"When he was considered the front-runner, U.S. Rep. Jim Davis avoided direct references to state Sen. Rod Smith, his opponent in the Democratic primary for governor. That ended Tuesday when the Davis campaign issued the first in a promised series of statements critical of Smith's record on labor issues. ... Today's release is expected to focus on Smith's votes for the troubled contract with Convergys, a private company that now handles employee payroll and benefits." "Davis Takes Off Gloves In Primary".
"The Democratic Message"
The Dems have a "platform". "FDP Says: 'Democrats United'".
"Democrats plan to tour the state this week, promoting a party message on issues like education and insurance that they hope will garner votes in November's elections. ... Democrats will head to Fort Lauderdale, Miami Gardens, Jacksonville and Tampa to bring their message to those cities. At a Tallahassee press conference, they focused mainly on class size and hurricane insurance." "State Democrats plan tour".
Fourth-Grade Reading and Math Scores Down
"Statewide reading and math scores have dropped among fourth-graders for the first time since the FCAT was launched five years ago." "Hand in hand".
Education Top Issue
"A recent poll in the Tampa Bay area by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research for The Tampa Tribune shows education topping the concerns of hundreds of residents". "Poll Shows Education Is Concern Locally".
"Lawmakers should pay close attention to Florida adoption lawyers who fear a judicial opinion issued earlier this month could once again threaten the security of adoptions." "Case Points Out Weakness In Florida's Adoption Law".
Arranging The Deck Chairs
"The Department of Management Services announced a series of management changes Tuesday, including promotion of a veteran executive to set up the new Council on Efficient Government that will evaluate government privatization projects." "DMS picks council leader".
"Billboard Pollution"
"Thirteen Southeastern states, including Florida, want an exemption to the Highway Beautification Act to allow the rebuilding of all billboards damaged during recent hurricanes, even those that failed to meet regulations on size and siting." "Making Billboard Pollution Eternal".
"Prince of Porkchoppers"
"The victim of an SUV accident last week is remembered as 'the most popular politician in Florida' during the 1960s and early 1970s." "Florida politicians recall 'prince of porkchoppers'".
"After six decades, the state is set to overturn a law that forbids the reselling of tickets for more than $1 above face value. A bill that passed the House and Senate in the recent session calls for nothing short of legalized scalping. If signed into law by Gov. Jeb Bush, it will impose no penalties for selling a ticket at any price, provided the seller offers certain protections, including a refund if the event is canceled." "Florida close to legalizing scalping".
"The National Education Association Fund for Children and Public Education, the political action committee of the National Education Association, has officially endorsed Gus Bilirakis’ candidacy in Florida’s Ninth Congressional District." "NEA Backs Bilirakis".
"U.S. Rep. Allen Boyd told retirees Tuesday that American security in the world economy depends on how well the nation handles the impending retirement of the post-World War II generation and the stress it will put on Social Security and Medicare. ... In Congress, Boyd has co-sponsored a bill with Rep. Jim Kolbe, R-Ariz., to allow younger workers to divert part of their Social Security taxes into private accounts. But like President Bush's plans for changing the system, the Boyd-Kolbe bill went nowhere." "Boyd: We must focus on retirees".
"As a state and federal investigation of Sheriff Ken Jenne and his agency intensifies, the mystery deepens. If Jenne is 'anxious to clear' his name, as he has said, why does he remain silent?" "Ken Jenne".
GOoPers Restrict Foriegn Travel
"A civil rights group criticized a new law, signed Tuesday by Gov. Jeb Bush, that restricts colleges and universities from using state funds for travel to countries classified as terrorist states by the U.S. government." "ACLU raps new law banning state-paid travel to terrorist nation". See also "Law bans travel to `terrorist states'".
Silver Springs
"Pollution, homes loom over Silver Springs".
"$400 million in business tax breaks"
"Five economic development bills signed into law Tuesday by Gov. Jeb Bush include about $400 million in business tax breaks and will increase state spending for research and development and space activities." "Bush signs bills to provide $400 million in tax breaks". See also "Governor signs high-tech incentives package".
"Politicians who misuse their office for personal gain should not get a pass from possible prosecution by leaving office. Subpoenas issued by federal prosecutors are a welcome sign that Palm Beach County Commission Chairman Tony Masilotti's land deals, which The Palm Beach Post exposed, will be scrutinized." "'Chairman' Masilotti? Title no longer credible".
"He's more of a clown than a leader. Now he's the focus of a federal probe. The FBI and IRS are looking into questionable land deals, including one that secretly netted his family $1.3 million in profit, and the question looms large as to whether Masilotti used his public position to push the deal through." "Remove Masilotti as chair".
"Dems Label GOP as 'Corrupt'"
"A Quinnipiac University poll released last week showed only 1 percent of likely voters named "political corruption" as the most important problem in the state. Nearly 20 percent named education, with immigration and hurricanes rounding out the top three." "Dems Label GOP as 'Corrupt'".
Smith On A Roll
"The Alachua state senator's campaign has been on a roll for about a month since he helped forge two coalitions that defeated two of Gov. Jeb Bush's legislative priorities on education. One blocked lawmakers from putting a constitutional amendment allowing private school vouchers on November's ballot. The other would have weakened a class-size reduction amendment voters approved in 2002." "Opponent Makes Inroads On Davis' Home Turf".
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