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Previous Articles by Derek Newton: Ten Things Fox on Line 1 Stem Cells are Intelligent Design Katrina Spin No Can't Win Perhaps the Most Important Race Senate Outlook The Nelson Thing Deep, Dark Secret Smart Boy Bringing Guns to a Knife Fight Playing to our Strength  

The Blog for Saturday, May 23, 2015

"Still think Rick Scott doesn't know what he's doing?"

    Rick Scott cheerleader Nancy Smith claims victory; she writes: "Still think Rick Scott doesn't know what he's doing?"
    The Scott team won a big one this week.
    "Does anybody really believe that without the Scotties' lawsuit bluster, without the governor's health-care-commission showmanship and his trip to Washington and his ideological kinship with the House speaker, the Feds would be proposing $1 billion for LIP next year?"
    No way. Clearly, they intended to kill LIP here and now. Months ago, and several times since, the Obama administration told the state the funding for hospitals to serve low-income people would end this year.
    "LIP: Chalk One Up for the Scott Team."

    Clinton cranks up Florida campaign

    "Jean Monestime, who has already been fund-raising for Hillary Clinton, could represent a way for her presidential campaign to reach Haitian-American voters." "Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign woos Miami-Dade’s first Haitian-American commission chairman."

    "Pawns to get votes"

    The Tampa Trib thinks "using teachers and students as pawns to get votes. Think about that the next time you hear Tallahassee lawmakers arguing to divert increasing amounts of money away from public schools and into for-profit charter schools." "State had no choice but to concede defeat on school testing."

    "Workers laid off during the recession haven’t made up lost ground"

    "Unemployment has ticked up slightly in Miami-Dade County, but it’s still at nearly its lowest level since 2008. Even so, some workers laid off during the recession haven’t made up lost ground." "Some South Florida workers still feel left out of recovery."

    "Floridians deserve far more"

    The Orlando Sentinel editorial board: "Floridians deserve far more from their representatives in Tallahassee. A short lifeline from Washington doesn't relieve lawmakers of their responsibility to come up with a long-term solution to the chronic problem of providing care to nearly a million Floridians who don't have health insurance." "Fla. needs long-term health cure."

    Background: "Understanding LIP funding and Florida’s budget crisis."

    More: "Feds suggest possible hospital funding to end Florida’s budget standoff." See also "Temporary aid on health care."

    Grayson on a verbal tear

    "In the past three weeks, U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson of Orlando has been on a verbal tear." "Grayson's fiery comments put possible Senate campaign in spotlight."

    Deep thinker

    Deep thinker, and hawkish chickenhawk (who courageously "considered conscientious objector status" to avoid the Vietnam war (which ended before he became eligible for the draft)), Jebbie Bush, has now "blamed the Democratic president for allowing the rise of the violent extremist group that has captured vast parts of Iraq and Syria." "Jeb Bush blames unrest in Iraq on Obama."

    A mere shift, or a full-on flop?

    "Politifact Florida: Marco Rubio’s statements on Iraq have shifted but not flipped."

    That's our Jeb

    "A video production company had no idea its bilingual 2013 Toyota Corolla spot used the former Florida governor’s residence as a backdrop — until Jeb Bush drove up to the house." "That time Jeb Bush’s Coral Gables home made a cameo appearance in a Toyota commercial."

The Blog for Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Jax returns to South Georgia roots

    "Former Republican Party of Florida Chairman Lenny Curry defeated Democratic incumbent Mayor Alvin Brown on Tuesday with help from powerful friends like Sen. Marco Rubio and former Gov. Jeb Bush." "Former state GOP chairman elected Jacksonville mayor." See also "Lenny Curry Edges Alvin Brown in Jacksonville Mayoral Election."

    Corporate voucher dance

    The Tampa Trib editors extol "Another victory for corporate vouchers."

    Florida government shut down would be "doomsday scenario"

    "If the budget stalemate continues and Florida resorts to a bare-bones spending plan as suggested by Gov. Rick Scott, results could be dire for every Floridian." "If government shuts down, a doomsday scenario would emerge in Florida."

    Wingnut whinge

    "It has been less than a month since the U.S. Treasury Department approved the first licenses for ferries to carry Americans to Cuba. The ferry companies have not announced what U.S. ports they’ll use and the Cuban government has not agreed to allow any boats access yet." "New federal licenses mean cruises to Cuba may be close." Related: "Tampa delegations exploring trade return from Cuba."

    Rubio's stature "troubling" among young Republicans

    "A new national poll by Pew Research Center reveals some early strengths and weaknesses among several key Republicans running for president, including the observation that U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida might have an age issue."

    Rubio did far better than any of the other candidates with older Republicans. A whopping 75 percent have a favorable opinion of him, and just 11 percent have an unfavorable opinion, Pew found. But Rubio’s numbers fall among middle-age Republicans: 50 percent like him, 21 percent don’t. And the response appears troubling among young Republicans: 39 percent like him, and 23 percent don’t.
    "Pew Poll: Rubio may have an age issue (not the one you think)."

    Scott's health-care commission meets today

    "As Gov. Rick Scott's newly created health-care commission prepares to meet Wednesday to begin sifting through data about hospital funding, the governor's request for information has been met with hospitals essentially telling him to go look it up." "Hospitals to Rick Scott: You Look up Financial Data."

    Low bidders

    "A federal agency has proposed fines of $152,200 for nine contractors building million-dollar homes for the Shoma Group at Oasis Park Square." "Nine contractors cited for worker-safety violations at Doral residential project."

    Scott losing his grip

    "When Gov. Rick Scott ordered state agencies to come up with a list of 'critical needs' just in case state government shuts down this summer, he got a defiant response from many: Everything we do is critical." "Gov. Scott’s ‘critical needs’ demand gets defiant responses."

    Republican front group hands out awards

    "Fiscal Watchdog Group's 'Champs' and 'Chumps' in Tallahassee."

    Clinton hooks up with Morgan

    "Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is coming to Central Florida for a fundraiser May 29 at the home of Democratic rainmaker and lawyer John Morgan. The event will take place at Morgan's Heathrow mansion, at a time to be determined later." "Hillary Clinton coming to Orlando for $2.7K per fundraiser."

    Miami-Dade and Broward toss tests

    "Empowered by a new state law, education leaders in Miami-Dade and Broward counties announced Tuesday they won’t use the results of the new Florida Standards Assessment to hold students back — one of the most polarizing issues when it comes to how Florida uses tests in high-stakes decisions." "Miami-Dade, Broward schools won’t use controversial statewide test."

    Miami one of least affordable

    "New study shows that college graduates can afford fewer than one in 100 apartments on the market in Miami-Dade County." "Report: Miami one of least affordable housing markets for recent grads."

    "Jeb blows off Iowa"

    Howard Kurtz: "Jeb blows off Iowa straw poll."

The Blog for Monday, May 18, 2015

"Jeb’s fumbling start"

    The Tampa Trib's Joe Henderson, like a lot of people "figured 'Jeb The Undeclared' was the man to beat for the GOP presidential nomination, even as we wait for the formal announcement that he is in the race. That’s despite the fact he is lagging in a lot of polls, and he isn’t paying homage to Iowa by participating in the state’s straw poll."


    Jeb hasn’t had to campaign in more than a decade, and the rust is showing, as the Fox debacle showed. A few more goofs could put his undeclared campaign into a spiral that is unrecoverable.

    Not long ago, it was hard to see anyone who could beat Bush for the nomination. Then he opened his mouth and silly words popped out. How quickly things turn.

    "Jeb’s fumbling start could reshape GOP race."

    So, "How serious is [Bush's] Iraq War flub?"

    He's not what you would call "cognitively dexterous"

    "Marco Rubio just doesn't seem like the most cognitively dexterous contender for the Republican nomination." "Florida Man."

    "First it was Jeb Bush. [And then on Sunday], Marco Rubio seemed unprepared and uninformed for the question of the week on Iraq" "Marco Rubio is toast: Fox News trips up another Republican with simple Iraq war question."

    "Marco Rubio Struggles With Question on Iraq War." See also "Rubio Stumbles Hard on Iraq War ‘Mistake’ Question on Fox," "Marco Rubio Struggles To Explain Whether He Thinks Invading Iraq Was A 'Mistake'" and "Marco Rubio Melts Down On Fox While Refusing To Admit Iraq Was A 'Mistake'."

    "Rubio cashed out retirement funds"

    "Sen. Marco Rubio cashed out most of his retirement savings while preparing to launch his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, records released Friday show." "Rubio cashed out retirement funds before presidential run."


    Jeff Henderson: "Democrats Have Good Reason to Want Alan Grayson Out of Senate Race." Background from more Grayson-haters: "Alan Grayson erupts as Senate bid looms."

    "Florida has no plan to deal with rising seas"

    The Tampa Trib editors: "Florida is surrounded on three sides by water and has 1,800-miles of coastline. About 75 percent of its 20 million residents live in coastal counties."

    So you would think the possibility of sea level rise would concern Florida leaders. But The Associated Press finds state government has no plan to deal with rising seas and has made no attempt to coordinate local efforts to deal with the possibility.
    "Don’t ignore possibility of sea level rise."

    "A friend and more"

    "A complaint filed by the former recruiter for a for-profit college says the college had a friend and more in an employee of the schools’ regulatory commission." "The close ties between a for-profit college and its watchdog."

    Jeb gets his Gay-hate on

    "Jeb Bush Says Christian Business Owners Can Refuse To Serve Gay Weddings." See also "Jeb Bush Takes Tougher Stance Against Same-Sex Marriage."

    Walmart runs wild

    "A photograph of a rare butterfly on the South Miami-Dade development site in rare pine rockland helped ignite opposition to the controversial project." "Walmart developer demands county records linked to butterfly."

The Blog for Sunday, May 17, 2015

Jeb's stumbles are familiar to Floridians

    Seeing that "Jeb Bush’s Iraq stumbles set off alarms in GOP"is not surprising to most Floridians. Indeed, Jeb "Bush’s history of politically unfortunate rhetoric goes back to 1994," although it has largely been papered over by Florida's media.

    If one looks hard enough, Jeb!'s record can be found to include these gems: his self-proclaimed "devious plan" to evade a constitutional mandate, his internationally embarrassing "slips on Spanish history, bragging that he would do "probably nothing" for minorities if elected, his having "marked he was 'Hispanic' on his Florida voter form," his infamous "throw their asses out" order, and then there is his penchant for "lesbian jokes".

    Jeb Bush's "shoot-first, take-no-advice method of governing" lead one journalist to describe him as an "arrogant, power-hungry ruler who acted as if he had been elected king, rather than governor." As another columnist put it, Jeb's "idea of diplomacy is to throw their asses out, whoever they are."

    Lt. Gov. Lopez-Cantera considers Senate Run

    "Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera declared he was seriously considering running for the United States Senate in 2016 and then solicited local Republican leaders gathered in Orlando to invite him over to talk." "Lopez-Cantera delivers "strongly considering" campaign speech." See also "Lopez-Cantera 'Strongly Considering' Senate Bid."

    Same old, same old

    "RPOF Will Mobilize Minorities to Shape 2016 Success."

    Scott provides "poor — or no leadership"

    "It takes poor leadership — or no leadership — to push a state to the brink of a government shutdown when the governor and strong majorities in both legislative chambers come from the same political party. Unfortunately for Floridians, that's just what Gov. Rick Scott has provided." "Blame health care mess on governor's leadership: Editorial."

    "Offering blunt advice"

    "The 41-year-old Jeanette Dousdebes Rubio, as poised in public as she is shy, has privately played a major role in Marco Rubio’s rise, offering blunt advice and bearing the responsibilities of raising four children, often as if a single mother." "Marco Rubio’s wife long an unseen presence in his career."

    Rubio's book royalties

    "Sen. Marco Rubio’s latest financial disclosures show added wealth from book royalties."

    Privatization follies

    "More than 19 months after CONNECT’s troubled launch, the computerized network serving Florida’s unemployed remains problematic." "As technical difficulties with Florida’s unemployment system persist, state seeks more money."

    Senators noticeably absent from FlaGOP quarterly meeting

    "Four months have passed since Blaise Ingoglia took over as chairman of the Republican Party of Florida in an upset over party favorite Leslie Dougher, but wounds between the Senate and the rest of the party are slow to heal. . . . Not this weekend. Senators were noticeably absent from the party's spring quarterly meeting." "Where Have All the Senators Gone?."

    "Honor Roll"

    Ed Dean: "Tom Lee, Rick Kriseman Make the Honor Roll; Jeb Bush, Alan Grayson Don't."

    Bush, Rubio: Dumb and Dumberer

    "Marco Rubio Struggles To Explain Whether He Thinks Invading Iraq Was A 'Mistake'."

    Polling place redistribution

    "Under the proposed plan, the county’s nearly 1.3 million voters will find out by September if they’ve been moved to a new polling place — a redistribution Miami-Dade has delayed for years." "Miami-Dade plans to finish redrawing voter precincts in advance of 2016 presidential election."

    Weekly Roundup

    "Weekly Roundup: Whose Special Session Is It Anyway?."