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The Blog for Saturday, January 24, 2009

"Deny, deny, deny"

    The St. Petersburg Times editorial board: "House Speaker Ray Sansom is in a state of denial."
    The Destin Republican denies there was anything wrong with taking an unadvertised job at his local college after steering millions of public dollars there. He denies there was anything wrong with a college board meeting held in Tallahassee, 150 miles from the Niceville campus. He denies knowing much of anything about how the emergency training center the college is building with money he secured is virtually identical in design and location to a hangar sought by a friend and political contributor. Deny, deny, deny.
    "Sansom denials not convincing". More: "Sansom ethics complaint takes baby step".

    Back at the ranch, "Embattled House Speaker Ray Sansom hires prominent attorney".

    "Pickett's Charge meets Gomer Pyle"

    Former Tampa Trip columnist, Daniel Ruth lights it up at the The St. Petersburg Times these days:

    Over at its answer to Pickett's Charge meets Gomer Pyle, the Sons of Confederate Veterans have erected an enormous Rebel battle flag along with a placard both blaming and thanking this humble scribbler for its presence.

    "We would like to acknowledge Mr. Daniel Ruth, columnist … who through his arrogance, intellectual and moral dishonesty, and insensitivity, was the real catalyst for the creation and development of this project," the sign reads at the site near the intersection of I-4 and I-75.

    Tut-tut, don't you just hate it when obsequious people try to lather you up?
    "Banner of shame flaps over Tampa".

    Expect some vetoes

    Charlie has "vowed to use his line-item veto power next week to reverse at least some of the budget cuts passed by lawmakers last week, including a 2-percent cut to a program that pays teachers a bonus for earning national board certification. " "Crist vows to veto some cuts" ("'Public education and public safety are near and dear to my heart'"). More "Crist veto could blunt some budget cuts".

    Meantime, "Poll: Floridians oppose Bright Futures cuts". See also "Lawmakers Seek More Funds For Disabled Care".

    Previously: "Updated: Lawson will oppose future cuts to public schools, universities".

    Quinnipiac University poll

    "Charlie Crist has a sky-high 65 - 24 percent approval rating and he is as well liked among Florida voters as President Barack Obama, "

    according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Most of the potential U.S. Senate candidates are unknown to most voters.

    Had Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink decided to run for the U.S. Senate, she would have had a small early lead in the Democratic field, and run almost even with the best-known GOP potential candidate, Attorney General Bill McCollum, with 35 percent for Sink and 36 percent for McCollum, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds.

    Although McCollum holds a wide lead in name recognition among the GOP candidates, U.S. Rep. Connie Mack IV, son of the former senator with the same name, runs closely to him in a trial heat of GOP contenders and also is viewed very positively by the party-rank-in-file.
    Here's the poll's "Release Detail". See also "Poll: Crist still favored by public".

    "'Florida drowning in jobless claims'"

    "As the ranks of Florida’s unemployed grow, the state labor department is finding itself deluged with applications for compensation, which maxes out at $275 per week." "Florida drowning in jobless claims". More: "Could you live on $275 a week? That's Florida's maximum unemployment benefit", "A look at Broward County's jobless claims by zip code", "Florida unemployment rate hits 16-year high".

    See also "Sentinel: Florida jobless rate hits '92 level". In Charlotte County, "On jobs, we near a grim threshold".


    The Tampa Trib editors: "One of the state's most progressive initiatives is the Florida Resident Access Grant."

    The appropriately named program helps Floridians attend the state's 28 nonprofit independent universities and colleges, which are traditionally more expensive than public schools of higher learning.

    A few years ago, independent colleges and universities convinced state officials to raise the amount to $3,000 per student, which was a milestone. Unfortunately, that higher level of support only lasted a couple of years, and the current amount per student of $2,837 is $160 less than 2007-08.

    Last year Gov. Charlie Crist even wanted to scuttle the entire award for new applicants, with the exception of those attending three historically black schools. His proposal, which was successfully fought, was outrageous, considering the program has enabled hundreds of thousands of residents obtain college degrees and lead productive lives.

    Although the state is mired in a financial crisis that lawmakers will continue to address this spring, officials need to look elsewhere to save money. FRAG, as it's called, is now in its 30th year and is a worthy investment not only in eligible students but also in private colleges and universities and the state as a whole.
    "Don't Limit College Access".

    After sucking off the federal tit for decades ...

    "Crist wants Florida to get fair share of stimulus money".

    From the "values" crowd

    "Miami Beach is one of many Florida cities opposing a provision of the Legislature's budget-cutting bill that effectively killed already-approved grants from the state's housing trust fund. This doesn't put a hold on new spending. It reaches back and rescinds spending that already has been committed to build or refurbish low- and moderate-income housing projects all over the state." "Local perspectives".


    The Orlando Sentinel editorial board: "You don't have to go as far as Wall Street to find executives floating to earth beneath golden parachutes. You can find them on Baker Street in Mount Dora, Park Avenue in Winter Park, Providence Boulevard in Deltona and on State Road 434 in Winter Springs. That's where gullible, sometimes erratic city councils and city commissions are handing out big paydays to city managers, usually just to be rid of them." "Payouts to departing city managers are getting out of hand".

    "The most crowded statewide contest in 40 years"?

    Aaron Deslatte: "Florida voters will require a lot of courting from the field of politicians considering a 2010 U.S. Senate run. Unless your name is Charlie Crist or Connie Mack, chances are the average spectator doesn't know you."

    Heaven help us: "Mack is benefiting greatly from his father, the former U.S. Sen. Connie Mack. Mack IV, 41, has been in Congress just over four years." "Names to beat for Senate".

    Bill Cotterell last week: "With the two biggest names in Florida politics out of it, the 2010 U.S. Senate race might be the most crowded statewide contest in 40 years." "Field for U.S. Senate race could be crowded".

    And this is a regular laff riot:

    Crist was asked today if he has any interest in running.

    His reply:

    “No, I’m working so hard right now on this budget, you know, I really haven’t given it much thought.”
    "Crist on U.S. Senate seat....".


    In case you missed it, "Former Rep. Loranne Ausley has had enough of retirement. The Democrat from Tallahassee has filed to run for state Senate District 6, the seat Senate Democratic Leader Al Lawson, also of Tallahassee, has to vacate next year because of term limits. Term limits forced Ausley to surrender her House seat last year." "Ausley to run for state Senate seat".

    Community colleges

    Bill Maxwell: "In 2009, community colleges offer one of the best hopes of turning around their individual states' and the nation's faltering economies." "Don't sell community colleges short".

    Lawsuit tossed

    "A circuit court judge has dismissed an advocacy group's lawsuit against the state over cuts to services for the developmentally disabled." "Advocates Fail In First Court Case".


    "U.S. Rep. Kosmas to greet public at Orlando ceremony".

    "Too much for county commissioners to grasp"

    Joel Engelhardt: "Some Palm Beach County commissioners apparently don't think they need to do anything special to combat corruption."

    As far as they're concerned, the same-old, same-old is just fine until the feds drag them away.

    Too costly, Commissioners Addie Greene and Jeff Koons say to the idea of following Miami-Dade County's example and establishing an inspector general dedicated to ferreting out corruption. It's not needed because the FBI is already here. Besides, the county attorney trains commissioners on ethics and how to meet their obligations under Florida's Government in the Sunshine Law.

    Even that simple law, however, seems too much for county commissioners to grasp.
    "Don't talk means don't talk".

    "Stiff charges"

    "Two members of the Commission on Open Government — the head of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Hillsborough County attorney — vigorously oppose the panel's plan for ending stiff charges for providing copies of public records to citizens. " "Fees for open-records statutes stir controversy".

    Yet more Jebacies

    "Housing starts hit record low".

    And then there's this: ""Economy's woes force Polk County to cut 12,000 from health care for poor" and"Six schools will close; more in peril"

    Where's the People's Governor?

    "55% approve of gay adoption".

    "In audit after audit over the past eight years ..."

    "The State Board of Administration is supposed to play it safe. It protects $97.3-billion in pension money for nearly 1-million current and retired teachers, public employees and their families."

    It invests an additional $25.3-billion for more than 800 school districts and state and local government entities to, among other things, pay police and teachers, buy books and health care for children and help hurricane victims.

    But in audit after audit over the past eight years, the supposedly low-risk agency was warned again and again about making risky, complex investments, without proper controls.

    Now, with the economy tanking, the overexposure to risk highlighted in those audits has come back to haunt the SBA. In the past 18 months, one-third of the agency's assets — $61.4-billion — have been wiped out.
    "Times: How to scramble state's nest egg".

    Where was "Jeb!"?

    "Florida is being forced to set new pollution limits for its lakes, rivers and estuaries after environmental groups sued federal regulators for ignoring water quality laws."

    Limiting nitrogen and phosphorous levels is aimed at curbing pollution that can trigger algae blooms, and other water quality problems that threaten public health and wildlife.

    However, federal officials say it could take one to two years to develop pollution limits. And putting them into effect could stretch years beyond that.

    The Environmental Protection Agency, which was supposed to force the state to set those limits a decade ago, directed the state Department of Environmental Protection last week to do so.
    "After 10-year delay, curbing pollutants".

    Atlas Shrugged

    "An indictment says Cruz engaged in a scheme that led to the issuing of more than $24 million in fraudulent mortgage loans, and losses of more than $6 million to lenders." "Woman sentenced for South Florida mortgage fraud".

    For naught

    "Times: Johnson's ad spending dwarfs others'".

    Lake Sidney Lanier

    The Daytona Beach News Journal editorial board: Florida, Alabama and Georgia presented arguments in federal court in Jacksonville "in a dispute over Georgia's claim to water impounded in Lake Sidney Lanier. It is the latest confrontation in a two-decade battle over water rights vital to the economies of each state. The Jacksonville ruling, on the heels of a key U.S. Supreme Court decision last week, could at last clear the way for a tri-state agreement." "Draining a river".


    "Heartland Payment Systems, a credit card processor with clients in Florida, said a massive data breach might have exposed the personal information contained in more than 100 million credit and debit card transactions in 2008. ... It is not known how many Floridians may have been affected by this breach, but the numbers could reach hundreds of thousands since Heartland has many clients in the state and a long-standing relationship with the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association." "Floridians may be victims of massive credit card data breach".


    The Palm Beach Post editorial board: "Wellington council members talk about jobs and job centers as if wishes could transform the bedroom community of 58,000 into a commercial hub. But when they could invest in something that actually could build a foundation for jobs and jobs centers - a community college campus - they balk." "Wellington wrong to balk".

    "'The appearance of impropriety'"

    "The Florida Highway Patrol has received free license plates for troopers' cars for years under a handshake agreement with a vendor that sought agency contracts."

    The practice continued after enactment of a 2006 gift ban aimed at banning free merchandise to state officials, but will end because the agency's director wants to avoid what she calls "the appearance of impropriety."
    "Patrol to end free license-plate deal".

    "Even more difficult to sell"

    "Lending giant Fannie Mae is slapping tough new requirements on mortgages for Florida condos, moves analysts believe will make it even more difficult to sell units in buildings already starved for residents and struggling financially. " "New rules raise bar for Florida condo mortgages".


    The Tampa Trib editors: "Next week the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council is scheduled to take final action on a plan to allow open-water aquaculture in the gulf. The federal regulatory agency, historically dominated by commercial fishing interests, is playing Russian roulette with our coastal fisheries. Open-water aquaculture, where fish are raised in large pens or nets, has proved devastating in other countries." "Gulf No Place For Fish Farms". See also the The St. Petersburg Times editorial board's "Reject flawed plan for fish farms in gulf".

    "Friday kicked off election season"

    "Friday kicked off election season in Orange County for six cities and towns as more than a dozen candidates signed up for a March date at the ballot box." "Several cities in Orange County kick off election season with eye toward March".

    "Homelessness and hopelessness"

    The Daytona Beach News Journal editorial board writes that "Homelessness and hopelessness are often closely allied. And the despair reaches past the men, women and children who don't have a roof to call their own." "Solutions that work".

    First thing you do, file them papers

    "The Florida Elections Commission has fined [Dade City] City Commissioner Steve Van Gorden $3,000 for campaign law violations in his 2008 municipal race. The commission found that Van Gorden accepted 10 campaign contributions totaling $4,550 for his re-election race before he appointed a campaign treasurer." "Van Gorden Pays For Election 'Mistake'".

    No biomass

    The Tallahassee Democrat editorial board: "While some critics may be cheering, it cannot be lost on the broader community that the announcement by Biomass Gas & Electric to not locate its proposed renewable energy center in our city, or even in this county, sends a chilling signal far and wide that the Florida capital city remains a stunningly difficult place to do business." "Lights out".

    Never mind

    "Miami Mayor Manny Diaz told a crowd gathered for the annual ING Miami Marathon on Friday that this would be his last time addressing them as mayor -- something some in attendence took to mean Diaz would soon be taking a post with the Obama administration." "Miami mayor's remark misread as hint about Obama job".

    County investments

    "With tighter budgets and a sluggish economy, local governments are keeping an eye on every penny. For Flagler County officials, that also means keeping tabs on the county's investments." "Flagler officials examine portfolio".

    Dwayne Taylor

    "State Rep. Dwayne Taylor, D-Daytona Beach, will hold a town hall meeting Jan. 28 to discuss the recently completed special-legislative session and issues facing the state." "State Rep. Taylor plans town hall meeting".

The Blog for Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama on Florida issues

    "Here's the latest on how the new president has said he will deal with some issues of importance to Floridians:" "Where Obama stands on Florida issues".

    Sansom hubris watch

    The St. Petersburg Times editorial board: "Florida's House speaker has become mute. Since he took office, Ray Sansom has rarely appeared in public, provided little vision for navigating the state's financial crisis and sharply curtailed his contact with the media. If he cannot carry out the public responsibilities of his position, he should resign." "" "Speaker should lead or bow out".

    Silent San(som) speaks, sorta

    "House Speaker Ray Sansom said Monday that he welcomes an inquiry by Attorney General Bill McCollum into a controversial meeting he helped organize in Tallahassee for the board of trustees of his alma mater, the former Okaloosa-Walton Community College." "Sansom: AG probe will vindicate me".


    Mike Thomas: "The worst thing Barack Obama could do for Florida is bail us out." "Bailout? Close Florida's tax loopholes first".

    Not another one

    "A high-profile South Florida megachurch known for fire-and-brimstone preaching wants a grandson of Billy Graham as its new pastor." "Billy Graham grandson considering new role". See also "Pastor vows to take politics out of pulpit".

    "Tough Choices"

    "In Florida's Legislature, cutting spending is considered the way to go just now, though — also in Florida and all other states — there is a political yearning to be rescued by more federal government spending. University of Florida economics professor David Denslow, one of the authors of 'Tough Choices,' a public policy report from the LeRoy Collins Institute, speculates that, for every $1 billion in budget cuts, the loss to the overall economy is $1.5 billion." "Our Opinion: Grant makes a statement".


    The Orlando Sentinel editorial board: "In her confirmation hearing this week, Secretary of State-designate Hillary Clinton said President-elect Barack Obama intends to keep his campaign promise to ease travel limits on Cuban-Americans who visit family on the communist island. Here's hoping he'll go further in opening U.S. ties with Cuba." "Easing travel limits should be the start of a broader U.S. opening to Cuba".


    "Two South Florida moms who staged a weeklong hunger strike to protest cuts to public education funding have ended their protest. ... The two got news they'd been waiting for Monday: Miami-Dade Superintendent Alberto Carvalho pledged not to cut arts and music or drop a program that allows high school students to take additional electives." "Moms' hunger strike ends".


    "Fourteen whooping crane chicks from Wisconsin have made it to Florida and should soon be on their way to their winter home: Crystal River. The chicks are following ultralight aircraft, which are training the young birds how to migrate." "Baby whooping cranes in Florida".

    "Rivalry heats up"

    "Scripps-Burnham rivalry heats up as institutes near launch in Florida".

    Sea cows

    The Daytona Beach News Journal editorial board writes today that "Florida has plenty of waterfront available for development without putting a fragile species at risk. And while opponents of this proposal are already painting the request for new habitat designation as a manatee-vs.-human issue, federal officials shouldn't be swayed. The requested habitat changes are based on science and common sense -- and they are necessary to protect a species beloved by Floridians." "Manatees' crucial habitat should be protected".


    "For Miamians, D.C. bus trip passes torch to a generation". See also "History in the making", "For Central Floridians on the bus, inauguration is like a family reunion of sorts", "In Orlando, Mfume looks forward to Obama inauguration" and "Hundreds Of Floridians Will Witness History".


    The Tampa Trib editors: "The legislation would require that law enforcement take some commonsense steps that should not handcuff them. It would encourage potential informants - who may be overwhelmed at the prospect of prison - to think hard about what they're about to do." "Sensible Rules Needed To Protect Informants".

The Blog for Monday, January 19, 2009

    "He attends few events, holds no press conferences, gives few interviews and advances no vision of Florida's future."
    Ray Sansom continues to be a most unusual House speaker by keeping mostly silent as he faces inquiries into his dealings with his hometown college.
    "Inquiries keep Florida House speaker silent".

    Leadership vacuum

    The Palm Beach Post editorial board: "Crist provided little leadership during the special session."

    He'll also have to do more than repeat his wish that lawmakers would ratify a gambling compact with the Seminole Tribe. That deal is worth $130 million a year.

    The governor and legislators in March are going to have to close a budget gap estimated as high as $6 billion. Instead of providing early budget ideas, however, Gov. Crist last week asked permission to miss the Feb. 1 deadline for offering his 2009-10 budget. Until that happens, the real work can't start.

    Legislators already plundered more than $1 billion from trust funds and chopped in excess of another $1 billion primarily from education, environmental programs and health care. In all, they took away $400 million more than necessary, allowing Gov. Crist to line-item-veto some of the cuts in the name of "compassion."

    But that's a temporary cushion. Legislators and Gov. Crist won't get off that easy in March. Collecting sales tax on Internet sales is just one idea they could have pursued earlier and didn't. Now, there's no choice. Expediency during the special session has left the state short on short-term fixes.
    "Start budget work now".

    Hit hard

    "Just under a third of Hispanic homeowners spend at least 38 percent of their income on housing expenses, compared with about a quarter of Asian and black households and nearly 16 percent of white households. In much of the country, the trend is more pronounced."

    "For example, included among those who spent at least 38 percent of their income on housing are:"

    More than 30 percent of Asian borrowers in California and Florida.

    Nearly half of Hispanic homeowners in Rhode Island and at least 40 percent in Alaska, California, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland, New Jersey and New York.

    Many Latino families wound up with expensive subprime mortgages because they often have cash income and no bank account, said Janis Bowdler, associate director for wealth building at National Council of La Raza in Washington.

    It is common for Latino families to have stable incomes, but limited credit histories - and hence lower credit scores, which lenders use to gauge risk. Many have multiple sources of income, some of it in cash.
    "Mortgage Problems Hit Minorities, Single Parents".

    Dear editor

    We usually don't do letters to the editor, but this is an exception:

    As a state employee for the past 12 years, I feel compelled to respond to the Sentinel's editorial on Jan. 9, "State employees shouldn't be exempted from reductions."

    In Tallahassee, where we voted overwhelmingly against Jeb Bush in 1998 and 2002 and George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004, we know all too well what their respective policies have wrought.

    In what their father rightfully called "voodoo economics" in 1980, the Bush brothers gave huge tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy, and handed out billions of dollars in government contracts to their cronies, while increasing entitlements and creating the economic disaster of today.

    And let's not forget George W. Bush's Iraq War and Jeb Bush's "big, hairy, audacious goals" that turned out to be big, costly privatization failures.

    Meanwhile, the [Orlando]Sentinel's Editorial Board endorsed Jeb Bush in 1998 and 2002 and George W. Bush in 2000.

    With a daily readership in the hundreds of thousands, it can be argued that your endorsement provided George W. Bush with the slightly more than 500 votes by which he carried Florida and "won" the election. Disaster ensued.

    So, before the Sentinel goes pointing its dirty little fingers at state employees, why doesn't it assign blame to the people who got us into this mess to begin with? Just take a good look in the mirror.
    ". . . to see where the blame lies".


    "South Florida prepares for Obama inauguration".

    State Board of Administration

    "Here's a trivia question: What state agency manages the billions of dollars in Florida employees' pension fund, a property insurance fund, part of the prepaid college tuition plan, research dollars for healthcare programs for children and the elderly?"

    If the name State Board of Administration doesn't immediately leap forth, don't worry. Most Floridians haven't heard of the agency that manages more than $122.6 billion of the state's investments.
    Much more here: "State agency has new oversight provisions".

    Eight years later

    The Maitland housewife doesn't like Dubya much anymore.

    'Ya think?

    State "budget-cutting can deepen a recession, [University of Florida economics professor David] Denslow said."

    He said less government spending means layoffs, fewer state contracts, less consumer spending and fewer tax collections.

    Denslow's rule of thumb is for every $1 billion in budget cuts, the loss to the overall economy is $1.5 billion.

    Raising sales taxes can discourage some consumer spending, Denslow said. But if increased sales taxes can offset state layoffs, there could be a net gain, he said.

    "The empirical evidence on this is not quite clear, but I suspect it's right," he said.
    "Experts fear cutting Florida's budget could worsen economy".


    "The state is racking up millions of dollars in IOUs to its 11 public universities after a decision last year to temporarily halt support of its matching gifts programs." "State owes universities $177 million in matching gifts as endowments fall".

    Hunger strike continuing

    "A pair of Miami-Dade County mothers on a weeklong hunger strike to protest cuts to public education funding have a rally scheduled for 11 a.m. Monday." "Hunger-striking moms schedule rally to protest school cuts".

    This is getting ...

    ... hard to take: "Charlie Crist: King would be proud of nation's progress".


    The Miami Herald: "The state makes out like a bandit in this deal. It got $27 million each year from the marketers, the lawsuit alleged. Drivers will only get a one-time credit of $1 when they register or renew a registration as part of the $10.4 million settlement. The four South Florida motorists who sued will get $3,000 each. The real winners are the five law firms that will split $2.85 million in legal fees for pursuing this action for six years." "Privacy for sale".

    Florida House

    "Floridians Have A 'House' To Visit In Washington".

    Judicial elections

    "Broward judge candidate to run again, under different name".

    As Charlie dances ...

    "The black-and-mint-green cabs with the unique top hat and cane logo take people to work, shop and do laundry. Last year, dispatchers took 200 calls a day. Now it's 50 or 60." "Liberty City cab company feeling economic pinch".

    Immigrant activists

    "More than 10 community organizations of immigrant activists met Sunday at a Homestead church before climbing on a bus headed to Washington, D.C." "Homestead immigration activists headed for inauguration".


The Blog for Sunday, January 18, 2009

"Crass politics ahead of leadership"

    Jane Healy: "When legislators last week wrapped up their special session, whacking $2.3 billion out of the state budget, it was only a preview of the dangers that lurk for the regular session, which begins in March. They may have to cut billions more, and could take action for all the wrong reasons."

    "Danger No. 1: Gov. Charlie Crist and legislators [read: RPOFers] continue to put crass politics ahead of leadership."
    By raiding reserves and trust funds, legislators were able to escape the special session without having to seriously consider raising taxes. Raiding those dollars, particularly the trust funds that were set aside for future needs, could prove devastating in the years to come. But that was easier than facing down some of the most powerful lobbyists in Tallahassee, those representing the tobacco, alcohol and gambling industries, wasn't it? Those were obvious places to raise taxes in ways that could even have a positive effect on health. Raising cigarette taxes, for instance, would surely reduce the amount of smoking.
    "... But equally dangerous is legislators' habit of putting the next election ahead of the greater good. The most disappointing example of this [for those, like Healy, who bought into Jebbie's sales pitch] came in 2006"
    when then-Gov. Jeb Bush flip-flopped on his support for a referendum on a rental-car surcharge. It made sense for Bush to back the idea. After all, he wasn't supporting the surcharge itself, just the chance for residents here to vote on it. The money would have significantly helped pay for transportation projects, including commuter rail.

    But when it came time to sign the bill, Bush vetoed it. What a coincidence that this came at the same time that the term-limited Bush was being talked about as a potential vice-presidential pick. And at the same time that national anti-tax activists influential with the Bushes started to raise a fuss about the surcharge.
    Desperate to appear "balanced", particularly after daring to briefly deviate from the Jeb-worship appearing on the pages of the Tribune, now Xell Corporation editorial pages, Healy next gives us this pap:
    It's not just Republicans who are afraid to raise taxes or go after their opponents on taxes. In 1996 Bill Clinton hammered Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole on his support for certain taxes, even though tax increases are almost impossible to avoid for anyone who has been in Congress very long. Barack Obama even went after John McCain on taxes.

    The Florida Legislature [read the RPOFer-controlled Florida Legislature] doesn't seem to want to touch taxes that aren't even an increase. Taxing Internet sales, for example, is something already on the books but is not enforced. So law-abiding retailers who pay the tax are put at a disadvantage to others who don't. That's not fair and it's outrageous that legislators would treat their own state's businesses like this.
    ."Two big dangers lurk for Florida".

    Healy's other big danger?: "The bad economy is used as an excuse for boondoggles."


    Mary Ellen Klas, of the efficient "Times/Herald Tallahassee Bureau", writes that "Florida's threadbare state budget, now cut by more than $8-billion since July 2007, has Republican legislators talking about what until now was reviled as heresy:"

    taxes.On the agenda for the March regular session is a discussion of a cigarette tax increase of between 50 cents and $1, taxing all Internet sales in Florida, eliminating sales tax exemptions and closing tax loopholes.

    There is no agreement on whether to impose any of these taxes. But tax-averse legislators — who resisted talk of taxes for nearly 20 years and campaigned on promises of tax cuts — have reached near-agreement on one thing: Two years of budget cuts culminating in last week's $2.4-billion reduction have hit bone. Worse, they say, is a $3.5-billion shortfall next year that they'll have to fill to avoid deeper cuts to education and health care.
    "As revenue shrinks, Florida GOP lawmakers talk of taxes". See also "Cash woes leave Fla. in a lurch".

    Earth to Charlie

    Aaron Deslatte: "The Republicans who run the Florida Legislature and the Republican who commands the governor's office are living in two different worlds." "Crist, Legislature inhabit separate realities".

    Rumor has it ...

    Although "Crist continues to politely demur", "Crist for U.S. Senate?", rumor has it that a decision to run is pretty much a go. Seems Charlie's looking for the right time to float the balloon and announce.

    Meantime, "Sizing up the Dem senate field".

    "Spending withdrawal"

    Mary Ann Lindley: "The school chiefs are going through spending withdrawal, facing the bitter realities of their current budgets, which are beginning to look like a Tiffany's window compared with next year's financial prognosis." "Education revolution? First, it will get worse".

    'Ya gotta love it when these "liberals" like the The Palm Beach Post's Dan Moffett do the math: 500 dead trade unionists in 8 years is better than 2100 killed in 16 years, so labor's opposition to a trade giveaway deal with Columbia is obviously a pretext for mere "old-fashioned protectionism".

    Moffett puts it this way:

    Ostensibly, the [union] opposition was about the murders of 500 Colombian trade unionists since President Uribe took office [8 years ago]. But in the 16 years before his inauguration, more than 2,100 unionists were killed. So, Mr. Uribe has made progress.

    In fact, American unions oppose most free-trade agreements and concerns over human rights are secondary to old-fashioned protectionism. President-elect Obama campaigned against last year's bill but said he would consider a rewritten version with more protections for U.S. workers and Colombian unionists.

    Florida has a lot riding on a deal. Most Colombian goods come into Florida duty-free, and the main benefit of a deal here would be eliminating tariffs that limit exports to the country and restrict a growing market.

    More than 1.1 million Colombian immigrants live in the United States, 375,000 of them in Florida and 150,000 in South Florida. The potential for new commerce is great.
    "Let Colombia trade Bush's prize".

    A regular brain trust

    "With Cannon set, Republicans can turn their attention to designating speakers for 2012-14, which Rep. Will Weatherford, R-Wesley Chapel, has nailed down, and 2014-16, for which Rep. Chris Dorworth, R- Lake Mary, is a leading candidate." "No dearth of speakers".

    Renewable options

    "The Florida Public Service Commission recommended last week that one-fifth of Florida's energy supply come from solar and wind power and other renewable power sources by 2020."

    More than half of all states already have renewable energy requirements for utilities. In a sweeping energy law passed last year, the state Legislature asked the commission to develop recommendations by February for quotas on how much power generated in this state must be from alternative energy.

    Environmentalists, consumer advocates and utility representatives have clashed for months over the issue and are gearing up to take their fight to the state Legislature during the annual session that starts in March.

    Lawmakers will be responsible for striking a balance between reducing greenhouse gas emissions for environmental and health reasons and protecting Florida's utility customers, who will foot the bill for the renewable energy plan.
    "Florida considering options for renewable energy".

    "The sorry state of local political dealings"

    The South Florida Sun Sentinel editorial board: "South Floridians can't sit back and let law enforcement do all the heavy lifting here. After all, it was not just the justice system that turned a blind eye to the sorry state of local political dealings over the years. Voter apathy and an overall public malaise have hung heavy in the political air and own a big chunk of the culture of complacency, too." "Criminal charges not enough to clean political house; voter participation needed, too".


    "The nation's mayors argued that a bill meant to provide economic relief should aim money directly at cities, not statehouses." "Miami Mayor Manny Diaz leads call for economic aid to cities".

    One wonders what these folks were doing ...

    ... when Batista died?: "Little Havana march planned for day Castro dies".

    Sansom hubris watch

    "The state attorney general has opened an inquiry into records made for a secretive meeting House Speaker Ray Sansom helped arrange of his hometown college's board of trustees." "Sansom eyed in inquiry on secret meeting".


    "Thousands of Floridians are heading to Washington, D.C., by plane, train, automobile and bus to be there for the inauguration of Barack Obama." "Floridians ready for Obama inaugural". See also "Crist To Pay Own Way To Inauguration, Spokesman Says".

    "Sun Sentinel report spurs some cities to review policies"

    "Officials in Lauderhill, Pembroke Pines and Tamarac said they are considering stricter limits on travel, after a Sun Sentinel review found some elected officials billed taxpayers for stays at nearby hotels and for their families to attend conference functions." "Some officials embarrassed by Sun Sentinel travel expense review".

    Florida goes a begging

    "As Congress readies an $850 billion economic-stimulus package, state legislatures, bound by balanced-budget mandates, are slashing billions in state spending. " "States eye Obama rescue plan".

    "Environmentalists are hoping for a new ban on offshore oil drilling. Immigration activists would like to see Haitians get a break from deportations. And everyone wants money." "Florida wish list for Obama includes Everglades, cities, Haitians".

    "The new infrastructure"

    The Tallahassee Democrat editorial board: "Air service is the new infrastructure".


    "Miami's inner-city is snatching up Obama memorabilia".

    "Global economic crisis"

    "The global economic crisis has dramatically reduced the number of sailboats at the Acura Key West Race Week, set to begin Monday off the Florida Keys." "".Meltdown means fewer sailboats for Key West races

    More McCarty

    "Corruption cases lead to county commissioners discussing reforms".