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The Blog for Saturday, September 05, 2015

Redistricting Case Sent Back to Trial Court

    "The Florida Supreme Court told a state trial court to head back to square one with congressional redistricting, according to an order filed Friday."
    As part of the court order, the trial court will be able to look at both the House and Senate’s map proposals. Trial court Judge Terry Lewis will hold a hearing on "remedial plans" to see which one best meets the directions of the court. The trial court must make a decision on the map by Oct. 17.
    "Florida Supreme Court Sends Redistricting Case Back to Trial Court."

    Scott defends scrubbing press release that cleared PP

    "Gov. Rick Scott's office is defending its decision to alter a press release that originally indicated state health regulators found "no evidence of the mishandling of fetal remains" at 16 Planned Parenthood clinics around the state." "Scott’s office defends position on Planned Parenthood release."

    Background: "Scott’s office scrubbed release that cleared Planned Parenthood."

    "Hot, crazy or shady about politics in the Sunshine State"

    Update: "Scott admin. hunts for abortion doctors; FAMU drama; Marco’s a no on Puerto Rico bankruptcy; Jeb’s Truman Show candidacy; FL won’t get new FEMA $; cobra on the loose(?)!" "Florida Playbook." "Joe Biden’s SoFla Show; shooting FL bears; Trump blasts Jeb for Spanish use; AT&T’s big FL contract fight; Arby’s cop-hating burger-slinger; suicide or medical malpractice?" "Florida Playbook."


    "Fracking-type methods need more-stringent state regulation."

    Jeb completes double flip-flop on Trump

    "Over a month ago, GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush vowed that he was 'done' talking about Donald Trump. This week, however, the former governor of Florida was forced to change tactics and attack the real estate mogul head-on -- calling into question his record as a true conservative and asserting that Trump is attempting to 'insult his way into the presidency.'"

    But, copleting a double flip-flop, Jeb said "he would "'of course' support the man he has argued isn't worthy -- at least for the time being -- of the nation's highest office." "Jeb Would 'Of Course' Support Trump If He Won The Nomination."

    Weekly Roundup

    "Weekly Roundup: That Pesky Third Branch."

    Scott's request for federal handout rejected

    We Southerners call it, "a handful of gimme and a mouthful of much obliged."

    "FEMA has denied Gov. Rick Scott’s request for financial assistance for flood victims in the aftermath of record-setting rains the past two months, Pasco County Administrator Michele Baker said." "Federal aid denied for Pasco to help victims of summer floods."

    Has Debbie Worn out Her Schtick?

    "Debbie Wasserman Schultz, famous for making public gaffes her party pretends it doesn't notice, might be in real Democratic doo-doo this time. Washington insiders say the National Committee chair has incurred the wrath of the party's two most powerful people, President Barack Obama and now presidential candidate Hillary Clinton." "DWS Stands for 'Debbie's Worn out Her Schtick'."

    A "taxpayer subsidized slut," really?

    "Sam Rashid, a conservative activist and Hillsborough County Aviation Authority member, is giving Donald Trump a run for his money when it comes to insulting rhetoric."

    In a Facebook post Wednesday, Rashid called Tampa businesswoman Beth Leytham a “taxpayer subsidized slut,” and suggested Leytham had “intimately close relationships” with three elected officials — two at the county center and one at city hall.
    "Name-calling post draws scorn for aviation authority member, GOP activist." More from the Tampa Trib editorial board: "A crude rant on his private Facebook account raises serious questions about Sam Rashid’s ability to serve on the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority." "An offensive rant."

    Yippee, another bid-nis-man

    "Playing up his experience in the private sector and noting he is not a career politician, businessman G.G. Galloway launched his bid for the U.S. House on Thursday." "G.G. Galloway Enters Race to Run for Ron DeSantis' Seat."

The Blog for Wednesday, September 02, 2015

So much for that "joyful" campaign

    Kevin Derby: "It’s easy to dismiss the Bushes as patrician, prep school kids but the nice guy images serve to hide the fact that all of them are political brawlers with a killer instinct. That’s something to keep in mind as Jeb Bush gets ready to turn up the heat on Trump in the weeks to come."
    Jeb Bush has followed the family legacy. In 1994, he showed no problem in throwing inside on Lawton Chiles and, in 2002, had no problem dismantling Bill McBride. When he threw his hat in the ring, the former Florida governor said he hoped for a “joyful” campaign. But now, way behind Trump in the polls at the national level and in key states, Bush is planning to go on the attack.
    "Following Family Tradition, Jeb Bush Gets Ready to Go All Out Against Donald Trump."

    More: "Jeb Bush escalates war of words with GOP front-runner Donald Trump."

    "Hot, crazy or shady"

    Marc Caputo: "Scott’s admin scrubbed press release clearing Planned Parenthood; high-energy Jeb v. Trump; Biden’s mini-Miami tour; Murphy gives back fraudsters contribs." "Florida Playbook." See also "Grayson calls on Murphy to return contributions from fraudsters." More: "Alan Grayson Calls on Patrick Murphy to Return Contributions."

    Medical MJ

    "Petitions are hitting the streets soon for a new proposed constitutional amendment that would fully legalize marijuana use, possession and cultivation by adults in Florida." "Group seeks to legalize marijuana in Florida."

    "Environmental fight looms"

    "Scott, cabinet update land buy list as environmental fight looms."

    Scott’s scrubbed PP press release

    "Regulators found ‘no evidence of the mishandling of fetal remains’" "Scott’s office scrubbed release that cleared Planned Parenthood."

    "Another meager year for state employees"

    The Orlando Sentinel editors: "It's another meager year for state employees in Florida. The average full-timer represented by AFSCME in the state earns less than $35,000 a year, according to the union. Yet state legislators failed to include an across-the-board raise for state employees in the 2015-16 budget, despite having a surplus of more than $1 billion to work with."

    For a lucky few employees at a pair of public-private agencies, however, it's another bountiful year. In recent weeks, boards overseeing Enterprise Florida and Space Florida, two economic-development organizations, green-lighted bonuses for their executives and other staff members.

    Under any notion of fairness, those bonuses are difficult to defend. Why single out a couple of agencies and ignore the rest?

    "State agencies' bonuses defy fairness, rationale."

    Dunn agin' Graham

    Kevin Derby: "Former Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford announced on Wednesday he was backing Dr. Neal Dunn to run against U.S. Rep. Gwen Graham, D-Fla." "Will Weatherford Backs Neal Dunn to Take on Gwen Graham."

    "Like vultures on road kill"

    Nancy Smith: "If just-announced state Senate candidate Lauren Book was anybody but the daughter of one of the most influential lobbyists in Tallahassee, the media would be over her like vultures on road kill." "Senator Lauren Book: How Will She Serve in Daddy's Shadow?."

    "Cynthia did a good job"

    "Gov. Rick Scott ignored questions Tuesday about Florida Lottery Secretary Cynthia O’Connell, who is resigning after reports about missed work and excessive travel bills. 'Cynthia did a good job,' Scott said after a Cabinet meeting in St. Augustine." "Scott: Resigning lottery secretary did a ‘good job’."

    Top brass must reapply for jobs

    "The move is part of an effort to realign the agency and may result in layoffs." "Prison chief makes top brass reapply for jobs."

    "Emasculating" Jeb

    "Donald Trump is "emasculating" former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush with his attacks and his performance in state and national polling, prominent Republican strategist Steve Schmidt said Monday." "Steve Schmidt: Donald Trump 'emasculating' Jeb Bush."

    "Not gonna happen"

    Michael Putney: "The two times Rick Scott ran for governor he made one key promise: To put people to work and run the state like a business. "

    He's had more success with the former — although he takes more credit than he deserves — than the latter. And he’s had no success at all at making himself a beloved or even likeable figure in Florida politics. To do that, Scott would have to take some risks, stand firm on some tough issues and explain why. As Bush 41 would say, not gonna happen.
    "Rick Scott, man of mystery."

The Blog for Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Murphy Supports Iran deal

    "Calling it the toughest decision he's made in Congress, U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy announced Monday he is supporting the proposed Iran nuclear deal, making the Jupiter Democrat the first U.S. Senate candidate in Florida to do so."

    U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Orlando remains undecided on the agreement, while "all four Republican U.S. Senate candidates, U.S. Reps. Ron DeSantis of Ponte Vedra Beach and David Jolly of St. Petersburg, Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera and Orlando businessman Todd Wilcox, came out strongly in opposition." "Murphy's 'toughest decision:' Support Iran deal." See also "Senate Candidate Patrick Murphy Draws Fire from the Right for Backing Obama's Deal With Iran."

    Can't blame this one on the Union

    "School leaders: Orange school-building rules favor charters."

    "Scott in better shape with Florida voters"

    "Another poll shows Gov. Rick Scott in better shape with Florida voters. Last week, Quinnipiac released a poll showing Scott above water with 45 percent of voters approving of him and 44 percent of voters disapproving of him, the first time in more than four years he was right side up in a Q-poll."

    "On Monday afternoon, the Florida Chamber of Commerce, which supported Scott’s efforts for re-election last year and continues to back him, released a poll taken on its behalf by Cherry Communications showing 48 percent of Florida voters approve of the governor while 44 percent disapprove of him." "Florida Voters Approve of Rick Scott, Think State Headed on Right Path in New Poll."

    Legislative Efficiency

    Lloyd Brown: "Is the 'Legislative Process' Really More Efficient Today?"

    Yee Haw!

    "Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam announced on Monday that Floridians will be able to apply and renew their applications for concealed weapons permits at participating tax collectors’ offices across the Sunshine State." "Adam Putnam Teams With Tax Collectors on Concealed Weapons Permits."

    Entrepreneurs in action

    "Miami developers, contractor plead guilty in $36 million affordable-housing scam."

    Map Battles

    "The legal arguments about Florida's political maps continue to mushroom. While the Florida Supreme Court and the Legislature grapple with how congressional districts will be drawn, more legal fights are building in federal courts." "Battles over Political Maps Brew in Federal Courts."

    Trib pushes GOP line

    "Faceoff: Tribune columnists debate Hillary Clinton’s future."

    Consulate Games

    "Tampa may have a centuries-old connection to Cuba through its cigar industry and freedom fighter José Martí, but St. Petersburg has a mayor willing to travel there. Hanging in the balance may be where Cuba decides to locate the consulate that many Tampa leaders have coveted since the announcement in December diplomatic relations would be restored between the United States and Cuba." "Kriseman, seeking consulate, got high-level meetings in Cuba."

    The best Jeb can do?

    Bereft of ideas, "Jeb Bush fires back with video calling Donald Trump 'liberal'."

    "Hot, crazy or shady"

    Marc Caputo: "What Sen. Galvano ‘won’t abide;’ Iran-deal Democrat divide; Lt. Gov. throws shade at Murphy; Palm Beachers surge; nonpols beating GOP pols; testing D-Day; shooting drones?" "Florida Playbook."

    CD10 Jamboree

    Val Demings is not the only Democrat in the CD 10 race against Webster. "Florida Sen. Geri Thompson, D-Orlando, also launched a bid against Webster earlier this month. Now he could be facing two other Democratic challengers. Politico Florida reported at the end of last week that two other well-known Democrats are looking at the race: former Florida Democratic Party Chairman Bob Poe and former state Sen. Gary Siplin." "More Democrats Gunning for Dan Webster's Hide."

The Blog for Monday, August 31, 2015

FlaDems want independent commission

    "With the Legislature having trouble redrawing new political districts, the job should be given to an independent commission as other states have done, Democrats argue." "Democrats push independent commission amid redistricting mess."

    Party Switchers

    Ed Dean: "Politicians switching parties to run for office in Florida is nothing new -- generally, they survive the backlash -- and a Jacksonville Republican is the latest political hopeful counting on that survival. The success stories include former Gov. Bob Martinez, who was elected mayor of Tampa as a Democrat before heading to Tallahassee in 1986 as a Republican. Jim Smith was a Democrat when he was elected attorney general, but after losing the 1986 Democratic primary, he joined the GOP and served as secretary of state. Florida State Supreme Court Justice Charles Canady served in the Florida House as a Democrat before winning a U.S. House seat in 1992 as a Republican." "Party Switching Could Hurt GOP House Candidate Donnie Horner in Jacksonville."

    Outa his league

    "NLRB Decision on Contract Employment Draws Carlos Curbelo's Fire."

    Grayson "Don't Give a Damn 'Bout [His] Bad Reputation"

    Adam Smith can't "decide which is more interesting:"

    That the great Joan Jett co-hosted a fundraiser for Alan "Don't Give a Damn 'Bout my Bad Reputation' Grayson in New York last week, or that the Aug. 27 reception was also co-hosted by three Wall Streeters on the same day Grayson sent a fundraising email boasting that "Wall Street bankers hate me."

    At least three of the listed co-hosts - Avery Byrd, Lawrence Hui, and Mary Namorato - are in the investment business. Grayson, himself a hedge fund operator, has been hammering Democratic U.S. Senate rival Patrick Murphy for receiving money from Wall Street, especially Goldman Sachs.

    "Joan Jett and the Wall Streeters pony up for Wall Street-bashing Alan Grayson."

    About Jose Oliva

    "Rep. Jose Oliva kept an icy cool as he verbally sparred with his Senate counterpart Bill Galvano over the redistricting map that would force the Legislature's special session to end in stalemate." "Miami Lakes legislator rises swiftly, holds fast to 'free market' ideals

    Jeb's Planned Parenthood cheap shot

    "Bush's Planned Parenthood jab unfounded."

The Blog for Sunday, August 30, 2015

Rubio proposes "Indentured Regression"

    Pierre Tristam writes that, "One Rubio idea stands out for its apparent radicalism. It attempts to deal with a problem that’s pricing out millions of students from a proper education. That’s the rising cost of college and a crushing loan system that’s leaving graduates with an average of $35,000 to pay back. That’s more than triple the amount students carried into the work force in 1993. College tuition has also more than doubled–at private and public colleges."
    Florida is not helping. Four years ago the Florida University Board of Governors allowed our universities to increase tuition by 15 percent every year. They’re doing so because the Legislature cut its funding, and, in a twisted bit of reasoning, to make Florida universities more competitive by attracting more reputable faculty. The message to Floridian students: we’re looking past you for deeper pockets. Once-exemplary state scholarship programs such as Bright Futures have lost half their value in a student’s aid package, with no interest from the Legislature to make up the difference. Students make up differences in loans. Or by foregoing college.

    Rubio’s idea is provocative. But it’s also slightly dehumanizing. It turns students into something like equity shares. We live in a strange age when the supreme court thinks nothing of equating corporations with persons. So it may seem natural to equate persons with corporations.

    In Rubio’s financial scheme, a student needing $10,000 to afford tuition would sell herself to investors. They would look at her major, decide whether to give her the money, and set the terms of paying it back. She’d have to pay a percentage of her salary for five, 10 or more years, whatever salary she’s making to the investors. Rubio says she’d be under no obligation to pay back the loan over the life of the contract. But since the investors set the terms, it’s difficult to imagine that the result won’t be like a casino where the house always wins.

    Much more here: "Indentured Regression: Marco Rubio Thinks College Students Should Be Sharecroppers."

    Jebites saddened

    The Bush fans that populate the Tampa Trib's editorial board are saddened that "Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign, to put it mildly, has had a troubled summer. " "Jeb’s stumbling start."

    Meanwhile, "Trump mocks Jeb for losing fundraisers."

    But Jeb can take comfort in Rubio's deep thinking about foreign affairs, as Marco calls "Vladimir Putin a 'gangster,' Kim Jong Un a 'lunatic'"

    Weekly Roundup

    "Weekly Roundup: Looking for a Direction." More: "The audience got to hear first-hand from [Plant City] area lawmakers about what’s happening in Tallahassee at the annual Eggs n’ Issues Legislative Wrap-Up Breakfast." "State lawmakers tout successes, vent frustrations at annual breakfast."

    Flabaggers can't figure out the part about the judges

    Scott Maxwell: "Imagine that you were getting repeatedly punched in the face, and the only thing protecting you was a face mask."

    Well, Florida legislators want to rip that mask right off your face.

    See, the legislators are the ones who keep swinging at you, trying to violate the constitution and your desire for things such as Fair Districts.

    The only thing stopping them is the court system — judges appointed by both Republican and Democratic governors who keep (correctly) ruling that legislators are out of line.

    If you were a normal person, you might try to start following the rules.

    In recent weeks, GOP leaders of both the House and Senate judiciary committees have said they want to start talking about how they might be able to "reform" (which means "weaken") the courts.

    State Rep. Mike Hill, a tea-party Republican from Pensacola, penned a mini-manifesto that said legislators must "reassert our primacy on legislative matters."

    "Petulant legislators attack courts for righting their wrongs."

    Scott runs gub'mint like a bidness

    "Florida Lottery Secretary Cynthia O’Connell is resigning amid questions about her travel, spending and work habits. . . . O’Connell’s abrupt resignation came days after a [Palm Beach Post] news report that she had taken nearly nine weeks of vacation last year and racked up nearly $30,000 in travel bills." "Florida Lottery secretary resigns; Scott appoints interim." More: "Florida Lottery Secretary resigns after investigation into travel bills."