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The Blog for Saturday, October 07, 2006

"Suspiciously Partisan"

    "Voters in Mark Foley's congressional district need to know his name is only a placeholder on the Nov. 7 ballot for his Republican replacement. But the aggressive notification plan being recommended by the Florida elections division looks suspiciously partisan."
    Here are two worrisome clues:

    1) State elections laws are, at best, silent about whether special notices for one candidate can be posted in voting booths and included in absentee ballots. In fact, a Florida Association of Supervisors of Elections attorney claims those laws specifically prohibit any extra materials in absentee ballots, and a 1990 elections opinion seems to support him.

    2) When Robin Rorapaugh sought to replace a late-departing Democratic challenger to U.S. Rep. Clay Shaw in 2004, the division fought to keep her out of the race altogether. After courts said Rorapaugh could replace the Democrat whose name remained on the ballot, the division offered no advice on how to clear up any voter confusion.

    Nonetheless, state elections divison director Dawn Roberts on Tuesday advised all eight elections supervisors in U.S. House District 16 to put notices "in every voting booth" and "in future absentee ballot mailings" telling voters that "any vote cast for Mark Foley (REP) shall be counted as a vote for Joe Negron (REP)." ...

    The fact that supervisors are listening to their own attorney, and not Roberts, is revealing. They all aim to assure that voters are well-informed, but only Roberts is appointed by a partisan politician. Does that make a difference?
    "Why notes with votes?".

    Bought and Paid For

    "Floridians for Truth and Integrity in Government, the stealth group that raised millions of dollars to blow Republican Tom Gallagher out of the gubernatorial primary, has cut state Republicans their biggest check of the year."

    Known as an electioneering communications organization, the soft-money group whose biggest contributors included U.S. Sugar Corp., TECO Energy and Cape Coral developer Greg Eagle gave $1.1 million to the state Republican Party on Sept. 22, records show.

    Truth and Integrity raised more than $3.1 million this year, making it the largest electioneering organization created to influence elections, and spent much of that on TV ads designed to help Republican Charlie Crist in the race by trashing Gallagher.
    "Stealth group gives GOP largest check of year".

    15 Seconds

    "Move over Energizer Bunny, and welcome political candidates as the new wave of television ads get shorter and more to the point." "Candidates pin hopes on 15-second TV ads".

    Davis Picks Up Cash

    "Davis reported Friday his best fundraising week since he won the primary. He raised $419,211, bringing his total donations to $5.3 million." "Obama brings star power to aid of Davis, Jones". See also "Dash for Cash", "Obama brings his star power to Davis rally" and "Rising star Obama stands behind Davis".

    Buchanan Desperate

    "Cheney's first official visit to Sarasota since being elected vice president wasn't just a goodwill gesture to help Republican Vern Buchanan raise money for his congressional campaign." "Cheney rallies the GOP in Sarasota The vice president was here to help a Republican in a tight race.".

    Clear Choice

    "Candidates for north-county state House seat offer clear choice".

    What A Stand Up Guy

    "Florida's largest power company couldn't defeat Charlie Crist in the Republican primary for governor — and now has found that its new strategy of currying favor isn't working, either. Since the Sept. 5 primary, Florida Power & Light Co. has twice approached Crist about making a substantial donation to the Republican Party, and twice has been told that he is not interested in the company's money, Crist said." "Crist to FPL: Keep the cash".


    One of the most corrupt politicians in Washington plays the fool:

    Tom Feeney, R-Oviedo, has spent time and money creating a Web site to discredit his longshot opponent for the 24th Congressional District.

    Democrat Clint Curtis, a Titusville computer programmer, says Feeney's site, Crazyclintcurtis.com, is just another step in their long-running feud and an attempt to deflect accusations of corruption.

    Among other digs, the site has photos of Curtis that were altered to show him wearing a tin-foil hat while the Patsy Cline classic "Crazy" plays in the background.

    Curtis, a political outsider, has hired an attorney to see whether the site is criminal.

    Within a day of Curtis' primary victory, Feeney's campaign began questioning Curtis' sanity. Feeney has refused to debate Curtis on substantive policy issues. It would be a disservice to voters to do so, he said.
    "House race turns zanier".

    Pruitt Bites Hand

    "Pruitt lashes out at insurers, plan to have state pay part of damages".

    Foley Fallout

    "While polls show there has not yet been a voter backlash nationally over the Mark Foley scandal, the fallout is likely to affect several key races that could tip control of Congress to the Democrats." "Some Republican seats shaky since Foley scandal". See also "Campaigning Republicans quick to ditch Foley money" and "Analysis: Bush agenda goes unheard amid din of Foley scandal".

    Go Ahead Mark, Name Names

    "Diocese asks Foley to reveal name of his molester". See also "Palm Beach Diocese wants Foley to name his abuser".

    More: "Foley's excuses are unacceptable." "Mark Foley".


    See "Harris Campaigns On Ousting IRS", "Harris rolls the dice on tax plan Senate candidate says it 'makes sense' -- but others disagree." and "Harris says Nelson's policies are opposed to Christian beliefs".

    More: "Harris attack on Nelson is insult to faith"


    "Democratic candidate for governor Jim Davis fired a couple of sharp jabs at Republican Charlie Crist today during a burst of campaigning that took from a children's summit in Orlando to a rally with Barack Obama in Miami."

    In Orlando this morning, Davis told the 1,000 attendees at the Florida Children's Summit he was "disappointed" that Crist turned down an invitation to share the stage together citing scheduling conflicts. "With all due respect to Charlie, one of the reasons I'm here is his scheduling conflict to talk about children's issues has been a scheduling conflict for eight years [actually, six] while he's served as attorney general and education commissioner," Davis said.

    And in Miami this afternoon, Davis reminded the crowd of about 500 that Crist recently confessed to not knowing when the FCAT is administered to students. "When you see Charlie Crist, tell him we feel like the FCAT is being given every single day in our schools," Davis said.
    "Jim's Jabs".

    SOE's Resist State Efforts To Help Negron

    "Officials: Foley/Negron notice won't be in ballots".


    "Wexler calls for president to clarify drug import policy".


    "Federal law may allow Mark Foley to tap into his campaign funds to pay legal fees in the investigation of instant messages he sent to former congressional pages." "Mark Foley may be able to use campaign funds to pay legal bills".

    CD 9

    "Roots versus new blood is the theme in the race to succeed longtime U.S. Rep. Mike Bilirakis, an intense match between the retiring incumbent's son and a challenger hoping to ride voter discontent." "U.S. Watches 9th District Race". See also "Busansky Stresses Accountability" and "Bilirakis Drawn Early To Politics".

    Glass Houses

    "A campaign consultant with the state Democratic Party resigned from his job in August after he was questioned about a 2001 arrest." "Democratic campaign consultant resigns over 2001 arrest".


    "In closet, Foley a gay rights champion".

The Blog for Friday, October 06, 2006

Charlie the Coward

    In the wake of the Foley affair, Charlie has developed a sudden aversion to public events involving children: "Crist Won't Participate In Children's Summit".

    Color Charlie yellow:
    has declined recently to participate in two such events, forums on health care and child welfare issues, even after their organizers thought the campaign had agreed to them.

    This week, Crist also threatened to withdraw from one of two planned televised debates with Davis. His campaign objects to the format of the event, an unst
    "Crist Leery Of Debate With Davis". And this will come as a shock - Charlie can't come up with an original idea; first he wants to copy Jebbie, then on the issue of health care (where Jebbie has done nothing), he copies Davis:
    Crist's prescription drug plan and his proposals to negotiate with the drug industry to get volume discounts for Floridians, along with allowing businesses to pool together to get cheaper insurance for their employees are similar to proposals Democratic candidate Jim Davis presented in March.
    "Crist Touts Program For Florida's Health". Or was he copying someone else? See "Crist's prescription plan: Copy Wal-Mart"

    And then there is this: Charlie couldn't "offer details on costs or savings for taxpayers." "Crist vows to cut health costs". No wonder Charlie has "threatened to withdraw from one of two planned televised debates with Davis ..., an unstructured conversation between the two candidates and Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC's 'Hardball.'"

    And then there is this bit of originality: "Crist backers blast Davis for Cuba trip".

    Harris Continues To Lose It

    This kinda things apparently moves Republican voters:

    Six weeks after urging voters to elect only "tried and true" Christians, Senate candidate Katherine Harris is questioning her opponent's faith by saying he "votes completely contrary" to Christian principles.
    "Nelson doesn't act like Christian, Harris says".

    Common Sense

    "All eight elections supervisors in former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley's congressional district said Thursday they will not include a notice with absentee ballots to inform voters that the Republican has resigned and his votes will count for Joe Negron." "Elections chiefs won't send note about ballot". See also "Some counties say they won't explain Foley's ballot substitute".

    The Miami Herald editorial board:

    At first blush, the decision by state elections chief Dawn Roberts to inform voters that a ballot cast for former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley will be counted in favor of his successor seems innocent enough. It seems merely like providing useful information to voters. But there are two problems with this approach -- and the election supervisors would be better served to disregard Ms. Roberts' advice. ...

    The secretary of state department's explanation that Ms. Roberts' recommendation was merely advisory and not mandatory doesn't wash. Saying that election supervisors could include a notice or omit it in absentee ballots would mean that voting across the various districts would not be uniform. Florida's embarrassing experiences in the 2000 election, which included butterfly ballots, hanging and pregnant chads and a secretary of state who acted in a partisan manner should have impressed on state election officials the need to be scrupulously fair and impartial. Apparently, though, not everyone has learned that lesson, painful though it was.
    "Foley out of race but his name is still in it".

    Both parties are preparing to fight.

    Mark Herron, an election law expert representing the Florida Democratic Party, said the party hasn't decided whether it would oppose the posting of signs that could possibly provide voters with an in-the-booth reminder of Negron's candidacy.

    "There are parameters saying what the supervisors can do in terms of voter education and these things, (the Negron-Foley signs) don't fit in those boxes," he said.

    The Republican Party of Florida also has attorneys studying the situation. Party spokesman Jeff Sadosky said Democratic efforts to prevent notifying voters of the changes would be unfair.
    "Fray centers on advising voters of Foley change".

    Foley Fallout

    "Republicans admitted mistakes and rallied around House Speaker Dennis Hastert to contain the Internet-message scandal involving Mark Foley." "Panel to investigate Foley scandal".


    "Foley's folly at forefront of Shaw-Klein encounter". See also "Shaw, Klein use debate to attack".

    Davis Short on Cash

    "Strapped for cash, Davis is trying to make every dollar count. His first two ads, which debuted this week, are 15 seconds long. An announcer has time to introduce the issue at hand, offer two declarative sentences and then identify Davis and his running mate Daryl Jones with the tag 'because it's time for a change.'" "Lack Of Contributions Hampers Davis TV Campaign".

    Getting Old

    "Republican Charlie Crist unveiled his health care plan at the Sweetwater Senior Center in Miami Thursday and used the visit to charge up the crowd of reliable voters with anti-Castro rhetoric."

    As supporters waved Crist signs, and a two-man band revved up the crowd, Crist stood between U.S. Reps. Mario and Lincoln Diaz-Balart, two popular Cuban-American Republicans, as they criticized Crist's opponent, Democrat U.S. Rep. Jim Davis and his record on Cuba.
    "Crist backers blast Davis for Cuba trip".

    Harris Gives It Up

    "U.S. Senate Katherine Harris said she’ll donate to charity $2,000 in campaign contributions she received from disgraced U.S. Rep. Mark Foley, even though the contributions came nearly five years, in her first campaign for the U.S. House seat she currently holds." "Harris To Donate Foley Cash".

    Social Issues

    "The fall campaign for governor has so far been consumed with education, insurance and taxes, but when Democrat Jim Davis sat down at an east Orlando church this morning he found himself confronted with some of the day's touchstone social issues. A group of nearly two dozen Hispanic ministers quizzed Davis about abortion, immigration, gay rights and more during an early morning forum that stretched more than hour. With a Spanish-speaking pastor by his side to translate, Davis tiptoed carefully through the questioning." "Davis Talks Social Issues". See also "Davis meets with Hispanic ministers".


    "Democrat aims to break stranglehold".

    Republicans For Davis

    "Davis announces GOP support". See also "Republicans for Davis".

    Corruption a Problem for GOP

    "The poll found that by a margin of nearly 2-to-1 likely voters say Democrats would better combat corruption than Republicans. More troubling to Republicans, likely voters in some key Republican groups were split on whether to trust Democrats or Republicans to clean up corruption." "Corruption large on voters' minds".

The Blog for Thursday, October 05, 2006

State Election Officials Campaign for Negron

    "In an escalating conflict tinged by the 2000 presidential election, the Florida Democratic Party is accusing state election officials of playing favorites in the nationally watched contest to replace former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley."
    The GOP tapped state Rep. Joe Negron to run in Foley's place after the congressman's lurid computer messages to teenage boys became public and he resigned. But under Florida law, Foley's name will still appear on the ballot.

    The state is recommending that election supervisors in the eight counties constituting Foley's district send notices to absentee voters and post signs in every voting booth that say, "Any vote cast for Mark Foley (REP) shall be counted as a vote for Joe Negron (REP)."
    In response,
    Karen Thurman, chairwoman of the Florida Democratic Party, said the notice "would clearly constitute favoritism.

    "In fact, any ballot sent to a voter with this statement should be deemed invalid," Thurman said in the letter, addressed to state elections chief Dawn Roberts. ...

    Election chiefs are seeking advice from the Tallahassee attorney for their statewide association, Ron Labasky. He said he thinks the law does not allow election supervisors to send notices with absentee ballots.
    "Foley saga spurs ballot fight". See also "Ballot name pesters Foley's fill-in".

    How convenient that Jebbie's minions
    have removed what political experts have said was one of Negron's biggest challenges in the race: voter confusion at the polls. ...

    The recommendation sent by Dawn Roberts, director of the state Division of Elections, was unsolicited, state elections spokesman Sterling Ivey said.
    It gets worse:
    "Preferably, the notice would be placed in every voting booth," Roberts wrote in the e-mail to county supervisors.
    "Signs noting Negron replaces Foley on ballot get OK". Indeed, it has already started:
    Elections supervisors in two counties [rural Highlands and Hendry counties] began mailing absentee ballots Wednesday for the 16th Congressional District race that included a notice telling voters Mark Foley is no longer a candidate and his votes would count for fellow Republican Joe Negron.
    "Foley ballot notice questioned".

    Harris Goes Off Deep End

    "Leave it to Florida's Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate to come up with a unique theory for who really may be to blame [for the Foley thing]."

    Here's Katherine Harris' take on the matter to WESH-Channel 2: "The media would be quite disingenuous to try to make it a partisan issue. If anything, the Republicans didn't know about these issues. And we are going to be very anxious to find out who in the media or on the other side of the aisle knew about it and kept this from the public interest. Because our children were at stake." So the Foley matter isn't a partisan one. But if it is, then Democrats are probably to blame. . . for the actions of this Republican. Harrisland must be a fascinating place to live.
    "The offbeat take on Foley in 'Harrisland'". See also "Harris on offense, backs border fence", "Harris blasts Nelson on illegal immigration" and "Harris blasts Nelson on illegal immigration".

    Privatization Follies

    "Florida lawmakers made a mistake when they approved a plan to force low-income seniors into for-profit managed care. Yet the state is barreling ahead with a privatization proposal that might go further than the Legislature intended." "Try again".

    The Consumer Warrior

    "Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist is the subject of a new book that claims the attorney general attempted to "whitewash" an investigation into now-bankrupt talent and modeling agencies."

    The book, "Under Investigation," was written by Les Henderson, an Ontario man who has previously written about how scams are operated. He is publishing the 511-page book himself.

    Crist's campaign manager, George LeMieux, was deputy attorney general under Crist and is at the center of Henderson's claim that the investigation was dismissed for political reasons.
    Here's what happened:
    The head of the attorney general's local economic crimes unit in Orlando that led the investigation, Jackie Dowd, said Monday she had prepared a lawsuit based on deceptive business practices against the companies. But she said she was dismissed after 11 years with the unit with no reason in early 2004 before the suit could be filed.

    "There were no job issues, there were no performance issues," Dowd said of her dismissal. Asked if her involvement in the investigation of Pearlman's companies was a reason for the dismissal, Dowd said, "I certainly did wonder about that. That was one of the possibilities. I just don't know."

    LeMieux said that Dowd resigned from her job after differences of opinion related in part to Dowd's speaking to the press about ongoing investigations. He said the parting was "amicable."

    A few months later, Dowd's replacement -- John MacGregor -- eviscerated Dowd's work in a memo that largely praised Pearlman's businesses and led to the end of the investigation.
    "Pearlman and his affiliated companies gave $5,000 to Crist's gubernatorial campaign in June 2005, more than a year after the attorney general's investigation was dropped." "Book: Crist tried to 'whitewash' probe into modeling agencies".

    "Status-Quo Crist"

    Former state Sen. Daryl Jones, the Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor, arrived at New Bethel AME Church on Wednesday night and fired up the congregation with his own kind of revival.

    Speaking to a group of 90 members of the congregation and local Democratic activists, Jones, who would become the first black lieutenant governor of Florida if gubernatorial candidate Jim Davis wins Nov. 7, said the state is desperate for change.
    "Jones: Status-Quo Crist Wrong".

    CD 5

    See "Brown-Waite says low-key style best serves community" and "Russell says his tenacity will be asset in Congress".

    GOP Creates"Bloated Beast"

    "[I]t's hard to understand how conservative Republicans running Tallahassee, who pay lip service to shrinking the size of government, could give their blessing to this bloated beast." "New Florida Charter School Panel Is Costly, Divisive, Duplicative".

    The answer is simple: it is all about taking on unionized teachers.

    Remember The Guv Race?

    - "Former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner toured Florida Wednesday, raising money for gubernatorial candidate Jim Davis while elevating his own profile as he heads toward a likely run for president." "Ex-Virginia Gov. Warner campaigns with Davis". See also "Presidential hopefuls rally around Davis".

    - "Limit 'far-fetched' lawsuits? Crist running mate has one of his own, critics say"

    - "Gubernatorial issues: Property taxes"

    - Charlie's latest: "AD WATCH: Governor's Race".


    "Bush's Foundation for Florida's Future on Wednesday released a video called A Florida Promise, linking the past eight years of education improvements to the state's standardized testing, school grading and major boosts in classroom funding. The 13-minute production is available on the foundation's Web site, www.foundationforfloridasfuture.org. ... [Mandy Fletcher, the group's executive director said] the timing of the film's release has nothing to do with influencing the upcoming election, the first governor's race in 12 years that Bush will not be on the ballot." "Bush foundation video trumpets schools' progress". See also "Jeb! The Movie" and "Now on DVD".

    Foley Fallout

    - "A top congressional aide who resigned Wednesday said he alerted the House speaker's office years ago that former Rep. Mark Foley's behavior toward congressional pages could be a concern." "Ex-aide: I reported Foley's behavior years ago". See also "Aide says he told Hastert's office about Foley's conduct more than 3 years ago", "Former aide says he reported Foley in 2003" and "Ex-Aide Cites '03 Warnings On Foley".

    - "Ethics committee ready to probe Foley case". See also "Ethics panel faces major decisions in Foley investigation".

    - "Shaw's strong support for Speaker Hastert softens".

    - "Mahoney avoids Foley scandal".

    - Editorials: "So disgraced ex-Congressman Mark Foley is not only an alcoholic, but was abused as a teen by a clergy member. How convenient." "Resolve questions". See also "Foley isn't the victim, but he's acting like one".

    - "Debate alters after Foley acknowledges being gay".

    - "The director of a national network of sexual abuse victims called on disgraced former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley of Palm Beach County to identify his alleged perpetrator to local law enforcement. ... Attorney David Roth, speaking on Foley's behalf at a West Palm Beach news conference Tuesday, said the former congressman was molested between the ages of 13 and 15 by a clergyman." "Name your abuser, victims group urges Foley". See also "Foley was molested, lawyer says".

    Political Stunt

    "At issue is a legal quarrel between the Legislature and a handful of influential lobbyists over a new law forcing lobbyists to report how much they are paid to influence state government." "Lee questions tactics of lobbyists' attorneys".

    By the Way, He Was A Democrat

    "Bush, former governors honor LeRoy Collins". See also "Late ex-governor inspires successors".

    First Amendment

    "Compliments are fine, rousing cheers are even better, but don't let officials catch you criticizing the president and vice president when they make a public appearance. That could land you in the pokey." "Speak out, but at your own risk".

    Poll Workers

    "Hoping to cut down on mistakes like those that may have led to missing voting records from the September primary, Volusia County Supervisor of Elections Ann McFall is revamping poll worker training, which starts today." "Supervisor revises training to cut down poll errors".


    "Conservative pundits and the Republican National Committee have been using the prospect of U.S. Rep. Alcee Hastings taking over the House Intelligence Committee in an attempt to scare voters away from Democratic congressional candidates." "GOP campaigns against Hastings for House post".

The Blog for Monday, October 02, 2006

Note to Readers

    The blog will return WednesdayThursday.

The Blog for Sunday, October 01, 2006

Dead Air

    "Lack of money for TV ads and few specifics on issues dog Jim Davis, whose troubles in the race for governor are likely to get worse if he can't boost his poll numbers." "In TV battle, dead air for Davis". See also "Kerry raises money for Davis, Democrats" and "Kerry crisscrosses Florida to support candidates, party".

    Crist Has 21 Point Lead

    "Republican Charlie Crist has taken a commanding 21-point lead over Democrat Jim Davis in the race to be Florida's next governor, according to a Miami Herald poll."

    The survey by Zogby International shows Crist garnering 51 percent of the vote, compared with Davis' 30 percent. About 16 percent of voters are undecided. To catch up, Davis would have to win over all of the fence-sitters and peel away Crist supporters. ...

    [T]he gaping margin between Crist and Davis at the top of the ticket threatens to drag down other Democratic candidates on the Nov. 7 ballot.
    "Crist has big lead all over Florida in poll".

    Charlie's Political Stunt

    "Questions have now been raised about whether Crist's 20-month investigation, whose cost hasn't been calculated but substantially exceeds $300,000, achieved what he said. ... Two weeks ago, Crist sent a camera crew to Evangeline Moore's home near Washington to tape an interview with her, apparently intended for use in a campaign commercial." "Murder Inquiry's Findings Disputed".

    More Foley

    See "Foley's secret confounds friends: Ex-congressman, said to be an emotional wreck, loses GOP support", "Foley's sudden fall from grace", "GOP races to replace Foley" and "Foley resigns after sexual Web messages to teenage boys".

    Randy Schultz is editor of the editorial page of The Palm Beach Post: "Foley's case tragic, but boys victims". See also ""Criminal solicitation or just sleaze?". And here's another perspective: "Gay community analyzes Foley resignation".

    What's Next for the GOP? "The most likely scenario involves a statewide 'super board' of 40 Republican Party officials picking the nominee in a telephone conference from Central Florida early next week. Republican Party of Florida spokesman Jeff Sadowski said Saturday the selection process was still a work in progress." "Battle to replace Foley heats up". See also "House races are keeping parties on toes" ("With Republican Mark Foley out of the race and only five weeks until Election Day, the GOP may have trouble holding onto the majority in the House of Representatives"), "Scandal leaves GOP in a scramble", "Resignation rocks Capitol Hill", "Negron has inside track to take Foley's place", "Foley shocker jolts race, GOP", "Negron heads pack of Republicans jockeying to replace Foley" and "GOP sees another Florida seat endangered".

    Foley Fallout

    "Top House Republicans sparred Saturday over how they handled early reports about questionable e-mails from former Florida Rep. Mark Foley to an underage page, opening a rift just weeks before the GOP tries to hold onto its House majority. E-mail releases sent Saturday show top leaders knew about the e-mails to the former page, a teenage boy, for months but did not move to force the Palm Beach County Republican to resign from office or to step down as co-chairman of a congressional caucus on children's issues until reports surfaced Friday that he had exchanged sexually explicit computer messages." "GOP leaders at odds over Foley e-mails". See also "Democrats claim GOP covered up Foley case", "GOP Leaders Knew of Foley E-Mail in '05", "House Republican leaders admit they knew about Foley e-mails for months", "House Speaker Knew About Foley E-Mails Months Ago", "Democrats accuse GOP of covering up sex scandal" and "Rep.: Hastert told of Foley months ago".

    And what did the leadership of the Republican Party of Florida know? See "Attorney General Charlie Crist and U.S. Representative Mark Foley".


    "Considered a longshot against U.S. Rep. Mark Foley two days ago, Democrat Tim Mahoney immediately began talking Saturday about the scandal that may propel him to Congress." "Candidate seeking Foley seat criticizes GOP over e-mails". See also "Foley's foe steps into limelight", "Suddenly, a Toss-Up", "Mahoney: GOP response 'disturbing'", "Democrat in position to win firm GOP seat", "With Foley gone, Democrats rally behind Mahoney", "Democrat has the race to himself -- for now".

    Exit Poll Litigation

    "A Florida law that bars exit polling near voting places violates the press' rights under the First Amendment, a lawsuit filed by The Associated Press and five television networks alleges." "AP, networks fight law barring exit polls".

    Harris Lagging

    "Katherine Harris lags incumbent Bill Nelson by 27 percentage points in the U.S. Senate race, a new Miami Herald poll showed." "Harris still far behind Nelson in Senate race".

    Fat Wallet in CD 13

    "Republican Vern Buchanan has put an additional $650,000 of his own money into his campaign for Congress, adding to what has become one of the most expensive congressional races in the country." "Buchanan adds cash to campaign".

    On the Dem side: "U.S. Sen. John Kerry was a no-show Saturday for a fundraiser on Bird Key for Democratic congressional candidate Christine Jennings.". "Late session keeps Kerry away from fundraiser".

    Eating the Spin

    Don't you love seeing the liberal media gobbling up the Crist campaign spin: "earnest wonkishness doesn't always make Davis that appealing on the campaign trail. While Crist seems to project a strong likeability factor in public appearances, Davis has been criticized for being too programmed and humorless." "Although a wonk, Davis can connect".

    Stuart Endorsements

    Scott Maxwell reports

    Keller gets mayoral smackdown. Democrat Charlie Stuart has snagged a trio of impressive endorsements in his campaign to oust Republican U.S. Rep. Ric Keller. Three Orlando mayors -- two of whom are Republican -- endorsed Stuart last week. The support from Democrat Buddy Dyer wasn't all that surprising. But check out this line from loyal Republican Glenda Hood. "We need people in Congress we can respect, like Charlie," said Jeb Bush's former secretary of state. "I see Charlie Stuart as a welcome and thoughtful change to represent our community in Congress." So if someone we can respect would be a change . . . well, now, that's a little more outspoken than the Glenda I remember. Stuart also got the support of political godfather Bill Frederick -- meaning three establishment figures united against the established incumbent. That's unusual. Still, Keller's campaign shot back that it has the support of the past two county mayors: Rich Crotty and Mel Martinez, meaning we may have an actual battle -- or at least some mayoral mayhem -- on our hands.
    "Endorsements, surprises and missteps".

    Dem Cabinet Hopefuls In Panhandle

    "Democratic Cabinet hopefuls Alex Sink and Skip Campbell sped through six North Florida counties on Saturday trying to drum up support in a region where Democrats outnumber Republicans but voters have consistently supported GOP candidates in statewide races." "Democratic Cabinet hopefuls make push in North Florida". See also "Dems hoping to improve showing".

    Jebbie's Choice Cracking

    "Hillsborough Supervisor of Elections Buddy Johnson calls his office "the cornerstone of democracy" because it is entrusted with running the process for citizens to elect their government. Unfortunately, foundational cracks are apparent in Hillsborough's cornerstone and it's a question whether Johnson, a friendly though sometimes scattered man with a delegating style, can provide the inspection and oversight needed to set things straight." "In Search Of A Smooth Election, Johnson Must Prove He's Up To It".

    SD 30

    "When voters in state Senate District 30 choose between Democrat Ted Deutch and Libertarian Karl Dickey, they'll be choosing between two dramatically different philosophies of government." "State Senate District 30: Clear lines drawn between candidates".

    Voting Aid

    "November's general election will cost Broward County taxpayers a record $3.7 million, a price that could climb due to an agreement with the federal government to make voting friendlier for Hispanics." "Bilingual voting aid mandated".

    Early Birds

    "Two of the most prominent prospects, Democrat John Kerry and Republican Rudolph Giuliani, just completed South Florida swings. Even though the 2008 election is more than two years away, Broward and Palm Beach counties will be filled with presidential candidates in the five weeks between now and Election Day." "Presidential hopefuls boost Florida candidates, look to help themselves". See also "Work never stops for candidates". In the meantime, there is a "Push for early Florida primary".

    Bought and Paid For

    "While Crist's opponent in the Nov. 7 governor's election, Democratic U.S. Rep. Jim Davis, has tried to rally voters with his cry that special interests have too much control in Tallahassee, Crist has the support of virtually every A-list lobbyist in the state." "Powerful lobbyists backing Crist".


    "How did Palm Beach County Commissioner Tony Masilotti's brother wind up paying the taxes on a $7.7 million piece of property in Brevard County? What is known from corporate records, land deeds and Commissioner Masilotti's actions indicate that it happened as part of a payoff to Commissioner Masilotti for allowing a landowner to bring suburbia to the edge of the Everglades." "Masilotti's $7.7 million".

    Follow the Money

    "Gallagher supporter now backs ex-classmate, Crist".

    "Pedophile Money"

    From the Florida Progressive Coalition blog: Several Florida candidates have been the beneficiaries of Foley's "Florida Republican Leadership PAC", and argues that the "only correct thing to do is to give this money back. Or donate it to a group that fights pedophilia or helps out the victims. In fact, that’s actually a better thing to do with the money." The recipients:

    Vernon Buchanan (FL-13) $2,000 (941) 953-6060 (941) 795-7013 info@vernbuchananforcongress.com

    Clay Shaw (FL-22) $1,000 (202) 225-3026 (954) 522-1800 (561) 832-3007 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
    "Pedophile Money".

    Jebbie's Shell Game

    Want to know why there's a property tax revolt? "Florida property owners are paying an increasing share of the cost of public education, a shift by state officials that has gone largely unnoticed by the public."

    When Gov. Jeb Bush took office in 1999, property taxes accounted for about 40 percent of the money that flows through the Florida Education Finance Program, the system that divvies up most of the state's education budget. The rest came from state sources, primarily the sales tax.

    This year: Only 48 percent will come from the state while 52 percent will come from local property taxes.

    The change is one of many factors at work as homeowners and business people complain loudly about their tax notices and public officials try to sort through what happened.

    The shift started gradually, then accelerated the last three years as state officials took advantage of double-digit leaps in Florida property values.
    "School tax funding has shifted"

    Musty Play

    "Straight out of the mustiest Republican playbook, it's the ol' tax-and-spend liberal attack. The Republican Party of Florida's latest commercial on behalf of its candidate for governor, Charlie Crist, assails Democratic rival Jim Davis as a 'liberal Washington politician' who 'opposes property tax cuts.'" "Crist pulls out tax-and-spend label for Davis".

    Cabinet Races

    "The three Republican candidates for Florida's Cabinet offices held slight leads over their Democratic opponents ahead of the Nov. 7 general election, but many voters had not made up their minds, a new poll shows." "Poll: Republicans have early advantage in Cabinet race".

    Christian Coalition

    "Christian Coalition signals change of guard in selection of its president".

    Nelson Defends Vote

    "Nelson defends vote for detainee bill".

    Kidcare Flawed

    "State: KidCare program is still flawed".


    "Flustered Florida voters fed up with rising property taxes are overwhelmingly supporting two constitutional amendments to give breaks to seniors and disabled veterans, a new poll shows. The Mason-Dixon Florida poll of 625 voters released Friday indicates four of the six measures voters will face on the Nov. 7 ballot would pass with a majority of votes if the election were held today. ... But the public isn't sold yet on another business-backed measure to make it harder to change Florida's constitution." "Poll shows four of six amendments passing".

    Out of Context?

    "Republican U.S. Rep. Clay Shaw said Democratic challenger Ron Klein should apologize for a new TV ad that says Shaw declared "the war is over" in Iraq while U.S. troops are still dying there." "Quote out of context, Shaw says".


    "Big spenders are swelling the bank account of the political committee trying to persuade Collier County voters to extend the life of the county's greenspace buying program. Keep Conservation Collier has raised more than $86,000 as of Friday — almost half of it from two of the county's largest landowners, according to PAC treasurer George Ricci." "PAC backs measure on greenspace purchasing".