"Jeb!" dead enders dream on
"The poll of 377 "usual" Florida Republican primary voters showed Romney ahead 27 percent, with both Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin tied at 17 percent, followed by Georgia businessman Herman Cain at 10 percent. If Palin doesn't enter the race, Romney leads with 29 percent of those polled, but Bachmann would see a gain, to 22 percent, and Cain with 14 percent."The wildcard, however, is Jeb Bush. If he were in the race, Romney drops to second place. Bush was favored by 27 percent of those polled, compared to 17 percent for Romney, 14 percent for Palin and 12 percent for both Bachmann and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
That may be a reflection of Bush's high favorability ratings [among the TeaBaggers], according to the poll, with 75 percent favorable, 17 percent unfavorable. Palin comes in second with 67 percent favorable, 27 percent unfavorable. Romney has 56 percent favorable, 30 percent unfavorable rating.
Where does former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich stand in the poll? PPP's March poll showed him tied for the lead with Romney and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who has since dropped out, all with 18 percent. "Poll: Romney leads GOP race in Florida, but not if Jeb runs".
Welcome to RPOF-world
"15 percent tuition increase locked in for Florida’s state universities".
More bills
"Bills limiting lawsuits against automakers and giving the state's agriculture commissioner authority over school food programs became law Thursday with Gov. Rick Scott's signature." "Scott signs Florida bills on lawsuits, school food".
"Broke" in more ways than one
"Fireworks erupted at an otherwise perfunctory meeting of the Miami-Dade Republican Party this week when a committeeman raised his hand and asked, 'Are we broke, basically?'" "Miami-Dade GOP faces financial woes". See also "" and "".
Huntsman moves to Florida
"Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman opened his national presidential campaign headquarters in Orlando Thursday, promising the Sunshine State will be top priority for winning the GOP presidential nomination." An automated Public Policy Polling survey released Thursday found only two percent of Republican Florida primary voters backed Huntsman, compared to 27 percent for Romney, 17 percent for U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and Sarah Palin, 10 percent for businessman and talk radio host Herman Cain, 8 percent for Newt Gingrich, 7 percent for U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas and 4 percent for former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty.
But Huntsman said he plans to spend a lot of time in Florida and will have plenty of surrogates working the state for him.
His wife, Mary Kaye Huntsman, grew up in Orlando and one of his five children, Abigail, is married to a former Dunedin resident and Palm Harbor University High School graduate, Jeff Livingston.
Romney may be the frontrunner, but unlike 2008, he is spending few resources campaigning in Florida. Four years ago, he hired some of Florida top Republican operatives, include longtime Jeb Bush adviser Sally Bradshaw, while this year he has only one nonfundraising staffer in Florida. "Jon Huntsman says Florida is where his presidential race 'is going to be won'". See also "GOP candidate John Huntsman makes campaign stop in Miami" and "Huntsman opens national offices in Orlando".
"The hiring freeze that never was"
"On the same day Miami commissioners tightened the rules for severance payouts, they learned the city’s expected shortfall for 2012 had soared, and that a hiring freeze in place for two years hadn’t prevented 200 hires." "Miami’s double-whammy: $54M shortfall, hiring freeze that never was".
"Hugo Chavez isn't this egocentric"
Daniel Ruth: "It's probably an unfortunate indication you have all the grass roots support of Hosni Mubarak attempting a leisurely stroll through Tahrir Square when you are reduced to writing yourself your own fan letter." But that didn't stop Florida Gov. Rick Scott, R-Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, from crafting a love letter to himself, praising his brilliant performance so far in office, his visionary leadership, his courage of a thousand lions and, of course, a degree of honesty that would make Diogenes look like Jack Nicholson in The Departed. "About the only thing absent from the gushing missive scribbled by Scott, R-Justin Bieber, was a paragraph extolling his flowing, blond locks. You might say Rick Scott is really into Rick Scott."In a delusional public relations stunt rivaling the LeBron James move to Miami ESPN fiasco, the governor recently posted on his website an effusively glowing form letter about the Camelot-meets-Brigadoon glory months of his administration. He requested his supporters essentially plagiarize the wording as their own and send the letter to various newspapers around the state.
After that Medicare fraud business while running Columbia/HCA, what's a bit of small-potatoes cribbing? ...
No doubt teachers, union members and state employees who have been treated by the governor as if they were enemies of the state would not view Scott, R-I Feel Pretty, Oh So Pretty, as a "refreshing" public servant. ...
Hugo Chavez isn't this egocentric.
Just who these evil "special interests" are isn't exactly clear, unless the governor is referring to all those aforementioned commie teachers, the fifth-column unionists, those ungrateful layabout civil servants who spend the day smoking pot and complaining about having to take a pay cut and the anarchist tree huggers who can't see the forest for the cement.
And, yes, it is entirely possible that Scott, R-the Dorian Gray of Tallahassee, might include the dreaded newspapers on his list of "special interests" since they keep quoting him and reporting on his efforts to turn the state into Potemkin Village of asphalt.
The governor urged his minions to dash off their pre-prepared letters of undying love and affection for him to newspapers around the state that he won't talk to. Much more here: "Dear Rick: You're great Love, Rick".
"Republicans, find themselves in unusual spot"
"On one side, Democrats who support the effort (or at least are unwilling to buck the president) are positioned with Republican hawks. On the other, fiscally conservative Republicans who were elected last November and who hold rigid constitutional views find themselves aligned with anti-war Democrats." "My overriding concern is that a president, any president, be checked by the legislative branch before he commits America to war," said Castor, who voted for a June 3 resolution that demanded an end to the U.S. involvement.
She was joined by fellow Democrat Alcee Hastings of Miramar and 11 of Florida's 19 Republicans, who found themselves in the unusual spot of backing a bill by one of the most liberal members of Congress, Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich. "Libya debate creates unusual political alliances in Fla., and on Capitol Hill".
Funerals for firefighters killed combating Florida blaze"
"Funerals set for two firefighters killed while combating North Florida blaze". "Florida Fires Continue to Rage as Officials Mourn Loss of Firefighters".
Rubio charms anti-choice
"The National Right-to-Life Committee (NRLC), the nation’s largest organization opposing abortion, opened its annual convention in Jacksonville on Thursday, encouraged by recent electoral successes and cheering encouraging news across the nation." In a videotaped greeting to the convention, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, a rising star for conservatives and Republicans, praised the group for its commitment to fighting for life.
“Our rights come from God, our Creator,” said Rubio who referred to the Declaration of Independence. Florida’s new senator encouraged the pro-life activists to continue their efforts. “That’s what you’re doing -- fighting for the rights of unborn people.”
Rubio also praised the NRLC for selecting the conservative First Coast to hold its convention. “It has constantly stood for the rights of the unborn,” said Rubio.
While Rubio spoke by recorded message, three prominent Republicans in the Florida House of Representatives were in attendance -- Larry Ahern of St. Petersburg, Dennis Baxley of Ocala and Charles Van Zant of Palatka. "Pro-Life Activists Converge on the First Coast".
No comparison
"Gov. Scott kills insurance rate comparison website".
Medicaid deform
"The top Democrat in the Florida Senate today called for the federal government to reject a proposed overhaul of the state’s Medicaid system, citing public outcry at recent meetings hosted by the Agency for Health Care Administration." "Rich calls on feds to reject Medicaid overhaul".
Always an entrepreneur
"Former madam charged in South Florida stock fraud".
Robaina's salary
"Ad criticizing Julio Robaina's salary judged half true".
Ricky late to the game
"After remaining on the sidelines on energy issues since taking office, Gov. Rick Scott is entering the fray, ordering up renewable energy legislation, demanding that utility regulators lower energy-efficiency standards and preparing a new energy plan, the governor's top policy advisers said Thursday." "Gov. Scott to propose energy legislation, conscious on cost".
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