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Mason Dixon Poll
- "With just five days left before the primary, Rod Smith is closing the gap on his chief rival, Jim Davis, in the Democratic race for governor, according to an Orlando Sentinel poll released Thursday."On the Republican side, Charlie Crist holds what looks to be an insurmountable lead over Tom Gallagher, the Mason-Dixon Polling & Research survey found.
The poll has Davis, a congressman from Tampa, with 40 percent of the vote, compared with 33 percent for Smith, a state senator from Alachua. That's less than half of the 15-point lead Davis held in a similar survey just last month -- before Smith's supporters launched a series of ads attacking him on various issues.
More than a quarter of likely Democratic voters still haven't picked their candidate, the poll found. "Smith gains on Davis in primary" See also "Poll: Smith closing gap; Crist way up".
- "With three days until Florida's primary election, U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris holds a comfortable 17-point lead over her nearest opponent in the GOP race for the U.S. Senate." "Harris holds comfortable lead, but opponents gaining". See also "Harris maintains comfortable lead".
- Another Chamber Poll: "Today, the Florida Chamber of Commerce released a statewide poll that reveals substantial movement for both Republican Gubernatorial candidates. In contrast to the Florida Chamber poll on Friday, August 25, Attorney General Charlie Crist has considerably shifted from 39 to 48 percent, and CFO Tom Gallagher has moved from 29 to 36 percent. The undecided voters, which previously accounted for one-third of the respondents, have decreased from 29 to 14 percent. ... Conducted by InsiderAdvantage/Majority Opinion Research on August 30-31,2006, this poll was a phone survey of 300 likely voters in the Republican primary. It was weighted for age, race, gender and geographic distribution with a sampling error of plus or minus 6 percent. In contrast to other recently conducted polls, only respondents who replied were "definitely" voting were included in the results." "New chamber poll".
Divided Loyalties
"Two issues are defining the last days of the Democratic race for governor: Rod Smith's perceived alliance with Big Sugar, and Jim Davis' vote in a wrongful conviction case years ago." "Democrats confront divided loyalties". See also "Everglades activists' ads attack Smith, Big Sugar".
More: The second sugar-backed group helping Smith just filed its updated reports, and the amounts are even more staggering. U.S. Sugar Corp. has given Florida's Working Families another $1.6 million. And Florida Crystals and affiliates gave the group almost $1.3 million. Farming giant Alico and the Florida Transportation Builders Association each gave $25,000, as well. "Second Sugar Grower Helping Smith". See also "Shadowy support groups play role in gubernatorial campaigns" and "Rod's sugar daddy".
The Palm Beach Post asks: "Whose campaign is it? Smith can say it's his".
"Smith, From Defense to Offense": "Smith shifted quickly from defense to offense, though – once again reminding the crowd of Jim Davis’ 1990 vote against compensating Freddie Pitts and Wilbert Lee, two Miami men wrongly convicted in a racially charged murder case." See also "Smith, Davis keep on attacking".
Pitching and Jabbing
"Crist, Gallagher keep on pitching". See also "Gallagher, Crist throw jabs at each other on road" and "Gallagher, Crist court conservatives in final swings before GOP gubernatorial primary".
"In the gubernatorial primaries, Democrat Rod Smith and Republican Tom Gallagher are gaining in the polls. But will they threaten frontrunners Jim Davis and Charlie Crist?" "Underdogs Nip At Heels". See also "Smith gains on Davis in primary".
"Foolish. Offensive. Dangerous."
"Foolish. Offensive. Dangerous. Choose the word you want. All of them apply equally to U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris, whose remarks about Christianity last week show she does not belong in the U.S. Congress or in any position of public responsibility in this country. " "Constitution". See also "Harris warns voters to elect Christians, or 'legislate sin'".
"If recent history is a guide, it suggests that if voters in Villalobos' West Miami-Dade district perceive the Senate election as a choice between smaller class sizes and Bush, they may side with the governor." "Voter loyalty to Gov. Bush may be trouble for Villalobos". Meanwhile, "the third-party groups known for stuffing mailboxes with attack fliers in Florida's roughest state Senate race are now filling the television airwaves with more than $1 million in political advertising." Most of the ECO ads began hitting airwaves last weekend, more than a week before Tuesday's primary. The most recent ad, funded by school voucher proponents All Children Matter, features Lynette Estrada, the mother of a disabled son and teacher of disabled children, and criticizes Villalobos' vote on school vouchers. The group has spent at least $90,000 for Univisión airtime alone.
Another anti-Villalobos ad by Partnership for Florida's Future, affiliated with the Florida Chamber of Commerce, criticizes Villalobos for being too liberal, while another by Florida Mainstreet Merchants, run by the Florida Retail Federation, argues, ''We need Frank to protect the Republican reforms we fought so hard for.'' The ads are running in Spanish and English.
The two business-focused groups, both based in Tallahassee, have been the biggest spenders in the campaign. And agencies representing them have spent at least $880,000 on the anti-Villalobos ads -- more than the combined campaign budgets of Villalobos and Bolaños. "Villalobos foes saturate airwaves".
Webster Hearts Gallagher
"Former House Speaker and current state Sen. Daniel Webster of Orlando handed Tom Gallagher a valuable end of campaign gift on Friday: his endorsement. Webster, elected House speaker in 1996 as the first Republican in that post since Reconstruction, has long been considered the conservative standard-bearer in the legislature." "Gallagher picks up Webster's endorsement". See also "Webster Backing Gallagher".
"Republican Tom Gallagher demanded Friday that rival Charlie Crist denounce his endorsement by a gay online publication in next week's governor's primary." "Gallagher, On the Right".
"In the midst of a grassroots event in Orlando Friday morning for Tom Gallagher, John Stemberger announced that Florida4Marriage.org is just 50,000 signatures short of the 611,009 needed to get on the 2008 ballot." "Anti-Gay Marriage Almost Has Signatures".
Floridians in poverty: South Florida's housing costs, especially affordable and workforce housing, have soared; so, too, have the cost of gas and insurance. These are taxing even for middle- and upper-income residents; and can permanently consign the less-well-off to poverty.
Education, or rather the lack of a good education, contributes to the problem. Then there is South Florida's service-oriented economy, which favors low-skill, low-pay jobs. The steady stream of immigrants into South Florida is another factor. Too many of them are locked in competition for low-paying jobs. Yet those with skills and a good education quickly become middle class.
Among the many factors that contribute to poverty, the essentials for change are quality education and a robust, diverse economy. Miami's and South Florida's residence near the bottom of the poverty ladder will change when serious inroads are made in these areas. "Despite boom, high poverty rate persists".
CD 11
"The five contenders agree on a lot - but still have different priorities and views on some key issues." "U.S. House District 11 - Dems". See also "Democratic primary gets ugly".
Excuses Excuses
The "Jeb!" apologists at the Orlando Sentinel have already started. First, the editors acknowledge what they must: "Yes, Florida's students were part of a national trend that saw SAT suffer the largest one-year decline in scores in 21 years. Yes, Florida ranks 48 out of the 50 states. Yes, Gov. Jeb Bush and education officials should be developing a strategy for improvement." Then comes the excuse: But Florida's SAT scores do not reflect a failure in its education system as much as a success story in providing greater opportunities to minority students. More Florida students took the test than ever before because the state encourages students -- even those who do not intend to go to college -- to take the SAT. "Do the math". That is at best misleading, if not outright spewing of RPOF propaganda. To be sure,A record 94,601 Florida high-school graduates took the test, administered by the College Board, in 2006 However, as the Sentinel itself reported a couple of days ago,the state had a slightly higher participation rate of 65 percent last year. "Florida's SAT, ACT scores still among nation's lowest". The downward trend, then, cannot be explained away by saying more students - read: more dumb kids the Jebbites would say - took the test, when a larger percentage of students actually took it last year.
Prepare yourself for a full throated defense of Jebbie's educational "reforms" by the Tribune Company.
CFO Candidates Talk Insurance
"Two Republicans running for chief financial officer offer distinct approaches to the much-discussed issue." "Two ways to tackle insurance reform".
A Hillsborough County Thing
"What should citizens think of an elections supervisor who calls his agency "the Company," pays hush money to a former aide and declares that employees of his government office must sign confidentiality agreements?" "Secrets lurk where none should be".
"Teachers Union Denies Endorsing White For Commission".
Poor Katherine
"For at least the third time in recent weeks, U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris suggested that former members of her staff were working against her and may have been taking money to do so." "Katherine Harris and ex-staff".
More on the GOP U.S. Senate primary: "Upset of Harris is within his reach, Collins thinks". See also "You'd think there wasn't a Senate race" ("Neither Katherine Harris nor her GOP rivals have managed to organize visible grass roots support.")
"With a new poll showing Republican moderate Charlie Crist leading rival Tom Gallagher among social conservatives in the race for the party's governor's nomination, an exchange on a St. Petersburg streetcorner late Thursday afternoon may have spoken volumes about the frontrunner's Teflon qualities." "Faith-based followers".
Smith Moves North
"Smith to campaign at Duval games this weekend".
Harris Follies
Mike Thomas: "Vote Katherine, if just for the entertainment".
Just How Crazy Is The NRA?
This crazy: "U.S. Senate candidate Katherine Harris got the endorsement of the National Rifle Association Friday." "Harris, Nelson endorsements".
"Buchanan selling his business acumen".
Jim King's RPOF
"The political battle between Jim King and Randall Terry started last year during a life-and-death debate about the fate of Terri Schiavo. But now, with King and Terry just days away from a Republican primary election in their race for a state Senate seat, the battle has turned into a down-and-dirty brawl complete with stories of strippers and arrest records." "Issues buried as King, Terry battle for votes".
Daily Slosberg
"Defamation lawsuit, election complaint filed in Florida Senate race". See also "Deutch, Slosberg go for throats for votes" and "Senate hopeful Deutch sues foe".
Week in Review
"The week on the Florida campaign trail"
Polk Early Voting
"Early voting in Polk County has already surpassed the numbers cast in 2004 with two more days to go. Just a little more than 2,500 voters had cast early ballots by the time early voting stations closed Thursday." "More Voters Choosing to Cast Ballots Ahead of Time".
"Under Attack!"
"We're Under Attack!" So read the title of the e-mail blast the Randy Johnson campaign sent out Friday. The attacker in this case was Lt. Gov. Toni Jennings, whose recent automated phone message on Tom Lee's behalf told Republicans that Lee was the one under attack and that they should look out for mysterious fliers from the other side. "Under Attack".
Yet More Litigation
See "Congressional candidates trade allegations over misleading TV ads" and "Mahoney lawsuit accuses Foley of defamation in ad".
SD 32
"The state race for the District 32 Senate seat in the Sept. 5 primary has become a war of ugly fliers zinging Democratic candidates Ben Graber and Jeremy Ring on everything from voting records to personal integrity. Each candidate accuses the other of making misleading claims in the mailers. Both are disgusted. Neither is backing off." "State Senate candidates duel with nasty fliers in 'awful, nasty' campaign".
"Duty not to answer"
"When people appear before Florida judges, they should trust that their issues will be heard fairly and decided according to the law, not judges' personal quirks or opinions." "Respect judges' duty not to answer".
"State Representative and Republican Chief Financial Officer candidate Randy Johnson has picked up the endorsement of Chairman Joe Martinez of the Miami Dade County Board of Commissioners." "Johnson gets another Miami nod". Nevertheless, "Lee Looking Strong in Mason Dixon".
Better Than Nothing
"A new Quinnipiac University poll shows that, since last month, six percent more likely Republican voters say they like U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris in her U.S. Senate bid." "Finally, some good news for Harris. Some.".
Strategic Vision Poll
The Strategic Vision poll, which comes on the heels of the Q poll (discussed here yesterday), suggests that the Dem primary is tightening:14. If the election for the Republican nomination for Governor in 2006 were held today between Attorney General Charlie Crist and Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher, whom would you vote for? (Republicans only) Charlie Crist 52% Tom Gallagher 36% Undecided 12%
15. If the election for the Democratic nomination for Governor in 2006 were held today between Congressman Jim Davis and State Senator Rod Smith, whom would you vote for? (Democrats only) Jim Davis 43% Rod Smith 37% Undecided 20%
16. If the election for Governor were between Charlie Crist, the Republican and Jim Davis, the Democrat, whom would you support? Charlie Crist 49% Jim Davis 41% Undecided 10%
17. If the election for Governor were between Tom Gallagher, the Republican and Jim Davis, the Democrat, whom would you support? Tom Gallagher 39% Jim Davis 39% Undecided 22%
18. If the election for Governor were between Charlie Crist, the Republican and Rod Smith, the Democrat, whom would you support? Charlie Crist 48% Rod Smith 43% Undecided 9%
19. If the election for Governor were between Tom Gallagher, the Republican and Rod Smith, the Democrat, whom would you support? Rod Smith 40% Tom Gallagher 38% Undecided 22% "Florida Poll (08/30/06)" ("the poll results based on telephone interviews with 1200 likely voters in Florida, aged 18+, and conducted August 25-27, 2006. The margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points.") See also "New Polls: Crist Continues Lead In GOP Primary".
More on yesterday's Q Poll: "Poll offers hope to Smith, not much to Gallagher", "Poll: Gallagher has little hope, Smith a little more" and "Crist keeps wide lead; Smith gains on Davis".
Regarding the Ernesto effect, "all the candidates were affected in some way, [but] Smith and Gallagher had the most to lose because they are behind in polls and hoping for a boost. In a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday, Smith trailed 43-32 and Gallagher trailed 57-32." "Storm May Wash Away Gallagher, Smith Momentum". See also "Candidates disrupted by Ernesto regroup for last days of campaign".
Dem Debate Cancelled for Good
"The leading Democratic candidates for governor will not face off one last time on statewide television before the Sept. 5 primary." "Democratic debate is off". See also "Smith campaign passes on rescheduling debate", "Plans to reschedule debate fall through", "Last chance passes for live debate", "Poll: Crist Leads Big; Smith Cuts Gap", "No second debate for Democrats" and "Dem Debates Off".
Harris Keeps Digging
Daniel Ruth says "there's a reason why U.S. Senate candidate Katherine Harris, R-Ezra Pound, has staff turnover resembling 'The Great Escape' meets 'Papillion'?" "Memo To Harris Staff Members: Keep Digging". Nevertheless, "Harris ad looks past primary, attacks Nelson".
The "Jeb!" Factor
As Republican candidates continue to have "their lips firmly attached to Jeb Bush's posterior", the latest SV poll suggests that this may backfire in the general election. Floridians likely to vote were asked: Do you think Florida is headed in the right direction or the wrong direction? To which they respondedRight 42% Wrong 48% Undecided 10% "Florida Poll (08/30/06)". After nearly 8 (actually 12 years) of Jeb-worship by the media (particularly the electronic media), perhaps Floridians are beginning to recognize that Bushco's Florida subsidiary ain't all it is cracked up to be. It would seem Floridians are taking note of numbers like this, which appeared just yesterday in one newspaper:
- "Florida's composite SAT score remained among the nation's lowest after dropping three points from 2005".
- "Florida had one of the highest percentages of people who are uninsured -- 19.6 percent."
- "Florida students also fared poorly in ACT college-entrance test results released two weeks ago."
Take heart Jebbites, all is not lost: "Jeb's the '08 favorite for some Christian web surfers". See also "ChristiaNet 2008 Presidential Poll". And there is always South Georgia Jacksonville, as reflected by this piece in the Washington Times today by a Jacksonville "journalist":It's impossible to overstate the feelings of respect and affection almost all Florida Republicans have for the outgoing Gov. Jeb Bush. We here in the Sunshine State understand intuitively why our governor is touted as presidential or vice presidential material in 2008 and beyond. When it comes to be Jeb's time in the Oval Office, we undoubtedly will support him without reservation. "Sun Belt politics" (arguing that "Jeb!" must step in and run against Nelson).
Too Little, Too Late?
"As the campaign draws to a close, Hillsborough County Commissioner Kathy Castor increasingly is being targeted by her opponents in the Democratic primary to replace Jim Davis in Congress." "Attacks Grow Against Castor".
"Ad Watch"
- "Jim Davis": "Davis is trying to capitalize on the widespread support for embryonic stem-cell research among Democrats. Smith also ran a commercial touting stem-cell research. However, medical research primarily is funded by the federal government."
- "Endorsements for Rod Smith": "This latest ad again demonstrates Smith's edge over his Democratic opponent, Jim Davis, in using unlimited "soft-money" contributions that are made to the state party." See also "New Pro-Smith, Anti-Davis Ads" ("A new TV ad paid for by the Florida Democratic Party has hit the air promoting Rod Smith's recent newspaper endorsements and his 'crucial' roles in defeating the Republican-led effort to water down the class-size amendment.")
- "Alex Villalobos": "This is the strongest ad in the race, featuring an upset mild-mannered mom who's also a teacher of disabled kids. The committee behind the ad ['All Children Matter'] supports school vouchers for poor and disabled children, and seeks to attack Villalobos' main campaign theme -- that special interests are punishing him for votes of conscience on education."
"Knock it Off"
Go figure: Adrien Helm, wife of Pinellas Democratic chairman Ed Helm, is leading the "Pinellas Democrats" Pac that is working to beat some Democratic primary frontrunners (Bill Heller in HD 52, Rick Kriseman in HD 53 and County Commissioner Calvin Harris) deemed to be not "real" Democrats.
Now Mark Herron, general counsel to the state Democratic party, has sent her a cease and desist letter, saying it's illegal to use the name "Democrat" in any advertising without permission from the state party. So now it's Ms. Helm being tagged as not a "real" Democrat. "State Dems to Helm: knock it off". See also "Democrats clash over primary maneuver".
King, Terry, Nasty
"The Republican primary battle between veteran state Sen. Jim King and anti-abortion activist Randall Terry has taken on a nasty and personal tone in the final days. Both candidates have filed complaints over campaign accusations. Meanwhile, Terry's adopted son has inserted himself into the election -- publicly criticizing his father's claim to uphold family values as hypocritical and even offering to help his opponent." "State race turns nasty in final lap". And this is always worth a laugh: "Alan Keyes Heading to Jax".
On The Issues
"The four Republican candidates for U.S. Senate take similar positions on many issues, but they're far from identical." "U.S. Senate - Republicans".
Buchanan's Secrets
"A circuit judge agreed to hold an emergency hearing Friday to determine whether a lawsuit involving U.S. Congress candidate Vern Buchanan should remain secret." "Emergency hearing on Buchanan suit set".
In the meantime, Robert Novack, in the "Evans-Novack Political Report", says "Auto dealer Vern Buchanan (R) remains the favorite to succeed Rep. Katherine Harris (R)." See also "Buchanan's latest mailer targets Detert".
SV Poll: U.S. Senate Numbers
Harris still leads in primary, 21. If the election for the Republican nomination for United States Senator in 2006 were held today, whom would you support? (Republicans only) Katherine Harris 38% William McBride 21% Leroy Collins, Jr. 19% Peter Monroe 5% Undecided 17%
22. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Katherine Harris? Favorable 17% Unfavorable 61% Undecided 22%
23. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Bill Nelson? Favorable 49% Unfavorable 11% Undecided 40%
24. If the election were held today for United States Senate, whom would you support, Bill Nelson, the Democrat or Katherine Harris, the Republican? Bill Nelson 63% Katherine Harris 20% Undecided 17%
25. If the election were held today for United States Senate, whom would you support, Bill Nelson, the Democrat or William McBride, the Republican? Bill Nelson 58% William McBride 22% Undecided 20%
26. If the election were held today for United States Senate, whom would you support, Bill Nelson, the Democrat or Leroy Collins, Jr., the Republican? Bill Nelson 57% Leroy Collins, Jr. 23% Undecided 20%
27. If the election were held today for United States Senate, whom would you support, Bill Nelson, the Democrat or Peter Monroe, the Republican? Bill Nelson 63% Peter Monroe 15% Undecided 22% "Florida Poll (08/30/06)". The Q Poll is to similar effect: "Harris holds lead heading into final week".
Where Are The "Values" Voters?
"They're called 'values voters,' social conservatives, evangelicals, and Tom Gallagher is their favorite in the Republican primary for governor. Right? Wrong, according to the non-partisan Quinnipiac University Polling Institute." "Does Gallagher Have a Prayer?" See also "Poll: Crist, Gallagher splitting 'born-again' vote".
Gallagher "Desperate"
"Lagging seriously in the polls, Republican Tom Gallagher today begins a six-day, around-the-state push for votes with a bus tour and Labor Day fly-around targeting social conservatives and Republicans undecided about the governor's race. While all four major candidates in the governor's race are plotting final moves before Tuesday's primary, none are as in desperate shape as Gallagher, the state's chief financial officer, according to polls." "Behind in polls, Gallagher to tour state".
Dem AG Primary?
"For a candidate with a primary challenge, it may seem a little late to start a primary campaign. But with less than a week before the Sept. 5 election, attorney general candidate state Sen. Walter "Skip" Campbell is finally reminding voters he's running against Broward County lawyer Merrilee Ehrlich for the Democratic AG nomination. Campbell, who has spent all of $2,500 in the last month, sent out an e-mail to supporters Wednesday asking them to start an e-mail tree supporting his candidacy." "Primary? What primary?"
"Sugary Smith"
"Nobody can better attest to how effective the sugar industry can be when they want to take out a candidate at the knees than former agriculture commissioner candidate Mary Barley. Now Barley, Chair of the Save Our Everglades Trust, is firing back with a new statewide TV ad bashing sugar and Rod Smith's record on Everglades cleanup." "Fighting Back Against Sugary Smith". See also "Everglades Group About to Strike Back at Sugar and Smith".
HD 71
"Away from the noise of the area's hotly contested races, a political newcomer is mounting an uphill campaign to unseat state Rep. Michael Grant in House District 71. The race pits Grant, 57, a candidate backed financially by the state GOP, against Richard J. Santos, a 29-year-old tax professional whose inspiration to seek public office was a costly custody battle for his 3-year-old son." "Low-key race for House pits political novice against Grant".
New House
"The incoming speaker has his own ideas how state government should be run, so he's moving offices and renovating." "Rubio already changes House".
"Jeb's legacy sets the bar in race for governor".
SV Poll: GOP CFO Numbers
20. If the election for Chief Financial Officer were held today between State Senate President Tom Lee and State Representative Randy Johnson, whom would you support? (Republicans only) Tom Lee 45% Randy Johnson 29% Undecided 26% "Florida Poll (08/30/06)".
SD 16
"Seems like every day brings more fun from the Frank Farkas-Kim Berfield GOP primary in Senate Distict 16." "Mailbox Missiles, Democrats on TV".
GOP Honor, Integrity and "Pole Dancing"
"After Mills admitted to spreading gossip that Benson had once been a pole dancer, the two candidates have had a renewed focus on honor and integrity while still trying to talk about issues that could matter to voters as the Sept. 5 primary approaches." "Honor, integrity join issues in race".
"Ethical Cloud"
"Bush should name a special counsel to clear the ethical cloud that is hanging over the Tampa-Hillsborough Expressway Authority." "Taking the low road".
Going Up
"Tropical Storm Ernesto may have spared Florida, but it wasn't enough to deter Allstate from proposing double-digit price increases for 370,000 homeowners Wednesday." "Allstate seeks double-digit price".
Feeney Foes
"Clint Curtis and Andy Michaud each present themselves as the Democratic hope for the District 24 congressional seat held by heavily favored Tom Feeney." "Dist. 24 hopefuls seek shot at Feeney".
"Common Sense"
"There is a reason the Florida Constitution requires school board elections to be nonpartisan. Floridians don't want certain vital government responsibilities - such as educating children - to be overly politicized. It's common sense." "Keep parties out of school races".
Jan Schneider
"Jan Schneider is hoping her third bid for the 13th District congressional seat is a charm." "Schneider sticks to issues, avoids negative campaign".
Ethics Complaint Mystery
One "L.G. McClure" filed an ethics complaint against Crist."Said the complaint: 'These examples do not portray the high ethical standards that are required by an individual who holds the office of attorney general and they are void of the most basic standards of leadership.'" "Ethics complaint against Crist".
However, the "ethics complaint filed by 'L.G. McClure' of Tallahassee against Charlie Crist (see below) didn't get far. The Commission on Ethics promptly mailed it back to the accuser Wednesday because the complaint alleged violations of the election laws, which are not under the ethics commission's jurisdiction." Here's the curious part, In the complaint, McClure gave no phone number and a Tallahassee post office box for an address. The Buzz can't find an "L.G. McClure" in the Tallahassee area, and the signature of the notary who notarized the complaint is illegible. "Update: Ethics Complaint Boomerangs". See also "Ethics complaint against Crist is rejected".
Pitts and Lee
"A new radio ad has hit the airwaves in black communities that criticizes Jim Davis for voting in 1990 not to compensate two wrongfully convicted black men, Freddie Pitts and Wilbert Lee" "Pitts and Lee Ad". See also "Radio Ad Aimed At Black Voters Slams Davis", "Smith ad aimed at blacks causes stir", "Ad bankrolled by Big Sugar rips Davis on Democratic gubernatorial primary", "Governor candidate assails new ad on murder case", "Davis campaign calls on Smith to denounce new radio ad as misleading", "'I Probably Won't Vote for Either Candidate'" and "Freddie Pitts protests use of name in ad".
"All Trumped Up"
"That's the gist of a new video produced by the Tom Gallagher-supporting committee Coalition to Protect the American Dream. And like the Internet video rolled out Tuesday by a Charlie Crist-supporting committee, the American Dream video harvests its material from a Cabinet meeting." "Crist All Trumped Up".
Gallagher Attacked In Ethics Ad
"Floridians for Truth and Integrity in Government's 30-second ad, allegedly being broadcast on television statewide, opens with the statement, 'Home Insurance Stocks Skyrocket' and then a series of five newspaper extracts about Gallagher's ownership of insurance stocks while insurance commissioner." "Ethics Ad Finally On the Air". See also "Crist-linked PAC has ad questioning Gallagher's integrity".
Smith Closer
"August 30, 2006 - Crist Holds 25-Point Lead In GOP Primary For Governor, Quinnipiac University Florida Poll Finds; Smith Gains Some Ground In Democratic Matchup"[O]n the Democratic side, Davis' lead over Smith has shrunk dramatically as the campaign enters the home stretch. Davis, who led Smith among likely Democratic primary voters 47 - 19 percent July 26 now leads 43 - 32 percent.
"It will take a political storm a lot bigger than Ernesto to give Gallagher much chance to defeat Crist in the GOP primary," said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. "It would be hard to think of a candidate who has blown that large a lead with so little time remaining until the actual voting.
"The Democratic race, on the other hand, is by no means over. Certainly a candidate would prefer to be 11 points ahead as is Davis, with less than a week before the primary. But Smith's ability to cut Davis' lead so sharply has to make the Congressman nervous." Methodology: "From August 23 - 28, Quinnipiac University surveyed 317 Florida likely Republican primary voters, with a margin of error of +/- 5.5 percentage points, and 312 likely Democratic primary voters, with a margin of error of +/- 5.6 percentage points." See also "Poll: Democratic gubernatorial race tightens; Crist has big lead", "Q-Poll: Crist Way Ahead, Smith Gaining on Davis" and "Poll: Crist Leads Big; Smith Cuts Gap".
"Republican recruiting woes"
Katherine Harris is "the poster woman for Senate Republican recruiting woes. Missed opportunities, stumbles and bad breaks in a half-dozen states or more in 2005 have tilted the map toward the Democrats in ways that are still unfolding." "Katherine Harris's political troubles reflect GOP recruiting woes". See also "Harris' antics".
How Green Is My Democrat?
"The partnership between the state and federal governments to clean up the Everglades has emerged as a major issue in the Democratic primary for governor." "Rivals draw line in the Glades".
Who Will "Jeb!" Blame For This?
"Florida's composite SAT score remained among the nation's lowest after dropping three points from 2005, even though the national average sharply declined seven points, according to results released Tuesday."
And, you will recall that "Florida students also fared poorly in ACT college entrance test results released two weeks ago. The state's average composite score was down 0.1 point to 20.3, although the national average increased significantly. That dropped Florida from 36th to a tie for 41st place with Texas among the 50 states and the District of Columbia."
So, who will "Jeb!" blame for this latest ojective evidence of failure? "We'll be looking for answers," Winn said. "Some of those answers may lie in the increased participation of students who previously may not have had as strong an academic record as students who previously took the SAT." "State's SAT scores even lower". See also "Fla. SAT scores remain among nation's lowest".
Long Range Harm
"In the increasingly rancorous race for the Democratic nomination for governor, Jim Davis and Rod Smith have been plumbing political histories for controversial votes to hang around each other's neck. But two votes in particular that the rivals are hammering away at may hurt long after the Sept. 5 primary -- particularly if, as polls suggest, the winner faces Republican Attorney General Charlie Crist in the general election." "Democrats' sniping could haunt winner".
Trust Me
"Each candidate cited the other's record in an attempt to show his opponent isn't trustworthy and takes stands inconsistent with his history. Each contended the other was trying to mislead and confuse voters." "Were Debate Statements True?"
Gallagher Insurance Plan
"He says homeowner rates could drop by 20 percent if the state broadens its reinsurance commitment. The idea is not new - or realistic, some say." "Gallagher insurance vow has skeptics". See also "Gallagher's new insurance promise".
CD 13
"It's the homestretch for a congressional campaign that Democratic candidate Christine Jennings started almost immediately after losing the 2004 primary to her current opponent." "Jennings finds 2nd run is easier".
Villalobos Debate Off
"Villalobos-Bolanos debate postponed".
Pay Declines
"The United States' median household income rose slightly faster than inflation last year for the first time in six years, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday." Of course, The rise, however, had nothing to do with bigger paychecks. In fact, both men and women earned less in 2005 than 2004. It had everything to do with more family members taking jobs to make ends meet and some people making more money from investments and other sources beyond wages. "Households a little richer last year, but pay declines".
GOP Voter Suppression
The Miami Herald editorial board contends that"U.S. District Judge Patricia Seitz made the right call Monday in striking down a new state voter-registration law because it denies nonpartisan groups free speech as well as discriminates against them in favor of political parties. The state Elections Department should reconsider its intent to appeal the ruling." "A win for registering new Florida voters".
Missing from the editorial, however, is the failure to acknowledge that this failed legslation was a GOP effort to (yet again) suppress voter participation. Indeed, nowhere in the editorial is the RPOF's role even mentioned.
This is a little better, "Remove voting barrier": The provision surfaced last year, with no public testimony, in a Republican-controlled Legislature that heard rumors of a group named ACORN, which was working to pass a minimum wage increase, tossing away voter application forms for prospective Republicans. No one bothered to prove those rumors, of course, and two elections supervisors told Seitz the only late forms they received in 2004 were from the political parties. In fact, the elections division identified a total of only 5,000 late forms, from all sources, which amounted to a mere 0.3 percent of all new voters for 2004.
The best that could be said of the law, then, was that it was a solution in search of problem. But the partisan underpinning suggests worse. After all, groups such as MoveOn.org and the AFL-CIO have been working feverishly to register voters as Democrats.
The League and other groups already have been forced to sit out the primary season, but the deadline for voter registration in the general elections is still six weeks away. Given the public service these groups provide, surely [Secretary of State Sue] Cobb will not try to shut them down again. Let's place the blame where the blame is due.
GOP Senate Primary?
Bill March asks: "Really? There's a primary?" Collins thinks so: "Collins ad on Harris: 'She can't win.'". See also "Collins airs new ad". Nevertheless "Harris ignoring primary rivals".
CD 5
"The loss of the district came on the heels of a controversial redrawing of its boundaries by the Legislature that gave the GOP candidate a slight majority in what had been a heavily Democratic area." "U.S. House District 5". The Orlando Sentinel likes Penberthy in the Dem primary. "Penberthy better than others".
HD 70
"No matter who voters pick in the District 70 Republican primary, they will get a candidate who is more conservative and less experienced than Nancy Detert, the state representative who vacated the seat." "Republicans try to replace Detert in Florida House". See also "Democrats in House race see insurance as top issue".
Fast and Furious
"The attacks are coming fast and furious in the GOP primary for governor." "Attacks come fast and furious before primary". See also "More Anti-Davis Fliers in the Mail", "Pro-Crist group mocks Gallagher with Web site", "527: Tom Gallagher, Monopoly Man", "527: Crist = Kerry, Kennedy & Clinton", "New Davis Attack Surfaces" and "Committees Trade Punches" ("A day after Republican frontrunner Charlie Crist went on the offensive against rival Tom Gallagher during a statewide television debate, a political committee linked to the attorney general Tuesday continued the freeswinging attack.")
"GOP candidates are lining up to link themselves to the popular governor." "Think 'Jeb,' then vote for me".
Scott Maxwell puts it this way: Charlie Crist and Tom Gallagher accomplished quite a feat Monday night.
They managed to conduct an entire debate, clearly enunciating most of their words, though both men had their lips firmly attached to Jeb Bush's posterior the whole time. In the meantime, the Tampa Trib is "Looking For The Real Fiscal Conservative".
Tom and Charlie
See "Crist's personality a plus in governor's race" and "Once a moderate, Gallagher's philosophy goes right".
"Some jerks have all the luck"
"Team Gallagher at Work".
Charlotte County
"Republicans say the Democrats crossed a line when they started polling GOP candidates." "GOP crying foul over tactics".
Flirting With Disaster
"As Ernesto approached this small farming community on the southeast side of the Okeechobee, the second-largest natural freshwater lake contained within the United States, it did serve as a reminder that a massive hurricane combined with a high water level could cause serious flooding problems should the dike fail." "Leaky dike is no threat - yet".
Poor Katherine
"Campaign funding pledge continues to haunt Harris".
GOP "Pup Tent"
"The Florida Republican Party's big tent is shrinking." "The republican pup tent".
Stop the Madness
"Jeb Bush Blvd is the fictional name of a street on a new Tom Gallagher campaign mailer. Underneath the Bush sign is 'Liberal Lane.'" "Jeb Bush Blvd?" See also "Gallagher on Jeb Bush Blvd."
"When Ernesto forecasters were throwing darts at the Panhandle a few days ago, it seemed unimaginable that the Florida Building Commission would have exempted developers there from the same hurricane code regulations the rest of the state must follow. Today, Northwest Florida may have dodged this storm, but the commission can't dodge last week's negligence in continuing to allow the weaker standards despite the urgings of the governor, the insurance industry and common sense." "Hardheaded on hardening".
Lie Down With Dogs
"The District 9 congressional race has yet to hit the airwaves, but Republican front-runner Gus Bilirakis' campaign has begun shooting TV spots. The campaign has paid $38,000 to Stevens Reed Curcio & Potholm, the Alexandria, Va., media consulting firm that created the Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth ad campaign, according to Federal Elections Commission filings and the candidate's staff. More recently, the firm made national news last month when U.S. News & World Report revealed that a television ad produced for Ohio Sen. Mike DeWine included doctored images of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11." "Bilirakis hires 'Swift Boat' firm to create media spots". See also "Bilirakis has substantial money lead" ("Busansky responded with a statement calling for Bilirakis to repudiate Jordan's 'shameful attack.'" on Max Cleland).
SD 16 Slimefest
"With the Republican primary less than a week away, the hotly contested Senate District 16 race is getting hotter by the day. Two recent mailings from backers of each side take nasty swipes at the GOP contenders, Kim Berfield and Frank Farkas, who face off Tuesday. And two television ads that the Florida Republican Party began airing in the Tampa Bay area last week blast Democratic candidate Charlie Justice, whose name isn't even on Tuesday's ballot." "Senate race becomes a slugfest of ads".
Daily Slosberg
"Deutch accuses Slosberg of airing false ads".
Rain Delay
"While Tropical Storm Ernesto was chasing the gubernatorial candidates into virtual bunkers on Tuesday, the bad weather had no impact on cyberspace and mailboxes as the slugfest in the Democratic and Republican primaries heads toward a raucous crescendo." "Political winds still blowing despite Ernesto". See also "Palm Beach County suspends early voting", "More early voting suspensions", "Senate hopefuls' schedules hit-and-miss", "Candidates for governor suspend campaigns" and "In South Florida, politics as usual".
Gallagher Pounds Crist
"Gallagher saved his best for last. In the final debate before the Sept. 5 primary, he launched one of his strongest assaults against Charlie Crist in the Republican race for governor, pounding him for supporting costly new classrooms, same-sex civil unions and some abortion rights." Fortunately for Crist, "Miami-Dade and Broward voters did not get to watch the second and last televised debate Monday" "Debate climax largely missed". See also "Crist, Gallagher spar over abortion, honesty", "Debate [was] not airing live in Miami", "In final debate, Gallagher, Crist accuse each other of flip-flopping", "Tame start, lively finish at Republican primary debate", "GOP candidates trade barbs in final debate", "Crist, Gallagher Sharpen Debate Jabs", "Crist, Gallagher Sharpen Debate Jabs", "Gloves off in the GOP debate", "The Battle in West Palm" and "Crist, Gallagher fire away in last TV debate before primary".
"The Democrats Respond": "'Tonight, as usual, Charlie Crist and Tom Gallagher focused on shifting their positions to sound more like Jeb Bush, even though both of them have been all over the place on numerous issues. You can’t pin either of these guys down on the issues that matter, and you can’t trust anything either of them says. Their credibility is shot, and the voters saw that front and center tonight.'"
In the meantime, it looks like the "Democratic Debate Bagged" (it has "apparently been called off because of Tropical Storm Ernesto") and "Ernesto deals blow to Dems' gubernatorial debate". See also "Davis suspends commercials because of Ernesto", "Hurricane politics" and "Ernesto doesn't cancel politics".
"Jeb, the 'dictator'"
Naked Politics breaks down the current GOP implosion over Jebbie's attempt to takedown Villalobos; a comedy in three acts:
Act 1. "State Sen. Nancy Argenziano, outraged over the governor's recent letter supporting the opponent of fellow Republican Sen. Alex Villalobos of Miami, just issued this scorcher, addressed to challenger Frank Bolanos:" "Governor Bush’s suggestion that Villalobos caters to special interest, while you accept millions of dollars from de facto special interest groups, is hypocritical and bizarre. The Governor has a history reflecting accommodation of special interests as evidenced by his agencies’ contracts, and his flexible Republicanism is at odds with both America and actual Republican principles. In his heart of hearts, the Governor prefers dictatorship to democracy." "Jeb, the 'dictator'". See also Bill Cotterell's "State sen. blasts Bush in e-mail" ("'I am appalled by the governor's disingenuous letter, an unusually public gubernatorial tantrum occasioned because he couldn't intimidate a member of the Senate,' wrote Argenziano") and "An angry GOP legislator has words for 'King Jeb'".
Act 2. In response, "State GOP chair Carole Jean Jordan [protested] Sen. Nancy Argenziano's recent letter suggesting the governor is a dictator." "Jordan: senator crossed line". Jebbie stays above the fray: "Bush reticent to respond to senator".
Act 3. To which Argenziano responded, pointing out that Jordan, the "Jeb!" shill running the RPOF, is an abject hypocrite. This "Looks like a Republican Party rift is widening over the Villalobos-Bolaños race. "Argenziano to Jordan: back off". See also "Argenziano (again)".
GOP Anti-Registration Law Tossed
"Third-party groups such as the Florida League of Women Voters, which had stopped voter registration drives because of stiff fines for violations, are back in business, thanks to a federal judge in Miami." "Ruling helps voter registration groups". See also "U.S. judge blocks new Florida voter law", "Judge rejects 'chilling' voter registration law".
The South Florida Turnout Factor
"'A statewide poll... reveals a nine-point difference between gubernatorial candidates U.S. Rep. Jim Davis (36 percent) and state Sen. Rod Smith (27 percent), with eight percent choosing “some other candidate” and the undecided voters at 28 percent. These poll results are the first to be released since the August 23 Democratic gubernatorial candidate debate.'" However, "this race could go either way, especially if voter turnout in South Florida is affected by the hurricane. This could possibly help Rod Smith." "Davis in lead. Will Ernesto change that?" See also "Poll: Davis 36, Smith 27", "Poll: Davis Extends Lead but Smith Within Single Digits".
Smith Takes Heat
"Democratic gubernatorial candidate Smith vows he won't be influenced by the estimated $1.7 million in ads attacking his opponent, which were purchased by groups funded by U.S. Sugar and a subsidiary. But it is naive to think that Mr. Smith -- with just $75,000 in his campaign account entering the final week of the primary -- won't be beholden to sugar growers after their attacks on his opponent, U.S. Rep. Jim Davis." "Not so sweet" See also "Cleland Lambastes Anti-Davis Messages", "Davis rips Smith over U.S. Sugar's donations", "Davis: No Sale For Primary" and "Phone Calls Target Davis, Too" ("Looks like Florida's Working Families, the political group financed largely by U.S. Sugar Corp., isn't just paying for TV ads and mailers attacking Jim Davis. A reader reported receiving a phone call from the group over the weekend accusing Davis of opposing a higher minimum wage.")
How Green the Dems?
"Neither's record doused in green".
Class Size
"Jim Davis and Rod Smith: The patron saints of class size." At least, that's how each of the two Democrats running for the nomination for governor describes himself: A driving force behind the state's efforts to have fewer children in public school classrooms.
Last week, during their first televised debate, Davis, now a congressman from Tampa, boasted that as a state House member, he actually pushed class size before class size was cool.
"I fought for it in 1996," he said. "Created a $100 million simple, powerful program."
And Smith told viewers — as he tells most campaign speech audiences — that without him, Gov. Jeb Bush and his Republican allies likely would have succeeded in repealing or dramatically scaling back the amendment voters approved over Bush's objections in 2002. "I put together the coalition that preserved class-size," said Smith, a state senator from Alachua.
In reality, both men are stretching the historical record. "On class size, Davis, Smith, inflate their grades".
Chamber = "Jeb!" = RPOF
The "Jeb!" hacks at the Chamber of Commerce will spend a million bucks attacking Villalobos. "The Florida Chamber of Commerce's political organization, Partnership for Florida's Future, has made a number of television ad buys opposing state Sen. Alex Villalobos that began cranking up in full this week and that, by the end of the Sept. 5, could cost at least $1 million." "$1m-plus ad buys in Villalobos-Bolanos".
Gallagher Attack Ad
"Three days after Crist hit Gallagher with a negative ad, Gallagher fires back with his own -- sometimes misleading -- ad." "Adwatch: A Miami Herald look at candidates' campaign ads this political season.". See also "Another Gallagher Ad Goes After Crist", and "Gallagher launches a new attack ad". See generally "Gubernatorial hopefuls turn up heat in TV ads".
King, Terry
"Endorsement Roundup: King 3, Terry 0".
CFO Debate
"CFO rivals trade jabs on insurance ties". See also "Candidates Share Some Ideas On Problems Plaguing State".
"Tin Ear"
"People in private business who serve on public boards have an easy way to avoid embarrassing themselves and the agencies they represent - by showing a broad appreciation for Florida's conflict-of-interest laws." "A tin ear on conflicts of interest".
Dark Horses
"Dark horses aim to help schools, homeowners".
Special Session Politics
The Palm Beach Post argues that "unless the governor is open to ideas beyond the failed private market, Floridians can believe that all he wants is a plan that won't fail (Republicans) by Election Day." "A session on insurance? Not if it's just for show".
CD 13
Flanagan: "District 13 hopeful runs against odds". Meanwhile, "Buchanan chips in another $300,000 to make District 13 race the costliest in the U.S." "District 13: Congress race sets spending record".
"Harris, God and government"
"More on Harris, God and government". In the meantime, "Harris' rivals in primary fight for visibility". See also "Harris embraced in Manatee" ("congresswoman evokes mostly positive reactions from commuters") "Ernesto's impact".
As Ernesto Approaches
"Make dike flaws public".
GOP Thug Embarasses Herself
"RPOF's Carole Jean Jordan issued a statement denouncing the stances of Georgia's former Senator and the local Democrats he campaigned with this weekend. Max Cleland is a veteran who lost both of his legs and his right arm in Vietnam and was awarded a Silver Star." "Cleland Visit Sparks Biting Exchange".
Perhaps Dems and at least one Republican can agree on something: "Carole Jean Jordan can kiss my ass," Argenziano said. "Have Some More Republican Unity".
CD 9
"In the race for U.S. Congress District 9, Republican frontrunner Gus Bilirakis raised three times as much money than Democratic candidate Physllis Busansky between July 1 to Aug. 16 and finished the cycle with four as much cash on hand, according to new Federal Elections Commission campaign finance reports." "Bilirakis Widens Fundraising Gap with Busansky". See also "Bilirakis has huge lead in money".
Survey USA: Crist leads Gallagher 60-29
The latest poll:- "Crist 2:1 Atop Gallagher in FL GOP Governor Primary: In a Republican Primary for Governor of Florida today, 8/24/06, Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist wins the nomination, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted for WFLA-TV Tampa, WKRG-TV Pensacola, WPTV-TV West Palm Beach, and WTLV-TV Jacksonville. 12 days from the 9/5/06 Primary, Crist defeats Florida CFO Tom Gallagher 60% to 31%. Since an identical SurveyUSA poll 7/11/06, Crist is flat, Gallagher is up 8 points. Crist leads among all demographic groups. Gallagher does relatively best among voters with a college degree, and in Southeastern FL."
- "Harris Below 50% ... But Still 2:1 Atop Challengers for GOP Senate Nomination: In a Republican Primary for United States Senator from Florida today, 8/24/06, Congresswoman Katherine Harris wins the nomination, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted for WFLA-TV Tampa, WKRG-TV Pensacola, WPTV-TV West Palm Beach, and WTLV-TV Jacksonville. Harris gets 43% of the vote, down 8 points in the past 6 weeks. LeRoy Collins gets 20%, up 12 points. Will McBride gets 15%, up 1 point but dropping to 3rd place behind Collins. Peter Monroe gets 7%, up 4 points. Harris beats Collins by 30 points among Republican Primary voters who approve of the way President George W. Bush is doing his job. Harris trails by 1 point among Republican Primary voters who disapprove of the job President Bush is doing. The Primary is in 12 days, on 9/5/06." "The Results of SurveyUSA Election Poll #10073" ("2,200 Florida adults were interviewed 8/21/06 - 8/23/06. Of them, 1,908 were registered to vote. Of them, 758 were Republicans. Of them, 432 were judged to be "likely voters." Crosstabs reflect Likely Republican Primary Voters.")
Dem Race
See "Smith, Davis court voters by touring churches", "Democratic candidates for governor return to South Florida to mine votes" and "Davis discusses 'bad vote' with black voters" ("Jim Davis, Democratic primary candidate for governor, reached out to black voters on the campaign trail in Miami.")
Rallying Wingnuts
WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah: The leading Republican candidate, Attorney General Charlie Crist, currently ahead in polls by some 20 points, played an instrumental role in the official neglect that snuffed out the life of Terri Schiavo.
I can tell you many Republican voters and activists have already forgotten Crist's role. Some "conservative" media outlets have gone so far as to endorse Crist.
Let me remind you about Crist's role in the dehydration death of Terri Schiavo. "Florida voters: Don't forget Terri!".
"The definition of an "individual" allows donors to go beyond the limit of $500 per contributor per candidate." From county commission candidates to the marquee candidates for governor, the principle is the same. An individual can give only $500, but an "individual" can be any one of a number of corporate entities. Lobbyists, businesses and unions funnel hard-to-track cash through branches, divisions and partnerships run by the same people.
The loophole allows candidates to take thousands of dollars, sometimes more than $20,000 in a day, from what amounts to a single source. "Deep pockets use loophole for donations".
Samm Simpson
The Florida Progressive Coalition's interviews Samm Simpson.
Special Session
"Wracked by skyrocketing insurance premiums or no insurance at all, it appears disgruntled voters may prompt lawmakers to address the need for property insurance reform before the year is out. It seems only a question of when." "Michael Peltier: Bush may call special session to address property insurance".
The Miami Herald notes that "when the Legislature met earlier this year, Florida's insurance market -- including state-backed Citizens Property Insurance -- already had been battered by eight hurricanes in 15 months. Yet lawmakers waited until the last minutes of the session to pass an insurance bill that provided stop-gap relief, but no substantive solutions. Then, the reinsurance crisis started chasing commercial insurers out of the state." "Floridians are hurting".
On a separate note: "Flood insurance requests surge".
Calendar it
"Monday it's Republicans Charlie Crist and Tom Gallagher. Tuesday it's Democrats Jim Davis and Rod Smith." "Governor candidates debate this week".
"In newspaper editorials Sunday, Monroe and LeRoy Collins split the Florida Times Union in Jacksonville (Here) and Will McBride received the nod from his hometown paper, the Orlando Sentinel. (Here)". "Endorsements". See also "McBride: Harris' Comments Not Christian Values".
No Thanks
Jeremy Wallace observes that "normally, when sitting members of Congress vacate their seat, there is a hearty competition to see who will get anointed as the heir apparent. But with Harris more than 30 points behind Sen. Bill Nelson in most public polling in her sputtering bid for a U.S. Senate seat, the candidates seeking to replace her in the U.S. House have passed up asking Harris for help."
"Jeb Card"
"Across Florida, Republicans are playing the so-called Jeb card, while Democrats are disparaging his eight-year performance." "Bush's legacy driving issues".
Johnson Gets One
"State Rep. Randy Johnson has picked up the endorsement of the Florida Times Union in his bid for the Republican nomination for Chief Financial Officer on Sept. 5. The Jacksonville-based newspaper gave Johnson its blessing for CFO on Sunday." "More endorsements".
Charlotte County
"Campaign donations fill candidates' coffers".
FCAT Follies
This is not a joke: "Even as school officials and child advocates have urged the state to extend the hours, toughen teacher standards and provide buses, state officials have declared the first year of the voter-approved voluntary pre-K program a success. Now, the Florida Department of Education plans to 'confirm' that success by a standardized test - given in kindergarten. ... A better assessment would screen pre-kindergartners at the beginning of the program and at the end. A diagnostic tool (instead of a punitive, after-the-fact hammer) would help teachers better prepare children for kindergarten." "Next, the kiddie FCAT".
Sure To Be A Hot GOP Issue
"Group wants Confederate plate available to all in Fla."
Alex Villalobos is fighting for his political life, after 14 years in the state Legislature, with six as senator of West Dade District 38. His rival in the Republican primary is Miami-Dade County School Board member Frank Bolanos.
The race is among the hottest in the state. Villalobos has raised $394,177, and he has spent $324,914 so far. Bolanos, tapping into Gov. Jeb Bush's fundraising base, has garnered $367,875 for his race and has spent $231,806 through Aug. 11.
Since this is such a tight race, the Watchdog Report obtained the two candidates' recent financial disclosure forms from the Florida Ethics Commission. "Rivals in hot Senate race are close in finances, too".
Air War
"For days now, the four major Democrats and Republicans looking to grab their parties' nominations for governor have been lighting up Florida's television airwaves with explosive exchanges in a last-ditch drive to pull voters to their side." "Gubernatorial hopefuls turn up heat in TV ads".
CD 17
"Political novice takes on 2-term incumbent Meek". See generally "U.S. Representative District 17".
Treasure Coast GOP Treasure
"Treasure Coast political activists have been very generous to the campaign treasuries of the two leading Republican candidates for governor. Tom Gallagher, Florida's chief financial officer, raised more than $206,900 on the Treasure Coast, topping $92,000 in Indian River County alone. All told, Treasure Coast residents and businesses have given Gallagher about 2 percent of his war chest. Meanwhile, Charlie Crist, Florida's attorney general, collected an estimated $50,000 at a fundraiser Friday night at Martin County's Sailfish Point Clubhouse, a top supporter said. That's on top of the $93,750 Crist had already garnered from the Treasure Coast." "Treasure Coast opens wallet for GOP candidates".
"Gallagher smells blood"
Gallagher rallies the troops:Mike Murphy sounds excited on the phone. He is speaking with key supporters of Tom Gallagher Friday night, telling them that Charlie Crist's new commercial slamming Gallagher is good news for the campaign.
And later, to a reporter, Murphy says Crist has "punched the panic button."
If the Crist campaign was panicking last week, there were no signs of it. During a three-day campaign swing from Tampa to Jacksonville aboard a pair of luxury motor homes, Crist and his campaign team seemed to be regarding the Republican primary for governor as merely a required formality on the way to becoming the GOP nominee.
But for Murphy, one of the nation's best-known Republican media consultants, Crist's new ad calling Gallagher "Taxing Tom" as well as "liberal, pro-choice and anti-gun" was a sign that Crist is seeing evidence that the race is getting closer. And almost on cue, the Florida Chamber of Commerce released a poll Friday showing Gallagher just 10 points behind, compared with more than double that figure in earlier polls.
The chamber poll, done by Insider Advantage/Majority Opinion Research of 500 likely Republican voters, found 39 percent supporting Attorney General Crist and 29 percent supporting Chief Financial Officer Gallagher. Undecided stood at 29 percent. The poll was conducted Aug. 23-24 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent. "Gallagher smells blood as poll numbers narrow". See also "Gallagher Campaign Struggles as End Near".
The Miami Herald endorses Crist and Smith. See "The two main Republican candidates for governor, Charlie Crist and..." and "In 2006, the Democratic Party has its best chance since the days of...". See also "Herald backs Crist and Smith".
The Tallahassee Democrat likes Davis and Crist.
"Harris' 3 Challengers Are Tired Of Backseat". See also "McBride gaining in Senate bid".
Outside Cash
"The ability of Democrats to raise individual contributions from outside their state is especially evident in close, open seat races, where Democrats are seeking to win in formerly Republican-held districts. That fundraising outreach has helped make Democrats in these contests among the best financed candidates in this election, second only to Republican incumbents." Democrats Inspire Outsiders"".
Barley's Been There
"If there's anyone who can relate to what Jim Davis is going through right now, it's Mary Barley." "Ads backed by Big Sugar familiar to ex-candidate".
"Zapata released a statement on Friday in which he complained that Democrats were promoting his comments to the media." But, it was Republican state Rep. Juan Zapata [who] said his own party has failed Floridians by not coming up with a solution to the state's insurance crisis and accused a fellow GOP lawmaker who has had a large role in insurance legislation of being "in the pocket of the insurance companies."
Zapata, a Kendallite who has no opposition on the ballot this fall, was speaking last weekend at a meeting in Coral Gables in which state lawmakers were discussing the insurance problems many Floridians have faced in the last couple of years. After two years of hurricanes, rates have spiraled and companies have refused to write policies for many residents. "Lawmaker's candor stings".
Beer Money
Scott Maxwell: "Here's something for you to think about the next time you plunk down 60 bucks to visit SeaWorld. While Republican Tom Gallagher's campaign for governor is struggling, the theme park's parent company, Anheuser-Busch, recently dumped $40,000 into a group that has been helping Gallagher run for office. I'm not sure which is more disturbing: that Shamu backs Gallagher -- or that Anheuser-Busch is willing to waste that much money on a race that the whale stands a better chance of winning." "Gallagher Gets a Whale of a Donation".
Political Connections
In Tampa Bay, "Check out Democratic gubernatorial candidates Jim Davis and Rod Smith today at 11 a.m. on Political Connections on Bay News 9. Sitting side by side for an extended hourlong interview, the Democrats frequently became heated, even with some softball questions thrown in." "Interview gets a little more personal with Democratic candidates".
Feel Free to Skip the General As Well
"Disillusioned with the Republican Party and uninspired by the candidates, conservative Christians could sit out next week's primary." "Key GOP supporters may skip primary".
Daniel Ruth is "Absolutely, Decidedly Undecided".
This St. Pete Times editorial is inexplicable: "Always the cheap politics. Always.".
Coastal Insurance
"To those of you on the coast gagging over insurance premiums, it is going to get much worse. Very few people understand this, even many of the state legislators who made it all possible this year by passing Senate Bill 1980. This new law paves the way for rate increases that will slam the coast for years to come. And I'm all for it. It is all we have left to discourage rampant development in hurricane alley." "Living seaside? Cost will finally reflect reality ".
Damage Control
"Harris tries to douse furor over remarks to Baptists". See also "Rival criticizes Harris' comment on religion", "Harris: Christian remarks misconstrued", "Harris' Campaign for U.S. Senate No Cakewalk" and "Ad Watch: Katherine Harris' Senate campaign".
An ugly thought.
"Jeb!"'s Betrayal
"Betrayal is at the heart of the state's most bitterly contested legislative race, one that also has conjured up a human-sized dancing chicken and serial killer Ted Bundy." Like many of the senior citizens gathered at a west Miami-Dade banquet hall for a hot lunch and games of bingo and dominos last week, Dominguez said she felt betrayed by Gov. Jeb Bush's endorsement of Villalobos' Republican opponent in the District 38 race for state senator.
Betrayal is at the heart of the state's most bitterly contested legislative race, one that also has conjured up a human-sized dancing chicken and serial killer Ted Bundy.
Villalobos' votes against two of Gov. Jeb Bush's education priorities prompted Miami-Dade School Board member Frank Bolanos to became the first candidate to challenge Villalobos in his 14-year legislative career.
It's also the reason why Bush is touting Bolanos on the radio as the only candidate in the Sept. 5 primary who "can be trusted to fight for our conservative beliefs and defend our Republican principles in Tallahassee."
There is no Democrat in the race between the two Cuban-Americans, who are vying to represent the heavily Hispanic and Republican district that stretches through the suburbs of west Miami-Dade down to Homestead. So, the primary winner will take the seat.
And while neither man's victory would change the balance in the Republican-controlled Senate, a Bolanos victory could have ramifications, helping to carry on Bush's conservative philosophy after he leaves office in January, and sending what some observers say would be a chilling message.
"It would send a powerful message to the people in the Senate: If you get out of line with the party, we'll come after you," said Kevin Hill, a political scientist at Florida International University. "That could be sobering." "Miami-area Senate race tests GOP discipline".
North Florida
"Rod Smith spent most of Saturday in North Florida, where he talked about some things that don't often come up down south." In a speech to about 50 Perry Democrats, Smith dispelled a rumor that he was anti-gun or wanted to take guns away. Smith said Republicans were trying to spread such rumors and that he's a hunter who supports the Second Amendment. Smith told the audience that if they hear such a rumor: "You tell them, I've talked to him, and that's a bunch of bunk. It ain't about to happen," he said at the Forest Capital Hall. "Smith in North Florida".
Sweet Talk
"Jim Davis and Rod Smith spent Saturday on the campaign trail, blazing different paths but ending at the day at a Democratic dinner in Daytona Beach where they addressed the U.S. Sugar Corp. controversy." "A Dose of Sugar To End The Day".
CD 13
"Politicians work on the winning look". As for the current occupant of the seat, "Judge Harris on her record -- not her eyeliner".
Crist, Gallagher Profiles
The St. Pete Times profiles Crist and Gallagher. See also "Charlie Crist".
Urban Davis Votes
"With a little more than a week left in an increasingly bitter Democratic primary for governor, it may seem odd that Davis was looking for votes in the middle of a congressional district he has held since 1997. But it also underscores the advantage Davis may have as he and state Sen. Rod Smith of Alachua head toward their Sept. 5 showdown. Davis has served nearly two decades in public office in the Tampa Bay area, including eight years in the Legislature and nine in Congress. It means he is a familiar presence to many voters in the state's largest media market, a 10-county region that happens to contain a quarter of the state's voters." "Urban district could aid Davis".
"We know nothing... nothing!"
"Business groups oppose plan forcing them to police hiring".
Where Was "Jeb!"?
"The Army Corps of Engineers is refusing to release detailed historical information about leaks in the Herbert Hoover Dike, saying the data could prove useful to terrorists or saboteurs." "Corps keeping the lid on dike data".
Piotr Blass Who?
"Write-in gubernatorial hopeful takes an Einstein approach".
Public-Private Profiteers
This excellent (lengthy) piece exposes Enterprise Florida, but for some reason fails to detail the political contributions Jebbie has reaped from the business that have profited from the "public-private partnership".
"Enterprise Florida is a public-private partnership that helps determine where incentive money gets spent to create jobs in the state. Sometimes, board members' companies reap the benefits." Members of its 63-person board of directors, which is chaired by Bush and includes some of the state's most widely admired companies, say they provide active, independent oversight of the organization.
But a St. Petersburg Times investigation shows that a corporate seat on the board - which in most cases requires a $50,000 annual donation - often benefits board members' companies.
Consider the following:
- Seventeen companies represented on the board between 2000 and 2005, including BellSouth, qualified for incentives promoted by Enterprise Florida.
Those companies - about one-fifth of the organizations on the board during that time - have lined up as much as $43.8-million in state-authorized incentives. Additionally, they often get other government benefits, such as local property tax breaks, federal grants, free land and county building fee waivers.
Companies that are not represented on the board aren't as lucky: There are an estimated 1.4-million businesses in Florida, and less than 1 percent have gotten incentives promoted by Enterprise Florida. In fact, most aren't eligible.
- About one-third of the organizations now represented on the board have business ties to Enterprise Florida or its affiliates. It has engaged in a wide variety of transactions with insiders, including payments of about $1.9-million to 15 organizations associated with current board members.
Among those payments: $1.1-million in legal and consulting fees for the Holland & Knight law firm and $157,000 for Florida Trend magazine, an affiliate of the Times. Some of the business was awarded without a full or open bidding process.
- Three big banks are among Enterprise Florida's biggest winners. Companies affiliated with Bank of America, Wachovia and SunTrust have collected about $12-million since 1995 through two Enterprise Florida affiliates, according to Times estimates.
The affiliates manage about $100-million in bonds and a partnership in which the banks invested more than $19-million. Yet four times between 1995 and 2001 auditors raised questions about the public benefits and oversight of those affiliates. "Deal me in". See also "Who is Enterprise Florida?"
Truce Collapses
"Only a month ago, the four men campaigning to be Florida's next governor seemed intent on playing well together. But over the last two weeks, that truce has collapsed into a free-fire of big-spending negative attacks, heightened by this week's televised debates and likely to leave voters perplexed over what to believe about the men they're voting for when they head to the polls." "Barbs traded in governor's race". See also "Both parties in governor's race step up attacks", "Democrats get more personal on TV" and "Davis, Smith Agree on Issues, Not on Records".
Property Taxes
"Property taxes on the rise throughout Broward County". See also "Local governments in Palm Beach County see windfalls from tax increases". See also "Property tax system no longer equitable".
Jebbie's "Legacy"
"Smith pushed the theme that he should succeed Republican Gov. Jeb Bush because he was the legislator who defeated Bush's 'legacy' proposals in this spring's legislative session, including a repeal of the class-size amendment and the placement of vouchers in the state constitution." "He halted Bush 'legacy' proposals, Smith recalls".
Is He Serious?
"LeRoy Collins Jr. bills himself as "a serious candidate for critical times." Maybe a little too serious. 'Smile ... smile,' his U.S. Senate campaign staffers worry as the square-jawed retired U.S. Naval Reserve rear admiral settles into a stern commander's look at a photo shoot outside a Tampa coffee shop." "Collins, former governor's son, focuses on relaxing Cuba embargo in Senate race".
"Hear That Roar? Sept. 5 Primary Elections Are Near".
"Two candidates vying for the Republican nomination for chief financial officer have healthy personal finances." "Two for CFO set cash-flow example".