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The Blog for Saturday, December 27, 2014

Grubbing for wingnuts

    "Cuba has allowed Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio to reclaim the national spotlight that recently had focused on Jeb Bush."
    Bush’s Dec. 16 announcement that he will “actively” explore a presidential bid had cast a shadow over Rubio’s own future as a likely 2016 White House candidate. Pundits quickly branded Rubio a loser in the presidential sweepstakes because both he and Bush claim the same political base, and most say Bush has the stronger hold.

    Key Florida donors declared their support for Bush, the former Florida governor and scion of a political dynasty. Some even suggested Rubio run another time. Media interest in Rubio, one of the Senate’s most charismatic and eloquent members, started to dry up.

    "That changed in less than 24 hours when President Barack Obama said he would move toward normalizing relations with Cuba."
    Rubio’s vigorous opposition to the president’s Cuba policy instantly made him a top get for CNN and other news networks, forcing skeptics to re-evaluate his presidential chances. . . .

    In interview after interview, Rubio, the 43-year-old son of Cuban immigrants [not 'exiles,' mind you,] passionately defended the former U.S. policy of isolating Cuba diplomatically and economically, and vowed to block anyone Obama nominates as ambassador to the communist country. Bush offered similar criticisms, but Rubio quickly became the face of the opposition to the president’s stunning move. . . .

    But simply opposing the president's decision appears unlikely to score many political points among voters nationwide. A Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted last week, after Obama's announcement, found 64 percent of Americans support establishing ties with Cuba.

    Miami lawyer Al Cardenas, a former Florida Republican Party chairman who mentored Rubio and is close to Bush, said Bush’s potential candidacy certainly complicates Rubio’s decision-making.

    That observation was confirmed by a Tampa Bay Times survey, conducted after Bush's announcement last week, of more than 150 of the state's most plugged-in political players — veteran campaign professionals, lobbyists, fundraisers and political scientists.

    Eight in 10 said Bush would be stronger than Rubio in the Republican presidential primary, while nine in 10 said the former governor would be stronger in the general election. Most also doubted Rubio would be able to raise enough to be competitive if Bush were also in the race. Rubio doesn’t need to run for the White House to speak out on Cuba, Cardenas said. The senator will get that platform starting next month, when he becomes chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere.

    "Cuba shift puts spotlight on Rubio."


    "The Florida Legislature will have to balance privacy and openness in 2015 as members again have filed bills creating exemptions to the state’s public records law, still considered the nation’s best." "Lawmakers will again consider loopholes to state’s open records law."

    Jebbie plays pretend

    "Jeb Bush’s presidential ambitions are looking healthier now that he’s dropped Obamacare."

    Bush announced Wednesday he would resign from Tenet Healthcare Corp.’s board of directors, effective Dec. 31.
    "It’s a significant move because Tenet CEO Trevor Fetter has said Obamacare swelled the ranks of people seeking care at the company’s hospitals, driving revenue and directly profiting Bush, according to The Los Angeles Times."
    The company paid Bush $2.3 million from 2007-13, not including lucrative stock worth several million more, according to American Thinker.
    "Jeb Bush resigns from company that cashed in on Obamacare." See "Jeb Bush to resign from board of health care company."

    Idiot wind

    "The Florida congressional delegation had a busy 2014 and as the year ends, there are a few new faces representing the Sunshine State in Washington, D.C." "2014 a Big Year for Florida Delegation and Presidential Hopefuls".

    Funny how that works

    "During his campaign for Florida’s 26th congressional district, Rep.-elect Carlos Curbelo wasn’t shy about collecting thousands of dollars of campaign contributions from individuals directly tied to corporations that benefited from his vote on the Miami-Dade School Board." "Curbelo’s campaign got big boost from Miami-Dade School Board vendors."

    "Cuban-American Political Donations Lowest in Years"

    "Anti-Castro Cuban-American Political Donations Lowest in Years."

    "Shame on the PSC"

    The Miami Herald editors: "Florida Power & Light paints a glowing portrait of a proposal to charge customers some $191 million a year over decades as an investment in natural gas purchases from an Oklahoma company engaged in fracking." "Shame on the PSC."

    "Low-key inauguration"

    "Fresh off his statewide 'jobs jamboree' victory tour, Gov. Rick Scott is getting ready to be sworn in for a second term." "Scott gets ready for a low-key inauguration." See also "Republicans raise $500k for Scott inauguration."

    Jax Firefighters Targeted in Drive By Shooting

    "Jacksonville firefighters are taking extra precautions after a firefighter was injured when shots were fired at firefighters fueling up a fire truck." "Jacksonville firefighters take precautions after [apparently targeted in the drive-by] shooting." See also "Jacksonville Firefighters Targeted in Drive By Shooting."

    Americans comfortable with political dynasties

    "Between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, the two potential rivals have three presidents and a U.S. senator in the branches of their family trees. And three governors, as well." "Americans appear comfortable with Bush, Clinton political dynasties."

The Blog for Monday, December 22, 2014

Restoration is back

    "A push to get on the 2016 ballot a proposal allowing the automatic restoration of a felon’s civil rights upon completion of their sentence has been steadily growing." "Florida petition drive would make it easier for ex-felons to regain voting rights."

    Poor lil' wingnut

    "Jeb Bush’s announcement that he was considering running for president caused waves in the political community -- but his announcement also brought attention to his support for the Common Core State Standards, which have caused their fair share of controversy in the Sunshine State."

    Common Core is one of the most hotly contested issues among conservatives -- several national politicians who once pledged their support for the standards (like Bobby Jindal) changed their tunes and vowed to remove them from their states.
    "Common Core Could Be Jeb Bush's Achilles Heel."

    "Get real, Ms. Bondi"

    The Miami Herald editorial board: "Over time the U.S. effort to isolate Cuba began to have the reverse effect of isolating the United States." "Get real, Ms. Bondi."

    "A year of unmitigated controversy"

    "2014 was a busy year in Florida education. It was a year of change for students, parents, teachers and schools statewide -- and it was also a year of unmitigated controversy." "2014: A Noisy Year in Florida Education."

    Nancy Smith: "In case you think the old adage "it's who you know" only pays off in the private sector, you might want to consider a promotion made last week at one of the busiest, lawyery-ist state offices in Tallahassee." "DBPR Boy Wonder William Nicholson Spicola: Who Did He Know?."

    "Cuban embargo a fossilized flop"

    Carl Hiaasen: "After 54 futile years of hard-line hostility, the United States will begin normalizing diplomatic ties with Cuba."

    Politicians who are riled by the new diplomacy with Cuba wouldn't dare trash the pope. It's much safer to trash Obama, who at this point shouldn't care what Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz has to say.

    The key to the breakthrough was the return of ailing American contractor Alan Gross, who'd been imprisoned for five years. Cuba agreed to free Gross, 53 political prisoners and an agent for U.S. intelligence who'd been locked up for more than two decades.

    In exchange, the United States released three Cuban nationals who had been convicted of spying here in 2001. Those on Capitol Hill who are criticizing the swap need to brush up on their math - Cuba freed a total of 55 prisoners and our government freed only three. How is that a bad deal?

    " More important, it opens the door to ending a festering standoff that has punished Cuban families on both sides of the Florida Straits, while diminishing U.S. influence in the Caribbean and the Americas."
    Cruz, Rubio, Jeb Bush and other presidential hopefuls would look like right-wing dinosaurs if they promise a new, harsher crackdown on Cuba. . . .

    It's astounding to hear people still trying to defend the U.S. strategy of isolating Cuba, which stands out as one of the worst foreign-policy backfires in diplomatic history. The trade embargo has only served to fortify the regime it was meant to topple, providing a desperately needed scapegoat first to Fidel and then Raul.

    Every economic crisis that rocked Cuba has been pinned on the United States, deflecting blame from the ruinous fiscal policies of the Castro government.

    Yet, as Miami's exile community knows, the U.S. embargo has made life harder for the Cuban people, who at times are unable to obtain medicines and even such basics as bread and soap.

    Despite the progress made last week, the embargo remains in place to punish everybody but the Castro brothers, who haven't missed a meal since the revolution. Only an act of Congress can rescind the ban on trade and regular tourism, and the new Republican majority is unlikely to act.

    That's a true shame. The Cuban embargo isn't just a fossilized flop; it's indefensibly hypocritical. America trades avidly with scores of countries that have lousy records on human rights.

    "An unexpected outbreak of common sense over Cuba." Meanwhile,"Opponents formulate a strategy to derail Obama’s new Cuba policy." More: "Rubio’s fury over Cuba shift Senator’s response to policy change shows why move to normalize ties is both good policy Syndicated 2 days, 9 hours ago."

    Marc Caputo: "After Obama's announcement, hope has come to Cuba. But what kind of change?" (paywall).

The Blog for Sunday, December 21, 2014

Some Miami-Dade Cuban Republicans Dream of the Good Ole Days of Batista

    "This poll shows there are two Cuban-American communities,” said the pollster. “There is the older exile community that has dominated the discussion about Cuba policy for years and there is the emergence of the younger generation, the Cuban-American community of the present and future." "Poll: Cuban-Americans split on Obama’s Cuba policy."

    This "older exile community" were apparently happy to live under the "terrorist" dictatorship of

    Fulgencio Batista, in full Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar (born January 16, 1901, Banes, Cuba—died August 6, 1973, Marbella, Spain), soldier and political leader who twice ruled Cuba—first in 1933–44 with an efficient government and again in 1952–59 as a dictator, jailing his opponents, using terrorist methods, and making fortunes for himself and his associates. . . .

    [Batista] returned as a brutal dictator, controlling the university, the press, and the Congress, and he embezzled huge sums from the soaring economy. In 1954 and ’58 the country held presidential elections that, though purportedly “free,” were manipulated to make Batista the sole candidate. His regime was finally toppled by the rebel forces led by Fidel Castro, who launched their successful attack in the fall of 1958.

    "Encyclopædia Britannica, Fulgencio Batista."

    Weekly Roundup

    "Weekly Roundup: Questions on Jobs, Jeb and Marriage."

    FlaGOP apparatchik laff riot

    In an "animated Christmas card comes with jingling bells" the FlaGOP apparatchiks who lost their legal fight over disclosure of its communications with GOP elected officials about redistricting, make fun about the whole thing . . . The docs, however, may shed more light on the legislative map and could cause some heartburn for the GOP leadership in the next legal fight over the Senate maps." "GOP consultants have some fun and send out a doc-shredding Christmas card."

    "Florida has a fracking problem"

    Aaron Deslatte: "Florida has a fracking problem. Voters want cheap energy, environmental protection, cleaner water, lower taxes and less government in their lives." "Florida could have fracking problem on its hands."

    Scott's shameless job claims

    "Gov. Rick Scott says he won a race to create 700,000 jobs in seven years, a central promise of his 2010 campaign, but by his own words he moved the finish line." "Scott says he hit jobs mark — but he changed the mark." But the dead enders see it differently: "Rick Scott Ends 2014 on a High Note With -- What Else? -- Jobs."

    Battle of the pipsqueaks

    Update: "Marco Rubio, Rand Paul trade shots over Cuba on TV, Twitter, Facebook"; "Marco Rubio: Rand Paul taking his cues from Obama on Cuba." "The disagreement between Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rand Paul (R-KY) over America's changing relationship with Cuba is escalating quickly."

    Rubio was among the loudest opponents to President Barack Obama's announcement that the United States would begin normalizing relations with its Caribbean neighbor. After Paul said he supported the change, Rubio lashed out, saying Paul "has no idea what he's talking about."
    "Rand Paul Slams Marco Rubio As Cuba Feud Escalates." See also "Conservatives Just Forgot 150 Years Of Cuba History."

    "Stubborn, not smart"

    The Orlando Sentinel editors: "By turning down more than $50 billion from Washington over the next decade to expand health-care coverage, Florida's Republican legislative leaders have been stubborn, not smart. They've let their aversion to the Affordable Care Act, where the funding offer originated, trump their compassion and common sense." "Expand health coverage in Fla."

    Herald Editors jumping with joy

    The Jeb Bush cheerleaders on the Miami Herald editorial board - an historically spineless group if there ever was one - gleefully report that

    Former Gov. Jeb Bush all but formally announced last week that he will enter the 2016 presidential race, fixing Florida ever more firmly in the center of the quadrennial political drama and — more important — ensuring that a pragmatic, experienced conservative will be heard.
    "Jeb Bush, on the brink."

    Enough already

    Even the legal scholars on the Tampa Trib editorial board recognize it's "long past time that Scott give up any hope of prevailing in the courts and work within the confines of the court rulings." "Editorial: Scott should end costly legal fight to keep flawed drug-testing law."