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Previous Articles by Derek Newton: Ten Things Fox on Line 1 Stem Cells are Intelligent Design Katrina Spin No Can't Win Perhaps the Most Important Race Senate Outlook The Nelson Thing Deep, Dark Secret Smart Boy Bringing Guns to a Knife Fight Playing to our Strength  

The Blog for Wednesday, March 18, 2015

"Democrats Clear the Decks for Murphy"

    "On Monday, Charlie Crist said he wasn’t going to run for the Senate in 2016. Tuesday saw Debbie Wasserman Schultz on CNN with Wolf Blitzer where she bowed out of the Senate race."
    Patrick Murphy’s people are saying he will run for the Senate next year no matter what Marco Rubio does.

    If Rubio foregoes a second term to run for the presidency, Murphy offers Democrats a decent shot at picking up a Senate seat. Even if Rubio decides to stay in the Senate, Murphy at least gives Democrats a credible candidate, though he would certainly be an underdog.

    "Democrats Clear the Decks for Patrick Murphy's 2016 Senate Run."

    See also "Charlie Crist not seeking Senate seat eyed by friend Patrick Murphy."

    "Lawmakers seem to care not a whit"

    The Tampa Trib editorial board: "The disconnect between Florida lawmakers and voters is strikingly displayed in legislators’ response to Amendment 1."

    The constitutional amendment mandating more state spending on conservation was the biggest vote-getter last November, backed by 75 percent of voters....

    So the public’s will here is crystal clear — and lawmakers seem to care not a whit.

    Many legislators are dismissing the need for more land purchases. Some even want to spend the money on drainage and other government infrastructure projects, which would be a complete corruption of the amendment.

    Indeed, lawmakers seem more inclined to listen to industry groups that had nothing to do with the Amendment 1 campaign, such as Associated Industries of Florida, than to its backers, who won the public’s endorsement.

    It’s outrageous. But, sadly, lawmakers can get away with such arrogance. Most are in safely drawn districts that rarely expose them to a broad section of voters.

    "Stunning disregard for voters’ will." See also "Amendment 1 Spending Plan Lands Mixed Reviews."

    You got a problem with that?

    "Inspectors said a new confidentiality agreement was intended to quiet their complaints about the agency, but a judge said it didn’t violate the law." "Judge upholds prison ‘gag order,’ dismisses lawsuit."

    Good luck with that

    "House moves on budget while Senate waits on Medicaid talks."

    Daddy's boy

    "Old Bush Hand James Baker Gets on the 2016 Jeb Bandwagon."

    Privatization madness

    "The private Broward agency that provides foster care, adoption and other services was awash in problems, according to a series of inspector general reports." "Misconduct found at privately run child-welfare agency."

    Heaven help us

    "Over the last five years, former Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford has grown into one of the most prominent political leaders in the Sunshine State and his star could go even higher in the years to come." "Will Weatherford, Young Star Shines Out of the Shadows."

    "Bailey has met with federal prosecutors"

    "Former Commissioner Gerald Bailey’s abrupt and unexplained dismissal from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement has triggered a lawsuit by dozens of news outlets that are now seeking Bailey’s sworn testimony." "Ousted FDLE chief Gerald Bailey met with federal prosecutors over firing by Gov. Rick Scott, cabinet."

    Tom Nickens: "Why the Times joined the lawsuit against the governor and Cabinet."

    "Reckless gun bill"

    The Tampa Bay Times editors: "Senate should reject reckless gun bill."

    This from a man who was born with his father's silver foot in his mouth

    "Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said Tuesday that minimum wage increases should be left to businesses and state governments, opposing a hike in the federal pay floor as an impediment to individuals trying to escape from poverty." "Jeb Bush rejects idea of raising federal minimum wage."

    He's gone

    "After losing a bid to unseat Republican Gov. Rick Scott in November, Democrat Charlie Crist ended speculation Monday that he would run for the U.S. Senate in 2016."

    Last week, Crist said some Democratic operatives had been encouraging him to consider a run for the Senate again.
    "The 2016 Senate race is drawing heavy speculation, as Rubio weighs whether to run for the presidency or to seek re-election. U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy, D-Fla., has emerged as a potential Democratic candidate, but questions swirled around Crist, who was elected governor as a Republican in 2006 and later became an independent before running last year as a Democrat." "Crist says he won't run for anything in 2016." See also "Crist Says He Won’t Run For Office In 2016."

    Rubio strides world stage, trips

    "Eying the Republican presidential nomination, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said Tuesday that he would 'absolutely' defy stalwart European allies if necessary to revoke any Iranian nuclear deal he might inherit from President Barack Obama." "Sen. Marco Rubio says he's 'absolutely' willing to defy European allies on Iran."

The Blog for Monday, March 16, 2015

"Democrat in the Weeds"

    "Jacksonville Mayor Alvin Brown has posed quite a problem for conservatives over the last five years. He has shown political skills he didn't display when he primaried U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown, D-Fla., in the 1990s and has been able to find some success in traditionally Republican Jacksonville by hiding in the weeds and toning town his Democratic affiliation." "Alvin Brown, Democrat in the Weeds."

    Florida’s death penalty on thin ice

    Martin Dyckman via FlaglerLive: "For 13 years, Florida’s death penalty process has been on thin ice at the U.S. Supreme Court. The Legislature has pretended not to notice even though the state Supreme Court sent an early warning."

    Now, the ice is cracking.
    "On Monday, the high court agreed to consider whether Florida’s law conflicts with its 2002 opinion in Ring v. Arizona that the jury, not the judge, must determine the existence of aggravating factors to support a death penalty."
    Florida law leaves that to the judge, along with the power to condemn a defendant even without a unanimous jury recommendation for death. Only Alabama has a law like that.
    Much more here: "Will U.S. Supreme Court Rule Florida’s Cavalier Death Penalty Unconstitutional?"

    Unintended consequences

    "In another example of the unintended consequences of new technology, the use of body cameras on law enforcement officers is on a collision course with the state’s public records law." "Police body cameras could conflict with Florida’s public records law."

    Lawmakers need to more to protect springs

    The Gainesville Sun editors: "Our lawmakers need to be doing more to protect our springs and to use Amendment 1 money as it was intended." "Same springs story."

    "Trouble for enterprise zones"

    "State report spells trouble for enterprise zones."

    Charter games

    Even charter school cheerleaders like the Tampa Trib editororial board concede that "the wave of charter school expansion across Florida has caused its share of friction with educators who run traditional public schools. The lack of accountability, and the drain on tax dollars available to school districts for capital expenditures, are legitimate concerns." "Moving toward charter school accountability." See also "" and "".

    FlaGOP looks to flip Murphy's Congressional seat

    Wingers see "Murphy's Senate Bid Gives GOP a Golden Opportunity to Flip Congressional Seat"

    Miami Mayor's Daughter challenges Miami-Dade Mayor

    And then there were three: "Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez isn’t running against Miami Mayor Tomás Regalado. But he is being challenged by the mayor’s daughter, Raquel Regalado, possibly setting up proxy campaign fights on some major projects in the city." "It’s Gimenez vs. Regalado — and Regalado — for Miami-Dade County’s next mayor."

    Yee haw!

    "Emergency gun-carrying bill heads to Senate floor."

    "The money and Ma Barker"

    Gary Fineout: "In the wake of the Great Recession legislative leaders pulled the plug on the process that helped the public know a little bit about where items stashed in the budget came from."

    For various reasons, and despite some Democrats decrying the amount of pork contained in the state budget, legislators have not reinstated the process known as "community budget issue requests" even as the economy has steadily recovered. - See more at: http://findout.typepad.com/#sthash.5wIa4uhc.dpuf
    "Richard Corcoran, the money and Ma Barker."

The Blog for Sunday, March 15, 2015

"Scott and his cabinet have retained nearly a dozen lawyers"

    "Scott and his cabinet have retained nearly a dozen lawyers charging up to $400 an hour each after being sued by First Amendment groups and news outlets, who contend the four officials violated Florida’s Sunshine law by removing state law enforcement commissioner Gerald Bailey without a public vote." "Taxpayers could foot large legal bill of Scott and 3 Cabinet members over charges they violated state Sunshine law."

    MJ Politics

    "Republican leaders in Tallahassee aren’t buying the political calculation that they must pass a medical marijuana law now to take the issue off the table during next year’s presidential race." "Medical marijuana backers pitch law as way to help 2016 GOP presidential nominee."

    "Never a dull moment in the world of Florida’s education"

    "There’s never really a dull moment in the world of Florida’s education. From issues in standardized testing to guns on school campuses, things didn’t slow down in education world at all this week across the Sunshine State." "Testing Glitches, Limits Take Over State Legislature."

    "Murky role of political committees"

    "'Election law has weak muscles,' said T. Wayne Bailey, a political science professor at Stetson University. 'It places so much responsibility on the public for taking notice and taking action, which is probably an unrealistic expectation.' Moving Tampa Forward’s murky ownership is an example of how little scrutiny these committees receive." "City race highlights murky role of political committees."

    "Infuriating Florida's political right"

    Nancy Smith: "Since 2010 no one has done a better job of entertaining and/or infuriating Florida's political right with her mouth than U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz." "Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Controversy 'R' Us."

    Second amendment stoopid

    "An Orlando man allegedly shot himself during a robbery, stole a Mercedes from a strip club and then flagged down a deputy himself, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Office." "Orlando man shoots himself during robbery, flags down deputy himself."

    "Jeb!" cheerleaders in full-swing

    The Miami Herald feels the love: "Amid melting snowbanks and wall-to-wall throngs of reporters at stops in New Hampshire, Jeb Bush — looking at least 30 pounds trimmer than when he was governor — took pointed questions about his views on immigration and the Common Core education standards without a hint of defensive." "Relaxed Jeb Bush brings his A game to New Hampshire."

    "The Dean's List"

    The Sunshine State News' Ed Dean gives us "'The Dean's List' -- an Ed Dean-style look at who Florida's political achievers were (and weren't) in the last seven days." "The Dean's List."

    What's wrong with Polk County?

    "Florida lawmaker skeptical carbon dioxide causes global warming."

    Herald laud's Rubio's "powerful rhetorical skill" (seriously)

    "Like Barack Obama as a candidate, Marco Rubio is a first-term senator who lacks sweeping accomplishments and is known as much as anything for his powerful rhetorical skill. Some Republicans say he lacks the experience to be commander-in-chief." "As Sen. Marco Rubio nears presidential bid, experience question looms."

    Weekly Roundup

    "Weekly Roundup: Shots, but not Agency Heads, Fired."