"Republican Marco Rubio commands a double-digit lead among likely voters in Florida's U.S. Senate race, harnessing a split among Democrats over their nominee Kendrick Meek and independent Gov. Charlie Crist, a poll issued Thursday shows."Rubio, a tea party favorite, was favored in the three-way contest by 46 percent of 1,151 voters surveyed by Quinnipiac University between Sept. 23 and 28. The poll was Quinnipiac's first limited to the likely voters for the Nov. 2 general election and claimed a margin of error of plus or minus 2.9 percentage points.
Crist, who left the GOP in April to run for the Senate without party affiliation, was favored by 33 percent and U.S. Rep. Meek was preferred by 18 percent in the three-way race.
"Poll: Rubio leads Crist big in Fla. Senate race".
Teabaggers sue Grayson
"Tea party activists say they'll try to serve subpoenas today on Democratic U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson and Orlando political consultant Doug Guetzloe in an attempt to prove they conspired to create the Florida Tea Party and field a spoiler candidate in Grayson's race." "Tea party activists subpoena Grayson, aim for other candidates".
NPAs key to Florida governor's race
"More than 2.5 million of Florida's 11.1 million registered voters claim no party affiliation or belong to an assortment of parties other than Republican or Democrat. That minority likely holds the key to the Governor's Mansion and who will live there for the next four years." "Florida governor's race may be decided by nonaffiliated voters".
Grayson's anti-GOP message is getting swamped in CD 8
"Alan Grayson rode into Congress in 2008 with searing, vitriolic attacks on the Bush administration and Capitol Hill Republicans. Grayson's anger is still there, but the votes appear to be going against him as he seeks re-election in Central Florida's closely fought 8th Congressional District." "Is Alan Grayson's Swagger Too Yesterday for 2010?".
RPOFers undermine Scott's shot at Sink
"Two of Florida's top Republicans are criticizing claims made in one of their own party's political ads savaging Democrat Alex Sink for her role in problems with the state's pension fund."
Attorney General Bill McCollum and Senate President Jeff Atwater have both addressed the State Board of Administration's handling of the $117 billion retirement fund in comments over the past two days. The men do not defend Sink by name or overtly refute the ad. But their comments do run counter to key claims made in the commercial.
"Defending pension blunder, GOP leaders undermine campaign slam of Alex Sink". See also "" and "".
Crist getting hammered
"Crist, running for the U.S. Senate without party affiliation, continues to be hammered from both sides by Republican Marco Rubio, the front-runner in the race, and Democratic candidate U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek." "Rubio and Meek Camps Continue to Fire Away at Charlie Crist".
Forget that trip to Havana
"Bid to Lift Travel Ban on Cuba Stalls in Congress".
Rubio is Rove's guy
"A new and powerful political action committee tied to Republican strategist Karl Rove, fueled by out-of-state corporations and billionaires, is swooping into Florida to put its money behind front-running U.S. Senate candidate Marco Rubio."
American Crossroads has spent nearly $250,000 so far on pro-Rubio mailings aimed at absentee voters, according to a report filed this week with the Federal Elections Commission.
The group can shell out unlimited money on Rubio's behalf, thanks to a controversial Supreme Court ruling earlier this year that allows corporations and wealthy individuals to funnel money directly to campaigns.
"Rove's group boosts Rubio". See also "Marco Rubio gets $246,000 boost from Karl Rove's PAC".
"Taj Mahal" fallout
"Chief Justice Paul Hawkes of Florida’s 1st District Court of Appeals issued a seven-page letter Monday to newspaper editors around the state, responding to the flurry of criticism that has been leveled against the court’s new $48 million home in the state’s capital." "Judge defends ‘Taj Mahal’ courthouse, scores lowest ever rating in Florida Bar poll (Updated)".
Traditional media hearts Webster
In "Can 'decent guy' strategy overcome Grayson attacks?", Mike Thomas ignores the shills who are doing Webster's dirty work, including his own employer and the rest of the traditional media.
"Second only to Georgia"
"Guns bought in one state often end up being used in crimes in another state, and a coalition of the nation's mayors thinks tougher laws could reverse that trend. More than 2,600 of those guns traced to crimes last year originated in Florida. That's second only to Georgia." "Florida ranks second in illegal guns traced to crimes, study shows".
The choices for the "Anybody But Rubio" crowd
Joy-Ann Reid: "The unvarnished, dispassionate truth about the U.S. Senate race in Florida is that the ambitions of either Gov. Charlie Crist or Rep. Kendrick Meek have to die, so that the other's Senate dream can live." "Meek or Crist? Democrats must decide soon".
Contract canceled
"Department rejects all bids after losing company challenged agency decision. Move could delay start of database." "Department of Health cancels drug database contract".
"NOAA says digging up oil from beaches at parks and preserves could affect shore animals and their habitat." "Another blow to Crist's Cover Florida health insurance plan".
Libertarians on the march
"Libertarians challenge campaign finance law".
HD 91
"Republican George Moraitis and Democrat Barbra Stern, both political newcomers and both lawyers, are running to succeed veteran state Rep. Ellyn Bogdanoff in Tallahassee." "Democrat has uphill battle in Republican-dominated area for House 91 seat".
Never mind
"A grand jury decided Wednesday not to investigate the legislative dealings that went into construction of the new First District Court of Appeal." "Jury: No probe into courthouse".
Florida's consumer confidence back
"Consumer confidence in Florida back to pre-gulf oil spill levels".
HD 84
"Albert Key challenges Mack Bernard in State House 84 race".
Feds give Tally dopes a pass
"U.S. Department of Energy officials say Florida will not lose federal grant funding for its 'cash-for-clunker' air-conditioner rebates if state officials miss the Thursday deadline to authorize spending the cash. But the program still is frozen and probably will remain so until the Florida Legislature returns to Tallahassee in November." "Florida will keep AC rebate money but program frozen".
"One of the more bizarre spectacles"
Howard Troxler's "sixth in a series of columns on key votes taken by the Florida Legislature since the last election." "How they voted, Part 6: the bad CSX deal".
"New NASA policy: House passes bill to change direction for space agency".
Entrepreneurs in action
"A company that owns and operates offshore drilling rigs asked a federal judge Wednesday to throw out the latest moratorium on deep water oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico." "Company asks judge to overturn drilling moratorium".
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