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Previous Articles by Derek Newton: Ten Things Fox on Line 1 Stem Cells are Intelligent Design Katrina Spin No Can't Win Perhaps the Most Important Race Senate Outlook The Nelson Thing Deep, Dark Secret Smart Boy Bringing Guns to a Knife Fight Playing to our Strength  

The Blog for Saturday, September 03, 2016

FlaGOP worries that SoFla Hispanics will flee Party

    "As Florida’s primary election results sank in Wednesday, both parties shifted attention to the main event: the November election, where the dominant factor is Donald Trump."
    In fights for seats in the state Legislature, one-sided primaries Tuesday sent many new faces to the Capitol, taking those seats off the political chessboard.
    "That shrinks the battleground to fewer places — mostly in Miami, Tampa Bay and along the I-4 corridor. Changing demographics and stronger two-party competition mean either side can win in a high-turnout presidential election — especially with the wildly unpredictable Trump at the top of the Republican ticket."
    Encouraged by Republican resistance to Trump’s hard-edged message, Democrats like their chances in open Senate seats in Tampa and Gainesville and against a Republican in Miami in an area where Democrats have the advantage in voter registration.

    What worries establishment Republicans is that Trump’s divisive talk, especially about immigration, will force many South Florida Hispanics to flee the Republican Party.

    "Trump’s tone at the top looms over GOP hopefuls in down-ballot Florida races."

    Clinton beating Trump in Florida, 51 to 1

    "On Aug. 8, the Donald Trump campaign said its first two dozen campaign field offices would open across Florida within two weeks. Since then, not a single new Trump office has opened in America’s biggest battleground state, but Hillary Clinton’s campaign added another 32." "Hillary Clinton beating Donald Trump in Florida, 51 offices to 1."

    Write-in games

    "Palm Beach County Commissioner Shelley Vana, who got only 29.7 percent Tuesday in the nonpartisan race for county property appraiser, has left the Democratic Party because local party leaders didn’t weigh in against a write-in candidate whose entrance shifted the date of the election." "Palm Beach County Commissioner Shelley Vana leaves Democratic Party."

    "What's hot, crazy or shady about politics in the Sunshine State"

    Marc Caputo: "Hurricane Hermine hits – Trump has more campaign offices in Israel than Florida – Zika menaces Miami Beach – Broward County: lowest in primary voter turnout." "Florida Playbook."

    Heaven help us

    "Obama finds an ally in Wal-Mart, whose stores he once shunned."

    Meanwhile, "Police are called to Walmart more than anywhere else — and you foot the bill."

    Recount over

    "Recount over: St. Petersburg’s Darryl Rouson is the victor in Senate District 19 battle."

    The bitter end

    "Donald Trump is unqualified for the presidency, Mike Fernandez, a top Jeb Bush and Rick Scott donor, said Thursday, announcing that he’ll be voting across party lines for Hillary Clinton in November." "Top Jeb Bush donor says he's with Clinton."

    A SoFla thing

    "In mayoral race, loyal donors asked to give again — to the enemy."

    Size doesn't matter

    640 Floridians who supported Rubio financially "have given to Trump since the primary, a Tampa Bay Times analysis of campaign finance data shows. That illustrates Trump's appeal among dedicated Republicans in the state."

    By contrast, only 113 donors to former Gov. Jeb Bush have given to Trump since Bush withdrew from presidential contention in February.
    "Marco Rubio's former Florida donors shift financial support to Donald Trump."