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The Blog for Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Jeb "a 'moderate'? Don't be silly"

    Orlando Sentinel columnist Scott Maxwell touches on some - only a handful - of the reasons Jeb Bush is no "moderate," not even close. He begins with the usual list:
    Jeb Bush is a union-busting, school-voucher-promoting, tax-cutting, gun-loving, Terri Schiavo-interfering, hard-core conservative.
    He continues:
    As governor, Jeb Bush was pro-guns and anti-unions.

    He pushed tax cuts for investors and opposed equal rights for gays.

    He expanded school vouchers and hatched "devious plans" to fight voters' calls for smaller class sizes.

    Jeb Bush isn't conservative in the libertarian get-government-out-of-your-life kinda way. He's conservative in the I-want-government-to-impose-my-values kinda way.

    He embraces the death penalty, opposes choice for women and fought embryonic stem-cell research.

    When Terri Schiavo lay in a permanent vegetative state and her husband wanted to honor her wishes to let her die, Jeb tried to force a feeding tube back inside her body — until a court told him it was none of his business.

    Moderate? Please.He also champions Common Core — which hard-liners won't tolerate either.

    "Jeb Bush a 'moderate'? Don't be silly."

    Maxwell only scratches the surface - over the next few weeks, we at this website will be reminding readers of some of the reasons Jebbie will be a wonderful candidate, at least for Dems: let's start with Jeb's Bushy tendency for gaffes: e.g., "When Jeb Bush speaks, people cringe" and "Jeb Bush slips on Spanish history" (Jeb "also pronounced "Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar's name incorrectly.")

    "Jeb Bush Steals a March"

    "By announcing he was 'actively exploring' running for president, Jeb Bush stole a march on other Republicans looking at 2016." "Jeb Bush Steals a March on the Other 2016 GOP Hopefuls."

    More: "Saying He Will 'Actively Explore' Running, Jeb Bush Nears the Starting Block for 2016," "Jeb Bush says he’ll ‘actively explore’ presidential run," " Jeb Bush's announcement to 'explore possibility' of presidential run shakes up political maneuvering," "'Onward': What Jeb Bush's campaign message says about 2016," and "Jeb Bush's long campaign begins?"

    The Jeb! cheerleaders comprising the Tampa Trib editorial board are harder to take than usual this morning in "Bush eases toward the starting line."

    "Jeb Bush, who is seriously considering a 2016 presidential bid, has sprinted to the front of the Republican field in a new McClatchy-Marist Poll." "Poll: Jeb Bush, Romney lead GOP field for 2016 presidential bid."

    Run, Marco, run!

    "Marco Rubio shares many of the same political supporters and financial donors in Florida as Jeb Bush. But Rubio says Bush’s decision to explore a 2016 presidential bid won’t influence his own plans." "What will Marco Rubio do? Jeb Bush’s 2016 announcement puts pressure on Rubio."

    Fact-checking Jeb Bush

    "PolitiFact Florida has fact-checked Jeb Bush 20 times on our Truth-O-Meter. We’ve rated five statements True, seven Mostly True, two Half True, four Mostly False, one False and one Pants on Fire." "Fact-checking Jeb Bush, possible 2016 presidential contender."

    Will clerks be arrested for issuing marriage licenses?

    "Lawyers for Florida’s 67 clerks of court are warning that those who issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples will be 'subject to criminal penalties,' including arrest and imprisonment."

    The Florida Association of Court Clerks and Comptrollers on Tuesday released the revised legal opinion from its attorneys.

    Some clerks had been preparing for same-sex unions after a federal judge in Tallahassee declared the state’s ban on those marriages unconstitutional.

    "Clerks association warns against issuing gay marriage licenses."

    Scott basks in the sunshine of Obomanomics

    "Florida economists now say they expect the state surplus to more than double next year — from $366 million to almost $1 billion." "Economists project nearly $1 billion surplus for Florida budget."

    Usual suspects

    "Gov. Rick Scott continues to flesh out his team for a second term, relying on familiar faces in his administration as he readies for the next four years." "Rick Scott Turns to Familiar Faces for Second Term."

The Blog for Monday, December 15, 2014

All of them?

    "Jeb Bush to release 250k emails." See also "Why Jeb Bush Is Releasing a Giant Batch of E-Mails From His Years as Florida Governor." The reporter aptly points out that Jebbie was a "very conservative governor," but Jebbie of course sidesteps the observation.

    Money rolling in

    "When St. Augustine Republican John Thrasher left the Senate last month to become president of Florida State University, his departure created a domino effect that will lead to three special legislative elections in early 2015."

    But it hasn’t taken long for campaign donors in Northeast Florida and Tallahassee to start pouring money into the races, newly filed finance reports show.
    "Perhaps the best example is Palm Coast Republican Paul Renner, who moved to Flagler County after barely losing a Republican primary in August for a Jacksonville House seat. Renner is now running in another House district as he seeks to replace Rep. Travis Hutson, an Elkton Republican who is bidding for Thrasher’s Senate seat."
    From Nov. 10 to Nov. 30, Renner collected $76,500 in contributions for the special election in House District 24, which includes Flagler and parts of St. Johns and Volusia counties. The new reports show Renner received money from some of the most-prominent donors from Jacksonville to Daytona Beach, including businessman Tom Petway, developer John Rood, lobbyist Marty Fiorentino and companies headed by developer Mori Hosseini.
    "Special Election for House: Renner Hauls In $76,500. His Three Opponents Combined: $355".

    Putting aside the massive disparity in this race, does money matter? "Who Wants to Buy a Politician?" But see: "The New York Times Downplays The Influence Of Money In Politics."

    Will the Seminoles Unionize?

    "Will the Seminoles Unionize their Florida Hard Rocks?."

    Florida Reps In a Walk in 2016

    "Pundits Don't Think Florida Congressional Reps Will Be Sweating in 2016."

The Blog for Sunday, December 14, 2014

A North-South FlaDem schism?

    Adam C. Smith: "As Florida Democrats continue their perennial soul searching over how they lost another critical election, most of the talk from the Charlie Crist camp has been about how Rick Scott and the Republicans outspent them by nearly two-to-one." Former state Democratic Party chairman Rod Smith of Alachua points out that,
    In the five TV markets north of Orlando — Jacksonville, Gainesville, Tallahassee, Pensacola, and Panama City — Scott beat Crist by nearly 250,000 votes.

    "We simply cannot write off a quarter of a million votes, and have a chance," said Smith.

    Translation: For all the talk by Democratic strategists about the importance of driving up turnout among Democrats in South Florida — especially minorities — Democrats will never be successful if they don't also improve their standing among voters in North Florida, especially white voters.

    We heard a remarkably similar assessment from Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn, who may already be the frontrunner for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in 2018. He appears today on Political Connections on Bay News 9, and along with questions about a Tampa Bay Rays stadium in Tampa, we asked him why he did zero to help Crist this year and what Democrats need to do next time.

    "Democrats have to have a candidate that can compete in areas other than the traditional Democratic areas. If you cannot compete, and if you don't have a compelling message, and if you aren't looked upon as someone who is pro-business, who is centrist, who is all about getting things done, north of Orlando you don't stand a chance," Buckhorn said.

    "The Democrats wrote off everything north of Orlando. I think as a mayor, that pragmatic, practical approach that's focused on results and less concerned about partisan politics potentially could be a winning message, whether it's me or (Orlando Mayor) Buddy Dyer or (Fort Lauderdale Mayor) Jack Seiler.''

    "Big losses in North Florida in the governor's race catch the attention of Democrat strategists."

    "A dead man sniveling"

    Daniel Ruth: "Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Jonathan Gruber, who earned a Ph.D in mea culpas during his appearance before the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Larry and Curly didn't get slapped around by Moe with anywhere near the vigor directed at Gruber, a health care economist who served as a consultant to the Obama administration during the drafting of the Affordable Care Act."

    We've seen this Kabuki dance of contrition countless times before. Public official says or does something dopey. Congressmen go into full high dudgeon of outraged frothing. Public official is compelled to appear in the dock of the Capitol to grovel in humiliation. And an indignant time is had by all.

    Still, there was a parallel universe feeling as Gruber, a dead man sniveling, began his Beltway bootlicking tour. Consider that Gruber was compelled to testify under oath that he was indeed a shameless, arrogant, self-promoting, thoughtless huckster who had inflated his own sense of self-importance and belittled the American public as a bunch of morons in an inexcusable spasm of hubris.

    ." "In Congress, it takes one twit to know one."

    Runnin' Gub'mint like a bidness

    "Rick Scott’s choice to run Florida prisons, one of the toughest jobs in state government, will be receiving nearly $10,000 in monthly taxpayer-funded pension payments on top of her $160,000 annual state salary, according to state records." "Taxpayers will pay prison chief twice."

    Primary games

    "Republican party leaders in Florida are signaling they are content for the state to share the spotlight with several other states on what is likely to be a “Super Tuesday” primary day on March 1, 2016." "Florida GOP unlikely to flout RNC orders on 2016’s presidential primary."

    Frack this

    "The drilling process known as fracking holds promise in helping the United States achieve energy independence, but it has also drawn concern for its potential to cause widespread pollution of underground water supplies." "Fracking: State utilities want you to pay."

    Yee haw!

    "Florida gun dealers saw a sharp increase in sales as shoppers flooded stores the day after Thanksgiving."

    As of Nov. 30, there were 1.337 million concealed-weapon or firearm licenses issued in Florida, according to the state Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The state went over the 1 million mark in December 2012, becoming the first state in the nation to surpass that figure.
    "Gun sales soar in Florida on Black Friday."

    Entrepreneurs in action

    "The Florida Department of Revenue is in a legal battle with hospital giant HCA over claims it owes the state more than $10 million in back taxes."

    "The company is also a big player in Florida politics, giving more than $2 million to candidates and committees during the 2014 election."

    The company in 1994 was known as Columbia/HCA and led by Gov. Rick Scott, who served as CEO before entering politics. A Medicare fraud scandal that led to a $1.7 billion fine forced Scott out of the company in 1997.
    "HCA goes toe-to-toe with Fla. revenue department."

    Where was the Gub'ner?

    "SeaWorld CEO stepping aside as company announces layoffs."

    "Scott's failed promise"

    The Sun Sentinel editorial board: "Gov. Scott's failed promise of transparency."

    Buying access on layaway

    "The Florida GOP says it will release the names of donors to Gov. Rick Scott's inauguration activities weekly. The first to step up? U.S. Sugar Corp., $15,000; Allstate Insurance, $5,000; FCCI Insurance Group of Sarasota, $25,000; Calder Race Course of Miami, $15,000." "Early inaugural donors."

    Jebbie "running as the second coming of Mitt Romney"?

    "As Jeb Bush looks more and more like a soon-to-be presidential candidate,"

    last week ran a tough article about Bush's recent private equity ventures, including offshore tax havens and funds relying on Chinese investors. "Running as the second coming of Mitt Romney is not a credential that's going to play anywhere, with Republicans or Democrats," Republican consultant John Brabender told Bloomberg. "Not only would this be problematic on the campaign trail, I think it also signals someone who isn't seriously looking at the presidency or he wouldn't have gone down this path."
    "Bush's business." See also "Jeb Bush's business dealings come under scrutiny."