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The Blog for Saturday, May 01, 2010

Charlie's money

    Beth Reinhard and Adam C. Smith: "Crist's campaign finance chairman, Brent Sembler, called Crist's fundraising ability as a nonpartisan candidate limited. The governor has traditionally amassed vast campaign war chests with big checks, not from a grass roots, Internet-fueled network of small donations more suited to a party-free campaign."
    "But I will tell you that a Democratic lawyer that I use called me unsolicited and said, 'I like what Charlie's done. I want to do a fundraiser. Are you still involved?' " the St. Petersburg developer said. "So I think there's a lot of love for Charlie out there."

    That remains to be seen. Many Republican donors are demanding refunds from their onetime standard bearer, now in a three-way race against the presumptive GOP nominee, Marco Rubio, and the leading Democrat, Kendrick Meek. The Republican Party of Florida is circulating Crist's campaign address and phone number and urging donors to seek refunds. ...

    Among the Democrats and Republicans invited to meet with Crist Sunday at the Grand Beach Hotel in Miami Beach: Former Miami Dolphins coach Don Shula, Sarasota chiropractor Gary Kompothecras, Miami lawyer S. Daniel Ponce, Fort Lauderdale lawyer Bill Berger, Belinda Keiser of Keiser University in Fort Lauderdale and Rodney Barreto of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. ...

    Other potential sources of campaign cash for Crist: the teachers union, which successfully lobbied him to veto a controversial tenure bill, and the Seminole Tribe, which recently signed a lucrative gambling deal with the state.

    The Florida Education Association traditionally leans Democratic, and Meek's leadership on the constitutional amendment limiting class sizes has earned him widespread goodwill among educators. But if the Miami congressman continues to trail Rubio and Crist in the polls, the union could hedge its bets.

    Tampa lawyer Barry Cohen, a top Democratic fundraiser, hailed the governor for supporting the Obama administration's economic stimulus package and for appointing an African-American, James Perry, to the Florida Supreme Court.

    "I told Charlie, 'You did the right thing then, and I'll do the right thing now,' " Cohen said.

    St. Petersburg businessman Fazal Fazlin, a Republican who backed Barack Obama, plans to host a second fundraiser for Crist now that he's an independent candidate.
    "Crist will seek new sources of cash".

    The Orlando Sentinel editors: "By declaring himself an independent candidate in Florida's U.S. Senate race, Charlie Crist on Thursday managed what many thought impossible: He got officials within the Republican Party to loathe him even more."
    They'd turned against him before Thursday for his embrace of President Obama's stimulus plan, for vetoing the Legislature's merit pay bill for teachers, for largely governing from the center while the Republican Party he ostensibly led tacked right.

    But turning independent makes Mr. Crist a pariah. Some Republicans fear he could siphon enough votes from the presumed GOP nominee, Marco Rubio, to hand the election to Kendrick Meek, the Democrats' front-running nominee.
    "And Crist makes 3". See also "Crist's Flight from GOP Party Gives Hope to Democrats", "GOP quickly exiles governor" and "Charlie Crist must get out of the gate quickly — or fade, analysts say".

    More: "Crist poll shows him in lead". Charlie's new website.

    Half-assed budget

    "They boosted funds for higher education, but hiked tuition to do it. They staved off a pay cut to state employees, but made their health care more expensive."

    The $70.4 billion budget that House and Senate lawmakers approved on Friday represents a complicated mix of priorities and compromises to keep core programs and services going for another year.
    "Florida lawmakers balance budget with cuts, gaming money". See also "'It's Just Been a Tough Year'", "$6 million budgeted to hire extra judges for foreclosure cases; clerks get $3.6 million" and "Lawmakers OK $70.4B budget".

    And then there's Charlie: "Session ends in Crist's shadow", "Legislature passes budget but Crist conversion dampens session end" and "With Crist waving his veto pen, lawmakers end 2010 session".

    Wingnuts run wild in Tally

    The Palm Beach Posteditorial board: "Hypocrisy doesn't get more blatant than this."

    Throughout the session that ended Friday, Florida legislators rebuked President Obama and congressional Democrats for "ramming through" health care reform. "Obamacare," the Legislature's Republican leadership said derisively, forces its way between the patient and doctor. Legislators were so incensed at this heavy-handed government intrusion that they passed pointless resolutions and even a straw ballot measure to be on the record as opposing it.

    Then this week, the GOP-led Legislature itself rammed through a measure that would require women considering an abortion to pay for a live ultrasound of the fetus. They would have to watch the ultrasound and have a doctor or nurse explain what they're seeing. The ultrasound would be required even if the physician didn't consider it medically necessary. Florida already requires an ultrasound for abortions beyond the first trimester, when it might make some medical sense. This measure would require ultrasounds in the first trimester, the period during which the constitutional right to choose is most strongly protected.

    The ultrasound amendment never was heard in committee. On Wednesday, Sen. Andy Gardiner, R-Orlando, attached it to a nursing home bill, HB 1143.
    "Malpractice in Tallahassee: GOP shoves itself between women and their doctors.".

    "Florida's lawmakers capped a rancorous election-year session Friday by passing a $70.4 billion state budget that squeezes road building and raises college tuition, while rushing through a contentious requirement that women seeking abortions pay for ultrasounds first."
    The 60-day session ended with a burst of partisan bickering, thanks to the emotional abortion fight and uncertainty over how Gov. Charlie Crist's defection from the Republican Party will influence his veto pen. Symbolic of the frayed relations between Crist and the Legislature run by his former party: As lawmakers and lobbyists crowded into the Capitol rotunda to celebrate the session's end, Crist was on a plane for Miami to spend the weekend with his wife, Carole, and attend a fundraiser.

    The abortion debate Friday was so raw, heated and, at times, graphic that House Republican leaders ordered teenage pages off the floor and cleared the public galleries of children. Two Democrats wept as they spoke against the ultrasound mandate.

    The debate was emblematic of a Legislature that is increasingly conservative. After more than three hours, the House approved the measure — on a 76-44 party-line vote — to require ultrasounds for women seeking first-trimester abortions. The measure now goes to Crist, who already is expressing concerns and appears likely to veto it.
    "Legislative session ends with rancorous debate over ultrasound mandate".

    Drill baby, drill?

    "Rig tragedy drills to heart of Florida debate". See also "Oil spill chills plans for offshore drilling".

    Florida is at risk: "Florida beaches brace for oil spill", "Gulf oil spill could hit Palm Beach County beaches in weeks, oceanographers say" and "Fla. declares emergency over oil spill".

    Rubio has second thoughts: "Rubio tempers his support for oil drilling in the Gulf". Or does he?: "Rubio won't back off stance on Gulf drilling".

    "Elections figure to be wilder than ever"

    "If the number of qualifying candidates is any indication, Florida's mid-term congressional elections figure to be wilder than ever." "Candidates numerous in congressional elections".

    Who is Jeff Greene?

    "Just when you thought Florida's topsy-turvy election year couldn't get crazier, billionaire real estate investor Jeff Greene of Palm Beach -- a Democrat -- hurtled into Florida's already chaotic U.S. Senate race."

    His colorful profile -- Mike Tyson was best man at his 2008 wedding, ex-Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss lived in his guest house after prison, and he made many of his millions betting on the housing collapse that killed Florida's economy -- normally would make a candidate like Greene a long shot.

    But in a race where Democratic front-runner Kendrick Meek is little known to most voters and Gov. Charlie Crist's nonpartisan candidacy has turned the campaign upside down, Greene's ability to saturate Florida TV with commercials could make him a major contender along with Republican Marco Rubio.

    "I'll spend whatever it takes to get my message out and to be competitive with these career politicians,'' Greene told the Herald/Times in a telephone interview. "I'm not going to take a penny of special interest money.''

    Considering that Forbes last year estimated Greene's net worth at $1.25 billion, shunning special interest money and limiting donations to $100 or less is no big sacrifice.
    "Billionaire 'outsider' throws hat into Senate race". See also "Palm Beach billionaire joins Meek, 3 others in Democratic primary for U.S. Senate" and "".

    Bill backfires

    "Florida's top elections official, Secretary of State Kurt Browning, abruptly resigned Friday, expressing 'mixed emotions' about leaving on the last day of the legislative session. His departure was not entirely unexpected. A law passed by the Legislature a year ago narrowed a loophole that allowed highly paid state workers to retire and return to their old jobs and draw two salaries."* "Florida elections official Kurt Browning resigns". A related story, from Paul Flemming: "The name's Browning, Kurt Browning"

    - - - - - - - - - -
    *The "two salaries" statement is incorrect. "Browning 'retired' and entered the DROP in 2005 (while he worked as the Pasco County SOE) and he set his separation date as July 31, 2010; that meant that his retirement check was going into a DROP account instead of into his pocket. After July, 2010, if Browning were to keep working, he would be receiving (1) his DROP account lump sum (the accrual of five years of retirement checks which went into the DROP instead of to him), (2) his retirement check and (3) a single salary for his new job as the Secretary of State. The "two salaries" misnomer is a red herring used by Chamber-editorial board types (the folks who hate defined benefit plans, DROP plans or anything better than cheesy defined benefit (401(k)) plans).

    Waite games

    "Citing health problems, U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, R-Brooksville, announced at the last minute that she will not run for re-election and instead will support the candidacy of Hernando County Sheriff Richard Nugent, who beat today's noon deadline to qualify. ... The announcement, and her statement that she's backing Nugent, came 10 minutes after the noon deadline for congressional candidates to file to run with state election officials. The timing is sure to frustrate possible candidates in both parties, particularly Republicans, who may not have filed because Brown-Waite was in the race." "U.S. Rep Ginny Brown-Waite stunner: She’s not running". See also "Brown-Waite to step down".

    The St Pete Times points out the shenanigans: "U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite could not be gracious or fair-minded even on her way out the door. The Brooksville Republican insulted her constituents and fellow public servants by secretly hand-picking her successor and then announcing her retirement minutes after Friday's deadline for qualifying for office. A congressional seat is not a family heirloom to be handed down to a friend. "

    Brown-Waite abused the electoral process by qualifying to run for re-election this week, then privately telling only Hernando Sheriff Richard B. Nugent she actually planned to retire and ask that her name be removed from the ballot. Nugent is an extremely credible Republican candidate, but this was a cynical move by Brown-Waite to reward a friend and clear the field of other viable candidates. She cheated voters out of making up their own minds, and she did Nugent no favors by leaving him to explain the collusion on the campaign trail.
    "A bad record, then a worse exit".

    It takes a widow ...

    "A young widow's quest to close a legal loophole that would protect firefighter death benefits ended happily Friday -- thanks to a timely save from Orange County sheriff's deputies." "Widow rescues firefighter benefits".


    Darryl E. Owens: "Tea party and racism: Readers react to commentary".

    A real class act

    The delightful Ellyn Bogdanoff,

    Convinced that Rep. Janet Long had persuaded the Senate to hold one of her bills hostage, Bogdanoff stormed into Long's office last week and delivered a tongue-lashing in front of a knot of lawmakers. Long, a Democrat from Seminole, filed a complaint with the Speaker's Office that claimed Bogdanoff had made "threats of harm and retaliation."

    "In the Florida House of Representatives you are not in an alley," said Long, D-Seminole. "We are supposed to be leaders. Our citizens sent us up here to look out for the business of the people, not to get in somebody else's face and threaten to hurt them."

    Bogdanoff, R-Fort Lauderdale, said she was just doing her job.
    She's apparently the best the RPOFers can do these days:
    Minority Leader Franklin Sands, D-Weston, said his relationship with Bogdanoff has been tense since she vowed to kill a local earmark he pitched if he didn't withdraw his call for a recorded vote on a stem-cell measure. They were both freshman lawmakers at the time.

    "I told her I was the worst person in the world that she should be trying to threaten because I just didn't give a damn," Sands said. "I guess that says you always have to stand up to a bully; otherwise they own you."

    Bogdanoff could soon be ruffling new feathers. She is running for the seat being vacated by Senate President Jeff Atwater, who is leaving to run for chief financial officer. She has the support of incoming President Mike Haridopolos, the Florida Chamber of Commerce and U.S. Sen. John McCain, who she backed in the 2008 presidential election.
    "Rep. Ellyn Bogdanoff is seen as bulldog … and bully".

    Raw political courage

    "Back-to-school sales tax holiday approved by Florida Senate".


    13 'no party affiliate' hopefuls qualify for Congressional races.

    Big of him

    "Book lovers can thank Johnny Unitas and a little boy on a bicycle who grew up to be the Senate President for the $21.5 million in the state budget for public libraries." "A rags-to-riches library story: Jeff Atwater, 'The Johnny Unitas Story' and $21.5 million".

    "House leadership could have prevented this travesty"

    The Miami Herald editors: " The House leadership could have prevented this travesty. Instead, it caved to Florida's powerful medical lobby and sacrificed some of the state's most vulnerable residents. The battle was over use of psycho-tropic drugs on youth in state care." "Foster kids lose".

    Laff riot

    "Times: Who leads Florida Republicans now? Jeff Kottkamp?".

    Florida "not in a position"

    "Crist will leave it to President Barack Obama's administration to run the federally subsidized high-risk health insurance plan that is to cover people unable to buy such insurance in the private market due to pre-existing conditions such as cancer or diabetes. In a letter late Friday to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Crist said he agreed that states and the federal government must cooperate in expanding health care for Americans but said 'unfortunately Florida is not in a position to authorize new financial obligations.'" "Crist says Florida won't run high-risk health insurance pool".

    Insurance reform

    "Florida lawmakers have passed a property insurance reform measure to bolster the state's ability to pay claims in the event of a major hurricane or series of storms." "Property insurance reform bill passes on last day".

The Blog for Friday, April 30, 2010

Jebbie's dead hand

    Time Magazine: "So while Jeb Bush has made no formal endorsement in this year's primary contest for Florida's open U.S. Senate seat between Rubio and current governor Charlie Crist, it's fairly obvious to the state's voters whom the Channeler of Chang is backing." "Behind Crist's Exit From the GOP: The Hand of Jeb Bush?".

    "The math is daunting"

    "Less than a year ago, Crist led Rubio by 30 points in the GOP primary. Now he trails, in some polls, by more than 20 points. Analysts say if Crist really wants a spot in the Senate next year, his best chance – even if it's a slim one – is to run with no party affiliation."

    "I don't see any other way," said University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato. "This is it."

    But the math is daunting.

    Democratic strategist Steve Schale, who ran Barack Obama's Florida campaign in 2008, figures in a three-way race, Crist will need to capture about half of all independent voters and one third of voters from each party. But because independent voters will likely make up only about 18 percent of the November turnout, they carry less bang for the buck.

    Bottom line, says Schale: "Is that doable math? Sure. Is it a long shot? Absolutely."

    Republicans are more concerned that Crist will dilute Rubio's vote, giving Meek a chance to squeak out a win.
    "Crist faces tough odds in independent Senate bid".

    The Cook Political Report's Senior Editor Jennifer Duffy writes:
    It’s a story that reads like an Aesop fable. A Popular Governor decides to seek an open Senate seat. He gets into the race early, and starts with a 35-point lead over a largely unknown primary opponent and a 31-point advantage over the likely general election opponent. But, The Popular Governor seems to ignore all the things he has learned about politics, and before he knows it, The Popular Governor’s easy path to the Senate crumbles before his very eyes. In an effort to salvage his political career and Senate ambitions, The Governor embarks down the rockier and uncharted independent path to the Senate seat.

    Such is the tale of Republican Gov. Charlie Crist, who today as expected, announced that he would run for the Senate as an independent. Crist’s announcement creates a three-way contest, and the advantage Republicans had to hold this seat yesterday is greatly diminished today. The race moves from the Likely Republican column to the Toss Up column.
    "Crist’s Indie Bid Creates a More Competitive Race" (subscription).

    The St Pete Times editors: "Gov. Charlie Crist’s decision to run as an independent candidate for U.S. Senate is good for the political process and good for Florida. It broadens the discussion of issues, lessens the influence of both major political parties and gives voters a wider range of choices in November." "Crist's move good for Florida".

    The Miami Herald editors: "If Gov. Charlie Crist bolts from the Republican Party as expected Thursday, Florida's voters will be the winners. The more choices for voters in the upcoming U.S. Senate race, the better for our democracy." "Crist and the GOP".

    Tampa Trib editors: "Independent Crist Will Be Fun to Watch". The Sun-Sentinel editors: "Florida governor bolts GOP for unprecedented bid".

    Today: "Charlie Crist's rough road to November", "Crist Announces Independent Bid for Senate" (New York Times), "Key lawmakers divided on being seen with Crist", "What they're saying about Gov. Charlie Crist after 'independent' announcement", "'An opportunist and desperado:' Local Republicans scorn Crist", "Republicans in Brevard blast move", "", "'Uncharted territory' for Crist", "What this move could mean for Crist", "Crist plunges into Senate race as 'candidate without party affiliation'", "Crist dumps GOP, runs for Senate as independent". Yesterday: "'Sen. Crist': Winner or Loser for Florida?", "", "", "Independent Gov. Charlie Crist under fire", "Bidding war could erupt for independent Sen. Crist" ("would Republicans let bygones be bygones if they needed the vote of a Sen. Charlie Crist, I-Fla.? Some pundits say yes"), "No-party candidate Crist completes flip-flop", "Charlie Crist becomes an independent man" and "Q&A: Charlie Crist's independent bid for the U.S. Senate".

    Choice games

    The Orlando Sentinel editors: "Who says the Florida Legislature never gets anything done? Leaders in the state Senate may have set a new standard for irresponsibility and hypocrisy this week."

    With this year's legislative session scheduled to end today, with members struggling to deal with the bleakest economy in decades, with important bills hanging in the balance, the Senate wasted more than two hours Wednesday before passing a surprise proposal to restrict a woman's constitutional right to an abortion.
    "Abortion sneak attack".

    The St Pete Times editors: "Incoming Florida Senate President Mike Haridopolos and his Republican colleagues have launched an all-out assault on women’s rights in the waning hours of the legislative session. " "An all-out assault on women’s rights".

    Scott Maxwell: "Stealth attack on choice may be sneaky enough to work". See also Abortion fight brings House bills to standstill", "House Dems threaten boycott over abortion bill", "Senate Passes Controversial Abortion Bill to House", "Abortion provision causes snag" and "Senate passes health bill with abortion amendments".

    Primary twist

    "And you thought Florida's topsy-turvy election year couldn't get crazier. Now comes billionaire real estate investor Jeff Greene of Palm Beach, a Democrat, jumping into Florida's already chaotic U.S. Senate race."

    Greene said he he will refuse campaign contributions from special interests, and will limit individual donations to $100. That should be no giant sacrifice considering that Forbes last year estimated his net worth at $1.25-billion. His colorful profile - Mike Tyson was best man at his 2008 wedding, ex-Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss lived in his guest house after prison, and he made many of his millions betting on the housing collapse that killed Florida's economy - normally would make a candidate like Greene a long shot.

    But in a race where Democratic frontrunner Kendrick Meek is little known to most voters and Crist's non-partisan candidacy means it will be a three-way race, Greene's ability to saturate Florida TV with commercials could make him a major contender.
    "Real estate billionaire joins Florida's U.S. Senate race".

    "The name's Browning ..."

    Paul Flemming: "The name's Browning, Kurt Browning".


    "Legislature to vote on changes to DROP".

    Another fine mess

    "Another friend of Charlie's has resurfaced at an inopportune time for the governor who would be senator. On the eve of Charlie Crist's anticipated announcement that he will bolt the GOP to run for U.S. Senate independently, longtime Crist ally Jay Burmer grabbed headlines Wednesday with revelations of his $316,000 deal with the Republican Party of Florida." "Party Paid Charlie Crist Crony $316,000".

    Dark horse

    "Dark Horse Kevin Burns Looks to Upset Meek".

    Budget blues

    "Florida legislators have left their last and final day of the 60-day session to take up the only bill they are required to pass: the budget." "In Tallahassee today, session to end with budget". The Orlando Sentinel editorial board: "Florida's legislators stand poised to pass one of the state's most irresponsible budgets ever." "Florida’s most irresponsible budget ever".

    Never mind that "drill baby" stuff

    The Palm Beach Post editors: "End slick drilling campaign: Would Florida tourists like to watch oil burn?".

    "As concerns mount about impacts to coastal states and even Florida's east coast from a growing oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico, U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson on Thursday called for President Barack Obama to halt all test wells and exploratory operations in coastal waters." "Florida senator demands stop to oil exploration". Tampa Trib editors: "Lawmakers ignored drilling's dangers". See also "Growing oil spill could eventually foul South Florida beaches".

    Entrepreneurs in action

    "Florida Default Law Group has become one of the state's largest foreclosure mills." "State officials investigate Tampa foreclosure firm".

    "The golden ticket"

    "When Florida tries again to win hundreds of millions of dollars in the federal Race to the Top competition, it could be holding the golden ticket missing in its first, failed bid: support from teacher unions." "Union backs Florida’s new Race to the Top plan".

    Pill mills

    "Pain clinics will not be allowed to advertise or dispense large amounts of pills to cash-paying patients under legislation passed by state lawmakers." "Pill limitations coming for pain clinics".


    "A bill making it illegal to impersonate military veterans when soliciting donations is headed to Gov. Charlie Crist." "Bill to end fake solicitations off to Crist".

The Blog for Sunday, April 25, 2010

"It's going to be messy and occasionally vicious"

    Carl Hiaasen: "It's inevitable: Charlie Crist, independent candidate for the U.S. Senate."
    You've never seen such fuming, whining and grinding of capped teeth. And that's not from voters -- that's from Republican leaders, who are pitching a hissy fit.

    They want the governor to shut up and go away, but he's not playing ball. They want him to yield the stage to Marco Rubio, a robotic right-wing smoothie, but Charlie insists on hanging around for an encore.

    It's going to be messy, occasionally vicious and, for spectators, immensely entertaining.
    "Independent Crist will be fun to watch".

    Will he jump?

    Not exactly Lincoln-Douglas ... "Scott Maxwell, Mike Thomas debate: Should Gov. Charlie Crist run as an independent?".

    "History is not on his side"

    "If Gov. Charlie Crist announces this week that he will run for the U.S. Senate as an independent, as he's widely expected to do, he will be betting his political career on a venture through uncharted territory. Crist will be hoping his personal relationship with Florida voters outweighs the partisan and ideological waves sweeping the nation, and the fundraising might of both national parties." "If Crist gambles, all bets are off".

    "Crist in for rough, if fascinating, ride"

    Bill Cotterell: "What would be a high-stakes campaign no matter the contestants is poised to be a three-way circus if Gov. Charlie Crist bolts the Republican Party and runs as an independent." "US Senate race may be circus". See also "Crist still keeping folks guessing" and "Florida waits to see whether Crist will stay Republican or go independent" (Dan Balz says "Crist has become the star of his own personal soap opera.")

    "How did it come to this?"

    "While Gov. Charlie Crist enjoys 58 percent support for his recent veto of a controversial proposal to make it easier to fire teachers, his chances have dimmed of defeating former House Speaker Marco Rubio in a U.S. Senate Republican primary. If Crist tries to run as an independent candidate, he has to decide by Friday -- the last day of the Florida Legislature's session." "As Republican party's pariah, Crist still burnishes populist creds".

    "The rumblings of political troubles were plentiful for Charlie Crist, who is now fighting for political viability. He has to decide this week whether to drop out of the GOP Senate primary and run instead as an independent candidate." "Popular Crist ignored the signs of political trouble".

    "The center of attention"

    Randy Schultz: "Charlie Crist is what he's tried to be for the past 15 years - the center of attention. Only this time, it isn't how he planned it." "Charlie Crist, party of one".

    "Sticking it to Charlie by way of the kiddies"

    Myriam Marquez: "House and Senate conferees now want to use attendance numbers from October. Districts that have classes with too many students would have to pay the outrageous penalties or come up with the millions needed to meet the smaller class sizes." "Republicans using class size to wreak revenge on Crist".

    Lobbyists get theirs

    "A costly private prison in the Florida Panhandle will belatedly open this summer following a series of budget deals struck Saturday by key lawmakers, working to complete action on a new state budget." "Florida lawmakers vote to open private prison near Pensacola".

    "Ken Kopczynski, political affairs assistant for the Florida Police Benevolent Association, questioned whether it is ethical to turn incarceration of prisoners into a profit-making industry. With 4,000 beds or more available in the state's public prisons, Kopczynski said, there's no reason to open a private one." "Private prison gets OK to operate".

    The wrong wagon?

    "Florida's newest U.S. senator could see his political future fade along with Gov. Charlie Crist's if his longtime confidante chooses to campaign as an independent -- and he sticks by his side." "Sen. LeMieux's political future may be tied to Gov. Crist's".

    Budget stretch

    "House and Senate budget leaders are meeting again Sunday to try to resolve most of the remaining issues before a Tuesday deadline. Miss it and they cannot end this year's session on time Friday due to a required 72-hour waiting period." "Fla. budget negotiations in final stretch".

    See also "Legistature Still Has To-Do List" and "Privatize Medicaid? The Legislature's biggest decision left". Related: "House, Senate leaders still divided on state worker pay, Medicaid".

    "Profoundly disappointing"

    The Orlando Sentinel editors: "A week remains for legislators to salvage a few successes from what's shaping up to be a profoundly disappointing session in Tallahassee." "A disappointing session in Tallahassee".

    Another fine conservative

    "Rick Scott for Florida governor? Can Naples man overcome late start, Columbia/HCA fall?".


    Tampa Trib editors: "Speed up foreclosures, but treat owners fairly".

    Tuition fight

    "A group including former Gov. and ex-U.S. Sen. Bob Graham is continuing a lawsuit against the Florida Legislature challenging its authority to set tuition at state universities." "Graham group continuing Fla. university lawsuit".