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Previous Articles by Derek Newton: Ten Things Fox on Line 1 Stem Cells are Intelligent Design Katrina Spin No Can't Win Perhaps the Most Important Race Senate Outlook The Nelson Thing Deep, Dark Secret Smart Boy Bringing Guns to a Knife Fight Playing to our Strength  

The Blog for Thursday, March 24, 2005

Schiavo Update

    State Court Proceedings: The proceedings before Judge Greer are not over, "He'll rule today on the merits of the motion filed by the state." See also "Judge mulls state request for Schiavo custody". From the NY Times:
    After a series of legal and legislative setbacks to efforts to resume the feeding of Terri Schiavo, Gov. Jeb Bush succeeded on Wednesday in getting a state court to hear new motions in her case, presenting an affidavit from a neurologist who said Ms. Schiavo's brain damage appeared less severe than previously thought.

    Judge Greer did not rule on their request immediately, but he granted a request from Ms. Schiavo's husband, Michael, to bar the state's Department of Children and Families from removing her from the hospice where she has gone six days without her feeding tube and from providing her with nutrition or hydration.

    George Felos, the lawyer for Mr. Schiavo, who had sought to end life support for his brain-damaged wife, said he had heard "credible" rumors that state officials planned to send doctors to the hospice to give Ms. Schiavo intravenous fluids. Judge Greer also directed state sheriffs to take whatever actions were necessary to enforce the order.
    "Schiavo's Parents Appeal to the Supreme Court on Feeding Tube".From the AP:
    The desperate battle to keep Terri Schiavo alive was dealt a number of severe blows Wednesday, leading to a remarkable late-day showdown between a circuit court judge and the governor's office. ...

    But by late afternoon, badged state agents were said to be en route to Schiavo's hospice to seize the severely brain-damaged woman and transport her to a hospital to reinsert her tube.

    In what may be remembered as a classic face-off between the judiciary and the executive branch, Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge George Greer issued an order prohibiting any state agent from touching her.
    "Schiavo case heads to U.S. Supreme Court". See also "Judicial And Executive Branches Wrangle Over New Medical Opinion". See also "Neurologists disagree with state specialist on Terri's brain damage".

    More on the state specialist and the Christian Medical Association here (scroll down to "Press Conference" discussion).

    Federal Court Litigation: "Schiavo's parents take appeal to Supreme Court". See also "High court only hope for Schiavo parents" and "High court has little history on ending life".

    Florida Legislature: As the media reported yesterday afternoon, the "Florida Senate rejects bill to keep Schiavo alive". See also "Senate rejects Schiavo bill intended to let court prevail".

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