Bondi disses Jeb! . . . And then there's her Trump University problem
Joe Henderson wonders "what Bondi was doing by endorsing Donald Trump when he campaigned here Monday."We all know that in politics, ambitious people like Bondi do what they have to do to get ahead. By endorsing Trump, Bondi may have her eye on a high-level job in his administration if he is elected, or some other quid pro quo. Isn’t that exactly why people hate politicians? They see them as lacking principles and conviction for anything except their next job.
I just don’t see how one minute you can praise Bush’s “character of leadership” and then endorse the man who treated him like a foot wipe. "Bondi’s endorsement also brought up questions she probably thought were long buried."
In her first term as Florida’s attorney general, allegations surfaced about potential fraud with Trump University. A lawsuit in New York alleged more than 5,000 people had been scammed out of an estimated $40 million on the false belief that lessons from The Donald would bring them wealth. There were similar complaints in Florida, but Bondi never investigated.
As questions about the Trump venture began getting some traction here, a committee known as “Justice For All” backing Bondi received a $25,000 check from Trump’s foundation. Probably just a coincidence.
Trump is almost certainly going to be the GOP nominee for president. The people voting in his party have spoken loudly that he is the guy they want. So be it. Bondi went for Jeb Bush. She endorsed Jeb Bush. She said lots of nice things about Jeb Bush. . . .
In politics, though, I guess you can change your bet after the horses leave the gate. "Bondi's endorsement of Trump was slap in face to Jeb Bush."
DWS crosses her fingers
Nancy Smith: "They say at least one-third of the nation's Republicans believe that Donald Trump can save America. Well, I don't know about all of America. But I do believe there's at least one American Trump could save if he emerges from Cleveland as the GOP presidential nominee -- Debbie Wasserman Schultz." "Debbie Wasserman Schultz ... Praying Donald Trump Will Save Her."
Grayson to spend weekend in surgery, having knives removed from his back
"Patrick Murphy Unveils Endorsements of 46 Congressional Democrats."
Must-read briefing on what's hot, crazy or shady about politics in the Sunshine State
Marc Caputo: "Trump’s big FL win puts Rs ‘in a bind’ – Rubio close to Cruz endorsement – The many meals of Rep. Mica – Tampa decriminalizes marijuana -- State catches ton of pythons with ‘snitch snakes’." "Florida Playbook."
Rubio's arrogance and sloth"
Scott Maxwell "It's too early to write Rubio's political obituary. This country has seen politicians indicted, imprisoned and still re-elected. Rubio's crimes were more arrogance and sloth." "Marco Rubio: The anatomy of a campaign collapse."
Florida Republican Party looks in the mirror . . . doesn't like what it sees
"Republican candidates across Florida are in a quandary over Donald Trump. . . . So many are just shutting up. At least for now." "GOP pols in a quandary over Trump’s big Florida win."
Mr. empty suit goes to Washington
"Marco Rubio Backs More Sanctions on Iran." More: "Out of race, Rubio returns to the Senate."
Heated GOP primary in Naples
"Sen. Garrett Richter announced Friday he is backing Rep. Kathleen Passidomo in a heated GOP primary for a Naples state Senate seat. Passidomo is running in the primary against fellow Republican Rep. Matt Hudson. Both live in Collier County, and the race is considered a match between the city of Naples itself, where Passidomo lives, and the outlying areas, where Hudson hails from." "Richter backs Passidomo to succeed him."
Dirty underwear
"A Tampa woman’s federal lawsuit over an investigation that led to the resignation of former CIA director David Petraeus is collapsing after her lawyers asked a judge today to let them withdraw from the case."
The lawyers cited irreconcilable differences, just weeks after the Justice Department declined a secret $4.35 million settlement proposal.
Jill Kelley of Tampa, along with her husband, Scott, had sued the government in June 2013 in Washington, alleging that officials violated the U.S. Privacy Act by disclosing information about them during the FBI’s investigation of Petraeus.
The first signs that Sidley Austin LLP, a prominent corporate law firm, and Sands Anderson PC, which handled related parts of the lawsuit, intended to abandon the case were in a brief court docket entry directing Kelley by next week to hire new lawyers, object to hers quitting or advise the judge that she planned to represent herself going forward. "Jill Kelley had complained to the FBI in 2012 when an unknown person sent her harassing emails. Her complaint triggered a criminal investigation that led agents to Paula Broadwell, Petraeus’ biographer. "Broadwell had been having an affair with him. Jill Kelley’s name and some harassing emails were disclosed on Nov. 11, 2012, to reporters amid the sensational disclosures about Petraeus, a former Army general. Two days later, she was linked to Marine Gen. John R. Allen, then-commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan. "Lawyers abandon Jill Kelley’s federal lawsuit over Petraeus resignation."
Scott endorses Trump, calls for end of "Republican on Republican violence"
"The day after Donald Trump's big win in the Florida Republican presidential primary - and after U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio suspended his campaign - Gov. Rick Scott called for an end to 'Republican on Republican violence' and called on his party to back Trump for the nomination.""With his victories yesterday, I believe it is now time for Republicans to accept and respect the will of the voters and coalesce behind Donald Trump," Scott said on Facebook Wednesday morning. "Gov. Rick Scott endorses Donald Trump."
Nancy Smith: "Scott's Hypocrisy-Oozing Trump Endorsement."
Rubio Poodles
After suffering a thoroughly humiliating defeat at the hands of Florida Republicans, Anthony Man joins the rest of the media poodles who want to make sure Rubio returns their phone calls the next time he runs for office. He writes: "Florida Republicans dumped a bucket of ice cold water on Marco Rubio's presidential ambitions, but they didn't extinguish his political future." At 44, time is on his side. He has plenty of time for a political comeback — one that ultimately could put him in the White House — despite the devastating loss Tuesday at the hands of the Floridians who had propelled him ever higher in his political career. "Marco Rubio has plenty of time for a political comeback."
Scott Poodle thinks Millennials don't understand (his) politics
Not surprising to see that a Rick Scott supporter poodle thinks "young adults" have a "disheartening lack of civic understanding."
"State higher education [appointed] officials on Wednesday afternoon debated whether public university students should be required to learn about U.S. history, government and politics, as some members lamented what they saw as a disheartening lack of civic understanding among young adults." The day after Florida’s presidential primary, Alan Levine, a member of the State University System board of governors, recited a series of statistics meant to demonstrate how little 18- to 34-year-old Americans know about their country’s history and how its government functions.
For example, Levine cited studies that found millennials like socialism and others that show they don’t know what it means. "State higher education officials on millennials' grasp of civics."
"Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in"
"Former Republican congressman David Rivera, who has survived separate federal and state criminal investigations, is trying yet again to get back into public office." "Scandal-plagued Rivera mounting legislative comeback."
What's hot, crazy or shady about politics in the Sunshine State
Marc Caputo: "Turned out for what? The Trump Effect in the primary – Gov. Scott to GOP: back Trump for “unity” – SCANDAL MAN: David Rivera runs again -- Florida woman fights state to keep pet gator." "Florida Playbook."
Privatizing pollworker paychecks
"Orange County issued more than $200,000 in worthless paychecks to 1,300 pollworkers who staffed election precincts Tuesday, a blunder Supervisor of Elections Bill Cowles blamed on a processing error by ADP, the private company who manages the office's payroll duties." "Orange County issues worthless checks to pollworkers."
So much for that "favorite son" malarkey
"Trumped: Rubio bolts White House campaign after big Florida loss." See also "Trump Routs Rubio in Florida," "Clinton, Trump win big in Florida, Rubio bows out," "Marco Rubio drops out after Florida defeat at hands of Donald Trump," "How Marco Rubio’s campaign collapsed after never really taking off" and "Rubio Bows Out After Losing to Trump in Florida."
The Miami Herald editors: "Campaign over, but Rubio’s job isn’t done."
"Sea rise could force millions in Florida to adapt or flee"
"Sea-level rise, a problem exacerbated by greenhouse gas emissions, could disrupt the lives of more than 13 million people in the United States, three times more than most current estimates, according to a study published Monday. . . . Of the projected population at risk, nearly 50 percent will be in Florida, and an additional twenty percent in other parts of the southeastern United States." "Sea rise could force millions in Florida to adapt or flee, study finds."
"What's hot, crazy or shady about politics in the Sunshine State"
Marc Caputo: "What’s next for Rubio after Florida thumping? – Florida makes Trump, Clinton de facto nominees – AutoNation CEO is Audi from GOP -- Gov. Scott unveils budget veto list – Hialeah cops’ flamingo folly." "Florida Playbook."
Winners and Losers
Kevin Derby: "Florida Primary Winners and Losers."
Clinton rolls
"Trump, Clinton run up score in Florida." See also "Clinton Easily Handles Sanders in Florida."
"Not enough ballots were printed"
"Voting hours will not be extended in six Orange County cities where not enough ballots were printed, a spokeswoman for Supervisor of Elections Bill Cowles' office said." "No voting extension in Orange, despite ballot mistake."
Meanwhile, "Florida election officials: Trump’s name not left off ballot."
Budget blues
"Gov. Rick Scott announces what he’s going to veto from Florida’s budget" and "Most Tampa-area projects spared Scott's veto, but Pasco college hit."
Here we go again: open primaries
Beth Kassab: "It's time for open primaries in Florida."