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The Blog for Saturday, August 06, 2005

Davis' Top Ten Eight Reasons ...

    "he'll be the next governor":
    1. Like the Tampa Bay Lightning, I'm at my best in the fourth quarter of the ninth inning of a football game where the shot clock is winding down.

    2. My wife Peggy says women find a guy sexy who can recite Medicaid reimbursement rates.

    3. Instead of policy debates about the future of our state, I'll beat my opponents in Fear Factor and XBox.

    4. My wardrobe of 23 blue shirts, 17 pairs of of khakis and 10 blue blazers were personally selected by the guys from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

    5. I am not afraid to lose my tan - if I ever get one.

    6. I'm as good a singer as Bob Graham.

    7. While Gov. Jeb Bush is still using e-mail, I'll make sure all 17-million Floridians know my IM screen name.

    8. Unlike this current administration, I'll take the for sale sign off the state Capitol.
    "Davis' Top 8".

Note to Readers

    Light posting Monday through Saturday. In the meantime, please participate in the active discussions about Campbell's candidacy (immediately below), the Florida Senate outlook and/or our general discussion forum.

    Or, use this as an open thread.

Voting Rights

    "We fought. We won. But how far have we come?":
    A Tallahassee Democrat analysis of voter turnout for the 2004 presidential election found that, statewide, blacks were 9 percent less likely to go to the polls than the voting population as a whole once they registered to vote. In fact, voter turnout for blacks was lower in all 65 counties that collected that data except one, Osceola.

    Black-voter turnout ranged from 48.8 percent for Highlands County, one of the lowest, to 79.1 percent for Jefferson County, the highest.

    In comparison, turnout for all voters ranged from 57.3 percent for Hendry County, the lowest, to 81.9 percent for Flagler County, the highest.
    See also "Activists To Celebrate Voting Rights".

By the Way ...

    as related in the above-quoted piece, did you know that
    "African-American voting participation is generally 5 percent to 10 percent below the majority population, and that's why nobody [to wit: the State of Florida] wants to keep this data," [Leon SOE Ion] Sancho said. ...

    Jenny Nash, spokeswoman for the Secretary of State's office, which includes the Division of Elections, was on vacation this week. Despite repeated phone calls to the department and a request to speak with Secretary of State Glenda Hood, the Democrat was told repeatedly over the course of a week that no one but Nash could respond to Sancho's comments.


    "Forgotten tape law comes back to haunt us".

Times Hearts Charlie

    "Since taking over the attorney general's post in 2003, Crist has made consumer protection a priority in his office. He calls the job "the people's lawyer" and for the most part has lived up to that job description. Though ultimately unsuccessful, Crist sued to block massive telephone rate hikes approved by the state Legislature. He is also credited with assisting consumer advocates in a 2003 dispute with Progress Energy." "The people's lawyer".

Davis Speech

    in St. Pete:
    "If you are looking for a candidate for governor who's going to spend the next year tearing down the Bushes, I am not your candidate," he told a largely friendly Suncoast Tiger Bay Club crowd in St. Petersburg. ...

    The Tampa congressman painted Tallahassee as controlled by special interests. He said he would remove the "for sale" sign on the Capitol, promote open debate, and "make sure the people's voice is heard again in Tallahassee."
    "Davis vows to pull Capitol 'for sale' sign".

The Blog for Friday, August 05, 2005

It's Harris - Nelson - UPDATED 8/5/05

    On Wednesday afternoon, the AP reported that
    House Speaker Allan Bense won't challenge U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, saying Wednesday he believes a campaign would take away from his commitment to the House.

    The White House, Gov. Jeb Bush and the National Republican Senatorial Committee all encouraged Bense to get in the race to see who will challenge Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson.
    "House Speaker Bense: Won't Run for U.S. Senate". In the meantime, the GOoPer dissing of Katherine Harris continues:
    Now the question is whether another candidate will be recruited for the Republican primary.

    "We've been talking to different people and Allan Bense was one of them," said Brian Nick, a spokesman for the NRSC, the group that recruits Republican Senate candidates and raises money for them. "The fact that people are expressing interest leads me to believe they are truly weighing the race. It wouldn't be out of the question to see somebody else get in."

    U.S. Rep. Mark Foley, who was a Senate candidate for the 2004 election before withdrawing when his father was diagnosed with cancer, might be one of them.
    You can be sure Foley is being promised the moon. See also "Bense Bows Out".

    Updated 8/4/05: Thursday's coverage of yesterday's story, first reported by AP (excerpted above) - "Bense decides not to join race for U.S. Senate", "Bense won't run for Senate", "Bense decides against Senate run" ("Harris could still face GOP challenger"), "Florida House speaker backs off GOP primary race against Harris", "House speaker won't challenge Harris" and "Bense to sit out race for Nelson's Senate seat".

    Updated 8/5/05: And the race is on:
    With 15 months on the calendar to convince voters she is not a polarizing vestige of the 2000 election, U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris officially opens her campaign for the U.S. Senate in Sarasota on Tuesday.
    "Harris begins Senate battle". See also "Harris is Listening".

    Regarding Harris' conduct in 2000:
    Harris campaign manager Jim Dornan said ... "Moderates at the end of the day will see that what Katherine Harris did in 2000 is exactly what the law called for."
    "Path clears a bit for Harris in Senate race".

    For the moment, Dems can sit back and enjoy the "GOP identity crisis"
    As state Republican leaders search for a successor to Gov. Bush, it is unclear whether the party will moderate or grow even more conservative.
    I suspect the latter.

Raw Political Courage ...

    and good timing too: "Crist opposes electricity rate increase".

The Blog for Thursday, August 04, 2005


    in the Tampa area are "Choosing Sides".

Strange Science

    "A legislator's plan would use cells from discarded in-vitro embryos. Gov. Bush says he won't support it." "State funding of stem cell studies in bill".

Davis ...

    in Dean-land:
    After taking a friendly jab at Howard Dean, his audience's inspiration, U.S. Rep. Jim Davis fielded some pointed questions Wednesday night on everything from gay marriage to the Patriot Act.

    Davis, a Democrat from Tampa, was campaigning for governor at Latam restaurant at the Centro Asturiano as a guest of Democracy for America, an offshoot of the political organization founded by Howard Dean.

    Davis joked that he didn't agree with most of what Dean says, but the audience gave him a pass and clapped at many of the points he made during his speech.

    However, one person released a mild "boo" when Davis said he personally thinks marriage should be between a man and a woman.

    But he said he opposed a state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, given that Florida law already reserves marriage for people of the opposite sex. He said he thought a similar ban in Ohio was being used for other purposes, like blocking the enforcement of domestic violence laws.
    "Davis dares tweak Dean among fans".

The Blog for Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Bense Says No

    "House Speaker Bense: Won't Run for U.S. Senate". See also "Bense Bows Out".


    "Some Republican strategists hoping U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris might change her mind about running for the U.S. Senate appear to be out of luck. The Sarasota Republican plans to jump with both feet into the race against Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson next week." "Harris Senate campaign set to go".

The Colorization of Katherine

    "Harris Says Newspapers 'Colorized' Photographs, Distorting".

Isn't That Delightful

    "Florida builders and developers are using their political cloutto make it easier to destroy the state's precious wetlands." "The Sunshine State: a developer's paradise".

The Blog for Tuesday, August 02, 2005

"The Buzz"

    As a blog.

Special Session Likely in Oct. or Nov.

    and Senate President Tom Lee met Monday to discuss a possible special legislative session on the issue in October or November.

    The two leaders did not reach a consensus in an afternoon meeting.
    "Special session could focus on slot machines".

Charlie Backtracking on Schiavo Judges

    Charlie's obviously feeling a little GOoper heat for, you know ... showing a little spine:
    "You are heroes to all of us, and your defense of the judiciary and what is right is beyond admirable," Crist told the [Schiavo] judges, who were being honored by the Florida chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates, a group that champions judicial independence.

    Later, Crist told The St. Petersburg Times that he wasn't talking about any specific case..

    Come on, Charlie. The judges were being honored for their work in a politically and morally difficult case, one that led to the death of a woman in a permanent vegetative state. What you said may have been overstated, but you were right. Don't back away from it to appease those voters who would have moved heaven and earth to keep Schiavo alive.
    "Crist Should Stand Tall On Remarks Regarding Schiavo".


    "The state bill, signed into law by Gov. Jeb. Bush on June 21, would shift responsibility for wetlands of 10 acres or less from the Army Corps of Engineers to state agencies. Developers, whose chief lobbyists helped write the bill, complain it takes too long for the corps to approve permits, often more than a year. In contrast, the state Department of Environmental Protection and the water management districts are required to act within 90 days or the permit is automatically approved." "Protecting Florida wetlands".

Kissimee Lawsuit

    "Hispanic and black activists asked a federal court Monday to force Kissimmee to change how city commissioners are elected in an effort to increase political clout for minority voters." "Hispanics sue Kissimmee over elections".

Pre-K Flop

    "Prekindergarten enrolls fewer kids than expected".

Privatization Follies

    "Bids close for sex-offender monitoring". See also "Broward to revisit contract with firm tied to Teele case".


    "The last director of the defunct State Technology Office, [Simone Marstiller] was appointed by Gov. Jeb Bush on Monday to lead the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation." "Agency gets new leadership".

Campbell In AG Race - Updated

    "Ending some of the uncertainty about the 2006 Democratic field, Walter "Skip" Campbell, a wealthy trial lawyer from Broward County, says he is running for Florida attorney general." "Broward lawyer seeks post".

    Updated: From the St. Pete Times:
    While Republican candidates are raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars in the crowded primary for attorney general, Democrats still have nobody running. That should change on Sept. 1.

    "You will have an announcement on Sept. 1 that I'm getting into it unless something major changes," said state Sen. Walter "Skip" Campbell of Tamarac, a wealthy trial lawyer from Democrat-dominated Broward County.

    Former Attorney General Bob Butterworth had been talking to people about running. Campbell said Butterworth won't run, though he might be recruited to run for lieutenant governor. Another potential Democratic candidate is former Miami-Dade Commissioner Jimmy Morales, but Campbell hopes to avoid a primary fight that he said would sap donations from all candidates.

    That subject presumably came up at a private dinner last week at the home of state Sen. Steve Geller of Hallandale Beach. Among the attendees were Campbell, Morales, state Democratic Party chairman Karen Thurman, Sen. Bill Nelson's chief of staff, Pete Mitchell; and state Rep. Dan Gelber, D-Miami Beach.
    "Crowded field for AG post to get 1st Democrat soon".

    Updated August 1: "Jeb's Unimpressed".

    Note: Campbell's AG candidacy has generated considerable discussion. Accordingly, we'll keep the post current and on top for a couple of days.

Autobio of "Jeb!" - Short Version

    While you're waiting for "Jeb!" to write his autobiography, here's a sneak preview:
    "I try to find people who share my beliefs ... " said Bush, announcing Marstiller's new duties. He said he sought someone with a thick skin, "willing to stand against criticism, to do the right thing."
    Yeah, "Jeb!", you have a real "thick skin".

The Blog for Monday, August 01, 2005

August 3 DFA Meetup in Largo

    Details here.

The Blog for Sunday, July 31, 2005

Laff Riot ...

    or Florida GOoPer primary? It's getting hard to tell these days: "Primary seen as test of GOP core".


    "State prosecutors have questioned a fired Miami Herald columnist, trying to determine whether he committed a crime by surreptitiously recording his conversation with a former city official who minutes later killed himself in the newspaper's lobby." "Prosecutors question fired Miami columnist".

    Florida Blog directs us to "Journalists for DeFede".


    Foley: "How High?!?"

"Jeb!" Spares Florida

    So nice of him:
    Add another line to the list of jobs Gov. Jeb Bush isn't interested in in 2006: the Senate seat held by Democrat Bill Nelson.

    Some Republican loyalists, worried that Katherine Harris can't beat the incumbent, were spreading the word last week that the governor, who has already ruled out a presidential run, might be eyeing a Senate race.

    Bush was blunt. "I'm not going to run for the U.S. Senate," he told reporters.
    "The Buzz".

Davis Moves North

    "The Democratic Club of North Florida will host its fifth annual political rally and picnic from 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday at Lee Vause Park. The old-fashioned event will feature gubernatorial candidate U.S. Rep. Jim Davis, D-Tampa" "Democrats will gather for annual picnic and rally".

Wonder What Our Developer Guv ...

    thinks about this:
    Florida's builders and developers have launched a behind-the-scenes campaign to make it easier to wipe out wetlands, using their political clout to get help from state legislators and members of Congress.
    "Wetlands could get easier to destroy".

GOoPers Tackle Tough Issues

    "Tort reform and tax cuts likely lawmaker priorities".

The Above Is To Be Contrasted With ...

    Real political courage, and really tackling a tough issue: "While state lawmakers in Tallahassee steadfastly refuse to raise taxes to improve health care for the uninsured, residents in two Florida counties voted to do just that. Last year, Alachua and Polk counties enacted sales taxes to start medical programs for the uninsured." "Sales taxes used for uninsured health care".

Roberts 2000

    What exactly was Mr. Roberts' role in Florida 2000?
    Maybe it's a case of collective amnesia but for nearly a week none of the current or former members of Gov. Jeb Bush's administration, and many of President Bush's former legal team, could remember the exact role U.S. Supreme Court nominee John Roberts played in the 2000 presidential recount.

    Even the governor, whose steel-trap memory can recite specifics on such things as a negative campaign ad Tom Gallagher ran against him in 1994, couldn't recall much.
    The White House is acting as if it has something to hide:
    Some questioned by The Herald openly admitted they wouldn't talk about Roberts and the recount at the request of the White House.

    John Choon Yoo, the University of California law professor who allegedly accompanied Roberts at a meeting with the governor in November 2000 promised to respond to Herald questions. Then, a day later, he sent this answer: "Unfortunately, I have to say no comment to these questions."
    "Nominee John Roberts' 2000 recount role gets spin but no traction".

"Crist Praises Schiavo Judges" Redux

    Crist's "praise for the Schiavo case's judges wins him the ire of activists and contrasts him with his rival." "Judicial comment sets Crist apart".

    Note: It is worth noting that on July 24 Florida News first reported the rantings of an angry right wing blogger about Crist's scheduled appearance at the event where the remarks were made; this site followed up with confirmation of Crist's appearance and the text of Crist's remarks (from the Miami Business Journal (subscribers only)).

See 'Ya

    "Safeco plans to stop writing Florida homeowner policies".

GOoPer Hot Air ...

    and this time its about clean water:
    When state lawmakers profess commitment to clean water for residents around Lake Okeechobee, they really mean that they're committed to the idea. That's the easy part. As County Commission Chairman Tony Masilotti told The Post recently: "When do you decide quality drinking water isn't the priority? I don't think that ever happens." A financial commitment is the one that matters.

    By not setting aside enough money to help pay for the now-$50 million Lake Region Water Treatment Plant, the state has demonstrated that safe drinking water for the 30,000 residents of Belle Glade, South Bay, Pahokee and surrounding unincorporated areas is not a priority. County commissioners plan to spend $5 million on the plant in the budget year starting Oct. 1. They sought $2.5 million from the state but got only $200,000.
    "Match words with money".

Curious Story

    "A libel suit over a Sports Illustrated story has turned up some details regarding the writer's work as a Florida lobbyist." "He wrote a story, and got exposed".