The Q poll that was released this week tells the rest of the nation what Floridians have known for years. Jeb is not the beloved native love Florida's MSM would have the rest of the nation believe. The combination of fine people, but grossly underfunded candidates resulted in the election of Jeb Bush (and for that matter, Marco Rubio).
The new Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll "has Bush leading Florida by just nine points over Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and trailing Walker and other GOP prospects in Ohio and Pennsylvania."
Among the presidential prospects with the old national names, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is running away with Democrats' support while former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is losing Republicans' support in Florida and drawing limited support in two other swing states.
"Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida is deep in the pack in all three states, according to the Quinnipiac Poll. Rubio, expected to announce his candidacy for president on April 13, showed up in third place in Florida, tied for sixth in Pennsylvania and tied for eighth in Ohio, among 13 Republicans listed in the poll."The poll surveyed 1,087 Florida voters with a margin of error of 4.7 percent for Republican questions and 5.3 percent for Democratic questions. The Pennsylvania and Ohio samples and margins of error were similar.
"Q Poll: Jeb slipping, Hillary still unchallenged."
Related: "Hillary Clinton Leads With Florida Democrats But They Want Her to Face Primary in 2016" and "Scott Walker Gains Traction in Florida on Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio."
"Medicaid scuffle looms"
"The House and Senate advanced competing budgets Wednesday, setting up what could be a weekslong showdown between the two chambers over Medicaid funding." "House, Senate advance budgets as Medicaid scuffle looms."
Weekly Roundup
"Weekly Roundup: LIP, the KKK and Tax-Free Guns."
No standing
"The public’s ability to sue in order to force local government to obey its own laws is suddenly on trial." "Miami vs. The People: An issue of standing."
Scott the recipient of the most utility money since 2010
"Campaign records show utility companies have sunk $12 million into the campaigns of state lawmakers since 2010."
That money comes from the bills paid by customers of the state’s four largest utilities — Duke Energy, Gulf Power, Florida Power & Light and Tampa Electric.
Those donations include contributions to every member of the Senate and House leadership. The recipient of the most utility money since 2010 is Gov. Rick Scott’s 2014 re-election campaign, which took in more than $1.1 million through two political action committees.
“Why don’t we have a bigger solar industry in Florida?” asked Mike Antheil, a West Palm Beach lobbyist who represents solar companies. “The answer is simple. Every kilowatt of solar you produce on your roof is one less kilowatt that the utilities can sell you.”
"Big energy’s campaign cash keeps solar down in Florida."
"Murphy, Grayson Take Different Paths"
Kevin Derby: "U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy has started his Senate campaign with impressive fundraising and the support of leading Democrats, but U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson continues to leave the door open to a Senate bid of his own." "Patrick Murphy, Alan Grayson Take Different Paths to Fundraising Success."
Then we'll demand pension deform
"Local first responders to be honored on Easter at Miami Beach hotel."
But Rick Scott says . . .
"A new study that sifted through piles of data on sea temperatures has found climate change may trigger fatal coral bleaching sooner than scientists had previously thought." "Study: Climate change will hit some Florida reefs sooner than expected, might trigger annual bleaching."
Free choice
Nancy Smith: "Abortion Decisions Don't Belong on a Legislative Agenda."
"A lightning [flip-flop] by Jeb Bush"
"Anti-discrimination activists and gay rights groups welcomed a lightning evolution [a/k/a 'flip flop] by Jeb Bush, this week on a controversial law passed in Indiana last week that opponents said would have made it easier for businesses to discriminate against LGBT employees and customers."
On Monday, Bush praised the law as signed by Indiana’s governor, Mike Pence. On Wednesday, the former Florida governor and likely 2016 presidential candidate drew back sharply in his approbation, conceding only that the law would “be in the right place” by the end of the week, after an anticipated fix by the Indiana legislature.
"Jeb Bush flip-flop on Indiana law shows what a difference two days make."
"Does Florida have a Religious Freedom Restoration Act?"
"Indiana’s law says government doesn’t have to be a party to the case, and it extends protections to corporations, and that’s different from Florida’s law." "Does Florida have a Religious Freedom Restoration Act like Indiana’s?." Related: "Florida House panel allows adoption agencies to discriminate."
Meanwhile, "Bill would allow adoption agencies to turn away gay couples."
"The House’s de facto leader"
"Republican State Rep. Richard Corcoran is the House’s de facto leader, eclipsing House Speaker Steve Crisafulli, whose job he’ll assume in 2016." "GOP state Rep. Richard Corcoran: Tallahassee’s true power broker."
Scott's backstage opposition to online voter registration
"Gov. Rick Scott administration’s backstage opposition claims that online voter registration has 'risks and challenges,' a position that has created new rifts between the governor and county election supervisors." "Gov. Rick Scott’s criticism of online voter registration angers elections officials."
The Daytona Beach News Journal editors: "Twenty-four states let people register to vote online. Until this week, Florida’s elections supervisors were looking forward to joining their ranks." "Let voters register online."
Rubio's nationwide money machine
"Marco Rubio is playing a different fundraising game than Jeb Bush, according to experts, who say he won’t have to match Bush but will need to bring in enough big donors to show he’s a viable presidential candidate." "Even before presidential launch, Rubio has built nationwide money machine." Relsted: "Marco Rubio confirms iconic Freedom Tower as site for likely presidential announcement."
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