Gallagher Closing; Dems Battle
"The Republican race for governor could be getting closer."A new poll for the Florida Chamber of Commerce, released Friday, shows Charlie Crist holding a 10 percentage-point lead over Tom Gallagher. But with Gallagher behind by more than double that in recent weeks, the survey was cause for celebration in the chief financial officer's camp.
"We're surging," said Mike Murphy, a national Republican advisor who lately joined Gallagher's team as a general consultant. "In a primary, 10 or 15 or 20 points is easy to overcome in the last week. I've seen it happen. If we make it a race about our contrasting positions with Crist on core Republican issues, we'll win. "Polls Apart". See also "Crist's lead lessens", "Poll: Crist 39, Gallagher 29", "Poll indicates Crist-Gallagher race tightening" ("29 percent of likely GOP primary voters are still undecided.") and "Crist still has sizable lead new poll says".
In response, "Crist goes on the offensive in campaign". See also "Crist cites endorsements, calls opponent unprepared to be governor", "Crist pounds Gallagher in new ad" and "Crist ad blasts Gallagher, labels him as 'Taxing Tom' and `liberal'".
On the Dem front: "Under fire from Democratic rival Jim Davis, Rod Smith this afternoon denounced the latest round of mailers attacking Davis for a "record of shame when it comes to people of color." (It's worth noting that his campaign initially defended the mailers.)" "Smith: Attack Mailer on Davis 'Went Too Far'". See also "Big Sugar plays rough in governor race", "Will vote long ago damage Davis?" (""His rival Smith and a mailer attack his 1990 vote against reparations for two wrongly imprisoned black men.) and "Davis to CityPlace crowd: race takes a 'nasty turn'".
"Continuing the theme he began during Wednesday night's debate, Democrat Jim Davis has launched a scathing new television ad that accuses primary rival Rod Smith of a 'record of siding with special interests.'" "New Davis Ad Goes Hard After Smith". See also "Davis blasts Smith in campaign ad, cites ties to sugar industry" and "Davis answers Smith in TV ad battle" and "Davis strikes back with new TV Ad" ("Jim Davis on Friday announced a new TV spot titled "Loud and Clear" that attacks his Democratic primary opponent Rod Smith. See it here.")
The Tampa Trib has this: "Smith's GOP Backing Strong" ("The [outside] groups, and the sugar corporation itself, share something else. All are led by Republicans.")
See also "Both parties in governor's race step up attacks". "Candidates take off gloves as voting nears".
Another round of debates: "Neither of the underdogs in the governor's race sparkled in this week's debates, broadcast live by public television stations across the state. Smith and Gallagher got some licks in, but they missed opportunities to deliver wallops. And with only days before the Sept. 5 election, a decent performance isn't good enough. They've got one last chance to shine on statewide television and in front of an even bigger, NBC audience Monday and Tuesday at 8 p.m." ".Underdog candidates get a final chance to make their mark".
"Harris ad ignores primary foes"
Harris' wacky religious remarks - which apparently appeal to a sizable portion of the GOP base - continue to draw controversy. See "Harris warns voters to elect Christians, or 'legislate sin'" and "Harris' .secular laws' stance draws outrage". See also "It's God's will".
On a separate note, "Harris campaign awaits her cash", is an interesting look at Harris' apparently bogus "emotional announcement on national TV in March, Harris said she would use every penny her late father had left her."
"The sources, who spoke on the condition they not be named but were familiar with the discussions within the company, said the possible amount would depend on whether Tampa Congressman Jim Davis or Alachua state Sen. Rod Smith wins the Democratic primary, and that money is more likely to flow if Smith wins. One source said it did not matter which Democrat wins, if in fact Crist wins the Republican primary. Both sources mentioned the $1 million figure." "Sources: FPL may spend $1 million to defeat Crist".
Johnson "says Lee et al. broke elections laws that prohibit donors to political parties from earmarking contributions to specific candidates, plus ethics rules that prohibit lawmakers from accepting gifts from lobbyists." "Watergate?"
CD 9
"She may not have a primary coming up, but Phyllis Busansky, the uncontested Democratic candidate for the District 9 Congressional seat, is already staking out her ground on military policy. Former Georgia Senator Max Cleland will be in Tampa Bay to stump for Busansky this weekend." "Phyllis Busansky Rolls out her War Path: Calls for Rumsfeld to be fired & Campaigns with former Senator Max Cleland".
"Walter 'Skip' Campbell Jr. has the legal credentials you'd expect in the campaign to be Florida's next attorney general, but he also has a spiritual one." "Campbell To Focus Fight On Cybercrime".
Flanagan, "the Bradenton Republican went a step further, calling racial profiling 'a tool of war,' and grabbing international media attention in a race in which he's been largely outgunned -- Flanagan was featured on a Sunday morning Fox News show, and Arab news outlets, including Al-Jazeera, have picked up his comments." "Flanagan says profiling Muslims would make flying more secure".
No Party
"Since 2002, about 45 percent of new Florida registrations - 520,260 voters - have spurned the major parties. Republicans have netted 29 percent - 340,820 - of the new registrations and Democrats 26 percent - 301,285." "Traditional Parties Shunned".
Adult Supervision
"Republican U.S. Sen. candidate Katherine Harris apparently has canceled an 8:30 a.m. scheduled appearance at the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club in Miami Beach. Get a load of this e-mail from Mike Burke of the breakfast club:" "Contrary to a confirmation given to TMBC Tuesday night, Katherine Harris will not honor her longstanding commitment to appear at the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club on Aug. 29. Since this cancellation was delayed in order to make it impossible to obtain a speaker who would actually show up, we are holding this date open. Perhaps this weekend's round of changes in the Harris campaign will produce adult supervision. And no, we will not move the TMBC to Versailles to build a crowd for a photo-op. My apologies. I promise to book no more novelty acts in the future." "Harris doesn't want to get up that early".
In the meantime, "Harris attacks Nelson".
Desperate Republicans
"A little time on the campaign trail has convinced Florida lawmakers that the homeowner insurance crisis is for real, but the calls for a pre-election special session speak to a different type of desperation. It's not the kind homeowners feel when their insurance carrier drops them. It's the one politicians feel when angry people head to the polls." "A session on insurance? We'll pass".
Chamber Follies
"Hispanic Chamber of Orlando Straw Poll".
Money Race
"The latest round of fundraising reports are in for the candidates for governor (though the numbers appear increasingly irrelevant the more outside groups spend on the campaigns). The reports cover the week that ended last Friday:" Republican Charlie Crist raised $324,000 ($128,000 came in the form of public matching money) and now has about $1.6 million on hand.
Democrat Jim Davis raised $107,000 ($69,000 in public money) and now has about $1.7 million.
Democrat Rod Smith raised $51,000 ($8,000 in public money) and now has about $75,000.
Republican Tom Gallagher raised $25,000 ($12,000 in public money) and now has about $1.4 million. "Updated Fundraising #'s". See also "Gallagher Still Behind in Dollars".
Honest Moment
"Rep. Juan Zapata, R-Miami, who blames the political influence of the insurance industry for many of the problems in the insurance market" Here's how he began his rant, agreeing all the while with incoming House Minority Leader Dan Gelber, a Miami Democrat: "The Republican Party has failed you, and not because we haven’t tried but I think we haven’t tried hard enough. And I think it’s obvious by the results. I think for far too long we created a system that really benefited the insurance companies. And we have been afraid." "'The Republican Party has failed you'". See also "GOP lawmaker: Republicans have failed on insurance" and "GOP lawmaker: Party failed in insurance crisis".
Smith, Davis
The St Pete Times has bio pieces on Smith and Davis.
"Secret Suit"
"The Herald-Tribune filed a motion Friday challenging a judge's order that seals every part of a lawsuit involving congressional candidate [GOP Congressional candidate] Vern Buchanan." The court file, sealed after a settlement in 2001, includes a fraud allegation against Buchanan. The Republican auto dealer has touted his reputation as a self-made businessman as he seeks to replace U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris in District 13.
Attorneys for the newspaper argued that Judge Nancy Donnellan is inappropriately hiding the case from public view, violating public records rules and unconstitutionally infringing on the right of the public and the press to access court proceedings.
Donnellan has declined to explain her legal justification for sealing the case or provide a copy of the order that made it secret. Correspondence from Donnellan says that the suit was sealed by agreement of all attorneys involved. "Herald-Tribune sues to see secret Buchanan suit".
Dems Fight Jebbie "Frothing"
As "Jeb!" continues to embarass himself ("Jeb's Take on the Dems' Debate", "Bush says Democrats negative, lacking vision"), it is refreshing to see the "Democrats fire back"."Political attacks are what the Bushes do best, but the American people have had enough. It’s time for change. Florida needs a leader like Jim Davis or Rod Smith in the governor's office, not a partisan attack dog, frothing at the mouth to attack anyone who disagrees with him." We need to see more of this.
Punching Bags
"The Republican candidates for governor continued to swipe at each other while stumping Thursday across central Florida." "Gallagher, Crist throw jabs at each other on road".
What Does Chalie Stand For? Besides Chain Gangs?
Charlie Crist's all things to all people campaign has worked like a charm. Crist has largely been given a pass on his purposeful evasion of taking a firm stand on many issues. Could that be about to change?
"At campaign stops and at meetings with his own supporters, Charlie Crist has been asked to define his stance on abortion." "Abortion questions plague Crist campaign". See also "Crist forced to defend his abortion stance".
Will the media savage Crist's intentional ambiguity on this critical issue the same way the media dismantled Bill McBride on the class size funding issue? Don't hold your breath.
"Silent Senator Smith"
"Voters learned a harsh lesson in 2004 about the corrosive power of independent 'issue groups' and their ability to wage smear campaigns. The so-called Swift Boat attacks against Sen. John Kerry took his distinguished service record and portrayed it as something to be ashamed of. Now the same thing is happening to U.S. Rep. Jim Davis. This time, the attacks are funded by the state's biggest sugar grower, apparently in retaliation for Davis' tough stance on the Everglades cleanup." "Big Sugar and silent Senator Smith". See also "Sugar-allied mailer sour about Davis' record" and "Davis decries attacks by mail, TV".
Pitts and Lee
"Seizing on a 16-year-old vote by Jim Davis to deny compensation to two wrongfully convicted men, Big Sugar has unleashed another attack ad against the front-running Democratic candidate for governor." "40-year-old murder case becomes issue in governor's race".
Sarasota Politics Weird
Jeremy Wallace: "The Top 10 reasons Sarasota is Capital Weird".
Black Female Running Mate For Charlie?
Wait till the GOP primary voters get a load of this: State Rep. Jennifer Carroll, in what may be an audition for another job, gave a rousing introduction for Attorney General Charlie Crist at a dinner-time meeting of the Leaders for Tomorrow Republican Club in downtown Jacksonville. The Green Cove Springs Republican told the group of 75 people, which consists primarily of black Republicans, that Crist did not change his stances on issues just because he was running for higher office and did not "flip-flop." Crist's rival, Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher, contends Crist is hard to pin down on such high profile issues as abortion. ... The 46-year-old Carroll is viewed by many as a potential running mate for governor. "LG audition for Jennifer Carroll?"
Wasted Votes
"The TV ad for Will McBride, an underdog candidate for the Senate nomination, claims votes for Katherine Harris will ultimately be wasted." "Harris rival to air ads in Republican primary".
Clint Curtis
"Curtis' motivation to enter this race was spawned by an association he had with Feeney in 2000, the year Feeney was sworn in as speaker of the Florida House of Representatives. At that time, Curtis was lead programmer for an Oviedo software company. Curtis says that in the fall of 2000, Feeney asked the company to create a computer prototype that could be used to rig elections without detection. Curtis, then a Republican, says he created the software because he believed Feeney wanted to use it to prevent fraud. Curtis, though, says he discovered that Feeney intended to use the program to control votes in favor of Feeney-backed candidates. Feeney denies the accusation, and his campaign has dismissed Curtis' candidacy, labeling him as a disgruntled ex-employee of the software company. Curtis has signed an affidavit, subject to penalty of perjury, supporting his statements. He has also testified under oath before a congressional committee." "To challenge Feeney".
Hope Springs Eternal
"Palm Beach County officials confident about voting system, backups ready".
On the Debates
Tampa Trib editorial board: Voters across the state this week got their first good look at the four men campaigning to be Florida's next governor. Although they saw plenty of politicking during the first televised debates, viewers had to come away feeling that the choices are strong, though polarized.
The Republican candidates did their best to link themselves to Jeb Bush, a popular governor. The Democratic candidates, on the other hand, made it clear they would dismantle much of what Bush has done, particularly his education reforms. "Debates Had Political Fireworks And Even A Bit Of Substance".
Crist Ad
"This is a typical end of the campaign ad where the candidate uses newspaper endorsements to demonstrate independent support for his candidacy. Crist takes the ad a step further by using the final seconds to point out newspaper criticism of Gallagher. The statements in the ad accurately reflect what the newspapers stated." "Ad Watch: Charlie Crist for governor".
One Can Hope
"Peter Monroe knows Washington. The Safety Harbor developer and U.S. Senate hopeful built a solid reputation as a behind-the-scenes player on Capitol Hill, tackling some of the nation’s stickier messes, including managing the taxpayer-backed $140 billion savings and loan bailout." "Monroe hopes experience will help him beat Harris in GOP primary".
Late Entry
"Republican gubernatorial frontrunner Charlie Crist is making a belated entrance into the political fray over ways to remedy Florida's battered insurance market." "Candidate Crist has his own insurance plan".
"League hopes to increase voting numbers with guide".
GOP Hearts Insurance Company Money
Florida Republicans don't reaise an eyebrow when insurance companies demand even higher increases: The basic solution to Florida's hurricane insurance crisis is for consumers to pay more, despite double-digit increases already levied over two years, insurance officials said Thursday, the anniversary of Hurricane Andrew.
Representatives from reinsurance companies, which back up losses for primary insurers like Allstate and Nationwide, told a state panel convened by Gov. Jeb Bush to solve the problem that the industry is over-regulated and buildings aren't up to code. ...
Those on the committee -- which is chaired by Lt. Gov. Toni Jennings and includes businessmen, state legislators, a retired teacher, a NASA employee and others -- objected to complaints about weak codes, but did not question ... the need for higher premiums. "Insurance firms: State premiums still not high enough". Let's see here:At least $4 million has been given in the last decade to the Republican Party of Florida, mainly from industry trade groups and associations but also from insurers, their lobbyists and executives. By contrast, the Florida Democratic Party received slightly more than $1 million. "Insurance companies shower Fla. politicians with donations to get rate hikes".
Saving Black Males
"State Rep. Frank Peterman of St. Petersburg is on a mission to save black males in Florida. And Peterman, who represents mostly black House District 55, has a plan. " "A plan to help young black males".
McBride Ad
"McBride ad ties Harris to Washington scandals".
Cheap Thrills
"Republican U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris reveled in her underdog status Thursday during campaign appearances in Democrat-friendly Broward County." "Harris thrills Broward fans".
"Strange Bedfellows"
"Democratic U.S. Rep. Jim Davis of Tampa and Republican U.S. Rep. Clay Shaw of Fort Lauderdale are both using an Everglades cleanup measure pushed by Big Sugar in 2003 to club opponents in their respective races." "Strange bedfellows in the Everglades".
Straw Poll
"Jim Davis appeared before the Tiger Bay Tallahassee chapter Thursday and came away a winner in a straw poll. Davis 49. Smith 21." "Davis by a Straw".
Not Staying the Course
"Davis: Florida must not 'stay the course'": Republicans use moral issues like gay marriage and abortion as clubs to batter opponents, rather than confronting issues that affect Florida's working families, Democrat Jim Davis said Thursday.
The Tampa congressman also told a Tallahassee audience that Gov. Jeb Bush and the Republican-run Legislature have sought to "dismantle" state government through privatization and tax breaks. Davis cited the pending sentencing in October of former Department of Corrections Secretary Jim Crosby on corruption charges as an example of privatization gone wrong. Crosby pleaded guilty to taking $130,000 in kickbacks. More.
Tampa Trib: "In Debate, Davis May Have Stuck Closest To The Facts".
CD 9
"Republicans David Langheier and state Rep. Gus Bilirakis are vying for the right to face Democrat and former Hillsborough County Commissioner Phyllis Busansky in the Nov. 7 general election." "District 9 U.S. House Race".
Early Voting
"More Voters Casting Their Ballots Early".
"For months, the polls have been saying U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris is the front-runner in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate nomination with Will McBride a distant second. But in the race to collect editorial endorsements, retired Adm. LeRoy Collins Jr., is the clear front-runner, with Peter Monroe running second." "Collins leads Harris in Senate race endorsements". See also "Collins' strength a surprise".
GOP Charges
"The head of the Polk County Republican Party has filed a campaign finance complaint against James 'Jim' Davis, the Democratic candidate in the race for the District 63 seat in the Florida House of Representatives. Among several accusations, Eric Allen, chairman of the Polk GOP, claims Davis illegally accepted a $2,850 loan from Polk County personal injury lawyer Kent Lilly." "Polk GOP Files Complaint On Democrat".
"Harris blames Nelson for surging insurance costs".
Our Green Governor
"Gov. Bush puts clout behind use of biofuel".
"Attack Dogs"
"The Democrats vying to be Florida's next governor traded jabs over insurance, education and track records in a debate."In the first debate televised statewide between the Democratic contenders for governor, U.S. Rep. Jim Davis slammed state Sen. Rod Smith as a candidate bought and paid for by corporate interests.
At least I go to work, Smith shot back, defending his independence and leadership and pointing to Davis' second-worst attendance record in the U.S. House of Representatives. Smith also knocked Davis for once voting against compensating two wrongfully convicted black men. "Davis, Smith trade volleys during debate". More coverage:
- "Voters who know little about the two Democrats running for governor were introduced to two attack dogs during Wednesday's televised debate." "Davis Vs. Smith".
- "The two leading Democratic candidates for governor introduced themselves to a statewide audience Wednesday night by going hard after each other on everything from property insurance to the Everglades in an hourlong debate laced with venom." "Davis, Smith turn up heat in TV showdown".
- "The Democratic contenders to become Florida's next governor squared off Wednesday night, trading jabs about votes that happened and votes that didn't." "Democratic candidates go after voting records in debate".
- "Still unknown to most of the voters they hope to woo, Democratic gubernatorial candidates Jim Davis and Rod Smith combatively hit the statewide airwaves together, spending as much time criticizing each other as they did talking about themselves." "Sparring seems like partnership as both have similar positions, but they land jabs" .
- "In an often bruising debate Wednesday night, Jim Davis cast his opponent as a pawn of Big Sugar, the insurance industry and other special interests while Rod Smith decried Davis as a do-nothing congressman who has 'not earned the promotion to governor.'" "Davis vs. Smith gets a bit testy".
- "State Sen. Rod Smith called U.S. Rep. Jim Davis as "an ineffective congressman" who misses too many votes in Washington while Davis said Wednesday that Smith has caved in to lobbyists in Tallahassee on hurricane insurance, utility bills and pollution." "Democrats pick apart each other's records".
- "The candidates showed only brief spurts of passion during the hour-long debate and gave Floridians few new details on how they would govern alongside a Legislature that is likely to be dominated for some time by Republicans." "No knockout lines, missteps as Democrats debate".
- Troxler: "Holy cow! Who knew that Jim Davis could throw a punch? For Rod Smith, it must have been kind of like getting socked in the jaw by a smirking Opie. Davis and Smith, the two Democrats running for governor, debated Wednesday night on statewide public television. Davis seemed to be the aggressor against Smith, a state senator from Gainesville, accusing him of being too close to special interests while serving in the Florida Legislature." "Pow! Bam! Debates spirited but informative".
- Scott Maxwell: "Davis kept throwing punches, and Smith kept getting hit. An uppercut accusation about sucking up to Big Sugar. A left-jab reminder about the time Smith sided with telephone companies. And instead of providing easy-to-understand, legitimate-sounding defenses, Smith would offer some gobbledygook about a magistrate's report or state House subcommittee meeting. If Smith had been delivering a college lecture, his audience might've appreciated his points. But he's trying to get votes in a state where Bithlo's Crash-a-rama is considered high times." "Debate winners: Crist and Davis".
To the extent anyone cares: "'Listening to the doom and gloom tone of this debate and the Democrats’ constant sniping, you would think that we’ve gone back to 1998, which, not coincidentally, was the last time a Democrat was in the Governor’s Mansion. It was at that point that Florida was only graduating 60% of its students. It was at that point that taxes were skyrocketing out of control. It was at that point that our tourism industry was concerned that our out-of-control crime was hurting Florida’s economy...'" "Carole Jean: Dems Blow It".
- Here's an interesting tactic: "A Davis backer greeted those arriving at the studios of WEDU-TV in Tampa -- site of tonight's Democratic gubernatorial debate -- dressed in a large version of the Sugar Daddy candy wrapper." "Not So Sweet".
- Good Point: "Before the cameras started rolling, he warned the audience of largely Democratic Party stalwarts to keep quiet, adding: 'I don't think we'll have the problem with all the rattling jewelry we had last night.'" "Warming Up the Crowd".
- Guest list: "Rod Smith and Jim Davis brought a host of family members, friends and associates to the debate Wednesday - among them Michael Schiavo." "Schiavo Stops By".
Political Safari reviews some of the Florida blog coverage here. More at the Florida Progressive Coalition blog.
In the "Whatever" category, we have this: "Gov. Jeb Bush is ready to hit back at Democrats after tonight's debate." "Jeb to strike back".
GOP Accusations
"A day after his primary challenger ripped Charlie Crist on statewide television as an abortion and gay-rights supporter, Arizona Sen. John McCain began calling thousands of registered Florida voters." "GOP gubernatorial candidates let accusations fly in final days of race". See also "Charlie and friends".
CD 13
"Congressional candidates Tramm Hudson and Vern Buchanan have been mean to each other in person for weeks, but recently released TV attack ads bring a new level of ferocity to the District 13 race." "Candidates use risky attack ads to 'get through the noise'". In the meantime, "Detert hoping to sneak past rivals".
Sugar Ties
"Bankrolled by a group tied to U.S. Sugar and other agricultural interests, a new television ad is attacking Congressman Jim Davis, accusing him of having a bad attendance record in Congress and voting against the minimum wage." "Smith's allies attack Davis with U.S. Sugar money".
Harris "Defective"?
"'Everybody knows who Katherine Harris is, and a lot of those reasons are the wrong reasons,' said Collins, one of three candidates running against Harris in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate nomination." "Collins calls Harris 'defective,' touts Navy, business experience".
On The Road Again
"In the aftermath of a contentious debate Tuesday night, Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist campaigned in six cities Wednesday, while opponent Tom Gallagher stayed out of public view. Gallagher spokesman Alberto Martinez said the state's chief financial officer was working the phones and having meetings Wednesday and would be back on the campaign trail today with a stop in Ocala." "Crist tours six cities; Gallagher back on trail today".
Going Aftr Keller
"In one of a handful of races nationwide where Democrats think they can win seats from Republicans and possibly reclaim the U.S. House, three candidates are vying to be the party's choice in the Sept. 5 primary. Those candidates are attorney Alan Grayson, Orange County Commissioner Homer Hartage and marketing consultant Charlie Stuart. The winner will most likely face incumbent Ric Keller, R-Orlando, for the U.S. House District 8 seat in the Nov. 7 general election." "".
Christian Coalition
"Christian Coalition losing chapters".
"After the accusations, rebuttals and nitpicking were over, viewers of Tuesday's debate between Charlie Crist and Tom Gallagher, the Republican candidates for governor, could be excused for being confused." "Crist, Gallagher Stances Require Close Looks".
"The governor's campaign of Congressman Jim Davis announced a victory today in its battle to pull down an attack ad financed by U.S. Sugar." The camp's press-release headline: "Fox Affiliate Pulls Down False Special Interest Attack Ad." Download Letter.doc
The problem: That's not accurate, according to Molly Pauker, lawyer for WTVT in Tampa.
"It’s a little premature to say we pulled the ad.... We're vetting it for accuracy, doing our due diligence," Pauker said. "Bitter truth for Davis' camp?"
HD 10
"Florida's soaring homeowners insurance rates are a priority for all four Senate candidates from District 10, Republican and Democrat. Read what Sandra Murman, Ronda Storms, Ray Young and Stephen Gorham have to say about the issues." "Dist. 10 Candidates Speak Out". See also "Tampa station pulls ad ripping Davis".
Lee Ad
"Tom Lee has released a pair of TV spots in his campaign for chief financial officer. In one, he touts his accomplishments; in the other, he brings out the big gun, popular Gov. Jeb Bush, to do so." "Add Watch: Tom Lee".
Special Session Ploy
"Democrats also have cast a special session as a ploy by Republicans. 'I think they're looking for a quick fix that gets you through the November election,' House Minority Leader Dan Gelber, D-Miami Beach, told Gannett News Service. 'Republicans created this mess, and they shouldn't wait for consensus to fix it.'" "Special session on home insurance? Maybe See also "Politricks of insurance".
Crist Ant-Choice
"Sen. Paula Dockery, one of the names floated as a possible running mate for Attorney General Charlie Crist, sharply defended Crist at a campaign stop at the Rising Sun Cafe in Brooksville. She praised Crist and told the crowd he was 'pro-life' and that she worked with Crist's office when she helped sponsor a parental notification abortion bill that was passed by the Florida Legislature in 2005. 'Is Charlie pro-life? You bet,' said Dockery" "Dockery defends Crist".
Bought and Paid For
"Republican attorney general candidate Bill McCollum will be the latest in a growing series of Republican candidates to bask in the governor's shadow, with Bush scheduled to attend a fund-raiser for the former Longwood congressman Sept. 19 in Orlando." "Jeb!=$$".
Good Luck
"Mahoney presses Foley for debates in eight counties".
The "My Pet Goat" Moment
"Five years ago, Tyler Radkey was one of 16 second-graders at Emma E. Booker Elementary School reading the book, 'My Pet Goat,' to the president of the United States." "Sarasota students recall being with president in school library".
Tougher Rules
"The Florida Building Commission was wrong to continue to exempt the Panhandle from the tough building codes required elsewhere in coastal regions of the state. The decision is unsupported by evidence. Moreover, it is politically divisive and financially damaging both to Panhandle residents and everyone else with an insurance policy in this state." "Tougher rules needed".
Yesterday's News
Here is the rest of the news we were unable to get to yesterday:.
Harris Keeps Fighting
"Once a rising star, Harris fights for credibility in Senate race".
Good Luck
"Sen. Al Lawson asked Gov. Jeb Bush Tuesday to help head off an eight-fold increase in life-insurance premiums for retired state employees." Lawson said he expects the governor to call a special session on property and casualty insurance in October or November - probably in October- so the current legislative leadership can deal with problems of rising insurance rates and shrinking availability of coverage after eight major hurricanes in two years. "Lawson asks for insurance help".
"The national convention site team praises the Tampa Bay area, but gives no hint of its choice." "GOP left behind no clues".
Straw Poll
"Pinellas County's Republican Party held a straw poll for the Sept. 5 primary at their Victory 2006 picnic Sunday. Looks like the local GOP, at least, is with Katherine Harris." "Harris, Crist lead the field in Republican straw poll".
Ad Fight
"A political group bankrolled by U.S. Sugar Corp. has launched a new attack ad against Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Jim Davis that raises questions about his attendance record in Congress and several votes. Davis campaign attorneys, citing inaccuracies about the Tampa congressman's record, are demanding the 30-second spot be taken off the air." "Ad campaign attacks Davis". See also "Davis campaign criticizes attack ad as inaccurate" and "As debate looms, rivals spar over campaign ad".
Shaw = Bush
"Klein has sought to tie Shaw to the president in a Palm Beach County-Broward County district that narrowly favored Democrats Al Gore and John Kerry over Bush in the past two presidential elections." "Klein ad links Shaw and Bush".
HD 39
"A retired teacher, a former Navy officer and a real-estate broker are vying to be the next state representative for Florida House District 39, a minority district with some of the region's worst crime and school dropout rates and many low-income households." "3 vying for House seat in troubled District 39".
Note To Readers
Our review of today's political news and punditry will be up this afternoon. In the meantime, here's the coverage on the GOP debate last night:
"Tom Gallagher, underdog in the Republican primary for governor, went on the attack against front-runner Charlie Crist in a televised candidates' debate Tuesday night, calling Crist a liberal."As he has done in television ads, mailers and public statements for the past few weeks, Gallagher came out swinging in his opening statement.
"Republican voters have a real choice," he said, "to continue with the successful conservative path of Jeb Bush or to choose Charlie's liberal, risky path," which he said will "make our taxes go up and make our spending go higher," create "amnesty for illegal aliens" and "take our state of Florida and make it as liberal as Vermont by allowing civil unions for same-sex couples."
In his closing, Gallagher said the race "is between three liberals and one conservative," referring to Crist and the two Democratic contenders, Jim Davis and Rod Smith. "Crist V. Gallagher".
Political Pulse lists some of the "zingers" from the debate:Gallagher referred to Crist's agenda as a "liberal, risky path."Gallagher: "Charlie has no plan on insurance. ... Charlie, as usual, has a bumper-sticker answer."
Crist on civil unions: "I have a more live-and-let-live attitude than my opponent."
Crist on the ethics allegations against Gallagher: "This is all about trust."
Gallagher on Crist, Jim Davis and Rod Smith: "This is a race between three liberals and one conservative."
Gallagher on Crist: "Charlie's taken contradictory positions on so many issues, it's hard to know what he stands for." "GOP debate night brawling
See also "Gallagher, Crist throw hard jabs in debate", "Gallagher comes out swinging, but shots may fall short in the end", "Crist, Gallagher square off in free-swinging TV debate", "GOP candidates take off the gloves", "Trailing, Gallagher unloads in debate", "Gallagher paints Crist liberal; Crist brushes him off", "Election 2006: Gallagher calls Crist a liberal in first debate", "Fact check: The Republican gubernatorial candidates' debate", "Crist, Gallagher clash on hot-button issues in Republican debate", "Gallagher tags Crist a liberal" and "Gloves off in GOP debate".
In the meantime, lame duck Jebbie can't let go: "Rather than wait for political winds to die, Gov. Jeb Bush said Tuesday he'll call lawmakers back into session as early as October to deal with the state's insurance crisis." "Bush plans special session". October ... so the GOP can "solve" the insurance crisis just before the election ... that's convenient.
"Shallow, empty suit vs. the policy whiz"
Charlie's not a mere "empty suit", but rather is a "shallow empty suit":The shallow, empty suit vs. the policy whiz.
That's pretty much what many observers expected back in 1998 when a state senator named Charlie Crist faced Bob Graham in a U.S. Senate debate televised across the state. No, Crist didn't take down Graham, but his unexpectedly strong performance taught politicos to never underestimate the St. Petersburg charmer in a televised appearance.
Attorney General Crist is still often derided as a policy lightweight, even as he has emerged as the heavyweight in this year's Republican gubernatorial primary. Tonight he faces another policy ace, Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher, in the first gubernatorial debate televised across the state. "GOP's rivals for governor face off". See also "Candidates Set To Square Off", "Stakes high in tonight's Crist-Gallagher debate", "Debates could have sway in governor's race" and "Governor debates this week".
Daniel Ruth thinks tonight's debate will be nasty:It took a little while, but we have at last arrived at that point in the Republican gubernatorial primary where all the high-toned policy wonk gibberish has been replaced by duplicity, below-the-belt uppercuts, nastiness and more distortions than Mr. Magoo trying to read agate type.
And all one can say is, Thank Gawd. It's about time!
If you are a political junkie, tonight's debate between Attorney General Charlie Crist and Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher ought to recall that great quip by Alice Roosevelt Longworth: "If you can't say anything good about someone, sit right here by me."
For until a few days ago, these two chaps were treating the primary campaign like something out of "Masterpiece Theatre," with merely gentle gibes and mutually respectful repartee. "Good show on tort reform, old bean. Jolly good! Jolly good windstorm insurance idea, my good man."
But nothing stirs up the pol pot more than a candidate on the verge of oblivion. Enter Gallagher - stage far, far, far right. "Dirty! Nasty! Mean! Yes! Thank Gawd!"
America's Craziest?
"Pole dancing. Possum holding. Racially insensitive remarks. Welcome to politics, Sarasota style. While every community in America has its brand of oddball politics, Sarasota is quickly becoming Capital Weird on the national political map." "Sarasota politics: 'America's craziest?'"
One Can Only Hope
"'My sense is that it's three states: northern, central and southern,' McCain said, "and I think they're very distinctive politically. But if I had to guess ... it seems to be moving a little bit back toward the center."" "McCain and the 'Three Floridas'".
"Jeb!"'s Failing Grade
The Sun-Sentinel is too kind to Jebbie: Florida's educational system still has a long, long way to go. It's discouraging that that's the case even after almost eight years of reforms during the administration of Gov. Jeb Bush.
The conclusion is unavoidable, though, in light of recently released scores on the ACT college entrance exam. The results showed that nationally, this year's high school graduating class had the highest scores on the exam since 1991 and produced the biggest year-to-year increase in 20 years.
But Florida's scores declined. Not only that, but Florida ranked only 41st among the states and the District of Columbia in overall performance. That's deplorable for a state that ranks fourth in population. But it's hardly surprising: Florida also spends less than almost all other states on education.
It's true, of course, that merely throwing money at education doesn't guarantee success or improvement. But when the fourth-largest state in the nation ranks 47th in per-capita school spending, it's a sure sign that something isn't right.
Nelson On Canadian Drugs
"Sen. Bill Nelson urged senior citizens in Palm Beach County on Monday to demand a congressional investigation into seizures of prescription drugs from Canada." "Nelson questions seizures of prescription drugs from Canada".
Bill's Big Bucks
"It may have cooled a bit, but Bill Nelson's fund-raising this summer remains red hot." The latest Federal Election Commission report, due Monday, shows the Democratic senator with $12.05-million on hand, more than any other senator up for reelection this year except for Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., who is expected to run for president. As of the last public reports, through June 30, she had $22-million.
According to Monday's FEC filing, Nelson raised $433,720 in the six weeks from June 30 to Aug. 15, bringing his total raised to a whopping $15.7-million. "Florida's Money Man". See also "Nelson stays on trail" and "He's ahead, but he's not resting".
Castor and Miller
See "Miller Not Afraid To Show Emotion" and "Castor Has Deep Roots In Community".
"Schiavo received a long standing ovation when he rose to speak to 150 to 200 Collier Democrats. He became a controversial figure after he went to court to re- move his wife Terri's feeding tube." "Schiavo stumps in Collier for Democrats".
Long Shadow
"Whether you agree with the policies of Bush or not, he has had a profound impact on state politics. Even the ablest of candidates would struggle to get out from under his political shadow. By force of his personality and political standing, Bush has swung state politics sharply to the right, made it difficult, if not impossible, for his successor to raise taxes or to expand government, made choice and accountability by-words in public education, and helped create an economic Pax-Florida for much of the past eight years by marketing Florida to the world." "Bush casts long shadow over Crist, Gallagher".
SD 16 Dramatis Personae
"Interesting Frank Farkas mailer is hitting mailboxes in SD 16." "Your 2006 Political Storm Preparation Guide" offers Republican voters a handy guide to the various independent committees he says may be "doing (Berfield's) dirty work" and bashing him. Among those listed:
Floridians for Lower Insurance Costs (a Start Farm group backing Berfield because "I'm not inclined to be so friendly, so they're coming after me." People for a Better Florida is "organized medicine ... Concerned only with their dominance and profits, they oppose my efforts to make health care more affordable and accessible to Floridians." Florida Citizens for Social Reform is a Scientologist-backed group "counting on her as a key ally in their current ambitious expansion plans across Tampa Bay." Committee to Restore Integrity in Politics was started by an operative who helped Berfield in the past and, Farkas says, faces "potential six figure fines for election law violations." "Know your enemies".
GOP Convention
The St Pete Times argues that "the Tampa Bay area offers Republicans a lot - not least votes and fundraising - as they weigh where to hold their 2008 convention." "Memo to GOP". See also "GOP Comes Calling".
Early voting
"Floridians Begin Early Voting In Primary". See also "Davis votes early, encourages others", "First ballots are cast at courthouse" and "Early voters trickle in".
"Dirty Little Secret"
"Tim Mahoney says Mark Foley has a 'dirty little secret.' 'He comes down here from Washington, D.C. and he wants you to think that he’s a Democrat,” Mahoney told about 160 people at a health care candidates' forum sponsored by the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans. But up in Washington, Mahoney went on, Foley is part of the 'Bush-DeLay leadership team.'" "Foley's 'Dirty Little Secret'".
Ugly Politics
"They're coming, so be prepared. The phone's going to ring and you're going to hear a recorded voice attacking someone who's running for political office. The goal is to sway your vote in the Sept. 5 primary. These below-the-belt phone calls are a cancer on the body politic, but unfortunately, they work." "Coming Soon: Ugly Politics On Your Phone".
"Smith, Davis trade barbs for TV".
"Green Approval"
"Candidates get green approval".
If A Tree Falls on a Hangar ...
More on the story first reported yesterday Rhyan Metzler, Harris' political director of three months, left Thursday, the day that Harris blamed the paltry rally turnout on a change in location after a tree fell on the originally planned airport hangar site.
It turns out there was no fallen tree.
Harris spokeswoman Jennifer Marks later said Harris gave reporters the misinformation because "that was the information we were given by our political director."
Reached on Sunday night, Metzler wouldn't say whether his departure had anything to do with the tree.
"I adore her and wish her well," he said of Harris. "Political director leaves Harris team".
Seaworld Hearts Tom
"A pro-Tom Gallagher political committee -- the very first outside group to pop up in this year's governor's race -- was briefly rekindled earlier this month, state records show, thanks to a five-figure donation from beer giant and SeaWorld Orlando-owner Anheuser-Busch." "SeaWorld Owner Betting on Gallagher?"
"It seems strange that a new state law would require voters to present photo and signature identification cards at the polls, yet the signature line has been eliminated on Hillsborough's new voter registration card." Hillsborough's supervisor of elections, says the new card is no longer called a voter registration card. Now it's called an information card. He says state law dictates what's printed there: your name, voter registration number, political party, political district and precinct.
If you forget your IDs, you can still vote using a provisional ballot. However, your signature will be compared with one on file - from who knows how long ago - at the supervisor of elections office.
It makes no sense that signatures of voters are not kept current.
So much for voting reforms. "Senseless Change To Voter I.D.".
Christian Coalition
"The Christian Coalition of Florida probably isn’t going to support either Jim Davis’ or Rod Smith’s campaign for governor. But only one of two Democrats has tried reaching out to the group at all. Smith was the only one of the two to fill out the coalition’s six-page questionnaire, which asks candidates whether they support or oppose more than 50 issues, such as same-sex adoption, stiffer penalties for criminals who kill a fetus while attacking a pregnant woman and school prayer. (Smith supports the first two and opposes the third, according to his responses.) " "The Democrats and the Christian Coalition".
Alleged Dems
What is it with some "Dems"? Nine different companies run by Miami developer and former lobbyist Chris Korge have doled out at least $4,500 to Republican Tom Gallagher's campaign for governor. That wouldn't be blogworthy if not for Korge's title as chairman of Democrat Rod Smith's campaign for governor. ...
Korge is a Democratic party soldier who has raised lots of money for big-time Democrats such as former President Bill Clinton, U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, and former presidential candidate Al Gore. But he is also a businessman who occasionally supports members of the party in power, including Republican state Reps. Ralph Arza of Hialeah and Julio Robaina of Miami. "With Friends Like These..."
Naked Politics reports that "Sen. Alex Villalobos and Frank Bolanos have agreed to debate head to head next Wednesday. On Aug. 30, from 8 to 9 a.m., they'll debate on 940 am WINZ. Host Jim DeFede, a former Miami Herald columnist, will moderate. The debate will appear on streaming audio at jimdefede.com" "Villalobos and Bolanos to debate".
Imagine That
"According to the latest campaign reports, King has raised $451,560.79 so far while Terry has raised $153,894.50. King's money continues to pour in from powerful special interests while Terry's money continues to be largely from individuals, many of them from out of state." "King Continues to raise more than Terry". See also "In Senate race, family values campaign tested by real life".
Jeremy Wallace
Yesterday's column: "Harris is stood up by GOP leaders".
"Debates Could Prove Crucial"
"Republicans Charlie Crist and Tom Gallagher square off Tuesday night, and Democrats Jim Davis and Rod Smith will spar Wednesday. The hourlong debates, originating from WEDU-TV in Tampa, will air at 8 p.m. on most public-TV stations statewide, including WMFE-Channel 24 in Orlando. And with the Sept. 5 primaries just two weeks away, the debates could prove crucial." "TV debates raise stakes".
Another One Bites The Dust
"Rhyan Metzler, Katherine Harris' political director of three months, left her Senate campaign. The departure came on Thursday, the same day that Harris held an Orlando campaign rally that was attended by only about 30 to 40 people, none of them the expected elected officials." "Harris' political director departs". See also "Harris aide blamed in tree fiasco quits top job".
The "Jeb!" factor
"Gubernatorial candidates play Jeb card to suit arguments".
CD 22
"Democrats are nationalizing the race in District 22 to take advantage of the president's decreasing popularity and a growing public discontent with the war in Iraq. The strategy is playing out in TV ads and campaign rallies, and behind the scenes, in the bulging campaign accounts of both candidates. Millions of dollars are pouring into this closely watched race, and a large chunk of it is from the political parties themselves, each side motivated by the national significance of the outcome. Democrats could take control of the U.S. House if they win 15 seats in the Nov. 7 mid-term elections. And Shaw's is one of the seats considered possible for a takedown." "Shaw vs. Klein draws nation's eyes".
Check out who is contributing to Klein and Shaw.
Did Tom "compare" Bush to Castro?
"Both Tom Gallagher's ad criticizing Charlie Crist, and Crist's response, contain both truth and questionable claims." "Gallagher And Crist Compare, Clash In Ads".
Electronic Warfare
"Susan MacManus, who teaches political science at the University of South Florida, said campaigns in recent years have been strategic in hiring young people." By incorporating high school and college-aged students who tend to be at the forefront of technology, campaign tactics get edgier. Blogs used to be the latest thing.
Now, "It's podcasts and MySpace. We're expecting cell phone ads and PDA ads," MacManus said. "Candidates add Web profiles".
State Employees
"Will legislators change employee insurance?"
The Dems are beginning to rip Jebbie's failed education program: "Let me tell you the Bush legacy on education: We're 49th in the nation on our SAT scores. For the last four years we've led the nation in our dropout rate. When our students leave high school here with a degree and go to a community college, more than 30 percent of them take remediation," Smith said.
In the meantime, Smith said, the state is still unable to attract the teachers it needs because salaries remain too low. He gave the example of teachers in Leon County taking jobs in neighboring Georgia because of starting salaries that are $6,000 higher.
"It is a metaphor for our school system problem that we have a carpool that starts in Tallahassee and drives to Thomasville, Georgia, each day, and the 2005 public school Teacher of the Year is teaching in Atlanta this year. I'll change that," Smith said. "Democrat Smith, in Broward, rips Gov. Bush on schools".
Water Wars
"Local water wars have spilled over into a race for the Florida House of Representatives. David Pope and Ray Walker are running in the Republican primary for the seat now held by term-limited Rep. Dwight Stansel, D-Live Oak. Each candidate has talked about Pope's experience as the reason they deserve the job. Pope said his role as chairman of the Suwannee River Water Management District has taught him about a legislative district that covers much of the same turf. Instead of difficult-to-enforce regulations, he said he favors partnerships and incentives to protect the environment." "Water policy divides GOP candidates".
"The RNC site selection committee zips into town Sunday for a whirlwind 48-hour tour of Tampa and St. Petersburg, after similar visits to Minneapolis and St. Paul in Minnesota and New York City. Cleveland is the last stop before the committee retires to pick the winning city, which will be announced in January." "Tampa again tries to woo convention". See also "Pulling out the elephants for the GOP", "Selling Tampa: the 2008 Republican National Convertion", "Tampa Rolls Out The Old Red Carpet For RNC Panel" and "Best Foot Foward".
AG Race
"Two South Florida trial attorneys are vying for the Democratic nomination to be the state's next attorney general, but one's candidacy seems more an assist than a contest." Merrilee Ehrlich, 55, of Fort Lauderdale joined the race on the last day of qualifying and promptly underwent major back surgery. Her campaign has yet to register much publicity.
Meanwhile, state Sen. Walter "Skip" Campbell, 57, of Coral Springs had been campaigning for almost a year without another Democrat in sight. It was the Republicans who were falling over themselves in a four-way race to be their party's standard-bearer. "Democrat dwarfs foe in cash, status in attorney-general race".
The Orlando Sentinel's editorial board (McCollum's hometown paper) isn't impressed with Campbell: "The attorney general primary" ("Skip Campbell is the best choice in the Democratic race -- but only by default.")
CD 11
"The person who takes over for Jim Davis as their representative in Congress will have to understand not only the geography - the district spreads about 50 miles north to south over three counties and three separate urban cores- but also the diverse demographics and resulting diverse needs." "'The Vegetable Soup Of Politics'".
Trying To Put Lipstick on a Pig
"Playing ball has opened doors for Martinez - in the Senate and on the field".
"Papers pick Crist, Smith for primary":
- "In the Democratic primary, Smith, a former Gainesville-area prosecutor, so far has won endorsements from the St. Petersburg Times, Sun-Sentinel, Palm Beach Post, Daytona News-Journal, Lakeland Ledger, Gainesville Sun and Naples Daily News. U.S. Rep. Jim Davis of Tampa has won endorsements from the Tampa Tribune, Orlando Sentinel, Times-Union and Bradenton Herald."
- "Crist, as of Sunday, had won recommendations from editorial boards for every major daily Florida newspaper to date, including the St. Petersburg Times, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Tampa Tribune, Orlando Sentinel and Jacksonville's Florida Times-Union. Republican Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher has yet to receive an endorsement from a major Florida daily paper, though the Miami-Herald, his hometown paper, had not issued endorsements in the governor's race as of Sunday."
All About Jebbie
"The GOP contenders -- Attorney General Charlie Crist and Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher -- are trying to out-Bush each other with pledges to carry on the governor's conservative legacy. The leading Democratic candidates -- U.S. Rep. Jim Davis and state Sen. Rod Smith -- promise to tear it down." "06 Primary: The Florida vote". See also ""Contenders vie for powerful job. The Miami Herald's review of the candidates:
- "Charlie Crist, Republican | 'Charismatic, savvy -- and 'very tenacious'".
- "Jim Davis, Democrat | 'I'm not a screamer. . . . I'm a builder'".
- "Tom Gallagher, Republican | 'Most conservative candidate in race'".
- "Rod Smith, Democrat | 'He's reasonable, effective, likable'".
"Hard Sell"
"With a little more than two weeks before the primary, many Florida Democrats remain undecided - up to 60 percent in some polls - about Davis or Rod Smith. Nowhere else does the problem seem so acute, the stakes so high, than South Florida, home to 1.3-million potential Democratic voters, fully half of whom were undecided when the St. Petersburg Times conducted its poll the week of Aug. 8." Certain factors have complicated the Smith-Davis game plans:
- Name recognition. Smith is from the Gainesville area; Davis from Tampa. Neither has run statewide before.
- Money. Miami is the most expensive television market in the state, taxing the Democrats' already modest treasuries. In speeches, Davis begs audiences, and only half-jokingly, not to get up for a snack during TV breaks, saying a single commercial can cost $1-million.
- Similar messages. Although Smith and Davis have dramatically different personalities, they mostly agree on the issues. And around here, the issues are the same as anywhere else in the state: insurance and education. "Davis vs. Smith a hard sell in S. Fla.".
"Jeb!" Loses; Wants To Change Rules
"Florida lags in No Child Left Behind; Jeb wants law changed".
"While Gallagher's grim warnings that Crist's moderate stances on issues such as abortion and immigration would move the party away from its moral core, poll numbers and fundraising accounts indicate Crist's happy-go-lucky approach may be more in line with the party's faithful this year." "Crist's faithful brush off attacks".
"If Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist and Republican chief financial officer candidate Tom Lee win their primaries," the best show of the general election could be those two trying to play mutual admirers. No problem for Attorney General Crist, who is everybody's pal, but state Senate President Lee tends to be a whole lot less diplomatic when he disagrees with someone.
Take Lee's response on today's Political Connections show on Bay News 9 when asked about Crist going to court in 2004 to challenge phone rate increases: "Disingenuous," said Lee, who is officially neutral in the governor's race. "Lee doesn't save jabs for other party". See also
GOP Dumps on Harris
Scott Maxwell: "let's be honest here.": Top Republicans say it's understandable that they're distancing themselves from Harris. They say she's stubborn, eccentric and struggles with the truth.
But what they haven't said is that she's any different than she was when she was a GOP heroine after counting the ballots in 2000. Yet now, with no stack of valuable ballots before her, she's radioactive.
Perhaps of more concern to Republicans should be that the GOP loyalty problems aren't limited to Harris.
Just a few weeks ago, Tom Gallagher's closest supporters started leaking word to the press that he might get out of the race -- which was news to Gallagher.
The truth, of course, was that the Republican bigwigs had backed the wrong elephant. And when Charlie Crist started pulling ahead, they feared he was taking the gravy train with him.
Longtime Republican operative Oscar Juarez, confidant of Lt. Gov. Toni Jennings, shakes his head while saying this wasn't the way it used to be. It used to be that GOP problems were worked out behind GOP doors.
Now that the party's having problems, the old ways seem forgotten. "Picking on Harris no longer fun".
Gallagher's Strategy
"Gallagher, after years in Cabinet, hopes to ride Bush's coattails into top spot".
Early Voting; Early Votong
"It's election season, and Miami-Dade voters will decide a slew of key local and state races. Early voting starts Monday for the primary elections, which are Sept. 5." "They all want your vote". See also "Candidates stress early voting". See also "Election 2006: Early voting begins Monday", "On your mark, get set -- vote early", "Early voting for primary begins Monday", "Like it or not, early voting gets going Monday for upcoming elections" and "Shift to fall voting on rise".
A Rare Event
A well-connected wingnut judicial candidate who is too incompentent for the GOP: "GOP insider gets a surprise" "".
Badge of Honor
"Insurance companies, in general, don’t back Democrats." "Insurance pumps in big money".
If the distribution of campaign contributions is the best evidence of future performance, the insurance industry's GOP-love ought to be an issue as "Insurance hikes leave homeowners at a loss". See also "Insurance dominates campaign agendas".
Jebbie "Breaking our Backs"
The Florida Today editorial board: Ah, elections are in the air and the politicians are nervous.
How else do you explain the latest moves from Gov. Jeb Bush and the Cabinet on Florida's hurricane insurance crisis, which is breaking the backs of ordinary people and business owners?
Bush and the Legislature have given insurers carte blanche to push rates through the roof. But with Florida's economy suffering as a result, voters furious and Election Day approaching, they're paying attention.
By applying a Band-Aid to a gaping wound for business, and again using hard-pressed consumers to make sure insurance companies keep making huge profits. "Breaking our backs".
"McCain joins leg of Crist tour". See also "Senators jump on board Crist campaign plane", "McCain woos crowds" and "Sen. McCain campaigns with Crist, calls for less partisanship".
Endorsement Race
Political Pulse counts the endorsements: Democrat Jim Davis landed his first daily newspaper endorsement [yesterday], winning the backing of his hometown Tampa Tribune. The Trib also endorsed Republican Charlie Crist, as did the Gainesville Sun.
That means all eight daily papers that have issued endorsements so far in the GOP gubernatorial primary have picked Crist over Tom Gallagher. But five of the six that have done so in the Democratic primary have sided with Rod Smith.
[Sunday] is shaping up as a critical day in the newspaper sweepstakes, particularly in a Democratic race where so many voters still seem to know little about Davis or Smith. A number of big dailies (including the Sentinel, the Miami Herald and the South Florida Sun-Sentinel) are expected to make their picks.
"Davis Wins One; Two More for Crist".
- Orlando Sentinel: "Davis for the Democrats".
- Sun-Sentinel: "Governor" ("Charlie Crist, Rod Smith are the candidates to nominate").
- Bradenton Herald: "For the Democrats: Jim Davis".
Mike Thomas
"Conditions ripe for storm rates to soar far more".
Trib, Sentinel Heart Charlie
- Tampa Trib: "Trustworthy Charlie Crist Deserves GOP Nomination".
- Orlando Sentinel: "Crist for the Republicans".
Collins Gets Endorsements
Miami Herald: "Of the three remaining candidates, LeRoy Collins Jr., is the most credible choice." "The Miami Herald recommends for U.S. Senate, Republican primary". See also "Collins picks up another endorsement". See also "Senate: It's Harris vs. 3 others".
Davis Liability?
"Derek Newton, a Democratic consultant in Coral Gables who is publicly neutral in the governor's race, said that although the missed votes might be a liability, voters are ultimately going to make their decisions based on more important issues such as education, insurance and taxes." "Do voters care about Davis' absences?".
Center Stage
"Here's one way to make a big impression in Miami politics: Take a seat at center stage at a Charlie Crist rally featuring Arizona Sen. John McCain. And who had that center-stage spot on Saturday morning? That would be state Sen. Alex Villalobos, who's in the re-election fight of his life in which Gov. Jeb Bush and a slew of outside groups are backing his opponent, Frank Bolanos." "Villalobos at Center Stage".
Why Does The Media ...
buy into garbage like this: "Will successor share in Bush's love of big ideas?" Big ideas? Spare me.
HD 107
"The GOP scrum in Florida House District 107 includes a former Miami mayor and a former Jeb Bush aide who has the governor's endorsement." "Big names compete in a crowded field".
Captain Charlie, Crime Fighter
"Even his rivals agree that few politicians have Crist's charisma, determination and focus to win. But some suggest that Crist is all style and no substance. He also has been accused of picking popular issues while avoiding tough ones." "Election 2006: Gritty Attorney General Crist's persuasive ability buoys image as crime fighter".
Question: Has Crist ever tried a case?
Parrish Cleared
"The Florida Elections Commission cleared Broward County Property Appraiser Lori Parrish Friday of charges she violated state campaign laws in her 2004 run for office. Parrish was accused of failing to report the worth of the campaign ads placed on the Fort Lauderdale Water Taxi fleet." "Broward property appraiser cleared of campaign violations".
Gambling Cash To Crist
"Last week's massive money infusion into the secretive third-party political committees late in the governor's race includes another round of casino money to the group backing governor's candidate Charlie Crist." "More gambling money goes to Crist".
HD 120
"Front-runner's effort hangs on technicality".
"Bush and Lt. Gov. Toni Jennings have endorsed Lee, a somewhat-unusual move in a Republican primary. Bush also has made a television commercial for Lee, which could give the candidate a boost in a race where early polls showed many undecided voters. But if Johnson has his way, the race will focus on the problems in the property-insurance system. With eight hurricanes blowing through the state during the past two years, insurance companies have dropped hundreds of thousands of policies and received approval for major rate increases." "GOP hopefuls show differences".
"Try Omaha"
"Attorneys for the insurer charged with not paying $20 million in 2004 hurricane claims from a West Palm Beach condo don't think that the company can get a fair trial in Palm Beach County. They want U.S. District Judge Daniel T.K. Hurley to choose a less "inflamed" venue - Fort Lauderdale, or maybe Miami. Try Omaha." "Not too winded to run".
Daily Slosberg
Palm Beach Post: "Elect Ted Deutch overself-promoting Slosberg".
Immigration Policy
"Haitians and Cubans should receive equal treatment when fleeing oppression, gubernatorial candidate Rod Smith told a Haitian-American audience Saturday, taking on an issue that is out of the hands of Florida's governor." "Smith calls for fairer immigration policy".
Haitian Representation
"Haitians fight for equal representation in state".
Scientology in SD 16
"In a campaign season dominated by worries over insurance and property taxes, an unlikely issue has surfaced in two Tampa Bay legislative races: the Church of Scientology." "Scientology: an election issue?"