Tebow gets off on the wrong foot
"Focus on the Family, a non-profit Christian organization [founded by one James Dobson*], is not elaborating on the commercial’s message, but the story is expected to detail the Tebows’ pro-life message in line with Christian faith." "Tim Tebow, mother to appear in Christian-inspired Super Bowl ad".
- - - - - - - - - - * More about the delightful Mr. Dobson: "On June 24, 2008, Dobson publicly criticized statements made by U.S. Presidential candidate Barack Obama in Obama's 2006 'Call to Renewal' address. Dobson stated that Obama was 'distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own worldview.' On October 23, 2008, Dobson published a 'Letter from 2012 in Obama's America' that proposed that an Obama presidency would lead to: mandated homosexual teachings across all schools; the banning of firearms in entire states; the end of the Boy Scouts, home schooling, Christian school groups, Christian adoption agencies, and talk radio; pornography on prime-time and daytime television; mandatory bonuses for gay soldiers; terrorist attacks across America; the nuclear bombing of Tel Aviv; the conquering of most of Eastern Europe by Russia; the end of health care for Americans over 80; out-of-control gasoline prices; and complete economic disaster in the United States, among other catastrophes. In the days after the 2008 presidential election, Dobson stated on his radio program that he was mourning the Obama election, claiming that Obama supported infanticide, would be responsible for the deaths of millions of unborn children, and was 'going to appoint the most liberal justices to the Supreme Court, perhaps, that we've ever had.' Dobson is an intelligent design supporter and has spoken at conferences supporting the subject, and frequently criticizes evolution, contrary to the teachings of his Christian denomination, the Church of the Nazarene. In 2007, Dobson was one of 25 evangelicals who called for the ouster of Rev. Richard Cizik from his position at the National Association of Evangelicals because Cizik had taken a stance urging evangelicals to take global warming seriously."
Palin and her Chamber, Daytona 500 buddies
The folks running the Daytona 500 ought to know better. We of course expect no less from the Chamber, which is little more than a GOP front group - Palin "won't be coming to Daytona Beach specifically for the race, though. Palin will speak at a dinner for the greater Daytona Beach Chamber of Commerce on February 15, the day after this year's Daytona 500." "Sarah Palin expected to be VIP guest at Daytona 500".
The Palm Beach Post editors: "Cleaning and storing water that flows into Lake Okeechobee from the north isn't the whole solution to Everglades water needs south of the lake. Still, it's part of the Everglades solution. In addition to being worthwhile, the idea to work with cattle ranchers and farmers might be innovative." "A partial Everglades answer: It can't replace U.S. Sugar deal, but it can help".
Friend 'o Charly's
"A high-ranking Broward sheriff's official under scrutiny for his association with Scott Rothstein has a friend and patron in high places: Gov. Charlie Crist." Tom Wheeler, second in command at the Broward Sheriff's Office, was a fraternity brother of Crist's at Florida State University in the late 1970s. Crist has helped him land at least two state jobs since 2001. During that time, Wheeler's yearly salary has climbed from $47,239 to $166,000.
Wheeler, 51, currently the Broward undersheriff, was one of the top local law enforcement officials wooed by Rothstein, a disbarred Fort Lauderdale lawyer accused by federal officials of running a $1.2 billion Ponzi scheme. Wheeler took at least two private jet flights with Rothstein.
Wheeler has declined to answer the Sun Sentinel's questions about the trips and his relationship with Rothstein, who is now in federal detention. "Broward undersheriff studied for Rothstein ties has pal in Crist".
Dems target Rubio
"Florida Democrats signaled a new strategy in the U.S. Senate campaign Friday by targeting Republican Marco Rubio, once a long-shot U.S. Senate candidate, with their second press release in as many days. Democrats had not bothered to weigh in on Rubio or his nine-year legislative record as polls showed Republican Gov. Charlie Crist would easily capture his party's nomination. But with Rubio surging in the polls, Florida Democrats broke the uneasy political alliance by settling their cross hairs on the former Florida House speaker." "Florida Democrats target Rubio at GOP threat in Senate race".
RPOFers claim HCR would be a "disaster"
"As Congress negotiates a sweeping federal health care plan, many Florida leaders are already portraying the legislation as a disaster for the state." "Health care legislation stirs again in Tallahassee".
"Jeb!" strives for relevancy
Adam C Smith: "One of the constant political undercurrents in Florida is the tension between Jeb Bush and his allies, and Charlie Crist and his." So it was intriguing to see the governor and ex-governor at a joint appearance in Tallahassee last week for the release of a Council of 100 education report. Political observers have been speculating madly about when and if the former governor will endorse Marco Rubio in the Senate race. ...
Bush left the news conference before it ended, and brushed off a question about endorsing in the Senate race.
"I haven't thought about it too much," said Bush, whose sons are supporting Rubio. "It's way too early." "Bush and Crist brush coolly past each other".
Rumor has it that - assuming Rubio isn't completely out of it poll-wise - Jebbie will do the deed on the eve of the primary, pushing Marco over the top.
Thomas and his GOP talking points
Mike Thomas: "Understanding Sen. Bill Nelson's political scam first requires an explanation of Miami's Medicare scam." "Bill Nelson's Medi-scare will cost us".
Yee haw!
"GOP leaders: Low taxes, fewer rules key to creating jobs".
Meek gets his back into his living
"US Rep. Meek arrives in Haiti to help with relief".
"Utility snubs responsibilities"
The Daytona Beach News Journal editors Florida Power and Light's huffy decision to halt work on capital projects in the state reeks of arrogance and dishonesty. "FPL's crocodile threats".
Pamela Hasterok reminds us: "As for stupid words -- recall former Gov. Jeb Bush's infamous 'devious plan' to overturn the class-size amendment -- they have a life of their own. No punishment is necessary beyond public ridicule and the offending words in quotes next to your name for the rest of your life." "Don't expect perfect politicians".
Jebbite embarrasses herself
Myriam Marquez wants you to know that unions are bad: If anyone still questions labor unions' influence on South Florida politicians, last week's vote by the Broward School Board and Miami's special election results should diminish any doubt. ...
The nation's sixth-largest school district knee-jerked its way into a "just say no'' position. Why bother trying to elevate teacher training, improve tracking systems so that students' deficits can be tackled quickly or help poor children succeed by turning around failing schools -- the very intent of the Race money?
Broward Teachers Union President Pat Santeramo calls the whole deal a ``smoke screen'' from the state, the "loss of local control'' and ``absolutely detrimental to teachers as well as students.''
Well, the state and national PTA groups, which back the Race initiative, certainly don't think so. But the union's message seems to be: What do parents know?
Now if Florida qualifies for the federal grant money, Broward will be on the outs. The teachers will keep complaining about lousy pay, but don't judge them by what they do. They prefer pay based primarily on years served, not necessarily on work performed and results attained.
The police and firefighters unions cry the same sad song, too: They don't get paid enough for risking their lives. "Unions exert costly influence on politicians".
What do you expect from someone who penned perhaps the most sycophantic passage in in recent Florida political "journalism" - she actually once wrote that Jeb Bush'svision is universal and timeless.
Bush told us that there's nothing better than deep, abiding faith, love and commitment. Unlike some politicians who pretended to feel our pain, Bush exposed his real pain and shared his hopes for his family and ours. His vision is as clear and electrifying as that day's cobalt-blue sky. "BUSH VISION FOR FLORIDA IS JFK-LIKE".
And this Jeb-worshiper posing as a journalist is going to lecture the rest of us about the merits of labor unions?
SD 20
"Gearing up for this fall's elections, Rep. Alan Hays, R-Umatilla, led local legislative candidates in raising money during the final three months of 2009. " "Hays leads area fundraising".
"Florida plans census marketing blitz". See also "Florida to push minority count in US Census".
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