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Previous Articles by Derek Newton: Ten Things Fox on Line 1 Stem Cells are Intelligent Design Katrina Spin No Can't Win Perhaps the Most Important Race Senate Outlook The Nelson Thing Deep, Dark Secret Smart Boy Bringing Guns to a Knife Fight Playing to our Strength  

The Blog for Saturday, March 19, 2005

"Completely Un-Republican", Actually

    Meanwhile, in Tally the GOoPers are eating their own:
    "Some of us have been getting threatening phone calls and threatening e-mails, calling us very nasty names," said a weeping Sen. Nancy Argenziano, one of nine Republicans who voted Thursday to kill an amendment that other Republicans hoped to pass in time to keep Schiavo fed.

    Argenziano said she respected the bill's sponsor, Sen. Daniel Webster, for "doing what he believes" but tearfully beseeched Webster and Christian conservatives who made the threats to "please respect my fundamental belief: I don't want to keep anybody from getting to heaven."
    Webster could care less:
    Webster, a Baptist from Winter Garden who home-schooled his six children, refused to bring his bill up for a vote Friday because he said it was "defective." But he vowed to keep it on the Senate calendar until Schiavo died, more as a tribute to her than out of an expectation of ultimate approval. ...

    Lawmakers who voted against either measure, including those whose comments were put into the record in the House at Majority Leader Marco Rubio's request, will have to defend their actions to their constituents, Webster said.

    That troubles some Republicans who may have opposition in the 2006 primary.
    In the meantime, GOoPer Argenziano needs a reality check:
    Argenziano, a Catholic from Dunnellon, and Sen. Jim King, a former Senate president who led the GOP bloc against Webster's bill, were among those demonized by abortion opponents such as the National Right to Life Committee, who hurled electronic epithets such as "Murderer!" and threatened that they would "burn in Hell."

    "It's completely un-Republican," said Argenziano, who has a copy of former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman's book, It's My Party, Too, on her desk.

    She blames the Christian conservative "machine" for "imposing their will on everybody else. ... There's no room for anybody that doesn't agree with them."
    "Venom over Schiavo case imperils GOP solidarity". Wake up Ms. Argenziano, what Republican party are you talking about? This wingnuttery is not "completely un-Republican", but rather is the essence - the heart and soul - of "Jeb!"'s Florida GOP.

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