The Charlie Choice ...
C'mon Johnnie, I challenge you to go with the empty suit: "Obama spending big on ads in Florida" ("The polls suggest Obama's ads in Florida have made a difference. He resoundingly lost the state Democratic primary to Hillary Clinton on Jan. 29 and trailed McCain in nearly every survey until mid-June.")
"Obama holds narrow lead over McCain in Florida, latest poll says". See also "Poll: Ohio and Florida toss-ups for 2008 presidential election".
"Obama and John McCain remain locked in a tie for Florida's 27 electoral votes. A new Quinnipiac University poll found Democrat Obama has 46 percent of the vote and Republican McCain has 44 percent."
"The two percentage point gap is insignificant in a poll with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.8 percentage points. The Obama-McCain contest is essentially unchanged from the previous poll, released June 18. Obama lost a point and McCain gained a point." "Obama, McCain remain deadlocked in Florida poll".
However, Steve Bousquet says "Crist's bid to be McCain's VP may be waning". He writes in detail about the vetting process, and observes that "the question now is whether he already has become an also-ran or is being subjected to the kind of microscopic background check performed on the most viable contenders."
But the weather's great
"Congestion, lack of funding make Florida's highways some of worst in country".
Our "economic doldrums
"Barack Obama wants to help pull Florida out of its economic doldrums by sending $3 billion in rebate checks and providing an extra dose of housing relief. John McCain plans to stimulate the state's economy by cutting business taxes, declaring a gas-tax holiday and expanding foreign trade." "Two prescriptions, one sick economy".
"Transportation Secretary Mary Peters will be speaking Friday about steps being taken to reduce traffic tie ups. She says she wants to make it easier for cities like Miami to fight traffic and improve transit options." "Transportation Secretary visiting Miami".
Today's FloBama: "Obama to address economy at St. Petersburg appearance", "Obama supporters meet tonight in Weston", "White House rivals will visit - Sarasota Herald-Tribune", "Obama, McCain focusing on Florida economy - TCPalm", "Obama risks voter ire by opposing new oil drilling", "South Floridians plan gathering for Obama", "Obama, McCain both campaign in Florida", "Obama slams McCain over oil company tax breaks", and "Lieberman to return for McCain campaign". Up to the minute Flobama news is right here.
Plus it don't cost nuthin'
"Conservatives and libertarians nationwide tout the '65 percent solution' as a way to increase classroom spending without raising taxes. The idea is to require schools to spend 65 percent of their budgets on classroom expenses as opposed to administrative costs. It's been pushed for three years but has sputtered nationally, with only Georgia and Texas adopting it. " "'65 percent solution' school plan comes to Florida".
Fewer Rangers
"Beginning today, the Road Rangers will stop continuously patrolling Miami-Dade County's interstates to save money on gas. " "Road rangers cut presence on Miami-Dade interstates".
Adoptions up
"Florida finalized a record number of more than 3,500 public adoptions this year thanks to a new campaign that focuses on adoptions for older children, siblings and children with disabilities." "Campaign helps boost adoptions".
Golden 'Glades
The Palm Beach Post editorial Board: "Florida was wrong five years ago to weaken Everglades cleanup rules and postpone the deadline for meeting them, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was wrong to turn 'a blind eye' to it." Those who said so then were vindicated this week by U.S. District Judge Alan S. Gold. His ruling, echoing the tough stance of Judge William Hoeveler, stops Florida's Department of Environmental Protection from issuing permits that don't meet the safety standard of 10 parts of phosphorus per billion for water flowing to the Everglades. That standard seems minuscule, but the Everglades ecosystem can tolerate few nutrients. They make cattails grow and upset the balance of native plants and wildlife.
In 2003, the Legislature and then-Gov. Jeb Bush postponed enforcement of the super-low pollution limits until 2016, extending the deadline by a decade and easing pressure on the South Florida Water Management District to meet the strict standard. "New Everglades enforcer".
More from the "values" crowd in Tally
Good luck with this: "Schools seek $65.4 million to keep professors in Fla." ("Florida's universities are asking for $65.4 million to stem the "brain drain" of professors and staff leaving for better-paying jobs in states not suffering the same cuts to higher education budgets.")
"The letter was another disappointment to FAU faculty, who have gone two years without a raise, said Eric Shaw, a marketing professor who serves as president of the Faculty Senate." "Florida Atlantic University faces more budget cuts".
One man's freedom fighter ...
"Several Cuban exile organizations have launched a campaign to persuade President Bush to pardon convicted Cuban exile militant Eduardo Arocena, reputed mastermind of Omega 7, whose group was blamed for numerous bombings in Miami and New York." "Petition seeks pardon for jailed exile bomber" ("Also, a federal jury in Miami convicted Arocena of planting nine bombs over a four-year period in the Miami area.")
"Supporters of an anti-Castro activist sentenced to life in prison plus 35 years for the murder of a Cuban diplomat and other terrorism-related activities want President Bush to pardon him. Eduardo Arocena's friends and family have created a Web site in support of his early release and on Tuesday held a rally for him in Miami's Little Havana." "Wife, friends of anti-Castro Cuban want clemency".
Hey, isn't this a reportable "in kind" contribution ...
... worth all of two cents?: Country music star John Rich wants like-minded voters to join him in "Raising McCain."
The other half of the Nashville duo Big and Rich, the singer-songwriter has penned lyrics for a rock-infused anthem focused on the 5 1/2 years Republican presidential candidate John McCain spent as a prisoner of war in Vietnam and his refusal of an early release.
"He stayed strong, stayed extra long til they let all the other boys out. Now we've got a real man with an American plan, we're going to put him in the big White House," the song says. Its refrain: "We're all just raising McCain."
Rich planned to debut "Raising McCain" on Friday at the Country First concert in Panama City, Fla., with McCain on hand.
Rich, 34, has written best-selling songs for country artists, including Gretchen Wilson's "Redneck Woman" and Faith Hill's "Mississippi Girl." "Country star John Rich wants fans 'Raising McCain'".
Floridians dig drilling
"McCain had just come out for drilling, and Crist is hoping to get tapped as his vice presidential running mate. A new poll out today shows Crist was on target, at least as far as voter opinion goes in Florida. Quinnipiac University’s new poll shows that voters agree with President Bush and McCain that Congress should allow offshore oil drilling, something Democrat Barack Obama opposes." "Poll provides new evidence that Crist’s vaunted political senses are still finely tuned".
More: "Obama risks voter ire by opposing new oil drilling".
Playin' favorites
"As Michael Grant explains it, Gov. Charlie Crist is simply doing a favor for a friend. But Nancy Detert, Grant's opponent in the Republican primary for state Senate, is perplexed that Florida's popular governor is picking sides in what is expected to be one of the state's tightest Republican races." Crist, who has not endorsed any other candidates in state legislative races, [was in Sarasota], headlining a $250-a-plate fundraiser in support of Grant at the home of builder John Cannon on Siesta Key.
The governor's efforts for Grant will not stop there. Crist is also appearing in Grant's campaign mailers and is recording phone messages that are being sent to thousands of voters across Southwest Florida.
"This is not typically something a governor or other party leaders do," said Susan MacManus, a University of South Florida political science professor. "For the party, this is like picking one child over another."
Grant and Detert are vying to replace state Sen. Lisa Carlton, R-Osprey, in District 23, which includes most of Sarasota County, part of Charlotte County, and the Manatee County portion of Longboat Key. "In unusual move, Crist goes to bat in a state contest".
McCain in Florida
"Republican presidential candidate John McCain is in town today to court black voters at the National Urban League convention." "McCain, in Orlando, will have to work for Hispanic vote".
This is a bit much: "George Diaz: For some blacks, Obama falls shy on race question".
Never mind
"Edward Lynch, the Republican challenger to Democratic U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler, said a $1.37 million federal tax lien against him is the result of a 'routine' audit and helped inspire him to run for Congress." "U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler turns the tax tables on campaign opponents".
Surely someone is profiting in this deal?
... just not these 10,711 folks: "U.S. Sugar buyout's downside: Loss of $1.64 billion a year, 10,711 jobs".
"Alan Hodges, one of the four members of the UF Food and Resource Economics Department team that conducted the study", said he doesn't think U.S. Sugar's closure could be made up by other activities such as eco-tourism, although some new business would develop around the conservation areas Id."eco-tourism"? Heaven help us
A different sorta "green"
The South Florida Sun-Sentinel editorial board: "It says a lot that Florida Power & Light Co.'s 'green' program got shut down by a unanimous vote at the Public Service Commission — and what it says reflects very poorly on the utility. Now, as regulators investigate and mull what step to take next, it's hard to tally just how big a black eye FPL has dealt itself." "FPL's credibility takes another big hit".
Of course, as them librul St. Petersburg Times editors would say, if these FP&L dopes "worked in private business instead of for the state, [they] already would be gone."
Charter school flop
The Tampa Tribune editorial board: "USF Charter School Doomed By Poor Planning And Blind Oversight".
'Nuff said
The Orlando Sentinel editorial board: "House Speaker Marco Rubio and Florida International University deserve each other for their preposterous deal making him a 'visiting distinguished-service professor.' FIU's students and faculty -- indeed, all Florida residents -- deserve far better." "Rubio's new gig at FIU undermines the cause of education".
Another fine Jebacy
The St. Petersburg Times editorial board: "Crist won't choose from all 50 lawyers who aspire to a seat on the Florida Supreme Court. " The job of screening them falls to a nominating commission whose members now will demonstrate whether their allegiance is to the justice system or their political benefactors.
Crist already has appointed six of the commission's nine members, and one of them is already speaking bluntly about political considerations. Jason Unger, a lobbyist whose wife ran Gov. Jeb Bush's re-election campaign in 2002, told a reporter: "The governor (Crist) is a conservative, and I assume that he's going to be looking for judges that share his judicial philosophy." "That may be a fair assumption, but Unger's indiscreet remark only underscores the rank politics that are possible when a governor can appoint not only the justices but the people who nominate the justices."Prior to 2001, when Bush persuaded lawmakers to let him corner the judicial market, the nominating commissions were intended as a check on any single governor's attempt to pack the courts. As such, the governor and the Florida Bar each selected three nominating commissioners, with those six choosing three more. "Put experience before ideology". See also "To Begin Reshaping High Court, Crist Must Focus On Commitment".
New leadership
"Fla. Sheriffs Association elects new leadership".
We all love Bob
The Orlando Sentinel editorial board thinks, with Butterworth's leaving "Agency's next chief must follow path of reform, progress set by predecessor". The Miami Herald editorial board: "Build on his gains".
Over the line?
"Commissioner's missive leaves some in Safety Harbor miffed".
"'Why does a Realtor from Daytona, or an appraiser in Wyoming, have an interest in the property appraiser's race in Pinellas County?'" "Pinellas appraiser GOP primary draws distant donations".
Troxler ...
... takes a closer look at the recent court decision on packin' heat: "Gun law: They can pass it if they want".
Subsidizing municipal budgets
The Palm Beach Post editorial Board: "More damaging than the bacteria was fiscal mismanagement. For years, West Palm Beach transferred annual surpluses from the water operation to the general fund, instead of upgrading equipment. Those unpaid repair bills are coming due." "Progress, not a solution".
RPOFer meritocracy
"Crist appoints two to executive positions".
The "brown skin" thing
"Immigrant advocates and business owners blame the loss of income on what they say are a recent spate of arrests by immigration agents improperly targeting Hispanics. Advocates plan a know-your-rights workshop to educate immigrants in the area. Immigrants in the area, many who admit they are here without authorization, say they are scared. Day laborers said they to have lost work because employers are hesitant to hire them." "Advocates protest Hispanic 'profiling' by government agents".
Is Obama baiting McCain to pick Crist?
"So far, Mr. McCain has spent slightly more on advertising in those states than has Mr. Obama, and has not generally strayed from advertising in the roughly dozen or so traditional battlegrounds."A curious exception: the study, based on data from the Campaign Media Analysis Group, a political advertising monitoring firm, shows Mr. McCain has yet to advertise in Florida, where Mr. Obama has spent $5 million on advertisements. "Taking to the Airwaves".
Back at the ranch, "Gov. Crist looking like candidate Crist" ("Crist, who is still being asked whether he wants to be vice president, was looking a lot like a candidate on Wednesday. A candidate for governor, that is.")
"Two of Florida's public universities took No. 1 spots"
"Two of Florida's public universities took No. 1 spots on the coveted Princeton Review list of the 386 top colleges in the nation, toiling for the past year to earn the titles of best 'Party School' and most likely to be a 'Dodgeball Target.'" "UF climbs to top in party poll".
Trade in your Lincoln
"A new analysis of congressional races puts U.S. Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart — the last Republican with any territory in Broward — in possible jeopardy in November's election. The widely watched ranking of key congressional races assembled by the Rothenberg Political Report puts the Miami Republican on the list of incumbents who might have problems." "Rep. Diaz-Balart isn't a shoo-in, report says".
"State should require more attention to seniors in care centers"
The Daytona Beach News-Journal editorial board asks "How many more facilities are falling below state standards, putting frail and elderly residents at risk for abuse and neglect?" "Watching over the weak".
Hispanic vote
"Barack Obama's campaign and the Democratic National Committee announced Tuesday they will spend an unprecedented $20 million to draw Hispanics to the polls, especially in battleground states like Florida." "Democrats budget $20 million to woo Hispanics".
Don't ... you ... forget about me
Did you know that Billy boy has statewide aspirations?: "McCollum will urge Gov. Charlie Crist and the Cabinet today to scrap Crist's policy of streamlined restoration of civil rights." "Too easy for Florida felons to regain civil rights".
'Ya reckon?
The Orlando Sentinel editorial board: "McCain and Obama need plans to keep the nation from drowning in debt".
And your point is?
The Orlando Sentinel editorial board: "Providing basic services is essential as the needy population rises in Central Florida".
Have another ...
"The Hollywood nightclub is dark and the music so loud that conversation means leaning into an ear and shouting. But the drinks are free until midnight, and anyway most in the upstairs room of Passion nightclub are dancing, not talking. " "Party vote: Bar scene used to get younger voters involved".
Update: "Under pressure, Wexler changes address".
The Palm Beach Post editorial Board: "U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler, D-Delray Beach, deserves most of the political criticism he's taken for living in Maryland while representing his Palm Beach County-Broward County district. But legally, there never was a case against him." "Wexler: There, but here". More from the "The Palm Beach Post editorial Board: "It's all noise. Voters will get better governance by focusing less on where politicians live and more on how they behave." "Loose rules make sense".
The The Tampa Tribune editorial board thinks the story is worth some RPOFer ink: "Rep. Robert Wexler, D-Maryland".
See 'ya
"Butterworth to leave DCF helm on Aug. 15". See also "Butterworth's DCF Legacy: Integrity". The South Florida Sun-Sentinel editorial board: "Bob Butterworth's resignation from Florida Department of Children & Families a huge loss". The Tallahassee Democrat editorial board: "'Keep it going'". The Daytona Beach News-Journal editorial board: "Butterworth leaves DCF in better shape".
"Members of Florida's congressional delegation told state officials Wednesday they were concerned how the proposed $1.75 billion state purchase of U.S. Sugar property south of Lake Okeechobee would impact local communities and federal support for Everglades restoration." "Congressional delegation has questions about Everglades deal". See also "Judge: Feds, state failed Everglades cleanup".
"80 percent of the money is unaccounted for"
"The state - unable to figure out what happened to more than $8 million that Florida Power & Light collected from customers in its green energy program - on Tuesday ordered FPL to end the program immediately." "This program has been mismanaged from the inception," said Florida Public Service Commissioner Nathan Skop, the biggest critic of FPL's Sunshine Energy Program. "The bottom line is 80 percent of the money is unaccounted for." "State ends FPL's green program, questions where $8 million went".
I'm more orthodox than you
Joel Engelhardt: "The battle of the Orthodox Jewish congressmen played out last week in South Florida." "Here's mud in Lieberman's eye".
HD 8
"A half-dozen Democrats seeking to succeed state Rep. Curtis Richardson expressed solid opposition Tuesday to the 'tax-swap' constitutional amendment." "District 8 Dems bash 'tax swap'".
HD 10
"Mike Williams, a Republican businessman from Madison who is running for House District 10, is fighting back." "District 10 Republicans feud".
HD 78
"Three Democrats — a chiropractor, an insurance agent and a former newspaper writer — are battling for a state House seat in which none of the candidates has deep roots within the district's boundaries. House District 78 encompasses southwestern Palm Beach County and stretches to parts of Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee counties, with much of the district dominated by farms, suburban homes and a heavily Jewish population." "District 78 race pits three Dems against each other".
Is this ...
... newsworthy? A Treasure Coast surgeon and Republican activist who oversaw the care of wounded U.S. troops in Germany says presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama showed "bad judgment" in canceling a visit to a military hospital there during his recent world travels. "Stuart physician slams Obama for nixing troop visit".
"A federal appeals court has ordered University of Florida officials to recognize a Christian fraternity" "Court: Christian fraternity must be recognized".
Feds to the rescue
The South Florida Sun-Sentinel editorial board: "Whether legislation before Congress can rescue the nation's — and South Florida's — housing market isn't clear. But it's certainly worth a try." "South Florida housing market needs shoring up; hopefully congressional legislation can provide it".
"A scheme to defraud state taxpayers out of millions of dollars was thwarted by some alert Regions Bank employees and one of the state's biggest road contractors — but not before some of the money was transferred to Beirut, Lebanon." "Scheme thwarted after nearly taking Florida for millions".
... But with a golden parachute, mind you
St. Petersburg Times editorial board thinks Ayn Rand is kewl: If Don Saxon worked in private business instead of for the state, he already would be gone. "Financial regulator has to go". More: "Florida banking regulator holds onto his job".
"Judge modifies guns-at-work law". "Take guns to work - but don't stop on way?" and "Employees can bring gun, customers can't". More: "Judge's ruling on guns-at-work challenge".
Public-private partnership
"The $5.8 million was to be paid to Anderson Columbia, a road construction company, according to the arrest warrant. The money was supposed to be transferred into the construction company's account at Wachovia bank, but ended up in a Regions Bank opened by Hammoud, investigators said." "Man Accused Of Bilking Florida In Wire Fraud".
"FBI looking into noose sent to Daisy Lynum".
Poor Vern
"At least nine individuals, including former executives of U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan's car dealerships, are claiming they either witnessed fraudulent practices at the automotive centers or were pressured to contribute to the congressman's 2006 campaign." "Buchanan backs growers' compensation bid".
Off topic: runnin' government like a business
The Miami Herald editorial board: "The most damning part of the report on political hiring within the Justice Department is the evidence of a systematic, deliberate effort to break down the walls between law enforcement and politics that was fully encouraged by President Bush's White House." "Tipping the scales of Justice".
Florida GOP manages to play both the race and commie cards
The dunces comprising the RPOF are left to beg their knuckle-draggers to vote, resorting to "bluntly pleading for conservative voters to put aside past preferences and unite behind Sen. John McCain in November."
However, in our post-Jeb discourse, language like this is over the top"What Obama stands for is redistribution of wealth," [Republican National Committeeman Paul Senft] told about 100 party activists at the Okaloosa County headquarters. "A guy wrote a book about it, I think his name was Karl — I dunno — Marx or something." Imagine a Dem saying this about your typical GOPer icon (say "Jeb!"):"What "Jeb!" stands for is the consolidation of wealth," ... "A guy wrote a book about it, I think his name was Adolph — I dunno — Hitler or something." GOPers really believe this stuff; consider these fine words from Charlie's hand-picked race baiter RPOF chair:"Republicans get up and go to work," Greer said he told the boy. "Democrats get up and go down to the mailbox to get their checks." "GOP urges voters to unite for McCain".
I get it, Dems are a bunch of "welfare queens", milking the system so they can drive that car of choice of people with icky black skin. Ya know, just like Saint Ronnie said:Reagan repeatedly told the bogus story of the Cadillac-driving welfare queen — a gross exaggeration of a minor case of welfare fraud. He never mentioned the woman’s race, but he didn’t have to. "Republicans and Race". Hey ... I know I'm just a panhandlerMr. Greer, but ain't that Obamer feller a negro, just like those Cadillac-driving welfare queens?
Might the desperate RPOF be appealing to their bases' baser instincts?Although Obama appears highly competitive with McCain in recent Florida polls, skeptics point to what is known as the "Wilder Effect" -- the phenomenon of non-white candidates falling well short of pre-election polls in the actual vote. It is based on the premise that some voters essentially lie to pollsters when it comes to race. " Will race sway state on Obama?".
"Buckle up for a presidential roller coaster in Florida"
"Not so long ago, a lot of politicos were talking about Florida being a cakewalk for John McCain, and Barack Obama writing off the state. Not anymore." Obama is shattering the mold for Democratic campaigns in Florida. One-hundred days out from the election, Obama already has — brace yourself for this — about 200 paid staffers working in Florida, with more on the way. On Saturday, the Obama campaign held more than 100 organizational meetings with 5,000 people to initiate a "Florida Neighborhood Teams for Change" program. "Florida no longer a given for McCain".
"When presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama arrive in Florida this week for the first time in more than a month, they'll find a tight race for the state's precious electoral votes. Obama appears to have closed the gap on McCain - taking the lead in several recent polls for the first time - following a glut of campaign hires, a swarm of organizing and, perhaps most importantly, his first flood of targeted television ads, particularly in North Florida."
"While McCain has spent little on television in Florida in recent weeks,"Obama has saturated the state. From June 20 to July 6, Obama aired more than 2,400 ads in Florida, according to Nielsen Monitor-Plus.
Dividing the state's television markets into four regions shows that Obama's first significant television buy in Florida was targeted mostly in North Florida. Thirty-five percent of his ads aired in the Gainesville, Jacksonville, Tallahassee and Panama City markets. "Hopefuls gird for Florida slugfest".
Never ending media man-crush on "Jeb!"
Kingsley Guy, retired Sun-Sentinel Editorial Page Editor, one assumes unintentionally, reminds us of the media's never ending man-crush on "Jeb!"; recall that Jebbie ran Florida into the ground while the "media" cowered in fear; now they want to rewrite his record: In 2004-05, the Sunshine State had to contend with an unprecedented eight hurricanes. Under the capable and visible leadership of Republican Gov. Jeb Bush, state agencies did a first-rate job in deploying resources and maintaining order.
George W's reputation collapsed in the wake of Katrina, but his younger brother's rose. Jeb, a very smart man, left office in 2006 with an approval rating among Floridians at the mid-to-high 60 percent level. One can only wonder what the state of the nation and the GOP would be today had the stars aligned differently, and Jeb — rather than George W. — were sitting in the Oval Office. "Voters have basic request — competence".
"Among the most politicized in the nation"
"In only the latest example of why Florida's state university system is widely considered among the most politicized in the nation, Florida International University has announced that House Speaker Marco Rubio, R-West Miami, will be a 'visiting distinguished service professor' from July through May." "Opportunist U.".
Charlie gets a chance to show his stuff
"The nine-member Judicial Nominating Commission will interview all applicants in marathon sessions Aug. 11-13 in Tampa." "List of names grows long for Florida Supreme Court justices".
"Shocking, even in light of the state's sleazy, anything-goes history"
Carl Hiaasen: "The revelation that more than 10,000 convicted criminals have been welcomed with open arms into Florida's mortgage industry is shocking, even in light of the state's sleazy, anything-goes history." At first blush, things look bad for the Office of Financial Regulation and its commissioner, Don Saxon, whose long nap was harshly interrupted by last week's headlines.
And although it's tempting to view this story as just another embarrassing validation of Florida's reputation as the most crooked and most screwed-up place in America, there might be an upside to the scandal. See what he means be the "upside": "Loan scandal: Maybe it was just job rehab".
"On Friday, McCain is scheduled to campaign in Panama City with John Rich of the Big & Rich band ("Big" Kenny Alphin has contributed to Barack Obama). The same night in South Beach, Hollywood A-listers Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner and Matt Damon are scheduled to headline an Obama fundraiser." "Celebrity campaigners".
Poor McBush couldn't get the whole band, and is stuck with the second, "Rich" (how appropriate) part of the band.
Cut them taxes ... we don' need no stinkin' taxes
"The proposed amendment on the November ballot would cut about $9 billion in property taxes that school districts levy to help pay for their own funding. The Legislature can make up for the difference as it sees fit. Opponents say the amendment does not provide a solid plan to replace the money cut from schools and would result in a higher overall tax rate." "Learn about proposal to drop Florida school tax".
"Happy birthday, Charlie!"
John Kennedy and Aaron Deslatte: "Accompanied by his fiance, Carole Rome, he visited Prince Charles, stayed in $1,800-a-night hotels in London and Paris and traveled to Russia and Spain -- even as new figures showed Florida's job losses led the nation."
The fruits of his labor? "Crist did meet with aerospace giants who might be crucial to Central Florida's efforts to build a post-space-shuttle economy [whoopee!] and signed an agreement [to do what?] with a Spanish company that wants to build a solar-energy plant in the state."
Despite their being marginalized to the point of nonexistence, "not all Democrats agree" with criticizing Charlie for the most expensive publicly funded engagement party in history: Outgoing Senate Democratic leader Steve Geller, D-Cooper City, said it's natural for the state party to criticize Crist -- but Democratic lawmakers won't join in.
"He's worked with us and been pretty moderate," Geller said. "It would be kind of hypocritical of us trying to push bipartisanship at the same time we're slamming the guy." "State Democrats take aim at Crist's travels which keep him away from Tallahassee".
While elected Demos quake in their boots, Scott Maxwell takes the plunge, and piles on our brain dead Governor:Our governor returned from his European trade mission last week and went straight to South Florida, where he celebrated his 52nd birthday at the posh Breakers hotel. There, a two-tiered chocolate-buttermilk cake was topped with 52 candles, which donors sponsored for the price of -- you guessed it -- $5,200.
The Palm Beach Post, which was on the scene, reported that guests dined on lobster and filet mignon and that Charlie's new fiance, New York socialite Carole Rome, gave him a pricey tie for his birthday.
Here's another idea for a gift: a mind. "O Gov. Feel Good, where art thou? Not in Tallahassee".
"Sisters United For Change"
The Obama effect: "Sisters United For Change, a statewide coalition of African-American elected officials and community leaders, wants an effort with deeper roots, longer connections and stronger ties. ... The group supports Barack Obama, but hopes to sustain itself long after the November election." "Political organizers aim for the roots".
HD 9
"Bilirakis, 45, could have some heavy competition this year in U.S. House District 9, which covers northern Pinellas, western Pasco and suburban Hillsborough counties." John Dicks, 55, has caught the attention of Democratic Party strategists.
First the former Plant City mayor will take on Tampa lawyer Bill Mitchell and Hispanic advocate Anita de Palma in next month's primary. But Bilirakis' name recognition — and the money he's been able to collect — could prove to be the greatest hurdle for challengers in this historically conservative district.
Based on the June 30 campaign reports, Bilirakis has raised $1.05-million in contributions.
Dicks has brought in $104,651 and loaned himself another $320,000.
Mitchell has collected about $70,000 in contributions and loaned his campaign another $100,000.
De Palma, has raised the least, $23,340 in all, including a $20,500 loan to herself.
Dicks' campaign has gained attention from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which named it one of the "top 20 emerging races" nationwide "Three Democrats vie for chance to run against Gus Bilirakis in November".
The Orlando Sentinel editorial board thinks "State leaders need to get their commuter-rail act together now" ("For two decades, Central Florida leaders have been talking about building a commuter-transit system. Everything from political infighting to, well, political infighting has derailed a series of plans.")
Florida's "foreign policy"
A lawsuit has been filed "challenging a new law requiring them to post a one-time $250,000 bond and disclose the names of clients in order to continue their business with Cuba. But this month, a federal judge temporarily lifted the measure while he considered its legality."
"Ira Kurzban, a lawyer for the travel agents who brought the lawsuit, said the law was more about Florida politicking over the Cuba issue than protecting consumers." 'Ya reckon? "This law was conceived for no reason other than to placate a small group of Cuban-Americans out of step with the Cuban community," said Kurzban, who argues that the law is unconstitutional and "attempts to embroil the state of Florida in foreign policy."
Some legal experts agree, saying the law oversteps the bounds of state authority by regulating international travel.
"States simply can't decide they want to have their own foreign policy," said Bernard H. Oxman, a professor of international law at the University of Miami. "Florida Travel Agents Win Delay Of Cuba Trips Law". See also "Travel agents fight law on Cuba trips".
Dan Moffett: "A very big deal. We know this because Immigration and Customs Enforcement went to all the trouble to send out a news release and post it on the agency Web site for the whole nation to see. The boldfaced headline reads: 'ICE arrests 58 employees at 8 Casa Fiesta restaurants in N. Ohio.'" Special Agent Moskowitz and his team of not-quite-special agents needed only a year of investigation to crack the case and find illegal immigrants from Mexico working in the kitchens and dining rooms of Mexican restaurants.
If only Arthur Conan Doyle were alive to chronicle the story. It was elementary, Watson, simple deduction: Where better to administratively arrest unauthorized Mexicans than in a Mexican restaurant? Brilliant.
What a field day Special Agent Moskowitz would have if he ever made it to South Florida. Who knows how many unauthorized scoundrels he could roust from the ethnic kitchens here! "But these are costly, time-consuming and largely ineffective endeavors."Consider that there are an estimated 8 million illegal workers in the country. If it takes Special Agent Moskowitz and the boys a year of gumshoeing to figure out what's going at Casa Fiesta and make 58 arrests, how many centuries will it take them to nab the other 7,999,942 illegal workers?
Mr. Chertoff and his public relations staff are telling Congress and the American people that they've turned a corner. Really, they have barely inched forward. When it comes to cracking down on employer abuses against illegal workers, the government lags even further behind.
The folly and futility of restaurant raiding underscores the desperate need for comprehensive immigration reform and a policy that is rooted in the real world. ICE can arrest all the dishwashers, cooks and waiters it wants, but it won't make Americans safer and it won't fix a system that is as broken for employers as it is for employees.
Without a plan for dealing forthrightly with the 12 million illegal immigrants living here, workplace enforcement is doomed to fail. Immigration reform has to be comprehensive to succeed, or at least not look so ridiculous. We really do need the whole enchilada. "Sizzle, but not much fajita".
"A major step in Florida's foray into balancing 'sustainable' ranching with environmental protection at Southwest Florida's Babcock Ranch will be decided this week by the governor and Cabinet." "Babcock Ranch works for sustainability".
Breaking non-news!
"U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler remains in good standing with the Barack Obama presidential campaign despite a flap over the congressman's residence in South Florida." "Obama campaign backs U.S. Rep. Wexler despite residency flap".
A west central Florida thing
The St. Petersburg Times editorial board: "A trail mix of missteps".
Tourism at risk
"Despite falling home values and rising gas prices, Central Florida tourism prospered in early 2008. But now, tourism officials are wondering how long their good fortune will last." "Will tourists keep coming? Industry fears future".
The solution no doubt is to pump tax dollars into advertising for private, profit making enterprises.
In the meantime, the Feliza Rylands of this world wait for justice.
Too much separation
"It's a remarkable home, even in an upscale Coral Springs neighborhood: 12,000 square feet, manicured grounds, a guest house, five-car garage and a pair of lion statues gracing the entrance. It's also tax-free. Owned by the Church of Bible Understanding in Philadelphia, the home and adjacent lot, valued at more than $3.2 million, are exempt from taxes on religious grounds." "Churches extend religious tax exemptions to additional properties".
"New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson helped rally canvassers for Barack Obama in Denver on Saturday, part of an effort to reach out to Hispanic voters in Colorado as well as Nevada, New Mexico and Florida." "Richardson campaigning for Obama in West, Florida".
The handle
"The presidential campaigns of Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama are revving up in Northwest Florida, with supporters of each trying to rally the party faithful and to sway the coveted undecided voters who could decide the November election." "McCain, Obama and the great divide".
"Silly scare tactics"
The St. Petersburg Times editorial board: "A cynical public suspects governments are not honest about how much money they have or how they spend it. Pinellas County Sheriff Jim Coats is feeding that cynicism by playing political games during budget deliberations." "Coats' silly scare tactics" (among Coats' "critics are two veterans of the Sheriff's Office, Randall Jones and John Pikramenos, who are vying in the Aug. 26 Democratic primary for the opportunity to challenge Republican Coats in the Nov. 4 general election.")
More money, fewer registrants ... Go figure
"Florida Republicans have been on the fundraising circuit for the past two months, hoping to buffer an apparent anti-incumbent voter surge with the cash advantages of safe majorities in both chambers of the Florida Legislature. Although Democrats have grown their voter pool five times faster than Republicans since the presidential primary in January, the GOP has been able to command more dollars from donors." "State GOP outgunning Democrats in fundraising".
The St. Petersburg Times editorial board: "Despite dealing with overwhelming budget woes, the state needs to try to keep Florida's roving highway Samaritans on the road." "Keep Road Rangers on patrol in Florida".