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The Blog for Saturday, February 06, 2016

Most of the state’s GOPers who endorsed Jeb are sticking with him

    "Most of the state’s GOP lawmakers endorsed former Gov. Jeb Bush back when he was being touted as the odds-on favorite to gain their party’s White House nomination. And they are sticking with him now, even as the odds for his flagging campaign grow longer."
    Some Bush stalwarts in Florida appear to be starting to hedge their bets in the wake of Rubio’s Iowa finish. Rep. David Jolly, a Republican from Indian Shores, south of Clearwater, speaks highly of Rubio as he recalls his election to the U.S. Senate in 2000. . . .

    Yet Jolly is in the Bush camp for now, though not adamantly. “I still hope Jeb’s our nominee,” he said, before adding “but we would be a fortunate nation to have Marco as our president.”

    "It’s hard to gauge whether others might be struggling with their early endorsement of Bush. Most of Bush’s Florida congressional backers declined to make themselves available for questions."
    Among the 11 Republican lawmakers who’ve endorsed Bush for president, aides to two – Reps. Dennis Ross of Lakeland and Ander Crenshaw of Jacksonville – did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

    Aides to four other Bush backers said their bosses were too busy to talk.

    “Unfortunately, the congressman isn’t available to chat today,” said Nicole Rapanos, a spokeswoman for Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Kendall. “Feel free to reach out for future requests!”

    Rep. Vern Buchanan of Longboat Key was similarly unavailable. “I'll try to get him to call you, but it may be difficult,” his spokeswoman, Gretchen Andersen, said Wednesday. Asked for an update Thursday, Andersen responded: “We’re going to take a pass on this right now. Thanks for reaching out!”

    Dan McFaul, a spokesman for Rep. Jeff Miller of Chumuckla in the Panhandle near the Alabama line, said Wednesday he’d try to get hold of Miller but cautioned “it might be tough. Perhaps another day?” Thursday, McFaul did not respond to repeated requests.

    Rep. Ted Yoho, a tea party enthusiast from Gainesville, said he was disappointed that his preferred candidate, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, had dropped out after Iowa. Neither Floridian in the race will draw his support, he said. Bush is part of the Republican establishment, which Yoho wants to shake up, and Rubio doesn’t have enough experience outside politics, Yoho said. “I see Ted Cruz standing for the things that I believe in,” Yoho said of the senator from Texas. “He feels the way I feel, that we’re in a constitutional crisis. In his arguments [as a lawyer] before the Supreme Court, he fought for core conservative principles and defended the Constitution.”

    Told that it sounded as if he were endorsing Cruz’s White House run, Yoho responded: “I wouldn’t dispute that"

    "Floridians in Washington stick with Jeb Bush despite Marco Rubio’s surge."

    Rubio whines about "sanctuary cities," except his own

    "Miami's two Republican presidential candidates, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, both get applause when they campaign against federal funding for so-called 'sanctuary cities,' where local law-enforcement agencies limit their cooperation with federal immigration authorities. But advocates consider their home county of Miami-Dade to be such a sanctuary." "Jeb Bush says Miami isn't the same kind of 'sanctuary city' as San Francisco."

    FlaGOP "Bill gives Rick Scott military power over 'invaders'"

    "Gov. Rick Scott would be able to use military power to keep immigrants or refugees from entering Florida if they are from or have been near countries where "invaders" live or train if a bill a House committee approved Wednesday becomes law."

    The Prevention of Acts of War bill would let the governor declare that certain immigrants and refugees are "restricted people" if he determines they are from countries where he believes invaders want to come to the United States to attack people or property.
    "HB 1095 would prohibit any state or local government employee or any person receiving state assistance of any kind, including Medicare, from helping immigrants or refugees entering or resettling in Florida unless the immigrants were born in the Western Hemisphere. Anyone assisting a restricted person would have to turn that person's personal information over to the state. The state would be allowed to monitor restricted people."
    It was approved on a 9-4 vote with Republicans in favor and Democrats opposed. Instead of a simple "yes," Republican Rep. Charles Van Zant of Keystone Heights cast his vote with an emphatic "Absolutely."
    "Bill gives governor military power over 'invaders'."

    More: "Florida bill would allow military force."

    What's wrong with Hillsborough?

    "Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn issued a statement Wednesday decrying the possibility of a meeting in Tampa organized by controversial 'neomasculinity' blogger Daryush “Roosh V” Valizadeh through the website Return of Kings." "Anti-feminist Return of Kings group has no place in Tampa, Buckhorn says."

    "What's hot, crazy or shady about politics in the Sunshine State"

    Marc Caputo: "Will old scandal hurt Garcia’s new run? – FL’s Zika state of emergency – Rubio edges Bush in endorsements – Militarizing immigration fights – Hide your goats, Caryville." "Florida Playbook."

    "A preview of next governor’s race?"

    Joe Henderson: "there they were, Putnam and Scott, sharing smiles and compliments from the [Florida State Fair' annual Governor’s Day Luncheon] dais Thursday, even as Putnam wryly cracked, 'Last year’s luncheon for some strange reason ran late.'"

    Putnam is much at ease in front of a microphone while Scott still seems stiff, like someone starched his undershirt with super glue. And since he might (cough, cough) be running to replace Scott in 2018, the contrast is notable.

    Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn was also on the stage, receiving plaudits from the governor but no time at the microphone. Buckhorn will be scurrying off to New Hampshire today to campaign for Hillary Clinton and, gee, wonder why?

    On the off chance (cough, cough) Buckhorn wades into the 2018 governor’s race, today’s trip will be a marker he can call in from the Democratic National Committee — especially if Hillary is elected president.

    To be fair, there is a fair amount of skepticism whether Buckhorn will get in the race. It will be tough to win, especially if Putnam is the opponent.

    "Was head table at state fair luncheon a preview of next governor’s race?."

    Marco-mentum may be dragged down by Jeb's failing candidacy

    Vanity Fair: "One of the biggest wild cards for Rubio, ironically, remains the fatally staid Jeb Bush."

    The former Florida governor and his super-PACs have spent tens of millions of dollars on anti-Rubio ads, a largely ineffective strategy that has nonetheless been a boon for Cruz and Trump. Despite his collapsing poll numbers and a sixth-place finish in Iowa, Bush still has a massive war chest and a larger super-PAC, Right to Rise, which is expected to continue spending its money even as donors repeatedly signal that they would rather their own doomed candidate quit than bloody Rubio further. But if Bush himself is considering an early exit, his campaign is showing no signs: an internal memo leaked to Politico indicated that Bush plans to focus on South Carolina and Nevada, where he has a stronger ground operation and an advantage among Hispanic voters, and hopefully survive to face Rubio in their home state of Florida.

    This is a scenario that the Rubio campaign wants to avoid, making the next two weeks crucial. Now that they need to plan for a three-way slugfest, no one wants the Marco-mentum to be dragged down by a candidacy in its death throes.

    "How Jeb Bush Could Derail Marco Rubio."

    Meanwhile, "Hoping for the Silver in New Hampshire, Marco Rubio Can Expect to Feel the Heat in Saturday's Debate."

    Budget blues

    "Budget bills presage fight over Planned Parenthood funding."

    Guns, guns . . . guns on the roof

    "House overwhelmingly approves open carry gun bill."

    Florida's Media Poodles Taking Jeb's Failure Hard

    Alex Leary: "'Jeb Bush is a college professor in a used car salesman’s election'."

    A "college professor," really? To the contrary, Jeb's success in Florida suggests the Florida electorate that elected Jeb! - and the media poodles who adored him - were something lesser than "used car salesmen."

    "What’s the Point of Jeb Bush?"

    "What’s the Point of Jeb Bush Now?

    Old scandals in new bottles

    "Democrat Joe Garcia, who lost his 2014 congressional re-election bid amid two scandals tied to a former aide, has decided to run for his old seat against a one-time friend, Annette Taddeo. Garcia’s announcement for Florida’s 26th Congressional District prompted swift criticism from Republicans and some Democrats who said the fraud case that played into his election loss two years ago will haunt his effort." "Garcia seeking congressional comeback, but old scandal could hurt."

    Death politics

    "With executions indefinitely on hold in Florida, lawmakers hurriedly are considering legislation to address a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that struck down the state’s capital sentencing law as unconstitutional. The House and Senate are divided on how far the changes should go." "Senate seeks unanimous juries in death sentences."

    Scott benefits from Obamanomics

    "National Unemployment Rate Lowest Since 2008."

    Endorsement snafu

    Nancy Smith writes that, "At least two of three Florida City commissioners claim they did not endorse CD 26 candidate Annette Taddeo -- or any candidate -- even though Taddeo's campaign issued a press release in English and Spanish saying they did."

    Commissioner Avis Brown and Vice Mayor Sharon Butler told friends, in fact specifically sought out friends to say they attended a Taddeo event, even had their pictures taken with the Democratic candidate vying with Joe Garcia to challenge Republican incumbent Rep. Carlos Curbelo. But they had no idea in so doing they were giving permission for an endorsement.
    "Did Annette Taddeo Campaign 'Phony Up' These Endorsements?."

    More from Ms. Smith: "The Annette Taddeo Ultimatum."

    Ross would censure the President

    Climate change denier, U.S. Rep. Dennis Ross, R-Fla., "filed a resolution censuring President Barack Obama over his failure to implement the Visa Waiver Program Improvement Act." "Dennis Ross Files Censure Against Obama Over Visa Waivers for Iran."

    Weekly Roundup

    "Weekly Roundup: Hot Button Issues and Budgets."

    Poodles in love

    Carl Hiaasen, yet another chatterer who bought into Florida's poodle-press' Jeb-worship: The talented Hiaasen blabs that "A year ago this scenario was unimaginable. He had more money, more brains, more connections and more governing experience than any other Republican wanting to be president. Like many people, I thought his nomination would be a slam dunk."

    Really, Carl? Jeb has "more brains" than, say . . . fellow GOPer Ted Cruz, who graduated cum laude from Princeton University and magna cum laude from Harvard Law School? Jeb's hold over the Florida's media never ceases to amaze.

    Jeb's fall was obvious - the moment someone looked at this man in the cold light of day - something most of Florida's media was and remains incapable of doing (because they, after all, wanted one of their own in the presidential fray . . . and perhaps an opportunity to ride on the big bus with the real journalists). Hiaasen continues:

    Jeb hasn’t made any huge, embarrassing blunders on the campaign trail. He’s not obnoxious or unlikable. True, he’s not an electrifying personality, but in most election cycles that wouldn’t disqualify him.

    Obviously, he misjudged the depth of the anger and division within his own party. He isn’t the only candidate to get caught off guard.

    But he is the only Bush on the ballot, and that’s probably hurt him more than it has helped. Jeb isn’t the one who invaded Iraq and basically exploded the Mideast. He isn’t the one who jacked up the deficit with war spending, then left the U.S. economy teetering on a cliff.

    That was his brother, but seven years later lots of voters haven’t forgotten. Before committing to Jeb, they need to be convinced that he’s way different from George W., that he’s wiser and more careful, and that he doesn’t have a Dick Cheney blow-up doll riding shotgun.

    Hiaasen seems to lament that
    there is no sign of a grass-roots pro-Jeb frenzy. The fact he was Florida’s governor for two terms isn’t wowing the masses — even in Florida.

    Polls here show Jeb trailing Trump, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio. He is only slightly ahead of the sleepwalking Ben Carson.

    Hiaasen wonders, "How is this possible?"

    Well, the better question is "why would anybody want to vote for President Jeb?" Florida has had enough of "King Jeb," and Republican primary voters apparently feel the same way.

    Hiaasen closes, however, with something most Floridians can agree on - Marco Rubio:

    Here’s a guy who has accomplished zero in the Senate, flip-flops when he feels the heat and can’t even manage his own credit cards. How is he beating an old pro like Jeb?

    By successfully casting himself as a fresh and electable alternative. Rubio’s only got one speech, but he’s good at it. Ironically, he grew up to be slicker and more calculating than his mentor.

    "When the applause dies for Jeb Bush."

The Blog for Wednesday, February 03, 2016

"Candidates keep half an eye on Florida"

    "The Iowa caucuses are over, propelling Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio into serious contention for the Republican presidential nomination and setting up a long battle ahead between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on the Democratic side."
    Throw in the continuing dominance — at least in national polls — of billionaire businessman Donald Trump and you have a recipe for a hard-fought and nationally significant presidential preference primary in Florida on March 15.
    "Besides serving up a heap of red meat for political junkies in the state, a competitive Florida primary raises a host of questions:"
    ♦ Will Trump’s current lead in Florida polls hold up or will his meteoric candidacy flame out during the long slog of 20 or so state primaries before March 15?

    ♦ Can Rubio gain momentum following his strong showing in Iowa and arrive in his home state’s primary as the favorite to take all of Florida’s 99 Republican delegates?

    ♦ And can former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who picked up just one delegate in Iowa, survive long enough to mount a comeback in the state that boosted him onto the national stage.

    And that’s just the Republicans.

    "Candidates keep half an eye on Florida as primary season marches on."

    "Takeaways From Iowa and Why it Matters in Florida‭." The Sun Sentinel editors: "After Iowa, Florida candidates hopeful -- and desperate."

    "Cantera Doubles Down on Term Limits Pledge"

    Kevin Derby: "Now running for the Republican nomination in the U.S. Senate race, Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera doubled down on his commitment to serve only two terms on Wednesday regardless if a the Constitution is amended for term limits." "Carlos Lopez-Cantera Doubles Down on Term Limits Pledge."

    Bad year

    "2016 could be a down year for South Florida’s economy."

    Demings holds 20 point lead over Thompson in CD 10

    "Former Orlando police chief Val Demings holds a commanding lead of more than 20 points over her nearest Democratic rival in the race for Florida’s newly drawn 10th Congressional District, according to a new poll commissioned by her campaign." "Demings campaign poll shows commanding position in Orlando race."

    Charter madness

    "Charter schools would fall under more accountability and performance guidelines under a bill by a Lakeland lawmaker that cleared a Senate education committee Tuesday."

    Those guidelines include automatic closure of schools that get two consecutive “F” grades from the state and prohibiting charter schools from denying a student enrollment based on the student’s current or previous academic performance.

    It would also allow charter school companies with an established high performance record to receive incentives and go through a more streamlined process to open new schools.

    "Florida lawmakers advance bill changing charter school process."

    "Legislators could carry concealed"

    "Legislators could carry concealed in official meetings" "Florida lawmakers add significant change to open-carry gun proposal."

    "hat's hot, crazy or shady about politics in the Sunshine State"

    Marc Caputo: "Demings leads in CD-10 Dem race -- What the exit polls say about Rubio – Jeb takes on Trump – Scott’s tax-cut cornhole challenge – ‘BANANA’ BRAIN: Haiti’s president sang what?" "Florida Playbook."

    "Back to the Past with Rubio"

    "Back to the Past with Marco Rubio?" Background: "For a candidate who’s almost preoccupied with rhetoric about the 'future' and his willingness to break with old, 20th-century ideas, Rubio’s approach to energy policy is almost comically stale – the Republican wants to drill everywhere, pretend the climate crisis doesn’t exist, and scrap safeguards intended to protect the public." "Rubio looks backward, again, for his policy agenda."

The Blog for Monday, February 01, 2016

"Transforming school districts into parochial, back-biting, money-wasting fiefdoms"

    The Tampa Trib editorial board: "Florida lawmakers, who never seem to tire of blindfolding the public school system and giving it a spin, now want to divide countywide school districts into separate districts for cities and counties. To make this bad idea even worse, they also want to politicize school systems, allowing partisan elections." "Plan to give cities governance over separate school districts a bad idea."

    "What's hot, crazy or shady about politics in the Sunshine State"

    Marc Caputo: "Rubio crushes ‘Poor Jeb’ in fundraising – tough talk in CD-18 – DeSantis crows about fundraising prowess – snakes pile up in python hung, but is it enough?" "Florida Playbook."

    Scott's surgeon general under fire

    "The number of patients served at county health departments has plummeted in the five years since Gov. Rick Scott took office, the state's top health official revealed in a letter to a top senator last week, in a bid to keep his job as Florida’s surgeon general amid rising legislative opposition."

    Surgeon General John Armstrong included the data in his reply to a recent letter in which Sen. Don Gaetz, a Destin Republican, had pressed for details on the agency's budget request to eliminate 718 positions, asking if any of the positions were clinical and inquiring about rising HIV rates. . . .

    Armstrong came under fire in the Senate last year for refusing to answering Gaetz’s questions about Medicaid expansion and whether expanding the health care program under the federal health care law would improve Floridians' health outcomes.

    Eventually, the committee moved to defer a vote on his confirmation. Armstrong, like most of many of Scott’s agency heads, never got confirmed. If the Senate doesn't confirm him this year, he will have to leave his job, where he earns $141,000 annually.

    "Care cut back at county health departments under Armstrong."

    To Paraphrase "Poor Jeb," "Throw His Ass Out"

    "Bush’s supporters feel protective of him and grieved for his sake. They seem acutely aware that he was never supposed to be in this position—mired in the back of the crowded pack of candidates, struggling to be heard, on the edge of being counted out. A campaign that began with a frontrunner’s fanfare now averages less than 5 percent in national polls.

    It’s a situation that might be humbling or humiliating for your average governor or senator making a run at the title, but it takes on special resonance for a member of one of America’s royal families." "The Last Days of the Bush Dynasty?"

    "Crist is in one mother of a primary fight"

    Nancy Smith writes that, "Charlie Crist may still be the favorite. But mark my words, he knows he's in one mother of a primary fight." "Uh-Oh, Is Charlie Crist About to Make It 3 in a Row?."

    Anti-choice bill "is about as bad as it gets"

    The Miami Herald editors: "Many Floridians were undoubtedly flabbergasted to learn this week that the Legislature, in its wisdom, is considering a bill that virtually bans the practice of abortion in this state. Every legislative session sees its share of frivolous, time-wasting proposals, but this particular one is about as bad as it gets." "Sink this misguided anti-abortion measure."

    "Let the budget horse-trading begin. "

    "House, Senate unveil $80 billion state budgets."

    Wage theft ordinances

    "The city’s wage dispute office has been up and running for four months and is working as its supporters predicted it would."

    Wage theft typically involves people who are forced to work “off the clock,” are not paid for overtime hours, or are not paid at all. Often they are day laborers or work in hotels, restaurants, health care facilities, or construction and lawn service businesses.

    In St. Petersburg, complaints filed thus far have ranged from workers not being paid to how tips are divided for servers at restaurants. Once notified, Epstein said, employers have agreed to pay workers. One case went to mediation and was resolved. Another involved a restaurant that unfairly was dipping into the tips of a server. That case went the next step, to an administrative hearing, where the employer agreed to pay.

    "St. Pete wage dispute office gets employers to pay."

The Blog for Sunday, January 31, 2016

Oh Noes . . . More "Devious Plans"

    The Tampa Trib editors: "It is troubling to see the Florida Legislature plow ahead with a bill that would rob local governments of any control over fracking in their communities."
    Supporters say the measure is aimed at regulating fracking and would require the state Department of Environmental Protection to study what impacts fracking and related excavation processes would have, particularly on water sources.

    That sounds reasonable, but this industry-driven bill is primarily aimed at ensuring local governments don’t get in the way of the drilling industry’s plans.

    The House passed its fracking bill this week while a similar Senate bill also is progressing.

    It doesn’t matter to lawmakers that 64 local governments have passed resolutions opposing fracking, and have good reason to be cautious about the practice in Florida. In the process, a mixture of water, sand and caustic chemicals is pumped deep into the ground to fracture shale rocks and release natural gas.

    "A devious fracking bill."

    Hasn't Florida had enough FlaGOP "devious plans"? See "Governor Tells Of `Devious Plans' To Undo Class Size Vote"

    Welfare For the Rich While Punishing the Poor

    "The Future Is Here: Florida Wants Welfare For the Rich While Punishing the Poor."

    Raw political courage

    "The general counsel for the Florida House released an opinion this week stating that the chairman of the House rules committee, Melbourne Republican Ritch Workman — who moonlights as an Uber driver — would not have any voting conflict when it came to a bill that would bar local regulation of car-hail app companies like Uber." "House lawyer finds ‘no voting conflict’ for Uber driver-legislator."

    Legislature's rival spending plans

    "Republicans in charge of the Florida House and Senate have drawn up rival spending plans that differ on everything from money for schools to spending on incentives to lure businesses to the state."

    The Florida House and Senate on Friday released their official budget proposals for the coming year.

    Legislators have until March to reconcile their rival spending plans and pass a budget that covers spending from July 2016 to June 2017. Last year a clash between the House and Senate over health care spending resulted in a deadlock that wasn’t resolved until the middle of summer.

    Senate President Andy Gardiner and House Speaker Steve Crisafulli insist they will get their work done on time this year.

    "Here are a few highlights of the two budgets as proposed:" "Florida House, Senate air rival budgets."

    Don't forget the "unjustly imprisoned"

    John Romano: "10-20-Life is being reformed, but let's not forget those unjustly imprisoned by it."

    "Legislative assault on transparency"

    The Palm Beach Post editors: "Stop the legislative assault on transparency."

    An "over-sized say," really?

    Scott Maxwell writes, it's time to change Iowa having an "over-sized say in electing the next leader of the U.S."

    He argues that,

    Iowa's demographics don't even remotely mirror America's. I've seen snowmen less white than The Hawkeye State. We're talking 90 percent. This isn't a state that's reflective of America; it's reflective of the PGA Tour.

    Iowa also gets it wrong. Like really wrong.

    In 2008, Iowa Republicans declared Mike Huckabee the runaway winner. In the 2012, they chose Rick Santorum. Neither man could get elected chief button-presser in an elevator in most parts of America. But Iowans were ready to put them in the White House.

    "Iowa caucuses: Holy corncobs, they're weird."

    Which begs the question, if Iowa also "gets it wrong," how is it that they have an "over-sized say in electing the next leader of the U.S."?

    And Maxwell's suggestion that Florida be part of the mix - because "we're diverse. We're purple. Heck, we usually end up deciding who wins anyway" - appears to be a joke . . . one hopes.