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The Blog for Friday, May 03, 2013

"The good, the bad, the embarrassing"

    Daniel Ruth writes that "a Gitmo detainee has gotten a fairer shake from government than your great unwashed member of the body politic."
    Don't you suspect there is a secret legislative cabal that meets every morning with a cat-stroking House Speaker Will Weatherford to report on their efforts to short-sheet Floridians at almost every turn? Think of it as a CCE — Committee of Continuing Egregiousness.
    "While no one would confuse the Senate with the Algonquin Roundtable, it is some small comfort that its members aren't as addled as the ideological Gary Buseys populating the House."
    We've had all manner of rogues, charlatans, dimwits, megalomaniacs and wanted-posters-in-waiting preside over the House throughout Florida history, but none of them turned down $51 billion from the federal government to provide health care to 1 million low-income Floridians. That's what Weatherford, R-The King Tut of the Tea Party, did.
    Much more here: "Public again feels wrath of Legislature". The Miami Herald editorial board: "Gov. Scott wields veto pen but also signs ethics law". The Orlando Sentinel editors: "State Legislature wrap-up: The good, the bad, the embarrassing".

    "Elections bill lingers"

    "Elections bill lingers on Legislature's last day". See also "Florida's long-sought elections repairs in snag as lawmakers try last-minute negotiations".

    "Chaotic spell"

    "Florida House returns to normal after chaotic spell".

    Dems threaten lawsuit

    "Scott gets tax break, but House Democrats threaten lawsuit".

    "Sticking it to the locals"

    Fred Grimm: "Tallahassee sticks it to the locals".

    What's a fraudster to do?

    "Tax fraud legislation awaits Scott’s signature".

    The case of the disappearing spine

    "Judge sides with state in teacher challenge of merit pay law". Related: "Amendment on Florida House bill targets 'unsatisfactory' teachers".

    "Latest assault on Florida's environment

    The Palm Beach Post editors: "As members of the Florida Legislature congratulate themselves for spreading around a record $74.5 billion budget, one part of the state is getting shafted: the Florida environment." "Reject latest assault on Florida’s environment.".


    Scott Maxwell: "Partisanship hurts old, sick & poor".

    Pulling a "fast one" on Scott

    "Did Florida lawmakers pull a fast one on Gov. Rick Scott?".

    As Florida firefighters "battle blazes", legislators plot to dismantle their pensions

    "Firefighters battle three blazes across Orange".

    Tant hits a nerve

    "Lenny Curry Bites Back Against Dem Leader's Anti-Scott 'Tant Rant'".

    Citizens mess

    "Citizens Property reform bill — minus big rate increases — heads to governor’s desk".

The Blog for Thursday, May 02, 2013

Democrats left "crying foul"

    "The three highest-profile figures involved in the 2013 legislative session saw their top priorities sewn up Wednesday night in a rapid-fire series of events that left a trail of unanswered legal questions and Democrats crying foul." "It's a Deal? Weatherford, Gaetz, Scott All Win". See also "Scott signs election and ethics laws, vetoes alimony plan".

    "But there's a catch"

    "Teacher pay raises placed on fast track". More: "Teacher pay raises could come sooner — but there’s a catch".

    Florida consumers "keep losing"

    The Tampa Bay Times editorial board: "Utility customers keep losing".

    "Jeb!" clones in a funk

    "Sen. Kelli Stargel: Sadly, Parent Empowerment Misunderstood".

    "Florida Democrats Torpedo 2013 Session's Bipartisan Spirit, Hold Election Reform Hostage".

    "Abusive" insurance practices

    "Time running out for lawmakers to stop insurance practice homeowners and advocates call abusive".

    Democracy, Tallahassee style

    "In an unusual, late-night meeting, Florida lawmakers negotiating a state budget unveiled — and quickly agreed to — a new tax break meant to help a California company that recently hired one of Tallahassee's most influential lobbying firms." "California company snags last-minute tax break from Florida lawmakers".

    Medicaid fraud in Tally

    "What killed Florida’s plan to reform health care?" The Tampa Bay Times editors: "Weatherford should allow open vote on Medicaid expansion".

    Meanwhile, Nancy Smith complains that "Democrats' Stunt No Triumph for Democracy".

The Blog for Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wingers want Scott primaried

    The right wingers over at Sunshine State News see hope for their cause on Scott's, believe it or not, right flank: "Riding the tea party tide to the governor’s mansion in 2010, Rick Scott stressed private-sector job creation and getting the state government’s fiscal house in order. Now, poised to sign the largest budget in Florida’s history that provides across-the-board pay raises to teachers and state employees, Scott is leaving himself open to a primary challenge despite the unemployment rate dropping under his watch."
    Even if 20 percent of Republicans abandon Scott in 2014, the governor’s re-election bid would be in serious jeopardy. Former Gov. Charlie Crist won several statewide general and primary elections as a Republican before abandoning the GOP in 2010 to run partyless for the U.S. Senate. Crist eventually joined the Democrats at the end of 2012 and is that party’s front-runner to challenge Scott in 2014. It’s certainly not inconceivable that Crist could win a quarter of the Republican vote against Scott.
    "In short, Scott is vulnerable in a primary, though he would start out as the favorite, especially with a sizable war chest, his own personal fortune to tap into, and the party machinery behind him. The fact that Putnam, Bondi, Yoho, former U.S. Rep. Allen West and other Republicans have shown no interest in challenging Scott only reinforces his status as the favorite for renomination."
    But Scott has left his right flank open in recent months. He is preparing to sign the largest budget in state history that gives across-the-board pay raises to public school teachers and state government workers. He released a joint statement with Florida Education Association President Andy Ford this past weekend praising the Legislature for agreeing to teacher pay raises. Conservatives might be pardoned if they raise their eyebrows over Scott teaming up with a union boss who has opposed almost every education reform ever proposed in Florida. Scott’s decision to accept federal dollars for the Medicaid expansion required by Barack Obama’s health care law also left conservatives up in arms, so much so that they started calling for Putnam, who criticized the decision, to challenge Scott.
    "Rick Scott Needs to Be Wary of Republican Primary Challenge".

    "Stop death penalty bill"

    The Miami Herald editorial board: "Stop death penalty bill, Gov. Scott". See also "Bill to speed up executions in Florida goes to governor’s desk".

    "Scott: We have a deal on tax cut". See also "Future legislative fights: A tangle over taxes".

    The end

    We're closing in on the day when our genius political reporters proudly show us how tied in that are by breathlessly mumbling "sine die" "Tax cuts, stadium deals, insurance reform, expressway changes all come down to session's final week".

    "For the sake of a million Floridians"

    The Orlando Sentinel editors: "Some 3.8 million Floridians — about one in four state residents who don't qualify for Medicare — lack health insurance, the third worst rate among states."

    Obamacare is still toxic among Tallahassee Republicans, and Senate GOP leaders didn't want to expand Medicaid, already a budget-buster in Florida. To their credit, they came up with a way to say yes that has gained support from senators in both parties, as well as Scott, top business groups, the health-care industry and patient advocates. . . .

    But GOP leaders in the House simply said no. They crafted a weak alternative, and passed it on a largely party-line vote. It would use just state funds — some $2.3 billion over the next decade — to provide private coverage to only about 115,000 Floridians. . . .

    For the sake of the million Floridians who would benefit, House leaders need to accept the Senate plan — if not by Friday, then in a special session called by Scott.

    "One million reasons for lawmakers to expand care". However, "Negron: Expansion of health care assistance for poor ‘unlikely’".

    Tuition increase

    "Florida lawmakers agree to 3-percent tuition hike". More: "Florida's tuition increase: Will it happen?"

    Never mind

    "Florida's teachers are to get pay raises -- but the money won't be available until next year and the raises won't be the $2,500 across-the-board hikes Gov. Rick Scott wanted." "Florida's teachers to get pay raise - but not this year".

    Budget blues

    "State workers and tuition down, teachers and clerks to go in budget talks". See also "$74.5B state budget comes with something for everyone".

    Calling for an education budget veto

    "Florida budget has $480 million for teacher raises, but checks wouldn’t arrive until 2014".

    "Open memo to Rick Scott: veto entire education budget". Meanwhile, the Tampa Trib editors think the budget is "The right equation for teachers".

    "The Legislature still finds more ways to do more damage to the environment

    The Tampa Bay Times editors: "Growth management has been gutted, and the water management districts have been neutered. Developers have free rein, and water quality rules have been weakened. The state spends a fraction of what it once did to preserve sensitive lands, and the Department of Environmental Protection makes up new rules when private interests can't make enough money under existing rules. Yet the Florida Legislature still finds more ways to do more damage to the environment." "A bill passed by the House and awaiting Senate action in the last week of the session would make it easier to pollute waterways, destroy flood protection areas, squander the drinking water supply and extend even more leverage to developers over when and where they build.".

    Citizens rates

    "Florida House holds firm on not raising new Citizens insurance rates, split with Senate remains".

    HD 63

    "Republican Shawn Harrison Wants His Dist. 63 House Seat Back".

    "Pushing Jeb Bush's agenda, and little else"

    John Romano: "The petition was supposed to prove this pro-charter school legislation had grass roots support among parents, but instead it highlighted what critics have been saying all along: This law is about pushing Jeb Bush's education agenda, and little else."

    The petition with 1,400 or so signatures appears to have duplicate names. And people from outside of Florida. And signatures from people who said they never signed it. It was like pulling the curtain back on the Wizard of Oz, except nobody in this tale has any interest in courage, brains or heart.
    "This law is as fake as its petition".