"A statewide poll today gives GOP nominee Rick Scott with a 49-43 percent lead over Sink, the Democratic candidate for governor. The Quinnipiac University Poll indicated that voters aren't very enthusiastic about either candidate, but distaste for Obama seems to be the tie-breaker."Sink's favorable and unfavorable standing was deadlocked at 39 to 39 percent, while 41 percent of those surveyed had a favorable view of Scott and 40 percent felt unfavorably toward him. However, likely voters disapproved of President Obama by a 56-40 percent margin, and that was dragging down Sink. Scott's TV ads have tied her closely to the president, showing video clips of her saying his economic plan was good for the country.
"Rick Scott’s millions in TV advertising may annoy voters, but it won him the Republican nomination and is pushing him to a 6-point general election lead," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.
"It’s no surprise that Scott’s campaigning and advertising has been trying to tie State CFO Alex Sink to President Barack Obama. The president’s low ratings, especially among independents who are likely to decide the governor’s race, are a problem for Ms. Sink’s campaign."
"Quinnipiac poll: Scott leading Sink in race for governor".
"Scott's edge in the horse race may be tied to the public perception that he would be better able to rebuild the state's economy, 48 - 39 percent, than can Ms. Sink. On rebuilding the economy, Scott enjoys a 48 - 34 percent lead among independent voters. ... From September 23 - 28, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,151 Florida likely voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.9 percentage points." "Scott Leads In Florida Gov Race, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds".
Gore backs Meek
"Former Vice President Al Gore traveled to Tampa to stump for Democratic Senate candidate Kendrick Meek, who is running third in the polls." "Gore prods loyalists to back Meek". See also "Al Gore stumps for Meek, saying the Democrat has momentum".
Scott co-chair flip-floppery
"Republican governor candidate Rick Scott named his campaign co-chairs [yesterday], which immediately caught the attention of the folks at Democrat Alex Sink’s campaign. They were quick to send a note reminding us all that several of them had asked Scott to essentially drop out of the race in August, citing Florida Independent reporting in the process." "Scott’s campaign co-chairs once called on him to withdraw from race".
LeMieux Blocks Unemployment Benefits
"Led by Sen. George LeMieux, R-Fla., Republicans shut down a Democratic effort to extend unemployment benefits in states with the highest jobless rates." "LeMieux Blocks Extension of Unemployment Benefits".
Poll: Rubio holds solid lead
"Republican Marco Rubio holds a solid 13-point lead over Gov. Charlie Crist, who is running as an independent in the race for Florida's U.S. Senate seat, with Democrat U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek a distant third at 18 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday."
With a 46-33 edge over Crist, Rubio, a former speaker of the Florida House of Representatives and a favorite of the tea party movement, is benefiting from strong voter anger at the federal government, likely voters tell the independent Quinnipiac University survey, conducted by live interviewers.
"Rubio continues to maintain a big lead". See also "WSJ: Crist Is Slipping in Bid for Senate" and "Polls are bad news for Crist, worse news for Meek".
Never mind the facts
"In a recent campaign ad, GOP gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott accuses his opponent, Democrat Alex Sink, of funneling no-bid contracts to her former employer while failing to disclose a conflict-of-interest."
Tuesday, Sink called the ad "total lies -- just like he played in the Republican primary."
"Sink disputes Scott ad alleging conflict of interest".
He's still "Taliban Dan"
"U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Orlando, refuses to concede his ad against Republican challenger Dan Webster distorted Webster's views toward women." "Grayson shrugs off criticism, stands by "Taliban Dan" campaign commercial".
"On the surface, the governor's race between Republican Rick Scott and Democrat Alex Sink looks like a contest between Scott's personal millions -- and big contributions from special interests -- versus Sink's legions of small donors."
And indeed, since Scott won the nomination on Aug. 24, he's gotten money from fewer than 900 individual donors -- compared to more than 7,700 who have given to Sink.
In reality, though, those contributions may barely matter. The big expenditures in the race are being financed by oversize contributions – some in the six or even seven figures -- funneled through both of the state's major political parties.
"Political parties, not candidates, finance governor's race".
"Lots of questions"
"In the Tampa area to tout his education plan, Rick Scott was greeted with lots of questions from parents."
Scott's Democratic opponent, Alex Sink, released her plan a month ago. She has said she does not want to expand the voucher program at this time, and while she also supports merit pay for teachers, she wants to base it on more than test scores, taking into account the views of principals and even parents.
Sink notes that she understands Florida's educational needs because both her children graduated from public schools here. She also served on the PTA.
Scott's two daughters attended mostly private schools, said Scott's wife, Ann. The couple's younger daughter, Jordan, spent her last two years of high school at a public school in Connecticut.
"Rick Scott asked for school plan details".
Specifics please
Scott Maxwell: "Specifics on spending beat empty rhetoric".
Teabagger may save the day
"Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson's slender hopes for retaining his 8th Congressional District seat would be all but dashed if he were in a one-on-one race with Republican Daniel Webster, a Sunshine State News Poll shows." "Head to Head with Webster, Grayson Would Be 'Cooked'".
Teabaggery run amuck
West "won't salute 'progressive' organization that's backing Meek, too " "Klein, West Battle Over Vets' Endorsements in CD 22". Related: "In West-Klein race, harsh allegations and big fundraising totals".
"Supporters of Cuba embargo pour millions into congressional coffers".
Rove's hood ornament
"Marco Rubio gets $246,000 boost from Karl Rove's PAC".
"Battle intensifies"
"More than 200 construction workers and business executives joined forces Thursday in the shadows of downtown Fort Lauderdale's high-rise development to rally against a state referendum to rein in growth." "Battle intensifies over state referendum on controlling growth".
Thank you, Mr. Obama
"When the federal home buyer's tax credit program finally sunsets on Thursday, more than 65,000 Floridians will have taken advantage of the incentive program, claiming more than $455 million, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office." "More than 65,000 Floridians got tax credits for buying a home".
Beaven fighting
"Beaven vows to put up fight against Mica".
"The first shot came from the Republican Party of Florida, which last week ran an ad on behalf of candidate Rick Scott blasting his Democratic rival, Alex Sink, blaming her for billions in investment losses suffered by the pension fund as the stock market cratered. Sink called the charges 'ridiculous' and responded with an ad defending the pension fund's strength." "Attack ads over state pension fund draw return fire in governor's race".
Atwater fires back
"Senate President Jeff Atwater, who thus far has stayed relatively quiet in his bid for chief financial officer against Loranne Ausley, fired back against his Democratic opponent this week over allegations that he was not serious about ethics reform." "Atwater Fights Back Over Ausley Ethics Slams".
1,000 space shuttle layoffs
"More than 1,000 space shuttle workers to be laid off Friday despite extra launch". "House Vote Extends Shuttle Program but It Can’t Prevent Job Losses".
"An average of seven Floridians a day"
The Saint Petersburg Times editorial board: "The records of nearly 200 doctors accused of peddling prescription drugs illustrate how intractable this drug epidemic is in Florida. An analysis by St. Petersburg Times reporters shows that greedy or irresponsible doctors from all specialities have helped fuel this addiction. Legislators need to provide more tools to combat this scourge, which kills an average of seven Floridians a day." "Better drug controls needed".
Cuba oil
"'There is not a bilateral U.S.-Cuba agreement on oil spills right now.'" "U.S. wary of Cuba's drilling plans".
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