... who was campaigning for McCain (who says he will vote against Obama's stimulus package) now "touts $13 billion stimulus' prospects for Florida".
"Court challenges and the resulting delays could jeopardize the deal to purchase sugar fields for Everglades restoration." "U.S. Sugar deal hits legal delay". See also "Critics call Everglades deal a "sham," stall approval".
From the "values" crowd
"Budget Cuts Likely Doom New Homes for Fla.'s Poor".
"Closing schools, cutting jobs and eliminating programs"
"Leon County Schools officials are scrambling to decide how they’ll cut $12 million from the district’s budget and are facing tough decisions that could involve closing schools, cutting jobs and eliminating programs." "Leon County Schools could eliminate jobs and close schools as part of budget cuts".
"54 percent without health insurance"
"A majority of low-income people who lose their jobs end up without health care insurance, according to a report released Friday. The report by Families USA, a non-profit group for health care consumers, shows 54 percent of people nationwide with an income of $44,100 or below for a family of four are uninsured. Florida also has 54 percent without health insurance or 208,921 people." "Uninsured population on the rise".
"Hardly the final chapter in this sordid little story"
The South Florida Sun Sentinel editorial board: "Former Florida House Speaker Ray Sansom's shameful departure from the leadership ranks is hardly the final chapter in this sordid little story. While Sansom faces multiple investigations, Florida lawmakers need to face up to the fact that they have a much bigger problem on their hands. Sansom got into trouble because he took a six-figure administrative job at a Panhandle community college late last year after steering many millions of dollars to that same college. It looked like payback, even if Sansom and college administrators insist it wasn't." "Sansom flap exposes lax rules that invite back-scratching".
Happy man
"Ray Sansom, the embattled House speaker who was dethroned last week by fellow Republican leaders, said today he's content with his new role as a committee chairman and a member of two prominent committees." "Cretul, Sansom discuss their new jobs".
"Florida's new speaker said Friday that his ousted predecessor Ray Sansom will have a committee chairmanship in the House of Representatives." "New Fla. speaker gives jobs to ousted predecessor". See also "New Speaker Appoints Sansom To Lead House Panel".
Related: "New problems plague site once meant to house airplane hangar that was linked to Sansom".
"Looking up"
The Tallahassee Democrat editorial board: "Things have been looking up the past few months for Space Florida, the state's space recruiting arm charged with helping to bring more commercial launches to Cape Canaveral." "More accountability".
Minneola "a gambling mecca?"
The Orlando Sentinel editorial board: "Minneola's leaders must be truly desperate for new jobs and tax revenue. Why else would they consider the foolish and far-fetched idea of trying to turn their city of 9,400 in south Lake County into a gambling mecca?" "We think: Minneola would be foolish to stake its future on gambling".
"Fort Lauderdale - Mayor Jim Naugle, who leaves office next month because of term limits, is so controversial in the gay community that the Dolphin Democrats political club is running ads alerting voters which candidates in Tuesday's primary have his support." "Ads advise gays which candidates have Lauderdale mayor's backing".
Will Charlie try to put in an appearance?
"President plans to visit Fort Myers". See also "President Obama to visit Ft. Myers Tuesday" and "Obama to push stimulus plan in Fort Myers".
Senate race
"Two leading Democrats in next year's U.S. Senate race are visiting Lee County this weekend to line up potential supporters and start raising name recognition. State Sen. Dan Gelber, D-Miami, met with Lee County Democratic leaders Friday, while U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek, D-Miami, will have a meet-and-greet open to the public tonight in Fort Myers." "News-Press: Democratic Senate hopefuls making visit to Lee".
Yawwwnnn ...
"State lawmakers unlikely to make big changes to Florida's property tax structure".
Move over, please
"Deputy hit by passing car, thrown onto train track".
The Palm Beach Post editorial board: "The Florida Supreme Court correctly ruled that a suspended lawyer can't be a judge, and Gov. Crist correctly asked that the seat be filled by appointment." "Right moves on Abramson".
Calling a "racist" a "racist"
Employees of the The St. Petersburg Times are confused about whether the boss man has given permission to use the word "racist", instead of the namby pamby "racial", in describing the RPOF's recent ... well "racist" behavior.
On the web this morning, the title of the The St. Petersburg Times editorial board's editorial is headlined "Racist jokes no laughing matter" in one place, and ""Racial jokes no laughing matter".
Earlier in the week, the obviously "racist" statements were referred only as "racial". For example, see here. The Miami Herald company is equally culpable - see here.
Why is the The St. Petersburg Times so nervous about calling these obviously "racist" GOPers "racist"?
And why would the editors feel the need in this morning's editorial to make sure everyone knows that, from the editors' perspective (and gosh knows they seem to spend plenty of time in the company of RPOFers), "The local party overall is more moderate and diverse than these [multiple episodes of outright racisism] episodes suggest."
Background: "Racist? You decide" and "Let's repeat: it was 'racist' not merely 'racial'" (scroll down).
See generally: "After All, He Is Black".
"Arctic blast"
"This week's arctic blast spelled trouble for tropical fish breeders, though plant crops went mostly unscathed." "Florida fish farms hurt by cold; plant crops mostly OK".
Damn trial lawyers are at it again
"The checks are from a $2.6 million settlement with national insurance broker Aon, obtained by the Attorney General's Antitrust Division along with the Department of Financial Services and the Office of Insurance Regulation." "Broward Sheriff's Office gets $128,000 settlement for insurance fees".
And this is a headline ...
... why?: "Dunkin' Donuts donates $15,000 to Broward crime prevention".
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