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The Blog for Saturday, July 01, 2006

That's Our Mel

    Scott Maxwell writes that "the Democrats decided to have a little fun with Mel Martinez. CSPAN caught him autographing pictures of himself -- while his peers in the Senate were holding the debate on flag-burning was going on." Catch Mel in the act here.

    The rest of today's Florida political news and punditry:

    Hispanic Registration

    "Through registration drives, teach-ins and seminars, groups from Los Angeles to Orlando and Miami aim to register 1-million new voters and convince some of the nation's 8-million legal permanent residents to become citizens by the 2008 presidential election." "Activists push Hispanics to vote".

    The "Values" Crowd

    "Nursing home officials denounce governor's veto of Medicaid help".

    Terri Schiavo's brother

    "Terri Schiavo's brother campaigned Friday with anti-abortion activist Randall Terry, who has been evoking Schiavo's death in his bid to oust veteran state Sen. Jim King. Friday's appearances by Bobby Schindler were the first time a member of Schiavo's family has publicly campaigned for Terry, who served as the family's spokesman during the battle to keep her alive." "Terri Schiavo's brother stumps for conservative". See also "Terri Schiavo advocate makes campaign stop in Ormond".

    Another Gallagher "Disclosure"

    "The candidate for governor owned shares in a company he voted on as a member of the Cabinet, he disclosed Friday."

    Republican candidate for governor Tom Gallagher owned stock in St. Joe Co. last year when he voted to rank some of the company's vast land holdings as a priority for state acquisition.

    Gallagher, the state's chief financial officer and elected member of the Cabinet, didn't disclose his 4,000-share stake in St. Joe when the Cabinet voted on the land rankings Feb. 16, 2005. The $270,000 investment was Gallagher's biggest gamble by far since he began playing the market using an online brokerage account four years ago.

    "He's disclosing it now," Gallagher's campaign manager, Brett Doster, said Friday.

    Gallagher's brief ownership stake in a company with significant political clout and the largest private land holdings in Florida was reported in his 2005 federal tax return. Gallagher gave the St. Petersburg Times a copy of the return, which the paper requested as part of its review of the finances of the four major candidates for governor.

    Gallagher declined to answer questions about the St. Joe matter.
    "Gallagher raises eyebrows again".

    Insurance An Issue

    "42 percent of Florida voters say they have had to pay for home repairs out of their own pocket because of the last two hurricane season, with nearly three-quarters of them saying they spent more than $1,000. More than three-quarters (77 percent) also report that home and auto insurance premiums have risen in the last two years, with most of the increases at $250 or more, according to the poll." "Nelson, Insurance Premiums Way Up". See also "Insurance relief effort needs a political shove".

    "Don't worry, be teachers"

    Wingnut Stanley Marshall has it all figured out:

    Why is it so hard for Florida to recruit teachers? Board of Governors member J. Stanley Marshall, who was asked to find solutions to the problem, blames the union for "constantly complaining that teachers are getting a raw deal."

    What a relief. If it's just union yammering, as Mr. Marshall believes, then the Legislature doesn't have to do anything difficult, such as providing enough money to significantly raise teacher pay, which is $5,000 below the national average. And politicians won't have to stop making teachers bow down and worship the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. As Mr. Marshall sees it, to get recruits banging on the principal's door, the state just needs a few cheery and inspirational billboards and commercials to "inform the public of the important and deeply satisfying aspects of teaching."

    Thank goodness it won't be necessary to try to make would-be teachers comfortable with arcane and arbitrary aspects of FCAT-based bonuses, such as how a Spanish teacher can be passed over if students at her school do poorly on the math FCAT. Come to think of it, how do teachers of physical education and history get FCAT-based bonuses when the state doesn't give an FCAT in their subjects? ...

    Fortunately, there's no time to dwell on it because, as soon as school starts in August, teachers will have to put everything else aside to begin the sprint toward FCATs in March. The state needs 32,000 teachers a year, but universities say they're having trouble finding students who want to become teachers. Here's hoping they respond to the state's new recruiting slogan: "Salary and Respect Aren't Everything."
    "Don't worry, be teachers".


    "High court is Childers' last hope to avoid prison".


    "It's now up to the U.S. Senate to reject a plan to allow oil and gas rigs as close as 50 miles to Florida's precious coastline, where spills could damage the state's environment, spoil its beaches and threaten the tourist-based economy." "Too close to drill".

    "Gallagher courts Dade Hispanic vote"

    "Republican Tom Gallagher took his campaign for governor Friday from the barrio to the boardroom, greeting elderly voters at the Little Havana Activities Center and executives at a Latin Builders Association reception. On the heels of a new poll showing him far behind Republican Charlie Crist, Gallagher courted Miami-Dade's politically influential Hispanic community." "Gallagher courts Dade Hispanic vote".

    New Florida Chief Justice

    "U.S. Rep. Jim Davis, D-Tampa, was among the members of Congress to take to the floor of the House to fight plans to put offshore oil drilling closer to Florida’s shores. Davis’ represents the 11th Congressional district which includes part of Manatee County." "Lewis receives gavel as new Florida chief justice".

    "Davis speaks against drilling bill"

    "Davis speaks against drilling bill".

    Wal-mart Lobbyist Backing Smith

    "Among the 27 folks signing on either as co-chairs or members of the Brevard County Steering Committee for Smith's campaign for governor [is] Guy Spearman of Cocoa, a well-known lobbyist around the state Capitol whose client list includes Anheuser-Busch, Philip Morris and Wal-Mart." "Smith's Brevard Backers".

    GOoPers Go After Davis

    " Davis, the press, and the RPOF".

    McBride' "Harris-like moment"

    "The Orlando Republican hoping to wrestle the party's Senate nomination from U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris is having a Harris-like moment of his own. Will McBride, a political newcomer running in the GOP primary, has switched campaign managers after only two weeks. Gerry Scimeca left the campaign a month after McBride announced he would take on Harris in the primary." "Harris foe switches campaign managers".


    "[D]espite the job's power and influence, the three Republicans seeking their party's nomination in the Sept. 5 primary have the same problem as their Democratic opponent: few voters know them or the position. The winner between state Senate President Tom Lee, state Rep. Randy Johnson and political newcomer Milt Bauguess will face the Democratic candidate, former Tampa banking executive Alex Sink, in November. Incumbent Tom Gallagher chose to run for governor rather than seek a second term." "Unknowns seek support in GOP race for chief financial officer".

    Q Poll

    More results from the recent Q poll. [From June 20 - 26, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,311 Florida registered voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percentage points. The survey includes 520 Republicans, and a margin of error of +/- 4.3 percent in the GOP primary matchups.]

    Matching Sen. Nelson against possible Republican challengers, the independent Quinnipiac University poll finds Nelson with commanding leads:

    * 59 - 26 percent over Harris, compared to 58 - 25 percent May 25;
    * 56 - 25 percent over McBride;
    * 57 - 20 percent over LeRoy Collins Jr.
    * 58 - 21 percent over Peter Monroe.

    In a Republican primary, Harris leads with 35 percent, two points lower than last month. McBride is second with 16 percent, up from 13 percent. The largest vote is for "Don't know," at 38 percent.
    "" See also "Poll: Harris' support in own party not great". See also "Harris remains far behind, new poll finds".

    Campbell Looks To Race With McCollum

    "It seems Democratic attorney general candidate Walter 'Skip' Campbell has already written off state Reps. Joe Negron and Everett Rice in the GOP attorney general primary." "Campbell V. ??".

    "Making The Rounds"

    "Another prospective presidential candidate is headed for the Sunshine State, as New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson will headline the Florida Democratic Party's Jefferson Jackson Gala next month in Fort Lauderdale." "Another Toe in the Water".

    Oil Men

    "Rep. John Peterson of Pennsylvania seemed awfully excited to have Gov. Jeb Bush come by his Washington office this week to talk about drilling - even though the two are philosophically opposed on the issue." " Bush and Peterson".


    "You've got to hand it to her for trying."

    Alex Sink, the Democrat and former Bank of America exec running for chief financial officer, actually managed to turn Gov. Jeb Bush's recent decision to create a commission to study Florida's property insurance problems into a fundraising opportunity.

    "I come from the business world and not the Legislature, so I have a different approach...We need to stop forming committees and start finding solutions," Sink writes in an e-mail to potential contributors. "But I need your help if I am going to be Florida's next Chief Financial Officer. Friday June 30th is the end of the fundraising quarter and I need your financial support immediately if I am going to reach my goal."
    "Looking for a Hook".

    Paper Trail

    "After suffering a string of losses in his 2 1/2 -year legal fight against paperless electronic voting, U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler wants help from an unlikely source: The U.S. Supreme Court and the Bush vs. Gore decision that Wexler and other Democrats decried in 2000. Wexler's pro bono legal team plans to file a petition this summer asking the high court to consider his claim that voters who cast intangible electronic ballots are being denied the protections afforded voters who mark paper ballots that can be manually recounted. After suffering a string of losses in his 2 1/2 -year legal fight against paperless electronic voting, U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler wants help from an unlikely source: The U.S. Supreme Court and the Bush vs. Gore decision that Wexler and other Democrats decried in 2000." "Wexler seeks high court's aid in paper trail battle".


    "The long-shot Republican Senate candidate says he shares the values, if not the party, of the late governor." "LeRoy Collins Jr.: Dad would be with me in spirit".

    Carville and Bill

    "First it was U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and now it's Democratic political guru James Carville urging supporters to give more money to Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson before the latest fundraising quarter ends tonight." "Bill Nelson and the Ragin' Cajun".

The Blog for Friday, June 30, 2006

"House lifts drilling ban", "Jeb!" Happy

    "A bipartisan bid by Florida lawmakers to block oil and gas drilling within 125 miles of the coast around much of the United States was overwhelmingly rejected Thursday by the U.S. House of Representatives. The 352-65 vote came as the House considered a bill that would lift the quarter-century federal ban on drilling in much of the Outer Continental Shelf. Instead, the House adopted a bill 232-187 that would let each state decide whether to allow drilling within 100 miles of its coast. The bill also would let states that allow offshore drilling receive a share of the leasing royalties, money that now goes entirely to the federal government." "Florida lawmakers lose bid on offshore drilling". See also "House votes for drilling near coast", "House lifts drilling ban" and "Gulf Coast residents greet drilling vote with worry and shrugs".

    In the meantime, Jebbie again demonstrates his fealty to the national GOP and the oil industry (and concomitant furtherance of his national political aspirations):"Jeb!" actually "welcomed the passage Thursday of a bill by the U.S. House of Representatives that would allow oil and natural gas drilling 50 miles off Florida's shores, but he promised to ask state lawmakers to keep the rigs 100 miles away." "Gov. Bush praises offshore drilling bill".

    Guv Race

    "The poll also states that those two gubernatorial candidates are about even in a general election matchup, with Republican Crist leading slightly." "Poll: Crist, Davis holding big leads inside their parties". See also "Poll: Crist, Davis keep substantial leads" and "Ads help Crist widen lead over Gallagher".

    For more detail and links to the polls see our post on this yesterday.

    Pruitt Ordered to Testify

    "A judge on Thursday ordered state Sen. Ken Pruitt to testify in a defamation lawsuit involving a close political adviser, but curtailed the scope of the deposition and approved the lawmaker's request that it not be videotaped."

    Pruitt, R-Port St. Lucie, is expected to become Senate president in November. His testimony is wanted by attorneys for state Rep. Paige Kreegel, R-Punta Gorda, who sued political adviser Randy Nielsen, the Florida Home Builders Association and others over political mailings in 2004 that Kreegel says defamed him by saying he was "arrested" on a criminal mischief charge.

    Nielsen has said he produced the mailings based on Kreegel's being charged in a 1989 filing by a prosecutor with criminal mischief. A summons was issued but never returned.

    Kreegel's suit is not only about the mailings, but the aggressive efforts of lobby groups and their political strategists to use hard-hitting attacks in the closing days of elections.
    "Pruitt must testify in defamation suit".

    Insurance "Crisis"

    "Citizens Property Insurance Corp., the state-backed insurer of last resort, was never supposed to become predominant in Florida's property insurance market."

    From its inception three years ago, Citizens was envisioned as the insurer that Floridians sought only when they couldn't obtain coverage through private insurers.

    But according to a published report, Citizens is primed Saturday to become No. 1 in the industry in Florida - the state's largest insurer with more than 1.2 million policyholders. That's the result of its assuming the policies of 330,000 customers of an insolvent insurer, pushing Citizens past State Farm as having the highest number of policyholders.

    If that isn't clear evidence of a crisis, nothing is.
    "Troubling milestone". See also "Citizens pullout would put builders at risk" and "Insurers wrote new policies as cash dried up".

    New Laws

    "New state laws go into effect Saturday".

    Jebbie Blows It

    "Jeb Bush has blown a golden opportunity to help counties improve the state's woeful transportation system. What's even worse about Mr. Bush's refusal to allow voters to raise a surcharge on rental cars for roads and mass transit, is that tourist-heavy counties like Orange remain trapped in an unfair system that undercuts the amount of transportation money they get from the state. Counties collect taxes and send them to the state, which divvies them up based on population -- without accounting for the 51 million tourists who will visit the Orlando area this year." "Now for Plan B".

    "Playing Politics"

    "Playing politics with the Constitution is, sadly, what we've come to expect from a transparently political Mr. Frist. But before we tag him as a lone opportunist, let's remember that Mr. Hatch's amendment fell just one vote short of passing the Senate. Florida's Mel Martinez supported it, as did Bill Nelson, a Democrat facing re-election." "Don't be fooled".

    Prison Boss

    "Bush made Jim McDonough's appointment as head of the prison system permanent Thursday. McDonough, formerly the governor's top drug-policy adviser, had been named interim secretary of the Department of Corrections in February. He succeeded Secretary Jim Crosby, who was ousted by Bush amid a state and federal investigation of contracting irregularities and other scandals in the prisons." "Bush appoints prisons chief".

    We've Been Lucky ...

    "Questionable dike around Lake Okeechobee to get $40 million for repairs".

    Revolving Door

    "Levine's ability to put his past experience to advantage for his new employer may be limited for the next two years by a state ethics law that restricts state officials from leaving state service and then immediately representing another body before the state body or agency they previously worked for. The law is largely designed to restrict legislators from leaving office to lobby before the legislature. But it also applies to appointed officials." "Medicaid chief leaves post to lead provider implementing reforms".


    "Former Escambia County Commissioner and state Senate President W.D. Childers' bribery conviction stands, and the appeals court that rejected his request to have it overturned won't send it to the Florida Supreme Court." "Ex-Senate president's conviction stands".

    Pollution Standards "Too Weak"

    "New state clean air standards for mercury and other pollutants approved Thursday for power plant emissions could be costly for consumers, utility officials said, but environmentalists contend they still are too weak." "State OKs new pollution standards for power plant emissions".


    "There's at least one local government out there that won't take its cues from a misguided state decision to downgrade the beloved sea cow's imperiled status." "Palm Beach County approves a $1 million manatee protection plan".

    "Smith Blasts Davis"

    "U.S. Rep. Jim Davis has taken quite a bit of heat for missing votes in Washington while campaigning in Florida. But now his primary opponent in the governor's race is taking aim at him for missing a meeting in which other members of the state's congressional delegation were plotting oil-drilling strategy. Rod Smiths' campaign issued a statement this afternoon blasting Davis after it said 'sources' confirmed Davis wasn't at a late-called delegation meeting yesterday where Florida reps were strategizing on how to wring more concessions out of the oil-drilling bill, which the U.S. House could vote on today." "Smith's Camp: Davis Misses "Crucial" Meeting". See also "Dem Race For Gov Gets Oily" and "Smith Blasts Davis".

    HD 52

    "Sean Scott, the Republican elder affairs lawyer running for House District 52, has pulled out of the crowded race because of family obligations." " One Down in HD 52".

    Boot Camps

    "One day before the Martin Lee Anderson Act's tough reforms take effect, two Florida sheriffs unexpectedly announced they're closing their boot camps today, saying the Legislature set too many expensive requirements while giving them too little to pay for them." "Two boot camps close; one left".

    Storms Comedy Show Begins

    "Hillsborough County Commissioner Ronda Storms made it official today, resigning from her District 4 commission seat to run for Senate District 10. Storms' resignation, which is required under Florida law before she can qualify as a Senate candidate, will take effect Nov. 7, the date she would take office in the Senate if she wins that race. The outspoken Republican commissioner said she's confident she can make the leap from representing a part of Hillsborough County to serving constituents from three counties on a statewide stage. " "Storms Sets Sights On Senate Race".

    UF and Michael Moore Vindicated

    Missed this yesterday: "Election commission rules UF didn't break law by paying Moore to speak" ("The Federal Election Commission has dismissed allegations that the University of Florida violated campaign finance laws by paying filmmaker Michael Moore to speak on campus shortly before the 2004 presidential election.")

The Blog for Thursday, June 29, 2006

New Polls

    Quinnipiac University and Strategic Vision released Florida polls yesterday; note that the Q poll surveys registered voters, while the SV poll surveys "likely" voters.

    Quinnipiac University Poll

    Crist widens his lead over Gallagher; Davis and Crist remain dead even:
    Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist has opened a 49 - 21 percent lead among Republican voters over State Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher, his opponent for the Republican gubernatorial nomination, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Another 28 percent of Republicans are undecided. This compares to a 43 - 26 percent lead among Republicans May 24.

    Crist also has inched ahead of U.S. Rep. Jim Davis, the leading Democrat in the governor's race, 41 - 39 percent. This compares to a 40 - 37 percent Davis lead in a May 24 poll by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University.

    Among Democrats, Davis leads State Sen. Rod Smith 32 - 16 percent, with 49 percent undecided, compared to 38 - 17 percent May 24. But 74 percent of Florida voters, including 69 percent of Democrats, don't know enough about Davis to form an opinion. For Smith, the "don't know enough" numbers are even higher.
    "June 29, 2006 - Crist Edges Up In Florida Governor's Race, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; President Gets No Bounce In Approval Ratings"

    [From June 20 - 26, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,311 Florida registered voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percentage points. The survey includes 520 Republicans, with a margin of error of +/- 4.3 percentage points, and 528 Democrats, with a margin of error of +/- 4.3 percentage points.]

    Strategic Vision Poll

    "Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist has a taken a 22-point lead in a new statewide poll as the well known conservative continues to consolidate his support among Republican’s 'likely' to vote in the upcoming Sept. 5 gubernatorial primary." "Crist Widens Lead To 22 Points As Gallagher Loses Support".

    [Strategic Vision poll of 1200 likely voters in Florida, aged 18+, and conducted June 23-25, 2006. The margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points.]

    More SV Poll Results

    More results from the Strategic Vision poll released yesterday:

    If the election for Governor were between Charlie Crist, the Republican and Jim Davis, the Democrat, whom would you support?
    Charlie Crist 49%
    Jim Davis 41%
    Undecided 10%

    If the election for Governor were between Tom Gallagher, the Republican and Jim Davis, the Democrat, whom would you support?
    Tom Gallagher 40%
    Jim Davis 40%
    Undecided 20%

    If the election for Governor were between Charlie Crist, the Republican and Rod Smith, the Democrat, whom would you support?
    Charlie Crist 49%
    Rod Smith 40%
    Undecided 11%

    If the election for Governor were between Tom Gallagher, the Republican and Rod Smith, the Democrat, whom would you support?
    Tom Gallagher 41%
    Rod Smith 39%
    Undecided 20%

    If the election for Chief Financial Officer were held today between State Senate President Tom Lee and State Representative Randy Johnson, whom would you support? (Republicans only)
    Tom Lee 39%
    Randy Johnson 26%
    Undecided 35%

    If the election for Attorney General were held today between former Congressman Bill McCollum, State Representative Joe Negron, and State Representative Everett Rice, whom would you support? (Republicans only)
    Bill McCollum 47%
    Joe Negron 15%
    Everett Rice 10%
    Undecided 28%

    If the election for the Republican nomination for United States Senator in 2006 were held today, whom would you support? (Republicans only)
    Katherine Harris 48%
    Leroy Collins, Jr. 11%
    William McBride 6%
    Peter Monroe 4%
    Undecided 31%
    Strategic Vision.

    Cashing In

    "Levine's tenure as ACHA secretary wasn't without political and policy hiccups. He stumbled this spring when he had to reverse policy changes that cut off nutritional supplements to more than a thousand severely disabled or chronically ill children who had been relying on the food from the state. As Bush's deputy chief of staff in 2003, Levine irritated Republican senators when he suggested recruiting candidates to run against GOP incumbents who were fighting the governor's medical-malpractice reforms. In retaliation, the Senate blocked Levine's confirmation until this spring, when Bush endorsed Senate President Tom Lee in his campaign for state Chief Financial Officer." "Jeb ally is chosen CEO of hospitals".

    McCollum Moves South

    "Republican attorney general candidate Bill McCollum picks up some Miami endorsements:U.S. Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, and Mario Diaz-Balart." " McCollum Endorsements".

    Drilling Day

    Troxler: "Today is a hugely important day for Florida. Today, the U.S. House is likely to approve oil and natural gas drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, as close as 100 miles from Florida's shores. That doesn't mean it's a done deal. The Senate still has to vote. Florida's two U.S. senators say they will try to get different terms. That fight will play out over the next few weeks and months." "Gulf drilling choice is a high stakes gamble". See also "Florida delegation rallies against offshore drilling", "Gov. Bush meets on drilling, dike, Everglades", "Battle at hand on oil drilling in Gulf" and "Offshore-drilling debate on tap".

    Death Penalty

    "Bush said Wednesday that Florida's death penalty is ''under review'' after the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled earlier this month that inmates could file court challenges regarding the use of lethal injection." "Bush: Death penalty reviewed".

    Wetlands In Trouble

    "Close Call Spells Trouble For Wetlands".


    "At a well-attended fundraiser for Charlie Crist at the St. Petersburg mansion of Fazal Fazlin (who has also given $500 to Democrat Jim Davis) last night we're told finance chair Brent Sembler said it was Crist's best money raiser of the quarter. Among the co-hosts? Democratic state House 52 candidate Bill Heller." "Crist's Cash".


    "We've read his lips. Too bad what comes out of them makes no sense."

    Jeb "No Tax" Bush says the state needs a better transportation system. He says he believes in regionalism. He pretends to believe in progress.

    Yet he has this hoary "philosophy" against taxes -- any taxes, no matter how urgently needed, no matter whom they benefit, no matter what voters want. And so, he has driven a stake through much of the state's hopes for better transportation, stronger regionalism and continued progress. ...

    Bush, egged on by out-of-state anti-tax zealot Grover Norquist, who cares nothing about Florida or its problems, says tourists shouldn't have to pay to support better transportation. Why not? Don't tourists contribute to the gridlock that is choking us all? And does Bush really think tourists will keep coming to a state that can't control its growth or build an adequate transportation infrastructure?

    Bense Bonuses

    "Allan Bense doles out $518 to $10,000 to more than 200 House staffers. It's a tradition that cost less than $300,000 last year." "Speaker gives $638,000 in bonuses".

    More Charlie

    "Crist Releases 2 New TV Ads".

    Orange County Smith Supporters

    "State Attorney Lawson Lamar, County Commissioner Bill Segal and uber-trial lawyer John Morgan are among those signing on Wednesday as co-chairs of Democrat Rod Smith's gubernatorial campaign in Orange County." "Rod Squad's Orange Division".

    Charlie Goes To Church

    "Crist Tries To Reach Religious Right".

    Insurance Crisis

    "Bush has created a new committee to make recommendations on how to fix Florida's property insurance market, but critics, particularly Democrats, say more action is needed." "Governor creates another panel to study state's insurance crisis".

    "A paper trail is essential"

    "Several years ago tourism officials promoted Florida with an advertising slogan designed to set the Sunshine State apart: "The rules are different here!""

    To an increasing extent, unfortunately, the same slogan could be applied with regard to Florida's laissez-faire approach to security involving touch-screen electronic voting machines.

    [I]n Tallahassee, which was ground zero following the 2000 election debacle, that should be cause for deep concern.

    That it isn't should, in fact, worry all Floridians who care about the integrity of the voting process.

    Florida is in a minority of states that have not passed legislation requiring that electronic voting machines produce verifiable paper records to ensure accuracy and protect against fraud and manipulation.
    "Secure the vote".


    "Last week, when the state's last-resort insurer announced it intended to stop covering buildings under construction, the response from the construction community may have seemed muted. Now builders and insurance agents alike are speaking up, worried about how construction along the coast will continue if Citizens Property Insurance Corp. stops writing builders risk policies." "Citizens pullout would put builders at risk".

    In The Dark

    "People have a right to know when their business is being discussed, and they have a right to be present. This principle forms the bedrock of Florida's Sunshine laws, and cannot be discarded for the sake of convenience. Unfortunately, Gov. Jeb Bush didn't acknowledge as much when he signed a bill allowing officials in one Florida county to meet electronically." "Key to trouble".

    Cognitive Dissonance

    What gives? The Strategic Vision poll released yesterday has Jebbie with a 58% to 30% approval rate (12% undecided), yet the bulk of Floridians think Florida is going in the "wrong direction":

    Do you think Florida is headed in the right direction or the wrong direction?
    Right 39%
    Wrong 47%
    Undecided 14%
    Strategic Vision.

    That's Our Mel

    "A Washington group known for bashing Republican senators is targeting Mel Martinez of Florida. The Senate Majority Project circulated a photo on Wednesday of Martinez signing photos of himself while he was presiding over the Senate during the controversial flag debate the day before." "Flagging Mel".

    Care To Name Names?

    "The claim was startling."

    At a Republican dinner in Putnam County last weekend, Rep. Katherine Harris said some very unlikely people were supporting her campaign for U.S. Senate.

    Harris said several House Democrats from Florida want her to defeat Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson this fall.
    "Democrats are for me, Harris says".

    "Apartheid rulers of Osceola County"

    Mike Thomas: "The apartheid rulers of Osceola County are getting desperate in their futile attempt to maintain power. They continue fighting the Justice Department, which demands the all-white (Anglo) County Commission stop suppressing Hispanic votes. This legal battle is costing taxpayers a bundle, dividing the community, perpetrating Osceola's good-old-boy image and delaying the inevitable." "Osceola plays losing hand in federal court".


    "Rod Smith's quips perk up audiences. Will they do the same for his poll numbers?" "If laughs were votes ...".


    "The little-noticed National Lieutenant Governor's Association this month conducted a 50-state research project and found that between 1980 and 2006, 25 percent of those serving as governor had, at one time, served their state as lieutenant governor." "Yo, Toni!".

    Voter Manipulation

    "In 2004, President Bush got 52 percent of the vote in Florida. Yet Republicans have an 18-7 congressional majority. Republicans also control Tallahassee, so Democrats can't retaliate with their own bad example of voter manipulation. Since the Supreme Court has determined that politicians count more than voters, the only way to establish the right priorities is for independent commissions - appointed by politicians but not made up of them - to draw political boundaries. In 2008, Florida voters may get the chance to create such a commission. The need for every state to stop politicians from picking their voters just became clear." "In the democracy battle, court rules against voters".

The Blog for Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Wingnut Wars

    "Supporters of Tom Gallagher's bid for governor attacked Republican opponent Charlie Crist Tuesday as an opponent of restrictions on abortions and gambling, whose biggest fundraisers include 'liberal trial lawyers.' The blast closely follows a statewide mailing by a 2-week-old group called the Conservative Values Coalition that praises Crist as a 'prolife, profamily conservative.' That mailing, and its swift response, reflect a broader strategy by both campaigns to claim to be the rightful heir to Gov. Jeb Bush's legacy in a primary election in which social conservatives could be a powerful force." "Crist no conservative, says Gallagher camp". See also "Ad focuses on Crist's conservative values" and "Martinez endorsement gets prominent airtime".

    "Jeb!" Disses Orange

    Jebbie "shot down a bill that would have asked voters to add an extra $2 per day to the cost of renting a car, a plan that supporters said could have raised as much as $40 million a year in tourist-rich Central Florida to help pay for everything from new roads to better bus service."

    The proposed rental-car surcharge has long been a top priority of Orange County, seen by local officials as a the next best alternative to Mobility 20/20. That was the name of the campaign to raise the local sales tax by a half-cent to pay for transportation projects, which voters rejected almost three years ago.

    Orange County Mayor Rich Crotty and Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer had already even unveiled a plan showing how they would spend the rental-car surcharge money, which included giving 50 cents of every $2 to the Lynx bus system.

    But Bush vetoed the bill, saying the surcharge amounted to "taxation without representation on a large scale" because it would have been paid mostly by tourists.
    "Bush Sinks Surcharge".

    This was
    a crushing blow to Central Florida political leaders, Gov. Jeb Bush vetoed legislation Tuesday that would have allowed voters to approve a $2-a-day rental-car surcharge to pay for roads, buses and other transportation needs. ...

    Orange County Commissioner Bill Segal, a Democrat, blasted Bush, saying, "The governor has failed the citizens of Orange County."

    "The citizens -- not the governor and the rental-car industry -- should have been allowed to choose their taxation rates," Segal said. "Orange County citizens should be outraged."
    It seems Jebbie is more interested in currying favor with his right wing sycophants than the well-being of central Floridians:
    Most ruling [sic] Republican lawmakers supported the surcharge despite a steady drumbeat of opposition from Americans for Tax Reform, the national anti-tax organization headed by Grover Norquist.

    "I am very pleased he did what he did," Norquist said Tuesday. "I think it sends a message to other states when somebody like Gov. Jeb Bush, who could be president of the United States someday, takes this kind of action."

    Norquist touted the governor's presidential prospects earlier this year in the conservative journal American Spectator. But Bush, who has ruled out running for the White House at least in 2008, downplayed Norquist's lobbying.
    Bush veto dashes hopes of transportation relief. See also "Bush vetoes rental-car surcharge", "Bush vetoes car rental surcharge, signs drug pedigree bill", "Governor vetoes rental car surcharge" and "Bush says no to rental car tax increase".

    Drug Bill

    "Bush Tuesday signed a legislative measure designed to continue the direct shipment of prescription drugs from manufacturers to patients." "Bush signs drug pedigree bill".


    "U.S. Rep. Jim Davis went to Washington Tuesday to discuss flood insurance. The Democratic candidate for governor, who was supposed to make a campaign appearance in Tallahassee, said the matter was too important (and it didn't hurt he could deflect criticism of his many missed votes in Congress)." "Davis takes the Hill".

    GOoPers Jump Ship

    "Bracing for a confrontation over an energy bill in the House this week, the Florida congressional delegation struggled unsuccessfully on Tuesday to reach a consensus on the best way to shield the state from offshore oil and gas drilling." "Some GOP congressmen from Florida lean toward compromise on offshore drilling". See also "Lawmakers squabble over drilling stance", "Leaders ask for time on oil bill", "Better deal sought on offshore drilling", "Proposal on offshore drilling divides state's Congressional delegation" and "Drilling strategy proves elusive" ("A fractured Florida House delegation failed Tuesday to reach an agreement on how to counter efforts to open the coast to oil and gas drilling.")

    The Tallahassee Dem editorial board: "If opening Florida's coasts to drilling for oil and natural gas significantly reduced America's energy needs and U.S. dependence on foreign sources of fuel, the environmental trade-off would be worth at least a serious debate.But the trouble with the proposal in Congress this week is that the only clear, big winner would be the oil and gas industry. Not U.S. consumers. Not Floridians. And certainly not the environment." "Not deep enough".

    Harris Gets ...


    Harris told a crowd gathered at the Putnam County Shrine Club....I had one of the most liberal house members from Florida say to me, 'I've got a great slogan for you for Nelson.' I said ‘What is it?’ He said, 'All about nothing for far too long.'

    Harris said she replied she did not think she could use the slogan.

    "I said ‘Well, it’s kind of mean. I don’t think I could really use it, but can I quote you?’ And he's like 'No, no, no.'"
    " House Democrats Root for Harris?".

    No Rush on Rush

    "Rush Limbaugh will likely have to wait several days to find out if he violated his deal with prosecutors in a prescription fraud case when authorities found him in possession of a bottle of Viagra that was apparently prescribed to someone else, a spokesman for the state attorney's office said Tuesday." "Limbaugh's Viagra may be drug deal violation".

    And there may be a serious problem for Mr. Limbaugh: "Experts say Viagra prescription should have been in Rush Limbaugh's name" ("Florida civil rules governing doctors and pharmacists require that the true patient's name and address are on the label, according to two attorneys and a Florida Medical Association spokeswoman.")

    Limbaugh laughs it off: "Rush jokingly claims: It was Dole's Viagra".

    Jebbie's Poison Pill

    Bush has left a serious poison pill for the next Governor. "Voters got rid of the elected education commissioner in Florida to strengthen the governor's hand with public schools. To hear appointed commissioner John Winn tell it, though, the next governor will have one hand tied behind his back. Winn and the headstrong state Board of Education, whose members were all appointed by Gov. Jeb Bush, have built a little fortress around their institutional status quo. The board was created in 2001, allowing Bush not only to appoint its seven members but to decide how to stagger their four-year terms. As a result, the next governor, Republican or Democrat, may not be able to appoint a majority until his fourth year in office. Winn, who was previously Bush's education policy analyst, now tells people his job is safe even after Bush leaves. Says Winn: 'The governor can't fire me.'" "Next governor should get say on education".


    See "Governor's veto to slow Tri-Rail expansion" and "Bush vetoes increase in associations regulations".

    Florida Fails Kids

    "A national report that shows little improvement in the well-being of Florida's 4 million children is evidence the state should have spent more of its surplus revenue on kids, a statewide advocacy group said Tuesday. Florida failed to show significant improvement in any of the 10 indicators cited in the Annie E. Casey Foundation's 2006 Kids Count Data Book, although the state's ranking increased slightly from 35th to 33rd among the 50 states and District of Columbia. In the two previous years, Florida had been 34th." "State failed children, critics say". See also "Kids' advocates blast state on spending choices".

    Broward Tax Vote

    "Broward voters to decide on penny sales tax hike for mass transit".

    FCAT Follies

    Even the "Jebbie Has Been Great For Education" media crowd is seeing through the silly FCAT school grading publicity stunt.

    The Sun-Sentinel notes that "It's hard to hit a moving target. [FCAT] Skeptics say that's precisely the point of the state's confusing grading system for the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Tests. The state is inviting such skepticism."

    The current system provides no way to accurately compare schools based on a uniform standard. How can parents determine which schools they want their children to attend if there is no comprehensible standard on which to base their determination? And how can educators truly measure how they're doing when a school can earn an "A" simply by not being as abysmal as the year before?

    Book Banning

    "The Miami-Dade school district must keep a series of children's books banned by the county's school board until arguments stemming from a legal challenge to the ban can be heard next month, a federal judge ruled Tuesday."

    The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit last week to stop the district from removing copies of "Vamos a Cuba" and its English-language version "A Visit to Cuba." The school board's June 14 ban also covers 24 other books in the same series about visiting other countries.
    "Judge: Banned children's book must stay in district, for now".

    Housing Crisis

    "Soaring real estate prices, competition for land, shrinking grants for faith-based housing projects and the rising costs of construction have nearly crippled efforts by South Florida churches to boost home ownership among low-income residents." "Rising costs cripple faith-based housing efforts".

    GOoPer Money Man

    "Dr. Zach Zachariah is a Fort Lauderdale cardiologist who keeps a steady flow of cash running through the political arteries of Republican politicians. He is currently finance co-chairman for Tom Gallagher's campaign for governor. He also raised at least $100,000 and $200,000 for President Bush's first election and re-election efforts. In 1996, he collected $4 million for Bob Dole. And he was the first President Bush's Florida fundraising co-chairman. A native of India who moved to Fort Lauderdale 30 years ago, Zachariah also serves on the State University System's Board of Governors. He spoke recently with Tallahassee Bureau Chief John Kennedy." "Doctor gets political cash flowing".

    FOP Dumps Lee

    "One of the state's two largest police unions has decided to revoke its endorsement of Senate President Tom Lee and instead support Randy Johnson in the Republican primary for chief financial officer." "FOP Switches from Lee to Johnson".

    Medicaid Fix Needed Now

    "Florida's 800,000 Medicaid beneficiaries need to brace themselves. The new requirement that they must show proof of citizenship kicks in on Saturday. Yet new federal rules for what documents will be accepted needlessly add to the burden, for beneficiaries as well as for state Medicaid officials. This is why Congress needs to act to approve technical fixes in the law before it leaves for 4th of July recess." "Fixes needed in law".


    "Vice President Cheney to attend Pepsi 400".

    Party Time

    "Award-winning R&B artist Mya will headline a Young Professionals for Rod Smith fundraiser on June 29th at the Hotel Victor in Miami Beach." "Mya Sings For Rod".

    Webster Hearts McCollum

    "Webster is the longest-serving member of the Florida Legislature and he is enormously popular among conservative voters. That makes an endorsement from him a coveted prize in Republican primaries (and it's also why both Crist and Gallagher, the leading GOP candidates for governor, would love to get one)." "Webster Endorses McCollum".


    "The state-run Citizens Property Insurance completed a $3.05 billion bond sale Tuesday, increasing company reserves for damage claim payment if a storm strikes, a company official said." "Citizens completes $3 billion bond sale".

    Give It Up

    "It's bad enough that Osceola County stubbornly embraces a voting system that dilutes Hispanics' chances of getting elected. Now the system also threatens the rights of all the county's voters."

    Responding to a U.S. Justice Department voting-rights lawsuit filed against the county last year, a federal judge has ordered the postponement of Osceola's fall elections until a system is in place to guarantee Hispanics' voting rights.

    But that postponement doesn't need to happen. Osceola has time now to settle and draw up new district lines. It is disappointing that commissioners decided Tuesday to keep fighting the suit. We urge them to reconsider.

    After all, none of Osceola's five commissioners is Hispanic even though 36 percent of the residents are. That's not representative government.
    "The wrong fight".

    Bypassing Local School Boards

    "New law makes starting charter schools easier".

    "Out of control"

    "Anyone who doubted Florida's need for a tough ethics policy for lawmakers ought to take a look at the money flowing into lobbyists paid to influence the Legislature. In the first three months of 2006 alone, more than $50 million has been paid to the Tallahassee lobby corps to get bills passed or killed." "Out of control".

    "Jeb!" Hearts Gelber

    "Jim Davis? Rod Smith? Who are those guys? If Gov. Jeb Bush could pick a Democrat, it seems he'd give the nod to state Rep. Dan Gelber of Miami Beach." "Gov. Gelber".

    Full Disclosure?

    "West Palm Beach Mayor Lois Frankel promised full cooperation with investigators after Ray Liberti pleaded guilty to federal charges and resigned his city commission seat. But, seven weeks after the scandal broke, the state attorney's office still hasn't received the documents prosecutors requested from the city about Liberti's relationship with Republic Properties Corp., the former developer of the $120 million City Center project." "Republic: Full disclosure".

    Save Our Homes

    "The Legislature punted proposals to make Save Our Homes property-tax protections transferable from sheltered homesteads to newly purchased residences. Instead, they ordered a pair of studies. Now, Gov. Jeb Bush has created a committee to ''bridge'' information from the studies to the Legislature, the next governor and the constitutionally mandated Taxation and Budget Reform Commission that is formed next year." "Property taxes reviewed".

The Blog for Tuesday, June 27, 2006

GOoPer Infighting

    "From the alleged use of racial epithets to charges of back-stabbing and backroom deals, the bad blood in Miami-Dade's Republican legislative delegation spilled out Monday when six lawmakers threw their support to embattled Sen. Alex Villalobos and blamed some of their colleagues for his troubles and their own." "Internal disputes shake unity of GOP"

    "Seven Miami-Dade lawmakers emphasized their support Monday for Sen. Alex Villalobos, the Miami Republican who faces a re-election challenge from within his party and whose bid for Senate president in 2008 is endangered by a split among GOP senators. It looks like Villalobos will need all the help he can get, too, because Gov. Jeb Bush appears ready to repay Villalobos for helping to deny him a crucial school voucher bill." " Backing, and Bucking, Villalobos".

    "Gov. Jeb Bush hinted this afternoon that he may actively campaign this summer against state Sen. Alex Villalobos of Miami, a fellow Republican who was instrumental during this year's legislative session in defeating Bush-backed efforts to preserve private school vouchers and scale back class-size caps." "Bush V. Villalobos?".

    And Jebbie's "bristling" again: "When pressed about why he would support Bolanos, who is considered the school board’s most conservative member, Bush bristled. 'I can get involved in any race. It’s a free country. That’s why. I might. I might not,' he said." "It's a Free Country".


    "Investigators confiscated the drugs, which treats erectile dysfunction, and Limbaugh was released without being charged. The sheriff's office plans to file a report with the state attorney's office. Miller said it could be a second-degree misdemeanor violation." "Limbaugh detained at Palm Beach airport". See also "Rush Limbaugh halted over Viagra at airport" and "Rush Limbaugh found with Viagra is detained at Palm Beach airport" ("It was not immediately clear whether Monday's incident would affect the agreement with the State Attorney's Office. However, a spokesman for the office said that, generally, a person on drug offender probation is prohibited from possessing narcotics and that Viagra does not fall in that category.")

    That Pesky Constitution

    "Bush approved the creation of a statewide board on Monday that will approve and monitor charter schools, despite the protests of local school boards who say the new commission is unconstitutional. The Florida School Boards Association and local school boards, including Palm Beach County's, sent letters to Bush urging him to veto the bill, which they say violates the part of the state constitution stating the 'school board shall operate, control and supervise all free public schools within the school district.'" "Law creates board for charter schools". See also "Charter Schools Now To Be Run By New Statewide Commission", "Charter panel seeks more planning for schools" and "State agency will have say on charter school approval" ("A new state commission will take over reviewing and approving charter schools, now done locally.")

    The problem with charter schools: "Keeping Tabs On Charter Schools".

    What Is Jebbie Hiding?

    "Bush on Monday vetoed a bill that would have allowed lawmakers to gain access to secret documents held by executive branch agencies. In his veto letter, Bush wrote that the bill encroaches on the governor's powers and 'weakens the clear lines of separation' of powers between government branches." "Governor's veto halts access to documents".

    "A Long History" of Losing

    "GOP Senate hopeful Will McBride has hired a new campaign manager. Jack St. Martin, who headed the primary campaign of Bob Beauprez in Colorado for three months before leaving over staff disputes, took the reins of McBride’s campaign last Friday. St. Martin has a long history of working on losing GOP political campaigns going back to 1990 when he was a field representative for Sen. Rudy Boschwitz’s unsuccessful re-election campaign in Minnesota." "McBride's New Manager".

    Elections "On Hold"

    "A federal judge on Monday put Osceola County elections on hold pending resolution of a U.S. Justice Department lawsuit alleging discrimination. The federal government filed the lawsuit last year to challenge the present system of electing commissioners countywide instead of by districts, alleging the current system dilutes the voting strength of the area's burgeoning Hispanic population." "Judge holds up elections pending federal lawsuit".

    Tax Cuts

    "If Congress decides that deeper and deeper tax cuts make little sense at a time of growing national debt, it may be time to consider ending deductions for state income taxes and sales taxes. But it would be shocking to see Congress end this popular decision, which residents of 42 states enjoy. That being the case, there's no reason to deny Floridians their break. Studies indicate that the sales-tax deduction is regressive because few low-income taxpayers itemize. But the sales tax itself hits the poor harder than the rich. The deduction would at least give low-income residents a chance to get some of it back." "Tax cuts: Think Florida".


    "Governor signs stun-gun, child enticement bills".

    Smiling Faces

    "Over the next two months, Floridians will be getting much closer with the men running for governor as ad campaigns kick into gear, debates are staged, and four men you've probably never met invade your television, radio stations, newspapers and mailboxes." "Governor candidates come to a TV near you".

    "No Bigger Shame"

    "Florida has no bigger shame than its child welfare system, which over the years has repeatedly failed to protect some number of vulnerable children from abuse and neglect, sometimes with deadly consequences. So it is infuriating to read a state audit which says that outsourcing the child welfare system has cost taxpayers much more than before and that since the system went private, children are being more quickly reunited with their parents and suffering an increased incidence of abuse. Gov. Jeb Bush promised that privatization would make the child protection system better and more efficient, but the audit says the opposite has occurred. Given these results, the governor should be pounding the table and demanding better oversight of our most vulnerable children. However, his office remains silent on the topic, referring questions instead to the Department of Children & Families." "Bush Should Demand Better From Child Welfare System".

    "Too Big for Their Britches"

    "Last week, BOG chairwoman Carolyn Roberts lectured university presidents not to get too big for their britches."

    She told them she didn't want them going off on their own, along with their lobbyists, working the Legislature for whatever they could get for their campuses.

    This elicited a wry comment from former Lt. Gov. Frank Brogan, president of Florida Atlantic University. He asked Ms. Roberts if presidents would be sent to the "woodshed" if they did too well in securing assets for their institutions.

    Oblivious, apparently, to the schoolmarmish nature of her dictate, Ms. Roberts went so far as to appoint a task force to study what kinds of punishments she could use on offending universities that did too well.

    Oh, please. Is this really the most important challenge facing the state university system?
    "Playing at power". But see "Getting Tough on Universities".


    "Bush insists he's not worried about his legacy as he prepares to leave office -- that it is not his past, but Florida's future, that occupies his time as his administration winds down. If that is truly the case, Mr. Bush has an unprecedented opportunity to help local governments plan for growth and tackle the transportation problems that plague this state from Pensacola to Miami. A bill on Mr. Bush's desk would give voters the chance to add just $2 a day to the cost of renting a car and use that money to improve Florida's transportation networks for the benefit of residents and visitors. The governor has until Wednesday to decide whether to veto this bill or allow it to become law. Mr. Bush would do well to listen to conservative stalwarts like House Speaker Allan Bense and state Sen. Dan Webster and let voters decide this issue for themselves." "Needed help".

    Hypocrisy Alert

    "During the past couple of weeks, newspapers around the state have been peeking in closets and poking through court files, revealing the fact that three of the four main candidates for governor are divorced. Who cares? It's not really anyone else's business. I mean, so what if Republicans Charlie Crist and Tom Gallagher both cut short their own 'til-death-do-they-part pledges. It's not like they're out there telling other people how sacred the institution of marriage is. Oh, wait . . ." "Political Potluck".

    Pigs At The Trough

    "Lobbyists haul in up to $50 million in first quarter".

    Nelson Vows Filibuster

    "Nelson promises filibuster against drilling bill". See also "Senators threaten to block oil vote" and "Boyd won't back plan".

    Property Taxes

    "Unable to reach agreement on expanding Save Our Homes protections for residents who sell their homes, lawmakers instead have decided to take a good, hard look at the popular yet increasingly controversial program that has kept billions off the tax rolls." "Michael Peltier: Panel works to unravel property tax problem".

    Thin Skin

    "Davis and Smith have been getting under the skin of Bush for months with their constant criticism of his policies. Two weeks ago, Bush lashed out at Davis for sending out an e-mail calling for a discussion on the hurricane insurance crisis the day before Tropical Storm Alberto hit Florida." "Democrats say Gov. Bush handled hurricanes well".

    Davis Finance Chair

    "Davis Names Berger Finance Chair". See also "Davis names Mitchell Berger finance chair".

    Privatization Follies

    Cotterell argues that "the Republicans should have to defend Bush's contracting record. And the Democrats should tell us what they would un-privatize." "Candidates should say what they'll outsource".


    "Republican Charlie Crist has an event Tuesday at the Tampa Airport Marriott where he has asked members of his finance committee to bring "a minimum of $5,000 in $500 checks to this intimate fundraising meeting." This is known as bundling, the rounding up of checks from spouses, business partners, in-laws, secretaries, co-workers, and so on. It's a practice Republicans blasted Lawton Chiles for in the '90s when the Democrat finessed his own self-imposed $100 limit, but it has become increasingly common as campaigns become ever more expensive." " Raising a Bundle for Crist".