Dem Health Insurance Initiative
"Intense voter and legislator interest in cutting property taxes shouldn't keep the state from making headway this year at reducing the number of uninsured children in Florida, Democratic legislators said Friday."House Democrats, who hold a third of the seats in the 120-member chamber and whose support will be key to the passage of any major tax initiative, are hoping to pass major health care reform legislation during the legislative session that starts Tuesday. They are sponsoring a bill that would ask voters in 2008 to insert a guarantee in the state constitution that all Florida children would have access to health insurance by July 2010.
The legislators said they intend to promote the issue at churches, synagogues and newspaper editorial boards throughout the state during the upcoming 60-day session. "Democrats aim to insure more children".
The Real Culprit
It is interesting to read the (well deserved) criticism Rubio is receiving for not appreciating the regressive nature of his proposed tax restructuring; Steve Bousquet today: "One of the many criticisms of the Rubio plan is that the sales tax in Florida is already too regressive.". "Maybe Rubio needs economics class".
The real culprit here is one Donna Arduin, who is apparently leading Rubio by the nose on this. Last year, as the St Pete times editorial board observed, Donna Arduin, a [Property Tax Reform Committee] committee member who was the former budget director for Gov. Jeb Bush, acts as though fairness is a quaint concept. "The property tax system we have now isn't exactly the opiate," she told members, according to published reports. "Let's not just use the old adage 'regressive' and dismiss it."
With such flippant discourse, the committee last month agreed to keep the issue alive and undermined their credibility as a competent, realistic panel. "Political stunts aren't tax reform". Bousquet has previously noted Arduin's, shall we say ... difficulties with even fellow GOoPers: "Republican Sen. Ken Pruitt, R-Port St. Lucie, called the scene at the hearing on Feb. 6 'surreal,' as if Arduin and lawmakers were in different states." "Red ink blues".
Who is Donna Arduin? She is a principal in Arduin, Laffer & Moore Econometrics ("ALME"). See also "Former aide to governors forming consulting firm". Yes, that "Laffer": namesake of the Laffer Curve, referred to in this New York Review of Books piece by Jason Epstein as "the crackpot theory that led Ronald Reagan to believe that huge tax cuts in federal taxes would lead to federal surpluses, when the actual outcome proved to be a cumulative deficit of $3.5 trillion.") It seems her company is also in the business of attacking Democratic initiatives. See, e.g., "Michigan: Evaluating the Granholm Tax Plan".
Perhaps most importantly, Arduin is a cheerleader for the wingnut Fair Tax proposal to change "United States tax laws to replace the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and all federal income taxes (including AMT), payroll taxes (including Social Security and Medicare taxes), corporate taxes, capital gains taxes, gift taxes, and estate taxes with a national retail sales tax, to be levied once at the point of purchase on all new goods and services." See ALME's "A Macroeconomic Analysis of the Fair Tax Proposal (.pdf)". Donna apparently thinks sales taxes are good and all other taxes are bad.
Not long ago, Rubio actually "hired Gov. Jeb Bush’s former budget director, Donna Arduin, as a $10,000-a-month consultant." "House leader handing out six-figure jobs". Is this really the kind of advisor our boy wonder speaker of the House needs?
Get Ready for the Session
The Tampa Trib editors: "The Legislature convenes Tuesday in Tallahassee where an open-minded governor and revolutionary ideas about taxes herald a session of bold - perhaps reckless - change."
Personable leaders have created fertile ground for ideas to sprout, ideas that in recent years would never have seen daylight. The companionable attitude has raised expectations of a session capable of historic changes.
The choices may be tougher than expected if revenue estimates continue to reflect a slowing state economy. But at this point, the mood is upbeat. No longer is Jeb Bush enforcing his agenda. New Gov. Charlie Crist is brimming with fresh proposals, but remains open to other ideas and they are arriving faster than they can be analysed. The political wind these days feels more like a whirlwind.
Whose ideas will land on top is, as the session begins, anyone's guess. Much is at stake, especially in insurance, education, and health care, but the top priority is taxes. "State Lawmakers Raise Audacious Expectations".
The MSM can't help themselves; the Trib editorial includes this passage: "Crist's education plan builds on Bush's success in school accountability and achievement, but wisely aims to take some of the vitriol out of the debate over public schools." To which we ask: precisely what "success in school accountability and achievement" are you talking about? Don't readers deserve more than unsubstantiated, RPOF talking point retreads?
Daytona Beach
"This might go down as the longest honeymoon. Two months into the job, Mayor Glenn Ritchey continues to garner compliments and praise after answering a call to complete the term of Mayor Yvonne Scarlett-Golden, who died of cancer in December." "Many singing praises of Daytona mayor".
Charlie's Costly Political Stunt
"As legislators prepare an 'anti-murder act' that would put more probation violators behind bars, fiscal watchdogs say Florida's existing "zero tolerance" policy is clogging courts, costing millions of dollars and harming offenders who are trying to go straight." "'Anti-murder' act could be costly".
Tallahassee, We Have a Problem
"Food lines are growing as census data show that more Floridians are falling into extreme poverty." "Extreme poverty on rise in the state".
Crime Problem
"South Florida never will find solutions to its crime problem until public officials admit there is one." Denial and politically motivated distortion only make it more difficult for governments to make the streets safer and reduce the teen violence that has grown exponentially in recent years. West Palm Beach and Riviera Beach are two of the worst cities for violent crime in Palm Beach County, yet people running the cities dismiss residents' complaints and insist nothing out of the ordinary is going on. "City officials indulge in criminal distortion".
Privatizing a Public Resource
"The recent attempt to build a water bottling plant in Wakulla County is not an isolated incident, and a bit of context will help us understand this effort to privatize a public resource." "Our water shouldn't be in private hands".
Mass Migration
"Federal, state and local authorities are preparing to dispatch boats, planes and hundreds of emergency personnel in a two-day drill aimed at preventing a mass migration to Florida." "Joint drill set to prepare for exodus from Caribbean".
Tent City
"The homeless crisis in St. Petersburg has come full circle, literally. What started as an unlawful tent city on private property near downtown that was shut down and dispersed to nearby public rights of way, will return to the original spot, where the city will allow 75 tents to be erected for 90 days." "It's time to move past tent cities".
Citizens Committee Shoots a Blank
"After significant prodding, [Broward County] commissioners agreed -- reluctantly -- to form a citizen's budget advisory committee to comb through the budget and make detailed suggestions on where to lay the axe." Well, this week, after much anticipation, the committee came up with its first recommendation. What were the pearls of wisdom it dispensed after its first round of studies?That the commission ... drum roll, please ... cut spending. For the detail-starved, there was one bit of specifics, that commissioners specifically limit spending to this year's $4.3 billion plan.
If they had any great ideas on how to pay for increased medical expenses, standard employee raises, cost of living jumps or the other typical annual increases without growing the bottom line, panel members were silent, and consequently, remiss in the duties they agreed to take on. "Taxes".
Hitting the Books
"Crist on Friday ordered the head of the state prison system to conduct a study of how lethal injection is carried out by the federal prison system and in 37 other states." "Florida to study other systems".
Paper Trail
"Before the Florida Legislature has even acted on Gov. Charlie Crist's request to spend $32.5 million to replace touchscreen machines with ones that use optical scan ones, the Department of State continues to move ahead with creating a paper trail." "Department moving on paper trails".
'Ya Think?
"Florida’s pension fund could have to sell holdings in some companies that do business in Sudan under a bill designed to add pressure on the African nation’s government to end an ongoing genocide." "Lawmaker: Florida money shouldn’t support Sudan government". See also "Bill Would Cut Off Money Headed For Sudan Government".
"Rich Venezuelans, alarmed by Chavez's socialism, head to Florida". Do our immigration laws permit folks who leave off "unearned" income to waltz in?
"Site to list teachers' disciplinary action".
Wexler and Obama
"Sen. Barack Obama, whose image as a novice at foreign affairs has been criticized as a handicap, is seeking to repair his reputation as an advocate of Israel, and is fortifying that effort with an alliance with one of Florida’s foremost Israel backers, Rep. Robert Wexler, D-Boca Raton." "With Wexler By His Side, Obama Touts Israel Support, Iraqi Disengagement".
GOP Split
"The battle over immigration reform and a new status for illegal immigrants that split the GOP last year isn’t going away. ... It will also put Florida Sen. Mel Martinez, who’s also national Republican Party chairman and a focal point of the immigration debate, in the spotlight." Martinez told the Tribune recently that he believes there’s a window of time, from now until late summer, when it will be possible to negotiate an immigration bill that will pass the Senate, before election-year politicking makes it impossible. He said he thought chances are 70 percent or better a bill will be passed.
Martinez advocates such requirements as paying some back taxes or fines, good behavior and proficiency in English and citizenship, as the price for legal status or citizenship.
Opponents contend that is, in effect, amnesty. Martinez denies that, but also said he no longer believes it’s possible to satisfy those critics. "Immigration Split Continuing".
Time for a Change
"Many political observers were surprised when, during his gubernatorial campaign, Crist acknowledged that the law needs to change. His change of heart, however, isn't shared by Attorney General Bill McCollum, who flat-out opposes automatic restoration of civil rights. The other two Cabinet members -- Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink and Agriculture Commissioner Charlie Bronson -- say they're comfortable with automatic restoration for nonviolent felonies, including drug crimes. Crist postponed a discussion of the issue in the Cabinet this week, giving Sink, Bronson and the governor's office a chance to work on language that would be amenable to all three of them. The governor and Cabinet sit as Florida's Clemency Board, and together, Crist, Sink and Bronson could overrule any dissenting vote from McCollum." "When debt's paid".
Red Tide
"Most people blame the decline in Florida tourism last year on a fear of hurricanes, rising gas prices, insurance-spiked hotel rates and the security obstacles facing international visitors since Sept. 11, 2001. But talk to a tourist who spent their precious beach vacation in the middle of a fish kill and you'll hear another factor that's driving away repeat visitors: red tide, the toxic algae bloom that kills fish, turtles, even manatees." "Solve Riddle Of Red Tide Or Tourism Will Drop Even More".
"U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor is raising the prospect of physician shortages to the attention of Congress." "To Add Doctors, Lift Cap On Training Slots".
"City voters will do more than choose two commissioners Tuesday -- they'll also decide whether the city should change its charter to give commissioners longer terms and redefine the responsibilities of the city manager and mayor." "Bunnell voters to decide term limit changes".
Unions to Meet Garcia
"South Florida union leaders are invited to meet with the newly elected chairman of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party, Joe Garcia, at 12:30 p.m. Thursday." "Come meet Joe Garcia".
Early Primary Faltering?
"Don't bank on Florida moving its '08 presidential primary very early just yet." The Buzz is that Altamonte Springs Republican Lee Constantine, chairman of the Senate Ethics and Elections Committee, wants to schedule the primary for mid-February, when the presidential nominations are likely to be already set. The current proposal in the legislature calls for rescheduling Florida’s traditional March primary to Feb. 5 or one week after New Hampshire’s tentatively scheduled Jan. 22 primary, whichever is sooner. "Cracks in the early primary push".
William March on the early primary thing: "Tribune: Early Decisions, Fewer Choices".
"Cocoa lobbyist Guy Spearman is another heavyweight in Tallahassee who commands top-dollar." "Lobbyist paid for his clout, expertise".
Sayfie Envy
"We're a little late noting this little squabble, but check out the Politico's recent piece on state Democratic party spokesman Mark Bubriski taking shots at the Sayfie Review's political leanings." "Bubriski v. Sayfie".
And some GOoPers are jumping on Sayfie as well: one Florida daily clipping service is being dissed by network TV analysts and national newspaper journalists for selectively choosing political news that benefits predominantly one side of the political aisle - and in some cases, the proprieter's preferred candidate for office. Fair and balanced? Hmmmm..." "New political mag".
Crist Fumbles Restoration
"Crist postponed a decision on the automatic restoration of civil rights for felons."Chairing his first meeting of the state clemency board on Thursday, Gov. Charlie Crist denied the restoration of voting rights for dozens of felons, approved the rights for several others and postponed a vote on a plan to automatically restore the rights for many more in the future. What kind of leadership is this? Charlie acts like he didn't know that McCollum toes the standard RPOF line on restoration?But the governor needs a consensus on the four-member clemency board and he was unable to forge the compromise he had sought without isolating a fellow Republican, Attorney General Bill McCollum, as the lone ''no'' vote. So Charlie is giving McCollum, a knuckle dragger from the get go, the ultimate authority? Apparently so:''Obviously, I favor the restoration of civil rights and I am optimistic we will be able to get to that point, but I want to build a consensus before we go there,'' he said after the four-hour meeting.
Crist hoped to find agreement among McCollum, Agriculture Commissioner Charles Bronson and Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink to approve the automatic restoration of felons' civil rights for the majority of crimes. "Crist delays vote on restoring rights to felons automatically". See also "Drive for Automatic Restoration of Rights Stalls", "Crist postpones clemency vote on felons rights", "Restoring rights quickly is revisited", "Drunken driver denied clemency" and "Crist delays decision on felons' civil rights" ("Despite an intense, behind-the-scenes lobbying effort, Gov. Charlie Crist on Thursday postponed an anticipated vote on a plan to automatically restore the civil rights of most convicted felons who have completed their sentences.")
And what is this supposed to mean: "Crist said he would continue to press for automatic restoration for some, but only when he felt he had the 'appropriate majority' of votes." "Crist delays taking up felons' rights". "Appropriate majority"?
False Light
"Florida news media have well-placed allies in this year's effort to scrap the state's 'false light' doctrine for suing publishers or broadcasters over accurate, but irritating, statements in news reports. Proponents see it as a protection for unfettered news reporting. But a lawyer who teaches communications at Florida State University warns that taking away the option to sue for 'embarrassment, humiliation and ridicule' will diminish the common-law right to be left alone." "Effort to scrap 'false light' law has powerful allies at Capitol".
If you are unaware of the Orlando Sentinel's poltroonery on this subject, please take a look at "Oh ... The Hypocrisy".
Insurance Rates
"Insurance Law's Savings Pegged In Double Digits". See also "Florida homeowners to see reduction in insurance cost", "Insurance rates will begin dropping soon" and "State: New law should give insurance savings up to 50 percent".
"Less of A Democracy"
Mark Lane takes a look at the S. V. Date book on Jebbie: "Jeb book ties past to future" (if Jebbie were president, "we would be less of a democracy at the end of his term.")
Florida's Executioners
"Florida's executioners need better training, and the mix of chemicals now used in lethal injections should be re-evaluated, a commission charged with reviewing a botched December execution said in a report released Thursday." "Report: State's killings flawed". See also "Review of executions on Crist's desk" and "Crist gets lethal injection report, takes no immediate action".
Falling Star
The St Pete Times editorial board: If Gov. Charlie Crist is puzzled about why teachers from his home county overwhelmingly rejected bonus pay, he need only look at the seven local formulas that state education bureaucrats rejected. Performance pay, as it is being hastily mandated throughout Florida, has become a game of political gotcha. And teachers want no part.
In Pinellas, teachers rejected the bonus plan by a staggering vote of 4,266 to 191. In Broward, the margin was 97 percent against; in St. Lucie, 96 percent; in Hendry, 95 percent; in Duval, 75 percent. "The teachers are not the only ones showing their disgust, either."At least eight elected School Boards have put their own counties at financial risk by refusing to send a bonus plan to the state Department of Education. In Pinellas, the effort was led by a board member, Jane Gallucci, who is currently president of the National School Boards Association. As Gallucci put it: "If you let the bully bully you, you get bullied again."
The bully is Tallahassee, and newly elected state Sen. Don Gaetz, a former Okaloosa school superintendent, knows the score. Of the Special Teachers Are Rewarded mandate, he says: "It wasn't debated. It wasn't subjected to a committee process, to testimony, to review, to analysis. ... The STAR system was poorly designed and ... is inherently flawed." "Grades are in: Bonus plan is farcical mess". See also "Legislature should speed pay plan's demise". But see "FCAT-based teacher bonuses reluctantly approved in Martin".
And this piece by a high school history teacher, in "creativity-crushing FCAT style" no less, is worth a read: "Describe a dim STAR in five 'graphs".
The Tampa Trib editors: "Today it makes sense to repeal no-fault car insurance because ambulance-chasing lawyers and unscrupulous doctors are scamming the system in new ways, forcing Floridians to pay the nation's sixth highest auto insurance rates." "Florida Should Let The Sun Set On No-Fault Auto Insurance".
Wexler Hearts Obama
"U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler is backing Barack Obama for president, bringing the Illinois senator a potentially strong base of support in Democrat-rich South Florida." "Wexler backing Obama". See also "Obama Is Going to Have A Very Busy Sunday In Florida".
What About Employers?
"Board of Governors considers mandatory health insurance for college students." "Universities".
Unfunded Mandates
Ironically, what America's governors obviously understand on a federal-state level, Florida's elected state leaders conveniently forget when it comes to state-local relations. Cities, counties and school districts throughout the Sunshine State have complained for years that the Legislature, with the complicity of the governor, whoever it happens to be, passes down to them sometimes very big bills to pay for laws that it requires. "Unfunded, unfair".
An Orlando Thing
George Diaz laments: "Orlando's identity has taken enough hits already, with the proverbial cheap shots because of our ties to Mickey, Minnie, the Grinch, Shamu and the rest of the cuddly creatures who drive our tourism industry." "Art purchases fly best when doors are open".
Tort Reform
"The leader of a probusiness group Thursday attacked legislation he said would undo a law passed last year to prevent defendants in lawsuits from having to pay for damages caused by other parties." Judges and juries, under the new law, no longer can order defendants with "deep pockets" to pay most or all of a verdict when other defendants are unable to pay their shares regardless of how much each had been at fault.
This year's legislation (HB 733 and SB 1558) also would bar the practice, supported by business interests, of considering the faulted parties not included in a lawsuit when deciding how to divide responsibility for paying damage "Business group fights suit bill".
"The gambling interests that want voters to approve Las Vegas-style slot machines in Miami-Dade County began quietly searching for a new campaign team this week that could include Miami state Rep. David Rivera, a top lieutenant to the anti-gambling leader of the Florida House of Representatives." "Dade slots fight may resume".
"Not so fast"
"House Republican leaders promise that by abolishing property taxes for all full-time residents and rolling back rates for everyone else, they will save property owners thousands of dollars a year and also stimulate the economy." Not so fast, economists say.
The massive property tax reform plan being trumpeted by House leaders heading into Tuesday's start of the legislative session is drawing two big red flags from economic experts.
First, many experts say the plan, which eliminates property taxes for full-time Floridians in exchange for a voter-approved 42 percent hike in sales tax, would benefit wealthy property owners and shift more of the tax burden to the poor and middle class.
Second, by relying on unstable sales tax income more than ever before, state and local governments would be forced to slash budgets every time Floridians change their spending habits.
Overall, the plan is fraught with risk, economists say. "Sales tax plan shifts the burden". See also "Tax reform would force budget cuts" ("County officials on Thursday shared some dire predictions as they discussed what could happen if state legislators overhaul Florida's tax system, possibly raising the sales tax while, for homesteaded residents, eliminating the property tax altogether.")
The Buzz: "National Journal's new Congressional vote ratings peg" Robert Wexler as the most liberal member of Florida's U.S. House delegation (No duh), and Ric Keller as the most conservative (some duh). ...
In the Senate, Mel Martinez was more conservative than 79.3 percent of members, and Bill Nelson was more conservative than 66.2. "Liberal Robert, conservative Ric".
Draining the Guard
"Florida Guard officials said the shortages, while significant, pose no critical threat to their ability to respond to a domestic disaster such as a hurricane - yet." "Equipment ruined or still needed".
Voting Twice
"Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland asked for an investigation into his office this week after a security video surfaced this week showing a woman voting twice within 45 minutes during early voting in August. State Attorney Harry Shorstein said he hoped to have an announcement in the case today." "Elections chiefs: 1 ballot per voter".
The Other Clinton
"For a two-term president married to a U.S. senator running for the White House, Bill Clinton delivered a speech at the University of Miami Thursday with barely a trace of politics." "Serve the public, Clinton tells young". See also "Former President Clinton addresses UM students".
Poor Grover
"Conservative anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist isn’t the forgiving type. In talking to him last week about Rep. Vern Buchanan’s early votes in Congress, Norquist refused to give Buchanan much cover for voting to repeal some gas and oil subsidies." "Norquist isn’t happy with Buchanan".
Mahoney Votes Right
"Hazing ramped up this week for a clique of moderate freshman Democrats who won in traditional Republican strongholds last November, making them targets for interest groups ready to twist arms for votes." Business groups paid special attention to a trio of moderate Democrats -- Reps. Heath Shuler of North Carolina, Tim Mahoney of Florida and Nancy Boyda of Kansas -- in a campaign against a pro-union bill that pitted business interests against organized labor.
The bill passed 241-185 Thursday, mostly on party lines and with support from all three. The lobbying underscored that circumstances of their 2006 victories will resonate until the 2008 elections. "Moderates feel heat from business, GOP".
'Ya Think?
"After a scandal-filled year in Palm Beach County politics, the head of the nonpartisan Voters Coalition felt compelled to remind a banquet room full of elected officials, judges and campaign operatives Thursday night that not all politicians are crooked." "Most pols honest, vote group says".
Tax Reform
Bill Berlow: "Truth is, the wonks have been saying for years that Florida and other states were like a fast-moving train that was bound to wreck without major tax reform." In 2005, University of Florida economist David Denslow sounded almost prescient in "Tough Choices: Shaping Florida's Future," a report by the LeRoy Collins Institute at FSU on Florida's most pressing public policy challenges.
The first chapter - written by Denslow and titled "Florida's State and Local Revenues" - identifies the statewide housing boom as both blessing and curse.
The increase in property values means that city and county coffers are more full, which gives rise to the allegation that local governments are irresponsibly drunk with newfound riches.
As Denslow noted, however, building booms end. The most recent boom is now showing clear signs of doing that, and policymakers are left to deal with the consequences.
"There is the danger the housing boom will lull policy makers into complacency, since the gains come early and the pain later," he wrote. "The immediate benefits are the rising revenue and increasing employment. The costs are the gradually declining levels of public services as government operations are stretched thin and infrastructure is increasingly crowded." "But Denslow was hardly a lone ranger."Last year, a report by the National League of Cities concluded that the entire system of public finance throughout the country is badly flawed and "woefully out of date" because of the shift from goods to services and the rise of the knowledge-based economy.
The League's goal was to spur discussion in state legislatures, county courthouses and city halls around America. Great goal, but as the events of past weeks have already shown, the political process moves much faster, and usually less thoughtfully, than policy experts would like. And Florida's legislative session hasn't even begun yet. Remember,it's all about the 2008 presidential race and how Florida figures in so prominently. Both Republicans and Democrats want to be perceived as the people's party, and if that means cutting taxes at the expense of local services, that darn-tootin' will be the price we pay. "Tax reform: It's about politics, not policy".
The Employee Free Choice Act
A huge vote today in the U.S. House of Representatives on H.R. 800, a bill "to amend the National Labor Relations Act to establish an efficient system to enable employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to provide for mandatory injunctions for unfair labor practices during organizing efforts, and for other purposes." Florida co-sponsors include:Rep Brown, Corrine Rep Castor, Kathy Rep Hastings, Alcee L. Rep Klein, Ron Rep Meek, Kendrick B. Rep Wasserman Schultz, Debbie Rep Wexler, Robert Where are Allen Boyd and Tim Mahoney?
"When the Florida Board of Executive Clemency meets today for the first time since Gov. Charlie Crist took office, a majority of members will be on record supporting automatic restoration of voting rights for most felons who have been released from prison." But as of Wednesday evening, Crist said he was still not sure he had the votes to overhaul the Jim Crow-era rules, found in only two other states, that disenfranchise felons who have served their time.
''I don't know if we have the votes yet, but I'm going to keep trying,'' the governor said as he was returning to Tallahassee from Jacksonville late Wednesday.
He said a suggestion from Attorney General Bill McCollum to expedite the review process to relieve the backlog of felons seeking a hearing from the state clemency board doesn't go far enough. "Crist changed his previous position last year, and now favors giving felons an automatic right to vote, serve on a jury and obtain certain occupational licenses after they complete their sentence." For some reason, Dem Alex Sink is not on board with full restoration:He can't make good on his campaign promise, however, without the majority of the four-member clemency board, which includes McCollum, Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink and Agriculture Commissioner Charles Bronson. McCollum opposes the overhaul, while Sink and Bronson have said they would support automatic civil rights for certain nonviolent offenders. "Crist pushes for felons' rights". The AG wants to drag his feet: "Pick up pace on clemency hearings, McCollum says". See also "Whittling Away at Clemency Backlog".
The Palm Beach Post editorial board urges Charlie to do it by executive fiat "If it takes an executive order to correct this 140-year-old wrong, the governor should use the power of his office and do it."About one-third of the disenfranchised ex-felons are African-American, which is consistent with the oppressive law's history. Florida passed it after the Civil War to prevent former slaves from voting. Besides Florida, only Kentucky and Virginia do not restore rights automatically. The clemency process is time-consuming and expensive. Applicants must appear before the governor and Cabinet for approval. With thousands of cases backlogged in the system, it can take two years just to get a response. "Give Florida's ex-felons a reason to stay straight".
"Florida Hometown Democracy"
"Florida Hometown Democracy", the "backers of a statewide proposal [via a constitutional amendment] to give voters ultimate authority over new subdivisions, shopping centers and other future growth received a $35,000 contribution and vows of vigorous support from one of Florida's largest environmental groups Wednesday." "Sierra Club backs push to let voters rule growth". See also "Sierra Club promoting growth-control ballot" ("If the amendment reaches the ballot, it could touch off a massive political fight about growth in the state -- and about who should make development decisions.")
Money Scramble
"A few Florida lawmakers are preparing for the Legislature's coming property tax debate by turning to lobbyists to write checks." At least three lawmakers working on property tax issues have filed paperwork to create funds that can raise unlimited money to support candidates, buy ads, and pay for food and travel.
Senate Finance and Tax Chairman Mike Haridopolos, R-Indialantic, has formed the Committee for Florida's Fiscal Future and plans to raise cash from lobbyists to pay for travel over the summer and fall to campaign for whatever tax fix lawmakers put on the fall ballot.
Sen. Jeff Atwater, a North Palm Beach Republican slated to become the next Senate president, has set up another committee called Preserve the American Dream. "Rush is on to raise cash for tax effort".
Back at the ranch: "Tax overhaul talk has local governments looking for cuts" In the meantime, the Senate slogs away with its public hearings: "Residents air tax concerns to lawmakers at meeting".
At least one legislative delegation isn't particularly thrilled with the House plan; Jeremey Wallace: "State Rep. Ron Reagan, R-Bradenton, is so far the most enthusiastic about the idea. Reagan called the plan 'bold and innovative.' He also tried to allay concerns that local government would be left short in paying for local services. He said the boost in sales tax would be more than enough to replace homestead taxes." "Delegation treads carefully on tax debate".
The Last Insurance Crisis
"While most Floridians are fretting over the latest insurance crisis - property coverage - it's clear that the last insurance crisis - medical malpractice - never was resolved. ... Both Gov. Charlie Crist and Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink say they are concerned that medical malpractice rates haven't dropped and they've asked the Office of Insurance Regulation Commissioner Kevin McCarty to recommend the next course of action." "Last insurance 'fix' hasn't slashed rates".
"Despite special session, some Florida insurance issues unresolved".
Taxpayer Funded Lethal Injections
"The commission examining last year's botched lethal injection execution wants Gov. Charlie Crist to consider reviewing the mix of chemicals used to kill condemned criminals, according to a draft report of the commission's findings." "Crist to get report on executions". See also "Report to suggest exploring different execution options".
HD 3
Republican Clay Ford "supports forcing cuts in local property taxes and capping how much they can grow in the future -- key components of Republican House Speaker Marco Rubio's property-tax plan." And get this: "'Ford supporters already are beginning the campaign to get him elected House speaker.'" "Former Arkansas Lawmaker Joins the Florida House".
Secret Dockets
"A draft bill to give Florida's prosecutors and judges the authority to falsify court records for undercover law enforcement purposes is dead, according to the senator who agreed to sponsor it." "Senator says secret dockets bill on hold".
"The City Commission of this small Tampa Bay community voted late Tuesday to begin the process of firing the city's top official -- less than a week after he announced plans to pursue a sex-change operation." "Manager's sex-change plan leads to dismissal". See also "Activists: Fired city manager could be transsexual champion".
The St Pete Times editors: "Largo officials bow to mob, prejudice". See also this dKos diary: "TAKE ACTION: City Manager of Largo, FL fired because he's transgendered".
"U.S. Chamber gives Florida 'D' in education".
Strict Enforcement
"Forget illegal contributions, dirty tactics and sign theft." Apparently what riles the Florida Elections Commission is punctuation. Just ask state Rep. Rick Kriseman, D-St. Petersburg, who was fined $500 last week for adding an extra period to the required disclaimer "Political Advertisement. Paid for and approved by Rick Kriseman," on campaign materials this fall, making it two sentences. "Punctuation police snare candidate".
"Former state GOP chairman Al Cardenas has been named to Mitt Romney’s Latin American Policy Advisory Group." "Cardenas Advising Romney on Latin America".
New Song
"Let's pick new song for state, Crist says".
Mike Thomas on Gardasil: "To vaccinate -- or not? It's for family to decide".
'Ya Think?
"Dollars, not early primaries, are defining voters' choices for president." "Curb the enthusiasm".
"Two days after Gov. Charlie Crist came to Washington to push for a national catastrophic fund to bail out hurricane ravaged states, the [Dem Sen. Chris Dodd] chair of the Senate committee that oversees insurance announced hearings Wednesday to discuss the issue." This could explain why Dodd scheduled a hearing: "Dodd is running for president, and Florida is probably going to move up its presidential primary, making the state more important to presidential candidates.". "“A Positive Sign” On Cat Fund".
"Since entombment permits were first issued in 1991, the state has sanctioned the killing of about 74,000 tortoises -- by crushing or suffocation and starvation, since the tortoises can survive for months in their covered-over burrows. Equally bad, hundreds of other species, like the indigo snake (also threatened) and burrowing owls, that use the tortoise burrows as surrogate homes are left without habitat. Tortoise destruction also affects plant life since the tortoises distribute seeds as they lumber across the land. There's no reason for the state commission to delay an end to 'entombment.'" "Tortoise tombs".
No Comment
"Davie candidate admits operating Internet pornography site".
"Lt. Gov. Jeff Kottkamp focuses on urban renewal today when he attends a conference in Central Florida." "Urban renewal on Kottkamp's schedule today".
A, B, C ...
The Orlando Sentinel editors whine: "There are things to like in Mayor Buddy Dyer's latest agenda to fight crime. But there is one thing it still needs: a way to measure whether it will make all neighborhoods safer." "Leave no one behind".
How about ranking neighborhoods A through F; that ought to make the FCAT happy Sentinel editors happy.
Jac Wilder VerSteeg: "The American Civil Liberties Union says it will sue the Palm Beach County School District over the district's low graduation rate. OK, that's one of the culprits. Now, we just need someone to sue the bad parents, lazy students and FCAT-obsessed state." "A lawsuit over dropout rates?"
State of State
"Crist wants to start a new tradition Monday. On the eve of his first State of State address, he will host a State of the State dinner. It will include 100 or so of his closest friends and supporters, and he's invited one member of each news organization." "Crist to host State of State dinner".
Dodson Column a Predictable, Political Bore
Timothy Dodson: "Gore movie a predictable, political bore".
The Broward County School Board "chose to miss the state's deadline for submitting a payment plan for teacher bonuses. It's betting the Legislature will revise the program, known as Special Teachers Are Rewarded, or STAR, when the legislative session begins next week. The gamble could cost the school district $75 million in state funding. Worse, the state could impose a merit pay plan anyway, and then the district would have to come up with the money to fund it on its own." "School Board".
Broward isn't alone: "Gov. Charlie Crist seemed baffled Wednesday that the Pinellas School Board rejected $6.1-million in state money for teacher bonuses. The board on Tuesday said 'no thanks' to the program to award 5 percent bonuses to the top 25 percent of teachers. Pasco officials rejected it Wednesday.".
Words Mean Things
"Call them undocumented immigrants, says Florida Sen. Frederica Wilson, who has introduced a bill to prohibit the official use of the term 'illegal alien.' She makes a valid point." "Phrase 'Illegal Alien' Faces Exile". See also "Legislator wants ban on 'alien'".
"Even stronger building codes, insurance-premium discounts to match and smaller state mitigation grants are among recommendations emerging from a state committee reporting on Florida's hurricane-proofing efforts." "Committee looks to hurricane-proof Florida".
"Since Rep. Vern Buchanan's arrival on Capitol Hill, the Longboat Key Republican has prompted head-scratching among supporters with a moderate voting record that Democrats say comes straight from their playbook. ... One of only 19 Republicans to side with Democrats on five of their first six House bills, Buchanan voted to raise the minimum wage, cut industry subsidies, let the federal government negotiate drug prices and slash loan interest rates for students." "Buchanan does not toe the GOP line".
Charlie the Renter
"The governor, who rents a high-rise condominium in downtown St. Petersburg's Bayfront Tower, got socked with a 25 percent rent increase after his landlord lost the protection of the Save Our Homes tax cap." "Governor feels hit of tax inequity". See also "Governor pays price for landlord's tax trouble".
HD 3 Results
"Unofficial results from Tuesday's special election show Ford garnered 56 percent of the vote to Campbell's 44 percent." "Ford wins District 3 House seat". See also "Republican Ford wins House District 3 seat".
The official "unofficial" results are at this site. Here are the "Reporting Status" and "Voter Turnout" stats. As to the latter, turnout was pathetic, with only 16% turning out in Escambia County while the turnout was higher in the far less populous portion of Santa Rosa County covered by the District.
Charlie Sued
The New York Post: "Florida's governor is being slapped today [Tuesday] with a scathing lawsuit that charges that he turned a blind eye to a massive Ponzi scheme run by boy-band impresario Lou Pearlman, who is accused of swindling New Yorkers to the tune of $56 million, The Post has learned." Crist allegedly got illegal campaign donations from Pearlman totaling nearly $11,000 even as he was supposed to be investigating the Queens native as Florida's attorney general, according to the lawyer filing the suit.
Crist also allegedly accepted rides on Pearlman's private jet without adequately reimbursing him, and benefited from fund-raisers held at Pearlman's Orlando-area home without properly covering the costs, said lawyer James Lowy.
Crist, who took office this year, did not return the tainted donations even after Pearlman's sleazy actions began making headlines in recent weeks, and after long knowing that there were serious concerns about his investment scheme, Lowy said.
A Crist spokeswoman had no immediate comment. "Fla. Governor Faces the Music" (via Naked Politics). See also "See you in court, Gov. Crist".
House Plan Slammed
The St Pete Times editors: "The line between bold and reckless has been erased in the Florida House." A Republican plan to cap government revenues, abolish property taxes for homesteads and enact the nation's highest sales tax is so irresponsible and poorly designed it would be laughed off if it wasn't backed by House Speaker Marco Rubio and his leadership team. They have created a risky scheme that would make a broken tax system more unfair, undermine the state's tenuous financial stability and erode our quality of life. "First, legislation that would roll back property tax rates six years to reduce bills by 20 percent is more unreasonable than it sounds even though it factors in population growth and inflation."The House Republican plan then calls for a special election this year for voters to consider a constitutional amendment that would permanently strangle state and local governments with revenue caps tied to population growth and inflation. This is a sentence to permanent mediocrity at the very time state and local governments should be investing more in public schools, higher education, affordable housing, transportation and health care. With medical costs rising and more uninsured Floridians than ever, what kind of a state responds with arbitrary spending limits on Medicaid? "The most politically enticing element of the plan calls for voters to consider eliminating property taxes on all homesteaded property, which would trigger an increase in the sales tax by 2.5 cents."That is just as ludicrous as proposals by fiscal conservatives to replace the federal income tax with a national sales tax. It also reflects a lack of understanding about state tax policy and history. Much more here: "GOP's tax scheme is reckless, unfair". See also "Gelber questions Rubio's "trickle down economics".
In the meantime, Charlie has his finger in the wind: "Crist said Tuesday he's not committed to any property tax reform ideas, and even refused to defend his own proposals." "Crist wide open on property tax fix".
Storm Aid
"More than $2 million in emergency aid money will be available to 17 small communities affected by tornadoes earlier this month, Gov. Charlie Crist's administration announced Tuesday." "State aid for towns hit by twisters".
Lake O
The Palm Beach Post editors: "The message was the same: Lake Okeechobee and the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee rivers are in deep trouble, and Florida must provide more money for cleanup and restoration. But the contrast between Gov. Bush's visit to the lake toward the end of his second term and Gov. Crist's river tour in Stuart last week, barely two months after he took office, is striking." "Crist sets a new course on big lake and rivers".
The Next Time Someone ...
tells you the St Pete Times is "liberal", recall this piece of garbage which reads like a National Right To Work Committee press release: "Don't let unions coerce".
It is acceptable for "liberal" newspaper editors to bleat on about the environment and religious fundies, but when it comes to uppity unions, the editors are happy to satisfy their corporate masters.
In The Dark
"What is it about leaving the public in the dark that thrills lawmakers like Larry Cretul? The Gainesville Republican has it in his head that the public oughtn't be sticking its nose into the business of who runs its hospitals. His House bill, gaining traction through early committee reviews, would create an exemption for any record revealing the name of a potential top corporate officer being wooed by a public hospital search committee. The public would find out only after the committee turned its recommendation over to the governing board." "Hiring in the dark".
"Highest and Best Use"
"Florida determines the taxes owed on property based on true market value, a fair practice that has some unfair consequences for small businesses." A family-owned waterfront motel, for example, is taxed on what it could become under existing zoning and market conditions, typically a high-rise condo or luxury hotel. As a result, mom-and-pop operations are being taxed out of existence even though that's not what the community wants.
If cherished parts of commercial Florida are to survive, the rules must change. Otherwise, the future is bleak for small, affordable motels, auto repair shops in upscale neighborhoods, and even small sandwich shops and pizza joints with choice locations.
Under state law, appraisers are required to consider a property's "highest and best use," not simply how the present owner happens to be using the property. "State Needs Property Tax Rule That Preserves Local Heritage".
Why Bother
"Gov. Charlie Crist's high-profile pitch for a national catastrophe fund in Washington on Monday stood as much chance of succeeding as Ryan Gosling's quest for a best-actor Oscar the day before. Too many states like Montana and Michigan just won't be bothered to create and then pay into a pool designed to relieve states like Florida following hurricane-scale disasters." "Blowing in the wind". See also "Insurance" ("Florida must brace itself and go it alone again.")
Seriously, why should a state like Michigan give a damn about Florida's problems in light of Florida's history of fiscal irresponsibility. Michigan and other Northern states have raised (via among other things a state income tax) and expended necessary resources to shore up their infrastructures against winter storms while Florida (and other Southern states) have lured industries from the North with promises of low taxes (and right-to-work laws) and taken the politically expedient path when it comes to raising state revenues.
Poor Dubya
"Everything was going fine until President Bush dropped the ball." "Bush honors Miami’s championship basketball team".
Check Your Signature
Remember when Sen. Alex Villalobos' absentee ballot vote wasn't counted in his bitter reelection fight? The Tampa Trib editors emphasize today that, if you vote by absentee ballot - an increasingly popular way to vote - be sure the signature on file at the supervisor's office matches your signature today. "Check Signature Before Voting Absentee".
"Martinez on War Politics".
Home Prices Fall For Sixth Straight Month
"Sales of existing homes rose in January by the largest amount in two years, raising hopes that the worst of the severe slump in housing may be coming to an end. Median home prices, however, fell for a sixth straight month." "Existing home sales rise in January".
Charlie Strides Upon The National Stage
You decide: "The Wolf And Charlie Transcript".
Buried Alive
"It's appalling that state wildlife officials have allowed developers and road builders to bury thousands of live gopher tortoises - more than 4,500 in Pasco County over the last 15 years - instead of mandating relocation to safer ground." Coupled with the pace of development in Florida, it's not surprising the turtle's population is declining so rapidly that its existence is now threatened.
Fortunately, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has changed its way of thinking. "Don't Bury The Gopher Tortoise".
As The Legislature Sleeps
"At some point politicians who spar over the causes of global warming have to at least agree that whether humans are the cause of warming or not, it's happening, and it's affecting low-lying places like Florida." The tourism, real estate and insurance industries all have a big hold on the state's economy. All three face potential shocks in coming years from intensified storm seasons, rising sea levels, lengthened hot seasons and, as always when nature rains altered states, the unforeseen. Yet Florida lawmakers have been largely unconcerned. Fortunately,on April 3 and again in June, September and November, Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink, a Democrat, and Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Charles Bronson, a Republican, will hold Cabinet workshops on how the state's economy may be affected by warming trends, what to do about them, and how to position industry to address potential changes. "Report card".
Also of interest on this issue is this dKos diary: "On The Costs Of Climate Change, Or, Florida Bets The State".
State Song
"Florida's famous state song about the Suwannee River, considered by many to be racially insensitive, is entering troubled waters yet again." "Famous or infamous?".
"Largo city manager fired"
"City commissioners ended one of the most tumultuous weeks in Largo history Tuesday night by firing City Manager Steve Stanton as a result of his disclosure that he will have a sex-change operation." "Largo city manager fired". See also this dKos post: "City Manager Fired for Being Transgendered".
"What voters need to know is that touch-screen voting is not going away, even with the governor's proposal to replace most machines with fill-in-the-bubble optical-scan ballots. That's because the governor's plan allows touch screens for early voting and for the disabled, as long as the machines produce a voter-verified paper trail." Problem is, the printers that accompany touch-screen machines are far from perfect. They can jam and break down. If no one notices, voting can continue, creating an imperfect record. So the state must think about how to resolve a conflict between the electronic tally and its supposedly identical print offspring. It would stand to reason, since printers represent the governor's solution, that the printer be the final standard. But that wouldn't work if the paper trail were not complete because of printer breakdowns.
Secretary of State Kurt Browning admits that the standard is not yet clear. Worse, he said, would be to allow touch-screen voting to continue on a grand scale but require that printers be attached to every machine. At least with early voting, held at a limited number of locations, workers can be assigned to watch the printers and to redirect voters in the case of a breakdown.
The governor is taking this imperfect step, however, because of mistrust over touch-screen voting fueled by the 18,000 blank votes in the 13th District U.S. House race that was decided by 369 votes, with Republican Vern Buchanan defeating Democrat Christine Jennings. What happened there was not the fault of the machines, two state studies show. But under Gov. Bush, the state handed one of those studies, including scrutiny of the computer's brain - the source code - to a Florida State University professor with a record of involvement with the Republican Party. If there's no problem, there's no reason why the same access couldn't be given to experts selected by Ms. Jennings. "Ease touch-screen doubt".
Privatization Follies
"Three private-sector executives were named by Gov. Charlie Crist and CFO Alex Sink to the new seven-member panel charged with reviewing the big outsourcing ventures championed by former Gov. Jeb Bush." "Three more will review Jeb outsourcing deals".
HD 3 Election Day
Today's Florida political news and punditry.
HD 3 Election Day
"Democrats statewide have poured more than $37,000 in the last two weeks into a special House race in the Panhandle, where the party has recently found little cause for celebration."
Democrat Elizabeth Campbell of Pensacola is facing off against Republican Clay Ford of Gulf Breeze today in the House District 3 race set up when Gov. Charlie Crist appointed incumbent Holly Benson to head the state Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
According to Democratic polling, the fundraising has made Campbell competitive against Ford. But the Republican has still dominated the money race.
Ford's $125,000 total raised includes $35,000 that he loaned to his campaign and $48,000 of in-kind expenses such as direct mail, office space, phone banks and staffing the state Republican Party provided. ...
More than three-fourths of the $46,000 Campbell raised for the race came from outside Escambia and Santa Rosa counties "Dems funnel cash to open race". More at this dKos diary here.
GOPer Rhetoric
"But if one believed much of the rhetoric coming from the Capitol, most local governments in Florida are fiscally fat and routinely reckless, bimbos behaving like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears during a night on the town. Even if one believes that's true, a solution that punishes the responsible governments as well as the irresponsible ones is unfair." "Hazard of haste".
Florida's Dueling VP Prospects
The Palm Beach Post editorial board: "The talk is that Mr. Bush could be Mr. Romney's running mate." And if that weren't enough: Since Gov. Crist might be a potential McCain running mate, the change [i.e.,no RPOF straw poll] could help his own politics. "Crist wins, state wins".
Rubio's Plan
"House Speaker Marco Rubio embarked Monday morning on a two-day tour to spread the word about his plan to abolish property taxes. But things went awry even before he left Miami." "Rubio tries to sell tax switch". Among other things, Rubio caused an uproar ... on The Jim DeFede Show. He informed listeners that his dad was a bartender and mom a casino maid, and that the working class "depends on people's leftover money."
The remarks came as Rubio defended the House plan to eliminate property taxes in favor of a 2.5 percent sales tax increase. The more money people have to spend, he argued, the better off the working class will be -- a sort of trickle down theory.
The more disposable income there is, "the faster the working class can join, can grow into the ranks of homeownership, can send send their kids to college," Rubio said. "Rubio's 'working class' comments cause stir". See also "Rubio: working-class lives off 'leftover money'". On a different subject, "Rubio Talks About House Demotions".
Elon University Poll
The Buzz reports: A Feb. 18-22 Elon University poll of 719 voters in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia shows Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton leading. Among Dems, Clinton had 30%, Barack Obama 14%, Edwards 8%. Among Republicans, Giuliani had 21%, John McCain 16%, Mitt Romney 3 %. And get this:57% of the southern voters said they would support a national health insurance system. "Poll: Hillary and Rudy lead". More on the health insurance issue:Forty-nine percent of respondents said they are dissatisfied or strongly dissatisfied with the quality of health care, while 47 percent are satisfied or strongly satisfied. Seventy-seven percent said they have some form of private health insurance or private health care coverage; 22 percent do not.
Fifty-seven percent said they would support or strongly support a national insurance plan paid for by the federal government that would pay all medical and hospital costs for all citizens. Thirty-four percent oppose or strongly oppose such a plan.
"Strong support for national health care in the south is surprising," said [Hunter Bacot, director of the Elon University Poll]. "This initiative was very unpopular 10 years ago when it was proposed by the Clinton administration. Given the support we now see, this could possibly be the deciding issue for the Democrats in the 2008 elections." Poll Press Release.
Garcia Takes Over Miami-Dade DEC
"In a shake-up aimed at whipping activists into shape for the 2008 presidential election, the Miami-Dade Democratic Party on Monday picked a newcomer with national credentials to be chairman." Joe Garcia joined the party's executive committee just three months ago but has years of political experience as the Hispanic strategy director of the New Democratic Network and former executive director of the Cuban-American National Foundation.
As chairman of the Miami-Dade party, he will be responsible for recruiting local and state candidates, raising money, and getting out the vote in Florida's largest county. Garcia, who is a Cuban American, takes over at a time when the political parties are fiercely jockeying for the growing and influential Hispanic vote. He's got a lot of work to do:The local party has hovered at the margins of political power for years, even though Democrats outnumber Republicans in Miami-Dade, representing about 42 percent of the county's more than 1 million voters. Few elected officials and major donors are involved. Monthly meetings fall apart without a quorum. "Dade Democrats pick new chairman".
Building Code Delay Sought
"Florida's home-building industry is pushing to delay strengthened building codes, claiming hurricane protections sought by Gov. Charlie Crist and passed by the Legislature in January come too fast." "Home builders want to delay tougher rules".
How Nice
"A group of Alabama residents with second homes in the Panhandle have filed a class-action suit asking a Leon County judge to throw out the state's Save Our Homes property-assessment cap. The four Alabama residents with second homes in Walton and Okaloosa counties are asking that back taxes be refunded to thousands of Florida's non-homesteaded homeowners." "Group sues over Save Our Homes".
Fred's Replacement
"Crist will ask Tuesday morning that his fellow members of the Florida Cabinet vote to name Electra Bustle, assistant commissioner at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, to replace Fred Dickinson, the long-time chief of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles." "New Highway Safety director up for vote Tuesday".
100 Ideas That Won't Go Away
"School Board considers 100 ideas".
Elections Charges
"The Florida Elections Commission has dismissed a complaint filed against Gov. Charlie Crist by a St Petersburg man who accused Crist of accepting illegal campaign contributions from his running mate and Battaglia Enterprises Inc., a corporation controlled by St. Petersburg attorney Anthony S. Battaglia." "Ethics complaint against Crist dismissed".
"The state has found probable cause that Adrien Helm's Pinellas Democrats PAC violated contribution limits in August by accepting $5,000 from local Democratic Party activist Frank Lupo." "Helm PAC in Hot Water".
Property Taxes
Michael Mayo: "Even Broward's nonprofits are singing the property tax blues".
One Stop Shopping
"It's the week before the annual legislation session which means: money, money, money!" "One stop in the pre-session fundraising spree".
"Megachurching, Franchising, Exurbing, McMansioning" and All That
National Geographic has a lengthy piece on Orlando: "Walt Disney's utopian dream forever changed Orlando, Florida, and laid the blueprint for the new American metropolis." "The Theme-Parking, Megachurching, Franchising, Exurbing, McMansioning of America: How Walt Disney Changed Everything" (via Taking Names).
In Daytona Beach, "Leaders from the Florida House of Representatives and Senate want your opinion about taxes." "Town hall meeting on property taxes slated".
A Florida Thing
"And while people might be strolling the grounds in the buff, resort General Manager Rebecca Enrico said it's possible no one will be naked at the forum." "Forum at nudist resort is more than Loxahatchee candidate can bear".
Laff Riot
"This could be the people's year in Tallahassee, if you believe state lawmakers." It must be true if a lobbyist says so: "There's never been a year that could have more of an effect on the masses," said Ron Book, who has been lobbying at the Capitol for almost 40 years. "Legislature promises more relevance this year".
"One Step Closer"
"Florida came one step closer to creating a paper trail for elections when last week the manufacturer of electronic voting machines received state certification of AutoMark, an optical scanner accessible to disabled and non-English-reading voters." This brings the 15 counties in Florida that use error-prone touch-screen machines (Broward and Miami-Dade counties among them) closer to switching to optical scanners. With optical-scan machines, voters circle or fill in boxes on cards, creating a paper trail that can be used for a recount. Touch screens provide no such tangible record. "A voting advance".
Orlando City Commissioner Patty Sheehan reminds us how dopes like Ric [sic] Keller slid into office. Back in 2000, the Orlando Republican seized upon an $18,500 statue of a frog that was put up while Linda Chapin, a Democrat, was county chairman.
It made no difference to Keller that the money actually came from a public-arts fund established by a Republican-controlled board of commissioners. He was amphibian-obsessed. He got an intern to dress up in a frog costume for campaign events and even brought Dick Armey to town, so that the House majority leader could actually stand next to the bronze frog and complain about it.
Keller ended up beating Chapin by 2 percentage points -- and the Republican Party started showing the frog ads to other GOP candidates as an example of how to win an election.
Said Sheehan: "Keller rode that frog into office." "Politics just isn't an artful affair".
It also didn't hurt that Keller became a wholly owned subsidiary of the "Club for Growth", which funded his initial election. Put differently, Keller got elected because he is "'a hood ornament for the Club for Growth'". The Washington, D.C.-based group kept Keller alive during the 2000 election with $600,000 in hard and soft money, much of which went to vicious attack ads against [primary opponent Bill] Sublette and [Democrat Linda] Chapin. Keller was the club's top priority ..., and it claimed responsibility for his win." "Ricky-boy's rebirth". The "Club" also "ran radio and television ads in the district during his primary and run-off." "It Keeps Growing, and Growing, and Growing...".
Another Greer
"Charlie Crist sure likes the Greer family." "Crist Gives Another Greer a Job".
More From the "Values" Crowd
"Florida has a subsidized health insurance program for children who have no coverage. So, does the Florida Constitution need to be amended 'to guarantee every child in the state has available, accessible and affordable comprehensive, quality health care including basic dental and vision care'?" If the Legislature adequately financed the KidCare program the answer would be an easy no. Instead, the Legislature repeatedly has done everything possible to ensure that KidCare does not reach many of the 700,000 children in the state who lack access to health care. Renewed commitment to KidCare is encouraging, but is it enough to overcome - and prevent a repeat of - the state's efforts to undermine KidCare over the past seven years? "Guaranteed KidCare?".
We'll See
"Martinez told the Tampa Tribune editorial board today that he’ll continue pressing for immigration reform, despite the criticism his prominent role in the issue got him from the conservative wing of his own party." "Martinez Says He’s Not Backing Down On Immigration Reform".
"Sea cows call the warm waters near energy facilities home. Scientists fear that if a plant closes, those animals might not head to springs or migrate to South Florida." "Troubled waters for manatees?".
We're Number One!
"Florida's latest No. 1 designation is no reason for celebration. The state is the most dangerous in the country for the homeless." "Homeless".
Cat Fund
"Crist pressed congressional leaders Monday to reform disaster insurance by creating a national catastrophe fund, but his enthusiastic pitch got only a lukewarm reception on Capitol Hill." "Gov. Crist pitches disaster backstop" See also "Crist touts catastrophe fund idea".
Indeed, "Crist hinted Monday that his support for a presidential candidate could depend on how that candidate views what many Floridians consider the state’s top federal issue—a national reinsurance fund to deal with natural catastrophes, or 'cat fund.'" "Cat Fund Politics".
More Public Hearings
"Florida's public universities are being told they need an extreme makeover if they want to boost their reputations and make room for thousands of new students. ... Prospects might become clearer today at the University of Central Florida as the Board of Governors launches a series of hearings to collect ideas as it shapes a blueprint for the state's higher education of the future." "University governors want your opinions".
Largo City Manager
"Last summer, Largo commissioners gave City Manager Steve Stanton another glowing evaluation. After 14 years as manager, he still won their praise. Yet tonight those commissioners will meet to consider firing Stanton." The meeting comes less than a week after he revealed that he plans to get gender-reassignment surgery to become a woman. Commissioners who stood by Stanton late last week are waffling now after an onslaught of critical messages from upset Largo residents. The commission's most conservative member, Mary Gray Black, has called for Stanton to be put on leave, with a public hearing and vote on firing him to follow. ...
It is understandable that some people would be shocked or feel awkward around Stanton at first. The harsh community reaction to his decision should not have been unexpected, either. A proposed human rights ordinance was bitterly opposed three years ago in Largo, where conservative churches are politically powerful. "Judge official on skills, not sex".
Like "Halliburton in a Bush Administration"
Tom Blackburn today: "By most measures of fairness, predictability and efficiency, Florida's tax system is a mess and needs reform."Rep. Rubio would have the voters eliminate the property tax on homesteaded homeowners like me. As explained last week, property taxes are out of whack for two reasons. First is the cozy security blanket in which the 1992 Save Our Homes amendment wrapped longtime residents like me. Second, housing prices and, therefore, home values have been inflated, which mostly hurts people not as well protected by the amendment.
The inflation problem should sort itself out as markets return to something nearer sanity. The amendment remains as a souvenir from the wedding of greed and folly. But the speaker wouldn't take so much revenue from the counties without giving something back. He would give them some of the sales tax the state collects - not enough to make up their losses but enough, in his opinion, for their needs, and to show that he is a nice guy.
County commissioners won't need 30 seconds to smell bait-and-switch. First time the state needs money for itself, the Legislature will take it out of the counties' rebate. In addition, to get the money to send the counties, Rep. Rubio would raise the sales tax from 6 percent to 8.5 percent, more even than it is in Massachusetts and California.
Not to worry, Rep. Rubio says. Your property tax break will more than make up for the higher sales tax. His plan, he says, is more than revenue-neutral; it's a tax cut even with a higher sales tax. We'll see about that after the dueling analyses are all out. As for myself, it looks as if I would make out like Halliburton in a Bush administration. "The purpose of a tax is to be cut?"
Love for Sale
"Phone and cable companies, HMOs, utilities and insurers tipped the scales of special interests that poured at least $93 million - and as much as $253 million - into influencing Florida government last year." "Loads of cash influence policy". See also yesterday's "Times: Price of sway in capital: $200M" ("That's how much state lobbyists took in last year - the first time they had to report it.")
On a related note, Lucy Morgan reported yesterday: "A year ago state legislators boasted that they were making it possible for Floridians to "follow the money" that gets spent in the state Capitol whenever laws are made. For the first time, lobbyists would be forced to disclose their fees. Anyone with a computer and access to the Internet would be able to follow the trail of how much businesses paid their lobbyists." "On the Web, but it's not easy surfing".
Rubio and Pruitt
"Florida may be too small for Rubio." "Rubio at House's helm with "100 Ideas" and global outlook". See also "Rubio Unplugged" and "Son of immigrants trumpets people's agenda".
- "Senate President Ken Pruitt portrays himself as a listener and peacemaker — unlikely to push too hard for any agenda in a body he describes as a 'master carpenter' that puts the finishing touches on legislation." "Cautious Pruitt promises calm, unifying session in Florida Senate".
Bushco's "Special Insult to Florida"
"In its latest attempt to loot the nation's safety-net hospitals, the Bush administration offers a special insult to Florida." "Cold-hearted Medicaid cuts".
"The commission examining last year's botched lethal injection execution will recommend a handful of changes to Florida's death row procedures this week, but will leave the hardest questions about the death of convicted killer Angel Diaz unanswered." "Panel: Conflicting evidence limits answers in execution inquiry".
From the "Values" Crowd
"Jobs program for elderly on chopping block".
Invisible No More?
"Long relegated to the back rows of the Florida House, Democrats will be closer to the front when it comes to the debate over property taxes this spring. The reason is the Republicans will need their votes to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot this year." "Democrats will have key role in debate over tax overhaul".
Jebbie's Former Efficiency Expert Speaks
Bill Cotterell thinks that "Crist needs an efficiency czar like Bush's" He explains: She was former Gov. Jeb Bush's efficiency expert for a few months in 2001. She quietly quit, largely because Bush and his true believers were so blindly enamored of privatization that they wouldn't listen to her or - more important, in Sykes' view - to employees affected by "big, hairy, audacious goals," as Bush called his ideas.
Bush made Sykes his $95,000-a-year director of efficiency and enterprise development about two weeks after the Department of Management Services put out a "request for information" on privatizing personnel services. And get this: Sykes thought People First was headed for trouble!
The 20-year Air Force veteran, who retired in Niceville, also had this odd notion about trusting the troops.
"As I told the governor, people have the answers, your employees have the answers," she told me at the time. "They know where the waste is; they know where the problems are. They will help you if you let them, if they have the motivation to help."
What state employees had under Bush was fear. Read the column here .
FCAT Follies
"It's that time of the year again". "Education".
With Jeb Fans Like This ...
"Freshman Sen. Don Gaetz, the new chairman of the Senate Education Committee, raised eyebrows in the state Capitol last month when he publicly blasted a top Department of Education official over Florida's teacher-bonus plan." Gaetz, after all, is a fan of former Gov. Jeb Bush, a former superintendent from conservative Okaloosa County and a die-hard supporter of school accountability. Under his watch, the 30,000-student Okaloosa district shot from 27th in the state in student performance to No. 1, earning kudos from Bush and DOE.
So how then did Gaetz come to view DOE - Bush's DOE - with enough venom to say: "God forbid, if I ever start talking like, looking like or acting like the Florida Department of Education, somebody needs to take me out to the woods and shoot me in the leg, so that I bleed slowly and die painfully." "Gaetz sat down recently for an interview with St. Petersburg Times staff writer Ron Matus. Here are excerpts:" "He wants results, not more red tape".
Time for Charlie to Follow Through
The Tampa Trib editors: "Felons who repay their debt to society should not be made permanent outcasts from society. Gov. Crist has given them hope. Now he should follow through." "Restore Felons' Rights After Debt Is Paid". The Orlando Sentinel editors chime in: "A promise worth keeping".
See also "Giving ex-offenders a chance to make good" by Mark R. Schlakman, the program director for the Rethinking Restoration of Civil Rights in Florida Project at Florida State University's Center for the Advancement of Human Rights.
Howard Troxler: "Good grief! Enough of these secret witnesses, and vein-missing needle inserters, and anonymous executioners making decisions on the fly, and the whole we-didn't-see-nothin' culture." "Executions too secret, too loose"
"Broken Record"
The Orlando Sentinel editorial board: "Change could be looming in Cuba, but the Bush administration's policy toward the island still sounds like a broken record. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez recently told lawmakers and business leaders who were seeking a softer stance toward Cuba that the administration won't relax its trade and travel sanctions. That's its policy, and it's sticking to it. Never mind that this approach has failed for 48 years to topple Cuba's communist regime." "Fidel's best friend".
FSU Funding
"Grad rate may boost FSU funding".
"George LeMieux - a chief-of-staff otherwise known as the 'Maestro' has won a National Pollie Award from the American Association of Political Consultants. LeMieux, who orchestrated Charlie Crist’s successful governor’s race, was named 'Most Valuable Player.' " "".
Cute Couple
"While most governors were accompanied to the dinner by their husband, wife or child, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist brought along chief of staff, George Lemieux. (What happened to the woman he was supposedly seeing?)" "Bon Appetit".
Juvenile "Justice"?
"Over the years, Florida's state-run detention centers have become more like junior prisons. " Meanwhile, the real work of rehabilitation is being accomplished in a mostly privatized system made up of non-profit agencies focused on children's welfare and built to suit their needs. ...
Unfortunately, the Legislature has gradually starved these programs of money, by the simple expedient of not granting cost-of-living increases. Using figures calculated by the state Department of Juvenile Justice, it should cost programs roughly $198 a day to run a typical secure facility for teens -- but the state only reimburses $153 a day. Programs make up the shortfall by cutting staff or transferring from other budget areas, but can't always make funds stretch.
Last year, the Legislature acknowledged as much, providing $21 million to "stabilize" the system. But programs are still turning away children they can't afford to serve, or paying key staff so little that they sometimes moonlight at department stores or restaurants. "Juvenile offenders".
Century Commission
Tim Nickens: "Created by the Legislature two years ago, the Century Commission hasn't received much attention. That's understandable, given the blur of study commissions and task forces. And this commission, unlike constitution revision commissions and taxation and budget reform commissions, can't bypass the Legislature and put issues directly on the ballot for voters to decide." "Century Commission has Florida's future in mind".
Argenziano Out of PSC Running
"State Sen. Nancy Argenziano, a Crystal River Republican who has a reputation as a thorn in the side of utility companies, was rejected by the nominating panel assigned to name candidates for two positions to the state's utility board, the Florida Public Service Commission." Some of those who made the cut: Philip Nowecki and Jeremy Susac, two candidates whom Crist appointed to the post on a temporary basis after rejecting Bush's nominations; former Sen. Lesley Miller, a Tampa Democrat and former Democratic leader who served with Crist in the state Senate; Stephen Stewart, a former lawyer in the PSC's public counsel office; Joe McGlothin, a lawyer now serving the PSC's public counsel's office; Pat Wiggins, a utility lawyer; Bev DeMello, director of the PSC's consumer affair's office; Michael Palecki, a former PSC commissioner; Kevin Neal, former aide to a PSC commissioner; and Manny Arisso, a lawyer. "Argenziano doesn't even get interview".
The Tallahassee Democrat editors: "Florida lawmakers need to make a course correction in KidCare, making the paperwork less onerous and spending the recommended $4 million of this $70 million insurance program for outreach to families of children who most need it." "Health help".
Good Luck
"Advocates for Florida men wrongfully imprisoned for decades before being exonerated by DNA evidence hope to pass a law to monetarily compensate them for their lost years." "Cleared inmates seek 'debt'".
Traveling Buddies
"Gov. Charlie Crist and Rep. Robert Wexler are talking about taking a trip to Israel sometime in the near future. The possible Israel trip was a topic of conversation when Crist and Wexler had dinner Saturday night at McCormick & Schmick, a pricey seafood restaurant, while Crist was in Washington for the National Governors Association." "Crist and Wexler to Israel?".
"Real courtrooms aren't supposed to be like The People's Court. One is about dispensing justice, and the other is about entertaining TV viewers. Unfortunately, the spectacle put on by Broward Circuit Judge Larry Seidlin in the Anna Nicole Smith case suggests he can't tell the difference." "Probate circus". See also Randy Schultz's column yesterday: "A lurid story meets an odd Broward judge".
Over the Week End ...
You may have missed some of these articles, columns or editorials relating to Florida Politics:
- "Extreme poverty on rise in the state".
- "Lawmakers facing tight budget year as Florida economy cools".
- Steve Bousquet reminds us about the good ole 1950s and 60s in Tallahassee, including such things as the "yellow river code". "Colorful days are gone - for good".
- "Crist has ambitious agenda for his first full legislative session". See also "Property taxes, insurance among top issues for Florida lawmakers".
- "A ban on all gifts and meals from lobbyists and legislators has not shut down freebies for Florida lawmakers." "Lawmakers still get freebies despite tougher rules". See also "No coffee, but stay at waterfront resort just fine" ("Here's how it works: Lobbyists give to the Republican Party, which picks up the tab.")
- "Insurers Should Let Doctors In On Big Drop In Malpractice Claims".
- CD 13: "Voting machines worked". See also "State: No problems with Sarasota voting machines".
- "Karen Unger, who managed Jeb Bush’s reelection campaign, has been named as the Florida “senior advisor” for Rudy Giuliani’s presidential campaign." "Unger Advising Giuliani".
- Property tax proposals: see "Cities lament property tax relief plan", "Sure, tax plan is bold, interesting -- but is it also doomed to flop?", "Tax cut may hit services hardest", "Treasure Coast cities shudder at revenue rollback", "Local leaders say proposed tax overhaul 'irresponsible'", "Herald-Tribune: Another era, but the same anger" ("Florida is facing the same tax frustration that fueled California's Proposition 13"), "Tax deal could be tough to sell" and "Speaker criticizes Crist plan".
- "Lawmakers to revisit teacher performance pay".
- "State lawmakers have these ideas ready to deal with property insurance". See also "Despite special session, some Florida insurance issues remain unresolved" and "State lawmakers have these ideas ready to deal with property insurance".
- "Executioners need more training, Florida panel says".
- Adam Smith writes that "the Hillary Clinton campaign insists Florida is a top priority for the Democratic front-runner, and it's rather personal for the Clintons. Bill Clinton to this day is peeved he didn't carry the Sunshine State in 1992 (he did in '96) and that he didn't spend the final stretch of the campaign in Florida." "Bill still burns over loss, so Hillary will be here".
- "Green light ahead for red light cameras?". See also "Lost priority".
- "For the Broward County Democratic chairman, Bill Richardson’s presidential campaign has meaning far beyond how well the New Mexico governor fares against better known 2008 rivals. Richardson represents two important growth targets for the party, said Mitch Ceasar: He is Hispanic and from a Western state once considered solidly Republican." "Richardson’s Hispanic roots separate him from Democrat pack". See also "Democrats eager to seize presidency; Party leaders positive about 2008 election".
- "Another era, but the same anger; Florida is facing the same tax frustration that fueled California's Proposition 13".
- "PSC won't include critic Argenziano".
- Congressional Quarterly: "Sunshine State Rising".
- "Crist wants Everglades restoration to have focus to the north of Lake O".