"Moderation is risky in a Republican primary where Christian conservative activists account for an estimated one-third or more of the party vote." "Crist, Gallagher court right-wing vote in their race for governor".
Five Gears In Reverse
After uncritically repeating Jebbie's ridiculous self serving blather about the crime rate, someone is finally calling him on it:
The problem of violent crime requires careful analysis from officials -- not shameful political responses like the one offered last week by Gov. Jeb Bush.
Mr. Bush credited gun owners for helping lower crime statewide. Said the well-known firearms advocate: "Law-abiding citizens that have guns for protection actually probably are part of the reason we have a lower crime rate."
Your evidence, governor?
Well, he was just expressing his opinion, backpedaled his spokesman.
"The wrong answer".
Sarasota GOoPers to Endorse Harris?
"State and national Republicans may have been slow to support U.S. Senate candidate Katherine Harris, but Republicans in her home county aren't giving up on her. On Thursday, Eric Robinson, the vice chairman of the Sarasota County Republican Party, said he will push a vote to endorse Harris over the three Republicans running against her in a Sept. 5 primary." "Local GOP may endorse Harris".
That Explains It
"It is one of the more flabbergasting characteristics of life in Florida. Whether it is explained by apathy, workloads or cynicism, not enough folks stand up and speak for themselves." "Insurance".
Housing Crisis
"Among the findings of the $100,000 study: About 90 percent of households can't afford to buy a home at the current median sales price of $392,900; the gap between the median price and the ability of a typical household to pay is $209,000; 70 percent of large employers have difficulty hiring and retaining employees because of the housing crunch, which pushes some people to Martin and St. Lucie counties." "".
"A Modest Change"
"For years, most campaigning Democrats have held Florida's gay community at arm's length, acknowledging common interests privately but rarely publicly. On Saturday night, several leading Democrats running for state office spoke, patted shoulders and shook hands with more than 100 gay Democrats on a fourth floor roof of the Doubletree Hotel, signaling a modest change in the way Democratic candidates are treating the state's gay community." And give Rod Smith credit for this line:
"I don't know if it's just my North Florida twang, but I was asked when I came in here today, 'How comfortable are ya?' Well, I hope you won't quit me," Smith said.
There was a silence after that remark, which references a line from Brokeback Mountain, the movie about two cowboys in love. Then the crowd roared.
"Gays elevate party identity".
In the meantime, Davis is picking up the endorsements: "Gay leaders in Broward endorse Davis".
Dozier a GOoPer "Hero"
When the Rev. O'Neal Dozier called Islam "a cult" and derided Muslims as "terrorists," he damaged his relationship with Gov. Jeb Bush, whose office urged Dozier to resign from the Broward County Judicial Nominating Commission.
Dozier's comments also likely tarnished his image among high-level Republican politicians who in recent years increasingly sought his blessing to sway black voters from their historic allegiance to the Democratic Party.
"Tarnished his image among" GOoPers? Not hardly; some GOoPerssay he has sealed his credentials as a strong Christian leader whom Republican officials must continue courting. ...
Dozier, who twice last year advised President Bush at the White House -- to discuss Social Security and AIDS in Africa -- still has clout in Republican circles. His standing is such that the leading Republican gubernatorial candidate, Attorney General Charlie Crist, whom Dozier supports, has not repudiated him.
Crist's deputy press secretary, Erin Isaac, said her boss does not agree with Dozier's comments on Muslims but is "happy to have his support." ...
"I think it's going to make him stronger," said Carolyn Kennedy of the Broward Republican Executive Committee, a member of Dozier's church. "People know he's not wishy-washy."
Kennedy, membership chairwoman of the Jerome E. Gray Republican Club, insists Dozier is not politically dead.
"Absolutely not," she said. "In some eyes he's a hero."
"Pompano minister wins fans among fundamentalists, but loses support in GOP".
"Few other Florida governors have made foreign trade such a priority. Since taking office, Bush has visited nearly 30 counties from Peru to Thailand on trade missions attended by nearly 1,700 business leaders who the governor's office estimates have come away with nearly $705 million in new business." "Michael Peltier: Jeb travels to Britain to stir up trade as primaries intensify".
With all due respect, these boondoggles are excuses for Jebbie and "business leaders" to share face time in return for campaign contributions - and what evidence is there other than Jebbie's "say so" that these trips actually resulted in "$705 million in new business"?
Housing Crisis
"Among the findings of the $100,000 [Palm Beach County] study: About 90 percent of households can't afford to buy a home at the current median sales price of $392,900; the gap between the median price and the ability of a typical household to pay is $209,000; 70 percent of large employers have difficulty hiring and retaining employees because of the housing crunch, which pushes some people to Martin and St. Lucie counties." "Take the lead on housing".
Running Government Like A Business
"In a letter last month to Florida DCF Secretary Lucy Hadi, a federal administrator warned that a preliminary audit covering October 2005 through January 2006 indicated that Florida could be headed for the worst food-stamp error rate in the nation." "State food-stamp errors mount".
Such a Nuisance
"Gov. Bush and the Republican-led Legislature often treat the state constitution as a nuisance, particularly when the issue is education. Most recently, Gov. Bush signed a constitutionally questionable law taking control over charter schools away from local school boards." "Sue over charter schools".
Randall Terry
"Randall Terry, an anti-abortion activist who became a national figure in the 1980s with his in-your-face tactics, came to Tallahassee last year to try to prevent the death of Schiavo, a brain-damaged woman whose husband had removed her feeding tube. Jim King, a longtime Republican lawmaker who didn't think the state should get involved in such a personal matter, helped block Terry's efforts. From that, a political campaign began. But as Terry tries to unseat King this summer in a Senate district that includes parts of Volusia and Flagler counties, the race is shaping up to be about more than the Schiavo ordeal." "Veteran lawmaker, activist battle for GOP vote".
Taking Responsibility ...
for one's actions - another empty GOoPer mantra: "In pleading guilty to taking $130,000 in kickbacks last week, former Department of Corrections Secretary Jim Crosby said he is being treated for alcohol abuse. He also said he doesn't expect pity - it's not like he got drunk and accidentally shook down a company doing business with the prisons. It may be an act to shave a year off of whatever sentence he gets by going into rehab." "'Macho' drinking hurt DOC".
"The senate candidate is having a cancer check. Doctors say she could be campaigning again within 10 days – or, if the news is bad, 4 weeks." "Katherine Harris Surgery Today".
Corps Reform
"A bipartisan Senate proposal to overhaul the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers deserves approval to eliminate some of Congress' most nefarious pork-barrel spending and improve the process that determines which projects are worthwhile. The Corps builds and maintains the nation's navigable waterways, flood-control programs and environmental restoration projects like the monumental Everglades replumbing." "Corps overhaul is good for Florida".
Florida National Guard Stretched Thin
"With equipment shortages, the Florida National Guard is scurrying to stay prepared to handle multiple storms at the same time during the hurricane season." "Guard low on relief trucks ".
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