"Republican lawmakers have filed a proposed state constitutional amendment to counteract a potential pro-union federal law."Congress is considering legislation that would allow workers to unionize by signing a card or petition instead of holding formal elections.
The proposed state constitutional amendment (HJR 1013) would require secret ballot elections - favored by businesses - in Florida.
Sponsors include House Majority Leader Adam Hasner. The Delray Beach Republican said elections would prevent harassment and intimidation.
"Fla. proposal would buck federal pro-union law".
Here's a .pdf of the bill text. These idiots apparently lack a basic understanding of federal preemption.
Another fine Jebacy
"Floridians are applying for food stamps at record-breaking rates, and the Department of Children and Families needs more money for more workers to keep up with the pace." "Food stamps in large demand in Florida". See also "Lawmakers spar over union ballots".
"Very serious lip-pursing by the likes of Grover Norquist"
"Oh the ignominious shame of it all!"
One minute you're Gov. Charlie Crist, bopping along, singing a song basking in the glow of loving approval ratings from the citizenry — and before you can say "Barack Obama," you find yourself cast as the Tokyo Rose of the Potomac.
Because Crist had the crazy, wacky, insane temerity of bipartisanship to publicly suggest this stimulus package thing being promoted by the president of the United States might not result in a plague of locusts, festering boils and the arrival of the angel of death, the governor has found himself on the receiving end of — cue the Jaws theme — some very serious lip-pursing by the likes of Grover Norquist.
Grover? Norquist?
"Grover's mad? Horrors!"
Head's up, Charlie
"Spain's King, Queen Open Visit To Florida". See also "King of Spain, governor attend business forum".
Hopefully Charlie won't embarrass Florida like Jebbie did: "The U.S. president's brother Jeb Bush has sparked criticism after mistakenly referring to Spain as a republic in a speech to Spanish business leaders during a trip to Madrid to discuss business opportunities."
Florida Governor Jeb Bush's blunder was reminiscent of President George W. Bush's past slip-ups which have included pronouncing Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar's name incorrectly.
Spanish historian Juan Pablo Fusi said the error by Bush was "foolish and grotesque."
More on the unfortunate event:Who would have thought that Jeb Bush, the president's brother, was a closet supporter of the leftwingers who fought against Franco in the Spanish civil war? But this week the governor of Florida has caused ripples by referring to Spain as the "republic" it was then rather than as the monarchy it is now.
Mr Bush was in Madrid on a trade mission when, paying tribute to Jose Maria Aznar, the prime minister, he said: "I would like to finish by thanking the president of the Republic of Spain for his friendship with the United States."
But Spain ceased being a republic when General Franco defeated the Republican side and became dictator. The constitutional monarchy was restored under Juan Carlos I in 1975, after Franco's death.
Mr Bush, who owes his office in part to the financial support of rightwing Cuban exiles, would not normally be associated with the Spanish Republican cause. ...
the historian Juan Pablo Fusi, called the error as "an offence to Spain and its democratic monarchy."
"Spanish sighs at Jeb's royal gaffe".
For someone who claims to have earned a Bachelor's degree in Latin American Studies, you think Jebbie woulda picked up some Spanish history somewhere along the way.
"Clear conscience"
The Palm Beach Post editorial board: "This time, Charlie Crist can take the money with a clear conscience." "Crist's new, clear conscience".
"Dream on"
"Bill Cotterell: Redistricting without politics? Dream on".
Concurrency fix
"A state planning requirement to provide ample road or other transportation capacity before new development can take place was designed to stop urban sprawl, but it's had the opposite effect."
A bill that would exempt certain dense urban areas from that constraint and make other changes to Florida's growth management laws won unanimous approval Thursday from the Senate Transportation Committee — although some members still had qualms about the details.
Planners have found to their dismay that the capacity requirement, known as "transportation concurrency," has pushed growth, particularly residential development, out of urban centers into outlying and rural areas because roads there are less traveled and cheaper to build.
"State Bill Aims To Rein In Urban Sprawl".
A Local thing
"Included in that overturned law, along with the criminalization of homosexuality, was the prohibition of bestiality. Lawmakers never got around to fixing it. Now state Sen. Nan Rich, a Democrat from Sunrise, is back with a bill to make sex with animals a felony. The idea didn't go anywhere last year. On Tuesday, the Senate's Criminal Justice Committee passed SB 448 unanimously." "Paul Flemming: There ought to be a law (soon there may be)".
Last time the Legislature tried to prohibit sex with animals, there was a "backlash" from a certain part of the state. See "Can't we at least agree on this?" (scroll down).
As the "values" crowd in Tally whines ...
"Miami-Dade, Broward to receive federal funds for homeless".
"Murky future"
"Space Florida's much-heralded plans to build a complex for commercial-rocket launches at Cape Canaveral are facing a murky future." "Lawmakers to Space Florida: $43M request won't fly".
"Obama enjoys lofty job approval among Floridians".
"For hundreds of thousands of workers losing their jobs, there's a new twist to their financial pain: Even when they're collecting unemployment benefits, they're paying the bank just to get the money -- or even to call customer service to complain about it. ... 10 states -- including the unemployment hot spots of California, Florida and South Carolina -- are considering such programs or have signed contracts." "Banks nickel-and-dime users of unemployment debit cards".
"Has Deltona's City Commission lost its mind?"
"In a breathtaking moment of official arrogance, the mayor convinced his colleagues Monday night to approve a motion that seems aimed at nothing less sacred than the right to free speech. Mayor Dennis Mulder and three commissioners voted to approve a motion -- offered by Mr. Mulder himself, without a public hearing -- that allows the mayor to authorize using money from the city treasury to bankroll libel or slander lawsuits brought by city commissioners or rank-and-file employees." "Democracy took a bullet when Deltona opened the door to suing critics".
Very scary
"Are Democrats trying to hush Rush?".
"Too late"?
"President Obama intends his $275 billion homeowner rescue plan to be a lifeline to millions of families struggling to keep their homes and a stabilizing influence on the housing market. The president’s bold move injects resources where they are desperately needed — but it may not be bold enough."
In places like Tampa Bay where housing values have plunged as much as 42 percent in the last two years, the plan leaves out homeowners who owe significantly more than their homes are worth.
"Strong medicine may be too late".
Death politics
"Convicted killer Marvin Johnson spent 21 years on Florida's death row, then suffered a fatal heart attack. Cancer claimed Charles Globe, a half-dozen years into his wait to be executed." "Justice denied? On Florida's death row, many lives end - but not by execution".
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