"Marco Rubio's change in position on privatization of Social Security was 'a conclusion based on extensive study of the fiscal impact,' not a flip-flop intended to win votes, his campaign press spokesman said today." "Spokesman: Rubio's change on Social Security not a flip-flop". See also "Times: Marco Rubio denies flip-flopping on privatizing Social Security".
Related: "Senate hopefuls stake out Social Security stances".
Teabagging safely
"Tea party favorite Marco Rubio plays it safe".
Another RPOF front group
"Florida's major advocate for small-business owners endorsed Republican Pam Bondi for attorney general Monday, citing her fierce support of the state's federal lawsuit against the Obama Administration's national health-care plan." "Small-business advocate endorses Republican Bondi". See also "Pledging to Continue McCollum's Fight Against Fed Health-Care Laws, Bondi Gets NFIB Backing".
Hawkes steps in it
"The chief judge of Florida's 1st District Court of Appeal on Monday tried to address controversy about the court's new $48-million home and elicited further controversy among his fellow judges in the process." "Chief judge's letter on building draws ire".
"The loan went 'sour"
"The demise of a Bradenton Bank carries the fingerprints of [Republican] state Sen. Mike Bennett. The veteran lawmaker, according to a Wall Street Journal report, obtained a $1.8 million loan from Flagship National Bank of Bradenton. The loan went 'sour' and the community bank was eventually seized by federal regulators." "Loan Linked Sen. Mike Bennett to Failed Florida Bank".
Bits and Pieces
Kevin Derby's "Political Bits and Pieces".
Nelson speaks
"Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson has long portrayed himself as a friend to the ailing St. Johns River. He even made a point to visit portions of the river affected by a mysterious foam that materialized this past summer. But on Sept. 16, Nelson appeared to side with industry, writing a letter to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson urging a delay in finalizing the criteria that would affect the lower St. Johns to allow 'ample time to fully consider' public comments." "Sen. Nelson joins effort to convince EPA to delay Florida water quality standards".
CD 25
"Florida's 25th District: Joe Garcia vs. David Rivera".
"Battle on Growth"
"Florida Voters Enter Battle on Growth".
Voucher madness
"Some educators [sic] across the state are worried that all the gubernatorial candidates' talk of tax cuts for businesses might mean the demise of the corporate tax scholarship program." "Rick Scott, Alex Sink Called on to Save Tax-Credit Scholarship Program".
Daniel Ruth: "Even Jim Norman can't be this clueless".
"Historic opportunity to level the playing field"
The Saint Petersburg Times editorial board: "Florida can be a toss-up when it comes to statewide elections, but its legislative and congressional races are almost never competitive. The simple reason: The Legislature draws the districts to favor specific political parties and protect incumbents. Now two constitutional amendments on the Nov. 2 ballot give Floridians a historic opportunity to level the playing field. For better democracy, the Times recommends approval of Amendments 5 and 6. " "'Fair Districts' puts voters in charge".
AFL-CIO targeting Rubio
"The AFL-CIO is targeting Republican U.S. Senate candidate Marco Rubio in a new mailer that calls him anti-worker."
The issue: Rubio's supposed opposition to extending unemployment benefits for out-of-work Americans.
"How do we know Marco Rubio is a bad choice for workers?'' asks the mailer, which began circulating Sept. 20. "His anti-union voting record says it all. Our jobless rate is almost 12 percent, but Rubio still opposes extending unemployment benefits to the workers who need it most right now.''
"Union attacks Rubio over jobless benefits extension" (Note: the Union's claim is called "Half True" by the half-journalist who wrote the piece)
Politics ain't beanbag
"Republican Steve Southerland said Monday 'it's incredibly personal' for U.S. Rep. Allen Boyd to distort his positions on taxes, Social Security and the right to vote." "Southerland taking Boyd's 'mischaracterizations' personally".
Early voting
"Election Day: Early Voting Speeds Campaign Calendar".
Demise of the shuttle program
"More than 1,000 space-related workers are scheduled to be let go Friday in the first round of layoffs related to the imminent demise of the space shuttle program." "Space Job Losses Start This Week".
Ausley slams Atwater
"The Florida Legislature is not following the law that requires audits for lobbyist-compensation reports, a candidate for state chief financial officer said Monday." "Ausley slams Atwater for not auditing reports".
Is Kosmas done?
"Analyst says Kosmas is done; her camp disagrees".
"Maps drawn by the ruling GOP are showing their age"
"As Republicans nationwide ride a Tea Party wave into the fall elections, Florida's political maps drawn by the ruling GOP are showing their age. Basically, they are becoming more competitive for Democrats." "'Fair Districts': Would redistricting really give Democrats boost they are looking for?".
Wingnuts stand by their man
"Prominent conservatives from across the nation, including former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former presidential candidate Gary Bauer, struck back Monday against an advertisement released over the weekend by Democratic U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson. Grayson compared his Republican opponent -- former Florida House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader Daniel Webster -- to the Taliban." "Conservatives Strike Back at Alan Grayson's 'Taliban Dan' Ad".
Related: "Grayson's 'Taliban Dan' ad takes Webster's words out of context".
No class
"Republican contributors to Gov. Charlie Crist's independent campaign for the U.S. Senate aren't giving up their quest for refunds. The attorney for two GOP donors said Monday he will appeal a Naples judge's denial last week of class-action status in the case. The ruling means each contributor to the Crist campaign would have to seek a refund through individual court action." "Florida GOP donors appeal ruling on Crist refunds".
Norman-Ambler lawsuit continues
"Absentee ballots mailed as Norman-Ambler suit continues".
"Highest profile constitutional amendments"
The Saint Petersburg Times editorial board: "The highest profile constitutional amendments on the Nov. 2 ballot involve easing limits on class sizes, forcing voters to decide changes to land-use plans and changing the rules for drawing congressional and legislative districts. But there are two other constitutional amendments and a nonbinding resolution on ballot, and voters should reject all three:"
Amendment 1: This amendment would repeal the constitutional requirement for a public campaign financing system for statewide candidates. It was sound policy when voters approved it in 1998, and it is sound policy now. ...
Amendment 2: This is a well-intended effort by the Legislature to provide an additional homestead property tax exemption for members of the military and the Florida National Guard who are deployed overseas. But it is unfair in its application and creates another loophole in a property tax system already full of special breaks. ...
Budget referendum: This is a politically motivated, nonbinding resolution calling for the U.S. Constitution to be amended to require a balanced federal budget without raising taxes.
"These ballot measures should be rejected".
He's no Scooter Libby
"Cabinet commutes life sentence of inmate who had pocket knife in '86 burglary".
"The state is set to donate nearly 30,000 acres in South Florida to the federal government for the Big Cypress National Preserve." "Fla. set to donate nearly 30,000 acres to feds".
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