"State Sen. Dan Gelber is running for the U.S. Senate."Gelber announced his candidacy Tuesday morning during a news conference at his Miami Beach home. He is the second major Democrat to get in the race for the seat being vacated by retiring Republican Mel Martinez in 2010. U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek declared his intention to run earlier this month.
"Fla. state Sen. Gelber enters US Senate race".
Depression? What depression?
"FPL Group is one company whose profits are up |".
Sansom death spiral
"A grand jury voted Monday to investigate House Speaker Ray Sansom's dealings with a state college that hired him in a $110,000 job and his involvement with a Panhandle developer who sought state help building a hangar where he could park his jets." "Sansom's involvement with state college to be examined".
"The 21-member panel concluded that Sansom's relationship with Northwest Florida State College warranted a criminal investigation after reviewing the facts outlined in a series of stories by the Times/Herald Tallahassee Bureau." "Grand jury launches criminal investigation of Sansom".
Bill chimes: "Attorney General Bill McCollum this morning criticized a college board of trustees meeting House Speaker Ray Sansom helped set up as 'very questionable' and has sent the information to two state attorneys, including one already leading a grand jury probe into Sansom's dealings with the school." "McCollum: Sansom's college meeting 'very questionable'".
"Short-sighted, monetarily irresponsible decisions"
The Orlando Sentinel editorial board: "Mercifully, the last vestiges of the special legislative session that closed a $2.3 billion deficit in the state budget are coming to an end. Mercifully, because in his review of the Legislature's spending package, Gov. Charlie Crist appears primed to make the same kinds of short-sighted, monetarily irresponsible decisions that marked the actions of the House and Senate." See what they mean here: "Crist is preparing to save the wrong projects from the trash".
V day
"Crist this morning will reveal his vetoes to some $1.8 billion in spending cuts the Legislature made two weeks ago." "Crist vetoes coming today".
Waiting on (two) funerals
The South Florida Sun Sentinel editorial board: "Is Fidel Castro still alive? Or was his latest photo op really photo shop?"
Over the past week, the ailing Castro's health or, better said, his status among the living, became grist for the rumor mill again. The guessing was partly due to his long absence from public view and partly spurred by suggestive comments by allies in the Americas, including Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez.
More than Castro's condition, the speculation spoke to the counterproductive flaw in U.S. policy toward Cuba. Simply put, it is a policy waiting on a funeral.
"U.S. policy toward Cuba isolates itself".
'Ya think?
Them libruls on The St. Petersburg Times editorial board: are at it again, saying krazee kommie stuff like this:
But it isn't reasonable to tell unemployed workers that every penny of their unemployment benefits should go to maintaining their health coverage.
"Health safety net for jobless".
"Another multimillion-dollar blow"?
"Tax assessments on primary homeowners in Florida will basically be capped in 2009 -- unless local governments raise their millage -- state officials have announced. That could be good news for strapped homeowners, who may not see higher tax bills. But it also may deal another multimillion-dollar blow to local governments already struggling with declines in tax revenues used to provide basic services such as fire and police protection, libraries and garbage pickup." "Tax cap on homestead property may be win-lose".
Mel and the "values" crowd at it again
"A children's health care bill that set congressional Democrats against President George W. Bush's administration in 2008 now appears headed for passage with Florida's two senators splitting their votes. Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson expects to vote for the State Children's Health Insurance Program bill. Republican Sen. Mel Martinez, according to a spokesman, has not firmly decided but voted against the bill in 2008." "Children's Health Program Back".
Yaaawwwwnnn ...
"Florida Gov. Charlie Crist is hoping the federal stimulus package helps ease the pain of foreclosures and budget cuts in the Sunshine State." "Crist holds town hall meeting". See also "Economy dominates town-hall meeting with Crist" and "Orange lawmakers hear pleas to spare funds".
"A council of Volusia County city mayors decided Monday to spend up to $5,000 to help bus residents and officials to Tallahassee on April 1 to lobby against further budget cuts to public education." "Mayors OK $5,000 for Tallahassee trip".
The Palm Beach Post editorial board:
After a decade in which the shortage of physician specialists in Palm Beach County emergency rooms progressed from problem to crisis, an imperfect but acceptable start on a solution was near. But now the hospitals don't want to pay. And no one can make them pay.
"Still waiting on hospitals for help with ER crisis".
"Lauderdale campaign money: Jack Seiler on top".
"The state is ready to go with new auto-emission standards"
"Florida's top environmental regulator said Monday the state is ready to go with new auto-emission standards now that President Barack Obama has signaled that he will approve an identical plan for California." "DEP chief: Florida ready for tougher emissions standards".
Stop the madness
"A third trial is starting in Miami for six men accused of plotting with al-Qaida to destroy Chicago's Sears Tower and bomb FBI offices nationwide." "Jury selection begins in Fla. terror retrial".
Hmmm ...
"Crist has asked for an Inspector General's inquiry to see if the director of a new space-tourism medical program got his job after setting up the $500,000 in state grants to create it." "Crist calls for inquiry into director of space-tourism medical program".
Woe is me
"State lawmakers, Palm Beach County commissioners commiserate on budget woes".
Nothing sacred
"The nation's economic fallout has hit both the sacred and secular worlds of Central Florida. Many local churches now are struggling with the same money issues that confront businesses: budget crises, salary reductions and staff layoffs." "Local churches hit hard by tough economic times".
Biomass mess
"The newly seated grand jury will investigate how the aborted Biomass Gasification & Electric Co. energy project wound up being planned for Tallahassee's south side, State Attorney Willie Meggs said Monday." "Grand jury to probe biomass deal".
Welcome to Florida
"Authorities say eight illegal immigrants from Haiti have been arrested after they came ashore on a boat." "8 Haitian immigrants arrested on Fla. beach".
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