Scott bows to his Flabagger masters in the Legislature
Bowing to his Flabagger masters in the Legislature,Scott's budget does not call for the expansion of Florida's Medicaid program. The governor two years ago supported the idea of expanding eligibility of the health care safety net program in order to draw down billions in federal aid available under the health care overhaul pushed by President Barack Obama. And yet again, Scott disrespects Florida's wildfire firefighters, state law enforcement officers, and other state employees - Scott wantsNo pay raises for state workers. "Scott proposes nearly $77 billion state budget."
Indeed, State workers last got an across-the-board raise in 2013, their first such raise in six years. [and that after taking a pay cut in 2011 when Scott and the FlaGOP] passed a measure requiring Florida Retirement System participants to chip in 3 percent of their pay toward their retirement.
"It's a slap in the face for state workers," Edson said. "Here they've had to put in 3 percent in their retirement, and that's money that when they were hired it was understood that they wouldn't have to pay." . . .
Florida [already] has the country's lowest ratio of state employees to the population — 108 per 10,000 residents. "Scott proposes cutting 1,000 state positions." More: "Rick Scott Makes $673 Million in Tax Cuts the Showpiece of Budget Proposal."
Good luck with that
Back at the ranch,"Democratic leaders lay out priorities." See also "Democrats Unveil 2015 Agenda for Florida Legislature."
"Southerland in a skirt"
Bill Cotterell reports that "voted in favor of the Keystone XL pipeline. She voted with the Republicans to roll back some Wall Street reforms. She voted for the new majority’s idea of requiring cost-benefit analyses for changes in federal regulations. Graham even said she’d sit with a GOP member at the State of the State address, a symbolic visual gesture to underscore “the North Florida way” of bipartisanship. Many Democrats around here, who were so giddy when Graham won on Nov. 4, now think they got Southerland in a skirt." "Gwen Graham is showing independence."
Raw political courage
"GOP leaders vow to cut taxes, spend more on public education."
Curbelo will have big seat at the table
"In his first term in Congress, U.S. Rep. Carlos Curbelo, R-Fla., will have a big seat at the table when it comes to transportation issues." "Freshman Carlos Curbelo Claims a Big Role on Transportation."
Baileygate heats up as "Scott vigorously denied doing anything wrong"
"A St. Petersburg attorney is asking a Tallahassee prosecutor to investigate whether Gov. Rick Scott and three Cabinet officials violated the state's open meetings law in the ouster of Gerald Bailey." Matthew Weidner filed his complaint Wednesday. It came the same day Gov. Rick Scott vigorously denied doing anything wrong in the dismissal of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement commissioner. "Attorney asks for probe of Scott, Cabinet over Bailey's ouster." More: "Attorney asks for probe of Scott, Cabinet over Bailey's ouster."
"Will Florida Allow Drones to Survey Agriculture?."
Less sunshine?
"Public records and access to them continue to be limited, warned First Amendment Foundation President Barbara Petersen on Wednesday." "Foundation keeping an eye on public records exemptions."
"Bondi acknowledges she had no proof"
Abdicating her responsibility as Florida's Chief Law enforcement officer, Attorney General Pam Bondi stands by her man, contending "that Scott didn't approve of Bailey's ouster." Bondi instead suggested it was the governor's staff who pressed Bailey to resign from his job.
"Did I know that Jerry Bailey was going to be told he was fired and have his things packed up, his entire life as a career law enforcement officer in a cardboard box, and be told to be out of the office before the end of the day? Absolutely not. Nor do I believe the governor knew it," Bondi said to reporters.
Later, she added: "I do not think that Rick Scott would do that. I think it was done at the staff level. I firmly believe it was done at the staff level." Of course, "Bondi acknowledged she had no proof to back her opinion and had not discussed the matter with Scott."
"Civil war brewing in Florida politics"
"There’a civil war brewing in Florida politics and it’s over what to " You see, "in the Senate, both of Florida’s senators -- Democrat Bill Nelson and Republican Marco Rubio -- want to send assistance to rebels looking to take down the Syrian government. Nelson even took to the Senate floor on Wednesday and called for America to provide training and weapons to the Syrian forces battling Islamic State (IS) forces." "Bill Nelson, Marco Rubio Break With Conservatives and Liberals on Syria." Related: "Marco Rubio Takes Over Western Hemisphere Subcommittee, Expands Foreign Policy Credentials."
Amendment 1 betrayal
"Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam said Wednesday that a portion of Amendment 1 funds would be better spent on improving municipal water and waste-water systems in some areas, but supporters who successfully pushed the amendment say that is not what voters approved." "Policy and Politics 9 hours ago 11:46 p.m. Debate heats up over Amendment 1 funds."
Legislature attacks League of Women Voters' proposal as "politically corrupt"
In filings with the Florida Supreme Court, "attorneys for the Legislature say groups suing the state over its congressional districts submitted 'politically corrupt' maps as part of the challenge."It’s the latest in a lengthy and high-profile legal battle after a coalition of plaintiffs, including the League of Women Voters of Florida, filed a lawsuit in 2012 arguing the congressional districts were drawn to favor the GOP. "This summer, Circuit Judge Terry Lewis found the state’s congressional maps were drawn to favor Republicans."Lawmakers redrew those maps, which received Lewis’ approval in August. Oral arguments in the plaintiffs’ appeal of that decision are set to be heard by the Florida Supreme Court early next month.
The lawsuit has featured reams of legal documents dotted with colorfully disparaging comments as both sides have attacked the other’s credibility to cast them as being influenced by political operatives. "New shots fired in battle over voting districts."
Republican scramble
"Republican voters went to the polls in special elections needed after former Sen. John Thrasher accepted the presidency of Florida State University, setting off scrambles for his Florida Senate seat and two Florida House seats vacated in the aftermath of his resignation." "Hutson, Stevenson and Renner Win Legislative Special Election Primaries." See also "GOP Primary: Paul Renner Wins For House, Travis Hutson Wins For Senate."
Background: "An Election For Republicans Only That Will Likely Decide Flagler’s House and Senate Seats."
Runnin' Gub'mint like a bidness
"Jury awards $340,000 to fired state corrections officials in whistle-blower suit." Meanwhile, "Senate Bill Targets Troubled Prison System."
Insurance Commissioner dodges media, huddles with lobbyist
Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin "McCarty refused to talk to reporters after his speech and instead met privately with a Holland & Knight policy adviser who does lobbying." "Atwater: Stress tests may instill confidence in insurance."
Surely the Flabaggers will oppose this?
"HUD announces $1.8 billion in grants for homeless."
Second amendment stoopid
"A Merritt Island man was charged with accidentally shooting and killing a 17-year-old while they were listening to music, a Brevard County Sheriff's spokesman said." "Deputies: Man accidentally kills teen while acting out music lyrics."
Looks to be a banner session for lobbyists
"The country’s big beer companies have set their sights on craft brewers in the Sunshine State -- again." "Florida Craft Brewers Gear Up For Another Fight."
Local gub'mint funds 55.6% of Florida’s total state and local revenue
More evidence of the irresponsibility of our elected officials in Tally. The Tampa Tribune editors point out that Florida relies more heavily on local governments to fund services than almost every state. Local governments fund 55.6 percent of Florida’s total state and local revenue, the second-highest percentage in the nation. "Cut communications tax with care."
Wingnut caucus
"A Florida congressman is one of the founders of a new congressional caucus which hopes to ensure the GOP majority in the U.S. House is staunchly conservative." "Ron DeSantis Helps Launch House Freedom Caucus."
Meanwhile, "Conservatives in Congress are launching an effort pushing back against President Barack Obama on Common Core standards with members of the Florida delegation -- including Tom Rooney -- backing [the bill by Rep. Joe Wilson’s, R-S.C]. . . . Wilson’s bill has drawn more than 30 co-sponsors including three Republican congressmen from Florida: U.S. Reps. Curt Clawson, Ron DeSantis and Tom Rooney." "Joe Wilson's Common Core Fight Against Obama Joined by Florida Congressmen."
Big sugar gets a pass
"Florida Gov. Rick Scott is promising to dedicate tens of millions to helping the Everglades." "Gov. Scott to pledge millions for Everglades restoration."
Webster stripped of Rules Committee assignment
"Stripped of his assignment on the Rules Committee after challenging U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, to lead the chamber, U.S. House Dan Webster, R-Fla., kept his posts on the Water Resources and Environment, and Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials subcommittees of the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. The Florida congressman also claimed a new spot on the Highways and Transit Subcommittee." "After Failed Challenge to John Boehner, Dan Webster Expands Subcommittee Role."
Florida politicians pondering Senate run
"With less than two years to go before the election, Florida politicians are already pondering a run for the U.S. Senate in 2016."Many of the Democrats and all of the potential Republican candidates, however, will most likely wait to see what incumbent Marco Rubio will do next. The Republican from Miami is considering a run for president in 2016.
U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson of Orlando last week became the first of potential major Democratic candidates to say publicly he was seriously exploring the idea. U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy of Jupiter has also declared an interest.
Other Democrats said to be considering the race include U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Weston, former state Sen. Dan Gelber of Miami Beach, Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn and Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum. "And if Rubio decides to not seek re-election and run for president instead, Florida Republicans would have plenty of potential candidates."Most often cited are former Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford; U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan of Bradenton; and three Florida Cabinet members, Attorney General Pam Bondi, Chief Executive Officer Jeff Atwater and Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam. The latter two, however, are said to be focused on the next governor's race. "All eyes on Rubio as 2016 U.S. Senate talk begins." See also "Rubio on the Launching Pad, but Will He Blast Off with Jeb in the Mix?." See also "Who's Florida Democrats' best hope for Senate?"
The best they can do
"Travis Hutson is starting to pull ahead of Doc Renuart in the final days in the fight for the open Florida Senate seat that had been held by John Thrasher before he became president of FSU." "Travis Hutson Favored Over Doc Renuart for Florida Senate Seat."
"Governor’s duplicity"
Dockery: "Governor’s duplicity on Bailey ouster warrants investigation" (subscription).
"Economy would come to a screeching halt if people actually had to pay fair-market, fair-wage prices"
Scott Maxwell finds "it fascinating when the same people who gripe about illegal immigration get incensed at the idea of paying a penny a pound more for tomatoes." Who on Earth do you think is picking your tomatoes for a measly 50 cents for every 32-pound bucket?
Labor stats show that upward of 50 percent of America's agriculture workforce is undocumented.
Big Agriculture says it's much higher. And they don't want to be forced to hire only U.S. citizens — because it costs more to play by the rules. . . .
Florida's governor actually said it'd be "foolish" to force companies to follow the law.
See, America's dirty little secret is that our entire economy is built on cheap labor. And cheap food. And cheap everything.
Partly because we love a deal. But mainly because we can't afford anything more.
America's middle class has shrunk. The ranks of the poor are growing.
When I was a child, one parent could hold a decent job and still buy a house and provide for a family. Today, both parents often work — and it's still not enough. Especially in a place like Central Florida, the lowest-paying metro area in America.
So, with working-class wages stagnating, the entire economy would come to a screeching halt if people actually had to pay fair-market, fair-wage prices for bread and milk. "Immigration debate really about low wages, cheap products" (subscription).
Nancy Smith writes that "the governor is exactly where the buck stops. If Baileygate is the tip of an iceberg, Scott IS the iceberg." "There's a Lesson in Baileygate and Allegations of FDLE Meddling."
Weak bench
"U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio has inched his way into second place as a potential 2016 Republican presidential primary candidate, placing only three percentage points behind former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney." In the poll breakdown, Rubio fared much better with female voters than other possible primary nominees. He received 22 percent of women among self-identified Republicans and conservatives, while other nominees like Romney walked away with only 14 percent of the same demographic.
Among men, however, Rubio has a lot of ground to cover. He only takes 4 percent of the vote among self-identified Republicans and conservative men, while Romney and Bush take 20 percent and 16 percent, respectively.
Republicans have significantly underperformed among single women during the last two presidential elections. The Zogby poll is an indication Rubio could be the GOP’s answer to moving more of these female voters into the Republican column in 2016. "Latest Zogby Poll Declares Rubio a Real 'Player'."
Jeb apparently "presided over bogus accounting statements and fictional business deals"
The Tampa Bay Times reports that "Jeb Bush was out of the Florida governor's mansion for less than a year when he signed a $15,000-a-month consulting deal with InnoVida, a Miami start-up promising to revolutionize affordable housing with remarkably sturdy and lightweight building panels."But InnoVida never delivered. Instead, the company crashed amid bankruptcy and fraud investigations that ultimately landed its charming CEO, Claudio Osorio, in federal prison for nearly 13 years.
A bankruptcy trustee went after Bush's fees, and in 2013 the former two-term governor agreed to pay back more than half of the $470,000 he collected as a consultant between late 2007 and the fall of 2010.
Bush, who also served on InnoVida's board, was never accused of wrongdoing in Osorio's Ponzi-like swindle that prosecutors said netted him and other co-conspirators about $50 million. But InnoVida occupies noteworthy real estate in the broad landscape of Bush's business dealings, since it's the only one to have ended in the kind of full-blown scandal that occurs when a CEO is led away in handcuffs.
InnoVida's salacious finale is drawing renewed attention as Bush readies for a presidential run. The Republican touting the power of free enterprise in his "Right to Rise" campaign served on a corporate board that presided over a venture fraught with bogus accounting statements and fictional business deals. "Miami attorney Linda Worton Jackson, who has represented InnoVida creditors in the bankruptcy case, faulted the board of directors for lacking leadership, failing to properly oversee Osorio, and missing warning signs as he dodged questions and provided evasive answers about the company's finances.""When someone as prominent as Jeb Bush lends his name to a company, it gives the creditors a level of false security," Jackson told the Miami Herald. "Creditors assume that he is scrutinizing the company rather than receiving stock and money for simply ratifying each decision by Osorio. This is precisely the reason con artists encourage prominent people to be a part of the fraudulent company."
A Bush spokeswoman said the former governor had concerns "toward the end of the relationship" about InnoVida's governance and financial disclosures and took action in 2010 once he realized there was a severe problem at the company. She noted his settlement with the bankruptcy trustee includes language praising his assistance. "Out of public life since January 2007, Bush's private-sector dealings with InnoVida and other companies are now often cited as a potential political vulnerability."He served five years as a director of Swisher Hygiene, overlapping with a time when the Charlotte-based seller of sanitary supplies issued faulty earnings reports that later had to be restated. Lehman Brothers hired Bush as a consultant in 2007 as the investment bank was heading toward a stunning 2008 bankruptcy that contributed to the global financial crisis.
His former board seat at Tenet Healthcare left Bush with stock holdings valued at $2.4 million last year, equity boosted by the company's profits under the Affordable Care Act — the signature Obama administration program that Bush continues to slam.
The rise and fall of Osorio's InnoVida is a classic Miami tale of a connected con man with famous friends, a ritzy waterfront house and a smooth sales pitch. There was also a complex web of corporations and subsidiaries that spanned the globe. Bush signed a finders-fee deal with an InnoVida entity in the Cayman Islands, and said he flew to Dubai to inspect the company's outpost there. Much more here: "At InnoVida, the CEO hired Jeb Bush and went to prison." Meanwhile, "Jeb Bush tests a stump speech in San Francisco."
Its an old story, here's a St. Pete Times article from 1998: "Jeb Bush: Make the money and run" - "Bush's hurried quest for financial success also reveals a naive reliance on his benefactors and a lack of scrutiny of those around him. He tapped his father's Washington connections to recruit help for some questionable businessmen, including one felon who remains a fugitive wanted by the FBI. He embraced business deals that have prompted lawsuits alleging mismanagement, stock manipulation and special treatment."
To which we say, Run Jeb! Run!
Even (some) wingers get it
"It may surprise you to discover a growing number of social conservatives and libertarians are questioning the alignment of capital punishment with conservative principles and values."
A bit late to the game, wingers are recognizing that the "DNA era has given us irrefutable proof that our criminal justice system sentences innocent people to die. Evidence we once thought reliable, like eyewitness identification, is not always accurate. DNA evidence has led to hundreds of exonerations, but it isn’t available in most cases. "Group Claims Capital Punishment Is Anti-Conservative and Bad in Florida."
Cuba negotiations heat up
"Follow [the Herald's] tweets as Roberta S. Jacobson, America's top diplomat for Latin America, offers her assessment of negotiations with Cuban officials." "Exclusive: Senior U.S. diplomat, back from Havana, offers insight on Cuba relations."
Weekly Roundup
Brandon Larrabee News Service of Florida: "Weekly Roundup: Trying to Change the Subject."
"A Land O’Lakes man filed a formal complaint with the FBI asking for an investigation into a series of claims made last week by Gerald Bailey, whom Gov. Rick Scott ousted as commissioner of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement." "Calls for FDLE investigations grow as Gov. Rick Scott continues to avoid questions."
Big of him
"The head of an important legislative committee and his entourage dropped in on two Florida prisons Thursday. Some of what he saw disturbed him." "Florida lawmaker drops in on prisons, finds problems."
Distrusting Scott
The Sarasota Herald tribune editors: "In Florida's unique government, three officials and the governor -- all elected statewide -- share power on the Cabinet. That power-sharing arrangement is the most compelling reason for Attorney General Pam Bondi, Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater and Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam to grill Gov. Rick Scott over the departure of Gerald Bailey from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement." Atwater, Putnam and Bondi -- all of whom have further political ambitions -- should ask their staffs to determine whether Scott's office did, in fact, share the governor's intentions.
Also, the Cabinet members ought to explain why they went along with appointing Swearingen without asking many questions.
In any case, Scott owes the Cabinet and the public a thorough explanation of what transpired and why he recommended Swearingen, the insider.
What's more, although Scott's office has denied the allegations, some independent organization should investigate Bailey's assertions that former executive office aides asked him to target -- without evidence -- a local official in order to find scapegoats for the escape of state prisoners. In addition, reports of Republican Party funds being directed to the FDLE, which then sent them to the general fund, should be examined as well.
Florida's Cabinet system has its roots in historic distrust of an all-powerful executive. Scott's handling of Bailey's departure and his office's interactions with the FDLE underscore the reasons for that distrust. "Trouble in the Cabinet."
"Jeb!" eyes 2016
"In his first public event since taking steps toward a presidential run, Jeb Bush on Friday called on political leaders to overhaul the country's immigration and education systems, increase job training programs and ease energy regulations to spur economic growth." "Eyeing 2016, Jeb Bush signals focus on middle class."
Bits and Pieces
Kevin Derby: "Political Bits and Pieces."
Condoleezza and Jeb, truly a fine pair
"Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on Thursday tapped former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to serve as chairman of his education foundation, turning over the organization to the former diplomat and academic who remains popular inside the Republican Party." "Condoleezza Rice taking over Jeb Bush's education foundation."
"3 1/2 Minutes"
"A documentary about the case of a Jacksonville teenager fatally shot by a white man after an argument over loud music is set to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival." The film "3 1/2 Minutes" will air Saturday at the well-known festival in Utah.
The documentary comes after the recent first-degree conviction of 48-year-old Michael Dunn for the November 2012 slaying of Jordan Davis. "Documentary about Florida loud music killing to premiere at Sundance."