Stop The Presses!
"The unusual scene - five hotel security staffers and a sheriff's deputy escorting reporters away from where they could hear the governor - occurred in the middle of a speech in which Bush exhorted party activists to spread the word of Republican successes in Florida." "Bush touts his record, but just to his party". See also "Gov. Bush rallies GOP for '06 vote" and "Bush urges state's GOP to build on success".
Another GOoPer Flop
"Florida's 10-20-Life law requiring mandatory sentences for using a gun during a crime has had no effect on the crime rate, according to University of Florida criminologist's recently published study." "Study by University of Florida researcher says 10-20-Life rule hasn't affected crime rate".
Big of Him
"Gov. Jeb Bush told Republicans on Saturday that he will give 'strong support' to Katherine Harris in her bid to win a U.S. Senate seat, the biggest signal yet that party leaders are warming up to her campaign." "Harris wins Bush's support". See also "Fla. Republicans rally around Katherine Harris", "Harris Reaches Out To GOP At Rally" and "Harris rallies faithful after GOP meetings".
"The state's profile in Congress has declined, but a new guard of lawmakers is working to bring back some political muscle." "Fla. delegation looks to rebuild clout at Capitol". See also "The Rookie Delegation" and "Schiavo to chamois, bills reflect a style".
Lincoln Diaz-Balart Embarasses Himself
"U.S. clears Cuba to play in World Classic". See also "A pitch Castro can't hit" ("Ending the bush-league squeeze play was the right call.")
Compromising Florida's Economy
"Bush and conservatives across America are grappling with how to encourage biotech development in ways that don't compromise their religious values." "Moral clash looms as biotech targets South Florida".
Housing Crunch
"South Florida is so far behind in dealing with its middle-class housing crunch that even the terminology is unresolved. Is it an "affordable" housing problem? Or is it more properly a "work-force" or "attainable" housing problem?" "A housing foundation?".
"How about a holiday from state politicians?"
Gallagher Turns Up the Heat Early"
"Thought by many to be trailing Attorney General Charlie Crist in the Republican primary for governor, Tom Gallagher turned up the heat early, trying to show the party base there's an even battle for the nomination." "Gallagher Tries To Even Playing Field".
Making "Bad Tax Policy Worse"
"Save Our Homes has benefitted homeowners who could most afford to pay higher taxes. Making it transferable would make bad tax policy worse." "Mission creep".
Sales Tax Deduction
"The brief sales-tax deduction Floridians have enjoyed illustrates much of what is wrong with federal income tax laws. Congress allowed people to write off their state and local sales taxes for 2004 and 2005, but that's it." "Make Sales-Tax Deduction Permanent".
"Bill goes after four-time drunken drivers, boaters".
Sunshine Law
"As more government business is conducted electronically, watchdogs and critics worry that an important layer of public oversight is being erased." "Sunshine Law tested by tech".
"Florida lawmakers aren't allowed to raise money while the Legislature is in session, yet campaign-finance records show Sen. Rod Smith collected more than $18,000 for his gubernatorial campaign during the four days in December when he and other legislators were meeting to overhaul Medicaid and write rules for slot machines. Turns out, Senate rules make an exception for events that lawmakers can prove were scheduled before a special session is called." "What ban?"
"Why mess with success? Keep Scripps at Abacoa".
NRA Folly
"The last thing a duck hunter wants to think about when he's gearing up for the season is the next election. That's exactly why a proposal to allow people to register to vote when they're getting their hunting or fishing license makes sense." "Not a partisan issue".
Manatee Deaths
"[L]ast year was the second worst on record for manatee deaths in Florida." "A Second Chance".
Choice Politics
"As in many cases where the pesky judiciary is exercising its legal discretion, conservatives want to pare down judges' role in the matter. According to a recent report by The Orlando Sentinel's Maya Bell, state Rep. John Stargel, R-Lakeland, is drafting legislation that would tighten up the 'best interest' standard and, more troubling, give judges more time to consider each waiver -- an unnecessary delay that could endanger the pregnant teen's health." "Abortion".
Starting Time
"In the halcyon days of old, children played hide-and-seek on warm August nights, while parents sipped iced tea on their front porches. Now a national movement is on to return to that tradition -- when schools didn't start until around Labor Day and August was the last leg of summer." "Who decides on early?"
"After serving two decades as a Longwood congressman, Bill McCollum's political trajectory has gone off course the past few years. But Florida Republicans may be ready for his re-entry." "McCollum's political prospects may be on right track".
Homophobes Out In Force Today
"It's the last Sunday to gather petitions at churches in time to be processed and submitted for certification. Florida is home to 2.5 million Catholics and 1.1 million Southern Baptists, [Florida4Marriage Chairman John] Stemberger said. His organization has called 13,000 state churches in recent days and met with 300 pastors urging them to press for more petitions." "Battle Looms For Same-Sex Marriage Ban".
Reminder: the proposed amendment is not limited to same sex marriage.
"Socialized Medicine"
"When Medicare became law four decades ago, Republicans and lots of doctors called it 'socialized medicine.' That sentiment persists among many in this generation of Republicans, who saw the chance to score points with retirees before President Bush ran for reelection and to try a grand privatization experiment." "GOP wants Medicare to D-Part".
Gift Ban
"[T]here must be stricter control of soft-money contributions to parties, which are then free to feather the nests of whatever candidates and causes they want, almost sight unseen." "Creative thinkers will find a way around gift ban".
Answers Please
"Florida Power & Light Co.'s customers need some answers before they are billed for another round of hurricane repairs." "Utilities". See also "Higher winds require higher FPL standards".
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