"According to a CNN/Time/Opinion Research Corporation survey of registered voters in Florida, the Democrat holds a seven point advantage in the gubernatorial fight."The poll indicates that Florida Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink, the Democratic nominee, has an edge over GOP nominee Rick Scott 49 to 42 percent.
"Sink is doing well among independents and moderate voters. She pulls two-thirds of the vote among moderates, and beats Scott among independents by a 50 to 37 percent margin," says [CNN Polling Director Keating] Holland.
Scott, a multi-millionaire former health care executive, spent around $50 million to top Florida Attorney General and former Rep. Bill McCollum in what turned into a bitter primary.
"CNN/Time Poll" ("The CNN/Time/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted September 2-7, with 899 registered voters in Florida questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.")
From the "die soon" crowd
"A conservative organization representing older Americans announced plans today for a nearly $400,000 advertising campaign opposing the re-election of U.S. Rep. Allen Boyd, D-Monticello. The 60 Plus Association, which bills itself as an alternative to AARP, focuses on Boyd's changed vote on national health care. He opposed the initial House version last year but voted for the revised plan that was signed by President Obama." "Conservative seniors blast Boyd".
Meek moving up in CNN poll
"A new poll indicates that the three way-battle for Florida's open Senate seat, arguably the most fascinating Senate contest this year, is deadlocked at the top."
In the Senate contest, 36 percent of people questioned say they support Republican nominee and former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio, with 34 percent backing Republican Gov. Charlie Crist, who earlier this year dropped his bid for the GOP Senate nomination and is now running as an independent candidate. Twenty-four percent say if the election were held today, they'd vote for Rep. Kendrick Meek, the Democratic nominee, with three percent saying they vote for none of the candidates and three percent holding no opinion.
"A three-way race is producing a three-way split among Florida voters," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "Meek wins majority support among Democrats while Rubio picks up seven in ten Republicans. Among Independents, it's Crist with 45 percent, distantly followed by Rubio with 29 percent and Meek with only 16 percent of Independents."
The survey also indicates a geographical divide.
"Crist is doing best in the Tampa Bay area and along the southern Gulf Coast. Meek does best in the Miami area. Rubio's best region is the northern part of the state, including the Panhandle."
"CNN/Time Poll: Heated battle for Florida Senate" ("The CNN/Time/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted September 2-7, with 899 registered voters in Florida questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.")
Dems torn about Meek
"In this year's U.S. Senate race, Florida Democrats face a dilemma – whether to back their party's loyal standard-bearer, Kendrick Meek, or switch to Gov. Charlie Crist, who many believe has a better shot at keeping Marco Rubio out of the Senate seat."
They'd like to see Meek win, but they're even more eager to see Tea Party favorite Rubio defeated.
Meek's current poll standings, distant third, don't convince some Democrats he can beat Rubio; but without substantial Democratic support, Crist probably can't either.
"Dems torn: Should they vote for Crist in hopes of defeating Rubio?".
Sink-Scott debates set
"Florida's millionaire gubernatorial candidates agreed to release their tax returns and to spar in two statewide debates in late October. ... The announcement came the same day Scott agreed to two statewide debates and a CNN/Time magazine poll showed Sink ahead of Scott by seven points." "Sink, Scott agree to release tax returns and to spar". See also "Rick Scott, Alex Sink Spar Over Debates and Tax Returns", "Sink to release five years of tax returns" and "Scott agrees to 2 statewide debates; Sink still calling for 5".
Charlie whines about Meek ad
"Democratic Senate candidate Kendrick Meek is 'off the mark' when he claims in his new TV ad that he's the only candidate against privatizing Social Security and for abortion rights, Gov. and independent Senate candidate Charlie Crist said today." "Crist disputes Social Security, abortion rights claims in Meek ad".
Sink creates PC
"Faced with an opponent who has already spent millions of his own dollars on the governor's race, Democratic candidate Alex Sink has created a political committee to raise unlimited funds on her behalf." "Sink creates political committee to raise money".
Quran burning
"A small Florida church's plan to burn copies of the Quran is stirring outrage in Muslim nations, with lawyers protesting in Pakistan and Bahrain's government calling the burning a shameful attack on interfaith relations. About 200 lawyers and civil society members marched and burned a U.S. flag in the central Pakistani city of Multan, demanding that Washington halt the burning of the Muslim holy book." "Muslims in Bahrain, Pakistan protest Quran burning". More: "Crist: 9/11 Quran burn raises safety concerns".
Mike Thomas has a point: "What if media had ignored Terry Jones?".
The chatterers are in a dither:
- The News Journal editorial board: "Pastor should exit the global stage".
- The Saint Petersburg Times editors: "Koran burning stokes fires of hatred".
- The Tampa Tribune editors: Flaming irresponsibility
- The Orlando Sentinel editorial board: "Quran burning reveals common foe".
All about Obama
"With most signs pointing to big Republican gains in the fall midterm elections, Republican strategists are determined to turn even local and state races into referendums on Obama and the Democratic party nationally." "Republicans turning local and state races into a referendum on Obama".
Green fight
"Green Energy-ites Like Sink; Scott Lashes Back".
Ross whinge
"The Ross campaign blasted Edwards and claimed she is using the office to promote herself, noting that her name appears on office vehicles and comment cards at the polls and questions her handling of a petition drive led by Dewey Smith in 2005 to cut the salaries of government officials. The campaign also criticized Edwards for being prominently featured in taxpayer-funded television and radio ads. It claims that in 2008 Edwards said she would take a leave of absence if she ran for Congress." "Dennis Ross to Congressional Rival Lori Edwards: Resign as Elections Commissioner".
Grubbing for votes
"Charlie Crist Appeals to Hotel and Lodging Association".
"Deal-makers are crying in their cocktails"
"On the cusp of winning the Republican nomination for governor in Florida, Rick Scott cracked a joke on primary night alluding to powerful interests in Florida that had aligned themselves with his opponent, Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum: 'In Tallahassee tonight, the deal-makers are crying in their cocktails.' Now those deal-makers — lobbyists, legislators and party fundraisers — are quickly teaming up with Scott to raise funds for his campaign and make an about-face on the man whom they spurned, attacked and campaigned against prior to Aug. 24." "Tallahassee insiders align themselves with Rick Scott".
Rubio surging in Sunshine State News Poll
"Republican Marco Rubio, garnering surprising strength among independent voters, holds a double-digit lead over his two chief rivals in Florida's U.S. Senate race, a new Sunshine State News Poll reports."
The survey of likely voters shows Rubio with 43 percent, independent Charlie Crist with 29 percent, Democrat Kendrick Meek with 23 percent and the remaining 5 percent undecided.
The Voter Survey Service poll surveyed 1,016 voters Sept. 1-5 and Sept. 7, and had a margin of error of 3 percent.
The three-way Senate contest is being closely watched nationally as it pits Crist, a well-known governor who bolted the Republican Party, against Rubio, a former Florida House speaker and tea party favorite whose early surge toward the GOP nomination forced Crist to run with No Party Affiliation.
Meek, a four-term congressman from Miami, trails in this and previous polls -- though his 23 percent share represents a slight improvement. The fact that Meek has almost caught Crist adds grist to some campaign watchers' theories that the governor ultimately could come in third. ...
Sunshine State News' final gubernatorial poll, taken a week before the Aug. 24 primary, was the only poll to hit the mark, predicting a 2 percentage-point win for Rick Scott. Scott won by 2.9 percent.
"Marco Rubio Holds Double-Digit Lead in Senate Race" ("The Voter Survey Service poll surveyed 1,016 voters Sept. 1-5 and Sept. 7, and had a margin of error of 3 percent.")
Sink slams Scott's "lies"
"Since releasing a new ad defending her ties to President Obama, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink‘s office has remained defensive when responding to Rick Scott‘s so-called 'attacks.' In a statement released yesterday, Sink spokesperson Kyra Jennings said that Scott’s recent claim that the Democratic candidate wants to cut Medicare benefits for Florida seniors was blatantly false". "Sink hits back at Scott over ‘lies’ about Medicare cuts".
Second amendment blues
"Report: Florida among the biggest sources of guns used in crimes in Mexico".
Blah, blah, blah
"The Florida Department of Corrections is once again being forced to defend some of its contracting decisions. This time it surrounds a move by the agency to hire a vendor to build and operate a dialysis service center for prisoners in Lake Butler. The proposed 10-year contract has already drawn a protest from a losing bidder and now a state senator has accused the department of wasting taxpayer dollars." "Senator blasts agency over contracting decision".
"Self-serving maneuvering by state lawmakers"
The Tampa Tribune editorial board: "If Florida voters needed another reason to be leery about constitutional amendments initiated by the Legislature, the failed Amendment 7 provides a textbook example. ... Fortunately, the state's highest court, which reviews ballot language and decides legal challenges, was the voters' backstop against self-serving maneuvering by state lawmakers. And that is exactly what Amendment 7 was all about." "Lawmakers' initiatives deserve skeptical eye".
Potential party switches
"For the third time this election cycle, the Buzz, the Times' political blog, is ranking the six U.S. House seats in Florida that are most vulnerable to a party switch." "Boyd, Kosmas top the Buzz's post-primary House race rankings".
Class size amendment language at issue
"A proposed ballot amendment to ease Florida's class-size requirements was challenged in court Wednesday by the state's largest teachers union, but the judge made no decision. The Florida Education Association argued the summary that will appear on the November ballot doesn't fully explain Amendment 8's effect. It tells voters that the class-size caps will change, the union's lawyer said, but it doesn't explain how that change likely will reduce money to schools." "Union challenges class-size amendment". See also "FEA Takes Class-Size Debate to Court" and "Class-size ballot question challenged; judge to issue ruling by Friday".
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