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The Blog for Saturday, March 25, 2006

That Explains It

    "A former Convergys Corp. employee who complained about the company's mishandling of state workers' personnel information lodged an ethics charge Friday against Attorney General Charlie Crist. Sam McDowell told the Commission on Ethics that Crist refused to check out his complaints about lax security because of the attorney general's ties to Brian Ballard, a Convergys lobbyist and adviser to Crist's gubernatorial campaign." "Accuser: Crist shielded lax personnel contractor". See also "Whistleblower files ethics complaint against Crist".

    "Florida's Legislature has declared war on the people of Florida"

    "Lawmakers Trying To Gather Power":

    "Florida's Legislature has declared war on the people of Florida," says Paul Jacob, of Americans for Limited Government, who has campaigned in Florida in support of the citizens initiative process and term limits.
    And it is much more than the citizens initiative process and term limits issue at stake.

    Hypocrites Gone Wild

    I guess I'm not "deep" enough to fathom Jebbie's explanation for this:

    Four months ago, Gov. Jeb Bush turned down an invitation to attend a fund-raiser for U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris' struggling U.S. Senate campaign, telling people it would not be appropriate to raise money while the Legislature was in special session debating changes to Medicaid and rules for slot machines.

    It wasn't the first time Bush has objected to fund raising during legislative sessions. Three years ago, the Republican governor chastised GOP legislators for raising money while crafting new medical malpractice laws.

    But in the three weeks since the Legislature convened for its 2006 session, the Foundation for Florida's Future -- an organization created by Bush and some of his closest allies to promote his educational policies -- has collected more than $600,000.

    In an e-mail, Bush defended the fund raising. He pointed out that he has not solicited money for it since the legislative session opened -- though he did send potential contributors a letter about a month before the session began asking them to give "$2,000, $3,000 or more."
    "Bush defends cash given to state fund".

    Looks like "Jeb!" will be going out of office the same way he came in: a money grubbing shill for millionaires who clings to his father's (and now brother's) coattails,

    Session News

    - "Legislature 2006: Developments from day 18, March 24".

    - "A look at Florida's proposed anti-human trafficking bill".

    - "Schools Fare Better In Senate Proposal".

    - "Lawmakers to continue push for medical examiner's removal in boot camp death case".

    - "Proposal would shift money away from South Florida schools".

    Go Figure

    Musta missed something:

    In an effort to jump-start her sputtering Senate campaign, Rep. Katherine Harris went on national television invoking the memory of her late father and saying the money he left her will form the financial foundation of her challenge to Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson.

    Now the Harris campaign says that's not the case.
    "Campaign says Harris won't turn to inheritance".

    Didn't we just read: "After Senate race, Harris 'will not own anything'".

    Mommy ... What's a CFO?

    "Florida CFO an important position, yet one few know much about".

    Send In The Clowns

    "Rep. Katherine Harris lost two more top staff members this week, one from her campaign office and one from her congressional office." "2 More Of Harris' Top Employees Quit".

    Same Old Song

    "Conservatives Find Nelson’s ‘Liberal Quotient' Taxing".

    Buzz Snark

    The Buzz folks can't help themselves:

    RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman comes to the Sarasota Lincoln Day Dinner Sunday night at the Hyatt Sarasota. No word yet whether the local Congresswoman and national party's favorite Senate candidate will be there, but we sure will be interested to see how enthusiastically Mehlman embraces Katherine Harris.
    "Ken And Katherine".

    GOoPers Line Up

    "Foley, Martinez, Mack Help Crist".

    I Am Shocked

    In the House vote to repeal the legal doctrine of joint and several liability, "four House Democrats went to the House clerk and switched their 'nay' votes to 'yeas.' The four were Reps. Anne Gannon, Delray Beach; Richard Machek, Delray Beach; Ron Greenstein, Coconut Creek; and Bob Henriquez, Tampa.":

    Lance Block, the former president of the Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers and a lawyer-lobbyist in Tallahassee, said the four were probably trying to appease the trial-lawyer lobby with their initial vote and then trying to protect their "political futures" with the reversal, which would curry favor with the business lobby.
    "Lawyers' lobbyist chides 4 Democrats over vote switch".


    This is just gross:

    With substantial financial backing from the Florida Republican Party, the proposed state constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage now looks unstoppable. ...

    The amendment can only help Republicans in their get-out-the-vote efforts in 2008. Initiatives asking voters to bar same-sex couples from marrying have passed in every state where they have been on the ballot. Opinion polls show most Floridians oppose same-sex marriage, and Christian conservatives - a major part of the Republican Party's base - are particularly energized by the prospect of enshrining the ban in the state Constitution.

    But the proposed amendment would make a terrible addition to the state Constitution, a document that is supposed to speak for all of Floridians. Although the state high court said the initiative language is clear and unambiguous, in fact it is misleading and would go far beyond just prohibiting same-sex couples from marrying. ...

    Florida law already prohibits same-sex marriage, but that wasn't enough for the Republican Party, which thinks nothing about diminishing the state Constitution to arouse its base.
    "Bringing out the base".

    "Gimmicky '65 percent solution,'"

    "Numbers in the class-size amendment are real. Numbers in the so-called '65 percent solution' that some legislators and Gov. Bush could use to attack the amendment are rubber. The gimmicky '65 percent solution,' which is linked to the attempt to repeal class-size limits, would require school districts to spend 65 percent in the classroom. But 65 percent of what? Good question. Supporters won't say." "65 percent' school plan 100 percent dishonest".

    "Money Hole"

    "The money hole at Citizens Property Insurance Corp. has widened to an estimated $1.7 billion, a shortfall all the state's homeowners must cover. But a proposed bill the House Insurance Committee approved this week might offer them some relief. It would pour extra sales-tax dollars each year into Citizens, the state's insurer of last resort, to pay down its deficits." "Sales-tax surplus may bail Citizens".

    "Set standard accounting in school construction"

    "Why 67 ways to spend one pot?"

    Keller Running Scared

    Poor Ric Keller, stooping to having to appear onstage with one of the most disliked persons in the country:

    The Orlando speech was one of several around the nation for Cheney, who along with Bush continues to rake in millions at campaign stops despite low approval ratings. Cheney was also scheduled to visit Jacksonville Friday before leaving Florida.

    The 200-person event raised $225,000 for Keller, who faces two challengers for his central Florida seat.

    Some candidates in targeted districts have sought to distance themselves from the administration, but Keller appeared onstage with Cheney.
    "Cheney attacks Democrats over remark calling Bush 'dangerously incompetent'".

    The Ususal Suspects

    "Consumer advocate Susan Glickman ran her finger over a suggested list for a group of people who could decide everything from the types of power plants that are built in Florida to what kind of gasoline consumers put in their cars for the next several years." "Proposed energy panel makeup in Senate bill concerns some".

The Blog for Friday, March 24, 2006

GOoPer Flip Floppery

    "Charlie Crist's political rivals in the Florida governor's race pounced Thursday on his stated support for a restrictive abortion ban, support he later qualified." "Rivals Rip Crist's Abortion Stand". And, although the family man is one of those piling on poor Charlie, he has some 'splaining to do himself:
    In an interview, Gallagher said he, too, would sign an abortion bill such as South Dakota's if lawmakers pass it. But he said he wouldn't seek such a bill if elected.

    That's a switch for Gallagher from just a few weeks ago. In an interview in January, he refused to commit to supporting a ban on abortion if court rulings opened the door to one.

    Asked repeatedly whether he would support an abortion ban, in January, he would say only, "I will do everything I can to protect life."

    He was willing to commit Thursday, saying if legislators passed a South Dakota-styled law, "I would sign it without any clarification."
    Id. Both GOoPers are dancing around this and other social issues, knowing that they can't get out of the primary unless they're neo-snake handlers, yet will have a tough time in the general taking the position that victims of rape and incest are required to bear children.

    See also "South Dakota abortion ban an issue in Florida governor's race" and "Davis, Smith On Crist And Abortion".


    "The state-run insurer's deficit is bigger than expected and all insured homeowners in Florida will be charged a higher assessment to make up the difference." "Citizens' deficit may surpass $1.7B". see also "While sheltering Citizens, remember the customers", "Citizens bailout inflates by 23%" and "Citizens tax bailout plan advances".

    Paper Trail

    The Sun-Sentinel editorial board thinks "Touch-screen machines perform well, but talk of a paper trail still persists." "Voting Reform".

    ReDistricting Out. Gay Bashing In

    "Justices strike [Redistricting] constitutional amendment vote but clear the way for a vote on a same-sex marriage ban." "Redistricting question is off the ballot". See also "Court OKs Gay Marriage Initiative", "Supreme Court rejects attempt to retool redistricting process", "Court OKs wording of proposed same-sex marriage ban", "Redistricting hopes blocked", "High court kills redistricting amendment, OKs gay marriage one", "Justices reject redistricting law", "Fault's with ballot wording, not redistricting cause", "Florida Supreme Court rejects proposal on redrawing districts", "Redistricting Initiative Will Be Back", "Safe in their districts", "Same-sex marriage ban headed for 2008 ballot" and "$2.7-Million Flushed".

    Rats Keep Jumping Ship

    "Another high-level staffer is leaving Rep. Katherine Harris' House office. Deputy Chief of Staff Peggy Evans' last day is Friday. Evans is one of Harris' longest serving staffers, working for her for about two years." "Harris loses another one".

    More From The "Values" Crowd

    "More than a thousand severely disabled or chronically ill children who relied on state dollars for life-sustaining nutritional supplements have been cut off from Florida's Medicaid program, resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings to the agency, state officials acknowledged Thursday." "'Policy' denies nutrients to 1,000".

    Session News

    - Today's agenda: "Upcoming".

    - "Legislature 2006: Developments from Day 17, March 23". See also "Tallahassee Ticker".

    - "A bill to repeal the intangibles tax paid only by Florida's wealthier residents easily passed Thursday in the House, despite opposition from Democrats who say the measure would do nothing to help the middle class or poor." "House OKs intangibles tax repeal".

    - "The House voted overwhelmingly to move American students to the front of the financial-aid line Thursday, approving a ban on use of public funds by young people attending state colleges and universities on student visas." "House cuts aid for foreign students".

    - "Lawsuit limits face Senate battle". See also "'Joint and several' bill moves on to full Senate".

    - "House passes 'A-Plus-Plus' measure in party-line vote". See also "Sweeping public education reform debated" and "House OKs education plan" and "House approves overhaul of schools".

    - "Bill attempts to prevent paper trail for medicine".

    - "Most students in an unconstitutional voucher program could switch to another voucher program that has not yet been challenged to get state money to attend private schools, under a bill passed Thursday by the House." "Bill would allow students to switch voucher programs". See also "House passes bill to move children to another voucher program".

    - "House, Senate bills target cell phone telemarketers".

    Mahoney Blasts Foley

    "With the leader of Democratic efforts to take control of Congress standing at his side, challenger Tim Mahoney blasted Republican U.S. Rep. Mark Foley on Thursday for supporting a Medicare prescription drug program that Mahoney called inadequate and confusing." "Mahoney calls for new drug plan".

    Another GOoPer Flop

    "Only one state met fewer of the 10 quality standards in the annual report of the National Institute for Early Education Research for 2004-05 than Florida does for the current school year, based on preliminary data." "Pre-kindergarten program scores poorly".

    New Med Schools

    "The state says UCF and FIU can build schools. Now they need millions of dollars to make it happen." "Medical schools get okay, not cash". See also "State board OKs FIU med school".

    'Glades Failed

    "The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers bent the rules to issue mining permits for the Lake Belt, a federal judge finds." "Judge: Corps failed Glades".

    Where Was Charlie?

    "Democratic candidates for governor make pitches to trial lawyers".

    Yesterday's News

    Some stories I missed yesterday: "Harris emphasizes faith", "Ros-Lehtinen scores with tiff" and "Closed meeting not a crime".

The Blog for Thursday, March 23, 2006

Uninformed Crist Flip-Flops on Abortion

    This is unbelievable: "Attorney General Charlie Crist would sign an abortion ban similar to South Dakota's if he were elected governor".
    When asked by a Roman Catholic Priest whether he would sign a bill like South Dakota's abortion ban, which only allows the procedure to save a woman's life, Crist quickly answered "Yes I would."
    But Charlie was apparently unaware that the infamous South Dakota law forces victims of rape and incest to bear children. So, Charlie did what he does best, he, ahem ... "clarified" his statement:
    He later clarified that the South Dakota law, set to go into effect July 1, is too restrictive, and he would only sign a ban if it also allowed abortions for victims of rape and incest. Crist added, “Promoting a culture of life is preferable to me than passing laws."
    "Crist would sign abortion ban, discusses adoption proposal".

    Charlie's Turn ...

    to take a hit: "A scandal over the improper release of confidential state worker information is nagging at Attorney General Charlie Crist, who declined to investigate the case and now faces questions from political opponents." "Decision haunts attorney general". See also yesterday's "Crist criticized for handling of possible leak".

    Yesterday: "Dems: Cancel Convergys contract"..


    "Florida may require high school students to declare a major" See also "Plan Creates High School Majors".

    Session News

    - Today's agenda: "Upcoming"

    - "Legislature 2006: Developments from Wednesday, March 22". See also "Capitol Roundup", "Issues" and "Tallahassee Ticker".

    - "A sweeping restriction on civil lawsuits coveted by the state's business lobby survived its first and only Senate committee Wednesday, clearing the way for a final showdown." "Senate panel passes tort reform". See also "Panel Sets The Stage For Tort Reform", "Joint and several' bill moves on to full Senate" and "Lawsuit liability limit ready for Senate vote".

    - "The Florida House and Senate have unveiled substantially different school budgets for the coming year." "A clash of state priorities: tax cuts or school funding?" See also "House Differs With Senate Over Tax Cut".

    - "Panhandle builders may face stricter wind-protection rules".

    - "The bills (SB 1358 and HB1605) also would require hospitals to publicize their nurse turnover and vacancy rates. And they would seek to protect nurses who blow the whistle on hospitals that report incorrect statistics." "Nurses: Let patients know staff ratio levels".

    - "$2 rental-car surcharge no 'sure thing'".

    - "Senators quibble over length of Easter/Passover break".

    - "In the wake of reports that a private subcontractor released the personnel records of thousands of state employees to unauthorized individuals overseas, a Senate committee is taking another stab at limiting and having the legislature oversee the contracts that state government agencies can make with private vendors." "Bill calls for limits on state contracts".

    - "Bill to keep government e-mail addresses private weakened".

    - "Teens who want to avoid telling their parents about an abortion would have new requirements to face under a House bill." "Abortion rules challenged".

    "You simply cannot believe a single thing Katherine Harris says"

    "Nelson's spokesman, Dan McLaughlin, wrote in an e-mail to The Associated Press that Harris' comments Tuesday were misleading."

    "Katherine Harris would have Florida voters believe she's on the verge of being destitute because, she claims, she has put all her inherited $10-million fortune on the line," McLaughlin said. "But public records put her remaining net worth at up to $39 million. You simply cannot believe a single thing Katherine Harris says, about this or anything else."
    "Harris to spend inheritance on Senate campaign". As the Orlando Sentinel noted yesterday,
    Last week, Harris announced she would finance her struggling campaign with an infusion of $10 million left to her by her late father. Since then, she has repeatedly said that will drain her personal fortune, but it's not entirely clear how.

    Financial-disclosure forms filed in August indicate Harris and her husband have assets worth at least $7.8 million, and could be worth up to $36.8 million. And those figures do not include the $10 million Harris said she will receive in inheritance.
    "After Senate race, Harris 'will not own anything'".


    We read that "Governor opposes Mississippi-to-Tampa oil pipeline". It isn't that Jebbie has had a green transformation; rather he's worried that

    in order for them to finance their pipeline, they would have had to take significant amounts of business away from barge traffic," Bush said at a Tallahassee news conference Tuesday.
    So, he is now "opposing a proposal for a petroleum pipeline through the Gulf of Mexico from Mississippi to Tampa, citing concerns about its economic affect on the shipping industry.".

    Buy A Legislator, "'Rent-a-cow'"

    "In areas of the state experiencing development booms, developers and land speculators take advantage the law's flaws in order to get six-figure tax reductions. They merely keep cows or crops on the land, in some cases receiving the agricultural deduction even after breaking ground for construction. A 2005 Miami Herald investigation found abuse of the greenbelt law especially prevalent in South Florida." "'Rent-a-cow' racket still alive and well".

    Just When You Thought It Was Safe ...

    to read the Tampa Trib, we get this: "Tax Cuts Vs. Investing In Schools: The Answer Is To Do Both". The editroial is actually a bit better than the headline, but not by much.


    "A judge has blocked permits for a limestone mining project bordering Everglades National Park, ruling that the Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service violated federal law by ignoring the project’s environmental risks when they approved it in 2002, an environmental group’s attorney said Wednesday." "Federal judge blocks mining project near Everglades".


    "Misleading calls target Feeney: "U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney's office was flooded with calls from angry residents last week. The reason: Oodles of automated phone messages had implied Feeney sided with the big drug companies by voting for President Bush's new prescription-drug plan under Medicare. The problem: He didn't".

    "One of the biggest messes in Gov. Jeb Bush's tenure"

    The Orlando Sentinel editorial board wants to "Play hard ball" with prison reform; you know, "bid-rigging on contracts, misuse of convict labor and embezzlement" etc,. etc. Too bad the editorial board declines to "play hard ball" with the individual ultimately responsible for the mess: you, know, that fellow in the Governor's Mansion.

    And this isn't much better: "Cleaning up the Corrections Department".

    Let's just hope they are keeping their powder dry as the "news is likely to get worse as federal and state grand juries continue to scrutinize the department." One assumes that "Jeb!" will be called to account for "one of the biggest messes in Gov. Jeb Bush's tenure." Id.

    Did You Know?

    Did you know that the 65% gimmick (the proposal that requires each school district to spend at least 65% of all revenue "in the classroom") is part of a national right wing strategy? Go to "The 65% Distraction" and scroll down.

    Gallagher Rakes In Bushco Cash

    "So far, no clear consensus has emerged, but a St. Petersburg Times analysis shows Chief Financial Officer Gallagher has attracted twice as many of the big Bush rainmakers as his opponent." "Big GOP donors smile on Gallagher". See also "Gubernatorial Rangers".

    Those GOoPer Business Principles Again

    Those business types in the GOP - State Rep. Curtis

    Richardson recently brought to light a critical study of the Educators Professional Liability Insurance Program, issued in January by the Legislature's Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability. Bottom line: OPPAGA found that the taxpayers have shelled out nearly $4.4 million in premiums for an insurance policy that has had only 39 claims since 2001 - and paid only three settlements, totaling $50,375.
    "Richardson: Get rid of teacher insurance".


    Drunk with power, and expecting 100% sycophancy from the Florida Republican Party, the Florida Chamber of Commerce's "Bash of lawmaker gets chamber bashed back".

    Wrong End

    "Democratic candidate for the 13th Congressional District Jan Schneider was inadvertently left off a list of parade participants last week. So Schneider, who entered later than some other candidates, appeared at the end of the parade." "Wrong end of the parade".

    Poor George

    Jeremy Wallace:

    It's no secret that George W. Bush's approval ratings have been suffering through the early part of 2006. And according to Survey USA, voters in Florida are among those who have turned on the President.

    Although Bush won Florida with 52 percent of the vote in 2004 against Democrat John Kerry, SurveyUSA says their poll shows only 37 percent of Floridians approve of the job he has done. About 59 percent say they disapprove of the job he is doing.

    It's among the highest disapproval ratings in the nation among states that voted for Bush in 2004.
    "George W. Bush's approval ratings falter in Florida".

    Adult Supervision

    Could it be that the Florida Senate might provide some adult supervision of the House party on vouchers:

    It has been slow going in the Florida Senate for two issues that are top priorities for Gov. Jeb Bush: reviving a school voucher program and revising classroom-size requirements.
    "Senate still looking for voucher, class-size agreement".

    Harris Gets a Pass

    Jeremy Wallace thinks "Nightline Gives Harris Pass on MZM".

    "Tax break is just for students"

    "[N]ow and then a really easy, obvious and upbeat decision falls in the laps of - yes, even - lawmakers whose days are more typically spent in mired in complexities and having their arms pulled violently in opposite directions." "Textbook holiday".

    A Wedge Issue For Dems

    "Democrats say the GOP, while appearing to oppose the issue, is tacitly endorsing it in an Alzheimer's measure." "Can state fund embryonic stem cell research?"

    "This reeks of presidential election bid"

    Jebbie's recent comments on illegal immigration caused VivirLatino to remark that "he sounds like Hillary Clinton. Apparently he's also too liberal for right wing crazies. This reeks of presidential election bid." "A kinder, gentler Jeb Bush?"

    "Thankfully, this is his last year in office"

    "Gov. Bush dubbed his 1999 education plan "A-Plus." So he had no choice but to call his current package "A-Plus-Plus." Thankfully, this is his last year in office. Public education can't stand many more of Gov. Bush's "reforms," and "A-Plus-Plus-Plus" would be so awkward." "Just Wait, Legislature!"

    "Hey Andy, did you hear about this one?" (Apologies to REM)

    This ought to outrage House Majority Leader Andy Gardiner who has "suggested to other GOP lawmakers that they not endorse the Democrats' bills." :

    Sen. Alex Villalobos of Miami is the first Republican senator to back legislation that would prohibit lawmakers from soliciting soft-money donations for committees under their control. Villalobos signed his name to a Democrat-backed "pledge'' to support pending
    legislation that would outlaw funds controlled by senators, House members, statewide officeholders or statewide candidates.
    " Villalobos Backs Soft-Money Curb".

    Gambling Rules From "the losers in Tallahassee"

    The interim step between passing a law and enforcing it gives great power to little government gnomes who write the detailed rules that translate a legal concept into the real world of the people and institutions the law regulates.

    There are at least two types of rule-writing gnomes who can bend or thwart a law's intent: Nanny Gnomes and Drunken-Uncle Gnomes.

    It turns out that the state Department of Business and Professional Regulation is staffed by Nanny Gnomes who have been writing very stringent rules to govern (and hinder) the expansion of casino gambling. ...

    The law says casinos can't give suckers free drinks. The Legislature, which is OK with gambling but draws the line at tipsy gambling, will allow that restriction. But there's an uproar because the Nannies also are trying to ban all freebies. Casino operators whine that without free rooms and meals, the high rollers will go elsewhere. And that would be a tragedy because the little schoolchildren of Florida are counting on those big losers - which, sad reality has shown, can be better than counting on the losers in Tallahassee.
    "High rollers will get a Pepsi?"

The Blog for Monday, March 20, 2006

Privatized Democracy

    The media is at long last waking up to this issue:
    Leon County Supervisor of Elections Ion Sancho's failure to reach an accord with any of the three voting equipment companies that Florida now certifies has served the important purpose of shining a klieg light on a significant weakness in state elections law.

    Why on earth do private companies hold so much sway - with relatively little oversight - in a process so central to democracy?
    "Privatized democracy".

    "Battle Brewing"

    "The battle pits Florida's most powerful businesses against equally formidable personal-injury lawyers. Both sides are already using campaign contributions and heavy arm-twisting to get their way." "Battle brewing on costly lawsuits". See also "Debate over lawsuits revs up as businesses, lawyers try to influence legislators".

    "Fresh Ideas"?

    "Incoming House Speaker Marco Rubio is on a mission to make Tallahassee more relevant to Floridians and inject fresh ideas into his party." "Rubio on GOP mission".

    "Sound retreat from phone-rate increase"

    "Florida lawmakers made a significant mistake three years ago, approving legislation that permitted a $344 million increase in residential phone rates." "Consumers calling".

    Senate Leadership Fight

    "[I]ntrigue has filled the halls of Florida's Senate Office Building for the first two weeks of session, as lawmakers seeking to become Senate president in 2008 and 2010 accuse the others of dirty political attacks and petty killing of legislation as they angle for power. The contests also affect two Senate campaigns this year as hopeful Senate presidents campaign for candidates in two Tampa Bay seats aiming to win their support." "Battle to lead Senate rages". See also "Power plays in state Senate" ("GOP members have the majority, but internecine fighting could threaten that").

    "So Florida voters changed the constitution"

    "Feds didn't do minimum on wages".

    Party Problem

    "There are 40,000 more registered Democrats countywide than there are Republicans. So why does the GOP dominate?" "Political party meetings stark contrast".

    Circumventing The Lame Duck

    "Fiscally conservative GOP lawmakers in Tallahassee seem at last to be realizing that investing in Florida's children makes good economic sense. The Senate Education Appropriations Committee has nixed one of Gov. Jeb Bush's tax-cut ideas to reduce school property taxes by $570 million and instead agreed the money should go to schools for operational costs." "Support for schools". See also "Legislature" ("Senate leaders on Thursday refused to follow Gov. Jeb Bush down the primrose path of excessive tax cuts. ")

    "Red Faces in a Red State"

    The American Spectator:

    Like that world-famous gambler, Lady Godiva, who put everything she had on a horse, Republican Florida Congresswoman Katherine Harris is betting she can use her personal fortune to buy a seat in the United States Senate.

    Maybe she can pull this off.

    And maybe a kangaroo will win the Kentucky Derby this year.
    "Red Faces in a Red State".

    Scripps Bribe Allegation

    "A Palm Beach County Commissioner is accused of taking a bribe in exchange for voting favorably for the controversial Scripps project." "Donation called 'bribe' in Scripps land deal".

    No Fault

    "State lawmakers must feel like they're playing a carnival's ''Whack a Mole'' game each time they ''reform'' Florida's no-fault insurance law. Twice since 2001 lawmakers have enacted laws designed to rein in the rampant fraud and abuse of people who set up fake accidents and file bogus claims for PIP reimbursement of medical bills." "Florida no-fault law is worth saving".

    Determining Voters' "Intent"

    "Ballot review finds voter, tallying flubs".

    May We Suggest, Ahem, ... The Governor

    "Blame game starts for Convergys" ("Democrats, and even Republicans in Leon County's delegation like Argenziano, said from the start that privatizing state personnel would not be as safe, economical and user-friendly as Gov. Jeb Bush promised.")

    Machek May Avoid Primary

    George Bennett reports that Maria Sachs, "[t]he Boca Raton attorney, who last week appeared poised to challenge state Rep. Richard Machek, D-Delray Beach, in a potentially bloody primary, is reconsidering now that Gannon's neighboring state House seat will be open."

The Blog for Sunday, March 19, 2006

Top 5

    This is hopeful:
    As head of the Democratic Governors Association, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson sees Florida's gubernatorial race as one of the top five in the country.

    "We're going to pour a lot of money in here. We're going to pour a lot of visits, polling, poll workers, campaign workers. ... The Republicans have had Florida for a long time, and we sense that Floridians want a change," Richardson said in a TV interview.
    "N.M. governor has eye on Florida".


    "Ms. Harris's fellow Florida Republicans, noting her dismal poll ratings, sound no less scathing than the Democrats in wishing she would go away. "Katherine Harris moves in ways so mysterious that the designs of the creator seem transparent by comparison," one G.O.P. consultant said. But it may be premature to count her out. After all, others have spent more than $10 million from a personal fortune to secure a Senate seat. And others have overcome such negatives as a campaign fund investigation for having had dinner with an influence-shopping contributor who turned out to be corrupt. Stranger things have happened in American politics. Alas." "Tomorrow Is Another Campaign" (via The Buzz ("The New York Times Editorial page weighs in on the Katherine Harris melodrama").

    This explains a lot: "Harris tells Christian group she believes God wants her in public service". See also "Harris puts her faith `on the line'". And it is apparently a very forgiving God that wants Katherine in the U.S. Senate, as we are reminded that "Nearly a decade ago, the GOP Senate candidate pleaded ignorance to taking illegal contributions." "Harris' woes mirror those of '97".

    Poor Little Rich Girl Tour

    "Katherine Harris hopscotched South Florida Saturday, repeating the pledge to put her own $10 million in her Republican U. S. Senate race, but giving few details where the money was coming from or when it would be put in the campaign." "Katherine Harris visits South Florida, reaffirms $10 million pledge". See also "Harris Finds Friendly Crowd".

    We Can Expect "Bruising GOP Governor Race"

    In "Stock brouhaha may foretell bruising GOP governor race", Brian Crowley writes about how the Gallagher campaign stuck to its game plan in response to the "whisper campaign" about alleged insider trading..

    "True Believer"

    "[W]hen Republican strategist Ed Goeas quit her campaign this week, the congresswoman lost more than an adviser with a knack for deciphering poll numbers. She lost a true believer." "True believer leaves Harris campaign".

    Imagine That

    "That leaves only one possible explanation: The secretary [of State Sue Cobb] was using the state's police authority to intimidate. It was an outrageous and improper abuse of power, and it should not be ignored." "Closed meeting can't be tolerated".

    Bring It On

    "Bush may not be on the ballot this year, but Floridians can still expect to see plenty of him this fall. The governor vowed last week to take on U.S. Rep. Jim Davis of Tampa and state Sen. Rod Smith of Alachua, the two leading Democratic candidates for governor, who have been hammering away at the FCAT as they campaign across Florida." "March Madness".

    The Good News Is That Developers Appear To Be Doing Well

    "Affordable housing crunch hits teachers".

    He's Got A Point

    After all, Jebbie is perhaps the most hypocritical of the self-proclaimed "personal responsibility" crowd:

    Former Department of Corrections Secretary Harry Singletary blasted Gov. Jeb Bush last week for the recent scandals rocking the state's prison system.

    In a letter obtained by the Orlando Sentinel, the Chiles appointee wrote, "I believe that the buck stops at the Governor, and he is personally responsible for this mess."

    Singletary criticized Bush's corrections secretaries Michael Moore and more recently James Crosby, whom Bush fired last month.
    "Blast from past".

    Schultz on Katherine 16

    "Katherine Harris shows what happens when you get greedy and reach for that 16th minute of fame."

    As President Bush showed with his plan to privatize Social Security, you can spend lots of time and money, but it still comes down to what you're selling. If Katherine Harris really wants to blow $10 million on a vanity campaign for the Senate, she can't do it from the Fox News green room, and she can't do it just by calling Sen. Nelson "liberal" over and over. In the 16th minute, you have to be famous for more than being famous.
    "The Great? No, Katherine The Sixteenth".

    "At First Glance"

    "At first glance, the HB 7041 Scholarship Program Accountability bill promises a breath of fresh air in Florida's ongoing controversy over using public tax revenues to pay for private-school education." "Legislature".

    Promising New Columnist ...

    at the Orlando Sentinel of all places. George Diaz writes:

    As we mark the third anniversary of the invasion on Iraq this solemn morning, the rallying cry of "spreading freedom" no longer moves Americans to wag their tail and follow their alpha dog into battle.
    "Bush bandwagon".

    "Defending Democracy"

    "Will the Legislature remedy the sins of the past and make Florida elections more accountable?"

    It's been proven time and again that these machines are not secure -- and in a close election, rigging one or two terminals could tilt the entire election. Without a paper trail, there is no way to verify voting accuracy.
    "Defending Democracy".

    Jebbie Strides World Stage

    "Bush called on Latin American government and business leaders Friday to help develop ethanol in an effort to diversify the region's energy sources and reduce reliance on oil from Venezuela and the anti-U.S. influence of its leader Hugo Chavez." "Jeb Bush: Promote Ethanol, Beat Chavez".


    "Attorney General Charlie Crist could soon move one step closer to being governor -- thanks to the Florida Legislature. A measure expected to win Senate approval this week would place the attorney general's office right behind the lieutenant governor in order of succession, should the governor leave office or die." "Order of succession may change".

    Dem Establishment Embraces Ex-GOoPer

    "Faced with the Democratic leadership's embrace of an ex-Republican as its great hope, Palm Beach County teacher David Lutrin dropped out of the race to unseat U.S. Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fort Pierce. Party leaders are gaga for Tim Mahoney, a business executive who's been a Democrat for less than a year. Lutrin said he couldn't compete against the leadership's lust for Mahoney's deep pockets." "Ex-Republican prompts rival to quit U.S. House race".