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Older posts [back to 2002]

Previous Articles by Derek Newton: Ten Things Fox on Line 1 Stem Cells are Intelligent Design Katrina Spin No Can't Win Perhaps the Most Important Race Senate Outlook The Nelson Thing Deep, Dark Secret Smart Boy Bringing Guns to a Knife Fight Playing to our Strength  

The Blog for Monday, March 20, 2006

Privatized Democracy

    The media is at long last waking up to this issue:
    Leon County Supervisor of Elections Ion Sancho's failure to reach an accord with any of the three voting equipment companies that Florida now certifies has served the important purpose of shining a klieg light on a significant weakness in state elections law.

    Why on earth do private companies hold so much sway - with relatively little oversight - in a process so central to democracy?
    "Privatized democracy".

    "Battle Brewing"

    "The battle pits Florida's most powerful businesses against equally formidable personal-injury lawyers. Both sides are already using campaign contributions and heavy arm-twisting to get their way." "Battle brewing on costly lawsuits". See also "Debate over lawsuits revs up as businesses, lawyers try to influence legislators".

    "Fresh Ideas"?

    "Incoming House Speaker Marco Rubio is on a mission to make Tallahassee more relevant to Floridians and inject fresh ideas into his party." "Rubio on GOP mission".

    "Sound retreat from phone-rate increase"

    "Florida lawmakers made a significant mistake three years ago, approving legislation that permitted a $344 million increase in residential phone rates." "Consumers calling".

    Senate Leadership Fight

    "[I]ntrigue has filled the halls of Florida's Senate Office Building for the first two weeks of session, as lawmakers seeking to become Senate president in 2008 and 2010 accuse the others of dirty political attacks and petty killing of legislation as they angle for power. The contests also affect two Senate campaigns this year as hopeful Senate presidents campaign for candidates in two Tampa Bay seats aiming to win their support." "Battle to lead Senate rages". See also "Power plays in state Senate" ("GOP members have the majority, but internecine fighting could threaten that").

    "So Florida voters changed the constitution"

    "Feds didn't do minimum on wages".

    Party Problem

    "There are 40,000 more registered Democrats countywide than there are Republicans. So why does the GOP dominate?" "Political party meetings stark contrast".

    Circumventing The Lame Duck

    "Fiscally conservative GOP lawmakers in Tallahassee seem at last to be realizing that investing in Florida's children makes good economic sense. The Senate Education Appropriations Committee has nixed one of Gov. Jeb Bush's tax-cut ideas to reduce school property taxes by $570 million and instead agreed the money should go to schools for operational costs." "Support for schools". See also "Legislature" ("Senate leaders on Thursday refused to follow Gov. Jeb Bush down the primrose path of excessive tax cuts. ")

    "Red Faces in a Red State"

    The American Spectator:

    Like that world-famous gambler, Lady Godiva, who put everything she had on a horse, Republican Florida Congresswoman Katherine Harris is betting she can use her personal fortune to buy a seat in the United States Senate.

    Maybe she can pull this off.

    And maybe a kangaroo will win the Kentucky Derby this year.
    "Red Faces in a Red State".

    Scripps Bribe Allegation

    "A Palm Beach County Commissioner is accused of taking a bribe in exchange for voting favorably for the controversial Scripps project." "Donation called 'bribe' in Scripps land deal".

    No Fault

    "State lawmakers must feel like they're playing a carnival's ''Whack a Mole'' game each time they ''reform'' Florida's no-fault insurance law. Twice since 2001 lawmakers have enacted laws designed to rein in the rampant fraud and abuse of people who set up fake accidents and file bogus claims for PIP reimbursement of medical bills." "Florida no-fault law is worth saving".

    Determining Voters' "Intent"

    "Ballot review finds voter, tallying flubs".

    May We Suggest, Ahem, ... The Governor

    "Blame game starts for Convergys" ("Democrats, and even Republicans in Leon County's delegation like Argenziano, said from the start that privatizing state personnel would not be as safe, economical and user-friendly as Gov. Jeb Bush promised.")

    Machek May Avoid Primary

    George Bennett reports that Maria Sachs, "[t]he Boca Raton attorney, who last week appeared poised to challenge state Rep. Richard Machek, D-Delray Beach, in a potentially bloody primary, is reconsidering now that Gannon's neighboring state House seat will be open."

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