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Previous Articles by Derek Newton: Ten Things Fox on Line 1 Stem Cells are Intelligent Design Katrina Spin No Can't Win Perhaps the Most Important Race Senate Outlook The Nelson Thing Deep, Dark Secret Smart Boy Bringing Guns to a Knife Fight Playing to our Strength  

The Blog for Saturday, June 06, 2015

"Florida has the second-highest uninsured rate in the country"

    "According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Florida has the second-highest uninsured rate in the country, with 24.3 percent of residents lacking health care in 2013."
    Scott, meanwhile, has changed his mind on the issue several times. He initially opposed expanding Medicaid under the health care law, citing concerns over job growth. Then in 2013, he reversed course, citing his mother's death in professing his support for bringing federal funds to Florida to broaden health care coverage. The governor later backed off on his support, and earlier this year announced he would sue the federal government for allegedly forcing his state to expand Medicaid by withholding federal hospital funds.
    "Florida Rejects Plan To Expand Health Care For Hundreds Of Thousands"

FlaGOPers leave 400,000 Floridians without medical coverage

    "A plan to offer 800,000 Floridians health care using Medicaid funds flat-lined Friday when the Republican-controlled House overwhelmingly voted down the bill, likely killing the issue for perhaps years to come." "House kills Senate's health care expansion." See also "Florida House rejects Senate health insurance expansion plan, "After seven-hour debate, 400,000 Floridians left without coverage" and ""Analyst: House Medicaid stance could cost state $18B."

    The Orlando Sentinel editors: "Failure to expand health care hurts all Floridians."

    "Broad deal on state budget"

    "Republican leaders of the Florida Legislature say they have a broad deal on a new state budget."

    Senate President Andy Gardiner and House Speaker Steve Crisafulli said Friday that they have agreed on how much money to set aside for spending areas such as education and health care.
    "Florida legislators reach broad deal on state budget."

    Medical coverage dies, tax-cuts sails through

    "In the wake of a near-four-hour debate and rejection of the Senate Medicaid expansion alternative, the House on Friday approved its scaled-back, 18-item tax-cut package. The vote was 97-10." "House Tax-Cut Package Sails Through."

    House hypocrites gorge selves on government health care

    "The part-time job of being a Florida legislator comes with a popular perk: taxpayer-subsidized health insurance that costs them a fraction of what the average Floridian pays for coverage." "Florida lawmakers, most of whom oppose Medicaid expansion, benefit from generous tax-subsidized health insurance."

    The "new and improved" Rick Scott

    Dara Kam News Service of Florida: "Gov. Rick Scott set tongues wagging at an economic summit featuring half-a-dozen GOP presidential hopefuls this week at Disney World."

    The hubbub wasn't only about Scott's ability to draw more than 400 of the state's corporate honchos, or the gushing admiration expressed by current and former Republican governors like Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal and Mike Huckabee.

    Scott fans -- and even those who aren't so keen on the governor -- were struck by what appeared to be a new and improved, clearly comfortable Scott, a sharp contrast from the man who has been mocked over the past four years for his awkward demeanor and frustrating penchant for responding to reporters with talking points seemingly unrelated to the question at hand. - See more at: http://www.sunshinestatenews.com/story/backroom-briefing-real-rick-scott#sthash.ZxVxOOD0.dpuf

    "Backroom Briefing: 'Rick Scott Is a National Player'."

    "Clash over drilling off Florida coast heats up"

    "Legislation in the Senate designed to ease drilling restrictions opens the way for a debate over drilling amid worries about the quality of the Gulf of Mexico." "Clash over drilling off Florida coast heats up in Congress."

    Jeb! "Losing Momentum"

    "Jeb Bush Plans to Hit Early States After June 15 Announcement, Though Pundits Claim He's Losing Momentum." "What Jeb Bush's friends (and others) want in a new budget."

    And Rubio calls this "new" leadership?

    "Last week, Rubio added a provision to the state and foreign operations appropriations bill prohibiting the use of federal funds for any diplomatic center related to Cuba — including consulates in the U.S. — beyond what is already in place."

    Also last week, Rubio introduced the “Cuban Military Transparency Act” to prevent American money from supporting the Cuban military or law enforcement — agencies that the bill says are restricting freedoms. Analysts believe the bill is written so broadly it could cut off most U.S. business and tourism opportunities in Cuba.

    Then there is a provision attached by U.S. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, the Cuban-American Republican from Miami, to a transportation and housing funding bill that would prevent additional U.S. flights to Cuba and the start of cruises or ferries to the island nation.

    "Rubio, seeking more freedoms, throws obstacles in way of Cuba relations."

    Grubbing for wingnuts

    "Marco Rubio’s in-person courting sessions are starting to pay off. Longtime Bush loyalists and other big-money players on the right have emerged from the meetings raving about his abilities, according to people familiar with private gatherings he has had around the country." "With some donors doubting Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio seizes opening."

The Blog for Wednesday, June 03, 2015

"Lawmakers berate his top Medicaid expert"

    "The state Senate’s budget panel unanimously cleared its version of Medicaid expansion on Tuesday, adding new triggers that would end the program if federal funding falls below certain levels." "Senate panel steers clear of ‘entitlement’ in health plan." See also "Lawmakers slash Gov. Rick Scott's tax cuts and berate his top Medicaid expert." See also "Senate Committee Gets Intense With AHCA Official Over Medicaid Expansion."

    The Tampa Bay Times editorial board: "25 reasons to take money for Medicaid expansion."

    "Thanks to the Legislature"

    The Tampa Bay Times editors: "Floridians without health care thanks to the Legislature."



    "1.3 million Floridians could lose"

    "If Obamacare subsidies are voided by Supreme Court, 1.3 million Floridians could lose out."

    Meanwhile . . . back in Tally

    "Florida lawmakers may not cut taxes as much." See also "Rick Scott Calls Trimmed Tax Cut Package 'Positive'" and "Florida House panel approves tax cut proposal."

    "Florida Strong"

    "Florida Strong Attacks Florida House for 'Costly' Early Adjournment."

    GOPer candidates praise Rick Scott

    "Potential GOP presidential candidates make their cases." See also "GOP candidates court Scott’s support at Orlando event," "Economy, Economy, Economy, as Rick Scott Hosts GOP Presidential Hopefuls" and "Republican presidential hopefuls talk economy, heap praise on Florida Gov. Rick Scott."

    Scott vetoes consumer protections

    "Gov. Rick Scott vetoes Citizens Property Insurance consumer protections."

The Blog for Monday, June 01, 2015

"Second try at budget"

    "As legislators return to the Capitol Monday for a second attempt at crafting a budget, they face a deadline to prevent a government shutdown amid lingering resentment between House and Senate Republicans." "Lawmakers return to Capitol for second try at budget." See also "Lawmakers seek to avert shutdown despite health care funding split."

    Scott would shift federal money to for-profit hospitals

    "Gov. Rick Scott has submitted a plan to the federal government that would shift federal money to treat uninsured patients from public, safety-net providers to for-profit hospitals." "Gov. Scott has own plans for hospital funding." More: "Florida's political plight: Health care funding issue looms."

    The Tallahassee Democrat editors: "Time to get it done."

    RPOF Finance Team

    "RPOF Unveils Finance Team for 2016."

    "Hillary vs. Jeb, of course"

    Politico - Bill Scher writes, "I am going to tell you, right now, what the political landscape of the future looks like so you don’t waste your time over the next year listening to a parade of pundits or watching those ridiculous primary debates. The 2016 election is going to come down to Hillary vs. Jeb, of course. Dynasty against dynasty. The campaign that would horrify our Founding Fathers and will bore everyone to tears." "Newsflash: It’s Going To Be Hillary vs. Jeb."

    Meanwhile, "Jeb Bush Blames GOP Congress, Not His Brother, For Bush-Era Spending." More: "PolitiFact Florida: When Jeb Bush was known as 'Veto Corleone'."

    See also: "RNC Hits Hillary Clinton for Appearing With 'Mr. Marijuana' John Morgan."

    "DeSantis Version 2.0?"

    "Ron DeSantis won the Republican primary for an open congressional seat in 2012 by running as a conservative, stressing his military service, attacking career politicians and nailing down St. Johns County." "Mark Miner: Ron DeSantis Version 2.0?"

    Marco's Nevada bet

    "Rubio's bet on Nevada."

    Koch Brothers launch new Florida ad

    Kevin Derby: "Americans for Prosperity (AFP) launched a new ad on Friday, urging legislators to stand against Medicaid expansion." "AFP Takes Aim at Medicaid Expansion in New Ad."