It has got to be one or the other, right?"Either [Rick Scott] was incompetent and knew nothing of the massive fraud under way at his own company, or he was indeed complicit in the crime. Either way, he should be disqualified from being governor of the state of Florida."
Those were the words written in an Aug. 9 editorial by the conservative West Palm Beach-based news organization Newsmax when it endorsed Rick Scott’s Republican primary opponent, Attorney General Bill McCollum. On Oct. 12, Newsmax donated $100,000 to a 527 group solely associated with Scott, Let’s Get to Work, according to donor disclosures released Wednesday.
On Oct. 12, Newsmax donated $100,000 to a 527 group solely associated with Scott, Let’s Get to Work, according to donor disclosures released Wednesday.
On Tuesday, Newsmax endorsed Scott with no mention of the Medicare and Medicaid fraud committed at Columbia/HCA when Scott was the company’s CEO. The editorial lists fraud perpetrated at NationsBank (now Bank of America) when Alex Sink — the Democratic nominee in the gubernatorial race — was an executive there as a reason not to vote for her, even though the lawyer prosecuting the case said she played no role in the impropriety. "Be sure to vote and be sure to vote for the future of conservative values nationally by voting for Rick Scott," wrote Newsmax in the Oct. 19 editorial.
"Conservative media outlet Newsmax donates $100K to Scott’s 527 group" (bracketing original).
More about Scott from Newsmax: "Fla.’s Rick Scott invested in firm with ties to illegal aliens", "Rick Scott’s role in the largest ripoff of taxpayers in the history of Medicare and Medicaid" and "Rick Scott’s firm sued 10 times, candidate described as ‘ruthless’".
Rubio, Rivera ... two peas in a pod
"U.S. Senate front-runner Marco Rubio co-owns a home with congressional candidate David Rivera, who is fending off allegations that he falsely reported income on campaign finance forms." "Rubio helps ally to stump for votes".
Meanwhile, Fred Grimm: writes that in Florida these days, "dodgy disclosures might mean something": that"David Rivera still can't seem to remember his employers over these last few years. But Rivera's onetime claim to have worked for USAID magically disappeared from his amended disclosure form this week after the Miami Herald reported that the agency had no records of a relationship with Rivera. Good timing, David. Suddenly, dodgy disclosures might mean something." Related: Steve Otto: "Stormin' over Norman".
Scott "unable to go beyond the shallow answers"
"The leading candidates for governor spent most of Wednesday's hour-long, televised debate bashing their rival's platforms, experience and character in an effort to break the logjam that remains with less than two weeks to Election Day. " "Mud and fur fly in debate".
William March: "Alex Sink and Rick Scott raced to draw first blood in their first statewide debate Wednesday, teasing out a few policy differences but largely highlighting themes of the attack ads that both gubernatorial candidates have running since the August primary." "Scott, Sink tangle over ethics, experience in statewide debate". See also "Gloves come off again as Alex Sink and Rick Scott face off in debate" and "Sink, Scott outline economic plans, spar over business ties in 2nd debate".
The Saint Petersburg Times editors: "Rick Scott has spent months carefully shaping his image in television ads and other controlled settings. But the Republican candidate for governor demonstrated Wednesday night that he remains unwilling or unable to go beyond the shallow answers about his controversial business background, raising further concerns about how transparent and candid he would be as governor of the Sunshine State." "Evasions, public office don't fit".
Scott ahead in poll
"The latest CNN/Time Opinion Research Corporation poll shows a tight race for governor in Florida, with Republican Rick Scott receiving 49 percent of the vote and Democrat Alex Sink with 46 percent. Scott's modest lead is one point greater than the same survey found in late September. ... The winning margins held by Rubio and Scott both shrink if the poll measures registered instead of likely voters." "CNN poll: Scott 49%, Sink 46%".
Scott's "Pants on Fire"
"PolitiFact: Despite claim, Scott is tied to lots of lobbyists"
That's Charlie
"Crist says he relishes underdog role in Senate run".
"Hawkes still doesn’t get it"
The Saint Petersburg Times editorial board: "Judge Paul Hawkes still doesn’t get it. The chief judge of the 1st District Court of Appeal in Tallahassee says he is 'surprised and discouraged' by the firestorm over the $48 million 'Taj Mahal.' " "Chief judge still doesn't get it".
Teabagger files charge
"A South Florida tea party member alleged in an ethics complaint Wednesday that Democratic state Senate candidate and insurance agent Kevin Rader failed to indicate his ownership interest in an underwriters group on required financial disclosure forms." "Woman files complaint accusing Rader of not disclosing interest in insurance group".
Clinton in the house
"Still trying to unify Democrats around his sluggish campaign, U.S. Senate candidate Kendrick Meek got help Tuesday from one of his party's biggest stars, former President Bill Clinton." "Bill Clinton stumps for Meek in St. Petersburg".
More: "Clinton stumps for Meek in Orlando, heads to Miami to campaign with Sink" and "Bill Clinton tells UCF crowd: Support Kendrick Meek".
Webster afraid to debate
"Dan Webster made it official Wednesday: His campaign for Orlando's U.S. House seat won't include a debate with incumbent Democrat Rep. Alan Grayson. ... His reason: He can't stand to share a stage with Grayson." "Webster refuses to debate Grayson".
Scott supports open carrying of handguns
Mike Thomas: "Open carry means just that. Any law-abiding citizen is allowed to openly carry a handgun. Advocates are pushing for legislation allowing it and are armed with a statement of support from Republican gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott."
"Movement under way to let Floridians openly tote their guns".
Teabaggers on the march
"Tea Partiers: Voter Intimidation Claims Come From 'Operatives'".
"What leadership is all about"
Alan Grayson:
"I draw the line in the same place where Patrick Henry drew the line: Give me liberty or give me death. Making stirring statements like that — it's what leadership is all about. It's articulating the things that everyone believes but no one is saying."
"Alan Grayson seen as folk hero by some, as tyrant by others".
"Unscrupulous lending practices"
The Sun Sentinel editorial board: "For a short-timer, Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum has a lot on his plate, particularly when it comes to residential and commercial foreclosures. News of unscrupulous lending practices, coupled with the examination of those practices by lenders, resonates in a state that relies so heavily on real estate for growth and jobs." "Florida's foray into the foreclosure crisis".
Obama goes after important voting bloc
"President Barack Obama reached out to Hispanics, signing an order aimed at improving education -- and possibly swaying an important voting bloc." "Education initiative has eye on Latino vote".
Hill rallies students
"Concerned that momentum could be lost after a record turnout among African-American voters in 2008, state Sen. Tony Hill and others hit the road this week to convince students on college campuses -- no matter their race -- to get out and vote. Hill, D-Jacksonville, visited the Bethune-Cookman University campus Wednesday morning, one of seven campuses he'll stop at this week, to help rally students as they prepared to march to an early voting precinct." "Campaign works to keep hope from 2008 alive".
Too much for judges?
"What's good enough for lawmakers is apparently too much for judges." "Criticized DCA photographs same as those lawmakers have".
Rubio maintains lead
CCN poll (.pdf) "Marco Rubio (R) 46%, Charlie Crist (I) 32%, Kendrick Meek (D) 20%".
Class size
The Daytona Beach News Journal editorial board: "Vote 'yes' on schools' critical needs levy".
Beware "the Big Government Liberal Agenda"
Howard Troxler:
I am looking at one of those campaign-mail thingys that says, "Ready to bring BARACK OBAMA'S big government, liberal agenda to Pinellas County"? There is a big, scary picture of the president on it.
And I am thinking, my goodness! I had no idea that we were in such danger of getting Barack Obama's Big Government Liberal Agenda right here in Pinellas County. So I am glad to be warned of it.
The idea of the mailer is that voters should vote against Bob Hackworth, a Democrat running for the County Commission, and in favor of Susan Latvala, the Republican incumbent. Apparently the thing to do in a campaign these days is mention the O-word. Maybe the Democrats should try it, too.
As it happens, I had just been thinking, "We should keep letting developers run amok and the bureaucracy stay status quo by voting for all the incumbents, Democrat and Republican." So this only sealed my intention. Because, you know, otherwise we would have the Big Government Liberal Agenda.
Much more here: "In modern politics, it helps to be shameless".
Related: "Fla.'s Crist tries to distance himself from Obama".
Debate weekend
"CNN and the St. Petersburg Times are partnering with the University of South Florida to present live, nationally televised debates between the candidates for U.S. Senate and governor this weekend."
On Sunday at USF, no-party candidate Charlie Crist, Democrat Kendrick Meek and Republican Marco Rubio will debate at 9 a.m. on the CNN news program State of the Union. CNN chief political correspondent Candy Crowley will serve as moderator, along with Times political editor Adam C. Smith.
On Monday at USF, Republican Rick Scott and Democrat Alex Sink will debate at 7 p.m. on the CNN program John King USA. King, the cable network's chief national correspondent, will moderate along with the Times' Smith.
"CNN, Times, USF host debates for governor, Senate this weekend".
The next time you speak with a teabagger ...
... ask him what he thinks about this: "JASON LINKINS Glenn Beck Calls Evolution 'Ridiculous': 'I Haven't Seen A Half-Monkey, Half-Person Yet'".
Is that has been still around?
"Rock star Nugent signs Sheriff Nugent's T-shirt".
Bondi - Gelber
"Republican attorney general nominee Pam Bondi is trying to nationalize the campaign, pushing GOP talking points about the dismal economy, the Obama administration and particularly her opposition to the health care overhaul bill it pushed through Congress earlier this year. Democratic opponent candidate Dan Gelber, a veteran state legislator, is trying to keep the race on Florida issues as the Nov. 2 election approaches, such as cracking down on government corruption and on clinics that illegally dispense prescription pain pills." "Bondi, Gelber differ on focus in Fla. AG race".
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