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Previous Articles by Derek Newton: Ten Things Fox on Line 1 Stem Cells are Intelligent Design Katrina Spin No Can't Win Perhaps the Most Important Race Senate Outlook The Nelson Thing Deep, Dark Secret Smart Boy Bringing Guns to a Knife Fight Playing to our Strength  

The Blog for Saturday, June 18, 2005

Schiavo Investigation

    There's a conflagration in the blogosphere over the newest Schiavo developments. Check out the discussion at dKos and more particularly here.

    Today's coverage: The Orlando Sentinel has this today:
    Embarking on what may be a politically risky path, Gov. Jeb Bush reopened Terri Schiavo's case Friday by asking a prosecutor to review a perceived delay by her husband in seeking medical help after her collapse 15 years ago.
    "Governor seeks probe of Schiavo's collapse" (Orlando Sentinel). And the prosecutor has "agreed" to "Jeb!"'s request:
    Bush said Friday that the state attorney for Pinellas and Pasco counties agreed to "take a fresh look at this case" after the governor sent him a letter saying that the autopsy report released Wednesday and previous statements by Michael Schiavo left unanswered a "gap" between Schiavo's discovery of his collapsed wife and a subsequent 911 call in 1990.
    "Governor seeks probe of Schiavo's 1990 collapse" (Palm Beach Post). Political developments:
    Bush's call for an investigation drew criticism from Democrats and even a few Republicans. State Sen. Michael Bennett, one of nine Republicans who joined with Democrats in blocking a bill this past spring that was aimed at keeping Schiavo's feeding tube in place, said the public and the family need the matter to end.

    "The issue has been drug through every court throughout the state. I think that's enough," said Bennett, a Brandeton Republican.

    Other Republicans offered lukewarm support for Bush's action and Attorney General Charlie Crist was notably absent from the debate, as he has been for months. Crist, the state's top law enforcement official and a Republican candidate for governor, did not respond to repeated requests on Friday for comment.
    "State attorney to probe time of husband's call to 911" (Miami Herald). See also "Gov. Bush asks prosecutor to probe alleged Schiavo discrepancies" (AP) and "Governor reopens Schiavo case" (Sun Sentinel).

    What's Being Investigated? The "substance" of the new "investigation" is addressed in this St Pete Times piece today: "Husband's timeline expected to clear review" ("Michael Schiavo's account of what happened the morning his wife collapsed withstood previous scrutiny.")

    Prosecutor: There is "Definitely a Discrepancy": You would think a decent prosecutor would politely pass on "Jeb!"'s request. SA McCabe not only "accepted" the request (see above), but,
    Bruce Bartlett, McCabe's chief assistant, said his office would look into what he called "definitely a discrepancy with the time."
    Incredibly, the SA apparently thinks there's something worth investigating.

    Is "Jeb!" Dissembling Yet Again? We have previously addressed "Jeb!"'s apparent dissembling in initiating the FDLE kidnapping attempt of Ms. Schiavo ("Did 'Jeb!' Lie About Shiavo Abuse?") In short, "Jeb!" precipitated a near constitutional crisis based on, as it turns out, was obviously false representations of "new information" of abuse. The media gave "Jeb!" a pass.

    Now, he's doing it again. Yesterday, "Jeb!" carried on about new information obtained in the autopsy and based thereon obtained the "agreement" of the Pinellas and Pasco Counties to investigate the matter. But what's "new" here? Nothing it seems. As the St Pete Times reports today, Michael "Schiavo's account of what happened the morning his wife collapsed withstood previous scrutiny.") Perhaps the media will ask "Jeb!" to explain precisely what it is that has been newly discovered that necessitates the expenditure of public monies on an overtly political investigation?

    Editorial Coverage: The St Pete Times puts it bluntly: "Jeb!"
    indulged his worst impulses by asking prosecutors to review the circumstances surrounding Terri Schiavo's collapse 15 years ago. It is a callous, arrogant, defiant act by a stubborn governor who can't accept facts at odds with his own views.
    "Move on, Gov. Bush" ("governor is trying to justify his previous interference in the Terri Schiavo case by asking prosecutors to review the circumstances of her 1990 collapse.") This editorial today in the Palm Beach Post was apparently written before "Jeb!" requested the investigation, "Autopsy debunks abuse, doesn't end exploitation":
    In the Terri Schiavo case, the Bushes and other Republicans showed contempt for the Constitution, the courts and science, all of which is depressingly normal behavior. They still won't admit that they were wrong. They won't admit even that they miscalculated. They are ignoring reality. The autopsy vindicates the Florida judges who spent so much time with this most difficult of cases and the federal judges who upheld them. This very personal decision still belongs where it belongs — with families, not politicians. End of story.
    Actually, not the "end of story", but the beginning of a new chapter.

    Additional Links: at Political Bloviation (scroll down). Blogwood has this: "Jeb! panders to base". The Day Shift: "The circus continues". SpaceCoastWeb has much more.

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