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The Blog for Saturday, August 04, 2007

CD 13Smoking Gun (Well Almost)

    "Federal investigators have found several potential shortcomings in previous state and local reviews of the disputed election results in Sarasota County's November election, keeping them from ruling out the prospect that the touch-screen voting machines were compromised."
    While the investigators from the Government Accountability Office told Congress on Friday that they do not have a "smoking gun" to explain what went wrong, the issues they discovered have spurred the GAO to dig deeper in its inquiry, they said.

    "It is not clear to us yet whether these are items we think will need to be tested, but they are items we have noticed while we are reviewing the previously completed test activities," said Nabajyoti Barkakati, a senior technologist with the GAO.

    The discoveries make it clear that even while Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Longboat Key, and Democrat Christine Jennings prepare for a rematch in 2008, the specter of what happened to almost 18,000 votes in their 2006 race will linger on through the fall.
    "Voting inquiry finds reasons to dig deeper".

    No Straw Ballot

    "So much for state Democrats holding a presidential straw poll at the state convention 10/26-28. Party officials meeting in Orlando today killed the idea with a voice vote." "Democrats reject straw poll".

    "Get Used To It"

    "State legislators had this advice for local governments faced with tighter budgets after this year's Tallahassee-ordered property tax rollback: Get used to it. Now, legislators who will meet next month in special session to cut the state budget can keep some of that advice for themselves. According to new forecasts, the state's economy is worse than thought and recovery will take longer than expected. Consider this first round of budget cuts a test of Tallahassee's budgetary wisdom and ability to balance fiscal pain." "Budget-cutting session is the first test of many".

    Allen Plays The Race Card

    The Orlando Sentinel editorial board:

    State Rep. Bob Allen is considered innocent until proven guilty on charges he offered an undercover police officer $20 for sex.

    But no matter how this sad case ends up, Mr. Allen's playing the race card and trying to use his influence as a lawmaker to beat the rap is out of line. ...

    Allen described Titusville Officer Danny Kavanaugh as a "stocky black guy" and said there were other black guys in the park. He said he was intimidated and offered $20 and to perform oral sex on Mr. Kavanaugh because he "didn't want to become a statistic."
    "A sad spectacle".


    "Florida should rewrite laws to give state child protection officials better oversight and control of its community-based care partners and forge universal standards for those private contractors, Department of Children & Families Secretary Bob Butterworth said Friday." "Butterworth: Protect our children".

    To Tell The Truth

    The Tampa Tribune editorial board:

    No one trusts the insurance industry these days, which is why the move to put insurance executives under oath to explain the high cost of homeowners insurance has a lot of appeal.

    Gov. Charlie Crist and others have come just short of accusing the industry of collusion for failing to lower property insurance rates since the special session in January.

    Sen. Steve Geller, the Senate minority leader, issued a statement: "Top insurance company officials need to appear and testify under oath - through subpoenas if necessary - and know that perjury charges will be brought if their answers are not candid and truthful." ...

    Lawmakers should call the insurance executives to Tallahassee, put them under oath and hear what they have to say.

    Geller's call may be political theater, but if it helps reveal whether policyholders are being gouged, then Flordia residents will be grateful for his performance.
    "Put Them Under Oath".

    No Fix

    "But after three years of repeated attempts, is it possible Florida's insurance problems have permanently defied a legislative remedy?" "Insurance: Is reform becoming hopeless?".


    "The Bush administration's hand in removing the Everglades from a United Nations list of endangered sites was denounced Friday by a Florida senator. Democrat Bill Nelson characterized it as improper meddling by Deputy Assistant Interior Secretary Todd Willens at a U.N. meeting in June in New Zealand." "Florida senator chides administration for Everglades decision".


    "Faced with budget cuts, Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Secretary Walt McNeil is aiming to change his agency's operations and image with less money and offering reduced services." "McNeil: 'Services will suffer'".

    Killing Them Humanely

    "Florida will train execution teams better and require some members to be medical professionals such as doctors or paramedics to try to avoid repeats of a botched December execution, according to documents made public Friday." "More execution changes on tap". See also "State revises death penalty procedures in response to judge".


    "The Cuba Study Group, a moderate exile organization, plans to raise $300 million to help develop Cuba's post-communism economy by aiding business start-ups." "Exiles announce economic initiative".

    If You Believe That ...

    I've got a bridge to sell you:

    Relax. Florida's bridges are safe. It's highly unlikely the massive collapse that brought down Minnesota's busiest span will repeat itself in the Sunshine State.

    That's what state officials are saying after news that Minnesota's eight-lane highway bridge was deemed "structurally deficient" 17 years before it came down.
    You see, that is precisely
    what Minnesota officials thought of their Interstate 35W span, and why they hadn't scheduled its replacement until 2020, obviously 13 years too late. So, some Floridians, and some tourists who drive our economy, may feel they're on shaky ground until they see proof officials are taking positive action to make sure the Minnesota disaster doesn't happen again.
    "The public deserves assurances on the safety of all bridges". See also "Brevard bridges become 'obsolete'" and "Information on region's bridges tough to get".


    "The commission next must decide whether the state senator broke any laws in confronting a deputy." "Siplin ethics probe continues".

    GOPer Spat

    "U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite and Gov. Charlie Crist butted heads this week about a popular insurance program for low-income children, creating a rare rift between a prominent Republican and the seemingly bullet-proof governor."

    The spat began after Crist, a Republican, wrote an open letter Wednesday to the state's congressional delegation supporting SCHIP, a 10-year-old federal and state partnership that provides insurance to children whose families are not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid.

    Crist's letter did not express specific support for the Democrat-authored bill that passed Wednesday night, although that is how Rep. Kathy Castor, D-Tampa, labeled it during her remarks on the House floor.

    Brown-Waite, who said she championed the companion Florida program KidCare while in the state Senate, voted against expanding the $5-billion program because she is concerned that it could hurt the Medicare Advantage program for seniors. In a sharply worded response to Crist, she said the governor is "sadly mistaken" and called on him to clarify his statement. ...

    The exchange represented one of the few times an elected official - Republican or Democrat - has challenged Crist since he took office. Crist has governed from the middle on a number of contentious issues and enjoys an impressive 73 percent approval rating.

    Brown-Waite said she gave no thought to his popularity when firing off the criticism this week. But when asked if she thought Crist was adhering enough to Republican conservative values, she declined to comment.

    "That's not a question I am going to answer because ... I am not going to answer that one," she said.
    "Kids' care spawns spat within GOP".

The Blog for Friday, August 03, 2007

"A monster of a race"

    "So what was [former Hialeah Mayor Raul ] Martinez doing in Washington, anyway? "Meeting with friends," he said. Sources describe these friends as Democratic party officials mulling his potential campaign against Ros-Lehtinen's colleague, U.S. Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart. That would be a monster of a race ... " "Raul meet Ileana, Ileana meet Raul".

    "Blogger Mole"

    "House intrigue: Rivera sought blogger mole".

    Allen Documents Released

    "State Rep. Bob Allen told police he was just playing along when a undercover officer suggested in a public restroom that the legislator give him oral sex and $20 because he was intimidated, according to a taped statement and other documents released Thursday."

    Allen has already denied any wrongdoing, but the recordings and documents offered new details about what he and police say happened on July 11 inside the men's room at Veterans Memorial Park.

    "I certainly wasn't there to have sex with anybody and certainly wasn't there to exchange money for it," said Allen, R-Merritt Island, who was arrested on charges of soliciting prostitution.

    "This was a pretty stocky black guy, and there was nothing but other black guys around in the park," Allen, who is white, told police in a taped statement after his arrest. Allen said he feared he "was about to be a statistic" and would have said anything just to get away.
    "Allen explains sex case: Fear made me play along". "The details released in discovery Thursday include:"
    # Officer Daniel Kavanaugh, the Titusville police officer Allen is accused of soliciting, first brought up money, asking the lawmaker to give him $20.

    As the two were walking to Allen's car, Kavanaugh asked what he had to do for the money, offering to give the lawmaker oral sex. Allen replied: "I was thinking you would want one."

    # At one point, Allen asked Kavanaugh: "You're not a cop, are you?" Kavanaugh replied, "Nah. If I was a cop, why would I be hanging around here?"

    # Cpl. Erich Barrett wrote in his supplemental police report that Allen asked if his position as a state lawmaker would "help."

    As he was getting into Barrett's marked cruiser, Allen allegedly asked, "I don't suppose it would help if I said I was a State Legislator, would it?" Barrett said, "No."

    Eisenmenger, who with Phillip Lupo is representing Allen in the criminal case, denied the lawmaker tried to use his position to get himself out of the charge.

    # Allen told Titusville Assistant Chief John Lau he felt intimidated by the undercover officer in the restroom and was trying to get away from him because he feared the officer would rob him.

    Eisenmenger said the documents show that police initiated the alleged solicitation.
    "Allen attorney: Officer initiated sex offer". Here are some of the discovery documents in .pdf form.

    "Touch-screen voting"

    "It took almost two years and a change in Florida's administration, but finally the hacking vulnerability of Diebold Election Systems' touch-screen voting machines is being tackled. Florida Secretary of State Kurt Browning has given Diebold until Aug. 17 to make the touch-screens hack-proof. What took Florida so long?" "Ensure integrity of touch-screen voting".

    The Tallahassee Democrat editorial board: "At the beginning of a century that promises to be the most challenging Florida has ever faced, our outdated revenue system is overdue for an overhaul." "Revenue reform".


    "the endorsement of Luis Fortuno, Puerto Rico's representative in Congress. Fortuno, whose title is resident commissioner of Puerto Rico, is also a candidate to become the island's governor. During the homestretch of the 2006 Florida governor's race, Fortuno campaigned regularly for Republican Charlie Crist in select neighborhoods of Orange and Osceola counties." "Giuliani Seeking To Pump Up Puerto Rican Supporters".


    "Crist got the insurance industry's attention. It's a start. That's what happens when a governor calls an entire industry 'greedy' and threatens to file a lawsuit and issue subpoenas." "Prepare state for fight over insurance numbers".

    That's Our Mel

    "Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., may be the least senior member of the Senate Armed Services Seapower Subcommittee, but he's leapfrogging his colleagues. Thursday he was named the 'ranking member' - top Republican - on the panel. The panel oversees Marine Corps and Navy policy and weapons." "New post for Martinez".

    In the Hole

    "A slowdown in the Florida housing market has left a $1.5 billion hole in the state budget that lawmakers will have to fix in a special session next month." "Lawmakers face $1.5 billion hole in budget".


    "U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson plans to convene federal hearings into why Everglades National Park was taken off a United Nations environmental "danger" list at a time when restoration of the River of Grass has faltered. He also wants the Bush administration official who pushed for the Everglades' removal from the list to be fired for going against the recommendations of scientists." "Nelson to Bush official: You're fired".

    Dope Alert

    He said it (well almost): "Ross: Insurance law is for commies".

    "Lakeland Rep. Dennis Ross, who once headed the House Insurance Committee, has sent a letter to Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty critical of the regulator's recent editorial that challenged the industry for failing to reduce insurance rates." "Former House Insurance Chair Goes to Bat For Industry".

    We're Number 2!

    "Group's Web-based study puts Florida 2nd in drive-by shootings".

    Poor Ric

    Politico has a substantial piece on Keller's woes: "Rep. Ric Keller (R-Fla.) is being hit from all sides as he prepares to run for reelection." "Florida Rep. beset by challengers" (via Central Florida's Political Pulse's, "Keller says he's not concerned about challengers".

    "N o-fault"

    "The demise of no-fault automobile insurance in Florida is inevitable unless Gov. Charlie Crist or legislative leaders expand the purpose of the year's third special session called next month to deal with the state's projected $1.5 billion budget shortfall." "Shift No-Fault Discussion To Drivers' Responsibilities".

    Good Luck

    "Senate Minority Leader Steve Geller said Thursday that he wants to hold special Senate hearings on the state's still-high insurance rates during next month's special session on budget-cutting." "Geller Wants Insurers To Testify Under Oath".

    Deep Thinker at Work

    "Florida Gov. Charlie Christ: We can do a better job with border security".


    "Explosive growth expected in Florida's state-run insurance company has failed to materialize, leaving officials to wonder where those homeowners are getting hurricane protection." "Citizens concerned by dearth of policies".

    Running Government Like A Business

    "Florida's health insurance program for low-income children misspent at least $18.7 million in federal money during the first half of 2005, federal auditors estimated in a report released Thursday." "Audit Faults KidCare Spending".

    But For The Minnesota Tragedy? ...

    "Florida bridge inspections will not be affected by planned budget cuts, a state highway official said Thursday, a day after a collapse in Minnesota brought the issue of bridge safety to the attention of officials nationwide." "Florida's bridge inspectors won't be target of budget cuts".

    He Said It

    "On a day when many Americans are thinking about bridges, Gov. Charlie Crist said one of his long-range ideas for transportation improvements in the Tampa Bay area is another bridge over the Bay." "Crist: Tampa Bay Needs Another Bridge".


    "Back-to-school tax holiday begins Saturday".


    "Democratic leaders in the Florida Legislature asked top lawmakers Thursday to convene a series of oversight hearings into recent scandals at the state's long-troubled child welfare agency, including the recent rape of a Miami foster girl." "Hearings on DCF urged". See also "Weston lawmaker requests state foster-care committee".

The Blog for Thursday, August 02, 2007

Charlie All Hat ... No Cattle?

    Due to technical problems, please go to our sister site, FLA Politics to see our daily review of Florida political news and punditry: "Florida Political News for 8/2/07".

The Blog for Wednesday, August 01, 2007

"Voting machines could be compromised easily by hackers"

    "Florida's top elections chief has found Diebold's voting machines could be compromised easily by hackers and is demanding a quick fix." "Florida voting chief aims to block hackers".
    Florida's optical scan voting machines are still flawed,despite efforts to fix them, and they could allow poll workers to tamper with the election results, according to a government-ordered study obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press. ... The lab found, for example, that someone with only brief access to a machine could replace a memory card with one preprogramed to read one candidate's votes as counting for another, essentially switching the candidates and showing the loser winning in that precinct.
    "Study finds Florida optical scan voting machines still flawed". See also "Voting devices still not secure" and "Elections officials no longer in denial about 'ballot-stuffing' attack risks".

    More from the Daytona Beach - News Journal editorial board, which argues that "It makes far more sense to push counties toward optical-scan now, with the understanding that in a disputed election, the paper ballots constitute the final say on voters' intent." "If you vote will it count? Can't tell without paper".

    Here We Go Again

    "A Republican lawmaker is planning a ballot proposal that could include a higher sales tax and other fees in an effort to do away with property taxes. Rep. Frank Attkisson, who played a key role in the Legislature's tax debate, is eyeing the November 2008 ballot and has secured a prominent public relations firm to sell the idea to Floridians." "State lawmaker pitches plan to eliminate property taxes". See also "Attkisson wants 'tax swap' on 2008 ballot".

    Straw Poll?

    "As if the Democratic candidates weren't already flummoxed over how to handle Florida's early presidential primary, now they could face another Florida curveball: thousands of Florida activists formally voting in October on their preferred nominee. State Democratic leaders on Saturday are scheduled to decide whether to hold a nonbinding straw poll at their state party convention. The unexpected move could force some campaigns to pump tens of thousands of dollars into campaigning for an officially meaningless event." "Straw poll idea pushed around".


    "Crist signs hurricane preparedness bills".

    Developer Shortcut

    The Tampa Tribune editorial board: "To understand the public frustration over how Florida's developers have bent growth rules to their advantage, take a look at the Rural Lands Stewardship Program. Passed by the Legislature in 2001 as a limited pilot project to protect farmland and wildlife areas, stewardship zones have become a shortcut for savvy landowners to build new cities in remote areas while protecting little or nothing." "Abuse Of Rural-Preservation Law Pushes Voters To Radical Remedy".


    "On the heels of Monday's CNN-YouTube Democratic debate, nearly 75 [Tampa area] residents had their own public conversation on the possibility of electing the nation's first biracial president." "Obama's Candidacy Discussed".

    "Do Better"

    "Prodded by a tough-talking Gov. Charlie Crist, state regulators said Tuesday that they have rejected a proposed 7 percent rate reduction by State Farm Insurance Co., insisting that Florida's largest private carrier of homeowners policies can do better." "Cut home premiums, state tells insurers". See also "Crist lashes out against insurers" and "Crist May Take Legal Action Against Property Insurers Who Fail To Lower Rates".

    Daily Naugle

    "Politically inept in Fort Lauderdale".

    A Tampa Thing

    "There's a dilemma wafting over Tampa Bay area members of Congress in the battle over expanding children's health care. To help pay for expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, known as S-CHIP, congressional committees are proposing jumps in the cigar tax from about a nickel a cigar to as much as $10 a stogie." "Lost In The Smoke".

    McCarty Speaks

    Kevin McCarty, Florida's Insurance commissioner: "If insurers see a savings, then you should, too".


    "Congress is expected to approve a water resources bill - the first in seven years - that would authorize $2 billion in Everglades restoration projects, including the long-awaited Indian River Lagoon Plan. Negotiators reached agreement Friday on the $20 billion spending legislation. " "Regain Everglades fervor".

    Birth Control

    "Returning college students used to paying discounted prices for birth control at campus health clinics will find that costs have more than doubled." "Birth control costs on campus increase".


    "Rep. Tom Feeney got $33,500 worth of help with his legal bills, according to a report filed this week with the House."

    One of Feeney’s benefactors for the legal defense fund said he had no comment on the congressman’s legal issues. John Kirtley of Tampa said he and his wife, Kimberly, gave the money because Feeney supports school choice.

    Kirtley, is a venture capitalist who has turned his attentions to providing vouchers and scholarships to give low-income families a choice of where they send their children to school. He heads the Florida Education Freedom Foundation and met Feeney when Feeney was Florida House Speaker. "I support him in all ways," said Kirtley, an independent voter. "Speaker Feeney has long been a great champion of parental choice for low-income families in education."

    Kimberly Kirtley is a close family friend of Feeney and a former employee of his, according to Feeney’s staff.

    Feeney also got $5,000 from Pyramid Technology, Inc. in Oviedo. And $18,500 from fellow Republican Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, and other political committees.
    "Legal Aid".


    "GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney will hold one of his 'Ask Mitt Anything' sessions Monday in Tampa at La Teresita restaurant on Columbus Drive." "Romney To Hold Tampa Town Hall Meeting".

    Service Cut Suit

    "A federal lawsuit seeks to stop a new state law that would limit services for disabled Floridians who cannot care for themselves." "Suit opposes service cuts". See also "Advocates sue to block cuts for developmentally disabled".

    Slim Savings

    "Hillsborough County homeowners' bills will drop only slightly under current property-tax reform proposals. Our calculator shows how your home's value may change." "Tax Savings May Disappoint".


    "Likely Republican candidate Fred Thompson may be attracting interest among Florida voters, but so far he's not bringing in loads of money here. Newly filed disclosure reports show that of the $3.46-million he raised nationally last month, just $150,000 came from Florida." "Thompson not raising much in Florida".

    Gettin' desperate: "Fred Thompson's fundraising for his budding presidential bid garnered lackluster reviews Tuesday, but one little-known town in Central Florida emerged as a financial bedrock: Plant City, hometown of former state House Speaker Johnnie Byrd." "Byrd gives actor's campaign a boost"

    "Jeb Impersonation"

    "With just six months tenure, high approval ratings and rumors already circulating about his political future, the current governor, Charlie Crist, did his best Jeb impersonation during a recent appearance before the South Florida Sun-Sentinel Editorial Board." "Gov. Charlie Crist does Jeb Bush.".

    "What gives?"

    "Former Rep. Ralph Arza, R-Hialeah, used the N-word in a cellphone rant to a colleague last year and was almost immediately asked to leave the Legislature by his friend, incoming House Speaker Marco Rubio. Current Rep. Bob Allen, R-Merritt Island, allegedly offered to perform a sex act on a Titusville cop for $20 at a public restroom in early July, yet Rubio hasn't made a move to investigate him or remove him as chair of the energy committee. What gives?" "Arza vs. Allen. AKA: the 'N' word vs. a sex solicit".

The Blog for Tuesday, July 31, 2007

"Jeb!" Who?

    "The newly revamped web site of the state Republican Party is an attractive, easily navigable site with lots of features—but one thing it appears to be short on is mentions of George Bush."
    There are also few references to Jeb Bush and no photos we could find. He’s mentioned briefly, for example, in a history of the state party that notes his 1998 election as governor, and in a newspaper editorial the site links to.
    "New State GOP Website Contains Few Mentions Of Bushes".


    "Darryl Rouson, the energetic former St. Petersburg NAACP leader, has picked some tough fights over the years - from City Hall to the peddlers of drug paraphernalia. Now he's looking at another doozy of a challenge: running as a Republican for the overwhelmingly Democratic state House 55 seat to be vacated next year by Frank Peterman. 'I'm 65 percent leaning toward doing it,' said the 52-year-old lawyer who is friends with Gov. Charlie Crist." "State Rep. Darryl Rouson?".

    Hill's Hispanic Angle

    "If sweating the details wins elections, Hillary Clinton stands to be the Democrat who runs away with Florida's crucial Hispanic vote."

    When an obscure Puerto Rican Democrat, Darren Soto, in the spring won an Orlando area state House race, the Democratic presidential front-runner immediately fired off a congratulatory press release.

    When Republican Fred Thompson in South Carolina last month made a clumsy remark about Cuban immigrants, she pounced: "Apparently he doesn't have a lot of experience in Florida or anywhere else, and doesn't know a lot of Cuban-Americans."

    And last week she went after Barack Obama for saying in a televised debate that he would unconditionally meet with leaders of hostile foreign countries like Cuba or Venezuela in his first year as president.
    "Clinton avoids the Hispanic vote's rifts".

    "Florida is lucky to have" Alex Sink

    The Tallahassee Democrat editorial board praises Alex Sink for her work on Kidcare: "Fighting on behalf of children ought not be such an ugly business, but Florida is lucky to have a CFO who is willing to say this negligence can't be tolerated on her watch."

    As discreetly as is politically possible in this town, Florida's chief financial officer, Alex Sink, is gathering up threads of her authority to make Florida KidCare program more effective for children - and less of a needless money-loser for the state - without the help of the Legislature.

    "With the possibility of statutory change not on the horizon," Ms. Sink's office advised late last week, the CFO is trying to make it easier for low-income families to enroll in a low-cost health insurance program for children, a part of KidCare called Healthy Kids, and to do it without requesting changes in the law books.
    Recall how Florida got into this mess:
    Unfortunately, and almost inexplicably, the 2007 Legislature didn't get its act together sufficiently to eliminate some of the unnecessary barriers and lack of accountability that had been put in place - perhaps inadvertently; perhaps not - during previous legislative sessions.

    The CFO's interest in sidestepping the Legislature is that she is responsible for the state's financial services, and when she saw that the state had lost $139.7 million in federal funding in the last decade because it wasn't taking full advantage the federal part of the program, she thought, quite logically, what a waste.
    "KidCare neglect". See also "Panel suggests ways to increase and keep kids in KidCare".

    "Chopped liver"

    "By thumbing their noses at a presidential debate planned for St. Petersburg, Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani are telling Florida voters they're too busy for them."

    Someone should tell these Northeastern candidates that it's a dangerous strategy to treat Florida like chopped liver.

    Not only is Florida the fourth-largest state and a perennial swing state, we've scheduled our presidential primary for January, right after New Hampshire, Iowa and Nevada. We will be the first big state to weigh in.

    If Giuliani and Romney refuse to attend our debate, Floridians should question their judgment and the depth of their commitment to a state that reflects the diversity of America.

    Besides, what's more important than talking to citizens in an unscripted forum? A fundraiser?
    "Snowman Aside, Don't Snub Florida".


    " Photos: Senators tour school built on bomb range".

    Slots Ain't Cutting It

    "Florida schools stand to lose millions of dollars in funding because slot machines in Broward County aren't bringing in as much money as the state expected." "Slots fail to hit jackpot for state schools".


    "The petition drive for a Florida constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage is nearing its required 611,009 signatures, organizers said Monday in a letter to supporters." "Same-Sex Marriage Ban Calling In Signatures".

    Laff Riot

    "Charged with soliciting an undercover male cop for sex, Rep. Bob Allen said in a letter to House members Monday that he is 'vigorously pursuing the plea of Not Guilty.'"

    In his letter, Allen called the charge "an outrageous accusation that I intend to disprove through the judicial system." ...

    "It is my nature never to hide but to straightforwardly answer the obvious general and specific questions about these charges. However, our judicial process requires me to work through my legal counsel and the judicial system," he wrote.

    Allen concluded: "I want each of you to know how much I appreciate the many calls of encouragement and support I've received," Allen told colleagues. "The situation before me is unbelievably troublesome on many levels. My family has grown stronger and is ready to face the challenge of receiving justice."
    "Allen Vows to Fight in Letter to House Members".

    "Rock-star treatment"

    "With U.S. Rep. and Democratic condo king Robert Wexler vouching for his bipartisan bona fides, Republican Gov. Charlie Crist visited a senior community here Monday and received rock-star treatment from the largely Democratic crowd." "Wexler lays praise on governor at town hall". See also "Crist welcomed in Democratic stronghold".

    Tax Debate

    "In Tampa, condo builders will pay for a semester at the University of South Florida. In Pensacola, home sellers offer plasma TVs, golf carts, pools and plane tickets. Florida's real estate slump has led to some extraordinary enticements, which add up to great news for buyers. But these oddities are causing headaches in Tallahassee and a debate over how they may be artificially increasing property taxes at a time when taxes are supposed to be going down. The problem is the value of these incentives is added to the sales price recorded in county records." "Sales incentives add value to property, fuel tax debate".

    'Ya Think?

    "Offering $185,000 a year to fill a county government job is a bold proposition at any time. But in the midst of a tax revolt, with Palm Beach County officials talking layoffs and just nine months removed from an employee theft that left the agency's bank account plundered of $1.6 million, the county Convention and Visitors Bureau's offer to a CEO candidate smacks as downright excessive." "CVB takes a big risk with CEO pay offer".

    Jebbites Ain't Happy

    "Crist and the Republican-controlled Legislature's overhaul of Florida's property-tax system is getting poor marks from a top economic advisor to former Gov. Jeb Bush. In an analysis for Florida TaxWatch, J. Antonio Villamil derides the state-ordered rollbacks of tax collections for local governments as 'Tallahassee mandates' that undermine the fiscal flexibility of cities and counties, while threatening their ability to provide services." "Former Jeb Advisor Derides Tax Cuts".

    More: "The most surprising criticism of all, however, is that Villamil picks up the same theme originally proposed by Hank Fishkind in an economic analysis done for the Florida Association of Counties when the debate over property tax first started in February: that prices paid by local governments to produce goods and services is higher than accounted for by the rise in personal income. By tying the cap on revenues to the increase in personal income, the result, Villamil says, is that real cuts to local government will be much deeper than what occurs just with the drop in property tax collections." "Jeb's economist warns of troubles with prop tax reform".


    "Last month, the U.N. World Heritage Committee made headlines when it took Everglades National Park off its list of endangered sites -- even though a report released a week later showed a billion-dollar restoration project already had fallen years behind schedule." "Imperiled Glades cut from watch list".

    Mad Charlie

    "Despite a mandate to lower insurance costs, many insurers are instead asking for rate increases, including The Hartford, Metropolitan Property and Casualty, Cincinnati Insurance Cos., Auto Insurers and Amex Assurance Co." "Proposals to boost homeowner insurance rates anger Crist".

    Water Summit

    "Summit puts participants in water managers' shoes".

    Poor Vern ...

    It ain't easy representing the drooling, anti-tax mouth breathers GOPers in Southwest Florida:

    For the second time this year, Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Longboat Key, is having to defend himself against charges he violated his campaign promise not to raise taxes.

    But it’s not Democrats, but Republicans who are going after him on the topic.
    On Friday, Buchanan was one of just 19 Republicans to vote with Democrats on the Farm Bill. According to the conservative National Review Online, the bill contained a tax increase of somewhere between $6 billion and $7.8 billion on the U.S. subsidiaries of foreign corporations. ...

    Americans for Taxpayer Reform, the group headed by Grover Norquist, warned Buchanan and other Republicans that voting for the bill would constitute breaking the no-tax pledge they made before the 2006 elections.

    During his campaign for Congress, Buchanan highlighted the fact that he had signed the no-tax-increase pledge put out by ATR.

    It’s the second time he’s gone against the pledge, according to ATR. Earlier this year Buchanan voted to repeal tax breaks for gas and oil companies, even though ATR had warned him then it would be considered a tax increase. Buchanan was one of just 36 Republicans to vote for the repeal.
    "Critics say Buchanan breaks tax pledge".


    The Palm Beach Post editorial board: "Perhaps more disappointing than the lack of change on the island is the intransigence of U.S. policy toward it. The Bush administration was wedded permanently to embargo politics when the hard-line exile vote helped to give the president Florida, and the Oval Office, in the disputed 2000 election. The policy of economic sanctions, which for more than four decades has failed to shift the balance of power in Cuba, is less important to the administration than maintaining the GOP's balance of power in Florida. Making life even harder on the Cuban people, and their relatives in Florida, has become the acceptable price of catering to political bases." "Base a new Cuba policy on reality, not belief".

    Nice Work ...

    "The disgraced former head of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement will receive about $250,000 more in retirement money because he is now working in another state job." "Ex-FDLE head to get more cash for retirement thanks to new job".


    "Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama, who recently made headlines when he said he would be willing to meet with inflammatory Latin American leaders such as Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, is coming to the proverbial lion's den -- Hispanic-rich Miami -- on Aug. 25." "Obama coming to Miami".


    "The head of the National Republican Congressional Committee says freshman Democratic U.S. Rep. Tim Mahoney is one of the national GOP’s top four or five congressional targets for 2008. But he conceded that Republican efforts to unseat Democratic freshman U.S. Rep. Ron Klein are on 'a slower course' so far." "Good news, bad news for GOP in S. Fla.".

    Love for Sale

    From the Miami Herald the other day: "It sounds like a South Florida dream vacation: a yacht cruise, salsa dancing lessons, dinner at the famed former Versace mansion in Miami Beach, and even a personal concierge who will 'be available 24 hours a day to ensure your comfort.'"

    But this isn't being offered by a travel agent. It's a Republican party fundraiser, a lavish three-day affair that Florida's GOP leaders in the state House are holding this weekend in Coral Gables and Miami Beach. Some attendees are expected to kick in as much as $100,000 toward the party's 2008 election efforts; the event is expected to raise a record amount of money.

    The event, where donors can wine and dine with leaders such as House Speaker Marco Rubio, coincides with a flurry of fundraising activity. Earlier this month, Gov. Charlie Crist and Republicans held a fundraiser with California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger that netted a record $1.6 million. Last week, House Republicans invited donors to watch the Blue Angels flight team in Pensacola, and on Aug. 4, House and Senate Republican leaders will hold a fundraiser in New York City.

    The push to raise money comes just weeks before a September special session where legislators will likely cut the state budget by as much as $1 billion.
    And this is a particularly nice touch:
    Platinum sponsors who fork out $100,000 will get ... three different private meetings with House leaders over dessert and breakfast.
    "GOP uncorks lavish bash".

The Blog for Monday, July 30, 2007

Courtesy of "The People's Governor"

    "Leaders in Tallahassee promised tax relief for overburdened homeowners. What they delivered was the largest tax cut in state history. The biggest winners, however, aren't the cash-strapped residents whose protests fueled the reform effort but rather utility companies, theme parks, time-share operators and other property-rich corporations." "Tax breaks pad big pockets".

    "How Green?"

    The Palm Beach Post editorial board asks "How green is the governor?".

    Who Knows?

    "Palm Beach County Democratic Chairman Wahid Mahmood hasn’t filled out an application, but he wants to be considered for the appointment by Republican Gov. Charlie Crist to fill the county commission seat formerly held by Warren Newell." "Dem boss wants Crist appointment".


    "Despite being forced from office next year due to term limits, Senate Democratic Leader Steve Geller has started raising money for a new committee of continuous existence (CCE) called Floridians for a Stronger Tomorrow." "Facing term limit, Geller opens committee".

    Another Jebacy

    Makes you proud to read that "is second to Texas in federal money for a wait-till-marriage message."

    This past year, Florida ranked second only to Texas in the amount of federal money -- $10.7-million -- it received to spread the abstinence-until-marriage message. That's $11.25 spent for every Florida teen ages 14 to 17.

    A revelation last week gave opponents of abstinence-only education even more ground to criticize. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that the percentage of U.S. teens having sex has remained the same in the last few years. The same holds true for Florida teens, who are slightly above the national average when it comes to having sex.
    "No-sex lesson rules Florida". Jebby Junior must have gone to a private school, because he sure didn't get the abstinence message:
    At the Tallahassee Mall on Oct. 7 [2000], John (Jebby) Bush, nephew of George W. Bush and son of Gov. Jeb Bush, was questioned by police, who caught him in a car with a female student, both naked from the waist down, says a report in the London Daily Mail. The officer who found the two filed a report of "sexual misconduct."

    "They were both underage but they were both willing participants," said Tallahassee Police spokesman Scott Hunt to the New York Post. "We called the governor's office, spoke to the governor and spoke to her family, and neither one of their families wanted to press charges.

    "Bush's Mr. Cellophane" Speaks

    "In an interview with Gannett News Service, Martinez talks about primaries, the immigration aftermath, politics and polls" "Martinez candid about his priorities".


    "The study, conducted by two respected researchers and scheduled to be released today in a peer-reviewed publication, found that four hurricanes and two tropical storms developed during an average year between 1900 and 1930. Between 1995 and 2005, however, the average shot up to eight hurricanes and seven tropical storms, the report said." "Global warming debate is stormy".

    Hill's Hillsborough Campaign

    Yesterday on the Tampa Trib: "Hillary Rodham Clinton lovers and haters, get ready - the Democratic senator and presidential candidate plans on spending a lot of time in Hillsborough County." "Fundraiser Nets News Of Clinton Campaign".

    "The best health care system in the world"

    "Bay Pines [with a VA emergency room only 200 feet away] declined to treat Surette, a longtime VA employee who collapsed on the center's campus on June 26. He was pronounced dead at a hospital three miles away." "VA hospital declined to treat worker".

    Privatization Follies

    "People who get caught cheating on federal income taxes pay for their crime with fines and even jail time. These cheaters' examples and the fear of being audited induce others to pay their taxes. This rationale should apply to the firms at Miami International Airport that provide security, handle luggage and perform other services. These firms pay the airport a portion of their revenues. But not every firm accurately reports its revenue or pays what it owes. In the last six months, the Inspector General's office has accused two of the largest firms of cheating. Are there others doing the same thing?" "More oversight will discourage cheaters".

    Good Luck

    "Searching for the soul of Florida".


    "In October, for the first time in more than three decades, it will once again matter in Florida who's at fault in car crashes." "Expiring law may bring 'confusion'".

    Dem "Drama"?

    "Might the Democratic National Committee foist on Democrats in America's biggest battleground state some kind of unwanted delegate selection plan for picking the presidential nominee? Party rules allow that scenario, which sounds possible from national party chairman Howard Dean's comments the other day to a South Carolina TV reporter ..." "Democrats to Florida: Drama is not over yet".

    State Sponsored Murder

    The Palm Beach Post editorial board: "Support for capital punishment nationwide has been slipping. In Florida, which leads the nation in exonerations from Death Row, more juries are handing down assured sentences of life without parole. There always will be cases that rekindle the spark for the death penalty. But then there's the difficulty of writing a law to cover all cases, and of devising a system to carry out the punishment. Florida is failing in both areas." "Stay of the death penalty".

    "Should be fun"

    Jihn Kennedy yesterday: "The third extra session of the year will occur in an increasingly tense political atmosphere -- with House Speaker Marco Rubio last week blistering fellow Republican Gov. Charlie Crist in print on two separate occasions." "This session should be fun".

    Reality Bites

    We missed this Steve Bousquet piece in our absence last week:

    Little by little, the walls are beginning to close in on Gov. Charlie Crist.

    Let us count the ways.

    Florida is in the throes of its worst tax revenue shortfall in years.

    Homeowners are still in a foul mood about insurance. Crist's e-mail in-box is full of messages from consumers upset that their rates aren't going down or angry that they have to pay more for sinkhole insurance.

    What Crist called "the largest tax cut in Florida history" can be reduced by local officials willing to take the heat for a super-majority override vote.

    Crist's headache du jour is House Speaker Marco Rubio, the man with the "100 ideas" book and the self-anointed heir to the conservative Jeb Bush legacy that, little by little, Crist is disassembling.
    "Reality soon may confront governor".