti over trust flap".


    Empirical Polk had the scoop on this, as it was happening:

    It was so close, yet so far away.

    While en route to open his campaign for the U.S. Senate, state Rep. Dennis Ross reluctantly turned back to Lakeland without getting on the ballot.

    Ross will not challenge U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris for the party's nomination for U.S. Senate, but four other Republicans will.
    "Lawmaker made U-turn out of GOP Senate primary".

    The Florida Legislature At Work

    "Business-friendly laws".

    "Shackled in handcuffs and leg irons"

    "Federal prosecutors accuse Liberti of using his standing as a [WPB] city commissioner to intimidate two West Palm Beach companies to sell their businesses to his clients at below-market prices. Shackled in handcuffs and leg irons, Liberti pleaded not guilty Wednesday in federal court. Defense attorney Richard Lubin said Liberti was cooperating with prosecutors. Liberti has roughly 40 days to work out a plea agreement with a reduced sentence or to stand trial." "Probe: City official paid by developer".

    Impact Fees

    "Legislation sets waiting period for new fees to go into effect, requires county to use most recent information to justify fees". "Officials: Passing impact fees might get a little harder".

    Less Sunshine

    "In the waning days of the 2006 legislative session, lawmakers cast long shadows over government in the sunshine by passing more than a dozen bills creating or extending exemptions to its open-records and open-meetings requirements." "Late bills upset watchdogs".

    Palm Beach Paper Trail

    "It's a good thing that Supervisor of Elections Arthur Anderson said recently that he has no doubts about the touch-screen voting machines purchased by his predecessor, Theresa LePore. While Dr. Anderson made the addition of a paper trail a linchpin of his campaign to defeat Ms. LePore, his biggest step in that direction was to assign the question to a committee. Now, 16 months after his election and eight months after the committee's first meeting, he has his answer: Creating a paper trail is best; how to do it remains unknown." "Anderson must cast vote".

    "Legislature ensures higher bills"

    "It's pretty much a given that property insurance in Florida will be expensive. But does it need to be this expensive? That's a question state lawmakers can't answer, because they've never had the gumption to get tough with insurers." "Pricey failure".


    "The staff of the Florida Public Service Commission wants to save Florida Power & Light customers more than a half-billion dollars. They want to do so in part by holding FPL accountable for what the utility didn't do years ago." "Assign FPL shareholders more of storm-repair bill".

    Harris Woes

    "Harris Gives Gun Publicity Best Shot".

    Later Start

    "State lawmakers have ended a statewide trend of starting the school year earlier and earlier. Starting sooner has meant high school students could squeeze in exams before the winter holidays. It also gave students more time to prepare for the FCAT, or Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, given in February and March. In some districts, students return as early as the first week of August, teachers in late July. Under the new law, school cannot start in 2007 until Aug. 20." "Law Rolls Back Summer's End".

    Sales Taxes

    "The latest tax cut package out of Washington would raise taxes on Floridians. Congress plans to kill a provision allowing Floridians and residents of seven other states to deduct sales taxes." "Uncle Sam ends sales tax deductions".

The Blog for Sunday, May 14, 2006

"The political story of the session"

    Unlike the compliant House, where Jebbie and Bense led sycophantic GOoPers by the nose, a handful of Rebublican
    senators were more openly hostile, even to the point of rejecting two measures important to Gov. Jeb Bush and Lee.

    Four days short of the closing rituals, Lee fired his majority leader, Sen. Alex Villalobos of Miami. His dismissal had little practical effect, but it sensationalized the behind-the-scenes machinations that were spilling over in public.

    Sens. Ken Pruitt, Jeff Atwater and J.D. Alexander, all potential presidents, are given credit or discredit for spoiling Villalobos' chance to become the first Hispanic president and for splintering their party in the process.

    And that a Republican-controlled Senate would deny voters the chance to amend the constitution to preserve vouchers and to lessen the limits on classroom size - both priorities of Jeb Bush - is the political story of the session.
    "Crunch Time In Tallahassee".


    "The Leon County official wants more electronic-voting safeguards." "Sancho on quest for election reform".

    WPB's Mini-Duke

    "West Palm Beach has its Mini-Me version of Randy 'Duke' Cunningham. ... According to federal prosecutors, who announced the charges eight days ago, ex-West Palm Beach City Commissioner Ray Liberti took much less in bribes, about $70,000. But Mr. Liberti's motivation - greed - and method - misusing elected office - were the same. Mr. Liberti tried to intimidate businesses into selling cheap to buyers who were paying him for help setting up a whorehouse. If the scheme had worked, maybe Ray Liberti could have been the first employee." "Liberti: New sleaze or a silent killer?"


    "Scripps in Tallahassee: County can make case".


    "'While any prescription drug help to older Americans is a good thing for many, millions are confused and are having a tough time navigating the options and confusing details buried in the fine print,' Florida State Sen. Ron Klein said in his party's weekly radio address." "Democratic hopeful assails Medicare program". See also "Democratic hopeful assails confusing details of Medicare program".

    More on the deadline in this PBP editorial, "Part D strong-arming".

    Lee Shills For Jebbie

    Remember the version of Tom Lee that showed signs of independence from Bushco? That's long gone. "[T]his year, in the final weeks of his last term as Senate president, Lee shed his maverick mantle, even calling Bush 'my governor' as he pushed a school-voucher amendment and other bills important to Bush. 'It's amazing what a difference an election year makes,' said Brian Ballard, a lobbyist with close ties to Bush." "Senate president says he hasn't changed his tune to win GOP backing".


    "The state's in anyway, so why not really fix it?"

    FEMA Fails Farmworkers

    "The Farmworker Association of Florida has filed a civil rights complaint on behalf of at least 200 workers in the Glades, most of them Hispanics who spoke little English. The complaint charges that the Federal Emergency Management Agency has ignored their requests for help since Hurricane Wilma. According to Florida Legal Services lawyers, FEMA provided no translators, was lackadaisical when inspecting damaged trailers and homes, and was rude to residents." "Cast light, not shadow".

    Mumbling Mel

    It is no secret that "Bush's Mr. Cellophane" is, well ... less than articulate. Consider his recent attempt at making a point (about something or other):

    Check out this statement that Harris' own campaign sent out from Martinez: "I wish her well. And I will be endorsing her -- if I have not already done so. I think I already have, but I will be, I am sure, campaigning with her."
    "The deft art of being a politician".


    "Broward County's state lawmakers brought back money for local projects and got legislation approved that will affect schools, crime and taxes." "Broward getting a hefty share". See also "Dade delegation brings home the bacon".


    "But Smith's crusade lost some of its luster Friday when the Florida Education Association decided to co-endorse both Smith and his Democratic rival, U.S. Rep. Jim Davis of Tampa. For Davis, worried that support from the largest teachers' unions showed that Smith was picking up momentum, the announcement was a relief." "Teachers hedge bets on Smith".

    Good Luck

    "The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary provides more than aesthetic value. It is a boon to tourism and commercial fishing, too, because it also serves as a hatchery for replenishing over-harvested fish species. Although the sanctuary is ably managed by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), it is threatened by a bill in Congress that would undercut the agency's authority. Florida lawmakers should rally to defeat the bill." "Protect our marine sanctuaries".

    Not So Fast With The President "Jeb!" Talk

    Trent Lott on Hardball with Chris Matthews:

    "Frankly, I don't think it's a good idea," Lott said. "I would not be supportive of Jeb Bush running for president. But I certainly understand why the president would say that about his own brother."

    Lott went on to say Hillary Clinton can be defeated in 2008, but he doubted Jeb Bush could beat her.
    "Ex-Senate leader Lott not keen on a President Jeb".

    Pre-K Flop

    "Summer's free pre-K attracts few takers".

    Thirsty Floridians

    "With Florida growing by 1,000 people a day, water regulators must work to ensure that developers don't overtax the state's strained resource." "Our thirsty state".

    Sickening Costs

    "State retirees are sick over health-care costs".

    Jennings Gone

    "Toni Jennings makes it clear -- no plans to seek another office".

    The Last of Bushco

    "Republican contenders are already wary of President Bush's free-falling poll numbers. So that may leave only Jeb Bush as a name to drop on the campaign trail. 'The governor's popularity and his high marks and his ability to lead this state are really what's going to dominate the political landscape,' predicted Alberto Martinez, a spokesman for Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Gallagher." "Good Bush-Bad Bush".

    Harris Blasts Away

    "Katherine Harris was a pro with the .38 Special, drilling holes through the center of a person-shaped paper target. But the congresswoman's campaign staff missed the mark at Saturday's gun range photo op, said a local Republican Party official who organized the event. Pasco County Republican Executive Committee chairman Bill Bunting fumed after Chris Ingram, the communications director for Harris' U.S. Senate campaign, tried to block photographers and television crews from taking pictures of Harris firing away." "Harris shoots; cameras don't". See also "Harris Gives Gun Publicity Best Shot".

    "Democrats face obstacles in '06 races" ("Redistricting, fundraising could prevent them from picking up seats in the House in Florida districts.")

    Internal Poll

    Via The Buzz, "an internal poll circulating among supporters of Democratic attorney general candidate Walter 'Skip' Campbell shows some remarkably grim numbers for Florida Republicans. Consider this question:"

    "As you may know, Republicans in Florida have controlled the governor's (office), state Legislature, and most statewide offices for about the last decade. Do you think it's time to put ..."

    More Democrats in office: 45 percent.

    Keep Republican control: 24 percent.

    Doesn't really matter: 26 percent.

    The telephone survey of 600 likely voters by Washington pollster Keith Frederick includes other incredible numbers:

    While mostly focused on attorney general issues, the poll showed 67 percent of voters had a favorable view of Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson, and in the governor's race it showed Democrat Jim Davis beating Charlie Crist 44 percent to 37 percent and Democrat Rod Smith beating Crist 42 percent to 37 percent, though most people did not know much about Davis or Smith (Gallagher wasn't included). In the attorney general's race, Campbell - though unknown to three-quarters of those surveyed - was statistically tied with Bill McCollum (unknown to 38 percent), 41 percent to 37 percent. The survey had a margin of error of 3.5 percent.
    "Poll Position".

    Jebbie's "Spasm of delusion"

    Daniel Ruth takes Bense to task for claiming he would have beaten Nelson had he deigned to run:

    Uh, Allan Bense, a candidate with less name recognition than the state's executioner and starting with less money in the coffers than Lyndon LaRouche, would have ended the race as the Anne Boleyn of the Panhandle with his head handed to him by Nelson.
    In the column, Ruth undoes himself with some particularly memorable lines:
    - how many politicians - especially those with all the charisma of Mayberry's Floyd the Barber - have the good fortune to draw as an opponent a crazy nut character right out of "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil"?

    - In a spasm of delusion rivaling Jonestown, those keen GOP political strategists, Gov. Jeb Bush and his Republican Renfield, former state party chairman Al Cardenas, somehow convinced themselves that House Speaker Allan Bense was just the chap to challenge Harris for the Senate nomination, which had to be a bit like believing Wile E. Coyote has a chance to win Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club.

    - For had these two political operatives, with all the stump savvy of an anvil, not forced state Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher out of the 2000 U.S. Senate race against Nelson, it's probable Gallagher would now be running for re-election and Katherine Harris would be serving on the House Select Sub-Committee for Bored Heiresses.

    - Hey, you never know. This is Florida politics, after all, where anything is possible. Just ask the hanging chad queen.
    "Sen. Bill Nelson Dodges A Bense Bullet - Sure".

    My favorite line: "In a spasm of delusion rivaling Jonestown, those keen GOP political strategists, Jeb Bush and his Republican Renfield, former state party chairman Al Cardenas ... ". "Republican Renfield"; that image is flat out funny (not to mention dead on).