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The Blog for Saturday, July 13, 2013

Scott shill's new formula instantly reduces the number of failing schools

    "The rule that prevented Florida school grades from dropping more than a single letter grade in a year is being extended."
    Florida Education Commissioner Tony Bennett decided to keep the rule so that there are fewer changes in the lead-up to Common Core State Standards in 2014-15, he said in a letter to the state Board of Education released Friday.
    But it isn't political . . . not at all:
    Bennett's letter said that his recommendations "are not made to soften the blow of higher standards or to reduce the number of failing schools," though both changes could have that effect.
    "Bennett approves rules to ease school grading for 2013-14". See also "School grades would drop only 1 letter under state plan" and "State education chief suggests grading formula tweaks".

    Scott given license to continue voter purge

    "When the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the heart of the Voting Rights Act last month, it cleared the way for Gov. Rick Scott’s administration to resume its controversial effort to remove potential noncitizens from voter rolls." "U.S. Supreme Court voting decision likely to stop legal challenge to Florida voter purge".

    Hiaasen: Rubio "just another gutless sniveler"

    "Poor Marco Rubio", writes Carl Hiaasen. He explains:

    As the prospects for comprehensive immigration reform sink, so goes his hopes of establishing himself as the solid Republican front-runner in the 2016 campaign for the White House.

    Meanwhile, the junior Florida senator is under siege from the bug-eyed right wing of his own party. Glenn Beck called him a “piece of garbage” and even the tea party has turned on him. It’s gotten so bad that GOP action groups are putting out commercials saying nice things about Rubio, just to preserve his shot at the presidency.

    "Unfortunately, immigration reform is the only serious issue on which Rubio has presumed to lead. Otherwise, his time in Washington has been quiet and forgettable."
    During the big post-Newtown debate on expanding background checks of firearms buyers, Rubio revealed himself as just another gutless sniveler controlled by the NRA. In the budget battle he offered not a single new idea, only boilerplate attacks on President Obama over the federal deficit (which is now, to the chagrin of Republican presidential hopefuls, shrinking).
    Hiaasen continues, pointing out that next month will see "one of the grandest hypocrisies of the entire immigration furor"; Hiassen explains that
    the Americans for Prosperity Foundation is for the first time taking its annual conference away from Washington.

    The new site: Orlando. The keynote speaker: Sen. Marco Rubio.

    Why is this so funny? Because the Americans for Prosperity Foundation is basically the infamous Koch brothers, Charles and David, those ultra-conservative billionaires who spend their free time and money trying to buy elections.

    Paradoxically, their campaign contributions and massive media blitzes helped to install some of the same fire-breathing gasbags in Congress who are now dismantling immigration reform and damaging Rubio’s chances to be president.

    That the Kochs would come to Florida and put Rubio center stage illustrates the bewildered desperation now plaguing the Republican Party. Charlie and Dave have seen the sorry poll numbers from 2012, and know they can’t win the White House without a titanic shift of Hispanic votes.

    Apparently the strategy is to present a candidate who is heroically identified with pushing for immigration reform, while the brothers continue working backstage to ensure that reform itself has zero chance of becoming law.

    "Marco Rubio: A funny thing happened on the way to the nomination . . .".

    Meanwhile, the latesr Iowa polling doesn't look good for Saint Marco.

    Have another puff

    "By proposing new language, medical marijuana supporters must start again to obtain more than 683,000 signatures needed to put the ballot initiative before Florida voters. . . . By proposing new language, approved Wednesday by the state, PUFMM discarded tens of thousands of petition signatures from voters who wanted to get medical marijuana on the ballot." "Medical marijuana forces revamp popular plan, but face hurdles".

    Beck clone makes House bid

    "As he runs again for the Florida House in 2014, Rep. Doug Broxson, R-Milton, drew a Republican primary challenger this week. Army veteran and current National Guard member Jamie Tabisz-Smith, who runs the [Glenn Beckish] Liberty Life News site, filed his paperwork on Thursday to run against Broxson, who represents parts of Okaloosa and Santa Rosa counties in next year’s Republican primary." "Doug Broxson Faces a Republican Primary Challenger in 2014".

    Crist is running, no doubt

    Kevin Derby writes that "If there are any doubts that former Gov. Charlie Crist intends to run for governor in 2014, the announcement this week that he is releasing a book -- "The Party's Over: How the Extreme Right Hijacked the GOP and I Became a Democrat" -- should end them." "Charlie Crist Isn't The Only Flip-Flop Governor Turned Writer".

    Precisely who does Weatherford work for, and what does he do?

    "For the past six years, Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford has reported that his largest source of personal income is from an outfit called Breckenridge Enterprises. When asked about Breckenridge, which hasn't been registered in Florida since 2007, Weatherford says he doesn't actually work for the company. "

    "It's all very hard to follow, and when it's hard to follow, there's probably a reason," said Melanie Sloan, the executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, which reviewed Weatherford's financial disclosures. "I think he's doing everything he can to hide the true source of his income and conceal the fact that he isn't doing anything for the money."
    "Weatherford's income continues to mystify".

    Crazies claim DOJ organized anti-Zimmerman protests

    The crazies at Judicial Watch intentional misrepresented the work of the DOJ's "Community Relations Service" in connection with the Trayon Martin related protest, which predictably "sparked outrage among conservative sites, including the Heritage Foundation and The Daily Caller, and attracted mainstream attention at CNN. The Rush Limbaugh Show went with the headline 'Obama Regime Organized Trayvon Protests.'" "PolitiFact: Conservative group says Department of Justice helped organize protests against George Zimmerman" (Politifact found the assertions to be "mostly false").

The Blog for Friday, July 12, 2013

"Clelland raises more than any other state House incumbent"

    "Democratic state Rep. Mike Clelland of Lake Mary, the rookie lawmaker who upset former speaker-in-waiting Chris Dorworth last year, raised more money in the second quarter than any incumbent House member in either political party, according to new state records."
    Clelland, an attorney and former city of Longwood firefighter, raised just over $34,000 during the quarter, with much of his money coming from firefighters, unions and chiropractic clinics. No other House member seeking re-election raised more, even though Republicans command large majorities in Tallahassee and generally far outraise Democrats.
    "He'll likely need every cent. Clelland's re-election bid promises to be just as challenging as his first run against Dorworth — which came down to a hand recount. He faces former Rep. Scott Plakon, a Longwood Republican who doesn't carry the baggage that Dorworth did, in a Seminole County-based House district that was drawn to favor Republican candidates."
    The second quarter haul boosted Clelland's total fundraising this election cycle to more than $56,000, more than any other House Democrat in Florida. . . . .

    Plakon, for his part, raised just under $21,000 during the quarter, with checks from big businesses such as Walt Disney World and NextEra Energy and some legislative lobbying firms. He even received a $250 check from Dorworth, who is now a lobbyist.

    "Clelland raises more money than any other state House incumbent in Florida".

    "A sharp rebuke to the Republican-controlled Legislature"

    "The Florida Supreme Court, in a sharp rebuke to the Republican-controlled Legislature, refused to throw out a lawsuit that contends legislators ignored new standards while drawing up legislative districts."

    Florida’s Supreme Court handed a legal setback to the Legislature Thursday by giving a green light to a trial that challenges the redrawing of Senate districts.

    The challenge, if successful, could greatly shake up the next round of Senate elections in 2014.

    Lawmakers tried to thwart the challenge from the League of Women voters and other groups, who say Senate Republicans redrew districts for partisan advantage in violation of voter-approved “fair districts” amendments to the Constitution.

    Lawmakers argued that only the Supreme Court had the power to review legislative redistricting maps, in a narrow 30-day window last year.

    But in a 5-2 ruling, the court said that state law and its own precedents mean the case must proceed in a circuit court in Tallahassee.

    "Fla. Supreme Court won't stop redistricting challenge". See also "Florida Supreme Court: Lawsuit opposing Senate redistricting plan can proceed" and "Florida Supreme Court lets redistricting lawsuit continue".


    "Pasco officials support Rep. Mike Fasano's hope to be tax collector".

    Marco's mess

    Marco keeps putting his foot in it: "Rubio says he won't back a spending deal without Obamacare cutSen. Marco Rubio’s red lines: defund Obamacare to pass temporary budget, no debt-limit hike without balanced budget".

    Meanwhile, Alex Leary reports: "House rejects Rubio/Senate's 'flawed' bill, will take piecemeal approach to immigration".

    And you live, where?

    "A Republican legislator wants a probe into whether six legislators are flouting a state law that requires a legislator to live in their district." "GOP senator wants probe on where legislators live".

    Missing the point

    "Hillsborough County's elections chief is demanding a correction to a study of the 2012 presidential election that found none of his polling places closed on time."

    Supervisor of Elections Craig Latimer said the national racial justice group Advancement Project used faulty data to conclude that Hillsborough precincts closed an average of 72 minutes late. . . .

    The group relied on data recorded when voting results from each precinct were transmitted to the supervisor's central tabulation center. A more valid ending time, while still problematic, would have been when his poll workers shut down machines and spit out reports from them, Latimer said.

    And even that doesn't necessarily reflect when the last person voted, he said.

    Still, by that measurement, Latimer said, 65 percent of his 347 precincts closed within 30 minutes and nearly 85 percent closed within 45 minutes.

    A representative of Advancement Project said it will be happy to look at the records to which Latimer is referring and will amend its report if necessary.

    But she says her group stands by the point of the study, which found that precincts with concentrations of minorities and young people tended to close later than those with more white people.

    "Hillsborough elections chief demands study retraction".

    That law stuff is hard

    "Gov. Rick Scott said Thursday a new law aimed at shutting down Internet cafes was simply targeted at illegal gambling, as he responded to questions about a lawsuit that claims the legislation was too broadly written." "Gov. Scott defends law banning Internet cafes".

    Rubio flopping among Iowa primary voters

    "Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP) finds U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky has a slight lead over a pack of rivals in Iowa. U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who had led a PPP Iowa poll taken in February, has fallen back to fifth place among Republicans."

    Paul leads the pack with 18 percent followed by Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey with 16 percent, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin with 15 percent and former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida with 14 percent. Rubio places fifth with 11 percent followed by U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas with 10 percent. Former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, who upset Mitt Romney to win the Iowa caucus in 2012, is seventh with 6 percent followed by two governors in low single digits. Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana garners 2 percent while Gov. Susana Martinez of New Mexico trails with 1 percent.
    "Rand Paul Catches Marco Rubio and Hillary Clinton Trounces the Field in Iowa".

    Lawson agin' Graham?

    "The Florida Democratic Party might not like it, but Al Lawson -- politically skillful and ever popular in the Tallahassee area -- doesn't want to be counted out of the congressional District 2 race." "Al Lawson to Dems: I Might Give Gwen Graham a Primary".

    "Sitting Pretty"

    "Florida Congressmen Sitting Pretty for 2014 Primary Fights".

    Jebbie's skeletons begin to appear

    Adam Smith on one of the many skeleton's in Jeb Bush's closet: "Just as Jeb Bush increasingly generates speculation about running for president, a controversial business venture that has dogged him for years is popping back up in federal court."

    United States of America vs. MWI Corp. is scheduled for trial in Washington in October, more than 15 years after the start of a legal fight that has produced allegations of fraud against the U.S. government, bribery of Nigerian officials and plenty of fodder for the former governor’s rivals. Bush was the 35-year-old son of a man about the become U.S. president when in 1988 he started working with the Deerfield Beach-based MWI Corp. selling water pumps across the globe. Over the next five years until shortly before running for governor in 1994, he earned about $650,000 in a venture that would eventually cause him “unmitigated grief,” as he put it years later.
    As befits a man born with a silver spoon in his mouth, "Jeb!" may get a pass: "When the federal trial starts Oct. 21, however, the allegations of bribery, corruption in Nigeria, and even Bush’s role in the business won’t be part of the trial."
    Bush had been listed as a potential witness, but MWI objected and a federal judge recently agreed his testimony was largely irrelevant and likely would produce a “distracting mini-trial.” Likewise, the judge is barring testimony about alleged bribery and accusations that MWI officials tried to hide assets from creditors as not relevant to the “narrow factual issues” to be examined by the jury.

    The case centers on a 1992 deal to sell water pumps to Nigeria, financed with $74.3 million from the Export-Import Bank of the United States, or Ex-Im. It was a huge coup for MWI, more than four times the annual sales of the company run by David Eller, a top Republican fundraiser who formed a company with Bush, Bush-El Corp. to market MWI’s pumps.

    "Lawsuit over old Jeb Bush business venture resurfaces".

    More: "Jeb Bush's summer bummer - Salon.com" and "State: Ex-partner of Jeb Bush hid assets abroad, U.S. says".

The Blog for Thursday, July 11, 2013

Catholics call on Scott to end death penalty

    "Florida's Catholic bishops have repeated their decades-long call for Florida to abolish the death penalty, as the state prepares to execute a former escort service owner convicted of raping and murdering two women, and attempting to murder a third, all in the 1980s."
    “We urge Governor [Rick] Scott to commute the death sentence of Marshall Gore to life in prison without possibility of parole,” the seven spiritual leaders of Florida's 2.3 million Catholics pleaded in a joint statement Tuesday. “In making this plea, we are saddened and troubled by the brutal murders of his victims, Susan Roark and Robyn Novick, and we express our sincere sympathy to their families. However, neither retribution nor deterrence can justify the use of the death penalty.”
    "Florida Catholic Bishops to Rick Scott: End Death Penalty".

    Marco's mess

    Update: "In House, GOP balks at sweeping immigration overhaul". See also "Gang of Eight's Immigration Reform Loses Momentum" and "Immigration reform: GOP rejects comprehensive approach". "Marco Rubio still has the support of Gov. Rick Scott, but Rubio’s immigration reform plan is drawing fire from some of his allies in Florida and in national conservative circles." "Marco Rubio Supporters Part Ways on Immigration Reform Bill".

    Bondi's raw political courage

    "Bondi bashes Obamacare with FOX friends".

    "Democrats pounced"

    "The Florida Democratic Party said Tuesday Gov. Rick Scott is dragging his feet in finding the state’s next lieutenant governor. A day after Scott told reporters that his search will be handled by his chief of staff, Adam Hollingsworth, Democrats pounced on a phrase he used Monday." "Search for Gov. Rick Scott's No. 2 will be done in-house".

    "The roughest of days"

    "U.S. Rep. Joe Garcia has had the roughest of days for a congressional freshman: His former campaign team is under investigation for possible elections crimes and a bevy of Republicans is lining up to take him out."

    But none of it has badly damaged the Miami Democrat’s fundraising.

    Garcia’s team Search for Gov. Rick Scott's No. 2 will be done in-houseTuesday that he raised about $440,000 in the last three months and has about $800,000 cash on hand.

    “We are honored by the overwhelming support and I will continue to reach across the aisle and push for real immigration reform, improve our economy and get our fiscal house in order,” Garcia said in a written statement.

    Garcia’s campaign said he has the second-highest fundraising total of the nearly 70 House freshman members, and that it’s a “reflection of his focus on the issues important to voters.”

    Garcia made sure to make the announcement on the day that Miami-Dade School Board Member Carlos Curbelo, a Republican, announced he’d officially challenge Garcia in 2014.

    Two other Republicans have announced plans to run for the District 26 seat: former Miami-Dade Commission Chairman Joe Martinez and Cutler Bay Mayor Ed MacDougall.

    "Joe Garcia draws challenger Carlos Curbelo on day he posts big cash-haul".

    Can't slow down

    "Records: Red-light camera foe, Miami politician Francis Suarez received two tickets".

    "The Party's Over"

    "Charlie Crist is taking his message of political redemption and evolution from the Democratic club circuit to your local bookstore. The former Republican governor turned independent U.S. Senate candidate turned potential Democratic gubernatorial candidate has a book coming out this winter." "Former Republican Florida Gov. Charlie Crist ran for the U.S. Senate as an independent and is now a Democrat. He tells how it all came about in a new book, The Party's Over: How the Extreme Right Hijacked the GOP and I Became a Democrat.".

    Florida games

    "Genting to Launch Taste of Its Gaming Brand in Miami -- Pending USCG OK".

    "Incumbents haul in cash"

    "Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam's first campaign report showed he has raised nearly $600,000 since mid-April. Campaign finance reports for the second quarter were due Wednesday for candidates, and most incumbents have an early edge over opponents -- if they have opponents at all more than a year away from the mid-term elections." "Incumbents haul in cash preparing for 2014 battles".

    A man of letters

    "Former-Fla. Gov. Crist is writing book critical of GOP". See also "Crist Book Latest Chapter in Clash with GOP".

    No excuses

    The Treasure Coast Palm editors write that, "Delay in part of health care bill doesn't change need for Florida action".

    "FCAT woes"

    "The Pasco County school district - and other districts statewide - are bracing for bad news this month when the Florida Department of Education releases the annual school grades." "Schools anticipate FCAT woes".

    The Putnam Parade

    "Adam Putnam Builds for 2014 and the Future".

    South Alabama

    "This week, a congressional staffer jumped into the increasingly crowded field battling for the Florida House seat currently held by Rep. Jimmy Patronis, R-Panama City, who faces term limits in 2014." "Congressional Staffer Jumps Into Bay County's Crowded Florida House Race".

    FlaDems raise less than a million

    "Florida Democrats raised less than $1 million for party".

    And their shirts are brown

    "Florida Conservative Launches Alternative to Boy Scouts".

    The best they can do

    "Q&A: Florida Republican leader says re-electing Gov. Scott a GOP focus". Meanwhile, "Gov. Rick Scott keeps raising millions for 2014 re-election campaign".

    Phantom absentee-ballot requests"

    "Members of a group advising Miami-Dade on how to improve its elections want the county to try get ahead of the curve of fraudsters who have attempted to manipulate the system by submitting phantom absentee-ballot requests online." "Miami-Dade should take steps to thwart absentee-ballot fraudsters, advisory group says".

    Paying to get paid

    The Tampa Bay Times editors: "Low-wage workers are often one broken-down car, one injury or one unexpected expense away from disaster. But some large employers and big banks are making the financial lives of these workers even more precarious by charging them fees to access their pay. Sold as a convenience for employees and a money-saver for employers, payroll cards are unfairly eating into workers' wages. With the incentives of major banks and employers aligned, workers need federal and state regulators to step in and end the gouging." "Don't make workers pay to get paid".

    Scott hides under his desk

    "Gov. Rick Scott said Monday he prefers to stay out of the current congressional debate over a federal Internet sales tax bill. Although other Republican governors are pushing their Congressional delegations to support a federal Internet sales tax bill, even pledging offsetting tax cuts, Scott declined to wade into the debate when asked Monday." "Tax question dodge: Unlike colleagues, Scott avoids Internet sales tax debate". See also "Tax question dodge: Unlike colleagues, Scott avoids Internet sales tax debate".

    "Wildlife die-offs"

    "Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Joe Negron, R-Stuart, at a budget conference committee meeting in April, will chair the newly created Senate Select Committee on Indian River Lagoon and Lake Okeechobee Basin. Sen. Joe Negron is to chair the committee, which will conduct hearings and prepare a report by Nov. 4 on federal and state policies related to Lake Okeechobee and the 156-mile-long Indian River Lagoon in southeast Florida. Manatees, dolphins and pelicans have been dying for unknown reasons during the past year." "Senate president creates select committee to look into Indian River wildlife die-offs". Related: "Environmentalists: Don't allow spaceport to be built in wildlife refuge".

    Vern speaks

    "Vern Buchanan Stays the Course on Cutting Foreign Aid to Egypt".

    "Scott's tough talk meets reality"

    "Gov. Rick Scott"

    sounded determined a year and a half ago when he demanded a thorough review of obscure special taxing districts that have the power to "tax, spend and incur debt at the expense of Florida taxpayers."

    Scott was surprised that so many appointees who never have to face voters had the power to tax, so he signed an order on Jan. 11, 2012, ordering his budget experts to scrutinize nearly 1,700 districts and whether they serve "a legitimate public interest."

    Eighteen months later, the districts are still thriving, as Scott's tough talk meets the reality that special districts have clout.

    "Gov. Scott slow to scrutinize special taxing districts".

The Blog for Monday, July 08, 2013

Rubio seeks to mend conservative fences

    You may have missed our digest of, and commentary on Florida political news over the week end, including these stories: "'Florida does the worst job in the nation . . .'", "Florida, 'a sub-tropical Deadwoo'", "And firefighters have the audacity to expect the pensions they were promised?", "The backstory is years-long and complicated" and "Real heroes just 'get to work'". Our digest of, and commentary on today's Florida political news and punditry follows.

    Rubio seeks to mend conservative fences

    William March suggests that, after immigration, "Florida Sen. Marco Rubio may be about to jump into another hot issue, but one that could help him mend conservative fences - a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks gestation."

    In the last few days, news reports, mostly in conservative publications, have quoted unnamed Rubio associates saying he has agreed to sponsor such a bill, or that he's been asked to do so and is considering it. The Washington Post reported, based on comments from an unnamed Rubio adviser, that Rubio hasn't made a decision on the issue, but an announcement is likely [this] week after senators return from a holiday break.
    "Will Rubio take on abortion?".

    Rich focuses on same sex marriage

    "With the likes of Charlie Crist, Bill Nelson and Alex Sink looming over her bid for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, Nan Rich last week looked to appeal to liberal voters by stressing her support of same-sex marriage." "Governor's Race: Will Focus on Same-Sex Marriage Boost Nan Rich?".

    Dems opening the door for Scott's return

    Lloyd Dunkelberger: "With 16 months left before his critical re-election bid, Gov. Rick Scott remains one of the most unpopular governors in America."

    Yet the political tide may be turning in his favor, as Florida's economy is rising, dovetailing with Scott's 2010 promise to create more jobs.

    There are other signs of Scott's improving political viability as well. He has amassed millions in campaign donations — more than $6.6 million since the start of this year alone — raising the possibility he could again saturate the state's airwaves with his political message as he did in 2010.

    Perhaps the biggest positive for Scott at this point is that the Democrats have not settled on their candidate.

    "Political tide may be turning for Gov. Scott".

    "Atlantis, interrupted"

    You may have missed this Miami Herald editorial over the weekend: "It should not have come to this, but four years ago a common sense cap-and-trade bill that the then-slim Democratic majority passed in the House to reduce CO2 emissions failed in the Senate and it has had no chance of resurrection since the tea party hijacked the House." "Miami’s Atlantis, interrupted".

The Blog for Sunday, July 07, 2013

Florida Supreme Court to determine if legislators can avoid testifying

    "In what promises to be a precedent-setting ruling over whether legislators can be shielded from testifying in a redistricting case, the Florida Supreme Court has agreed to hear a redistricting challenge brought by the League of Women Voters." "State Supreme Court takes up redistricting".


    "In the wake of the July 3 overthrow of Mohamed Morsi, Egypt's Islamist president, by the country's military, two of Florida's most conservative congressmen are offering cautious support for the new regime, even as they insist the U.S. needs to reconsider its foreign aid policy." "Ted Yoho, Trey Radel Cautiously Welcome Egyptian Coup d'Etat".

    What's a teabagger to do???

    "It’s being widely reported that Florida Sen. Marco Rubio will introduce legislation soon to impose a nationwide ban on abortions performed after 20 weeks’ gestation, but Rubio himself won’t confirm or deny that. - See more at: http://www.tboblogs.com/index.php/news/story/rubio-mum-on-abortion-bill-plans/#sthash.0YaNiISx.dpuf" "Rubio mum on abortion bill plans". More: "Sen. Marco Rubio courted to take up ban on abortions at 20 weeks".

    Real heroes just "get to work"

    Noelle Nikpour reminds us that heroes are not movie characters: "Police officers and firefighters serve their community quietly and heroically every day."

    Ambulance drivers, nurses and doctors save lives in the midst of actual blood and gore, not computer generated special effects, and they do it without a movie soundtrack backing them up or the boring parts edited out. When a patient arrives in the emergency room suffering from gunshot wounds, nobody says, "This looks like a job for Superman." Real doctors and nurses get to work.

    Here's the thing: Heroes aren't bulletproof. Unlike Superman, earthlings face the consequences of danger. Many thousands of Floridians have served In Iraq and Afghanistan. Just their willingness to serve makes them heroes for life.

    "Plenty of heroes among Floridians".

    Hard to compare

    "The federal government’s worksite enforcement strategy has changed over time, making it difficult to compare data and declare any president the leader in cracking down on employers, experts tell PolitiFact Florida." "Obama holds record for cracking down on employers who hire undocumented workers, says Wasserman Schultz".