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For each story, column, article or editorial we deem significant, we post at least the headline and link to the piece; the linked headline always appears in quotes. We quote the headline for two reasons: first, to allow researchers looking for the cited piece to find it (if the link has expired) by searching for the original title/headline via a commercial research service. Second, quotation of the original headline permits readers to appreciate the spin from the original piece, as opposed to our spin.

Not that we don't provide spin; we do, and plenty of it. Our perspective appears in post headlines, the subtitles within the post (in bold), and the excerpts from the linked stories we select to quote; we also occasionally provide other links and commentary about certain stories. While our bias should be immediately apparent to any reader, we nevertheless attempt to link to every article, column or editorial about Florida politics in every major online Florida newspaper.


Older posts [back to 2002]

Previous Articles by Derek Newton: Ten Things Fox on Line 1 Stem Cells are Intelligent Design Katrina Spin No Can't Win Perhaps the Most Important Race Senate Outlook The Nelson Thing Deep, Dark Secret Smart Boy Bringing Guns to a Knife Fight Playing to our Strength  

The Blog for Monday, June 20, 2011

"One of the most special of special interest groups"

    Bill Rufty: "One of the most special of special interest groups, former Gov. Jeb Bush, gave out his report cards last week, flunking most of the Democrats and giving low grades to two Republican senators, who were considered independent thinkers even when Bush was in office. Republican Sens. Paula Dockery of Lakeland and Evelyn Lynn of Ormond Beach, got Cs."
    The problem with many of these special interest awards or grades is that they are most often based how a legislator voted on a handful of bills during a session in which hundreds of bills were considered and voted on.

    It doesn't give a true picture of a legislator's performance except in a very narrow area.

    Two Democrats did get Bush A's: Sen. Gary Siplin of Orlando and Rep. Leonard Bembry of Greenville, who voted for most of the education issues that Bush wanted.

    Certainly, special interest groups have a right to let their members know their friends and foes on issues important to their membership. But let's be honest. Instead of making their award or "A" report card look like they're chosen for their overall knowledge or effectiveness in all issues, just come right out and say it: "These folks agree with me and these folks don't."
    "Get Your Jeb Grade Right Here".

    $500 a "big teacher raise"?

    The Palm Beach Post editorial board: "With Tallahassee pummeling teachers, even a small raise would boost morale. But it's not clear that the Palm Beach County School District can afford even the $500 across-the-board raise the teachers union proposed last week." "Big teacher raises: too risky".

    Glowing question

    Beth Kassab: "Could Crystal River nuke plant shut down?".

    Even the Tribune Company understands

    The Sun Sentinel editorial board: "Why Gov. Scott suspended the drug tests for state employees — whether it was concern over a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, or whether he just realized the foolishness of the crusade — is open for debate. What's not debatable is the order for so-called "suspicion-less" drug testing of all state employees is offensive, and ripe for legal challenge." "Scott needs to end all needless drug tests".

    Redistricting accessible online

    "As Florida legislators carve up the state's political boundaries, they are armed with a data mine that includes the voting patterns of every household in Florida, the demographics of every city, county and census block and powerful computer programs. And they are handing over the same information and software to the public." "Public gets an inside look at redistricting".

    Jeb Bush Jr. and David Cardenas work Hispanic outreach

    "Some political observers are calculating that as the Hispanic vote goes, so goes Florida; and as Florida goes, so goes the 2012 presidential election."

    Republicans also see the Hispanic vote as key to the presidential election.

    Jeb Bush Jr., son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, 27, and David Cardenas, son of former Republican Party of Florida Chairman Al Cardenas, 26, are together hoping to be Obama's worst nightmare.

    The two young men recently helped launch Florida Hispanic Outreach, or SunPac, a group that attempts to take the GOP's message to Hispanic voters in Florida.

    "It's a critical demographic, not only to Florida, but to the rest of the country," Bush said.

    The state adds two congressional districts and two electoral votes ahead of the 2012 election, meaning Florida’s 29 votes in the Electoral College could make all the difference in the race to 270 electoral votes that win the presidency.

    Those districts were gained partly due to the increase in Florida’s Hispanic population. Hispanics made up 57 percent of the 2.8 million residents Florida added over the last decade, according to the 2010 U.S. Census. Hispanics’ share of the state population rose from 16.8 percent in 2000 to 22.5 percent in 2010.
    "High-Profile Young Republicans Out to Woo Hispanics, Win 2012".

    "It's not OK"

    Nancy Smith writes that "something scary is happening in Florida, a state with one of the longest and proudest traditions of open government and public records in the United States. Some offices in the state capital believe the government belongs not to the people, but to themselves -- as if they elected themselves and needn't follow either the spirit or the letter of the laws that govern the office. It's not OK to sit until June on a public records request made in April. I admit, I'm talking specifcally about the governor's office now."

    "In a Public Records Showdown, Pam Bondi Will Be the One Wearing the White Hat".

    "Florida Becomes 'Sanctuary'"?

    Kenric Ward: "While Florida failed to approve an E-Verify bill this year, all of its neighboring states and even Congress are moving forward with immigration laws." "As Neighbors Crack Down on Illegals, Florida Becomes 'Sanctuary'".

    Meanwhile, his 3% wage cut is in the mail

    "Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office Deputy Mike Musto Sr., 62, said it was a hard choice to make, whether to let go as the motorcyclist he was hanging onto accelerated to 40 mph. ... Musto, a member of the Sheriff's Office Traffic Division, caught up with a white motorcycle on the Gateway Boulevard exit ramp on March 29, after it sped by him in the southbound lanes of Interstate 95 at 112 mph." "PBSO deputy hangs on to motorcyclist who took off".

    Wildfires scorching 333,000 acres across Florida

    "The smoke from 400-plus brush fires scorching 333,000 acres across Florida led Palm Beach County health officials Thursday to declare the county's air quality 'unhealthy' for residents with asthma or other respiratory conditions."

    How bad is it? By Thursday afternoon, West Palm Beach had the worst air quality in the nation, according to the Air Quality Index issued by AIRNow, which collects data from state and local monitoring agencies.
    "The worst air in the nation: Smoke pushes air quality to unhealthy levels, Palm Beach County health officials warn".

    Gimenez holds lead in Miami-Dade

    "A poll conducted last week for The Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald by Bendixen & Amandi International showed Gimenez with an 11-point lead over Robaina heading into the waning days of the campaign. Robaina held a slight lead over Gimenez among absentee ballot voters, suggesting the election will come down to which candidate can get more supporters out to the polls this week and on Election Day." "In debates, Miami-Dade mayoral hopefuls trade barbs".

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