"Union-busting assault on public school teachers"
"The governor who brags about coming from a family of educators said he's ready to sign a bill bashed as a union-busting assault on public school teachers."The so-called "teacher tenure'' bill, which makes it easier to fire teachers and ties pay increases to student test scores, is so controversial it passed the Senate on Wednesday in a 21-17 vote. No Democrats voted in support of the measure. ...
The tenure legislation was one of three education measures passed by the Senate in a conservative push to transform public schools. Under the package of legislation, students could face tougher graduation requirements, more money could be directed toward private schools and a slew of teacher benefits could be eliminated. Crist, with the neanderthal RPOFer primary voters watching his every move, can't wait to get in on the teacher-bashing:Crist has said he would sign each bill.
The bill's sponsor, Sen. John Thrasher, R-St. Augustine, said drastic changes are needed to transform failing public schools and prepare students for the global economy. "It's about our children and the future of our children and what is best for our children,'' said Thrasher.
But Broward Superintendent Jim Notter called state Senate Bill 6 "a crushing blow against our most important employees, our teachers.'' And then there's the voucher madness:Roughly 5,000 voucher supporters crammed the Capitol courtyard, including more than 900 from Miami-Dade and about 400 from the Tampa Bay area in matching light blue shirts that read, "Leveling the Playing Field.''
Crist addressed the cheering crowd.
"Your future is priceless and Florida understands that,'' he said.
But Notter, the Broward superintendent, said he was very concerned about the vouchers.
"When there is no money, to continue to take money out of public education is clear insanity,'' he said. "It defies logic.'' "School-reform bill advances in Florida Legislature". See also "Florida Senate OKs merit pay, tougher graduation rules".
Crist's knuckle-dragging isa big blow to the state's main teachers union, the Florida Education Association, whose bargaining power and clout in the Capitol hang in the balance. The union once counted Crist as a reliable political ally, one who used to try to boost teacher pay and who often reminds audiences that two of his sisters are educators.
But now Crist is in the political fight of his life in a partisan Republican primary in which unions hold little sway.
"Bashing teachers is good for certain conservative members," said Andy Ford, the union's president, who bemoaned that there's "no collaboration. There is no cooperation" from Republican leaders. "They are going to do what's in their best political interest and not what's best for students," he said. "Senate approves education changes". See also "Teachers union calls merit pay plan passed by Florida Senate an "assault"", "Florida Senate approves tougher graduation requirements", "Fla. Senate Passes Voucher Expansion, Teacher Merit Pay", "Crist stumps for vouchers", "A Flood of Support for Tax-Credit Scholarship Bill", "Senate passes bill that expands corporate-funded tuition vouchers" and "5,500 rally for vouchers".
Charlie's credit card problem ...
"Campaign finance reports show Charlie Crist's struggling U.S. Senate campaign has enjoyed some questionable expenses on the Florida Republican Party's American Express account.The disclosures come at a time when Crist has been hammering rival Marco Rubio for inappropriate expenses on his state party credit card when he was state House speaker." The Crist campaign also reported nearly $17,000 in ``reimbursement'' to the state party's credit card, which three experts called a potential violation of federal campaign finance law. State parties are not allowed to contribute, advance or loan a federal candidate more than $5,000 in a primary.
Even if the Crist campaign promptly paid off the party's credit card charge, "the Federal Election Commission would likely find that an advance in excess of $5,000 resulted in an excessive contribution,'' said Washington attorney Chris Gober, former general counsel to the National Republican Senatorial Committee. "Charlie Crist campaign also used GOP credit cards".
"The Legislature will continue to play a leading role in setting tuition for Florida's 11 public universities under an agreement reached today with the board that oversees the schools. The deal follows a decision Monday by the Board of Governors to withdraw from a lawsuit against the Legislature over which body controls tuition and other governance issues." "Board of Governors, colleges to share tuition power".
"Legislature, Seminoles closer to a deal on state gambling regulations".
"Most of the tax credits that Florida Republicans would use to attract film companies to the state would be cashed in by well-established corporations such as Wal-Mart, Sherwin-Williams or Bank of America." "GOP-proposed tax credits would be sellable perk".
Manatee deaths
"The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says preliminary data shows manatee deaths have exceeded the highest number on record for an entire calendar year." "Manatee deaths at record 431 in 2010".
"A swift kick into oblivion"
The Miami Herald editorial board: "Suddenly, a new strip mall turns up two blocks away from your home. What about public notices? Permit hearings? Not needed any more if the Florida Senate gets its way." Supposedly, Florida lawmakers were going to refrain from their habitual attempts to gut growth-management laws this year to appease sprawl-averse voters and ensure reelection in November. Legislators want to avoid stirring up support for the Hometown Democracy ballot question, which would give voters control over local land-use decisions.
But their bad old habits overcame political prudence with SB 1752, a jobs bill with unrelated provisions to water down permitting rules to the immense benefit of developers and huge expense of local communities. After just a single committee hearing, this travesty is slated for a vote by the Senate Thursday.
It deserves a swift kick into oblivion. "Stop developers' handout".
Bought and paid for
"A Senate panel voted on Wednesday to let property insurers raise their rates without approval from regulators, despite public urging from Gov. Charlie Crist that lawmakers reject the plan." "Crist and Senate at odds over insurance rate bill".
"The GOP as a triumph of style over substance"
Bill Cotterell: In "Buddy MacKay's new memoir, 'How Florida Happened,' the author adds a cautionary tale that should be listened to by the governor, Legislature and those who wish to be governor or legislators. After the sunny optimism of campaigning comes the harsh reality of governing a state with soaring needs and receding revenues, he writes. And anyone who tries to change it, making hard choices and (dare we say it?) increasing taxes, will pay for such 'liberalism' at the polls."
MacKay describes "the rise of the GOP as a triumph of style over substance — a hot fudge sundae diet that never requires eating your beets and asparagus." "Jeb Bush happened to govern during a time when things went well fiscally, but not because of anything he did," writes MacKay. "The surplus funds accumulated by our administration were not reserved to help in bad times but were instead squandered in the form of tax cuts for the wealthy."
And now, with the housing and job numbers down, he says, "Gov. Charlie Crist found himself facing this same double bind and realized toward the end of his third year in office that things would probably not improve politically in Florida until the national crisis in housing finance had run its course.
"Unless he had somehow summoned the courage to raise taxes in an election year, he would have found himself running for office after having been forced to slash the state budget in four consecutive years," writes MacKay. "Faced with this reality, Crist prudently decided that it was time to run for the U.S. Senate." ...
"Everyone in Florida politics — conservative and liberal — knows what needs to be done, but actually doing it is another matter," he writes. "What Florida needs is another Reubin Askew — someone willing to treat Floridians like adults." "MacKay new book has warnings for politicians".
From the "values" crowd
"Award-winning Pasco libraries again face cuts".
She "didn't change her vote on health care reform -- the legislation did. That's the explanation from Rep. Suzanne Kosmas, D-New Smyrna Beach, on why she voted against the health care reform legislation before she voted for it Sunday as she answered critics who complained about her turnaround Wednesday at a tele-town meeting." To one Port Orange caller's complaint that she voted against the will of the people and allowed her vote to be brokered, Kosmas said, "When I voted in November, I didn't think the bill before us was fiscally responsible. When people understand what good things are in the bill for them ... I'm confident" they'll support the legislation.
Nearly 8,000 people clicked into Wednesday's hourlong meeting during which she took live questions from constituents on the new health care law. The law is expected to cover 94 percent of the population by 2014 using new rules for health insurance coverage for individuals and businesses, government subsidies to help people who can't afford coverage and new rules for insurance companies.
Kosmas, who said calls to her office are split 50-50 on the reform's passage, hailed the new law as not only the humanitarian thing to do, but also the most significant deficit reduction measure in 17 years.
One caller said he was "disappointed" in the outcome of the vote -- particularly because Republicans were not included in the discussions that created the law. But Kosmas said that's not the case. "Kosmas: Legislation changes led to vote".
"On a day when the Tampa Bay Workforce Alliance's board discussed transparency and accountability to the public, several board members were surprised to learn that the agency's former executive director had been paid about $49,000 for unused vacation time." "Workforce agency board members surprised by Gilmore's payout". The Saint Petersburg Times editorial board: "Workforce boards need to be reined in"
More "values"
"Facing one of the leanest budget years in decades, children's advocates worked the Capitol on Tuesday, determined to fight social-service cuts that could top $600 million." "Children's advocates plead case".
Political stunt
"McCollum files federal suit against health-care plan".
"Outgunned Senate Democrats slowed a Republican education package Tuesday, knowing they can't stop plans to relax class-size limits and give schools more power to fire teachers." "Dems fighting class-size limit changes".
"After a sharp Senate debate Wednesday, a bill is headed to Gov. Charlie Crist's desk that would revive and modify a Florida 'electioneering' law that was ruled unconstitutional last year by a federal judge who said it violated freedom of speech." The debate, though, wasn't about that part of the bill. It focused on a rider that would let the House speaker and Senate president and leaders of the minority party in each chamber establish a special political fund that could be used to help favored candidates.
Passage came during a rare evening session after the Senate waived a rule that normally would have delayed a vote until Thursday. Crist has said he's not sure yet whether he will sign it into law. "State Senate passes 'electioneering law' changes". See also "Election finance bill sent to Crist".
Raw political courage
"Senate committee approves lowering auto tag and driver’s licence fees".
Thank you, Mr. Obama
"Even as President Barack Obama signed a landmark health care reform bill into law Tuesday, advocates for the elderly urged lawmakers to close a gap in Medicare drug coverage affecting 300,000 Floridians." "Overhaul aims to close gap in Medicare drug coverage".
"We thought he was different. Ideologically pure"
"Crist on Wednesday launched his first TV ad in the Republican U.S. Senate primary, a 30-second assault on Marco Rubio's image as a darling of the conservative insurgency." "We thought he was different. Ideologically pure," a narrator says. "Marco Rubio shot to national stardom. Called 'the Republican Obama.' Now, comes the truth."
Just over an hour after the announcement, Rubio said he'd put two 15-second ads on the air, designed to bracket Crist's spot. Both ads feature Crist's embrace of President Barack Obama during a federal stimulus rally.
Rubio has used the image repeatedly to portray Crist as less than conservative.
Crist's ad draws on a series of Times/Herald reports on Rubio's use of a Republican Party-issued American Express card for personal items and for failing to disclose all expenses for a political committee, as required by law. Rubio has disputed the reports and says he sent about $16,000 to American Express to cover personal expenses. "U.S. Senate hopefuls Crist and Rubio slug it out with television commercials".
"Dangerously off-script"
"In the midst of delivering an impassioned speech decrying President Obama's healthcare reform, GOP congressional hopeful Corey Poitier veered dangerously off-script." "Listen up, Buckwheat -- this is not how it is done!'' Poitier blurted out. "GOP congressional hopeful Corey Poitier: `Buckwheat' remark wasn't racist".
Whatever business wants ...
"Big Internet travel sites are on their way to a significant victory over Florida's hoteliers and cash-strapped counties. And it's difficult to figure out why. Consumers also will be losers if the travel sites prevail." Last week, a bill that would have equalized local resort-tax levies for rooms booked online (HB 335) faltered in a key House committee. Instead, the committee members approved a second bill (HB 1241) that would explicitly sanction Web sites such as Travelocity and Expedia charging their customers hefty, unitemized "taxes and fees" without passing a fair share on to the local governments who rely on those fees to promote tourism-related advertising and facilities.
Either piece of legislation would settle the dispute over how Internet-booked rooms are supposed to be taxed. But only the first bill would do so fairly. "Reservations online".
Old news
"Karl Rove tells Naples audience health-care bill is ill-advised, Democrats to suffer".
Thanks again, Mr. Obama
"High-speed rail construction may begin next year".
"Floridians should be skeptical"
The Saint Petersburg Times editors: "When the governor and legislators claim creating more tax breaks and allowing developers to build wherever they want will create jobs and bring back prosperity, Floridians should be skeptical." When Gov. Charlie Crist caved in to developers last year and eviscerated Florida's growth management laws, he pledged to push the Legislature this year to create a new fee to help pay for roads to accommodate new development. Lawmakers even included in the legislation a study on how to create such a mobility fee. So much for promises.
The study is sitting on a shelf, and the governor has not made a peep about it. Meanwhile, the Senate takes up legislation today that continues the assault on growth management. Masquerading as a major job creation bill, SB 1752 is stuffed with special interest tax breaks and provisions aimed at letting developers run roughshod over the few remaining checks on paving what's left of Florida. This is not about helping the unemployed find work. This is about using the recession as an excuse to create more tax breaks and weaken environmental protections to please powerful special interests in an election year. "Jobs bill eases limits on growth".
The slows
"Floridians slower than others in returning Census forms".
"'Still punishing teachers'"
The Saint Petersburg Times editorial board: "Less than a month after unveiling a radical plan to do away with teacher tenure in Florida public schools, Senate Republicans have stripped the plan of two of its most offensive ideas, including demands that school districts base more than 50 percent of teachers' salaries on student performance."But the legislation still is a largely punitive measure that goes too far in stripping protections from teachers and undermining local control.
The Senate is poised to vote on SB 6, which envisions a future where any teacher hired after July 1 has no guarantee of a job year-to-year. That would make it far easier to get rid of a teacher without having to endure laborious discipline proceedings. Teachers could find their contracts simply not renewed the next year. The bill also offers a form of merit pay that would enable high-performing teachers to earn more far more quickly than their lower-performing counterparts. ...
But this bill would put even the best teachers on permanent defense to hold on to their jobs. Despite its improvements, it remains a sledgehammer when what is required is a scalpel. "Senate still punishing teachers". See also "Fla. Senate beginning debate on education bills".
Complaint against Rubio
"Former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio misspent donations to the Republican Party of Florida and his political committees 'to subsidize his lifestyle,' according to a sweeping complaint filed with the Florida Commission on Ethics." The complaint filed by Michael D. Ryan of Fort Lauderdale also says Rubio ---- now a U.S. Senate candidate competing against Gov. Charlie Crist -- used his public office to get an unadvertised job at Florida International University when it was laying off faculty.
Ryan, a retired businessman, said he used to be registered as a Republican but hasn't voted in years and has "zero political agenda.''
Ryan gave $2,300 to former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2007 because, he said, he was in business with one of her supporters, basketball Hall of Famer Magic Johnson. Rubio's campaign seized on the donation as evidence of Ryan's motives. "Complaint targets Rubio's spending".
Big spender
"Days before he was sworn in as speaker of the Florida House, Marco Rubio and his top deputies hopped on a charter plane to Washington, checked into a $600-a-night hotel hosting a Republican party conference and hired a chauffeur to squire them around the city." The costs were charged to the state party-issued credit card belonging to Rubio's chief of staff, Richard Corcoran, a Republican operative recently transferred to the state payroll. During the five months of his $175,000-a-year job in Rubio's office, Corcoran continued spending tens of thousands of dollars in party donations for a slew of expenses, including dinners out with his boss, personalized chairs for Republican leaders and $4,600 for electronics, according to American Express statements obtained by The Miami Herald and St. Petersburg Times. "Corcoran's hefty credit card bills -- $60,000 in one two-month period alone -- reflect the free-wheeling party spending on travel and dining that disgraced Rubio's successor, indicted former Rep. Ray Sansom of Destin, and cost former state party chairman Jim Greer his job. State law bans public employees from working on political campaigns while on duty." "Marco Rubio's ex-aide put hefty expenses on GOP credit card".
Tea party = RPOF
Ron Rae thinks "the tea party is the Republican Party is the tea party …" "Stimulus flattened Crist's campaign".
Tally today
"In Tallahassee today, immigration and insurance". See also "2010 Legislature summary".
Meek's earmarks
"Helping local communities or spending too many federal tax dollars? Lawmakers' pet projects -- or earmarks -- emerge as an issue in the U.S. Senate race." "Kendrick Meek seeks $238M for pet projects".
Budget blues
"Hospital and nursing home reimbursements would be cut, schools would get less money per student and most state workers would see a 3 percent pay cut, while overall state spending would rise by $700 million under a proposed $67.2 billion budget bill that cleared a Florida House committee today. The Senate's larger $68.6 billion version is scheduled for final committee action Thursday or Friday. Both bills then head for floor votes next week. That will be followed by negotiations to resolve differences before the 60-day legislative session's scheduled conclusion on April 30." "State House panel OKs $67.2 billion budget bill". See also "Fla. House panel OKs $67.2 billion budget bill".
Background: "Florida Senate and House roll out competing state budget plans".
Thanks for your hard work
"Lawmakers: Slash pensions for teachers, police, firefighters".
"Rum war"
"Captain Morgan is packing his bags and moving to the U.S. Virgin Islands — a relocation that is making waves from Puerto Rico to Washington and riling some Central Florida politicians." "Tax breaks for Captain Morgan ignite rum war in Caribbean".
The Orlando Sentinel editors: "The country's largest subtropical wilderness appears certain to die without a major effort to restore it." Which is why we backed the agreement between Washington and Florida in 2000 to revive the Everglades, devastated from years of farming, development and mismanagement. And why we later encouraged Gov. Charlie Crist in his efforts in 2008 to leapfrog the earlier agreement.
The federal government had reneged on its obligations to fund the restoration, and Mr. Crist's plan to buy out one of the River of Grass' worst polluters seemed early on a more viable way to extend the ecosystem's life.
But it's not viable any more. Not by a long shot. It's overpriced, unaffordable and, by itself, won't rejuvenate the Glades. The state needs to renegotiate the terms of its deal with U.S. Sugar, or opt out altogether. "Time to renegotiate with U.S. Sugar".
"Bring it on"
"The White House says it isn't worried that 13 state attorneys general are suing to overturn the massive health care overhaul, and many legal experts agree the effort is futile." But the lawsuit, filed in federal court seven minutes after President Barack Obama signed the 10-year, $938 billion health care bill, underscores the divisiveness of the issue and the political rancor that has surrounded it.
Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum led the effort to file the suit that claims Congress doesn't have the constitutional right to force people to get health coverage. It also says the federal government is violating the Constitution by forcing a mandate on the states without providing resources to pay for it.
"To that I say, 'Bring it on,'" said White House domestic policy chief Melody Barnes, who cited similar suits filed over Social Security and the Voting Rights Act when those were passed. "If you want to look in the face of a parent whose child now has health care insurance and say we're repealing that ... go right ahead."
A 14th state, Virginia, did not join the bigger lawsuit, but filed its own, which other states are also considering.
McCollum, a Republican running for governor, has been talking about suing to overturn the bill since December. This month he invited other attorneys general to join him. So far South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Michigan, Utah, Pennsylvania, Alabama, South Dakota, Idaho, Washington, Colorado and Louisiana have agreed.
All the attorneys general are Republican except James "Buddy" Caldwell of Louisiana, a Democrat, who said he signed on because Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal asked him to and he felt the effort had merit. "White House, experts: State's health care suit will fail". See also "McCollum files federal suit against health-care plan" and "Mike Thomas: Can health care stand up to legal challenges?" and "McCollum sues to stop federal health-care bill". More: "Republicans' lawsuit to fight health care law could cost Florida $50,000".
"From newspapers to blogs to cable news, Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum captured the national spotlight Tuesday for leading the court fight against President Barack Obama's health care overhaul." "McCollum's lawsuit could backfire".
"In an escalating political and legal battle over America's new health-reform law, Florida is again ground zero in an election year. And at stake is a renewed debate over who is setting the national agenda."Amid hyper-partisanship that rivals the 2000 presidential election, Attorney General Bill McCollum and 12 other state attorneys general filed suit in federal district court in Pensacola Tuesday, challenging the constitutionality of the federal plan that requires all Americans to obtain health coverage.
"This will ultimately wind up in the U.S. Supreme Court, where we will prevail," McCollum said, flanked by 50 state Republican lawmakers.
McCollum, following through on an earlier promise, filed suit less than an hour after President Barack Obama signed the historic legislation.
House Speaker-designate Dean Cannon, R-Winter Park, called the health-care program a "massive expansion of federal control."
Senate President Jeff Atwater, R-North Palm Beach, called it "an invasion of the state's historic sovereignty."
Lawmakers in at least 30 states are working to prevent what they say is an unconstitutional mandate forcing Americans to have health insurance. But Florida, as in the prolonged Gore-vs.-Bush contest, is at the epicenter.
As a bellwether state, Florida's demographics and politics reflect the national mood. "Echoes of 2000 in Health Care Contest".
McCollum hands work to his partner
"McCollum said his office will contract with his former business partner, David Rivkin of Baker & Hostetler, to litigate the suit." The contract is capped $50 thousand. It was unclear how the 13 states might split that cost.
State CFO Alex Sink, McCollum's probable Democratic rival in the governor's race, called it a "sweetheart contract" and said McCollum should have put the contract out for a bid.
"It's unfortunate that he's using taxpayer money to file a suit on behalf of the people of the state of Florida when in fact this legislation is going to provide help for many, many Floridians," Sink said. "Democrats slam McCollum's hiring of ex-law partner to handle health care challenge".
Big news
"Attorneys for the News-Journal's parent company and the Davidson family repeatedly asked for a delay of the sale to allow the economy to improve. Antoon said that while he understood that argument, he was in "no position" to do so." The new owners include Michael Redding, who will be the News-Journal president and publisher, a Destin newspaper investor and Stephens Capital Partners of Little Rock, a private equity firm based in Little Rock, Ark. ...
Redding is the CEO of HarborPoint Media of Daytona Beach, which owns The Daily Commercial in Leesburg and other publications.
The sale ends a lawsuit between the News-Journal and minority shareholder Cox Enterprises.
Cox sued in 2004 after the News-Journal pledged $13 million for naming rights of an arts center on Beach Street. The News-Journal opted to buy Cox's shares, which led to a lengthy court battle over value.
In 2006, after a trial, Antoon ordered the value of Cox's 47.5 percent ownership at $129 million. Since that was more than the Davidson-family led group said it could pay, the newspaper company was put on the market.
It is not yet certain whether Cox will seek the difference between the judgment and sale price from members of the Davidson family and the parent company's board of directors. "Judge approves sale of News-Journal".
It remains to be seen if The Daytona Beach News Journal will continue to provide the most progressive editorials, by far, of any mainstream newspaper in Florida
Less bright
"Florida Senate panel OKs bill that tightens Bright Futures eligibility rules".
Class size
"Sen. Don Gaetz, R-Niceville, was the main sponsor of a constitutional amendment (SJR 2) asking voters next November if they want to change the 2002 mandates for smaller class sizes. The current limits — 18 kids per class in kindergarten through third grade, 22 in grades four through eight and 25 in high school — are highly prized by the Florida Education Association, a powerful force in the Democratic Party." "Dems fighting class-size limit changes".
"Legislative leaders strike deal with business lobby and trial lawyers".
"Doughnut hole"
"Even as President Barack Obama signed a landmark health care reform bill into law Tuesday, advocates for the elderly urged lawmakers to close a gap in Medicare drug coverage affecting 300,000 Floridians. The Floridians are among millions of seniors across the country who each year fall into Medicare's 'doughnut hole' gap in prescription drug coverage and suddenly find themselves having to pay 100 percent of their drug costs." "Overhaul aims to close gap in Medicare drug coverage".
"Bay area population increases in 2009 (but just barely)".
The Daytona Beach News Journal editorial board: "Floridians produce 93 Empire State Buildings' worth of solid waste -- 32 million tons a year. And most of it goes into landfills, with incinerators a close second." In 1988, the state Legislature set a modest goal of recycling 30 percent of that massive pile of garbage. Today, the state is only recycling 28 percent. There are plenty of reasons -- recycling can be expensive to implement, people don't want to take the trouble, markets for recyclable materials are unpredictable. But there should be no excuses.
A bill that would dramatically increase the state's commitment to recycling is making its way through the House and Senate. If approved, SB 570 would give Florida the most ambitious recycling goal in the nation, specifying that 75 percent of all solid waste should be recycled by 2020.
It certainly challenges the imagination. Florida failed to reach the 30 percent mark in 22 years, but will leap so far ahead in just 10? But the legislation, sponsored by Sen. Lee Constantine, R-Altamonte Springs, contains common-sense provisions that would encourage progress. It would create tougher reporting requirements -- for businesses, private haulers and local governments -- to identify weak links in the recycling effort. "Recycling Florida". Background: "Constantine’s recycling bill would boost reuse of solid waste to 75% by 2020".
What's wrong with Hillsborough?
"Bean, Lee placed on 90 days leave with pay". The Tampa Tribune editorial board: "Muddled board delays search for fresh leader". The Saint Petersburg Times editors: "Commissioners create a leadership vacuum".
"Facing increasing criticism, Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty assured state leaders Tuesday he is working to stabilize the state's troubled insurance market." "Unease over Florida's property insurance stability growing".
From the "values" crowd
"Facing one of the leanest budget years in decades, children's advocates worked the Capitol on Tuesday, determined to fight social-service cuts that could top $600 million." "Children's advocates plead case".
"The two Republican candidates for Florida's U.S. Senate seat said they were disappointed to see the healthcare bill signed into law Tuesday. The two Democrats disagreed." "Florida U.S. Senate candidates differ on healthcare law". See also "Rubio pounds Democrats' health care bill at Boca Raton Republican dinner".
"Florida's faux secessionists"
Randy Schultz' column yesterday: "The sponsors of SB 96 and the Republican members of the Judiciary Committee who voted for it would reject any comparison to a segregationist. So would politicians in the nearly 40 states that have introduced or passed sovereignty legislation since 2007. And while it would be unfair to call supporters of these bills latter-day segregationists, it would be fair to use a label that also applied to George Wallace: demagogue." "Florida's faux secessionists: States' rights sentiment bubbles up in Legislature".
A cut for 'ye, but not for me
"State senators voted to cut state-worker pay -- but then raised the salaries of some of their own workers." "Florida senators OK'd raises for staffers despite state pay cuts". See also "Despite state worker pay cuts, some Fla. lawmakers seek raises for staffers".
McCollum embarrasses himself and Florida
"Florida Attorney General and Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill McCollum [appeared] on two Fox News shows [Sunday] to discuss his plan to challenge health care reform if it passes." "McCollum challenges health law".
"PolitiFact: Alex Sink's claim of $1.2 million refund after insurance complaints is true".
Bill Cotterell: "Amid all the painful budget cuts being discussed in the session, legislators are taking a hard look at the Florida Retirement System. A House committee is expected to consider a plan this week that could lead to employees paying into the fund, which is now totally employer-paid, perhaps raising retirement ages and reducing the pension accrual percentage per year of service." "Legislature wrestles with DROP".
"Foley is everywhere"
George Bennett: "Suddenly Mark Foley is everywhere. " The former Republican congressman and onetime national punchline, who resigned in 2006 over sexually charged Internet messages to teenage former congressional pages, made his first post-scandal appearance at a Forum Club of the Palm Beaches lunch March 8.
Foley made his first post-resignation visit to Washington for last week's Joe Biden-headlined Radio and TV Correspondents Dinner. Then Foley was off to a talk radio convention in New York to seek a broader audience for the political chat show he hosts on local radio.
Next Monday brings an event that would have been unthinkable a few years ago when politicians were sprinting to distance themselves from Foley.
He's on the host committee for a fund-raiser in Palm Beach for Republican state Senate hopeful Sharon Merchant, the former state House member and longtime Foley friend who's in a high-profile GOP primary against former Wellington councilwoman Lizbeth Benacquisto.
It's the first time since Foley's exit that a candidate has publicized Foley's support in search of campaign cash. "State Senate hopeful Merchant taps Mark Foley for host committee for Palm Beach fund-raiser".
Keep that federal money a comin'
"The proposed cancelling of Constellation has sent shock waves throughout the space community, and the job-loss calculations are profound. More than 100,000 Floridians are employed in the aerospace industry across all 67 counties." "Saving Constellation is a noble mission".
Laff riot
"Crist, a Republican who was in Tampa [Sunday] attending the closing ceremony for the Gasparilla International Film Festival, said he hopes to get elected senator in November to help repeal the bill and bring a commonsense approach to healthcare reform." "Crist hopes to repeal health care legislation".
"Gelber would give the process a good scrubbing"
The Sun-Sentinel editorial board: "Leaders in the Legislature are ignoring a bid to shine more sunlight on their lawmaking, including how they parcel out billions of taxpayer dollars each year. They're slow-walking another proposal to strengthen citizens' constitutional right of access to government records and meetings." The proposal on lawmaking is a constitutional amendment to force legislators to live by the same kind of rules that apply to other state and local government officials. Sponsored in the Senate by Dan Gelber, D-Miami Beach, and in the House by Rep. Keith Fitzgerald, D-Sarasota, it would bar legislators on joint Senate-House committees from privately discussing matters their panels are considering.
Under current state law, anytime two or more members of a state or local government commission or board want to discuss policy matters, they must notify and invite the public. But in the Legislature, a senator and representative can huddle behind closed doors and determine the final details in a piece of legislation. They can invite lobbyists, but they don't have to invite ordinary citizens. This is most insidious when the legislation is as voluminous as the state budget, and dollars and deals can easily be hidden.
The proposal from Sen. Gelber would give the process a good scrubbing. "Open government rules should be across the board so that citizens have a say".
"Straight party lines"
"The entire Florida delegation voted along straight party lines on the health legislation, with Democratic Rep. Suzanne Kosmas of New Smyrna Beach supporting it and Republican Rep. Bill Posey of Rockledge opposing it." "Kosmas votes yes; Posey no on bill". See also "Roll call: Florida reps on health care".
Meek "mighty competitive against Rubio"
"For much of the past year, it has been widely assumed that Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Kendrick Meek would have a very tough time in a general election against either Marco Rubio or Charlie Crist." Two recent polls, however, suggest the Miami representative could be mighty competitive against Rubio.
A Research 2000 poll for the liberal Daily Kos site released last week (margin of error plus or minus 4 percentage points) showed Meek with 40 percent support among likely voters and Rubio with 41 percent. In a matchup against Crist, Meek trailed 45 percent to 36 percent.
Among likely Republican voters, Rubio was crushing Crist 58 percent to 30 percent.
And if Crist ran as an independent, the poll showed him winning 29 percent support, compared to 27 percent for Meek and 32 percent for Rubio.
Another recent automated phone poll by Public Policy Polling survey found Meek trailing Rubio by 5 points and Crist by 13. "Meek holds own against Rubio in Senate race, polls show".
McCollum needs to get another job ... outa politics
Aaron Deslatte:Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum is hoping to step up the heat on the federal government once Congress passes its health-care overhaul -- assuming the final reform still contains a mandate that individuals have insurance or pay penalties. And if this ain't an abuse of his office and a waste of taxpayer dollars:McCollum also said he was forming a "coalition of state agencies" to examine the impact of whatever plan passes. But the message was meant just as much for home-front political consumption. "Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum vows to sue if health-care reform bill is passed".
Randy Schultz: "All of a sudden, it's 1963, or maybe 1861. Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum has vowed to sue if President Obama signs legislation containing such a requirement, claiming that it would be unconstitutional. Mr. McCollum, a Republican, is running for governor."There are two ironies to this political overreaction.
One is that mandatory health insurance didn't come from some un-American, leftie fringe group, unless you consider the nation's health insurers part of an un-American, leftie fringe group. It also came from that well-known Republican, Mitt Romney. Since then, attempting to woo far-right voters who matter in Republican primaries, Mr. Romney has been running away from his biggest accomplishment: health care reform as governor of Massachusetts.
The second irony is that these state politicians are railing against the power of the federal government as they slurp up money from the federal government. That would be money from the $787 billion economic stimulus bill, which Republicans in state houses criticize right up until the moment they cash the checks. That would be the same federal government states turn to when natural disasters strike.
It's an election year, and the nation is anxious on good days. Exploitation of this anxiety isn't the response Florida needs from elected officials, but that's what Florida is getting. "Florida's faux secessionists: States' rights sentiment bubbles up in Legislature".
"Seismic changes" for Florida
"As the health-care debate rages nationally, Florida's Republican legislative leadership is laying the groundwork for seismic changes to how the state pays for the health care of the poor, sick and elderly." Senate President-designate Mike Haridopolos and House Speaker-designate Dean Cannon, among other conservatives in the Legislature, think they can save $27 million by expanding a controversial Medicaid reform plan passed in 2005 from Broward County and the Jacksonville region to 19 additional counties, including Metro Orlando.
The plan basically involved shifting from a fee-for-service method — where doctors are paid for the number of tests, treatments and procedures they perform, not the quality of care — to managed care where patients would choose between HMO-styled plans, earn extra credit for healthy living, and theoretically spend less time in emergency rooms.
Now lawmakers want to expand the program to pregnant women, the disabled, foster children and low-income seniors left out of the experiment when then-Gov. Jeb Bush pushed the change in the twilight of his tenure. Even the Orlando Sentinel concedes that Jebbie's privatization* experimenthas hit some speed bumps.
It's not saving the state a huge amount of cash, the plan has not been as successful as it could be using data to adjust patient plans to their specific risks, and the "choice counselors" assigned to helping people pick a plan have been criticized by health-care-advocacy groups.
"It's confusing for anyone to choose a health plan," said Laura Goodhue, executive director of Florida CHAIN, a health-care-advocacy group, "and we're talking about vulnerable populations that already have barriers to health care or who have chronic conditions."
The University of Florida, which has evaluated the project since its start, has found the program was holding down some costs when compared with two outside counties: Orange and Hillsborough. And then there's this:Researchers also didn't look at patents with costlier diseases to treat such as HIV/AIDS.
But its impact on patients with chronic conditions and mental disorders is still unknown, researchers concede, along with whether the extra benefits for adopting more-healthful lifestyles such as quitting smoking is changing any behavior.
Even though the reform was envisioned as way to introduce competitive market forces into a bureaucratic, single-payer system, the dire economic times have caused some of the companies that jumped into Medicaid reform to pull out. Much more here: "Florida lawmakers prepare colossal Medicaid change".
- - - - - - - - - - *Mr. Bush's privatization schemes are familiar to Floridians: "Jeb [was] an aggressive privatizer, and as The Miami Herald put it after a careful study of state records, his bold experiment has been a success, at least for him and the Republican Party, records show. The policy has spawned a network of contractors who have given him, other Republican politicians and the Florida G.O.P. millions of dollars in campaign donations."
The Saint Petersburg Times editors: "Drilling off Florida's coast won't increase America's independence from foreign oil, lower gasoline prices or raise billions of dollars annually for the state." It is inconceivable that any responsible state lawmaker still would consider leveraging the state's pristine shoreline — and the tourism customers it draws — for such little return. Yet Rep. Dean Cannon, R-Orlando, who is in line to be the next House speaker, is doggedly pushing a plan that could put drilling platforms within 10 miles of the west coast. "Fla. should forget about drilling in gulf".
"Insurers would not have to pass the savings"
"A stimulus plan that Florida lawmakers are considering for state ports would be paid for with a tax break for insurance companies, but insurers would not have to pass the savings to policyholders under a provision in the bill." "Ports bill would aid insurers but not policyholders".
Condo bills
"Condo bills have flooded the state Capitol." More than five dozen have been filed during the legislative session, as Florida grapples with its real estate crisis. But boil down the language of lawmakers' proposals to help cash-strapped condo dwellers, and there are only a handful of ideas:
Make it easier for investors to buy multiple units in empty buildings. Delay costly state-mandated upgrades. Discover ways to punish owners who don't pay skyrocketing association dues. "Many condo bills are similar".
"Not exactly the big incentive Florida needs"
The Sun-Sentinel editorial board observes that "No one should mistake the measure linking teacher salaries to student performance on annual tests for a serious effort to reform education." Rather, A pointed jab at teacher unions and school districts is more like it. Unfortunately, the goal of improving classroom teaching, and rewarding the many solid educators in Florida, gets lost in the jabbing.
The bill requires school districts to stop using advanced degrees, contract negotiations and seniority to establish pay. Tenured positions would be eliminated, and salaries and job security instead would be based on annual student test scores and performance reviews. If school districts don't comply, they risk losing state funding and could be forced to raise property taxes to make up the difference.
So imagine the hordes of eager teachers rushing to work in a state where annual contracts are the norm, academic qualifications and experience count for little, and any pay raises, not to mention job security, depend on how well students perform on that year's standardized tests. We can't, and it's not exactly the big incentive Florida needs in its ongoing attempts to attract or keep quality teachers. "Senate bill: Tough on teachers, short on reform".
The Tampa Tribune editorial board nevertheless continues to drags its RPOFer knuckles, baldly arguing that "Florida Sen. John Thrasher rightly wants to jettison public school tenure and make it easier to get rid of lousy teachers." "Eliminate tenure, but don't trample teachers". College professors are eligible to earn "tenure", school teachers aren't. The editors need to get their facts straight.
"Undone or unfinished"
"After the Florida Legislature gets through this session, and does whatever it must to fill a $3 billion budget gap, what then? Lawmakers may congratulate themselves on not raising taxes, but several big initiatives will be left undone or unrealized." "Unfinished Business".
"Poisoning Florida politics"
Fred Grimm: "Once upon a time, 'leadership funds' were denigrated as the very mechanisms that were poisoning Florida politics." Stashes of donations, barely regulated, were controlled by Florida's legislative leaders, who doled out money like 19th century ward bosses to the reelection campaigns of certain minions in the House and Senate.
Such favors, of course, came heavily encumbered with political IOUs. Finally, in 1989, the nefarious funds were outlawed (not very outlawed, as it turned out).
It says something about how far our influence-for-sale political culture has devolved in the past two decades that leadership funds have been revived as a way to reform Tallahassee. Legislators seem downright nostalgic for 1986, when Senate President Ken Jenne accumulated a $640,000 slush fund to lavish on the campaigns of those who would do his bidding.
The latest leadership fund incarnation has been packaged as an instrument of "transparency and accountability,'' though it offers only a piddling of either. The enthusiasm for actual transparency was evident in the House of Representatives on Thursday when nine amendments that would require more disclosure or put limits on the funds' campaign contributions were all rejected. Leadership funds give "future Senate president Mike Haridopolos and his counterpart in the House, Dean Cannon ... the mechanism to wrest control of the political slush funds from Republican party headquarters, which seems to have misunderstood the definition of 'party.'"Party Chairman Jim Greer has been ousted for his lavish spending. Rubio ran up questionable charges on his party credit card. Another party leader, Rep. Chris Dorworth of Lake Mary, has been trying to explain $2,000 charged to the party at a Vegas casino. Nefarious leadership funds revived".
"The battle over political boundaries is heating up, with Democratic-leaning labor unions and trial attorneys helping to stoke the fire. Fair Districts Florida, which collected enough signatures to place Amendment 5 on the Nov. 2 ballot, wants to re-engineer how legislative and congressional districts are drawn in the state. ... while campaign chairwoman Ellen Freidin maintains that her group is strictly non-partisan, others see a political agenda." "There's a term, 'BINO,' meaning Bipartisan In Name Only," said Sen. Mike Haridopolos, chairman of the Legislature's Reapportionment Committee.
"Ninety-five percent of their money comes from Democratic groups or groups that support Democratic Party causes," the Merritt Island Republican said.
In fact, the list of donors to Fair Districts reads like a list of Big Labor. Contributors include more than a dozen unions ranging from the Florida Education Association and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers to various AFL-CIO and Teamsters locals.
Back in 2007, the group received $25,000 in seed money from ACORN, which has come under fire for its partisan, and questionable, campaign tactics. ""Fair" Districts Funding Questioned".
Desperate wingnuts jump Boyd
"After hearing from constituents and interest groups for months, U.S. Rep. Allen Boyd said he decided to vote for national health care because 'good policy equals good politics.'" But Republicans hoping to take over Congress think Boyd's decision may end his 14-year career in Washington. And even his opponent in the Democratic primary, while taking credit for swinging Boyd into the "aye" column, believes he can't redeem his vote against House health-care package last November.
"I think Allen has probably sealed his fate with the people in District 2," Dianne Berryhill of Tallahassee, one of the Republicans running against him, said Saturday. "As I travel around the district, I find that people were already unhappy with Mr. Boyd."
Campaigning at an Eastpoint rib cookoff, she said "he has not listened to the people of his district," despite a series of 16 town-hall meetings last summer and constant contact through Facebook and e-mail.
Eddie Hendry of Tallahassee, another GOP hopeful, predicted Boyd would "pull out of the race after April. I think Obama is going to take care of him with some job in the federal government." Hendry admitted he had no evidence of that, but thinks voting for the health-care package is a career killer in conservative North Florida. "Boyd is taking a risk on health care".
"Down to the wire"
"Rep. Kendrick Meek is in the home stretch of what he hopes will be a history-making signature drive for a ballot spot in Florida's U.S. Senate race this summer." "Meek's signature drive down to the wire".
Daily Rothstein
"The mafia has a long history in South Florida. The latest reminder turned up in a report that a federal sting enlisted the help of Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein." "Mafia has had long history in South Florida, and latest Rothstein revelations show no different".
"Florida Republicans are foaming-at-the-mouth attack dogs"
The Orlando Sentinel's Mike Thomas is humping for a big merit raise this year, with his usual Jeb-lite union bashing: "Merit pay rewards good teachers, punishes bad ones"
To his great credit, Scott Maxwell makes a point rarely seen in a Tribune Company media outlet: "Florida Republicans are the foaming-at-the-mouth attack dog. They are so obsessed with union-busting that educating children barely enters their minds."
Maxwell continues: As a result, Florida has one of the worst-funded school systems in America.
Compounding the problem is the contempt Republican legislators have for teachers. That's right — teachers.
Sure, they'll try to tell you they just hate the unions. But who do you think comprises the union? It's your son's math instructor, your daughter's music teacher — and their soccer coach.
Underpaid educators have become the enemy. Maxwell then points out something that has been well known since, you know ... the 1920s, but is nevertheless a courageous thing to hear from a newspaper company employee:the overall demonization of the working class is one of corporate America's most successful coups within the GOP — a party that once championed[*] the rights of the common man.
Nowadays, union-bashing isn't simply a plank in the GOP platform; it's the foundation.
So the legislators (and some pundits) try to wreak havoc by convincing the public that unions lead to fat, lazy and ineffective teachers. Unfortunately, he then goes sideways by suggesting that the solution to the teacher pay issue is to have the bosses unilaterally determine the pay of individual teachers:One common-sense solution would put principals in charge of setting pay, perhaps with assistance from other teachers or staffers.
Unions don't like this, saying it would bring favoritism into play. To that I say: Too bad. That is the way the world works. Bosses make decisions. "For teacher pay, unions and union-haters should compromise".
Maxwell is off base when he asserts that it is "too bad" if employees don't like "favoritism", because "that is the way the world works". That may be - and indeed is - the way it works in for journalists that work for non-union newspaper companies**, but it isn't the way it has worked for unionized teachers throughout the nation for many decades, to wit: unionized teachers are generally paid by years of service and teacher discipline must comply with contractual principles of "just cause".
Indeed, it has primarily been in our nation's former Confederate states - which largely prohibit public employees from unionizing and bargaining collectively - that the recent claimed crises in teacher pay and competence have arisen.
- - - - - - - - - - *Maxwell's AP U.S. History teacher would be disappointed is his sloppy assertion that the GOP "once" championed the rights of the common man. The GOP has actually been out of the "championing the rights of the common man" business since the Nineteenth Century.
**Maxwell like all other Florida journalists work for nonunion employers; decisions about their compensation, as Maxwell must concede, are influenced by, if not entirely governed by, "favoritism". However, a workplace governed by "favoritism" is not "the way of the world", but rather the "way" it is for compliant employees who choose to work in an environment dependent upon the "favoritism" of the "bosses". Other employees, including some journalists, have chosen a different "world", and shown the courage to unionize - indeed, that is why unions exist: to establish, and if necessary force, fairness in the workplace.
Unions - including unions representing journalists - exist, as a matter of U.S. law and policy, to counterbalance the "inequality of bargaining power between employees who do not possess full freedom of association or actual liberty of contract and employers who are organized in the corporate or other forms of ownership association [which] substantially burdens and affects the flow of commerce, and tends to aggravate recurrent business depressions, by depressing wage rates and the purchasing power of wage earners in industry and by preventing the stabilization of competitive wage rates and working conditions within and between industries." 29 U.S.C. Sec. 151.
Lean budget
"School budget preview of more lean times".
Hometown Democracy
Howard Troxler: "A bunch of Greek guys started a political debate 2,500 years ago that we're still fighting about." Can people govern themselves wisely by a direct vote?
Or should they put their trust in leaders to make wise decisions?
Here in Florida, we're smack in the middle of that age-old fight. This November we'll vote on the idea called "Hometown Democracy."
Hometown Democracy (Amendment 4 on the ballot) would require a local election for major local growth decisions, rather than trusting the County Commission or City Council to make them.
Hometown Democracy was put on the ballot by a citizen petition. The basic argument is that local governments in Florida are simply incapable of saying no to developers, profit and sprawl.
There are many arguments against Amendment 4, and some of them are valid. Troxler outlines both sides of the argument here: "Truth and hysteria about Hometown Democracy".
What's wrong with Hillsborough?
"Some commissioners who have voiced reluctance to fire internal auditor Jim Barnes, County Administrator Pat Bean, center, and County Attorney Renee Lee have mentioned their generous severance packages as one reason to be cautious. " "Hillsborough’s contracts hinder firings".
"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is pushing to adopt more-stringent standards for ozone, a major component of smog and a health hazard, especially for children, the elderly and people with breathing ailments. Primary generators of the pollutant in Florida are cars, trucks and electric-power plants." "Will Florida get tailpipe tests, 55 mph speed limit to cut air pollution?".
The Orlando editors are at it yet again
Newspaper companies - worried that their employees might get all uppity on them and make crazy demands like defined benefit retirement plans - have made a statewide habit of slamming police and firefighter pensions. Here's the latest scare tactic from the Orlando Sentinel: "In the parade of horribles confronting Florida legislators this year — including a huge budget gap, double-digit unemployment and cash-starved schools — it's easy to overlook the rising cost of municipal pension plans for police and firefighters." Here's why: State law forces cities to offer their cops and firefighters traditional pension plans. Cities contribute to a fund, which pays checks to retirees.
Businesses began switching years ago from these plans to more affordable 401(k)-style defined contribution plans.
But over the past decade or so, legislators have gone in the opposite direction. They've passed laws to sweeten retirement benefits for police and firefighters. But local governments, not Tallahassee, are on the hook for bankrolling those pensions. ...
But spending on police and fire pensions for cities also has been driven higher by state laws — especially one passed in 1999. That noxious law, approved under heavy lobbying from police and fire unions, requires cities to set aside any increase in insurance tax collections to jack up pension checks, rather than cover existing costs. "Defuse pension bombs".
As usual, the editors are merely re-channeling the latest League of Cities propaganda, and who can blame them: newspaper companies are just businesses trying to make a buck. Legitimate news and editorial comment apparently take a back seat to balanced coverage. For the rest of the story, you may want to check this out.