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Older posts [back to 2002]

Previous Articles by Derek Newton: Ten Things Fox on Line 1 Stem Cells are Intelligent Design Katrina Spin No Can't Win Perhaps the Most Important Race Senate Outlook The Nelson Thing Deep, Dark Secret Smart Boy Bringing Guns to a Knife Fight Playing to our Strength  

The Blog for Friday, August 05, 2005

It's Harris - Nelson - UPDATED 8/5/05

    On Wednesday afternoon, the AP reported that
    House Speaker Allan Bense won't challenge U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, saying Wednesday he believes a campaign would take away from his commitment to the House.

    The White House, Gov. Jeb Bush and the National Republican Senatorial Committee all encouraged Bense to get in the race to see who will challenge Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson.
    "House Speaker Bense: Won't Run for U.S. Senate". In the meantime, the GOoPer dissing of Katherine Harris continues:
    Now the question is whether another candidate will be recruited for the Republican primary.

    "We've been talking to different people and Allan Bense was one of them," said Brian Nick, a spokesman for the NRSC, the group that recruits Republican Senate candidates and raises money for them. "The fact that people are expressing interest leads me to believe they are truly weighing the race. It wouldn't be out of the question to see somebody else get in."

    U.S. Rep. Mark Foley, who was a Senate candidate for the 2004 election before withdrawing when his father was diagnosed with cancer, might be one of them.
    You can be sure Foley is being promised the moon. See also "Bense Bows Out".

    Updated 8/4/05: Thursday's coverage of yesterday's story, first reported by AP (excerpted above) - "Bense decides not to join race for U.S. Senate", "Bense won't run for Senate", "Bense decides against Senate run" ("Harris could still face GOP challenger"), "Florida House speaker backs off GOP primary race against Harris", "House speaker won't challenge Harris" and "Bense to sit out race for Nelson's Senate seat".

    Updated 8/5/05: And the race is on:
    With 15 months on the calendar to convince voters she is not a polarizing vestige of the 2000 election, U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris officially opens her campaign for the U.S. Senate in Sarasota on Tuesday.
    "Harris begins Senate battle". See also "Harris is Listening".

    Regarding Harris' conduct in 2000:
    Harris campaign manager Jim Dornan said ... "Moderates at the end of the day will see that what Katherine Harris did in 2000 is exactly what the law called for."
    "Path clears a bit for Harris in Senate race".

    For the moment, Dems can sit back and enjoy the "GOP identity crisis"
    As state Republican leaders search for a successor to Gov. Bush, it is unclear whether the party will moderate or grow even more conservative.
    I suspect the latter.

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