"More than a month of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico has caused many Florida politicians to back off earlier support for opening state waters to drilling. Some are even building momentum to ban new drilling forever. But not Rick Scott." "Gov. candidate's drilling support unwavering". Related: "Conservative outsider and businessman Rick Scott stirs up Republican race for governor".
Crist's veto pen
"Crist vetoes three bill limiting governor's power; signs tax credit bill for movie industry".
Thrasher neutral
"Most of the GOP establishment is backing Republican Attorney General Bill McCollum for governor over multimillionaire health care executive Rick Scott, but you won't see state party chairman John Thrasher taking sides." "Thrasher 'neutral' in clash of GOP candidates for Florida governor".
"They have talked a good game"
"A state panel is narrowing a field of 60 applicants for two seats on the Florida Public Service Commission. The PSC Nominating Council will decide Tuesday in Tampa which applicants to invite for interviews June 10 in Orlando." "Panel narrowing field for 2 Fla. PSC appointments".
The Sun Sentinel editorial board: "State lawmakers have talked a good game about reforming the Public Service Commission. They have talked a good game about making sure the PSC acts as an impartial utility regulator. Now they, and the PSC nominating council that helps narrow the slate of candidates, have an opportunity to send a message about the PSC's fairness. They can do so by placing chairwoman Nancy Argenziano and Commissioner Nathan A. Skop on the short list for new terms." "Lawmakers must not play politics with PSC nominations".
You might call it hubris
"LeMieux has been escalating criticism of President Barack Obama's response to the oil spill, but amid the tough talk is the thin line LeMieux walks on the overall issue of drilling. ... LeMieux had been advising a secretive pro-oil drilling coalition pushing a bill through the Florida Legislature to open the Gulf Coast to drilling. LeMieux has refused to detail the extent of his work, citing attorney-client privilege." "LeMieux dilemma".
Wingers go after FlaDem plastic
The right wing Sunshine News comes to the defense of the RPOF this morning: "While attacking the Republican Party of Florida for reckless credit-card expenditures, the Florida Democratic Party racked up plenty of charge card expenses of its own. In 2008, the state Democratic Party paid $6,294 in 'card member services,' according to records obtained by Sunshine State News. A group called "Florida Mainstream Forum" expended $20,057 for 'ML Credit Card Services' and $3,223 to American Express in 2006, according to the reports. The expenditures were generically listed for travel and 'other disbursements.'" "Florida Democrats' House of (Credit) Cards".
It used to be easy
Thomas Tryon: "For decades in Florida, it was easy - even for newspaper commentators -- to close the political argument for more oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. The people were against it. Period. End of argument." "On offshore drilling, the tide has turned again".
See also "BP engineers prepare for next bid to stop oil flow", "Snapping turtle rescued with signs of oil" and "'Flotels' await oil spill cleanup workers on Gulf".
The Tampa Tribune editorial board: "The Obama administration appears to be fulfilling its pledge to get the feds moving on the restoration of the Everglades, the vast hydrological network that is essential to South Florida's environment and its water supply."
The other day the National Park Service announced it would recommend adding 5.5 miles of bridges to the Tamiami Trail.
This would be a major achievement since the road that runs from Miami to Naples blocks the natural flow of water to the Everglades
"Bridging the Everglades".
Movin' on up
"Steve Geller has made his move in his bid to unseat Broward County Commissioner Sue Gunzburger: He has rented a Hollywood condo in order to officially reside in the district." "Geller rents condo to run". See also "Geller running for County Commission district far from home".
Race to the "top"
"Schools in line for federal grants".
Jenkins back
"Nate Jenkins, now the Democratic National Committee's southern regional director, is working closely with the Sink campaign and is expected to spend considerable time working out of Florida." "Sink aided by Obama campaign veterans".
"Want to bet who gets the contract"
The Saint Petersburg Times editors: "Citizens Property Insurance Corp. still doesn't get it. Last year, the state-run insurer was forced to drop its plan to hand a $60 million, no-bid contract for managing home inspections to a private company with limited experience. Now it has cut another sweet deal with the same company to do thousands of inspections this year while the original contract is competitively bid. Want to bet who gets the contract when it is finally awarded?" "Another dodgy deal from Citizens".".
HD 21
"A rematch between two conservatives is shaping up in the 21st House district as Rep. Charles Van Zant, R-Keystone Heights, will face former Putnam County Commissioner Linda Myers, the Democratic candidate he defeated by the skin of his teeth in 2008." "Conservatives Battle in Rematch for House Seat".
Foreclosure mess
"An attempt to fix the sloppy legal work plaguing thousands of foreclosure cases in Florida has been ineffective, and has now caused a legal mess of its own." "Legal mess over foreclosures deepening".
"Florida Power & Light Co.'s newest solar-energy plant will have enough mirrors to cover 80 football fields. But those mirrors will focus sunlight onto surfaces that add up to slightly less than the area of a single football field. That concentration of solar power will generate temperatures of more than 700 degrees — hot enough to make electricity for 11,000 homes." "Florida takes giant step with huge solar-power plant".
Veto please
The Saint Petersburg Times editorial board: "Crist should mark the start of another hurricane season today by vetoing a property insurance bill that would make it too easy for insurers to increase premiums. That is the right decision, but it also underscores that Florida has yet to figure out how to make coverage more available and affordable. Forecasters expect a busy hurricane season, yet the best Floridians can do is make their own preparations and hope the state’s recent luck does not run out."
It also turns out that — surprise, surprise — the insurance industry played a large role in writing the bill. The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reported Monday that newly released state e-mails show the Office of Insurance Regulation practically begged industry lobbyists to write parts of the legislation. No wonder Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty now wants Crist to sign the bill into law.
"Crossed fingers is not a plan". Related: "Lobby had a hand in insurance bill".
Second amendment?
"Boy accidentally shot 12-year-old friend".
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