"The report details violations of environment standards by sewage systems from Pensacola to Key West from 2003 to 2008. It concludes that violations of water quality standards, leaky pipes and accidental spills were the rule rather than the exception." "Environmental report: Gulf is 'Florida's Toilet'".
Mike Thomas displays more Jeb-worship since, well ... his last column about how "Jeb!": "You could fit Charlie's entire brain in Jeb's cerebellum. Jeb thinks more before 8 a.m. than Charlie does in a month." "Charlie's luck trumps Jeb's brainpower in Big Sugar deal".
"A bigger empty suit than Gen. Halftrack ... Barney Fife - with a tan"
Daniel Ruth: "When one of the biggest political albatrosses around Charlie Crist's neck is the perception he's a bigger empty suit than Gen. Halftrack, you would think the governor would take great pains to avoid making Dan Quayle look like a Renaissance scholar by comparison."
Instead, there was the governor of Florida the other night, appearing before the annual Flag Day Dinner, an event put on by California's Orange County Republicans, deftly managing in the space of a mere nine minutes to come off as Barney Fife - with a tan.
... he was beckoned to Orange County because he is one of John McCain's potential vice presidential running mates.
And this is actually generous:You have to wonder whether, if McCain had supported Americans wearing their underwear on their heads, Crist would have shown up in Orange County with a pair of Fruit-of-the-Loom boxers hanging down around his ears.
It's one thing to be shot in the foot as ill-informed, ill-prepared and ill-suited to be vice president. It's quite another pull the trigger yourself.
"Crist Didn't Do Himself Any Party Favors".
"Not Politics"
"One aide was shocked that there was no booing when the governor mentioned offshore drilling during his opening remarks. The governor does not support offshore drilling, he supports researching the possibility of offshore drilling, the aide said. As for accusations and speculation that Crist's flip-flop on offshore drilling was timed to impress Republican John McCain, Crist said he had no communication with McCain before his offshore drilling comments." "Everglades deal 'not politics' Gov. Crist says".
Those wild eyed liberals ...
... on The St. Petersburg Times editorial board are at it again: "the court's conservatives, joined by the more moderate Justice Anthony Kennedy, also said the right to possess a gun for lawful purposes is not unlimited." "Sensible gun ruling looks to Founding Fathers".
"Florida is already gun friendly, so the U.S. Supreme Court decision Thursday bolstering individual gun rights likely will not have an immediate impact on state gun laws. It could, however, affect a federal court case involving a controversial new law allowing people to keep guns in their cars at work." "New gun rights could affect concealment law". See also "Judge refuses to block Florida voter law", "Businesses up in arms over employee gun law" and "Guns Are Coming To Work" ("A federal judge declined on Wednesday to stop Florida's new guns-at-work law from taking effect on Tuesday.")
"$72-billion package"
"Lawmakers have approved nearly $75-million for construction at Tampa Bay area veterans hospitals and at MacDill Air Force Base, part of a $72-billion package being debated in Washington." "$75M okayed for vets' health".
Ever thing is just fine
"Turnover doesn't bother chief justice".
"IF Florida really is in play"
The Tallahassee Democrat editorial board: "IF Florida really is in play. Democrats at their big gala in Hollywood this month were saying Obama can get to 270 electoral votes without Florida, but that there's no way John McCain can do it without our 27. Right now, you'd have to figure McCain wins the state but Obama will have money and ground game like we've never seen." "Yes, he can — IF he can meet a few challenges".
Make up your mind, Mr. McFlip-flop
"Even though he created a stir last week by advocating ending a moratorium on offshore oil drilling, John McCain supports continuing the current ban on drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, his campaign advisers said this week." "Tribune: McCain Supports Limit On Drilling".
Jebbie's dead hand
"The announcement Wednesday gives Gov. Charlie Crist only his third opportunity to make an appointment to the seven-member panel that oversees public schools and community colleges. Crist last year replaced one of former Gov. Jeb Bush's appointees but reappointed another, T. Willard Fair, now the board's chairman. The remaining members also are Bush appointees." "State Board of Education member resigns".
Florida for sale
"The Florida Department of Transportation on Wednesday reissued the request for qualifications for a lease of Alligator Alley." "FDOT restarts bidding for Alligator Alley lease" See also "Florida reissues request for Alligator Alley lease proposals".
The South Florida Sun-Sentinel editorial board: "U.S. Sugar land purchase will be worth it". The Palm Beach Post editorial Board: "THE U.S. SUGAR DEAL: It's just jaw-dropping and it won't be easy".
"The Florida Summit on Global Climate Change, a pet project of Gov. Charlie Crist, got under way Wednesday, with speeches and panels on a host of climate-related issues at the InterContinental Hotel in downtown Miami." "Crist: Florida can lead the nation in green technology". See also "Gov. Crist wants Florida to be green leader".
Bad veto?
The Tampa Tribune editorial board: "By vetoing this bill, Crist didn't protect anyone from Rubio's friend, as news reports suggested. He simply made clear that when it comes to deciding how DOT should spend billions of taxpayer dollars, elected representatives should butt out." "Crist's Veto Of Turnpike Bill Will Raise Costs Of Food, Gas".
Oh no!... the French!
"The high-tech company that makes Florida's 16 million driver licenses is up for sale and critics are concerned about one of the suitors, Safran SA, a conglomerate that is 30 percent owned by the French government." "Sale of company that makes Florida driver licenses raises privacy concerns".
"Hispanics Discovered Florida"
"A license plate that touts 'Hispanics Discovered Florida' may soon join the 109 specialty tags drivers can choose from. The idea to celebrate the contributions of Hispanics came from National Hispanic Corporate Achievers, a Longwood group that sponsors minority job fairs. The plate would become a fundraising tool to support job and mentorship programs." "Proposed license plate: 'Hispanics discovered Florida'".
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