"Jeb!" Love
"Jeb Bush is giving a good example of a prepared leader making the most of the warning period. Other states and citizens in general: Take notice." "No time to waste".
Go to An Anti-Bush Rally ...
in Brevard County and they'll open a secret file on youFollowing complaints from the American Civil Liberties Union, the Brevard County Sheriff's Office has agreed to stop routinely keeping criminal intelligence files on political protesters. ...
Controversy erupted after a January anti-Bush rally attended by about three dozen protesters in front of Melbourne City Hall.
"Secret files will no longer be kept".
Did He Use His Shoe?
"Asked about his vision of a post-Castro Cuba, Martinez knocked on the wooden lectern and said, 'Fidel is not going to live forever.'". "Martinez sticks to busy itinerary during area visit".
Slithering in the Dark
Lucy Morgan thinks "we can expect a lot more of this" from "Jeb!":Public officials still like to do things in secret. Just this week Gov. Jeb Bush insisted on meeting in private with about 20 legislators. His staff insisted in advance that the breakfast meeting in his office at the Capitol on a Tuesday morning was purely social.
The governor was not apologetic and left us with the feeling that we can expect a lot more of this in his remaining year in office. "Still closing doors in the public's face".
Speaking of "Clueless"
"Dismissing intense scrutiny of FEMA as clueless, Gov. Jeb Bush has begun playing a new role as chief defender of the nation's disaster-relief agency." "Governor lavishes praise on FEMA, discounts critics".
Three Stooges
Predictable:Three U.S. representatives, all Cuban-American Republicans from Miami, have challenged a proposal to strip the Florida Legislature of its redistricting power and hand that job to an independent commission.
Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and brothers Lincoln and Mario Díaz-Balart filed written arguments Thursday with the Florida Supreme Court against a proposed state constitutional amendment that would create a 15-member panel to reapportion legislative and congressional districts. "Miami lawmakers oppose redistricting amendment".
And Bense joins in the dopey GOoPer argument that the redistricting "amendments would mislead voters and shift a bedrock power of lawmakers to the high court": "Bense targets redistricting plan" ("A dream team of powerful Republicans is taking aim at a signature drive attempting to strip Florida lawmakers of a major weapon in partisan politics: the power to draw their own districts.")
FOP Endorsements in Statewide Races
"Law Enforcement Backing".
"The extent of Hurricane Wilma's threat to Florida is still not certain, but the state dodged a different potential disaster in the Gulf of Mexico this week. A sneaky effort in the Senate to allow drilling off the state's beaches was stopped, at least for now, by Sens. Bill Nelson, a Democrat, and Mel Martinez, a Republican." "Florida's Senate victory".
I can't understand why Tag-Along Mel gets any credit; after all he's simply carrying Nelson's briefcase on this, particularly after marginalizing himself on the issue by voting to apporove drilling in the Wildlife Refuge.
"Anyone trying to grasp how Hillsborough Democrats managed in less than a decade to lose the County Commission and nearly every local office need only look to the sorry state of the Hillsborough party. In a matter of days last month, the county party chair, Janee Murphy, quit - only to reverse herself. Her turnaround caricatured a party in disarray. Until Democrats organize, field good candidates and figure out what they represent, local Republicans will continue to move Hillsborough to the right." "Party needs to pull itself together".
She's Baaack ....
"A year before voters cast the first ballots, state and national interest groups are pouring money into the campaign of GOP contende r Sandy Murman, a former state representative. Murman has banked more than $251,000, according to campaign finance reports filed for the most recent quarter." "Murman rakes in donations in bid for state Senate seat".
Derek's Latest Article
"Stem Cells are Intelligent Design" is up at FLA Politics. It will be posted here soon.
"Coulter, a conservative author and political columnist famous for her incendiary criticism of liberals, spoke to about 800 attendees at the Alachua County Republican Executive Committee's annual Ronald Reagan Black Tie and Blue Jeans Barbecue." "Columnist Coulter fires up area GOP".
"Jeb!"'s "Utility Service Commission"
"Floridians deserve better protection from predatory utility practices. Unfortunately, neither the Legislature nor the Public Service Commission seems interested in giving it to them." "Florida's 'USC' ".
from the "GOoper Four":The Legislature still hasn't written the rules for casinos in Broward County, but four Florida lawmakers already have hit the jackpot.
Not that the four Republicans were participating in a game of chance. The payout was a certainty because rules for Broward casinos haven't been written. "Watch for this payoff".
"A trip he joined, paid for by a gambling firm, "just didn't look good," Speaker Bense says." "Farkas may face discipline in House".
As DMS Defends the Outsourcing Disaster ...
"Argenziano remains critical of outsourced personnel system".
On a related note, the "company that lost a $21 million bid award amid allegations of cronyism is one of four being considered in the state's newest attempt to fix its problem-plagued child-welfare tracking system." And try not to laugh at this:[DCF head Lucy] Hadi bristled at a comment from one lawmaker that she had heard the contract requirements were "vague," ... . "Nixed firm gets to bid".
"Bristling" GOoPers, now that's an image I can do without.
At Least They Got An Intangibles Tax Cut
"A 2004 study by the University of Florida estimated that the state has 418,000 uninsured children between the ages of 5 and 18." "State health-care program continues to provide for fewer kids".
"Michael Colodny, who has served as outside general counsel for Citizens Property Insurance and its predecessor since 1993, resigned Thursday after questions were raised about his firm's representation of companies that take policies out of the state-run insurer." "Citizens counsel steps down". See also "Under fire, Citizens Property tightens ethics rules", "Lawyer resigns from work for Citizens" ("Michael Colodny defends his ethics amid scrutiny. He's earned $1-million from the insurer since January.") See also "Citizens' contract lawyer resigns" and "Storm Season" ("State officials are investigating bribery allegations and suspicions of serious ethical lapses by company officials.")
GOoper Mismanagement
"'It's a mystery that keeps unraveling,' [Rep. Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton,] said. 'We don't have a comfort level even yet of what the surplus is.'" "Budget Surplus Criticized".
"When you're afraid of what a judge might do, you argue that he doesn't have the power to do it." "Scripps can't make case to take judge off case". See also "Scripps judge used to public eye".
"Who is Minding the Store"?
"Who is minding the store at Florida's Department of Juvenile Justice? " "Juvenile horror story".
More Hillsborough Hilarity
"Castor later called it a 'theater of the absurd.'" "County Embarrasses Itself".
Private Sector in Action
"The organization promised scholarships, incentives to workers, but provides legislators just one example." "Youth corps faces sanctions".
"The Legislature's concern for Florida's 150,000-some migrant workers has been, to put it kindly, disgraceful." "Farmworkers' moment".
Join or Lurk ...
but at the very least visit our new companion website: FLA Politics, using cutting edge collabarative software similar to that used at Daily Kos. Please check it out.
Another "Jeb!" Flop
"Reading scores for Florida's fourth- and eighth-graders showed no improvement from two years ago despite a continuing push in the public schools, results of new nationwide testing reveal." "Kids' reading scores hold steady" ("The national 'report card' shows no advance in 2 years in an area Florida schools stressed.")
"Under Fire"
"The chairman of the board of Citizens Property Insurance came under fire from a Senate Committee Wednesday over everything from the conduct and political giving of the board's lawyer to the fees the company charges homeowners to finance its shortfall." "Insurers testify under Senate scrutiny". See also "Senators examine Citizens' faults" ("As another hurricane bears down, problems from ethics to financial exposure to rates are hashed out") and "Angry lawmakers pledge to scrutinize state insurer".
The Palm Beach Post editorial board:While customers were paying higher and higher premiums, some of the people running Citizens allegedly were profiting from it. Last month, Chief Operating Officer R. Paul Hulsebusch resigned after a lawsuit accused him of taking kickbacks from insurers. Two Citizens financial officers quit after the St. Petersburg Times reported that they had opened a private insurance business but had been allowed to stay at Citizens as consultants.
Then, The Miami Herald reported problems with the outside counsel for Citizens. Michael Colodny's firm has represented start-up insurers that want to do business with Citizens. Private firms can ask Citizens for "takeout" business, meaning that the firm takes over a certain number of policies. Because the state wants fewer people in Citizens, those firms get a bonus and save on start-up costs.
Mr. Colodny and his partner, the Herald noted, have steered lots of campaign contributions to Republicans, among them Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher, who regulates insurers and appoints the board members who oversee Citizens. The new board chairman told Mr. Colodny that he could stay on only if his firm stopped representing insurers seeking Citizens business. "Citizens works on ethics, but that's just the start".
"Sen. Nancy Argenziano says lobbyists used her name without her permission when they staged a fundraiser two weeks ago at a 5,000-acre horse farm owned by a Canadian gambling billionaire seeking to expand gaming at a Florida horse track he owns." "Lawmaker says name misused".
Simply Stupid
If this weren't so important, it would be laugable:The report from the Council for Education Policy, Research and Improvement concluded that hiring a large quantity of teachers would decrease overall teacher quality; that the benefits of smaller class sizes are unclear; and that the requirements will make it more difficult to offer low-demand classes such as higher-level math and sciences as well as remedial classes.
Then there is the issue of finding enough money to hire teachers and build schools that will be needed, potentially a multibillion-dollar price tag. "Class-size law has downside, study reveals".
Of course, if the GOopers in Tally bothered to fund education generally, and the class size amendment in particular, the report's self-serving comclusion would be moot.
"Martinez and Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., and Florida's House Democrats oppose Bush's drilling compromise, but the state's GOP representatives are split." "Senate holding off on offshore drilling, House talks continue".
Cotterell Blows It
In telling us about yet another local Bush family sycophant, Cotterell blows it:The idea that "liberal hypocrisy gets a big, fat pass from the liberal press, which fails to subject prominent liberals to the kind of intense personal scrutiny that is commonly meted out to conservatives" is valid. Oh really, Bill.
Hypocrisy Alert
When it comes to covering his brother's derriere, we get this from our "Jeb!": "States should retain control in disasters, Gov. Bush tells Congress". But when it comes to the real world, "Jeb!" has his hands out asking for federal help. I suppose "Jeb!" can say anything without serious scrutiny from the fawning media; meanwhile, the wingnuts, with the complicity of the media piss and moan about the "liberal media" hammering conservative hipocrisy.
Troxler ...
on fire:When politicians in ancient Rome wanted to look good, they asked their priests to consult the gods.
By an amazing coincidence, the gods always approved of whatever it was the rulers were doing.
Here in modern Florida, we have the same set-up. We have an outfit called the "Florida Commission on Ethics."
"In politics, what's unethical today is legal tomorrow".
From The Buzz yesterday:Never let it be said that the Bush family forgets its Florida fundraising friends. Jacksonville real estate investor and Bush-Cheney "Ranger" (raised at least $200,000) John Rood last year became ambassador to the Bahamas. Fort Myers-area developer Al Hoffman, another Ranger and former RNC finance chairman, will be sworn in as ambassador to Portugal in a few weeks.
This month, the nation's youngest Ranger, 30-year-old Palm Beach County resident Husein Cumber, started his new job at the U.S. Department of Transportation. The former public affairs executive for Florida East Coast Industries, is the new assistant to the secretary for policy. Cream rises to the top.
Medicaid Fraud
"Florida received federal approval Wednesday to shift thousands of Medicaid patients into managed care, a groundbreaking pilot program that could be expanded to include millions of poor and elderly people whose health care is covered by the government. " "Feds OK Florida plan to shift Medicaid to managed care". See also "Medicaid experiment wins okay" "Florida Medicaid plan gets nod" and "D.C. Signs Off On Medicaid Retool".
"The plan still needs approval from the Legislature. Bush said he plans to call a special session in December to consider it." "Bush planning special session".
The radicals at the AARP aren't pleased:Not everyone is enthused about this new direction for Florida's safety net program. AARP, the advocacy group for older Floridians, openly questioned the idea of giving more control to outside insurance companies and HMOs, citing recent reports of other state services not getting to recipients.
"Now, the administration wishes to trust big private insurance companies to handle this vital task," said Bentley Lipscomb, state director of AARP.
"Government cannot shirk its responsibility to ensure that Florida's most vulnerable citizens receive the care they need," Lipscomb said. "Feds approve Medicaid plan".
To Replace Harris
The 13th Congressional District may be in play for Dems:One of those political insiders, Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, says the 13th Congressional District is one of the races that all of a sudden requires more review than previously thought. That's the seat Katherine Harris has said she won't seek re-election to, and instead plans to run for the U.S. Senate. The district includes all of Sarasota, DeSoto and Hardee counties, plus most of Manatee and a portion of Charlotte. ...
Four Republicans are running to replace Harris. They are: Longboat Key businessman Vern Buchanan, State Rep. Donna Clarke, R-Sarasota; State Rep. Nancy Detert, R-Venice; and former Sarasota County Republican Party chairman Tramm Hudson. On the Democratic side, Sarasota banker Christine Jennings and Sarasota attorney Jan Schneider are running. "Are Democratic Chances Improving in the 13th District?
Death Penalty
"Florida's current rules on execution require only a majority of the jury, which some worry may harm its constitutionality." "Death penalty may require unanimous jury".
Davis, Smith Endorsements
Do these things matter?The campaign of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Rod Smith announced the endorsement of former state party chairman Charlie Whitehead of Panama City Wednesday afternoon.
About 30 minutes later, the Jim Davis gubernatorial campaign touted endorsements from some prominent Broward County Democratic leaders and members of the Broward Congressional delegation: U.S. Reps. Alcee Hastings, Robert Wexler, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz; County commissioners and former Scott Maddox supporters Commissioner Ilene Lieberman and Diana Wasserman-Rubin; City of Sunrise Mayor Steve Feren; and former state party chairman and current Broward Democratic chairman Mitch Caesar and state party vice chairman Diane Glasser. "Dueling Endorsements".
Note to Readers
Blogger broke down this morning while I was trying to upload the following post. I will resume normal posting early tomorrow.
Education Deform
The Florida GOP doesn't want to compare apples to apples when it comes to "Jeb!"'s education "reforms":Lawmakers gave a mixed reception on Tuesday to a bipartisan study by the private Constitutional Accountability Commission urging Florida to measure its school system against those of other states, not just its own past performance.
Former Florida Comptroller Bob Milligan, a Republican, and former Attorney General Bob Butterworth, a Democrat, co-chair the commission. They received mostly praise from the House Democratic Caucus and said they had a positive meeting with Senate President Tom Lee, R-Brandon.
"When you are comparing yourself to yourself, it doesn't tell you how you are doing," Milligan said. "We are competing on a national and international basis and that's what you need to compare yourself to." Here's why the Florida GOP wants to keep Floridians in the dark:The study, however, shows Florida trailing most other states in 12 of 14 performance and funding categories, and that drew sharp criticism from House Majority Leader Andy Gardiner. The Orlando Republican interpreted the findings as an attack on education policies of the GOP-controlled Legislature and Gov. Jeb Bush. "School accountability study gets mixed reaction at Capitol".
"Citizens Property Insurance executives answer legislators' questions Tuesday about ethical lapses." "Citizens ponders ethics rules".
"Jeb!" Denies Violating Sunshine Law
"There was no talk about coming legislation and no open meetings violation, Bush says." "Governor, 20 GOP legislators meet privately on education".
claims she's not dead yet:Although polls have shown her support slipping since she announced her candidacy and she's been slow in raising campaign money, Harris said no one on her campaign team is talking about her demise. More ominously, Hotline reportsthat Harris raised less than $500,000 over the last three months, far short of expectations of many political observers. Sen. Bill Nelson, the Democrat she is trying to unseat, raised almost $2 million in the same time period. How long will "Jeb!" let this continue?
Corporate Vouchers
"The corporate program in 2002-03 was the state's largest voucher program, with 15,585 students. That number dropped to 11,550 in 2003-04 and 10,473 in 2004-05, after The Post published a series of articles about the lack of oversight and financial controls in the state's three voucher programs, particularly in the corporate voucher program." "Enrollment in Florida corporate school voucher program rebounds".
The Best He Could Do
"Gov. Jeb Bush on Monday said it was 'inappropriate' for four Republican legislators to accept a $48,000 trip to Toronto and call it a fund-raiser." "Governor denounces GOP legislators' trip". See also "GOP fund-raising trip brings criticism, probe".
"Inappropriate"? Oh, "Jeb!", is that the best you could do?
"Power Grab"
"Board of Governors Chairwoman Carolyn Roberts angrily defended her constitutional control over Florida's universities Monday as a state committee made a power grab for higher education in Florida, adding master's degrees to its list of study items." "State education panel's scope generates heated debate".
"A Dearth of Ethics"
"Here's a riddle: When is an ethics violation not an ethics violation? Answer: When it is investigated by the Florida Commission on Ethics." "A dearth of ethics in Tallahassee".
More GOoPer Incompetence
"Nearly 33,000 Florida seniors who likely qualify for Medicaid assistance have languished on waiting lists, while the state built up millions in surpluses of unspent money." "Elder Affairs audit turns up millions".
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
"U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, in office less than 10 months, is rocking the boat, impressing some members of Congress and offending others."While her moxie during debates over Terri Schiavo and Hurricane Katrina has earned kudos, it has also gotten the 39-year-old rookie into some trouble. She has rankled the longest-serving and most powerful congressman from South Florida, Republican Clay Shaw, by openly supporting his Democratic challenger.
Shaw's staff said he tried to welcome her to the Capitol by offering advice and temporary office space and was upset to learn that she was helping state Sen. Ron Klein raise money and meet party leaders.
"For decades, the Broward congressional delegation has worked hand-in-hand on issues of concern regardless of party," said Shaw's chief of staff, Eric Eikenberg. "It's unfortunate that that unity is now broken." "Young congresswoman making her mark in Washington, D.C."
"Bob Butterworth, Florida's former four-term attorney general and a fixture in Democratic Party politics for four decades, will serve as co-chair of Rod Smith's campaign for governor." "Butterworth Boosts Rod Smith". See also "Ex-attorney general backs Smith in Democratic primary for governor".
All Three of 'Em
"Black Republicans in South Florida responded Tuesday to the political fallout over Hurricane Katrina." "Rap on Bush false, blacks in GOP say".
Bandwagon Jumping
"Attorney General Charlie Crist called for stricter ethics standards at Citizens Property Insurance and similar state-run businesses that compete in the private sector." "A call for tougher ethics law". See also "Insurance pool scandal triggers ethics measure".
Another Fine GOoPer
"Ending weeks of silence, James Crosby is defending his leadership of the state prison system as the agency is under investigation by state and federal authorities." "Prison system chief defends his leadership".
More from the "Values" Crowd
"Proposals to cut billions from Medicaid programs may create unintended victims -- foster children -- a new report says." "Cuts threaten foster children".
Teacher Shortage
"Turnover is alarming and pay is low." "Schools that rock".
Death Penalty
"The Florida Supreme Court has sent the Legislature a clear message about the death penalty: Fix it or lose it. If the lawmakers don't listen, the next word they hear may be a U.S. Supreme Court decision holding Florida's sentencing procedure to be unconstitutional." "Fix Florida's death penalty".
FCAT Madness
"Bureaucracy is often caricatured as a place where rules supersede reason, but leave it to the Florida Department of Education to subject teenage storm refugees to such mindlessness. DOE, faced with high school seniors who landed in Florida after Hurricane Katrina forced them to abandon their homes, has decided to play it by the bureaucratic book: Pass the state test or get no diploma." "A lesson in bureaucracy".
Intelligent Design
It has come to this:Did man evolve from monkeys or did some higher being create us? And which idea belongs in Florida classrooms? John L. Winn, commissioner for the state's Department of Educationsaid in a statement released to the media last week that he knows the national question of intelligent design versus evolution will play a big part in the curriculum review. "State to look at schools' science curriculum".
For a review of recent Florida editorial coverage of the issue, see "Here it Comes" ("Florida could be the next high-stakes battleground" and " Winn "noncommittal on evolution".)
Cash Race
"The checks will be flowing like the Gulf Stream and three top Republican leaders of the Florida House may be wishing they had clones in downtown Tallahassee tonight. House Speaker Allan Bense, his designated successor, Miami Rep. Marco Rubio, and Rubio's presumed successor, Rep. Ray Sansom, have agreed to host four fundraisers -- simultaneously -- within a four-block radius." "Political beat".
Not Our "Jeb!"
The Buzz speculates as to why "Jeb!" canned Mr. Tate: could that have been "how Jeb Bush decided to reward Stanley Tate for agreeing to serve as Katherine Harris' finance chairman"?
Offshore Drilling
"After decades of solidarity, the coalition of coastal states that has blocked most new offshore oil and gas drilling on the nation's seaboards is beginning to fracture." "Offshore drilling gaining ground" ("The energy crunch has some Florida lawmakers rethinking their opposition").
Parental Notification
SinceFlorida's parental notification law went into effect in July, about nine girls a month in Palm Beach County have received a judge's permission to have an abortion without their parents' knowledge.
That's a higher average than in any of the few other counties that have reported their numbers to the state Supreme Court. All counties are required to report the number of waivers under the parental notification law, but many have not. And the Supreme Court has numbers only for July and August. "Access to abortion waivers varies by county".
"Employees who leave other state jobs are barred from doing work with their former agency for two years. Employees of Citizens [Property Insurance], the agency that offers homeowners insurance to people unable to find it elsewhere, should be subject to the same restriction, even though they are not state employees and don't have to obey state ethics rules." "Insider Deals Taint Insurer".
"Four Jokers"
"Junkets can't be business as usual". "Four jokers". See also "Ethics".
What a Deal
"With its 12 Florida schools already combining for more than $8.3 million in debt, one of the largest charter school companies in the country is looking to open at least nine more in the state this year ... ." "Despite debt, school firm aims to open more charters". You will recall that,Charter schools, which are privately run schools financed largely with public taxes, were created in Florida in 1997 to provide Florida students with "innovative learning opportunities" and give parents a tuition-free option aside from public schools. While the program has been popular with parents — nearly 100,000 students enrolled in charter schools this year, up from 82,000 last year — critics say the system siphons money from school districts that cannot pick and choose their students. What a deal for the privates - $8.3 million in debt "financed largely with public taxes".
A Late Start Today ...
posts will resume either tonight but in any event no later than tomorrow morning. My apologies.